Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

PixelCPEGeneric Class Reference

#include <PixelCPEGeneric.h>

Inheritance diagram for PixelCPEGeneric:
PixelCPEBase PixelClusterParameterEstimator ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

LocalError localError (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
LocalPoint localPosition (const SiPixelCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const SiPixelCluster &, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
 PixelCPEGeneric (edm::ParameterSet const &conf, const MagneticField *, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *, const SiPixelCPEGenericErrorParm *, const SiPixelTemplateDBObject *)
 The constructor.
 ~PixelCPEGeneric ()

Protected Member Functions

float xpos (const SiPixelCluster &) const
float ypos (const SiPixelCluster &) const

Private Member Functions

void collect_edge_charges (const SiPixelCluster &cluster, float &Q_f_X, float &Q_l_X, float &Q_m_X, float &Q_f_Y, float &Q_l_Y, float &Q_m_Y) const
float err2X (bool &, int &) const
float err2Y (bool &, int &) const
double generic_position_formula (int size, double Q_f, double Q_l, double upper_edge_first_pix, double lower_edge_last_pix, double half_lorentz_shift, double cot_angle, double pitch, bool first_is_big, bool last_is_big, double eff_charge_cut_low, double eff_charge_cut_high, double size_cut) const

Private Attributes

float deltax
float deltay
bool DoCosmics_
float dx1
float dx2
float dy1
float dy2
double EdgeClusterErrorX_
double EdgeClusterErrorY_
bool inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle
bool inflate_errors
bool IrradiationBiasCorrection_
bool LoadTemplatesFromDB_
float pixmx
float sigmax
float sigmay
float sx1
float sx2
float sy1
float sy2
SiPixelTemplate templ_
int templID_
double the_eff_charge_cut_highX
double the_eff_charge_cut_highY
double the_eff_charge_cut_lowX
double the_eff_charge_cut_lowY
double the_size_cutX
double the_size_cutY
bool TruncatePixelCharge_
bool UseErrorsFromTemplates_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 62 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PixelCPEGeneric::PixelCPEGeneric ( edm::ParameterSet const &  conf,
const MagneticField mag,
const SiPixelLorentzAngle lorentzAngle,
const SiPixelCPEGenericErrorParm genErrorParm,
const SiPixelTemplateDBObject templateDBobject 

The constructor.

Definition at line 23 of file

References DoCosmics_, EdgeClusterErrorX_, EdgeClusterErrorY_, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle, inflate_errors, IrradiationBiasCorrection_, LoadTemplatesFromDB_, LogDebug, SiPixelTemplate::pushfile(), templ_, PixelCPEBase::templateDBobject_, templID_, the_eff_charge_cut_highX, the_eff_charge_cut_highY, the_eff_charge_cut_lowX, the_eff_charge_cut_lowY, the_size_cutX, the_size_cutY, PixelCPEBase::theVerboseLevel, TruncatePixelCharge_, and UseErrorsFromTemplates_.

  : PixelCPEBase(conf, mag, lorentzAngle, genErrorParm, templateDBobject)
  if (theVerboseLevel > 0) 
      << " constructing a generic algorithm for ideal pixel detector.\n"
      << " CPEGeneric:: VerboseLevel = " << theVerboseLevel;

  // Externally settable cuts  
  the_eff_charge_cut_lowX = conf.getParameter<double>("eff_charge_cut_lowX");
  the_eff_charge_cut_lowY = conf.getParameter<double>("eff_charge_cut_lowY");
  the_eff_charge_cut_highX = conf.getParameter<double>("eff_charge_cut_highX");
  the_eff_charge_cut_highY = conf.getParameter<double>("eff_charge_cut_highY");
  the_size_cutX = conf.getParameter<double>("size_cutX");
  the_size_cutY = conf.getParameter<double>("size_cutY");

  EdgeClusterErrorX_ = conf.getParameter<double>("EdgeClusterErrorX");
  EdgeClusterErrorY_ = conf.getParameter<double>("EdgeClusterErrorY");

  // Externally settable flags to inflate errors
  inflate_errors = conf.getParameter<bool>("inflate_errors");
  inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle = conf.getParameter<bool>("inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle");

  UseErrorsFromTemplates_    = conf.getParameter<bool>("UseErrorsFromTemplates");
  TruncatePixelCharge_       = conf.getParameter<bool>("TruncatePixelCharge");
  IrradiationBiasCorrection_ = conf.getParameter<bool>("IrradiationBiasCorrection");
  DoCosmics_                 = conf.getParameter<bool>("DoCosmics");
  LoadTemplatesFromDB_       = conf.getParameter<bool>("LoadTemplatesFromDB");

  if ( !UseErrorsFromTemplates_ && ( TruncatePixelCharge_       || 
                                     IrradiationBiasCorrection_ || 
                                     DoCosmics_                 ||
                                     LoadTemplatesFromDB_ ) )
      throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::PixelCPEGeneric: ") 
          << "\nERROR: UseErrorsFromTemplates_ is set to False in "
          << " In this case it does not make sense to set any of the following to True: " 
          << " TruncatePixelCharge_, IrradiationBiasCorrection_, DoCosmics_, LoadTemplatesFromDB_ !!!" 
          << "\n\n";

  if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ )
                templID_ = -999;
                if ( LoadTemplatesFromDB_ )
                        // Initialize template store to the selected ID [Morris, 6/25/08]  
                        if ( !templ_.pushfile( *templateDBobject_) )
                                throw cms::Exception("InvalidCalibrationLoaded") 
                                        << "ERROR: Templates not filled correctly. Check the sqlite file. Using SiPixelTemplateDBObject version " 
                                        << ( *templateDBobject_ ).version() << ". Template ID is " << templID_;
                        if ( !templ_.pushfile( templID_ ) )
                                throw cms::Exception("InvalidCalibrationLoaded") 
                                        << "ERROR: Templates not loaded correctly from text file. Reconstruction will fail." << " Template ID is " << templID_;
        } // if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ )
  //cout << endl;
  //cout << "From PixelCPEGeneric::PixelCPEGeneric(...)" << endl;
  //cout << "(int)UseErrorsFromTemplates_ = " << (int)UseErrorsFromTemplates_    << endl;
  //cout << "TruncatePixelCharge_         = " << (int)TruncatePixelCharge_       << endl;      
  //cout << "IrradiationBiasCorrection_   = " << (int)IrradiationBiasCorrection_ << endl;
  //cout << "(int)DoCosmics_              = " << (int)DoCosmics_                 << endl;
  //cout << "(int)LoadTemplatesFromDB_    = " << (int)LoadTemplatesFromDB_       << endl;
  //cout << endl;

PixelCPEGeneric::~PixelCPEGeneric ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 67 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.


Member Function Documentation

void PixelCPEGeneric::collect_edge_charges ( const SiPixelCluster cluster,
float &  Q_f_X,
float &  Q_l_X,
float &  Q_m_X,
float &  Q_f_Y,
float &  Q_l_Y,
float &  Q_m_Y 
) const [private]

Collect the edge charges in x and y, in a single pass over the pixel vector. Calculate charge in the first and last pixel projected in x and y and the inner cluster charge, projected in x and y.

clusterinput, the cluster
Q_f_Xoutput, Q first in X
Q_l_Xoutput, Q last in X
Q_m_Xoutput, Q middle in X
Q_f_Youtput, Q first in Y
Q_l_Youtput, Q last in Y
Q_m_Youtput, Q middle in Y

Definition at line 482 of file

References ecalMGPA::adc(), i, SiPixelCluster::maxPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::maxPixelRow(), min, SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), SiPixelCluster::pixels(), pixmx, TruncatePixelCharge_, UseErrorsFromTemplates_, x, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

Referenced by localPosition().

  // Initialize return variables.
  Q_f_X = Q_l_X = Q_m_X = 0.0;
  Q_f_Y = Q_l_Y = Q_m_Y = 0.0;

  // Fetch the pixels vector from the cluster.
  const vector<SiPixelCluster::Pixel>& pixelsVec = cluster.pixels();

  // Obtain boundaries in index units
  int xmin = cluster.minPixelRow();
  int xmax = cluster.maxPixelRow();
  int ymin = cluster.minPixelCol();
  int ymax = cluster.maxPixelCol();

//   // Obtain the cluster boundaries (note: in measurement units!)
//   float xmin = cluster.minPixelRow()+0.5;
//   float xmax = cluster.maxPixelRow()+0.5;  
//   float ymin = cluster.minPixelCol()+0.5;
//   float ymax = cluster.maxPixelCol()+0.5;
  // Iterate over the pixels.
  int isize = pixelsVec.size();
  for (int i = 0;  i < isize; ++i) 
      float pix_adc = -999.9;

      // add pixel charge truncation
      if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ && TruncatePixelCharge_ ) 
        pix_adc = min( (float)(pixelsVec[i].adc), pixmx );
        pix_adc = pixelsVec[i].adc;

      // X projection
      if      ( pixelsVec[i].x == xmin )       // need to match with tolerance!!! &&&
        Q_f_X += pix_adc;
      else if ( pixelsVec[i].x == xmax ) 
        Q_l_X += pix_adc;
        Q_m_X += pix_adc;
      // Y projection
      if      ( pixelsVec[i].y == ymin ) 
        Q_f_Y += pix_adc;
      else if ( pixelsVec[i].y == ymax ) 
        Q_l_Y += pix_adc;
        Q_m_Y += pix_adc;
float PixelCPEGeneric::err2X ( bool &  ,
int &   
) const [private]
float PixelCPEGeneric::err2Y ( bool &  ,
int &   
) const [private]
double PixelCPEGeneric::generic_position_formula ( int  size,
double  Q_f,
double  Q_l,
double  upper_edge_first_pix,
double  lower_edge_last_pix,
double  half_lorentz_shift,
double  cot_angle,
double  pitch,
bool  first_is_big,
bool  last_is_big,
double  eff_charge_cut_low,
double  eff_charge_cut_high,
double  size_cut 
) const [private]

A generic version of the position formula. Since it works for both X and Y, in the interest of the simplicity of the code, all parameters are passed by the caller. The only class variable used by this method is the theThickness, since that's common for both X and Y.

sizeSize of this projection.
Q_fCharge in the first pixel.
Q_lCharge in the last pixel.
upper_edge_first_pixAs the name says.
lower_edge_last_pixAs the name says.
half_lorentz_shiftL-shift at half thickness
cot_anglecot of alpha_ or beta_
pitchthePitchX or thePitchY
first_is_bigtrue if the first is big
last_is_bigtrue if the last is big
eff_charge_cut_lowUse edge if > W_eff (in pix) &&&
eff_charge_cut_highUse edge if < W_eff (in pix) &&&
size_cutUse edge when size == cuts

Definition at line 360 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, IrradiationBiasCorrection_, PixelCPEBase::nRecHitsTotal_, PixelCPEBase::nRecHitsUsedEdge_, GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel, PixelCPEBase::thePart, PixelCPEBase::theThickness, and PixelCPEBase::theVerboseLevel.

Referenced by localPosition().

  double geom_center = 0.5 * ( upper_edge_first_pix + lower_edge_last_pix );

  //--- The case of only one pixel in this projection is separate.  Note that
  //--- here first_pix == last_pix, so the average of the two is still the
  //--- center of the pixel.
  if ( size == 1 ) 
      //, 02/03/09 : for size = 1, the Lorentz shift is already accounted by the irradiation correction
      if ( IrradiationBiasCorrection_ ) 
        return geom_center;
        return geom_center + half_lorentz_shift;

  //--- Width of the clusters minus the edge (first and last) pixels.
  //--- In the note, they are denoted x_F and x_L (and y_F and y_L)
  double W_inner      = lower_edge_last_pix - upper_edge_first_pix;  // in cm

  //--- Predicted charge width from geometry
  double W_pred = 
    theThickness * cot_angle                     // geometric correction (in cm)
    - 2 * half_lorentz_shift;                    // (in cm) &&& check fpix!  

  //--- Total length of the two edge pixels (first+last)
  double sum_of_edge = 0.0;
  if (first_is_big) sum_of_edge += 2.0;
  else              sum_of_edge += 1.0;
  if (last_is_big)  sum_of_edge += 2.0;
  else              sum_of_edge += 1.0;

  //--- The `effective' charge width -- particle's path in first and last pixels only
  double W_eff = fabs( W_pred ) - W_inner;

  //--- If the observed charge width is inconsistent with the expectations
  //--- based on the track, do *not* use W_pred-W_innner.  Instead, replace
  //--- it with an *average* effective charge width, which is the average
  //--- length of the edge pixels.
  bool usedEdgeAlgo = false;
  if (( W_eff/pitch < eff_charge_cut_low ) ||
      ( W_eff/pitch > eff_charge_cut_high ) || (size >= size_cut)) 
      W_eff = pitch * 0.5 * sum_of_edge;  // ave. length of edge pixels (first+last) (cm)
      usedEdgeAlgo = true;

  //--- Finally, compute the position in this projection
  double Qdiff = Q_l - Q_f;
  double Qsum  = Q_l + Q_f;

        //--- Temporary fix for clusters with both first and last pixel with charge = 0
        if(Qsum==0) Qsum=1.0;
  double hit_pos = geom_center + 0.5*(Qdiff/Qsum) * W_eff + half_lorentz_shift;

  //--- Debugging output
  if (theVerboseLevel > 20) {
    if ( thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel ) {
      cout << "\t >>> We are in the Barrel." ;
    } else {
      cout << "\t >>> We are in the Forward." ;
      << "\n\t >>> cot(angle) = " << cot_angle << "  pitch = " << pitch << "  size = " << size
      << "\n\t >>> upper_edge_first_pix = " << upper_edge_first_pix
      << "\n\t >>> lower_edge_last_pix  = " << lower_edge_last_pix
      << "\n\t >>> geom_center          = " << geom_center
      << "\n\t >>> half_lorentz_shift   = " << half_lorentz_shift
      << "\n\t >>> W_inner              = " << W_inner
      << "\n\t >>> W_pred               = " << W_pred
      << "\n\t >>> W_eff(orig)          = " << fabs( W_pred ) - W_inner
      << "\n\t >>> W_eff(used)          = " << W_eff
      << "\n\t >>> sum_of_edge          = " << sum_of_edge
      << "\n\t >>> Qdiff = " << Qdiff << "  Qsum = " << Qsum 
      << "\n\t >>> hit_pos              = " << hit_pos 
      << "\n\t >>> RecHits: total = " << nRecHitsTotal_ 
      << "  used edge = " << nRecHitsUsedEdge_
      << endl;
    if (usedEdgeAlgo) 
      cout << "\n\t >>> Used Edge algorithm." ;
      cout << "\n\t >>> Used angle information." ;
    cout << endl;

  return hit_pos;
LocalError PixelCPEGeneric::localError ( const SiPixelCluster cl,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const [virtual]

Implements PixelCPEBase.

Definition at line 551 of file

References PixelCPEBase::alpha_, PixelCPEBase::beta_, PixelTopology::containsBigPixelInX(), PixelTopology::containsBigPixelInY(), DoCosmics_, EdgeClusterErrorX_, EdgeClusterErrorY_, Exception, PixelCPEBase::genErrorParm_, genErrorsFromDB_, SiPixelCPEGenericDBErrorParametrization::getError(), inflate_errors, PixelTopology::isItBigPixelInX(), PixelTopology::isItBigPixelInY(), PixelTopology::isItEdgePixelInX(), PixelTopology::isItEdgePixelInY(), LogDebug, SiPixelCluster::maxPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::maxPixelRow(), micronsToCm, SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel, PixelCPEBase::qBin_, PixelCPEBase::setTheDet(), sigmax, sigmay, SiPixelCluster::sizeX(), SiPixelCluster::sizeY(), mathSSE::sqrt(), sx1, sx2, sy1, sy2, PixelCPEBase::thePart, PixelCPEBase::thePitchX, PixelCPEBase::thePitchY, PixelCPEBase::theTopol, PixelCPEBase::theVerboseLevel, UseErrorsFromTemplates_, and PixelCPEBase::with_track_angle.

  setTheDet( det, cluster );

  // The squared errors
  float xerr_sq = -99999.9;
  float yerr_sq = -99999.9;

  int sizex = cluster.sizeX();
  int sizey = cluster.sizeY();
  // Default errors are the maximum error used for edge clusters.
    int row_offset = cluster.minPixelRow();
    int col_offset = cluster.minPixelCol();
    int n_bigInX = 0;
    for (int irow = 0; irow < sizex; ++irow)
    if ( theTopol->isItBigPixelInX( irow+row_offset ) )
    int n_bigInY = 0;
    for (int icol = 0; icol < sizey; ++icol) 
    if ( theTopol->isItBigPixelInY( icol+col_offset ) )
    float xerr = (float)(sizex + n_bigInX) * thePitchX / sqrt(12.0);      
    float yerr = (float)(sizey + n_bigInY) * thePitchY / sqrt(12.0); 

  // These are determined by looking at residuals for edge clusters
  const float micronsToCm = 1.0e-4;
  float xerr = EdgeClusterErrorX_ * micronsToCm;
  float yerr = EdgeClusterErrorY_ * micronsToCm;
  // Find if cluster is at the module edge. 
  int maxPixelCol = cluster.maxPixelCol();
  int maxPixelRow = cluster.maxPixelRow();
  int minPixelCol = cluster.minPixelCol();
  int minPixelRow = cluster.minPixelRow();       
  bool edgex = ( theTopol->isItEdgePixelInX( minPixelRow ) ) || ( theTopol->isItEdgePixelInX( maxPixelRow ) );
  bool edgey = ( theTopol->isItEdgePixelInY( minPixelCol ) ) || ( theTopol->isItEdgePixelInY( maxPixelCol ) );

  // Find if cluster contains double (big) pixels. 
  bool bigInX = theTopol->containsBigPixelInX( minPixelRow, maxPixelRow );       
  bool bigInY = theTopol->containsBigPixelInY( minPixelCol, maxPixelCol );

  if ( !with_track_angle && DoCosmics_ )
      //cout << "Track angles are not known and we are processing cosmics." << endl; 
      //cout << "Default angle estimation which assumes track from PV (0,0,0) does not work." << endl;
      //cout << "Use an error parameterization which only depends on cluster size (by Vincenzo Chiochia)." << endl; 
      if ( thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel ) 
          if ( !edgex )
              if      ( sizex == 1 ) xerr = 0.00115; // Size = 1 -> Sigma = 11.5 um 
              else if ( sizex == 2 ) xerr = 0.00120; // Size = 2 -> Sigma = 12.0 um      
              else if ( sizex == 3 ) xerr = 0.00088; // Size = 3 -> Sigma =  8.8 um
              else                   xerr = 0.01030;
          if ( !edgey )
              if      ( sizey ==  1 ) yerr = 0.00375; // 37.5 um 
              else if ( sizey ==  2 ) yerr = 0.00230; // 23 um      
              else if ( sizey ==  3 ) yerr = 0.00250; // 25 um
              else if ( sizey ==  4 ) yerr = 0.00250; // 25 um
              else if ( sizey ==  5 ) yerr = 0.00230; // 23 um
              else if ( sizey ==  6 ) yerr = 0.00230; // 23 um
              else if ( sizey ==  7 ) yerr = 0.00210; // 21 um
              else if ( sizey ==  8 ) yerr = 0.00210; // 21 um
              else if ( sizey ==  9 ) yerr = 0.00240; // 24 um
              else                    yerr = 0.00210; // 21um
      else // EndCap
          if ( !edgex )
              if      ( sizex == 1 ) xerr = 0.0020;
              else if ( sizex == 2 ) xerr = 0.0020;
              else                   xerr = 0.0020;
          if ( !edgey )
              if  ( sizey == 1 ) yerr = 0.00210; // 21 um
              else               yerr = 0.00075; // 7.5 um

    } // if ( !with_track_angle )
      //cout << "Track angles are known. We can use either errors from templates or the error parameterization from DB." << endl;
      if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ )
          if (qBin_ == 0 && inflate_errors )
              int n_bigx = 0;
              int n_bigy = 0;
              int row_offset = cluster.minPixelRow();
              int col_offset = cluster.minPixelCol();
              for (int irow = 0; irow < 7; ++irow)
                  if ( theTopol->isItBigPixelInX( irow+row_offset ) )
              for (int icol = 0; icol < 21; ++icol) 
                  if ( theTopol->isItBigPixelInY( icol+col_offset ) )
              xerr = (float)(sizex + n_bigx) * thePitchX / sqrt( 12.0 );
              yerr = (float)(sizey + n_bigy) * thePitchY / sqrt( 12.0 );
            } // if ( qbin == 0 && inflate_errors )
              // Default errors

              if ( !edgex )
                  if ( sizex == 1 )
                      if ( !bigInX ) 
                                                xerr = sx1; 
                                                xerr = sx2;
                  else if ( sizex > 1 )
                    xerr = sigmax;
                    throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localError") 
                      << "\nERROR: Unphysical cluster x-size = " << sizex << "\n\n";
              if ( !edgey )
                  if ( sizey == 1 )
                      if ( !bigInY )
                        yerr = sy1;
                        yerr = sy2;
                  else if ( sizey > 1 )
                    yerr = sigmay;
                    throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localError") 
                      << "\nERROR: Unphysical cluster y-size = " << sizex << "\n\n";
            } // if ( qbin == 0 && inflate_errors ) else

        } //if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ )
          //cout << endl << "Use errors from DB:" << endl;
          if ( edgex && edgey ) 
              //--- Both axes on the edge, no point in calling PixelErrorParameterization,       
              //--- just return the max errors on both.          
              pair<float,float> errPair =        
                genErrorsFromDB_->getError( genErrorParm_, thePart, cluster.sizeX(), cluster.sizeY(),    
                                            alpha_, beta_, bigInX, bigInY ); 
              if ( !edgex ) 
                xerr = errPair.first;    
              if ( !edgey ) 
                yerr = errPair.second;   
          if (theVerboseLevel > 9) 
              LogDebug("PixelCPEGeneric") <<     
                " Sizex = " << cluster.sizeX() << " Sizey = " << cluster.sizeY() <<      
                " Edgex = " << edgex           << " Edgey = " << edgey           <<      
                " ErrX  = " << xerr            << " ErrY  = " << yerr;   
        } //if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ ) else 
    } // if ( !with_track_angle ) else
  if ( !(xerr > 0.0) )
    throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localError") 
      << "\nERROR: Negative pixel error xerr = " << xerr << "\n\n";
  if ( !(yerr > 0.0) )
    throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localError") 
      << "\nERROR: Negative pixel error yerr = " << yerr << "\n\n";
  xerr_sq = xerr*xerr; 
  yerr_sq = yerr*yerr;
  return LocalError( xerr_sq, 0, yerr_sq );

LocalPoint PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition ( const SiPixelCluster cluster,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const [virtual]

Hit position in the local frame (in cm). Unlike other CPE's, this one converts everything from the measurement frame (in channel numbers) into the local frame (in centimeters).

< Initialize this det unit

< correctly compute lorentz shifts in X and Y

< Q of the first pixel in X

< Q of the last pixel in X

< Q of the middle pixels in X

< Q of the first pixel in Y

< Q of the last pixel in Y

< Q of the middle pixels in Y

Reimplemented from PixelCPEBase.

Definition at line 120 of file

References SiPixelCluster::charge(), collect_edge_charges(), PixelCPEBase::computeLorentzShifts(), PixelCPEBase::cotalpha_, PixelCPEBase::cotbeta_, gather_cfg::cout, deltax, deltay, dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, Exception, generic_position_formula(), GeomDet::geographicalId(), SiPixelTemplateDBObject::getTemplateID(), MagneticField::inTesla(), IrradiationBiasCorrection_, PixelTopology::isItBigPixelInX(), PixelTopology::isItBigPixelInY(), PixelCPEBase::loc_trk_pred_, Topology::localPosition(), PixelCPEBase::lorentzShiftInCmX_, PixelCPEBase::lorentzShiftInCmY_, PixelCPEBase::magfield_, SiPixelCluster::maxPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::maxPixelRow(), micronsToCm, SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), pixmx, GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), SiPixelTemplate::qbin(), PixelCPEBase::qBin_, DetId::rawId(), GloballyPositioned< T >::rotation(), PixelCPEBase::setTheDet(), sigmax, sigmay, SiPixelCluster::sizeX(), SiPixelCluster::sizeY(), GeomDet::surface(), sx1, sx2, sy1, sy2, templ_, PixelCPEBase::templateDBobject_, templID_, the_eff_charge_cut_highX, the_eff_charge_cut_highY, the_eff_charge_cut_lowX, the_eff_charge_cut_lowY, the_size_cutX, the_size_cutY, PixelCPEBase::theDet, PixelCPEBase::thePitchX, PixelCPEBase::thePitchY, PixelCPEBase::theTopol, PixelCPEBase::theVerboseLevel, UseErrorsFromTemplates_, PixelCPEBase::with_track_angle, SiPixelCluster::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), xPos, SiPixelCluster::y(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), yPos, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by measurementPosition().

  setTheDet( det, cluster );  
  templID_ = templateDBobject_->getTemplateID(theDet->geographicalId().rawId());
  if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ )
      /*bool fpix;  //!< barrel(false) or forward(true)
      if ( thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel )
        fpix = false;    // no, it's not forward -- it's barrel
        fpix = true;     // yes, it's forward
      float qclus = cluster.charge();
      GlobalVector bfield = magfield_->inTesla( theDet->surface().position() ); 
      Frame detFrame( theDet->surface().position(), theDet->surface().rotation() );
      LocalVector Bfield = detFrame.toLocal( bfield );
      float locBz = Bfield.z();
      //cout << "PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(...) : locBz = " << locBz << endl;
      pixmx  = -999.9; // max pixel charge for truncation of 2-D cluster
      sigmay = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-error for multi-pixel cluster
      deltay = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-bias for multi-pixel cluster
      sigmax = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-error for multi-pixel cluster
      deltax = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-bias for multi-pixel cluster
      sy1    = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-error for single single-pixel
      dy1    = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-bias for single single-pixel cluster
      sy2    = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-error for single double-pixel cluster
      dy2    = -999.9; // CPE Generic y-bias for single double-pixel cluster
      sx1    = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-error for single single-pixel cluster
      dx1    = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-bias for single single-pixel cluster
      sx2    = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-error for single double-pixel cluster
      dx2    = -999.9; // CPE Generic x-bias for single double-pixel cluster
      qBin_ = templ_.qbin( templID_, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, locBz, qclus,  // inputs
                           pixmx,                                       // returned by reference
                           sigmay, deltay, sigmax, deltax,              // returned by reference
                           sy1, dy1, sy2, dy2, sx1, dx1, sx2, dx2 );    // returned by reference
      // These numbers come in microns from the qbin(...) call. Transform them to cm.
      const float micronsToCm = 1.0e-4;
      deltax = deltax * micronsToCm;
      dx1 = dx1 * micronsToCm;
      dx2 = dx2 * micronsToCm;
      deltay = deltay * micronsToCm;
      dy1 = dy1 * micronsToCm;
      dy2 = dy2 * micronsToCm;
      sigmax = sigmax * micronsToCm;
      sx1 = sx1 * micronsToCm;
      sx2 = sx2 * micronsToCm;
      sigmay = sigmay * micronsToCm;
      sy1 = sy1 * micronsToCm;
      sy2 = sy2 * micronsToCm;
    } // if ( UseErrorsFromTemplates_ )
  float Q_f_X = 0.0;        
  float Q_l_X = 0.0;        
  float Q_m_X = 0.0;        
  float Q_f_Y = 0.0;        
  float Q_l_Y = 0.0;        
  float Q_m_Y = 0.0;        
  collect_edge_charges( cluster, 
                        Q_f_X, Q_l_X, Q_m_X, 
                        Q_f_Y, Q_l_Y, Q_m_Y );

  //--- Find the inner widths along X and Y in one shot.  We
  //--- compute the upper right corner of the inner pixels
  //--- (== lower left corner of upper right pixel) and
  //--- the lower left corner of the inner pixels
  //--- (== upper right corner of lower left pixel), and then
  //--- subtract these two points in the formula.

  //--- Upper Right corner of Lower Left pixel -- in measurement frame
  MeasurementPoint meas_URcorn_LLpix( cluster.minPixelRow()+1.0,
                                      cluster.minPixelCol()+1.0 );

  //--- Lower Left corner of Upper Right pixel -- in measurement frame
  MeasurementPoint meas_LLcorn_URpix( cluster.maxPixelRow(),
                                      cluster.maxPixelCol() );

  //--- These two now converted into the local
  LocalPoint local_URcorn_LLpix;
  LocalPoint local_LLcorn_URpix;

  // PixelCPEGeneric can be used with or without track angles
  // If PixelCPEGeneric is called with track angles, use them to correct for bows/kinks:
  if ( with_track_angle )
      local_URcorn_LLpix = theTopol->localPosition(meas_URcorn_LLpix, loc_trk_pred_);
      local_LLcorn_URpix = theTopol->localPosition(meas_LLcorn_URpix, loc_trk_pred_);
      local_URcorn_LLpix = theTopol->localPosition(meas_URcorn_LLpix);
      local_LLcorn_URpix = theTopol->localPosition(meas_LLcorn_URpix);

  if (theVerboseLevel > 20) {
      << "\n\t >>> cluster.x = " << cluster.x()
      << "\n\t >>> cluster.y = " << cluster.y()
      << "\n\t >>> cluster: minRow = " << cluster.minPixelRow()
      << "  minCol = " << cluster.minPixelCol()
      << "\n\t >>> cluster: maxRow = " << cluster.maxPixelRow()
      << "  maxCol = " << cluster.maxPixelCol()
      << "\n\t >>> meas: inner lower left  = " << meas_URcorn_LLpix.x() 
      << "," << meas_URcorn_LLpix.y()
      << "\n\t >>> meas: inner upper right = " << meas_LLcorn_URpix.x() 
      << "," << meas_LLcorn_URpix.y() 
      << endl;

  //--- &&& Note that the cuts below should not be hardcoded (like in Orca and
  //--- &&& CPEFromDetPosition/PixelCPEInitial), but rather be
  //--- &&& externally settable (but tracked) parameters.  

  //--- Position, including the half lorentz shift
  if (theVerboseLevel > 20) 
    cout << "\t >>> Generic:: processing X" << endl;
  float xPos = 
    generic_position_formula( cluster.sizeX(),
                              Q_f_X, Q_l_X, 
                              local_URcorn_LLpix.x(), local_LLcorn_URpix.x(),
                              0.5*lorentzShiftInCmX_,   // 0.5 * lorentz shift in 
                              theTopol->isItBigPixelInX( cluster.minPixelRow() ),
                              theTopol->isItBigPixelInX( cluster.maxPixelRow() ),
                              the_size_cutX);           // cut for eff charge width &&&

  if (theVerboseLevel > 20) 
    cout << "\t >>> Generic:: processing Y" << endl;
  float yPos = 
    generic_position_formula( cluster.sizeY(),
                              Q_f_Y, Q_l_Y, 
                              local_URcorn_LLpix.y(), local_LLcorn_URpix.y(),
                              0.5*lorentzShiftInCmY_,   // 0.5 * lorentz shift in cm
                              thePitchY,   // 0.5 * lorentz shift (may be 0)
                              theTopol->isItBigPixelInY( cluster.minPixelCol() ),
                              theTopol->isItBigPixelInY( cluster.maxPixelCol() ),
                              the_size_cutY);           // cut for eff charge width &&&
  // Apply irradiation corrections.
  if ( IrradiationBiasCorrection_ )
      if ( cluster.sizeX() == 1 )
          // sanity chack
          if ( cluster.maxPixelRow() != cluster.minPixelRow() )
            throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition") 
              << "\nERROR: cluster.maxPixelRow() != cluster.minPixelRow() although x-size = 1 !!!!! " << "\n\n";
          // Find if pixel is double (big). 
          bool bigInX = theTopol->isItBigPixelInX( cluster.maxPixelRow() );
          if ( !bigInX ) 
              //cout << "Apply correction dx1 = " << dx1 << " to xPos = " << xPos << endl;
              xPos -= dx1;
              //cout << "Apply correction dx2 = " << dx2 << " to xPos = " << xPos << endl;
              xPos -= dx2;
      else if ( cluster.sizeX() > 1 )
          //cout << "Apply correction correction_deltax = " << deltax << " to xPos = " << xPos << endl;
          xPos -= deltax;
        throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition") 
          << "\nERROR: Unphysical cluster x-size = " <<  (int)cluster.sizeX() << "\n\n";
  if ( cluster.sizeY() == 1 )
      // sanity chack
      if ( cluster.maxPixelCol() != cluster.minPixelCol() )
        throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition") 
          << "\nERROR: cluster.maxPixelCol() != cluster.minPixelCol() although y-size = 1 !!!!! " << "\n\n";
      // Find if pixel is double (big). 
      bool bigInY = theTopol->isItBigPixelInY( cluster.maxPixelCol() );
      if ( !bigInY ) 
          //cout << "Apply correction dy1 = " << dy1 << " to yPos = " << yPos  << endl;
          yPos -= dy1;
          //cout << "Apply correction dy2 = " << dy2  << " to yPos = " << yPos << endl;
          yPos -= dy2;
  else if ( cluster.sizeY() > 1 )
      //cout << "Apply correction deltay = " << deltay << " to yPos = " << yPos << endl;
      yPos -= deltay;
    throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition") 
      << "\nERROR: Unphysical cluster y-size = " << (int)cluster.sizeY() << "\n\n";

        } // if ( IrradiationBiasCorrection_ )
  //--- Now put the two together
  LocalPoint pos_in_local( xPos, yPos );
  return pos_in_local;
MeasurementPoint PixelCPEGeneric::measurementPosition ( const SiPixelCluster cluster,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const
float PixelCPEGeneric::xpos ( const SiPixelCluster ) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Implements PixelCPEBase.

Definition at line 167 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

{ return -999000.0; }  // &&& should abort
float PixelCPEGeneric::ypos ( const SiPixelCluster ) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Implements PixelCPEBase.

Definition at line 168 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

{ return -999000.0; }  // &&& should abort

Member Data Documentation

float PixelCPEGeneric::deltax [mutable, private]

Definition at line 157 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::deltay [mutable, private]

Definition at line 156 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition().

Definition at line 127 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::dx1 [mutable, private]

Definition at line 160 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::dx2 [mutable, private]

Definition at line 161 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::dy1 [mutable, private]

Definition at line 158 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::dy2 [mutable, private]

Definition at line 159 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition().

Definition at line 132 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 133 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 136 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError().

Definition at line 124 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 123 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 130 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by generic_position_formula(), localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 128 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEGeneric().

float PixelCPEGeneric::pixmx [mutable, private]

Definition at line 145 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by collect_edge_charges(), and localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::sigmax [mutable, private]

Definition at line 149 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::sigmay [mutable, private]

Definition at line 148 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::sx1 [mutable, private]

Definition at line 152 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::sx2 [mutable, private]

Definition at line 153 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::sy1 [mutable, private]

Definition at line 150 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and localPosition().

float PixelCPEGeneric::sy2 [mutable, private]

Definition at line 151 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localError(), and localPosition().

Definition at line 138 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

int PixelCPEGeneric::templID_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 139 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 118 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 119 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 116 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 117 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 120 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 121 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by localPosition(), and PixelCPEGeneric().

Definition at line 129 of file PixelCPEGeneric.h.

Referenced by collect_edge_charges(), and PixelCPEGeneric().