Classes | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

EnergyScaleAnalyzer Class Reference

#include <Validation/EcalClusters/src/>

Inheritance diagram for EnergyScaleAnalyzer:

List of all members.


struct  tree_structure_

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void endJob ()
 EnergyScaleAnalyzer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~EnergyScaleAnalyzer ()

Private Member Functions

void fillTree (const reco::SuperClusterCollection *scColl, const reco::SuperClusterCollection *corrSCColl, HepMC::GenParticle *mc, tree_structure_ &tree_, float xV, float yV, float zV, int scType)

Private Attributes

float energyMax_
float etaMax_
float etaMaxVtx_
float eTMax_
float eTMaxVtx_
int evtN
std::string hepMCLabel_
TTree * mytree_
std::string outputFile_
float phiMax_
float phiMaxVtx_
float rClust_vtx_
TFile * rootFile_
float thetaMax_
float thetaMaxVtx_
tree_structure_ tree_
float xClust_vtx_
float xClust_zero_
float xVtx_
float yClust_vtx_
float yClust_zero_
float yVtx_
float zClust_vtx_
float zClust_zero_
float zVtx_

Detailed Description

Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 49 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EnergyScaleAnalyzer::EnergyScaleAnalyzer ( const edm::ParameterSet ps) [explicit]

Definition at line 75 of file

References evtN, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), hepMCLabel_, outputFile_, and rootFile_.

  hepMCLabel_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("hepMCLabel");

  outputFile_   = ps.getParameter<std::string>("outputFile");
  rootFile_ = TFile::Open(outputFile_.c_str(),"RECREATE"); // open output file to store histograms
  evtN = 0;
EnergyScaleAnalyzer::~EnergyScaleAnalyzer ( )

Definition at line 89 of file

References rootFile_.

  delete rootFile_;

Member Function Documentation

void EnergyScaleAnalyzer::analyze ( const edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 117 of file

References abs, kinem::delta_R(), dynamicHybridSuperClusters_cfi::dynamicHybridSuperClusters, fillTree(), MCTruth::genEvent, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Event::getManyByType(), hepMCLabel_, unifiedSCCollection_cfi::hybridSuperClusters, i, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::mc_e, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::mc_et, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::mc_eta, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::mc_npar, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::mc_phi, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::mc_sep, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::mc_theta, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::parID, funct::sin(), tree_, xVtx_, yVtx_, and zVtx_.

  using namespace edm; // needed for all fwk related classes
  using namespace std;

  //  std::cout << "Proceccing event # " << ++evtN << std::endl;
  //Get containers for MC truth, SC etc. ===================================================
  // =======================================================================================
  // =======================================================================================
  Handle<HepMCProduct> hepMC;
  evt.getByLabel( hepMCLabel_, hepMC ) ;
  const HepMC::GenEvent* genEvent = hepMC->GetEvent();
  if ( !(hepMC.isValid())) {
    LogInfo("EnergyScaleAnalyzer") << "Could not get MC Product!";

  //=======================For Vertex correction
  std::vector< Handle< HepMCProduct > > evtHandles ;
  evt.getManyByType( evtHandles ) ;
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<evtHandles.size(); ++i) {
    if ( evtHandles[i].isValid() ) {
      const HepMC::GenEvent* evt = evtHandles[i]->GetEvent() ;
      // take only 1st vertex for now - it's been tested only of PGuns...
      HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vtx = evt->vertices_begin() ;
      if ( evtHandles[i].provenance()->moduleLabel() == hepMCLabel_ ) {
        //Corrdinates of Vertex w.r.o. the point (0,0,0)
        xVtx_ = 0.1*(*vtx)->position().x();      
        yVtx_ = 0.1*(*vtx)->position().y();
        zVtx_ = 0.1*(*vtx)->position().z();  
  //Get handle to SC collections

  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> hybridSuperClusters;
  try {
  }catch (cms::Exception& ex) {
    edm::LogError("EnergyScaleAnalyzer") << "Can't get collection with producer hybridSuperClusters.";

  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> dynamicHybridSuperClusters;
  try {
  }catch (cms::Exception& ex) {
    edm::LogError("EnergyScaleAnalyzer") << "Can't get collection with producer dynamicHybridSuperClusters.";

  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> fixedMatrixSuperClustersWithPS;
  try {
  }catch (cms::Exception& ex) {
    edm::LogError("EnergyScaleAnalyzer") << "Can't get collection with producer fixedMatrixSuperClustersWithPreshower.";

  //Corrected collections
  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> correctedHybridSC;
  try {
  }catch (cms::Exception& ex) {
    edm::LogError("EnergyScaleAnalyzer") << "Can't get collection with producer correctedHybridSuperClusters.";

  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> correctedDynamicHybridSC;
  }catch (cms::Exception& ex) {
    edm::LogError("EnergyScaleAnalyzer") << "Can't get collection with producer correctedDynamicHybridSuperClusters.";
  Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> correctedFixedMatrixSCWithPS;
  try {
  }catch (cms::Exception& ex ) {
    edm::LogError("EnergyScaleAnalyzer") << "Can't get collection with producer correctedFixedMatrixSuperClustersWithPreshower.";

  const reco::SuperClusterCollection*  dSC  = dynamicHybridSuperClusters.product();
  const reco::SuperClusterCollection*  hSC  = hybridSuperClusters.product();
  const reco::SuperClusterCollection* fmSC  = fixedMatrixSuperClustersWithPS.product();
  const reco::SuperClusterCollection* chSC  = correctedHybridSC.product();
  const reco::SuperClusterCollection* cdSC  = correctedDynamicHybridSC.product();
  const reco::SuperClusterCollection* cfmSC = correctedFixedMatrixSCWithPS.product();
  // -----------------------  Print outs for debugging
  std::cout << "MC truth" << std::endl;
  int counterI = 0;
  for(  HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = genEvent->particles_begin();
        p != genEvent->particles_end(); ++p ) {
    if ( fabs((*p)->momentum().eta()) < 1.5 ) {
      std::cout << ++counterI << " " << (*p)->momentum().e() << " " 
                << (*p)->momentum().phi() << " " << (*p)->momentum().eta() << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Standard clusters" << std::endl;
  counterI = 0;
  for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator em = hSC->begin();
      em != hSC->end(); ++em ) 
    std::cout << ++counterI << " " << em->energy() << " " << em->position().phi() << " " << em->position().eta() << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Dynamic clusters" << std::endl;
  counterI = 0;
  for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator em = dSC->begin();
      em != dSC->end(); ++em ) 
    std::cout << ++counterI << " " << em->energy() << " " << em->position().phi() << " " << em->position().eta() << std::endl;

  std::cout << "FixedMatrix clusters with PS" << std::endl;
  counterI = 0;
  for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator em = fmSC->begin();
      em != fmSC->end(); ++em )
    std::cout << ++counterI << " " << em->energy() << " " << em->position().phi() << " " << em->position().eta() << std::endl;
  // -----------------------------
  // All containers are loaded, perform the analysis 

  // --------------------------- Store MC particles
  HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = genEvent->particles_begin();
  // Search for MC electrons or photons that satisfy the criteria
  float min_eT = 5;
  float max_eta = 2.5;
  std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle* > mcParticles;
  //int counter = 0;
  for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = genEvent->particles_begin(); 
        p != genEvent->particles_end(); 
        ++p ) {
    //LogInfo("EnergyScaleAnalyzer") << "Particle " << ++counter 
    //<< " PDG ID = " << (*p)->pdg_id() << " pT = " << (*p)->momentum().perp();
    // require photon or electron
    if ( (*p)->pdg_id() != 22 && abs((*p)->pdg_id()) != 11 ) continue;
    // require selection criteria
    bool satisfySelectionCriteria = 
      (*p)->momentum().perp() > min_eT &&
      fabs((*p)->momentum().eta()) < max_eta;
    if ( ! satisfySelectionCriteria ) continue;
    // EM MC particle is found, save it in the vector
  // separation in dR between 2 first MC particles
  // should not be used for MC samples with > 2 em objects generated!
  if ( mcParticles.size() == 2 ) {
      HepMC::GenParticle* mc1 = mcParticles[0];
      HepMC::GenParticle* mc2 = mcParticles[1];
      tree_.mc_sep = kinem::delta_R(mc1->momentum().eta(), mc1->momentum().phi(),
                                    mc2->momentum().eta(), mc2->momentum().phi());
  } else
    tree_.mc_sep = -100;

  // now loop over MC particles, find the match with SC and do everything we need
  // then save info in the tree for every MC particle
  for(std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle* >::const_iterator p = mcParticles.begin();
      p != mcParticles.end(); ++p) {
    HepMC::GenParticle* mc = *p;
    // Fill MC information
    tree_.mc_npar  = mcParticles.size();
    tree_.parID    = mc->pdg_id();
    tree_.mc_e     = mc->momentum().e();
    tree_.mc_et    = mc->momentum().e()*sin(mc->momentum().theta());
    tree_.mc_phi   = mc->momentum().phi();
    tree_.mc_eta   = mc->momentum().eta();
    tree_.mc_theta = mc->momentum().theta();

    //Call function to fill tree
    // scType coprreponds:
    // HybridSuperCluster                     -- 1
    // DynamicHybridSuperCluster              -- 2
    // FixedMatrixSuperClustersWithPreshower  -- 3

    fillTree( hSC, chSC, mc, tree_, xVtx_, yVtx_, zVtx_, 1);
    //    std::cout << " TYPE " << 1 << " : " << tree_.em_e << " : " << tree_.em_phi << " : " << tree_.em_eta << std::endl;

    fillTree( dSC, cdSC, mc, tree_, xVtx_, yVtx_, zVtx_, 2);
    //    std::cout << " TYPE " << 2 << " : " << tree_.em_e << " : " << tree_.em_phi << " : " << tree_.em_eta << std::endl;

    fillTree( fmSC, cfmSC, mc, tree_, xVtx_, yVtx_, zVtx_, 3);
    //    std::cout << " TYPE " << 3 << " : " << tree_.em_e << " : " << tree_.em_phi << " : " << tree_.em_eta << std::endl;

    //   mytree_->Fill();
  } // loop over particles  
void EnergyScaleAnalyzer::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 97 of file

References EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::mc_npar, mytree_, and tree_.


  mytree_ = new TTree("energyScale","");
  TString treeVariables = "mc_npar/I:parID:mc_sep/F:mc_e:mc_et:mc_phi:mc_eta:mc_theta:";    // MC information
  treeVariables += "em_dR/F:";                 // MC <-> EM matching information
  treeVariables += "em_isInCrack/I:em_scType:em_e/F:em_et:em_phi:em_eta:em_theta:em_nCell/I:em_nBC:";  // EM SC info    
  treeVariables += "em_pet/F:em_pe:em_peta:em_ptheta:"                     ;  // EM SC physics (eta corrected information)

  treeVariables += "emCorr_e/F:emCorr_et:emCorr_eta:emCorr_phi:emCorr_theta:";// CMSSW standard corrections
  treeVariables += "emCorr_pet/F:emCorr_peta:emCorr_ptheta:"                 ;// CMSSW standard physics  

  treeVariables += "em_pw/F:em_ew:em_br"                                     ;  // EM widths pw -- phiWidth, ew -- etaWidth, ratios of pw/ew

void EnergyScaleAnalyzer::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 443 of file

References rootFile_.

  //Fill ROOT tree
void EnergyScaleAnalyzer::fillTree ( const reco::SuperClusterCollection scColl,
const reco::SuperClusterCollection corrSCColl,
HepMC::GenParticle *  mc,
tree_structure_ tree_,
float  xV,
float  yV,
float  zV,
int  scType 
) [private]

fill tree with kinematic variables of corrected Super Cluster

Definition at line 317 of file

References kinem::delta_R(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_br, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_dR, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_e, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_et, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_eta, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_ew, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_isInCrack, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_nBC, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_nCell, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_pe, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_pet, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_peta, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_phi, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_ptheta, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_pw, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_scType, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::em_theta, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::emCorr_e, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::emCorr_et, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::emCorr_eta, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::emCorr_pet, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::emCorr_peta, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::emCorr_phi, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::emCorr_ptheta, EnergyScaleAnalyzer::tree_structure_::emCorr_theta, relval_parameters_module::energy, energyMax_, eta(), etaMax_, etaMaxVtx_, eTMax_, eTMaxVtx_, create_public_lumi_plots::log, mytree_, phi, phiMax_, phiMaxVtx_, rClust_vtx_, funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), funct::tan(), thetaMax_, thetaMaxVtx_, xClust_vtx_, xClust_zero_, yClust_vtx_, yClust_zero_, zClust_vtx_, and zClust_zero_.

Referenced by analyze().

  // -----------------------------  SuperClusters before energy correction
  reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator em = scColl->end();
  float energyMax = -100.0; // dummy energy of the matched SC
  for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator aClus = scColl->begin();
      aClus != scColl->end(); ++aClus) {
    // check the matching
    float dR = kinem::delta_R(mc   ->momentum().eta(), mc   ->momentum().phi(), 
                              aClus->position().eta(), aClus->position().phi());
    if (dR <  0.4) { // a rather loose matching cut
      float energy = aClus->energy();
      if ( energy < energyMax ) continue;
      energyMax = energy;
      em = aClus;
  if (em == scColl->end() ) {
    //    std::cout << "No matching SC with type " << scType << " was found for MC particle! "  << std::endl;
    //    std::cout << "Going to next type of SC. " << std::endl;
  //  ------------  

  tree_.em_scType = scType;

  tree_.em_isInCrack = 0;
  double emAbsEta = fabs(em->position().eta());
  // copied from RecoEgama/EgammaElectronAlgos/src/
  if ( emAbsEta < 0.018 ||
       (emAbsEta > 0.423 && emAbsEta < 0.461) || 
       (emAbsEta > 0.770 && emAbsEta < 0.806) || 
       (emAbsEta > 1.127 && emAbsEta < 1.163) || 
       (emAbsEta > 1.460 && emAbsEta < 1.558) )
    tree_.em_isInCrack = 1;
  tree_.em_dR = kinem::delta_R(mc->momentum().eta(), mc->momentum().phi(), 
                              em->position().eta(), em->position().phi());
  tree_.em_e     = em->energy();
  tree_.em_et    = em->energy() * sin(em->position().theta());
  tree_.em_phi   = em->position().phi();
  tree_.em_eta   = em->position().eta();
  tree_.em_theta = em->position().theta();
  tree_.em_nCell = em->size();
  tree_.em_nBC   = em->clustersSize();
  //Get physics e, et etc:
  //Coordinates of EM object with respect of the point (0,0,0)
  xClust_zero_ = em->position().x();
  yClust_zero_ = em->position().y();
  zClust_zero_ = em->position().z();
  //Coordinates of EM object w.r.o. the Vertex position
  xClust_vtx_ = xClust_zero_ - xV;
  yClust_vtx_ = yClust_zero_ - yV;
  zClust_vtx_ = zClust_zero_ - zV;
  energyMax_ = em->energy();
  thetaMax_ = em->position().theta();
  etaMax_ = em->position().eta();
  phiMax_ = em->position().phi();
  eTMax_ = energyMax_ * sin(thetaMax_);
  if ( phiMax_ < 0) phiMax_ += 2*3.14159;
  rClust_vtx_ = sqrt (xClust_vtx_*xClust_vtx_ + yClust_vtx_*yClust_vtx_ + zClust_vtx_*zClust_vtx_);
  thetaMaxVtx_ = acos(zClust_vtx_/rClust_vtx_);
  etaMaxVtx_   = - log(tan(thetaMaxVtx_/2));
  eTMaxVtx_    = energyMax_ * sin(thetaMaxVtx_); 
  phiMaxVtx_   = atan2(yClust_vtx_,xClust_vtx_); 
  if ( phiMaxVtx_ < 0) phiMaxVtx_ += 2*3.14159;
  //parametres of EM object after vertex correction
  tree_.em_pet    = eTMaxVtx_;
  tree_.em_pe     = tree_.em_pet/sin(thetaMaxVtx_);
  tree_.em_peta   = etaMaxVtx_;
  tree_.em_ptheta = thetaMaxVtx_;
  //-------------------------------   Get SC after energy correction 
  em = corrSCColl->end();
  energyMax = -100.0; // dummy energy of the matched SC
  for(reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator aClus = corrSCColl->begin();
      aClus != corrSCColl->end(); ++aClus) {
    // check the matching
    float dR = kinem::delta_R(mc   ->momentum().eta(), mc   ->momentum().phi(), 
                              aClus->position().eta(), aClus->position().phi());
    if (dR <  0.4) {
      float energy = aClus->energy();
      if ( energy < energyMax ) continue;
      energyMax = energy;
      em = aClus;
  if (em == corrSCColl->end() ) {
    //    std::cout << "No matching corrected SC with type " << scType << " was found for MC particle! "  << std::endl;
    //    std::cout << "Going to next type of SC. " << std::endl;
  //  ------------  
    tree_.emCorr_e     = em->energy();
    tree_.emCorr_et    = em->energy() * sin(em->position().theta());
    tree_.emCorr_phi   = em->position().phi();
    tree_.emCorr_eta   = em->position().eta();
    tree_.emCorr_theta = em->position().theta();
    // =========== Eta and Theta wrt Vertex does not change after energy corrections are applied
    // =========== So, no need to calculate them again
    tree_.emCorr_peta   = tree_.em_peta;
    tree_.emCorr_ptheta = tree_.em_ptheta;
    tree_.emCorr_pet    = tree_.emCorr_e/cosh(tree_.emCorr_peta);

    tree_.em_pw = em->phiWidth();
    tree_.em_ew = em->etaWidth();
    tree_.em_br = tree_.em_pw/tree_.em_ew;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 135 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 138 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 139 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

float EnergyScaleAnalyzer::eTMax_ [private]

Definition at line 136 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 137 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 146 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by EnergyScaleAnalyzer().

std::string EnergyScaleAnalyzer::hepMCLabel_ [private]

Definition at line 64 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EnergyScaleAnalyzer().

TTree* EnergyScaleAnalyzer::mytree_ [private]

Definition at line 70 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and fillTree().

std::string EnergyScaleAnalyzer::outputFile_ [private]

Definition at line 62 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by EnergyScaleAnalyzer().

Definition at line 140 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 141 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 133 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 67 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by endJob(), EnergyScaleAnalyzer(), and ~EnergyScaleAnalyzer().

Definition at line 142 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 143 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 118 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().

Definition at line 129 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 125 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

float EnergyScaleAnalyzer::xVtx_ [private]

Definition at line 121 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 130 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 126 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

float EnergyScaleAnalyzer::yVtx_ [private]

Definition at line 122 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 131 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

Definition at line 127 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by fillTree().

float EnergyScaleAnalyzer::zVtx_ [private]

Definition at line 123 of file EnergyScaleAnalyzer.h.

Referenced by analyze().