Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

DTRunConditionVarClient Class Reference

#include <DTRunConditionVarClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTRunConditionVarClient:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DTRunConditionVarClient (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~DTRunConditionVarClient ()

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginJob ()
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumiSeg, edm::EventSetup const &context)
 DQM Client Diagnostic.
void beginRun (const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
void bookWheelHistos (std::string histoType, std::string subfolder, int wh, int nbins, float min, float max, bool isVDCorr=false)
 book the report summary
void endJob ()
void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumiSeg, edm::EventSetup const &c)
void endRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &c)
void percDevVDrift (DTChamberId indexCh, float meanVD, float sigmaVD, float &devVD, float &errdevVD)
float varQuality (float var, float maxGood, float minBad)

Private Member Functions

MonitorElementgetChamberHistos (const DTChamberId &, std::string)

Private Attributes

std::map< std::string,
MonitorElement * > 
float maxGoodT0
float maxGoodT0Sigma
float maxGoodVDriftDev
float maxGoodVDriftSigma
float maxRangeT0
float maxRangeVDrift
float minBadT0
float minBadT0Sigma
float minBadVDriftDev
float minBadVDriftSigma
float minRangeT0
float minRangeVDrift
edm::ESHandle< DTMtimemTime
const DTMtimemTimeMap_
int nevents
std::map< std::string,
MonitorElement * > 
std::map< int, std::map
< std::string, MonitorElement * > > 

Detailed Description


: Paolo Bellan, Antonio Branca $date : 23/09/2011 15:42:04 CET $


Definition at line 44 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTRunConditionVarClient::DTRunConditionVarClient ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)


Definition at line 33 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and cppFunctionSkipper::operator.


  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "DTRunConditionVarClient: Constructor called";

  minRangeVDrift = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minRangeVDrift");
  maxRangeVDrift = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxRangeVDrift");
  minRangeT0 = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minRangeT0");
  maxRangeT0 = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxRangeT0");

  maxGoodVDriftDev = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxGoodVDriftDev");
  minBadVDriftDev = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minBadVDriftDev");
  maxGoodT0 = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxGoodT0");
  minBadT0 = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minBadT0");

  maxGoodVDriftSigma = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxGoodVDriftSigma");
  minBadVDriftSigma = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minBadVDriftSigma");
  maxGoodT0Sigma = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxGoodT0Sigma");
  minBadT0Sigma = pSet.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minBadT0Sigma");

  theDbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();

DTRunConditionVarClient::~DTRunConditionVarClient ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 59 of file

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "DTRunConditionVarClient: Destructor called";

Member Function Documentation

void DTRunConditionVarClient::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 123 of file

References nevents.


  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "[DTRunConditionVarClient]: " << nevents << " events";
void DTRunConditionVarClient::beginJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 65 of file

References nevents.

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "DTRunConditionVarClient: BeginJob";

  nevents = 0;

  theDbe -> setCurrentFolder("DT/02-Segments");

  glbVDriftSummary = theDbe->book2D("VDriftGlbSummary", "# of MBs with good mean and good sigma of vDrift",12,1,13,5,-2,3);
  glbT0Summary = theDbe->book2D("T0GlbSummary", "# of MBs with good mean and good sigma of t0",12,1,13,5,-2,3);

  theDbe -> setCurrentFolder("DT/02-Segments/02-MeanVDrift");

  summaryHistos["MeanVDriftGlbSummary"] = theDbe -> book2D("MeanVDriftGlbSummary","mean VDrift average per sector",12,1.,13.,5,-2.,3.);
  allwheelHistos["allMeanVDrift"] = theDbe -> book1D("VDriftMeanAllWheels","mean VDrift for all chambers",60,0.0048,0.006);

  theDbe -> setCurrentFolder("DT/02-Segments/02-SigmaVDrift");

  summaryHistos["SigmaVDriftGlbSummary"] = theDbe -> book2D("SigmaVDriftGlbSummary","# of Chambers with good sigma VDrift",12,1.,13.,5,-2.,3.);
  allwheelHistos["allSigmaVDrift"] = theDbe -> book1D("VDriftSigmaAllWheels","sigma VDrift for all chambers",30,0.,0.0006);

  theDbe -> setCurrentFolder("DT/02-Segments/03-MeanT0");

  summaryHistos["MeanT0GlbSummary"] = theDbe -> book2D("MeanT0GlbSummary","mean T0 average per sector",12,1.,13.,5,-2.,3.); 
  allwheelHistos["allMeanT0"] = theDbe -> book1D("T0MeanAllWheels","mean T0 for all chambers",100,-25.,25.);

  theDbe -> setCurrentFolder("DT/02-Segments/03-SigmaT0");

  summaryHistos["SigmaT0GlbSummary"] = theDbe -> book2D("SigmaT0GlbSummary","# of Chambers with good sigma T0",12,1.,13.,5,-2.,3.);
  allwheelHistos["allSigmaT0"] = theDbe -> book1D("T0SigmaAllWheels","sigma T0 for alla chambers",50,0,25);

  for(int wh=-2; wh<=2; wh++) {

void DTRunConditionVarClient::beginLuminosityBlock ( edm::LuminosityBlock const &  lumiSeg,
edm::EventSetup const &  context 
) [protected, virtual]

DQM Client Diagnostic.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 107 of file

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "[DTRunConditionVarClient]: Begin of LS transition";

void DTRunConditionVarClient::beginRun ( const edm::Run run,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 115 of file

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "DTRunConditionVarClient: beginRun";

void DTRunConditionVarClient::bookWheelHistos ( std::string  histoType,
std::string  subfolder,
int  wh,
int  nbins,
float  min,
float  max,
bool  isVDCorr = false 
) [protected]

book the report summary

void DTRunConditionVarClient::endJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 271 of file

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "DTRunConditionVarClient: endJob";
void DTRunConditionVarClient::endLuminosityBlock ( edm::LuminosityBlock const &  lumiSeg,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 132 of file

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "DTRunConditionVarClient: endluminosityBlock";
void DTRunConditionVarClient::endRun ( edm::Run const &  run,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 139 of file

References DTChamberId, HcalObjRepresent::Fill(), edm::EventSetup::get(), MonitorElement::getEntries(), MonitorElement::getMean(), MonitorElement::getRMS(), edm::max(), edm::min(), and CommonMethods::weight().

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTRunConditionVarClient")
    << "DTRunConditionVarClient: endRun";

  // Get the map of vdrift from the setup
  mTimeMap_ = &*mTime;

  for(int wheel=-2;wheel<=2;wheel++){
    for(int sec=1; sec<=14; sec++) {
      for(int stat=1; stat<=4; stat++) {

        if( (sec == 13 || sec == 14) && stat != 4  ) continue;

        // Get the ME produced by DTRunConditionVar Source
        MonitorElement* VDriftME = getChamberHistos(DTChamberId(wheel,stat,sec),"VDrift_FromSegm"); 
        MonitorElement* T0ME = getChamberHistos(DTChamberId(wheel,stat,sec),"T0_FromSegm"); 

        // Get the means per chamber
        float vDriftMean = VDriftME->getMean();
        float t0Mean = T0ME->getMean();

        // Get the sigma per chamber
        float vDriftSigma = VDriftME->getRMS();
        float t0Sigma = T0ME->getRMS();

        if( VDriftME->getEntries() != 0 ) {

          allwheelHistos["allMeanVDrift"] -> Fill(vDriftMean);
          allwheelHistos["allSigmaVDrift"] -> Fill(vDriftSigma);

          (wheelHistos[wheel])["MeanVDrift"] -> Fill(vDriftMean); 
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["SigmaVDrift"] -> Fill(vDriftSigma); 


        if( T0ME->getEntries() != 0 ) {

          allwheelHistos["allMeanT0"] -> Fill(t0Mean);
          allwheelHistos["allSigmaT0"] -> Fill(t0Sigma);

          (wheelHistos[wheel])["MeanT0"] -> Fill(t0Mean); 
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["SigmaT0"] -> Fill(t0Sigma);


        DTChamberId indexCh(wheel,stat,sec);

        float vDriftDev(0.), errvDriftDev(0.);
        percDevVDrift(indexCh, vDriftMean, vDriftSigma, vDriftDev, errvDriftDev);

        int sec_ = sec;
        if( sec == 13 || sec == 14 ) sec_ = ( sec == 13 ) ? 4 : 10;

        float fillvDriftDev = max(min(vDriftDev,maxRangeVDrift),minRangeVDrift);
        float fillT0Mean = max(min(t0Mean,maxRangeT0),minRangeT0);

        float vDriftDevQ = varQuality(fabs(vDriftDev),maxGoodVDriftDev,minBadVDriftDev);
        float t0MeanQ = varQuality(fabs(t0Mean),maxGoodT0,minBadT0);

        float vDriftSigmQ = varQuality(vDriftSigma,maxGoodVDriftSigma,minBadVDriftSigma);
        float t0SigmQ = varQuality(t0Sigma,maxGoodT0Sigma,minBadT0Sigma);

        if( sec == 13 ||  sec == 14 ) {

          float binVDriftDev = (wheelHistos[wheel])["MeanVDriftSummary"]->getBinContent(sec_,stat);
          binVDriftDev = (fabs(binVDriftDev) > fabs(fillvDriftDev)) ? binVDriftDev : fillvDriftDev;
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["MeanVDriftSummary"] -> setBinContent(sec_,stat,binVDriftDev);

          float binT0MeanVal = (wheelHistos[wheel])["MeanT0Summary"] -> getBinContent(sec_,stat);
          binT0MeanVal = (fabs(binT0MeanVal) > fabs(fillT0Mean)) ? binT0MeanVal : fillT0Mean;
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["MeanT0Summary"] -> setBinContent(sec_,stat,binT0MeanVal);

          float binVDriftSigmVal = (wheelHistos[wheel])["SigmaVDriftSummary"] -> getBinContent(sec_,stat);
          binVDriftSigmVal = (binVDriftSigmVal > 0. && binVDriftSigmVal < vDriftSigmQ) ? binVDriftSigmVal : vDriftSigmQ;
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["SigmaVDriftSummary"] -> setBinContent(sec_,stat,binVDriftSigmVal); 

          float binT0SigmVal = (wheelHistos[wheel])["SigmaT0Summary"] -> getBinContent(sec_,stat);
          binT0SigmVal = (binT0SigmVal > 0. && binT0SigmVal < t0SigmQ) ? binT0SigmVal : t0SigmQ;
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["SigmaT0Summary"] -> setBinContent(sec_,stat,binT0SigmVal);

        } else {

          (wheelHistos[wheel])["MeanVDriftSummary"] -> setBinContent(sec_,stat,fillvDriftDev);
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["MeanT0Summary"] -> setBinContent(sec_,stat,fillT0Mean);
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["SigmaVDriftSummary"] -> setBinContent(sec_,stat,vDriftSigmQ); 
          (wheelHistos[wheel])["SigmaT0Summary"] -> setBinContent(sec_,stat,t0SigmQ);


        double weight = 1/4.;
        if(( sec_ == 4 || sec_ == 10) && stat == 4)  weight = 1/8.;

        if( vDriftDevQ > 0.85 && vDriftSigmQ > 0.85 ) {
          glbVDriftSummary -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight);
          summaryHistos["MeanVDriftGlbSummary"] -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight); 
          summaryHistos["SigmaVDriftGlbSummary"] -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight);

        } else {
          if( vDriftDevQ > 0.85 && vDriftSigmQ < 0.85 ) {
            summaryHistos["MeanVDriftGlbSummary"] -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight); 
          if( vDriftDevQ < 0.85 && vDriftSigmQ > 0.85 ) {
            summaryHistos["SigmaVDriftGlbSummary"] -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight);

        if( t0MeanQ > 0.85 && t0SigmQ > 0.85 ) {
          glbT0Summary -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight);
          summaryHistos["MeanT0GlbSummary"] -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight);
          summaryHistos["SigmaT0GlbSummary"] -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight);
        } else {
          if( t0MeanQ > 0.85 && t0SigmQ < 0.85 ) {
            summaryHistos["MeanT0GlbSummary"] -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight);

          if( t0MeanQ < 0.85 && t0SigmQ > 0.85 ) {
            summaryHistos["SigmaT0GlbSummary"] -> Fill(sec_,wheel,weight);

      }// end loop on stations
    }// end loop on sectors
  }//end loop on wheels

MonitorElement * DTRunConditionVarClient::getChamberHistos ( const DTChamberId ,
) [private]

Definition at line 349 of file

References LogTrace, DTChamberId::sector(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), and DTChamberId::wheel().


  int wh = dtCh.wheel();                
  int sc = dtCh.sector();       
  int st = dtCh.station();
  stringstream wheel; wheel << wh;      
  stringstream station; station << st;  
  stringstream sector; sector << sc;    

  string folder = "DT/02-Segments/Wheel" + wheel.str() + "/Sector" + sector.str() + "/Station" + station.str();
  string histoTag      = "_W" + wheel.str() + "_Sec" + sector.str() + "_St" + station.str();
  string MEpath = folder + "/" + histoType + histoTag;


  LogTrace ("DTDQM|DTMonitorModule|DTRunConditionVar") 
    << "[DTRunConditionVar]: getting ME from " << folder << endl;

  MonitorElement* ME = theDbe -> get(MEpath);

  return ME;
void DTRunConditionVarClient::percDevVDrift ( DTChamberId  indexCh,
float  meanVD,
float  sigmaVD,
float &  devVD,
float &  errdevVD 
) [protected]

Definition at line 288 of file

References DTVelocityUnits::cm_per_ns, and Exception.


  DTSuperLayerId indexSLPhi1(indexCh,1);
  DTSuperLayerId indexSLPhi2(indexCh,3);

  float vDriftPhi1(0.), vDriftPhi2(0.); 
  float ResPhi1(0.), ResPhi2(0.);
  int status1 = mTimeMap_->get(indexSLPhi1,vDriftPhi1,ResPhi1,DTVelocityUnits::cm_per_ns); 
  int status2 = mTimeMap_->get(indexSLPhi2,vDriftPhi2,ResPhi2,DTVelocityUnits::cm_per_ns); 

  if(status1 != 0 || status2 != 0) {
    DTSuperLayerId sl = (status1 != 0) ? indexSLPhi1 : indexSLPhi2; 
    throw cms::Exception("DTRunConditionVarClient") << "Could not find vDrift entry in DB for"
      << sl << endl;

  float vDriftMed = (vDriftPhi1 + vDriftPhi2) / 2.;

  devVD = (meanVD - vDriftMed) / vDriftMed;
  devVD = devVD < 1. ? devVD  : 1.;

  errdevVD = sigmaVD/vDriftMed;

float DTRunConditionVarClient::varQuality ( float  var,
float  maxGood,
float  minBad 
) [protected]

Definition at line 278 of file


  float qual(0);
  if( var <= maxGood ) {qual = 1.;}
  else if( var > maxGood && var < minBad ) {qual = 0.9;}
  else if( var >= minBad ) {qual = 0.1;}

  return qual;

Member Data Documentation

std::map<std::string, MonitorElement *> DTRunConditionVarClient::allwheelHistos [private]

Definition at line 107 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 103 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 102 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 89 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 94 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 87 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 92 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 85 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 83 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 90 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 95 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 88 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 93 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 84 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 82 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 97 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 98 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 80 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

std::map<std::string, MonitorElement *> DTRunConditionVarClient::summaryHistos [private]

Definition at line 106 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

Definition at line 100 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.

std::map<int, std::map<std::string, MonitorElement*> > DTRunConditionVarClient::wheelHistos [private]

Definition at line 105 of file DTRunConditionVarClient.h.