Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

MarkovChainMC Class Reference

#include <MarkovChainMC.h>

Inheritance diagram for MarkovChainMC:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void applyOptions (const boost::program_options::variables_map &vm)
 MarkovChainMC ()
virtual const std::string & name () const
bool run (RooWorkspace *w, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_s, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_b, RooAbsData &data, double &limit, double &limitErr, const double *hint)

Private Types

enum  ProposalType { FitP, UniformP, MultiGaussianP, TestP }

Private Member Functions

int guessBurnInSteps (const RooStats::MarkovChain &chain) const
void limitAndError (double &limit, double &limitErr, const std::vector< double > &limits) const
void limitFromChain (double &limit, double &limitErr, const RooArgSet &poi, RooStats::MarkovChain &chain, int burnInSteps=-1)
RooStats::MarkovChain * mergeChains (const RooArgSet &poi, const std::vector< double > &limits) const
void readChains (const RooArgSet &poi, std::vector< double > &limits)
int runOnce (RooWorkspace *w, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_s, RooStats::ModelConfig *mc_b, RooAbsData &data, double &limit, double &limitErr, const double *hint) const
RooStats::MarkovChain * slimChain (const RooArgSet &poi, const RooStats::MarkovChain &chain) const
int stationarityTest (const RooStats::MarkovChain &chain, const RooArgSet &poi, int nchunks) const
 note: this is still being developed

Private Attributes

TList chains_
float mass_
 Mass of the Higgs boson (goes into the name of the saved chains)
int modelNDF_
 Number of degrees of freedom of the problem, approximately.
static bool noReset_ = false
static float proposalHelperUniformFraction_ = 0.0
static bool updateHint_ = false
static bool updateProposalParams_ = false

Static Private Attributes

static bool adaptiveBurnIn_ = false
 Adaptive burn-in (experimental!)
static bool adaptiveTruncation_ = true
 do adaptive truncated mean
static bool alwaysStepPoi_ = true
static float burnInFraction_ = 0.25
 Discard these fraction of points.
static unsigned int burnInSteps_ = 200
 Discard these points.
static float cropNSigmas_ = 0
static int debugProposal_ = false
static float hintSafetyFactor_ = 5.
 Safety factor for hint (integrate up to this number of times the hinted limit)
static unsigned int iterations_ = 10000
 Propose this number of points for the chain.
static bool mergeChains_ = false
 Merge chains instead of averaging limits.
static bool noSlimChain_ = false
 Leave all parameters in the markov chain, not just the POI.
static unsigned int numberOfBins_
static unsigned int proposalHelperCacheSize_
static float proposalHelperWidthRangeDivisor_ = 5.
static ProposalType proposalType_ = TestP
static std::string proposalTypeName_ = "ortho"
static bool readChains_ = false
 Read chains from file instead of running them.
static bool runMinos_ = false
static bool saveChain_ = false
 Save Markov Chain in output file.
static unsigned int tries_ = 10
 compute the limit N times
static float truncatedMeanFraction_ = 0.0
 Ignore up to this fraction of results if they're too far from the median.

Detailed Description

Interface to RooStats MCMC, with handing of multiple chains

Giovanni Petrucciani (UCSD)

Definition at line 16 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 26 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MarkovChainMC::MarkovChainMC ( )

Definition at line 56 of file

References adaptiveBurnIn_, adaptiveTruncation_, alwaysStepPoi_, burnInFraction_, burnInSteps_, cropNSigmas_, debugProposal_, hintSafetyFactor_, iterations_, LimitAlgo::options_, proposalHelperUniformFraction_, proposalHelperWidthRangeDivisor_, proposalTypeName_, tries_, truncatedMeanFraction_, and updateProposalParams_.

    LimitAlgo("Markov Chain MC specific options") 
        ("iteration,i", boost::program_options::value<unsigned int>(&iterations_)->default_value(iterations_), "Number of iterations")
        ("tries", boost::program_options::value<unsigned int>(&tries_)->default_value(tries_), "Number of times to run the MCMC on the same data")
        ("burnInSteps,b", boost::program_options::value<unsigned int>(&burnInSteps_)->default_value(burnInSteps_), "Burn in steps (absolute number)")
        ("burnInFraction", boost::program_options::value<float>(&burnInFraction_)->default_value(burnInFraction_), "Burn in steps (fraction of total accepted steps)")
        ("adaptiveBurnIn", boost::program_options::value<bool>(&adaptiveBurnIn_)->default_value(adaptiveBurnIn_), "Adaptively determine burn in steps (experimental!).")
        ("proposal", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(&proposalTypeName_)->default_value(proposalTypeName_), 
                              "Proposal function to use: 'fit', 'uniform', 'gaus', 'ortho' (also known as 'test')")
        ("runMinos",          "Run MINOS when fitting the data")
        ("noReset",           "Don't reset variable state after fit")
        ("updateHint",        "Update hint with the results")
                "Control ProposalHelper::SetUpdateProposalParameters")
                "Sets the fractional size of the gaussians in the proposal")
        ("alwaysStepPOI", boost::program_options::value<bool>(&alwaysStepPoi_)->default_value(alwaysStepPoi_),
                            "When using 'ortho' proposal, always step also the parameter of interest. On by default, as it improves convergence, but you can turn it off (e.g. if you turn off --optimizeSimPdf)")
                "Add a fraction of uniform proposals to the algorithm")
        ("debugProposal", boost::program_options::value<int>(&debugProposal_)->default_value(debugProposal_), "Printout the first N proposals")
                "crop range of all parameters to N times their uncertainty") 
                "Discard this fraction of the results before computing the mean and rms")
        ("adaptiveTruncation", boost::program_options::value<bool>(&adaptiveTruncation_)->default_value(adaptiveTruncation_),
                            "When averaging multiple runs, ignore results that are more far away from the median than the inter-quartile range")
                "set range of integration equal to this number of times the hinted limit")
        ("saveChain", "Save MarkovChain to output file")
        ("noSlimChain", "Include also nuisance parameters in the chain that is saved to file")
        ("mergeChains", "Merge MarkovChains instead of averaging limits")
        ("readChains", "Just read MarkovChains from toysFile instead of running MCMC directly")

Member Function Documentation

void MarkovChainMC::applyOptions ( const boost::program_options::variables_map &  vm) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LimitAlgo.

Definition at line 100 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, chains_, FitP, mass_, mergeChains_, MultiGaussianP, noReset_, noSlimChain_, LimitAlgo::options_, proposalType_, proposalTypeName_, readChains_, runMinos_, saveChain_, TestP, UniformP, and updateHint_.

    if      (proposalTypeName_ == "fit")     proposalType_ = FitP;
    else if (proposalTypeName_ == "uniform") proposalType_ = UniformP;
    else if (proposalTypeName_ == "gaus")    proposalType_ = MultiGaussianP;
    else if (proposalTypeName_ == "ortho")   proposalType_ = TestP;
    else if (proposalTypeName_ == "test")    proposalType_ = TestP;
    else {
        std::cerr << "MarkovChainMC: proposal type " << proposalTypeName_ << " not known." << "\n" << options_ << std::endl;
        throw std::invalid_argument("MarkovChainMC: unsupported proposal");
    runMinos_ = vm.count("runMinos");
    noReset_  = vm.count("noReset");
    updateHint_  = vm.count("updateHint");

    mass_ = vm["mass"].as<float>();
    saveChain_   = vm.count("saveChain");
    noSlimChain_   = vm.count("noSlimChain");
    mergeChains_ = vm.count("mergeChains");
    readChains_  = vm.count("readChains");

    if (mergeChains_ && !saveChain_ && !readChains_) chains_.SetOwner(true);
int MarkovChainMC::guessBurnInSteps ( const RooStats::MarkovChain &  chain) const [private]

Definition at line 457 of file

References i, modelNDF_, n, mathSSE::sqrt(), and errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::start.

Referenced by limitFromChain(), mergeChains(), and runOnce().

    int n = chain.Size();
    std::vector<double> nll(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        nll[i] = chain.NLL(i);
    // get minimum of nll
    double minnll = nll[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (nll[i] < minnll) minnll = nll[i]; }
    // subtract it from all
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) nll[i] -= minnll;
    // the NLL looks like 0.5 * a chi2 with nparam degrees of freedom, plus an arbitrary constant
    // so it should have a sigma of 0.5*sqrt(2*nparams)
    // anything sensible should be between minimum and minimum + 10*sigma
    double maxcut = 5*sqrt(2.0*modelNDF_); 
    // now loop backwards until you find something that's outside
    int start = 0;
    for (start = n-1; start >= 0; --start) {
       if (nll[start] > maxcut) break;
    return start;
void MarkovChainMC::limitAndError ( double &  limit,
double &  limitErr,
const std::vector< double > &  limits 
) const [private]

Definition at line 298 of file

References abs, adaptiveTruncation_, gather_cfg::cout, end, QuantileCalculator::Jacknife, gen::k, MessageLogger_cff::limit, max(), min, QuantileCalculator::quantileAndError(), QuantileCalculator::Sectioning, QuantileCalculator::Simple, python::multivaluedict::sort(), mathSSE::sqrt(), errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::start, swap(), and truncatedMeanFraction_.

Referenced by run().

  std::vector<double> limits(limitsIn);
  int num = limits.size();
  // possibly remove outliers before computing mean
  if (adaptiveTruncation_ && num >= 10) {
      std::sort(limits.begin(), limits.end());
      // determine location and size of the sample
      double median = (num % 2 ? limits[num/2] : 0.5*(limits[num/2] + limits[num/2+1]));
      double iqr = limits[3*num/4] - limits[num/4];
      // determine range of plausible values
      double min = median - iqr, max = median + iqr; 
      int start = 0, end = num-1; 
      while (start < end   && limits[start] < min) ++start;
      while (end   > start && limits[end]   > max) --end;
      num = end-start+1;
      // compute mean and rms of accepted part
      limit = 0; limitErr = 0;
      for (int k = start; k <= end; ++k) limit += limits[k];
      limit /= num;
      for (int k = start; k <= end; k++) limitErr += (limits[k]-limit)*(limits[k]-limit);
      limitErr = (num > 1 ? sqrt(limitErr/(num*(num-1))) : 0);
      std::cout << "Result from truncated mean: " << limit << " +/- " << limitErr << std::endl;
#if 0
      QuantileCalculator qc(limits);
      std::pair<double,double> qn = qc.quantileAndError(0.5, QuantileCalculator::Simple);
      std::pair<double,double> qs = qc.quantileAndError(0.5, QuantileCalculator::Sectioning);
      std::pair<double,double> qj = qc.quantileAndError(0.5, QuantileCalculator::Jacknife);
      std::cout << "Median of limits (simple):     " << qn.first << " +/- " << qn.second << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Median of limits (sectioning): " << qs.first << " +/- " << qs.second << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Median of limits (jacknife):   " << qj.first << " +/- " << qj.second << std::endl;
  } else {
      int noutl = floor(truncatedMeanFraction_ * num);
      if (noutl >= 1) { 
          std::sort(limits.begin(), limits.end());
          double median = (num % 2 ? limits[num/2] : 0.5*(limits[num/2] + limits[num/2+1]));
          for (int k = 0; k < noutl; ++k) {
              // make sure outliers are all at the end
              if (std::abs(limits[0]-median) > std::abs(limits[num-k-1]-median)) {
                  std::swap(limits[0], limits[num-k-1]);
          num -= noutl;
      // compute mean and rms
      limit = 0; limitErr = 0;
      for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) limit += limits[k];
      limit /= num;
      for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) limitErr += (limits[k]-limit)*(limits[k]-limit);
      limitErr = (num > 1 ? sqrt(limitErr/(num*(num-1))) : 0);
void MarkovChainMC::limitFromChain ( double &  limit,
double &  limitErr,
const RooArgSet &  poi,
RooStats::MarkovChain &  chain,
int  burnInSteps = -1 
) [private]

Definition at line 415 of file

References adaptiveBurnIn_, burnInFraction_, burnInSteps_, cl, guessBurnInSteps(), MergeJob_cfg::interval, mergeChains_, QuantileCalculator::quantileAndError(), and QuantileCalculator::Simple.

Referenced by readChains(), and run().

    if (burnInSteps < 0) {
        if (adaptiveBurnIn_) burnInSteps = guessBurnInSteps(chain);
        else burnInSteps = max<int>(burnInSteps_, chain.Size() * burnInFraction_);
#if 1   // This is much faster and gives the same result
    QuantileCalculator qc(*chain.GetAsConstDataSet(), poi.first()->GetName(), burnInSteps);
    limit = qc.quantileAndError(cl, QuantileCalculator::Simple).first;
    MCMCInterval interval("",poi,chain);
    RooArgList axes(poi);
    limit = interval.UpperLimit((RooRealVar&)*poi.first());
    if (mergeChains_) {
        // must avoid that MCMCInterval deletes the chain
        interval.SetChain(*(RooStats::MarkovChain *)0);
RooStats::MarkovChain * MarkovChainMC::mergeChains ( const RooArgSet &  poi,
const std::vector< double > &  limits 
) const [private]

Definition at line 351 of file

References adaptiveBurnIn_, burnInFraction_, burnInSteps_, chains_, gather_cfg::cout, guessBurnInSteps(), i, getHLTprescales::index, n, point, python::multivaluedict::sort(), and CommonMethods::weight().

Referenced by run().

    std::vector<double> limitsSorted(limits); std::sort(limitsSorted.begin(), limitsSorted.end());
    double lmin = limitsSorted.front(), lmax = limitsSorted.back();
    if (limitsSorted.size() > 5) {
        int n = limitsSorted.size();
        double lmedian = limitsSorted[n/2];
        lmin = lmedian - 2*(+lmedian - limitsSorted[1*n/4]);
        lmax = lmedian + 2*(-lmedian + limitsSorted[3*n/4]);
    if (chains_.GetSize() == 0) throw std::runtime_error("No chains to merge");
    if (verbose > 1) std::cout << "Will merge " << chains_.GetSize() << " chains." << std::endl;
    RooArgSet pars(poi);
    RooStats::MarkovChain *merged = new RooStats::MarkovChain("Merged","",pars);
    TIter iter(&chains_);
    int index = 0;
    for (RooStats::MarkovChain *other = (RooStats::MarkovChain *) iter.Next();
         other != 0;
         other = (RooStats::MarkovChain *) iter.Next(), ++index) {
        if (limits[index] < lmin || limits[index] > lmax) continue;
        int burninSteps = adaptiveBurnIn_ ? guessBurnInSteps(*other) : max<int>(burnInSteps_, other->Size() * burnInFraction_);
        if (verbose > 1) std::cout << "Adding chain of " << other->Size() << " entries, skipping the first " <<  burninSteps << "; individual limit " << limits[index] << std::endl;
        for (int i = burninSteps, n = other->Size(); i < n; ++i) {
            RooArgSet point(*other->Get(i));
            double nllval = other->NLL();
            double weight = other->Weight();
            if (verbose > 2 && (i % 500 == 0)) std::cout << "   added " << i << "/" << other->Size() << " entries." << std::endl;
    return merged;
virtual const std::string& MarkovChainMC::name ( void  ) const [inline, virtual]

Implements LimitAlgo.

Definition at line 21 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

    static const std::string name("MarkovChainMC");
    return name;
void MarkovChainMC::readChains ( const RooArgSet &  poi,
std::vector< double > &  limits 
) [private]

Definition at line 384 of file

References chains_, gather_cfg::cout, runtimedef::get(), gen::k, limitFromChain(), mass_, GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::next, prof2calltree::prefix, readToysFromHere, and stationarityTest().

Referenced by run().

    double mylim, myerr;
    if (!readToysFromHere) throw std::logic_error("Cannot use readChains: option toysFile not specified, or input file empty");
    TDirectory *toyDir = readToysFromHere->GetDirectory("toys");
    if (!toyDir) throw std::logic_error("Cannot use readChains: empty toy dir in input file empty");
    TString prefix = TString::Format("MarkovChain_mh%g_",mass_);
    TIter next(toyDir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *k;
    while ((k = (TKey *) next()) != 0) {
        if (TString(k->GetName()).Index(prefix) != 0) continue;
        RooStats::MarkovChain *toy = dynamic_cast<RooStats::MarkovChain *>(toyDir->Get(k->GetName()));
        if (toy == 0) continue;
        limitFromChain(mylim, myerr, poi, *toy);
        if (verbose > 1) std::cout << " limit " << mylim << " +/- " << myerr << std::endl;
        // vvvvv ---- begin convergence test, still being developed, not recommended yet.
        if (runtimedef::get("MCMC_STATIONARITY")) {
            if (!stationarityTest(*toy, poi, 30)) {
                if (verbose > 1) std::cout << " ---> rejecting chain!" << std::endl; 
        // ^^^^^ ---- end of convergence test
    if (verbose) { std::cout << "Read " << chains_.GetSize() << " Markov Chains from input file." << std::endl; }
bool MarkovChainMC::run ( RooWorkspace *  w,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_s,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_b,
RooAbsData &  data,
double &  limit,
double &  limitErr,
const double *  hint 
) [virtual]

Implements LimitAlgo.

Definition at line 124 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, cl, CloseCoutSentry::clear(), gather_cfg::cout, i, dtDQMClient_cfg::INFO, iterations_, MessageLogger_cff::limit, limitAndError(), limitFromChain(), mergeChains(), mergeChains_, modelNDF_, MultiGaussianP, proposalType_, alignCSCRings::r, readChains(), readChains_, runOnce(), tries_, UniformP, updateHint_, dqm::qstatus::WARNING, and withSystematics.

  if (proposalType_ == MultiGaussianP && !withSystematics) { 
      std::cerr << "Sorry, the multi-gaussian proposal does not work without systematics.\n" << 
                   "Uniform proposal will be used instead.\n" << std::endl;
      proposalType_ = UniformP;

  RooFitGlobalKillSentry silence(verbose > 0 ? RooFit::INFO : RooFit::WARNING);

  CloseCoutSentry coutSentry(verbose <= 0); // close standard output and error, so that we don't flood them with minuit messages

  // Get degrees of freedom
  modelNDF_ = mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest()->getSize(); 
  if (withSystematics) modelNDF_ += mc_s->GetNuisanceParameters()->getSize();

  double suma = 0; int num = 0;
  double savhint = (hint ? *hint : -1); const double *thehint = hint;
  std::vector<double> limits;
  if (readChains_)  {
      readChains(*mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest(), limits);
  } else {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tries_; ++i) {
          if (int nacc = runOnce(w,mc_s,mc_b,data,limit,limitErr,thehint)) {
              suma += nacc;
              if (verbose > 1) std::cout << "Limit from this run: " << limit << std::endl;
              if (updateHint_ && tries_ > 1 && limit > savhint) { 
                if (verbose > 0) std::cout << "Updating hint from " << savhint << " to " << limit << std::endl;
                savhint = limit; thehint = &savhint; 
  num = limits.size();
  if (num == 0) return false;
  // average acceptance
  suma  = suma / (num * double(iterations_));
  limitAndError(limit, limitErr, limits);
  if (mergeChains_) {
    std::cout << "Limit from averaging:    " << limit << " +/- " << limitErr << std::endl;
    // copy constructors don't work, so we just have to leak memory :-(
    RooStats::MarkovChain *merged = mergeChains(*mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest(), limits);
    // set burn-in to zero, since steps have already been discarded when merging
    limitFromChain(limit, limitErr, *mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest(), *merged, 0);
    std::cout << "Limit from merged chain: " << limit << " +/- " << limitErr << std::endl;

  if (verbose >= 0) {
      std::cout << "\n -- MarkovChainMC -- " << "\n";
      RooRealVar *r = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
      if (num > 1) {
          std::cout << "Limit: " << r->GetName() <<" < " << limit << " +/- " << limitErr << " @ " << cl * 100 << "% CL (" << num << " tries)" << std::endl;
          if (verbose > 0 && !readChains_) std::cout << "Average chain acceptance: " << suma << std::endl;
      } else {
          std::cout << "Limit: " << r->GetName() <<" < " << limit << " @ " << cl * 100 << "% CL" << std::endl;
  return true;
int MarkovChainMC::runOnce ( RooWorkspace *  w,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_s,
RooStats::ModelConfig *  mc_b,
RooAbsData &  data,
double &  limit,
double &  limitErr,
const double *  hint 
) const [private]

Definition at line 184 of file

References adaptiveBurnIn_, alwaysStepPoi_, burnInFraction_, burnInSteps_, dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, chains_, cl, CloseCoutSentry::clear(), gather_cfg::cout, cropNSigmas_, data, debugProposal_, FitP, guessBurnInSteps(), hintSafetyFactor_, i, iterations_, mass_, max(), mergeChains_, min, MultiGaussianP, n, noReset_, proposalHelperUniformFraction_, proposalHelperWidthRangeDivisor_, proposalType_, alignCSCRings::r, runMinos_, saveChain_, slimChain(), TestP, UniformP, updateProposalParams_, v, withSystematics, and writeToysHere.

Referenced by run().

  RooArgList poi(*mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest());
  RooRealVar *r = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(poi.first());

  if ((hint != 0) && (*hint > r->getMin())) {

  if (withSystematics && (mc_s->GetNuisanceParameters() == 0)) {
    throw std::logic_error("MarkovChainMC: running with systematics enabled, but nuisances not defined.");
  std::auto_ptr<RooFitResult> fit(0);
  if (proposalType_ == FitP || (cropNSigmas_ > 0)) {
      CloseCoutSentry coutSentry(verbose <= 1); // close standard output and error, so that we don't flood them with minuit messages
      fit.reset(mc_s->GetPdf()->fitTo(data, RooFit::Save(), RooFit::Minos(runMinos_)));
      if (fit.get() == 0) { std::cerr << "Fit failed." << std::endl; return false; }
      if (verbose > 1) fit->Print("V");
      if (!noReset_) w->loadSnapshot("clean");

  if (cropNSigmas_ > 0) {
      const RooArgList &fpf = fit->floatParsFinal();
      for (int i = 0, n = fpf.getSize(); i < n; ++i) {
          RooRealVar *fv = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar *>(;
          if (std::string(r->GetName()) == fv->GetName()) continue;
          RooRealVar *v  = w->var(fv->GetName());
          double min = v->getMin(), max = v->getMax();
          if (fv->hasAsymError(false)) {
              min = (std::max(v->getMin(), fv->getVal() + cropNSigmas_ * fv->getAsymErrorLo()));
              max = (std::min(v->getMax(), fv->getVal() + cropNSigmas_ * fv->getAsymErrorHi()));
          } else if (fv->hasError(false)) {
              min = (std::max(v->getMin(), fv->getVal() - cropNSigmas_ * fv->getError()));
              max = (std::min(v->getMax(), fv->getVal() + cropNSigmas_ * fv->getError()));
          if (verbose > 1) {
              std::cout << "  " << fv->GetName() << "[" << v->getMin() << ", " << v->getMax() << "] -> [" << min << ", " << max << "]" << std::endl;
          v->setMin(min); v->setMax(max);

  std::auto_ptr<ProposalFunction> ownedPdfProp; 
  ProposalFunction* pdfProp = 0;
  ProposalHelper ph;
  switch (proposalType_) {
    case UniformP:  
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Using uniform proposal" << std::endl;
        ownedPdfProp.reset(new UniformProposal());
        pdfProp = ownedPdfProp.get();
    case FitP:
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Using fit proposal" << std::endl;
        pdfProp = ph.GetProposalFunction();
    case MultiGaussianP:
        if (verbose) std::cout << "Using multi-gaussian proposal" << std::endl;
        pdfProp = ph.GetProposalFunction();
    case TestP:
        ownedPdfProp.reset(new TestProposal(proposalHelperWidthRangeDivisor_, alwaysStepPoi_ ? poi : RooArgList()));
        pdfProp = ownedPdfProp.get();
  if (proposalType_ != UniformP) {
      if (proposalHelperUniformFraction_ > 0) ph.SetUniformFraction(proposalHelperUniformFraction_);

  std::auto_ptr<DebugProposal> pdfDebugProp(debugProposal_ > 0 ? new DebugProposal(pdfProp, mc_s->GetPdf(), &data, debugProposal_) : 0);
  MCMCCalculator mc(data, *mc_s);
  mc.SetProposalFunction(debugProposal_ > 0 ? *pdfDebugProp : *pdfProp);

  if (typeid(*mc_s->GetPriorPdf()) == typeid(RooUniform)) {
    mc.SetPriorPdf(*((RooAbsPdf *)0));

  std::auto_ptr<MCMCInterval> mcInt;
  try {  
  } catch (std::length_error &ex) {
  if (mcInt.get() == 0) return false;
  if (adaptiveBurnIn_) {
  } else if (mcInt->GetChain()->Size() * burnInFraction_ > burnInSteps_) {
    mcInt->SetNumBurnInSteps(mcInt->GetChain()->Size() * burnInFraction_);
  limit = mcInt->UpperLimit(*r);

  if (saveChain_ || mergeChains_) {
      // Copy-constructors don't work properly, so we just have to leak memory.
      //RooStats::MarkovChain *chain = new RooStats::MarkovChain(*mcInt->GetChain());
      RooStats::MarkovChain *chain = slimChain(*mc_s->GetParametersOfInterest(), *mcInt->GetChain());
      if (mergeChains_) chains_.Add(chain);
      if (saveChain_)  writeToysHere->WriteTObject(chain,  TString::Format("MarkovChain_mh%g_%u",mass_, RooRandom::integer(std::numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max() - 1)));
      return chain->Size();
  } else {
      return mcInt->GetChain()->Size();
RooStats::MarkovChain * MarkovChainMC::slimChain ( const RooArgSet &  poi,
const RooStats::MarkovChain &  chain 
) const [private]

Definition at line 441 of file

References i, n, noSlimChain_, run_regression::ret, and CommonMethods::weight().

Referenced by runOnce().

    RooArgSet poilvalue(poi); // wtf they don't take a const & ??
    if (noSlimChain_) poilvalue.add(*chain.Get());
    RooStats::MarkovChain * ret = new RooStats::MarkovChain("","",poilvalue);
    for (int i = 0, n = chain.Size(); i < n; ++i) {
        RooArgSet entry(*chain.Get(i));
        Double_t nll = chain.NLL();
        Double_t weight = chain.Weight();
        if (i) ret->AddFast(entry, nll, weight);
        else   ret->Add(entry, nll, weight);
    return ret;
int MarkovChainMC::stationarityTest ( const RooStats::MarkovChain &  chain,
const RooArgSet &  poi,
int  nchunks 
) const [private]

note: this is still being developed

Definition at line 482 of file

References trackerHits::c, data, python::tagInventory::entries, i, timingPdfMaker::mean, n, alignCSCRings::r, and python::multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by readChains().

    std::vector<int>    entries(nchunks, 0);
    std::vector<double> mean(nchunks, .0);
    const RooDataSet *data = chain.GetAsConstDataSet();
    const RooRealVar *r = dynamic_cast<const RooRealVar *>(data->get()->find(poi.first()->GetName()));
    int  n = data->numEntries(), chunksize = ceil(n/double(nchunks));
    for (int i = 0, chunk = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (i > 0 && i % chunksize == 0) chunk++;
        mean[chunk] += r->getVal();
    for (int c = 0; c < nchunks; ++c) { mean[c] /= entries[c]; }

    std::vector<double> dists, dists25;
    for (int c = 0; c < nchunks; ++c) {
        for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nchunks; ++c2) {
            if (c2 != c) dists.push_back(fabs(mean[c]-mean[c2]));
        std::sort(dists.begin(), dists.end());
        //printf("chunk %3d: mean  %9.5f  dist25 %9.5f abs, %9.5f real\n", c, mean[c], mean[c]*dists25.back(), dists25.back());
    std::sort(dists25.begin(), dists25.end());
    double tolerance = 10*dists25[ceil(0.25*nchunks)];
    //printf("Q(25) is %9.5f\n", dists25[ceil(0.25*nchunks)]);
    //printf("Q(50) is %9.5f\n", dists25[ceil(0.50*nchunks)]);
    //printf("Tolerance set to %9.5f\n", tolerance);
    bool converged = true;
    std::vector<int> friends(nchunks, 0), foes(nchunks, 0);
    for (int c = 0; c < nchunks; ++c) {
        for (int c2 = c+1; c2 < nchunks; ++c2) {
            if (c2 == c) continue;
            if (fabs(mean[c] - mean[c2]) < tolerance*mean[c]) {
            } else {
        //printf("chunk %3d: mean  %9.5f  friends %3d  foes %3d \n", c, mean[c], friends[c], foes[c]);
        if (friends[c] >= 2 && foes[c] > 1) {
            converged = false;
    return converged;

Member Data Documentation

bool MarkovChainMC::adaptiveBurnIn_ = false [static, private]

Adaptive burn-in (experimental!)

Definition at line 37 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by limitFromChain(), MarkovChainMC(), mergeChains(), and runOnce().

bool MarkovChainMC::adaptiveTruncation_ = true [static, private]

do adaptive truncated mean

Definition at line 43 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by limitAndError(), and MarkovChainMC().

bool MarkovChainMC::alwaysStepPoi_ = true [static, private]

Definition at line 61 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), and runOnce().

float MarkovChainMC::burnInFraction_ = 0.25 [static, private]

Discard these fraction of points.

Definition at line 35 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by limitFromChain(), MarkovChainMC(), mergeChains(), and runOnce().

unsigned int MarkovChainMC::burnInSteps_ = 200 [static, private]

Discard these points.

Definition at line 33 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by limitFromChain(), MarkovChainMC(), mergeChains(), and runOnce().

TList MarkovChainMC::chains_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 66 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), mergeChains(), readChains(), and runOnce().

float MarkovChainMC::cropNSigmas_ = 0 [static, private]

Definition at line 63 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), and runOnce().

int MarkovChainMC::debugProposal_ = false [static, private]

Definition at line 64 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), and runOnce().

float MarkovChainMC::hintSafetyFactor_ = 5. [static, private]

Safety factor for hint (integrate up to this number of times the hinted limit)

Definition at line 45 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), and runOnce().

unsigned int MarkovChainMC::iterations_ = 10000 [static, private]

Propose this number of points for the chain.

Definition at line 31 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), run(), and runOnce().

float MarkovChainMC::mass_ [private]

Mass of the Higgs boson (goes into the name of the saved chains)

Definition at line 55 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), readChains(), and runOnce().

bool MarkovChainMC::mergeChains_ = false [static, private]

Merge chains instead of averaging limits.

Definition at line 51 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), limitFromChain(), run(), and runOnce().

int MarkovChainMC::modelNDF_ [private]

Number of degrees of freedom of the problem, approximately.

Definition at line 57 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by guessBurnInSteps(), and run().

bool MarkovChainMC::noReset_ = false [private]

Definition at line 29 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), and runOnce().

bool MarkovChainMC::noSlimChain_ = false [static, private]

Leave all parameters in the markov chain, not just the POI.

Definition at line 49 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), and slimChain().

unsigned int MarkovChainMC::numberOfBins_ [static, private]

Definition at line 59 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

unsigned int MarkovChainMC::proposalHelperCacheSize_ [static, private]

Definition at line 60 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Definition at line 62 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), and runOnce().

Definition at line 62 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), and runOnce().

Definition at line 28 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), run(), and runOnce().

std::string MarkovChainMC::proposalTypeName_ = "ortho" [static, private]

Definition at line 27 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), and MarkovChainMC().

bool MarkovChainMC::readChains_ = false [static, private]

Read chains from file instead of running them.

Definition at line 53 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), and run().

bool MarkovChainMC::runMinos_ = false [static, private]

Definition at line 29 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), and runOnce().

bool MarkovChainMC::saveChain_ = false [static, private]

Save Markov Chain in output file.

Definition at line 47 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), and runOnce().

unsigned int MarkovChainMC::tries_ = 10 [static, private]

compute the limit N times

Definition at line 39 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), and run().

float MarkovChainMC::truncatedMeanFraction_ = 0.0 [static, private]

Ignore up to this fraction of results if they're too far from the median.

Definition at line 41 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by limitAndError(), and MarkovChainMC().

bool MarkovChainMC::updateHint_ = false [private]

Definition at line 29 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by applyOptions(), and run().

bool MarkovChainMC::updateProposalParams_ = false [private]

Definition at line 29 of file MarkovChainMC.h.

Referenced by MarkovChainMC(), and runOnce().