![]() |
![]() |
#include <TrackingTruthProducer.h>
Definition at line 35 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
typedef std::map<EncodedEventId, unsigned int> TrackingTruthProducer::EncodedEventIdToIndex [private] |
Definition at line 87 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
typedef std::map<EncodedTruthId, unsigned int> TrackingTruthProducer::EncodedTruthIdToIndex [private] |
Definition at line 88 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
typedef std::multimap<EncodedTruthId, unsigned int> TrackingTruthProducer::EncodedTruthIdToIndexes [private] |
Definition at line 89 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
TrackingTruthProducer::TrackingTruthProducer | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | config | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 26 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References dataLabels_, distanceCut_, edm::ParameterSet::exists(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), mergedBremsstrahlung_, MessageCategory_, removeDeadModules_, selector_, selectorFlag_, simHitLabel_, useMultipleHepMCLabels_, volumeRadius_, and volumeZ_.
: pSimHitSelector_(config), pixelPSimHitSelector_(config), trackerPSimHitSelector_(config), muonPSimHitSelector_(config) { // Initialize global parameters dataLabels_ = config.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("HepMCDataLabels"); useMultipleHepMCLabels_ = config.getParameter<bool>("useMultipleHepMCLabels"); distanceCut_ = config.getParameter<double>("vertexDistanceCut"); volumeRadius_ = config.getParameter<double>("volumeRadius"); volumeZ_ = config.getParameter<double>("volumeZ"); mergedBremsstrahlung_ = config.getParameter<bool>("mergedBremsstrahlung"); removeDeadModules_ = config.getParameter<bool>("removeDeadModules"); simHitLabel_ = config.getParameter<std::string>("simHitLabel"); // Initialize selection for building TrackingParticles if ( config.exists("select") ) { edm::ParameterSet param = config.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("select"); selector_ = TrackingParticleSelector( param.getParameter<double>("ptMinTP"), param.getParameter<double>("minRapidityTP"), param.getParameter<double>("maxRapidityTP"), param.getParameter<double>("tipTP"), param.getParameter<double>("lipTP"), param.getParameter<int>("minHitTP"), param.getParameter<bool>("signalOnlyTP"), param.getParameter<bool>("chargedOnlyTP"), param.getParameter<bool>("stableOnlyTP"), param.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("pdgIdTP") ); selectorFlag_ = true; } else selectorFlag_ = false; MessageCategory_ = "TrackingTruthProducer"; edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "Setting up TrackingTruthProducer"; edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "Vertex distance cut set to " << distanceCut_ << " mm"; edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "Volume radius set to " << volumeRadius_ << " mm"; edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "Volume Z set to " << volumeZ_ << " mm"; if (useMultipleHepMCLabels_) edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "Collecting generator information from pileup."; if (mergedBremsstrahlung_) edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "Merging electrom bremsstralung"; if (removeDeadModules_) edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "Removing psimhit from dead modules"; if (!mergedBremsstrahlung_) { produces<TrackingVertexCollection>(); produces<TrackingParticleCollection>(); } else { produces<TrackingVertexCollection>(); produces<TrackingParticleCollection>(); produces<TrackingVertexCollection>("MergedTrackTruth"); produces<TrackingParticleCollection>("MergedTrackTruth"); } }
void TrackingTruthProducer::addCloseGenVertexes | ( | TrackingVertex & | trackingVertex | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 803 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References TrackingVertex::addGenVertex(), distanceCut_, TrackingVertex::eventId(), MCTruth::genEvent, hepMCProducts_, mag2(), TrackingVertex::position(), EncodedEventId::rawId(), mathSSE::sqrt(), and useMultipleHepMCLabels_.
Referenced by setTrackingVertex().
{ // Get the generated particle edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> hepmc = (useMultipleHepMCLabels_) ? hepMCProducts_.at(trackingVertex.eventId().rawId()) : hepMCProducts_.at(0); const HepMC::GenEvent * genEvent = hepmc->GetEvent(); // Get the postion of the tv Vector tvPosition(trackingVertex.position().x(), trackingVertex.position().y(), trackingVertex.position().z()); // Find HepMC vertices, put them in a close TrackingVertex (this could conceivably add the same GenVertex to multiple TrackingVertices) for ( HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator iGenVertex = genEvent->vertices_begin(); iGenVertex != genEvent->vertices_end(); ++iGenVertex ) { // Get the position of the genVertex HepMC::ThreeVector rawPosition = (*iGenVertex)->position(); // Convert to cm Vector genPosition(rawPosition.x()/10.0, rawPosition.y()/10.0, rawPosition.z()/10.0); // Calculate the dis double distance = sqrt( (tvPosition - genPosition).mag2() ); if (distance <= distanceCut_) trackingVertex.addGenVertex( GenVertexRef(hepmc, (*iGenVertex)->barcode()) ); } }
void TrackingTruthProducer::associator | ( | std::auto_ptr< MixCollection< SimVertex > > const & | mixCollection, |
EncodedTruthIdToIndex & | association | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 227 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References getHLTprescales::index, and MessageCategory_.
{ int index = 0; // Solution to the problem of not having vertexId bool useVertexId = true; EncodedEventIdToIndex vertexId; EncodedEventId oldEventId; unsigned int oldVertexId = 0; // Loop for finding repeated vertexId (vertexId problem hack) for (MixCollection<SimVertex>::MixItr iterator = mixCollection->begin(); iterator != mixCollection->end(); ++iterator, ++index) { if (!index || iterator->eventId() != oldEventId) { oldEventId = iterator->eventId(); oldVertexId = iterator->vertexId(); continue; } if ( iterator->vertexId() == oldVertexId ) { edm::LogWarning(MessageCategory_) << "Multiple vertexId found, no using vertexId."; useVertexId = false; break; } } // Reset the index index = 0; // Clear the association map association.clear(); // Create a association from simvertexes to overall index in the mix collection for (MixCollection<SimVertex>::MixItr iterator = mixCollection->begin(); iterator != mixCollection->end(); ++iterator, ++index) { EncodedTruthId objectId; if (useVertexId) objectId = EncodedTruthId(iterator->eventId(), iterator->vertexId()); else objectId = EncodedTruthId(iterator->eventId(), vertexId[iterator->eventId()]++); association.insert( std::make_pair(objectId, index) ); } }
void TrackingTruthProducer::associator | ( | std::vector< PSimHit > const & | pSimHits, |
EncodedTruthIdToIndexes & | association | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 193 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References i.
Referenced by produce().
{ // Clear the association map association.clear(); // Create a association from simtracks to overall index in the mix collection for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pSimHits.size(); ++i) { EncodedTruthIdToIndexes::key_type objectId = EncodedTruthIdToIndexes::key_type(pSimHits[i].eventId(), pSimHits[i].trackId()); association.insert( std::make_pair(objectId, i) ); } }
void TrackingTruthProducer::associator | ( | std::auto_ptr< MixCollection< SimTrack > > const & | mixCollection, |
EncodedTruthIdToIndex & | association | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 210 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References getHLTprescales::index.
{ int index = 0; // Clear the association map association.clear(); // Create a association from simtracks to overall index in the mix collection for (MixCollection<SimTrack>::MixItr iterator = mixCollection->begin(); iterator != mixCollection->end(); ++iterator, ++index) { EncodedTruthId objectId = EncodedTruthId(iterator->eventId(), iterator->trackId()); association.insert( std::make_pair(objectId, index) ); } }
void TrackingTruthProducer::createTrackingTruth | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 471 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References CoreSimTrack::eventId(), eventIdCounter_, SimVertex::noParent(), SimTrack::noVertex(), SimVertex::parentIndex(), refTrackingParticles_, refTrackingVertexes_, setTrackingParticle(), setTrackingVertex(), simTracks_, simVertexes_, trackIdToIndex_, trackingParticles_, trackingVertexes_, vertexIdToIndex_, and SimTrack::vertIndex().
Referenced by produce().
{ // Reset the event counter (use for define vertexId) eventIdCounter_.clear(); // Define a container of vetoed traks std::map<int,std::size_t> vetoedTracks; // Define map between parent simtrack and tv indexes std::map<int,std::size_t> vetoedSimVertexes; for (int simTrackIndex = 0; simTrackIndex != simTracks_->size(); ++simTrackIndex) { // Check if the simTrack is excluded (includes non traceable and recovered by history) if ( vetoedTracks.find(simTrackIndex) != vetoedTracks.end() ) continue; SimTrack const & simTrack = simTracks_->getObject(simTrackIndex); TrackingParticle trackingParticle; // Set a bare tp (only with the psimhit) with a given simtrack // the function return true if it is tracable if ( setTrackingParticle(simTrack, trackingParticle) ) { // Follows the path upward recovering the history of the particle SimTrack const * currentSimTrack = & simTrack; // Initial condition for the tp and tv indexes int trackingParticleIndex = -1; int trackingVertexIndex = -1; do { // Set a new tracking particle for the current simtrack // and add it to the list of parent tracks of previous vertex if (trackingParticleIndex >= 0) { setTrackingParticle(*currentSimTrack, trackingParticle); // Set the tp index to its new value trackingParticleIndex = trackingParticles_->size(); // Push the tp in to the collection trackingParticles_->push_back(trackingParticle); // Add the previous track to the list of decay vertexes of the new tp trackingParticles_->at(trackingParticleIndex).addDecayVertex( TrackingVertexRef(refTrackingVertexes_, trackingVertexIndex) ); // Add the new tp to the list of parent tracks of the previous tv trackingVertexes_->at(trackingVertexIndex).addParentTrack( TrackingParticleRef(refTrackingParticles_, trackingParticleIndex) ); } else { // Set the tp index to its new value trackingParticleIndex = trackingParticles_->size(); // Push the tp in to the collection trackingParticles_->push_back(trackingParticle); // Vetoed the simTrack vetoedTracks.insert( std::make_pair(simTrackIndex, trackingParticleIndex) ); } // Verify if the parent simVertex has a simTrack or if the source is a vetoSimVertex if (currentSimTrack->noVertex()) break; // Get the simTrack parent index (it is implicit should be in the same event as current) unsigned int parentSimVertexIndex = vertexIdToIndex_[ EncodedTruthId( currentSimTrack->eventId(), currentSimTrack->vertIndex() ) ]; // Create a new tv TrackingVertex trackingVertex; // Get the parent simVertex associated to the current simTrack SimVertex const * parentSimVertex = & simVertexes_->getObject(parentSimVertexIndex); bool vetoSimVertex = vetoedSimVertexes.find(parentSimVertexIndex) != vetoedSimVertexes.end(); // Check for a already visited parent simTrack if ( !vetoSimVertex ) { // Set the tv by using simvertex trackingVertexIndex = setTrackingVertex(*parentSimVertex, trackingVertex); // Check if a new vertex needs to be created if (trackingVertexIndex < 0) { // Set the tv index ot its new value trackingVertexIndex = trackingVertexes_->size(); // Push the new tv in to the collection trackingVertexes_->push_back(trackingVertex); } else { // I removed the setVertex call here because it's actually useful to // have the stored position vector different to the position of the // referenced parent vertex. This "else" block is for when the vertex // has been merged into another one within the configured distance of // distanceCut_ (default is 30 microns). If that happens then we might // as well keep the true position which will have been set when the // TrackingParticle was initialised. Grimes 09/Aug/2013 } vetoedSimVertexes.insert( std::make_pair(parentSimVertexIndex, trackingVertexIndex) ); } else trackingVertexIndex = vetoedSimVertexes[parentSimVertexIndex]; // Set the newly created tv as parent vertex trackingParticles_->at(trackingParticleIndex).setParentVertex( TrackingVertexRef(refTrackingVertexes_, trackingVertexIndex) ); // Add the newly created tp to the tv daughter list trackingVertexes_->at(trackingVertexIndex).addDaughterTrack( TrackingParticleRef(refTrackingParticles_, trackingParticleIndex) ); // Verify if the parent simVertex has a simTrack or if the source is a vetoSimVertex if (parentSimVertex->noParent() || vetoSimVertex) break; // Get the next simTrack index (it is implicit should be in the same event as current). unsigned int nextSimTrackIndex = trackIdToIndex_[ EncodedTruthId( currentSimTrack->eventId(), parentSimVertex->parentIndex() ) ]; // Check if the next track exist if ( vetoedTracks.find(nextSimTrackIndex) != vetoedTracks.end() ) { // Add to the newly created tv the existent next simtrack in to parent list. trackingVertexes_->at(trackingVertexIndex).addParentTrack( TrackingParticleRef(refTrackingParticles_, vetoedTracks[nextSimTrackIndex]) ); // Add the vertex to list of decay vertexes of the new tp trackingParticles_->at(vetoedTracks[nextSimTrackIndex]).addDecayVertex( TrackingVertexRef(refTrackingVertexes_, trackingVertexIndex) ); break; } // Vetoed the next simTrack vetoedTracks.insert( std::make_pair(nextSimTrackIndex, trackingParticleIndex) ); // Set the current simTrack as the next simTrack currentSimTrack = & simTracks_->getObject(nextSimTrackIndex); } while (!currentSimTrack->noVertex()); } } }
bool TrackingTruthProducer::isBremsstrahlungVertex | ( | TrackingVertex const & | vertex, |
std::auto_ptr< TrackingParticleCollection > & | tPC | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 432 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References abs, TrackingVertex::daughterTracks_begin(), TrackingVertex::daughterTracks_end(), parents, benchmark_cfg::pdgId, and TrackingVertex::sourceTracks().
Referenced by mergeBremsstrahlung().
{ const TrackingParticleRefVector parents(vertex.sourceTracks()); // Check for the basic parent conditions if ( parents.size() != 1) return false; // Check for the parent particle is a |electron| (electron or positron) if ( std::abs( tPC->at(parents.begin()->key()).pdgId() ) != 11 ) return false; unsigned int nElectrons = 0; unsigned int nOthers = 0; // Loop over the daughter particles and counts the number of |electrons|, others (non photons) for ( TrackingVertex::tp_iterator it = vertex.daughterTracks_begin(); it != vertex.daughterTracks_end(); ++it ) { // Stronger rejection for looping particles if ( parents[0] == *it ) return false; if ( std::abs( tPC->at(it->key()).pdgId() ) == 11 ) nElectrons++; else if ( tPC->at(it->key()).pdgId() != 22 ) nOthers++; } // Condition to be a Bremsstrahlung Vertex if (nElectrons == 1 && nOthers == 0) return true; return false; }
int TrackingTruthProducer::LayerFromDetid | ( | const unsigned int & | detid | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 834 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References DetId::det(), PXFDetId::disk(), TIBDetId::layer(), TOBDetId::layer(), PXBDetId::layer(), align::tib::layerNumber(), PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, DetId::rawId(), DetId::subdetId(), StripSubdetector::TEC, StripSubdetector::TIB, StripSubdetector::TID, StripSubdetector::TOB, align::Tracker, TIDDetId::wheel(), and TECDetId::wheel().
Referenced by setTrackingParticle().
{ DetId detId = DetId(detid); if ( detId.det() != DetId::Tracker ) return 0; int layerNumber=0; unsigned int subdetId = static_cast<unsigned int>(detId.subdetId()); if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TIB) { TIBDetId tibid(detId.rawId()); layerNumber = tibid.layer(); } else if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TOB ) { TOBDetId tobid(detId.rawId()); layerNumber = tobid.layer(); } else if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TID) { TIDDetId tidid(detId.rawId()); layerNumber = tidid.wheel(); } else if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TEC ) { TECDetId tecid(detId.rawId()); layerNumber = tecid.wheel(); } else if ( subdetId == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel ) { PXBDetId pxbid(detId.rawId()); layerNumber = pxbid.layer(); } else if ( subdetId == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap ) { PXFDetId pxfid(detId.rawId()); layerNumber = pxfid.disk(); } else edm::LogVerbatim("TrackingTruthProducer") << "Unknown subdetid: " << subdetId; return layerNumber; }
void TrackingTruthProducer::mergeBremsstrahlung | ( | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 277 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References abs, TrackingVertex::addDaughterTrack(), TrackingParticle::addDecayVertex(), TrackingParticle::addG4Track(), TrackingVertex::addParentTrack(), TrackingParticle::addPSimHit(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), TrackingVertex::clearDaughterTracks(), TrackingParticle::clearDecayVertices(), TrackingVertex::clearParentTracks(), TrackingParticle::clearParentVertex(), TrackingParticle::decayVertices(), TrackingParticle::decayVertices_begin(), TrackingParticle::decayVertices_end(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), TrackingParticle::g4Track_begin(), TrackingParticle::g4Track_end(), getHLTprescales::index, isBremsstrahlungVertex(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), mergedTrackingParticles_, mergedTrackingVertexes_, MessageCategory_, TrackingParticle::parentVertex(), TrackingParticle::pdgId(), TrackingParticle::pSimHit_begin(), TrackingParticle::pSimHit_end(), refMergedTrackingParticles_, refMergedTrackingVertexes_, TrackingParticle::setParentVertex(), TrackingVertex::sourceTracks(), trackingParticles_, and trackingVertexes_.
Referenced by produce().
{ unsigned int index = 0; std::set<unsigned int> excludedTV, excludedTP; // Merge Bremsstrahlung vertexes for (TrackingVertexCollection::iterator iVC = trackingVertexes_->begin(); iVC != trackingVertexes_->end(); ++iVC, ++index) { // Check Bremsstrahlung vertex if ( isBremsstrahlungVertex(*iVC, trackingParticles_) ) { // Get a pointer to the source track (A Ref<> cannot be use with a product!) TrackingParticle * track = &trackingParticles_->at(iVC->sourceTracks_begin()->key()); // Get a Ref<> to the source track TrackingParticleRef trackRef = *iVC->sourceTracks_begin(); // Pointer to electron daughter TrackingParticle * daughter = 0; // Ref<> to electron daughter TrackingParticleRef daughterRef; // Select the electron daughter and redirect the photon for (TrackingVertex::tp_iterator idaughter = iVC->daughterTracks_begin(); idaughter != iVC->daughterTracks_end(); ++idaughter) { TrackingParticle * pointer = &trackingParticles_->at(idaughter->key()); if ( std::abs( pointer->pdgId() ) == 11 ) { // Set pointer to the electron daughter daughter = pointer; // Set Ref<> to the electron daughter daughterRef = *idaughter; } else if ( pointer->pdgId() == 22 ) { // Delete the photon original parent vertex pointer->clearParentVertex(); // Set the new parent vertex to the vertex of the source track pointer->setParentVertex( track->parentVertex() ); // Get a non-const pointer to the parent vertex TrackingVertex * vertex = &trackingVertexes_->at( track->parentVertex().key() ); // Add the photon to the doughter list of the parent vertex vertex->addDaughterTrack( *idaughter ); } } // Add the electron segments from the electron daughter // track must not be the same particle as daughter // if (track != daughter) for (TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator isegment = daughter->g4Track_begin(); isegment != daughter->g4Track_end(); ++isegment) track->addG4Track(*isegment); // Copy all the simhits to the new track for (std::vector<PSimHit>::const_iterator ihit = daughter->pSimHit_begin(); ihit != daughter->pSimHit_end(); ++ihit) track->addPSimHit(*ihit); // Make a copy of the decay vertexes of the track TrackingVertexRefVector decayVertices( track->decayVertices() ); // Clear the decay vertex list track->clearDecayVertices(); // Add the remaining vertexes for (TrackingVertexRefVector::const_iterator idecay = decayVertices.begin(); idecay != decayVertices.end(); ++idecay) if ( (*idecay).key() != index ) track->addDecayVertex(*idecay); // Redirect all the decay source vertexes to those in the electron daughter for (TrackingParticle::tv_iterator idecay = daughter->decayVertices_begin(); idecay != daughter->decayVertices_end(); ++idecay) { // Add the vertexes to the decay list of the source particles track->addDecayVertex(*idecay); // Get a reference to decay vertex TrackingVertex * vertex = &trackingVertexes_->at( idecay->key() ); // Copy all the source tracks from of the decay vertex TrackingParticleRefVector sources( vertex->sourceTracks() ); // Clear the source track references vertex->clearParentTracks(); // Add the new source tracks by excluding the one with the segment merged for (TrackingVertex::tp_iterator isource = sources.begin(); isource != sources.end(); ++isource) if (*isource != daughterRef) vertex->addParentTrack(*isource); // Add the track reference to the list of sources vertex->addParentTrack(trackRef); } // Adding the vertex to the exlusion list excludedTV.insert(index); // Adding the electron segment tp into the exlusion list excludedTP.insert( daughterRef.key() ); } } edm::LogInfo(MessageCategory_) << "Generating the merged collection." << std::endl; // Reserved the same amount of memory for the merged collections mergedTrackingParticles_->reserve(trackingParticles_->size()); mergedTrackingVertexes_->reserve(trackingVertexes_->size()); index = 0; std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> vertexMap; // Copy non-excluded vertices discarding parent & child tracks for (TrackingVertexCollection::const_iterator iVC = trackingVertexes_->begin(); iVC != trackingVertexes_->end(); ++iVC, ++index) { if ( excludedTV.find(index) != excludedTV.end() ) continue; // Save the new location of the non excluded vertexes (take in consideration those were removed) vertexMap.insert( std::make_pair(index, mergedTrackingVertexes_->size()) ); // Copy those vertexes are not excluded TrackingVertex newVertex = (*iVC); newVertex.clearDaughterTracks(); newVertex.clearParentTracks(); mergedTrackingVertexes_->push_back(newVertex); } index = 0; // Copy and cross reference the non-excluded tp to the merged collection for (TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator iTP = trackingParticles_->begin(); iTP != trackingParticles_->end(); ++iTP, ++index) { if ( excludedTP.find(index) != excludedTP.end() ) continue; TrackingVertexRef sourceV = iTP->parentVertex(); TrackingVertexRefVector decayVs = iTP->decayVertices(); TrackingParticle newTrack = *iTP; newTrack.clearParentVertex(); newTrack.clearDecayVertices(); // Set vertex indices for new vertex product and track references in those vertices // Index of parent vertex in vertex container unsigned int parentIndex = vertexMap[sourceV.key()]; // Index of this track in track container unsigned int tIndex = mergedTrackingParticles_->size(); // Add vertex to track newTrack.setParentVertex( TrackingVertexRef(refMergedTrackingVertexes_, parentIndex) ); // Add track to vertex (mergedTrackingVertexes_->at(parentIndex)).addDaughterTrack(TrackingParticleRef(refMergedTrackingParticles_, tIndex)); for (TrackingVertexRefVector::const_iterator iDecayV = decayVs.begin(); iDecayV != decayVs.end(); ++iDecayV) { // Index of decay vertex in vertex container unsigned int daughterIndex = vertexMap[iDecayV->key()]; // Add vertex to track newTrack.addDecayVertex( TrackingVertexRef(refMergedTrackingVertexes_, daughterIndex) ); // Add track to vertex (mergedTrackingVertexes_->at(daughterIndex)).addParentTrack( TrackingParticleRef(refMergedTrackingParticles_, tIndex) ); } mergedTrackingParticles_->push_back(newTrack); } }
void TrackingTruthProducer::produce | ( | edm::Event & | event, |
const edm::EventSetup & | setup | ||
) | [private, virtual] |
Implements edm::EDProducer.
Definition at line 87 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References associator(), createTrackingTruth(), dataLabels_, edm::Event::getByLabel(), hepMCProducts_, mergeBremsstrahlung(), mergedBremsstrahlung_, mergedTrackingParticles_, mergedTrackingVertexes_, MessageCategory_, muonPSimHitSelector_, pixelPSimHitSelector_, edm::Handle< T >::product(), pSimHits_, pSimHitSelector_, refMergedTrackingParticles_, refMergedTrackingVertexes_, refTrackingParticles_, refTrackingVertexes_, removeDeadModules_, PixelPSimHitSelector::select(), MuonPSimHitSelector::select(), TrackerPSimHitSelector::select(), PSimHitSelector::select(), simHitLabel_, simTracks_, simVertexes_, LaserTracksInput_cfi::source, trackerPSimHitSelector_, trackIdToHits_, trackIdToIndex_, trackingParticles_, trackingVertexes_, useMultipleHepMCLabels_, and vertexIdToIndex_.
{ // Clean the list of hepmc products hepMCProducts_.clear(); // Collect all the HepMCProducts edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> hepMCHandle; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator source = dataLabels_.begin(); source != dataLabels_.end(); ++source) { if ( event.getByLabel(*source, hepMCHandle) ) { hepMCProducts_.push_back(hepMCHandle); edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "Using HepMC source " << *source; if (!useMultipleHepMCLabels_) break; } } if ( hepMCProducts_.empty() ) { edm::LogWarning (MessageCategory_) << "No HepMC source found"; return; } else if (hepMCProducts_.size() > 1 || useMultipleHepMCLabels_) { edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "You are using more than one HepMC source."; edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "If the labels are not in the same order as the events in the crossing frame (i.e. signal, pileup(s) ) "; edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << "or there are fewer labels than events in the crossing frame"; edm::LogInfo (MessageCategory_) << MessageCategory_ << " may try to access data in the wrong HepMCProduct and crash."; } // Collect all the simtracks from the crossing frame edm::Handle<CrossingFrame<SimTrack> > cfSimTracks; event.getByLabel("mix", simHitLabel_, cfSimTracks); // Create a mix collection from one simtrack collection simTracks_ = std::auto_ptr<MixCollection<SimTrack> >( new MixCollection<SimTrack>(cfSimTracks.product()) ); // Collect all the simvertex from the crossing frame edm::Handle<CrossingFrame<SimVertex> > cfSimVertexes; event.getByLabel("mix", simHitLabel_, cfSimVertexes); // Create a mix collection from one simvertex collection simVertexes_ = std::auto_ptr<MixCollection<SimVertex> >( new MixCollection<SimVertex>(cfSimVertexes.product()) ); // Create collections of things we will put in event trackingParticles_ = std::auto_ptr<TrackingParticleCollection>( new TrackingParticleCollection ); trackingVertexes_ = std::auto_ptr<TrackingVertexCollection>( new TrackingVertexCollection ); // Get references before put so we can cross reference refTrackingParticles_ = event.getRefBeforePut<TrackingParticleCollection>(); refTrackingVertexes_ = event.getRefBeforePut<TrackingVertexCollection>(); // Create a list of psimhits if (removeDeadModules_) { pSimHits_.clear(); pixelPSimHitSelector_.select(pSimHits_, event, setup); trackerPSimHitSelector_.select(pSimHits_, event, setup); muonPSimHitSelector_.select(pSimHits_, event, setup); } else { pSimHits_.clear(); pSimHitSelector_.select(pSimHits_, event, setup); } // Create a multimap between trackId and hit indices associator(pSimHits_, trackIdToHits_); // Create a map between trackId and track index associator(simTracks_, trackIdToIndex_); // Create a map between vertexId and vertex index associator(simVertexes_, vertexIdToIndex_); createTrackingTruth(); if (mergedBremsstrahlung_) { // Create collections of things we will put in event, mergedTrackingParticles_ = std::auto_ptr<TrackingParticleCollection>( new TrackingParticleCollection ); mergedTrackingVertexes_ = std::auto_ptr<TrackingVertexCollection>( new TrackingVertexCollection ); // Get references before put so we can cross reference refMergedTrackingParticles_ = event.getRefBeforePut<TrackingParticleCollection>("MergedTrackTruth"); refMergedTrackingVertexes_ = event.getRefBeforePut<TrackingVertexCollection>("MergedTrackTruth"); // Merged brem electrons mergeBremsstrahlung(); // Put TrackingParticles and TrackingVertices in event event.put(mergedTrackingParticles_, "MergedTrackTruth"); event.put(mergedTrackingVertexes_, "MergedTrackTruth"); event.put(trackingParticles_); event.put(trackingVertexes_); } else { // Put TrackingParticles and TrackingVertices in event event.put(trackingParticles_); event.put(trackingVertexes_); } }
bool TrackingTruthProducer::setTrackingParticle | ( | SimTrack const & | simTrack, |
TrackingParticle & | trackingParticle | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 629 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References TrackingParticle::addG4Track(), TrackingParticle::addGenParticle(), TrackingParticle::addPSimHit(), EncodedEventId::bunchCrossing(), CoreSimTrack::charge(), PSimHit::detUnitId(), EncodedEventId::event(), CoreSimTrack::eventId(), configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, SimTrack::genpartIndex(), hepMCProducts_, init, LayerFromDetid(), CoreSimTrack::momentum(), SimTrack::noVertex(), PSimHit::particleType(), benchmark_cfg::pdgId, position, PSimHit::processType(), pSimHits_, EncodedEventId::rawId(), selector_, selectorFlag_, TrackingParticle::setMatchedHit(), simVertexes_, ntuplemaker::status, DetId::subdetId(), CoreSimTrack::trackId(), trackIdToHits_, CoreSimTrack::type(), useMultipleHepMCLabels_, vertexIdToIndex_, and SimTrack::vertIndex().
Referenced by createTrackingTruth().
{ // Get the eventid associated to the track EncodedEventId trackEventId = simTrack.eventId(); // Get the simtrack id EncodedTruthId simTrackId = EncodedTruthId( trackEventId, simTrack.trackId() ); // Location of the parent vertex LorentzVector position; // If not parent then location is (0,0,0,0) if (simTrack.noVertex()) position = LorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0); else { unsigned int parentSimVertexIndex = vertexIdToIndex_[ EncodedTruthId( simTrack.eventId(), simTrack.vertIndex() ) ]; position = simVertexes_->getObject(parentSimVertexIndex).position(); } // Define the default status and pdgid int status = -99; int pdgId = simTrack.type(); int genParticleIndex = simTrack.genpartIndex(); bool signalEvent = (trackEventId.event() == 0 && trackEventId.bunchCrossing() == 0); // In the case of a existing generated particle and track // event is signal redefine status a pdgId edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> hepmc; if (genParticleIndex >= 0 && (signalEvent || useMultipleHepMCLabels_) ) { // Get the generated particle hepmc = (useMultipleHepMCLabels_) ? hepMCProducts_.at(trackEventId.rawId()) : hepmc = hepMCProducts_.at(0); const HepMC::GenParticle * genParticle = hepmc->GetEvent()->barcode_to_particle(genParticleIndex); if (genParticle) { status = genParticle->status(); pdgId = genParticle->pdg_id(); } } // Create a tp from the simtrack trackingParticle = TrackingParticle( (char) simTrack.charge(), simTrack.momentum(), Vector(position.x(), position.y(), position.z()), position.t(), pdgId, status, trackEventId ); bool init = true; int processType = 0; int particleType = 0; // Counting the TP hits using the layers (as in ORCA). // Does seem to find less hits. maybe b/c layer is a number now, not a pointer int totalSimHits = 0; int oldLayer = 0; int newLayer = 0; int oldDetector = 0; int newDetector = 0; // Loop over the associated hits per track for ( EncodedTruthIdToIndexes::const_iterator iEntry = trackIdToHits_.lower_bound(simTrackId); iEntry != trackIdToHits_.upper_bound(simTrackId); ++iEntry ) { // Get a constant reference to the simhit PSimHit const & pSimHit = pSimHits_.at(iEntry->second); // Initial condition for consistent simhit selection if (init) { processType = pSimHit.processType(); particleType = pSimHit.particleType(); init = false; } // Check for delta and interaction products discards if (processType == pSimHit.processType() && particleType == pSimHit.particleType() && pdgId == pSimHit.particleType() ) { trackingParticle.addPSimHit(pSimHit); unsigned int detectorIdIndex = pSimHit.detUnitId(); DetId detectorId = DetId(detectorIdIndex); oldLayer = newLayer; oldDetector = newDetector; newLayer = LayerFromDetid(detectorIdIndex); newDetector = detectorId.subdetId(); // Count hits using layers for glued detectors // newlayer !=0 excludes Muon layers set to 0 by LayerFromDetid if ( ( oldLayer != newLayer || (oldLayer==newLayer && oldDetector!=newDetector ) ) && newLayer != 0 ) totalSimHits++; } } // Set the number of matched simhits trackingParticle.setMatchedHit(totalSimHits); // Add the simtrack associated to the tp trackingParticle.addG4Track(simTrack); // Add the generator information if ( genParticleIndex >= 0 && (signalEvent || useMultipleHepMCLabels_) ) trackingParticle.addGenParticle( GenParticleRef(hepmc, genParticleIndex) ); if (selectorFlag_) return selector_(trackingParticle); return true; }
int TrackingTruthProducer::setTrackingVertex | ( | SimVertex const & | simVertex, |
TrackingVertex & | trackingVertex | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 752 of file TrackingTruthProducer.cc.
References abs, addCloseGenVertexes(), TrackingVertex::addG4Vertex(), distanceCut_, CoreSimVertex::eventId(), eventIdCounter_, P, position, CoreSimVertex::position(), trackingVertexes_, volumeRadius_, and volumeZ_.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth().
{ LorentzVector const & position = simVertex.position(); // Look for close by vertexes for (std::size_t trackingVertexIndex = 0; trackingVertexIndex < trackingVertexes_->size(); ++trackingVertexIndex) { // Calculate the distance double distance = (position - trackingVertexes_->at(trackingVertexIndex).position()).P(); // If the distance is under a given cut return the trackingVertex index (vertex merging) if (distance <= distanceCut_) { // Add simvertex to the pre existent tv trackingVertexes_->at(trackingVertexIndex).addG4Vertex(simVertex); // return tv index return trackingVertexIndex; } } // Get the event if from the simvertex EncodedEventId simVertexEventId = simVertex.eventId(); // Initialize the event counter if (eventIdCounter_.find(simVertexEventId) == eventIdCounter_.end()) eventIdCounter_[simVertexEventId] = 0; // Get the simVertex id EncodedTruthId simVertexId = EncodedTruthId(simVertexEventId, eventIdCounter_[simVertexEventId]); // Calculate if the vertex is in the tracker volume (it needs to be review for other detectors) bool inVolume = (position.Pt() < volumeRadius_ && std::abs(position.z()) < volumeZ_); // In or out of Tracker // Initialize the new vertex trackingVertex = TrackingVertex(position, inVolume, simVertexId); // Find the the closest GenVertexes to the created tv addCloseGenVertexes(trackingVertex); // Add the g4 vertex to the tv trackingVertex.addG4Vertex(simVertex); // Initialize the event counter eventIdCounter_[simVertexEventId]++; return -1; }
Definition at line 48 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
std::vector<std::string> TrackingTruthProducer::dataLabels_ [private] |
Definition at line 50 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
double TrackingTruthProducer::distanceCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 52 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by addCloseGenVertexes(), setTrackingVertex(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
Definition at line 91 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), and setTrackingVertex().
std::vector<edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> > TrackingTruthProducer::hepMCProducts_ [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by addCloseGenVertexes(), produce(), and setTrackingParticle().
std::vector<std::string> TrackingTruthProducer::hitLabelsVector_ [private] |
Definition at line 53 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
bool TrackingTruthProducer::mergedBremsstrahlung_ [private] |
Definition at line 56 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
std::auto_ptr<TrackingParticleCollection> TrackingTruthProducer::mergedTrackingParticles_ [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by mergeBremsstrahlung(), and produce().
std::auto_ptr<TrackingVertexCollection> TrackingTruthProducer::mergedTrackingVertexes_ [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by mergeBremsstrahlung(), and produce().
std::string TrackingTruthProducer::MessageCategory_ [private] |
Definition at line 60 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by associator(), mergeBremsstrahlung(), produce(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
Definition at line 71 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce().
Definition at line 69 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce().
Definition at line 66 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce(), and setTrackingParticle().
Definition at line 68 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce().
Definition at line 84 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by mergeBremsstrahlung(), and produce().
Definition at line 85 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by mergeBremsstrahlung(), and produce().
Definition at line 79 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), and produce().
Definition at line 80 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), and produce().
bool TrackingTruthProducer::removeDeadModules_ [private] |
Definition at line 57 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
Definition at line 97 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by setTrackingParticle(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
bool TrackingTruthProducer::selectorFlag_ [private] |
Definition at line 96 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by setTrackingParticle(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
std::string TrackingTruthProducer::simHitLabel_ [private] |
Definition at line 58 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
std::auto_ptr<MixCollection<SimTrack> > TrackingTruthProducer::simTracks_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), and produce().
std::auto_ptr<MixCollection<SimVertex> > TrackingTruthProducer::simVertexes_ [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), produce(), and setTrackingParticle().
Definition at line 70 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce().
Definition at line 92 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by produce(), and setTrackingParticle().
Definition at line 93 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), and produce().
std::auto_ptr<TrackingParticleCollection> TrackingTruthProducer::trackingParticles_ [private] |
Definition at line 76 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), mergeBremsstrahlung(), and produce().
std::auto_ptr<TrackingVertexCollection> TrackingTruthProducer::trackingVertexes_ [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), mergeBremsstrahlung(), produce(), and setTrackingVertex().
bool TrackingTruthProducer::useMultipleHepMCLabels_ [private] |
Definition at line 51 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by addCloseGenVertexes(), produce(), setTrackingParticle(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
Definition at line 94 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by createTrackingTruth(), produce(), and setTrackingParticle().
double TrackingTruthProducer::volumeRadius_ [private] |
Definition at line 54 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by setTrackingVertex(), and TrackingTruthProducer().
double TrackingTruthProducer::volumeZ_ [private] |
Definition at line 55 of file TrackingTruthProducer.h.
Referenced by setTrackingVertex(), and TrackingTruthProducer().