![]() |
![]() |
#include <JetToDigiDump.h>
Public Member Functions | |
JetToDigiDump (const edm::ParameterSet &) | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) |
void | beginJob () |
void | endJob () |
Private Attributes | |
std::string | CaloJetAlg |
int | DebugLevel |
int | Dump |
std::string | DumpLevel |
int | evtCount |
bool | ShowECal |
Definition at line 15 of file JetToDigiDump.h.
JetToDigiDump::JetToDigiDump | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | cfg | ) |
Definition at line 43 of file JetToDigiDump.cc.
: DumpLevel( cfg.getParameter<string>( "DumpLevel" ) ), CaloJetAlg( cfg.getParameter<string>( "CaloJetAlg" ) ), DebugLevel( cfg.getParameter<int>( "DebugLevel" ) ), ShowECal( cfg.getParameter<bool>( "ShowECal" ) ) { }
void JetToDigiDump::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | evt, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [private, virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 78 of file JetToDigiDump.cc.
References abs, EcalMGPASample::adc(), HcalQIESample::adc(), CaloJetAlg, HiRecoJets_cff::caloTowers, HcalQIESample::capid(), dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, DebugLevel, HcalDetId::depth(), DetId::det(), Dump, egHLT::errCodes::EBRecHits, DetId::Ecal, egHLT::errCodes::EERecHits, evtCount, EcalMGPASample::gainId(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), egHLT::errCodes::HBHERecHits, DetId::Hcal, HcalBarrel, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, HcalOuter, egHLT::errCodes::HFRecHits, i, EBDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::iphi(), EBDetId::iphi(), EBDetId::ism(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), j, metsig::jet, gen::k, HcalQIESample::nominal_fC(), EcalDataFrame::sample(), ShowECal, HcalDetId::subdet(), and DetId::subdetId().
{ int jetInd; Handle<CaloJetCollection> caloJets; Handle<CaloTowerCollection> caloTowers; Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> HBHERecHits; Handle<HORecHitCollection> HORecHits; Handle<HFRecHitCollection> HFRecHits; Handle<EBRecHitCollection> EBRecHits; Handle<EERecHitCollection> EERecHits; Handle<HBHEDigiCollection> HBHEDigis; Handle<HODigiCollection> HODigis; Handle<HFDigiCollection> HFDigis; Handle<EEDigiCollection> EEDigis; Handle<EBDigiCollection> EBDigis; // Old: //Handle<edm::SortedCollection<EBDataFrame> > EBDigis; //Handle<edm::SortedCollection<EBDataFrame> > EEDigis; //Find the CaloTowers in leading CaloJets if (DebugLevel) cout<<"Getting caloJets"<<endl; evt.getByLabel( CaloJetAlg, caloJets ); if (Dump >= 2) evt.getByLabel( "towerMaker", caloTowers ); if (Dump >= 3) { if (DebugLevel) cout<<"Getting recHits"<<endl; evt.getByLabel( "hbhereco", HBHERecHits ); evt.getByLabel( "horeco", HORecHits ); evt.getByLabel( "hfreco", HFRecHits ); evt.getByLabel( "ecalRecHit", "EcalRecHitsEB", EBRecHits ); evt.getByLabel( "ecalRecHit", "EcalRecHitsEE", EERecHits ); if (DebugLevel) cout<<"# of hits gotten - HBHE: "<<HBHERecHits->size()<<endl; evt.getByLabel( "hcalDigis", HBHEDigis ); evt.getByLabel( "hcalDigis", HODigis ); evt.getByLabel( "hcalDigis", HFDigis ); if (DebugLevel) cout<<"# of digis gotten - HBHE: "<<HBHEDigis->size()<<endl; if (ShowECal) { evt.getByLabel( "ecalDigis", "ebDigis", EBDigis ); evt.getByLabel( "ecalDigis", "eeDigis", EEDigis ); } } cout << endl << "Evt: "<<evtCount <<", Num Jets=" <<caloJets->end() - caloJets->begin() << endl; if(Dump>=1)cout <<" *********************************************************" <<endl; jetInd = 0; if(Dump>=1)for( CaloJetCollection::const_iterator jet = caloJets->begin(); jet != caloJets->end(); ++ jet ) { //2_1_? std::vector <CaloTowerPtr> towers = jet->getCaloConstituents (); //2_0_7" std::vector <CaloTowerPtr> towers = jet->getCaloConstituents (); int nConstituents= towers.size(); cout <<" Jet: "<<jetInd<<", eta="<<jet->eta()<<", phi="<<jet->phi()<<", pt="<<jet->pt()<<\ ",E="<<jet->energy()<<", EB E="<<jet->emEnergyInEB()<<" ,HB E="<<jet->hadEnergyInHB()<<\ ", HO E="<<jet->hadEnergyInHO()<<" ,EE E="<< jet->emEnergyInEE()\ <<", HE E="<<jet->hadEnergyInHE()<<", HF E="<<jet->hadEnergyInHF()+jet->emEnergyInHF()<<", Num Towers="<<nConstituents<<endl; if(Dump>=2)cout <<" ====================================================="<<endl; float sumTowerE = 0.0; if(Dump>=2)for (int i = 0; i <nConstituents ; i++) { CaloTowerCollection::const_iterator theTower=caloTowers->find(towers[i]->id()); //Find the tower from its CaloTowerDetID if (theTower == caloTowers->end()) {cerr<<"Bug? Can't find the tower"<<endl; return;} int ietaTower = towers[i]->id().ieta(); int iphiTower = towers[i]->id().iphi(); sumTowerE += theTower->energy(); size_t numRecHits = theTower->constituentsSize(); cout << " Tower " << i <<": ieta=" << ietaTower << ", eta=" << theTower->eta() <<", iphi=" << iphiTower << ", phi=" << theTower->phi() << \ ", energy=" << theTower->energy() << ", EM=" << theTower->emEnergy()<< ", HAD=" << theTower->hadEnergy()\ << ", HO=" << theTower->outerEnergy() <<", Num Rec Hits =" << numRecHits << endl; if(Dump>=3)cout << " ------------------------------------------------"<<endl; float sumRecHitE = 0.0; if(Dump>=3)for(size_t j = 0; j <numRecHits ; j++) { DetId RecHitDetID=theTower->constituent(j); DetId::Detector DetNum=RecHitDetID.det(); if( DetNum == DetId::Hcal ){ //cout << "RecHit " << j << ": Detector = " << DetNum << ": Hcal " << endl; HcalDetId HcalID = RecHitDetID; HcalSubdetector HcalNum = HcalID.subdet(); if( HcalNum == HcalBarrel ){ HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator theRecHit=HBHERecHits->find(HcalID); sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy(); HBHEDigiCollection::const_iterator theDigis=HBHEDigis->find(HcalID); cout << " RecHit: " << j << ": HB, ieta=" << HcalID.ieta() << ", iphi=" << HcalID.iphi()<< ", depth=" << HcalID.depth() << ", energy=" << theRecHit->energy() << ", time=" <<\ theRecHit->time() <<", All Digis=" << theDigis->size() << ", presamples =" <<\ theDigis->presamples() <<endl; /* const HcalElectronicsId HW_ID = theDigis->elecId(); cout << "Digi: Index=" << HW_ID.linearIndex() << ", raw ID=" << HW_ID.rawId() << ", fiberChan=" << HW_ID.fiberChanId() << ", fiberInd=" << HW_ID.fiberIndex() \ << ", HTR chan=" << HW_ID.htrChanId() << ", HTR Slot=" << HW_ID.htrSlot() << ", HDR top/bot=" << HW_ID.htrTopBottom() \ << ", VME crate=" << HW_ID.readoutVMECrateId() << ", DCC=" << HW_ID.dccid() << ", DCC spigot=" << HW_ID.spigot() << endl; */ float SumDigiCharge = 0.0; float EstimatedPedestal=0.0; int SamplesToAdd = 4; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; if(Dump>=4)for(int k=0; k<theDigis->size(); k++){ const HcalQIESample QIE = theDigis->sample(k); if(k>=theDigis->presamples()&&k<theDigis->presamples()+SamplesToAdd)SumDigiCharge+=QIE.nominal_fC(); if(k<theDigis->presamples()-1)EstimatedPedestal+=QIE.nominal_fC()*SamplesToAdd/(theDigis->presamples()-1); cout << " Digi: " << k << ", cap ID = " << QIE.capid() << ": ADC Counts = " << QIE.adc() << ", nominal fC = " << QIE.nominal_fC() <<endl; } if(Dump>=4)cout << " 4 Digi fC ="<<SumDigiCharge<<", est. ped. fC="<<EstimatedPedestal<<", est. GeV/fc="<<theRecHit->energy()/(SumDigiCharge-EstimatedPedestal) << endl; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; } else if( HcalNum == HcalEndcap ){ HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator theRecHit=HBHERecHits->find(HcalID); if( (abs(HcalID.ieta())==28||abs(HcalID.ieta())==29)&&HcalID.depth()==3){ sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy()/2; //Depth 3 split over tower 28 & 29 } else{ sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy(); } HBHEDigiCollection::const_iterator theDigis=HBHEDigis->find(HcalID); cout << " RecHit: " << j << ": HE, ieta=" << HcalID.ieta() << ", iphi=" << HcalID.iphi()<< ", depth=" << HcalID.depth() << ", energy=" << theRecHit->energy() << ", time=" <<\ theRecHit->time() <<", All Digis=" << theDigis->size() << ", presamples =" <<\ theDigis->presamples() <<endl; float SumDigiCharge = 0.0; float EstimatedPedestal=0.0; int SamplesToAdd = 4; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; if(Dump>=4)for(int k=0; k<theDigis->size(); k++){ const HcalQIESample QIE = theDigis->sample(k); if(k>=theDigis->presamples()&&k<theDigis->presamples()+SamplesToAdd)SumDigiCharge+=QIE.nominal_fC(); if(k<theDigis->presamples()-1)EstimatedPedestal+=QIE.nominal_fC()*SamplesToAdd/(theDigis->presamples()-1); cout << " Digi: " << k << ", cap ID = " << QIE.capid() << ": ADC Counts = " << QIE.adc() << ", nominal fC = " << QIE.nominal_fC() <<endl; } if(Dump>=4)cout << " 4 Digi fC ="<<SumDigiCharge<<", est. ped. fC="<<EstimatedPedestal<<", est. GeV/fc="<<theRecHit->energy()/(SumDigiCharge-EstimatedPedestal) << endl; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; } else if( HcalNum == HcalOuter ){ HORecHitCollection::const_iterator theRecHit=HORecHits->find(HcalID); sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy(); HODigiCollection::const_iterator theDigis=HODigis->find(HcalID); cout << " RecHit: " << j << ": HO, ieta=" << HcalID.ieta() << ", iphi=" << HcalID.iphi()<< ", depth=" << HcalID.depth() << ", energy=" << theRecHit->energy() << ", time=" <<\ theRecHit->time() <<", All Digis=" << theDigis->size() << ", presamples =" <<\ theDigis->presamples() <<endl; float SumDigiCharge = 0.0; float EstimatedPedestal=0.0; int SamplesToAdd = 4; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; if(Dump>=4)for(int k=0; k<theDigis->size(); k++){ const HcalQIESample QIE = theDigis->sample(k); if(k>=theDigis->presamples()&&k<theDigis->presamples()+SamplesToAdd)SumDigiCharge+=QIE.nominal_fC(); if(k<theDigis->presamples()-1)EstimatedPedestal+=QIE.nominal_fC()*SamplesToAdd/(theDigis->presamples()-1); cout << " Digi: " << k << ", cap ID = " << QIE.capid() << ": ADC Counts = " << QIE.adc() << ", nominal fC = " << QIE.nominal_fC() <<endl; } if(Dump>=4)cout << " 4 Digi fC ="<<SumDigiCharge<<", est. ped. fC="<<EstimatedPedestal<<", est. GeV/fc="<<theRecHit->energy()/(SumDigiCharge-EstimatedPedestal) << endl; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; } else if( HcalNum == HcalForward ){ HFRecHitCollection::const_iterator theRecHit=HFRecHits->find(HcalID); sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy(); HFDigiCollection::const_iterator theDigis=HFDigis->find(HcalID); cout << " RecHit: " << j << ": HF, ieta=" << HcalID.ieta() << ", iphi=" << HcalID.iphi()<< ", depth=" << HcalID.depth() << ", energy=" << theRecHit->energy() << ", time=" <<\ theRecHit->time() <<", All Digis=" << theDigis->size() << ", presamples =" <<\ theDigis->presamples() <<endl; float SumDigiCharge = 0.0; float EstimatedPedestal=0.0; int SamplesToAdd = 1; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; if(Dump>=4)for(int k=0; k<theDigis->size(); k++){ const HcalQIESample QIE = theDigis->sample(k); if(k>=theDigis->presamples()&&k<theDigis->presamples()+SamplesToAdd)SumDigiCharge+=QIE.nominal_fC(); if(k<theDigis->presamples()-1)EstimatedPedestal+=QIE.nominal_fC()*SamplesToAdd/(theDigis->presamples()-1); cout << " Digi: " << k << ", cap ID = " << QIE.capid() << ": ADC Counts = " << QIE.adc() << ", nominal fC = " << QIE.nominal_fC() <<endl; } if(Dump>=4)cout << " 1 Digi fC ="<<SumDigiCharge<<", est. ped. fC="<<EstimatedPedestal<<", est. GeV/fc="<<theRecHit->energy()/(SumDigiCharge-EstimatedPedestal) << endl; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; } } if( ShowECal && DetNum == DetId::Ecal ){ int EcalNum = RecHitDetID.subdetId(); if( EcalNum == 1 ){ EBDetId EcalID = RecHitDetID; EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator theRecHit=EBRecHits->find(EcalID); EBDigiCollection::const_iterator theDigis=EBDigis->find(EcalID); sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy(); cout << " RecHit " << j << ": EB, ieta=" << EcalID.ieta() << ", iphi=" << EcalID.iphi() << ", SM=" << EcalID.ism() << ", energy=" << theRecHit->energy() <<", All Digis=" << theDigis->size()<< endl; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; if(Dump>=4)for(unsigned int k=0; k<theDigis->size(); k++){ EBDataFrame frame (*theDigis); const EcalMGPASample MGPA = frame.sample(k); cout << " Digi: " << k << ": ADC Sample = " << MGPA.adc() << ", Gain ID = "<< MGPA.gainId() <<endl; } if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; } else if( EcalNum == 2 ){ EEDetId EcalID = RecHitDetID; EERecHitCollection::const_iterator theRecHit=EERecHits->find(EcalID); EEDigiCollection::const_iterator theDigis=EEDigis->find(EcalID); sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy(); cout << " RecHit " << j << ": EE, ix=" << EcalID.ix() << ", iy=" << EcalID.iy() << ", energy=" << theRecHit->energy() << ", All Digis=" << theDigis->size()<< endl; if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; if(Dump>=4)for(unsigned int k=0; k<theDigis->size(); k++){ EEDataFrame frame (*theDigis); const EcalMGPASample MGPA = frame.sample(k); cout << " Digi: " << k << ": ADC Sample = " << MGPA.adc() << ", Gain ID = "<< MGPA.gainId() <<endl; } if(Dump>=4)cout << " ......................................"<<endl; } } } if(Dump>=3){ if( abs(ietaTower)==28||abs(ietaTower)==29){ cout << " Splitted Sum of RecHit Energies=" << sumRecHitE <<", CaloTower energy=" << theTower->energy() << endl; } else{ cout << " Sum of RecHit Energies=" << sumRecHitE <<", CaloTower energy=" << theTower->energy() << endl; } } if(Dump>=3)cout << " ------------------------------------------------"<<endl; } if(Dump>=2)cout << " Sum of tower energies=" << sumTowerE << ", CaloJet energy=" << jet->energy() << endl; jetInd++; if(Dump>=2)cout <<" ====================================================="<<endl; } evtCount++; if(Dump>=1)cout <<" *********************************************************" <<endl; }
void JetToDigiDump::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [private, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 51 of file JetToDigiDump.cc.
References CaloJetAlg, gather_cfg::cout, DebugLevel, Dump, DumpLevel, and evtCount.
{ if(DumpLevel=="Jets") { cout << "Dump of Jets" << endl; Dump=1; } else if(DumpLevel=="Towers") { cout << "Dump of Jets and constituent CaloTowers" << endl; Dump=2; } else if(DumpLevel=="RecHits") { cout << "Dump of Jets, constituent CaloTowers, and constituent RecHits" << endl; Dump=3; } else if(DumpLevel=="Digis") { cout << "Dump of Jets, constituent CaloTowers, constituent RecHits and associated Digis" << endl; Dump=4; } cout << "Jet Algorithm being dumped is " << CaloJetAlg << endl; cout<<"Debug level is " << DebugLevel << endl; //Initialize some stuff evtCount = 0; }
void JetToDigiDump::endJob | ( | void | ) | [private, virtual] |
std::string JetToDigiDump::CaloJetAlg [private] |
Definition at line 27 of file JetToDigiDump.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int JetToDigiDump::DebugLevel [private] |
Definition at line 28 of file JetToDigiDump.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int JetToDigiDump::Dump [private] |
Definition at line 32 of file JetToDigiDump.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
std::string JetToDigiDump::DumpLevel [private] |
Definition at line 26 of file JetToDigiDump.h.
Referenced by beginJob().
int JetToDigiDump::evtCount [private] |
Definition at line 33 of file JetToDigiDump.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
bool JetToDigiDump::ShowECal [private] |
Definition at line 29 of file JetToDigiDump.h.
Referenced by analyze().