Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

ZMuMuEfficiency Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ZMuMuEfficiency:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ZMuMuEfficiency (const edm::ParameterSet &pset)

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
bool check_ifZmumu (const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
virtual void endJob ()
float getParticleEta (const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
Particle::LorentzVector getParticleP4 (const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
float getParticlePhi (const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
float getParticlePt (const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)

Private Attributes

double etamax_
edm::InputTag genParticles_
reco::CandidateBaseRef globalMuonCandRef_
TH1D * h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_
TH1D * h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_
TH1D * h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_
TH1D * h_dimuonEtaGen_
TH1D * h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_
TH1D * h_dimuonMassGen_
TH1D * h_dimuonMassGenPassed_
TH1D * h_dimuonPtGen_
TH1D * h_dimuonPtGenPassed_
TH1D * h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_
TH1D * h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_
TH1D * h_etaStandAlone_
TH1D * h_etaTrack_
TH1D * h_muetaGen_
TH1D * h_muetaGenPassed_
TH1D * h_muIsoGen_
TH1D * h_muIsoGenPassed_
TH1D * h_muptGen_
TH1D * h_muptGenPassed_
TH1D * h_nZMCfound_
TH1D * h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_
TH1D * h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_
TH1D * h_ptStandAlone_
TH1D * h_ptTrack_
TH1D * h_ZetaGen_
TH1D * h_ZetaGenPassed_
TH1D * h_ZmassGen_
TH1D * h_ZmassGenPassed_
TH1D * h_ZptGen_
TH1D * h_ZptGenPassed_
double isomax_
edm::InputTag muonIso_
edm::InputTag muonMatchMap_
edm::InputTag muons_
int n_zMuMufound_genZsele
int n_zMuStafound_genZsele
int n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele
unsigned int nbinsEta_
unsigned int nbinsPt_
int noMCmatching
int numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound
int numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound
int numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_
int numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_
int numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive
int numberOfMatchedZMuMu_
int numberOfMatchedZMuSta_
int numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive
int numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu
int numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu
int numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_notOverlapped
int numberOfOverlappedStandAlone_
int numberOfOverlappedTracks_
OverlapChecker overlap_
double ptmin_
edm::InputTag standAlone_
edm::InputTag standAloneIso_
reco::CandidateBaseRef standAloneMuonCandRef_
int totalNumberOfevents
int totalNumberOfZfound
int totalNumberOfZPassed
edm::InputTag trackIso_
reco::CandidateBaseRef trackMuonCandRef_
edm::InputTag tracks_
double zMassMax_
double zMassMin_
edm::InputTag zMuMu_
edm::InputTag zMuMuMatchMap_
edm::InputTag zMuStandAlone_
edm::InputTag zMuStandAloneMatchMap_
edm::InputTag zMuTrack_
int ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match
int ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch
int ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match
int ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match
int ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch
edm::InputTag zMuTrackMatchMap_
int ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match
int ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuMuEfficiency ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 104 of file

References etamax_, h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_dimuonEtaGen_, h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_, h_dimuonMassGen_, h_dimuonMassGenPassed_, h_dimuonPtGen_, h_dimuonPtGenPassed_, h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_, h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_, h_etaStandAlone_, h_etaTrack_, h_muetaGen_, h_muetaGenPassed_, h_muptGen_, h_muptGenPassed_, h_nZMCfound_, h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_, h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_, h_ptStandAlone_, h_ptTrack_, h_ZetaGen_, h_ZetaGenPassed_, h_ZmassGen_, h_ZmassGenPassed_, h_ZptGen_, h_ZptGenPassed_, TFileDirectory::make(), n_zMuMufound_genZsele, n_zMuStafound_genZsele, n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele, nbinsEta_, nbinsPt_, noMCmatching, numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound, numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_notOverlapped, numberOfOverlappedStandAlone_, numberOfOverlappedTracks_, ptmin_, totalNumberOfevents, totalNumberOfZfound, totalNumberOfZPassed, ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match, ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch, ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match, and ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch.

  genParticles_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>( "genParticles" ) ),

  nbinsPt_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("nbinsPt")), 
  nbinsEta_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("nbinsEta")) {
  Service<TFileService> fs;
  TFileDirectory trackEffDir = fs->mkdir("TrackEfficiency");

  // tracker efficiency distributions
  h_etaStandAlone_ = trackEffDir.make<TH1D>("StandAloneMuonEta", 
                                            "StandAlone #eta for Z -> #mu + standalone", 
                                            nbinsEta_, -etamax_, etamax_);
  h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_ = trackEffDir.make<TH1D>("MuonOverlappedToStandAloneEta", 
                                                            "Global muon overlapped to standAlone #eta for Z -> #mu + sa", 
                                                            nbinsEta_, -etamax_, etamax_);
  h_ptStandAlone_ = trackEffDir.make<TH1D>("StandAloneMuonPt", 
                                           "StandAlone p_{t} for Z -> #mu + standalone", 
                                           nbinsPt_, ptmin_, 100);
  h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_ = trackEffDir.make<TH1D>("MuonOverlappedToStandAlonePt", 
                                                           "Global muon overlapped to standAlone p_{t} for Z -> #mu + sa", 
                                                           nbinsPt_, ptmin_, 100);
  // StandAlone efficiency distributions
  TFileDirectory standaloneEffDir = fs->mkdir("StandaloneEfficiency");
  h_etaTrack_ = standaloneEffDir.make<TH1D>("TrackMuonEta", 
                                            "Track #eta for Z -> #mu + track", 
                                            nbinsEta_, -etamax_, etamax_);
  h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_ = standaloneEffDir.make<TH1D>("MuonOverlappedToTrackEta", 
                                                            "Global muon overlapped to track #eta for Z -> #mu + tk", 
                                                            nbinsEta_, -etamax_, etamax_);
  h_ptTrack_ = standaloneEffDir.make<TH1D>("TrackMuonPt", 
                                           "Track p_{t} for Z -> #mu + track", 
                                           nbinsPt_, ptmin_, 100);
  h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_ = standaloneEffDir.make<TH1D>("MuonOverlappedToTrackPt", 
                                                           "Global muon overlapped to track p_{t} for Z -> #mu + tk", 
                                                           nbinsPt_, ptmin_, 100);

  // inv. mass resolution studies
  TFileDirectory invMassResolutionDir = fs->mkdir("invriantMassResolution");
  h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ = invMassResolutionDir.make<TH1D>("zMuMu_invMassResolution","zMuMu invariant Mass Resolution",50,-25,25);
  h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ = invMassResolutionDir.make<TH1D>("zMuSta_invMassResolution","zMuSta invariant Mass Resolution",50,-25,25);
  h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ = invMassResolutionDir.make<TH1D>("zMuTrack_invMassResolution","zMuTrack invariant Mass Resolution",50,-25,25);

  // generator level histograms
  TFileDirectory genParticleDir = fs->mkdir("genParticle");
  h_nZMCfound_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("NumberOfgeneratedZeta","n. of generated Z per event",4,-.5,3.5); 
  h_ZetaGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZeta","#eta of generated Z",100,-5.,5.); 
  h_ZptGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZpt","pt of generated Z",100,0.,200.); 
  h_ZmassGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZmass","mass of generated Z",100,0.,200.); 
  h_muetaGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedMuonEta","#eta of generated muons from Z decay",100,-5.,5.); 
  h_muptGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedMuonpt","pt of generated muons from Z decay",100,0.,200.); 
  h_dimuonEtaGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonEta","#eta of generated dimuon",100,-5.,5.); 
  h_dimuonPtGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonPt","pt of generated dimuon",100,0.,200.); 
  h_dimuonMassGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonMass","mass of generated dimuon",100,0.,200.); 
  h_ZetaGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZeta_passed","#eta of generated Z after cuts",100,-5.,5.); 
  h_ZptGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZpt_passed","pt of generated Z after cuts",100,0.,200.); 
  h_ZmassGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZmass_passed","mass of generated Z after cuts",100,0.,200.); 
  h_muetaGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedMuonEta_passed","#eta of generated muons from Z decay after cuts",100,-5.,5.); 
  h_muptGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedMuonpt_passed","pt of generated muons from Z decay after cuts",100,0.,200.); 
  h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonEta_passed","#eta of generated dimuon after cuts",100,-5.,5.); 
  h_dimuonPtGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonPt_passed","pt of generated dimuon after cuts",100,0.,200.); 
  h_dimuonMassGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonMass_passed","mass of generated dimuon after cuts",100,0.,200.); 
  // to insert isolation histograms  ..............

  numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound = 0;
  numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound = 0;
  numberOfMatchedZMuMu_ = 0;
  numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_ = 0;
  numberOfMatchedZMuSta_ = 0;
  numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_ = 0;
  numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu = 0;
  numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu = 0;
  numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive = 0;
  numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive = 0;
  numberOfOverlappedStandAlone_ = 0;
  numberOfOverlappedTracks_ = 0;
  numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_notOverlapped = 0;
  noMCmatching = 0;
  ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match = 0;
  ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch = 0;
  ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match = 0;
  ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch = 0;
  ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match = 0;
  ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match = 0;
  ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch = 0;

  n_zMuMufound_genZsele = 0;
  n_zMuStafound_genZsele = 0;
  n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele = 0;

  // generator counters
  totalNumberOfevents = 0;
  totalNumberOfZfound = 0;
  totalNumberOfZPassed = 0;

Member Function Documentation

void ZMuMuEfficiency::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 222 of file

References check_ifZmumu(), gather_cfg::cout, reco::Candidate::daughter(), reco::Candidate::eta(), etamax_, genParticleCandidates2GenParticles_cfi::genParticles, genParticles_, getParticleEta(), getParticleP4(), getParticlePt(), globalMuonCandRef_, h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_dimuonEtaGen_, h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_, h_dimuonMassGen_, h_dimuonMassGenPassed_, h_dimuonPtGen_, h_dimuonPtGenPassed_, h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_, h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_, h_etaStandAlone_, h_etaTrack_, h_muetaGen_, h_muetaGenPassed_, h_muptGen_, h_muptGenPassed_, h_nZMCfound_, h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_, h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_, h_ptStandAlone_, h_ptTrack_, h_ZetaGen_, h_ZetaGenPassed_, h_ZmassGen_, h_ZmassGenPassed_, h_ZptGen_, h_ZptGenPassed_, i, trackerHitRTTI::isMatched(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), isomax_, j, create_public_lumi_plots::log, reco::Candidate::mass(), reco::Candidate::masterClone(), muonIso_, muonMatch_cfi::muonMatch, muonMatchMap_, patZpeak::muons, muons_, n_zMuMufound_genZsele, n_zMuStafound_genZsele, n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele, noMCmatching, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound, numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu, reco::Candidate::pdgId(), reco::Candidate::pt(), ptmin_, mathSSE::sqrt(), standAlone_, standAloneIso_, standAloneMuonCandRef_, reco::Candidate::status(), funct::tan(), totalNumberOfevents, totalNumberOfZfound, totalNumberOfZPassed, trackIso_, testEve_cfg::tracks, tracks_, zMassMax_, zMassMin_, ZMuMuAnalysisNtupler_cff::zMuMu, zMuMu_, zMuMuMatchMap_, zMuStandAlone_, zMuStandAloneMatchMap_, zMuTrack_, ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match, ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch, zMuTrackMatchMap_, ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match, and ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch.

  Handle<CandidateView> zMuMu;  
  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuMuMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu global + Mu global
  Handle<CandidateView> zMuTrack;  
  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuTrackMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu + Track
  Handle<CandidateView> zMuStandAlone; 
  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuStandAloneMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu + StandAlone
  Handle<CandidateView> muons; //Collection of Muons
  Handle<GenParticleMatch> muonMatchMap; 
  Handle<IsolationCollection> muonIso; 
  Handle<CandidateView> tracks; //Collection of Tracks
  Handle<IsolationCollection> trackIso; 
  Handle<CandidateView> standAlone; //Collection of StandAlone
  Handle<IsolationCollection> standAloneIso; 
  Handle<GenParticleCollection> genParticles;  // Collection of Generatd Particles
  event.getByLabel(zMuMu_, zMuMu); 
  event.getByLabel(zMuTrack_, zMuTrack); 
  event.getByLabel(zMuStandAlone_, zMuStandAlone); 
  event.getByLabel(muons_, muons); 
  event.getByLabel(tracks_, tracks); 
  event.getByLabel(standAlone_, standAlone); 
  event.getByLabel(genParticles_, genParticles);

  cout << "*********  zMuMu         size : " << zMuMu->size() << endl;
  cout << "*********  zMuStandAlone size : " << zMuStandAlone->size() << endl;
  cout << "*********  zMuTrack      size : " << zMuTrack->size() << endl;
  cout << "*********  muons         size : " << muons->size()<< endl;
  cout << "*********  standAlone    size : " << standAlone->size()<< endl;
  cout << "*********  tracks        size : " << tracks->size()<< endl;
  cout << "*********  generated     size : " << genParticles->size()<< endl;

  // generator level distributions

  int nZMCfound = 0;
  int ngen = genParticles->size();
  bool ZMuMuMatchedfound = false;
  bool ZMuMuMatchedSelectedfound = false;
  bool ZMuStaMatchedfound = false;
  //bool ZMuStaMatchedSelectedfound = false;
  int ZMuTrackMatchedfound = 0;
  int ZMuTrackMatchedSelected_exclusivefound = 0;

  double dimuonMassGen = 0;

  for (int i=0; i<ngen; i++) {
    const Candidate &genCand = (*genParticles)[i];

    //   if((genCand.pdgId() == 23) && (genCand.status() == 2)) //this is an intermediate Z0
      //      cout << ">>> intermediate Z0 found, with " << genCand.numberOfDaughters() << " daughters" << endl;
    if((genCand.pdgId() == 23)&&(genCand.status() == 3)) { //this is a Z0
      if(genCand.numberOfDaughters() == 3) {                    // possible Z0 decays in mu+ mu-, the 3rd daughter is the same Z0
        const Candidate * dauGen0 = genCand.daughter(0);
        const Candidate * dauGen1 = genCand.daughter(1);
        const Candidate * dauGen2 = genCand.daughter(2);
        if (check_ifZmumu(dauGen0, dauGen1, dauGen2)) {         // Z0 in mu+ mu-
          bool checkpt = false;
          bool checketa = false;
          bool checkmass = false;
          float mupluspt, muminuspt, mupluseta, muminuseta;
          mupluspt = getParticlePt(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
          muminuspt = getParticlePt(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
          mupluseta = getParticleEta(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
          muminuseta = getParticleEta(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
          //float muplusphi = getParticlePhi(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
          //float muminusphi = getParticlePhi(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
          Particle::LorentzVector pZ(0, 0, 0, 0);
          Particle::LorentzVector muplusp4 = getParticleP4(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
          Particle::LorentzVector muminusp4 = getParticleP4(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
          pZ = muplusp4 + muminusp4;
          double dimuon_pt = sqrt(pZ.x()*pZ.x()+pZ.y()*pZ.y());
          double tan_theta_half = tan(atan(dimuon_pt/pZ.z())/2.);
          double dimuon_eta = 0.;
          if (tan_theta_half>0) dimuon_eta = -log(tan(tan_theta_half));
          if (tan_theta_half<=0) dimuon_eta = log(tan(-tan_theta_half));

          dimuonMassGen = pZ.mass();  // dimuon invariant Mass at Generator Level

                             // dimuon 4-momentum
          //      h_mDimuonMC->Fill(pZ.mass());
          //      h_ZminusDimuonMassMC->Fill(genCand.mass()-pZ.mass());
          //      h_DeltaPhiMC->Fill(deltaPhi(muplusphi,muminusphi));
          //      if (dauGen2==23) float z_eta = dauGen2->eta();
          //      if (dauGen2==23) float Zpt = dauGen2->pt();
          //      h_DeltaPhivsZPtMC->Fill(DeltaPhi(muplusphi,muminusphi),ZPt);

          if (mupluspt > ptmin_ && muminuspt > ptmin_) checkpt = true;
          if (mupluseta < etamax_ && muminuseta < etamax_) checketa = true;
          if (genCand.mass()>zMassMin_ && genCand.mass()<zMassMax_) checkmass = true;
          if (checkpt && checketa && checkmass) {

            if (zMuMu->size() > 0 ) {
            else if (zMuStandAlone->size() > 0 ) {
            else {


  h_nZMCfound_->Fill(nZMCfound);                  // number of Z found in the event at generator level  

  //TRACK efficiency (conto numero di eventi Zmumu global e ZmuSta (ricorda che sono due campioni esclusivi)

  if (zMuMu->size() > 0 ) {
    event.getByLabel(zMuMuMatchMap_, zMuMuMatchMap); 
    event.getByLabel(muonIso_, muonIso); 
    event.getByLabel(standAloneIso_, standAloneIso); 
    event.getByLabel(muonMatchMap_, muonMatchMap); 
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuMu->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
      const Candidate & zMuMuCand = (*zMuMu)[i]; //the candidate
      CandidateBaseRef zMuMuCandRef = zMuMu->refAt(i);
      bool isMatched = false;
      GenParticleRef zMuMuMatch = (*zMuMuMatchMap)[zMuMuCandRef];

      if(zMuMuMatch.isNonnull()) {  // ZMuMu matched
        isMatched = true;
      CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
      CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
      if (isMatched) ZMuMuMatchedfound = true;

      // Cuts
      if((dau0->pt() > ptmin_) && (dau1->pt() > ptmin_) && 
         (fabs(dau0->eta()) < etamax_) && (fabs(dau1->eta()) < etamax_) && 
         (zMuMuCand.mass() > zMassMin_) && (zMuMuCand.mass() < zMassMax_) && 
         (isMatched)) { 
        //The Z daughters are already matched!
        const double globalMuonIsolation0 = (*muonIso)[dau0];
        const double globalMuonIsolation1 = (*muonIso)[dau1];
        if((globalMuonIsolation0 < isomax_) && (globalMuonIsolation1 < isomax_)) {      // ZMuMu matched and selected by cuts
          ZMuMuMatchedSelectedfound = true;
          h_etaStandAlone_->Fill(dau0->eta());            // StandAlone found dau0, eta
          h_etaStandAlone_->Fill(dau1->eta());            // StandAlone found dau1, eta
          h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_->Fill(dau0->eta());  // is global muon so dau0 is also found as a track, eta
          h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_->Fill(dau1->eta());  // is global muon so dau1 is also found as a track, eta
          h_ptStandAlone_->Fill(dau0->pt());            // StandAlone found dau0, pt
          h_ptStandAlone_->Fill(dau1->pt());            // StandAlone found dau1, pt
          h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_->Fill(dau0->pt());  // is global muon so dau0 is also found as a track, pt
          h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_->Fill(dau1->pt());  // is global muon so dau1 is also found as a track, pt

          h_etaTrack_->Fill(dau0->eta());            // Track found dau0, eta
          h_etaTrack_->Fill(dau1->eta());            // Track found dau1, eta
          h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_->Fill(dau0->eta());  // is global muon so dau0 is also found as a StandAlone, eta
          h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_->Fill(dau1->eta());  // is global muon so dau1 is also found as a StandAlone, eta
          h_ptTrack_->Fill(dau0->pt());            // Track found dau0, pt
          h_ptTrack_->Fill(dau1->pt());            // Track found dau1, pt
          h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_->Fill(dau0->pt());  // is global muon so dau0 is also found as a StandAlone, pt
          h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_->Fill(dau1->pt());  // is global muon so dau1 is also found as a StandAlone, pt

          // check that the two muons are matched . .per ora è solo un mio controllo
          for(unsigned int j = 0; j < muons->size() ; ++j) {
            CandidateBaseRef muCandRef = muons->refAt(j); 
            GenParticleRef muonMatch = (*muonMatchMap)[muCandRef]; 
            //      if (muonMatch.isNonnull()) cout << "mu match n. " << j << endl;

  if (zMuStandAlone->size() > 0) {
    event.getByLabel(zMuStandAloneMatchMap_, zMuStandAloneMatchMap); 
    event.getByLabel(muonIso_, muonIso); 
    event.getByLabel(standAloneIso_, standAloneIso); 
    event.getByLabel(muonMatchMap_, muonMatchMap); 
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuStandAlone->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
      const Candidate & zMuStaCand = (*zMuStandAlone)[i]; //the candidate
      CandidateBaseRef zMuStaCandRef = zMuStandAlone->refAt(i);
      bool isMatched = false;
      GenParticleRef zMuStaMatch = (*zMuStandAloneMatchMap)[zMuStaCandRef];
      if(zMuStaMatch.isNonnull()) {        // ZMuSta Macthed
        isMatched = true;
        ZMuStaMatchedfound = true;
      CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuStaCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
      CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuStaCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
      // Cuts
      if((dau0->pt() > ptmin_) && (dau1->pt() > ptmin_) && 
         (fabs(dau0->eta()) < etamax_) && (fabs(dau1->eta()) < etamax_) && 
         (zMuStaCand.mass() > zMassMin_) && (zMuStaCand.mass() < zMassMax_) && 
         (isMatched)) {
        CandidateBaseRef standAloneMuonCandRef_, globalMuonCandRef_;
        if(dau0->isGlobalMuon()) {
          standAloneMuonCandRef_ = dau1;
          globalMuonCandRef_ = dau0;
        if(dau1->isGlobalMuon()) {
          standAloneMuonCandRef_ = dau0;
          globalMuonCandRef_ = dau1;

        const double globalMuonIsolation = (*muonIso)[globalMuonCandRef_];
        const double standAloneMuonIsolation = (*standAloneIso)[standAloneMuonCandRef_];
        if((globalMuonIsolation < isomax_) && (standAloneMuonIsolation < isomax_)) {   // ZMuSta matched and selected
          //ZMuStaMatchedSelectedfound = true;
          h_etaStandAlone_->Fill(standAloneMuonCandRef_->eta()); //Denominator eta for measuring track efficiency
          h_ptStandAlone_->Fill(standAloneMuonCandRef_->pt());   //Denominator pt for measuring track eff
          h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_->Fill(zMuStaCand.mass()-dimuonMassGen); // differnce between ZMuSta reco and dimuon mass gen

  } //end loop on Candidate
  //STANDALONE efficiency

  if (zMuTrack->size() > 0) {
    event.getByLabel(zMuTrackMatchMap_, zMuTrackMatchMap); 
    event.getByLabel(muonIso_, muonIso); 
    event.getByLabel(trackIso_, trackIso); 
    event.getByLabel(muonMatchMap_, muonMatchMap); 
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuTrack->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
      const Candidate & zMuTrkCand = (*zMuTrack)[i]; //the candidate
      CandidateBaseRef zMuTrkCandRef = zMuTrack->refAt(i);
      bool isMatched = false;
      GenParticleRef zMuTrkMatch = (*zMuTrackMatchMap)[zMuTrkCandRef];
      if(zMuTrkMatch.isNonnull()) {
        isMatched = true;
      CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuTrkCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
      CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuTrkCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
      if (isMatched) {
        if (ZMuMuMatchedfound) numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu++;
        if (ZMuMuMatchedSelectedfound) numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu++;
        if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound) numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive++;
      // Cuts
      if ((dau0->pt() > ptmin_) && (dau1->pt() > ptmin_) && 
          (fabs(dau0->eta()) < etamax_) && (fabs(dau1->eta())< etamax_) && 
          (zMuTrkCand.mass() > zMassMin_) && (zMuTrkCand.mass() < zMassMax_) && 
          (isMatched) && !ZMuMuMatchedfound && !ZMuStaMatchedfound ) {         

        // dau0 is always the global muon, dau1 is the track for ZMuTrack collection
        const double globalMuonIsolation = (*muonIso)[dau0];
        const double trackMuonIsolation = (*trackIso)[dau1];
        if((globalMuonIsolation < isomax_) && (trackMuonIsolation < isomax_)) { // ZMuTRack matched - selected without ZMuMu found (exclusive)
          h_etaTrack_->Fill(dau1->eta()); //Denominator eta Sta
          h_ptTrack_->Fill(dau1->pt());   //Denominator pt Sta

  } //end loop on Candidate  

  if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && !ZMuStaMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound == 0) noMCmatching++;
  if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound == 1) ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match++;
  if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound > 1) ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch++;
  if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedSelected_exclusivefound == 1) ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match++;
  if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedSelected_exclusivefound > 1) ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch++;
  if (ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound == 1) ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match++;
  if (ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound == 2) ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match++;
  if (ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound > 2) ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch++;
bool ZMuMuEfficiency::check_ifZmumu ( const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 524 of file

References reco::Candidate::pdgId().

Referenced by analyze().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  bool muplusFound=false;
  bool muminusFound=false;
  bool ZFound=false;
  if (partId0==13 || partId1==13 || partId2==13) muminusFound=true;
  if (partId0==-13 || partId1==-13 || partId2==-13) muplusFound=true;
  if (partId0==23 || partId1==23 || partId2==23) ZFound=true;
  return muplusFound*muminusFound*ZFound;   
void ZMuMuEfficiency::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 672 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, n_zMuMufound_genZsele, n_zMuStafound_genZsele, n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele, noMCmatching, numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound, numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu, mathSSE::sqrt(), totalNumberOfevents, totalNumberOfZfound, totalNumberOfZPassed, ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match, ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch, ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match, and ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch.

  //  double efficiencySTA =(double)numberOfOverlappedStandAlone_/(double)numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_;
  //  double errorEff_STA = sqrt( efficiencySTA*(1 - efficiencySTA)/(double)numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_);

  double myTrackEff = 2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_/(2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_+(double)numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_);
  double myErrTrackEff = sqrt(myTrackEff*(1-myTrackEff)/(2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_+(double)numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_));

  double myStaEff = 2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_/(2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_+(double)numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive);
  double myErrStaEff = sqrt(myTrackEff*(1-myTrackEff)/(2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_+(double)numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive));

  //  double efficiencyTRACK =(double)numberOfOverlappedTracks_/(double)numberOfMatchedZMuSta_;
  //  double errorEff_TRACK = sqrt( efficiencyTRACK*(1 - efficiencyTRACK)/(double)numberOfMatchedZMuSta_);

  cout << "------------------------------------  Counters for MC acceptance --------------------------------" << endl;
  cout << "totalNumberOfevents = " << totalNumberOfevents << endl;
  cout << "totalNumberOfZfound = " << totalNumberOfZfound << endl;
  cout << "totalNumberOfZpassed = " << totalNumberOfZPassed << endl;
  cout << "n. of events zMuMu found (gen level selected)" <<   n_zMuMufound_genZsele << endl;
  cout << "n. of events zMuSta found (gen level selected)" <<   n_zMuStafound_genZsele << endl;
  cout << "n. of events zMuTrk found (gen level selected)" <<   n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele << endl;

  cout << "----------------------------   Counter for MC truth efficiency calculation--------------------- " << endl;

  cout << "number of events with ZMuMu found = " << numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound << endl; 
  cout << "number of events with ZMuSta found = " << numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound << endl; 
  cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " << endl;

  cout << "number of events without MC maching = " << noMCmatching << endl; 
  cout << "number of ZMuTrack exclsive 1 match = " << ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match << endl; 
  cout << "number of ZMuTrack exclsive more match = " << ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch << endl; 
  cout << "number of ZMuTrack selected exclusive 1 match = " << ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match << endl; 
  cout << "number of ZMuTrack selected exclusive more match = " << ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch << endl; 
  cout << "number of ZMuTrack ZMuMu 1 match = " << ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match << endl; 
  cout << "number of ZMuTrack ZMuMu 2 match = " << ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match << endl; 
  cout << "number of ZMuTrack ZMuMu more match = " << ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch << endl; 
  cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuMu = " << numberOfMatchedZMuMu_ << endl; 
  cout << "numberOfMatchedSelectdZMuMu = " << numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_ << endl; 
  cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuSta = " << numberOfMatchedZMuSta_ << endl; 
  cout << "numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta = " << numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_ << endl; 
  cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu = " << numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu << endl; 
  cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu = " << numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu << endl; 
  cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuTrack exclusive = " << numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive << endl; 
  cout << "numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack exclusive = " << numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive << endl; 
  cout << " ----------------------------- Efficiency --------------------------------- " << endl;
  cout << "Efficiency StandAlone = " << myStaEff << " +/- " << myErrStaEff << endl;
  cout << "Efficiency Track      = " << myTrackEff << " +/- " << myErrTrackEff << endl;
float ZMuMuEfficiency::getParticleEta ( const int  ipart,
const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 571 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), reco::Candidate::eta(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), and reco::Candidate::status().

Referenced by analyze().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  float etapart=0.;
  if (partId0 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
  if (partId1 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
  if (partId2 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
      if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
  return etapart;
Particle::LorentzVector ZMuMuEfficiency::getParticleP4 ( const int  ipart,
const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 637 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::p4(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), and reco::Candidate::status().

Referenced by analyze().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  Particle::LorentzVector p4part(0.,0.,0.,0.);
  if (partId0 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
  if (partId1 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
  if (partId2 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
      if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
  return p4part;
float ZMuMuEfficiency::getParticlePhi ( const int  ipart,
const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 604 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), reco::Candidate::phi(), and reco::Candidate::status().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  float phipart=0.;
  if (partId0 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
  if (partId1 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
  if (partId2 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
      if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
  return phipart;
float ZMuMuEfficiency::getParticlePt ( const int  ipart,
const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 538 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), reco::Candidate::pt(), and reco::Candidate::status().

Referenced by analyze().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  float ptpart=0.;
  if (partId0 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
  if (partId1 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
  if (partId2 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
      if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
  return ptpart;

Member Data Documentation

double ZMuMuEfficiency::etamax_ [private]

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 46 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 50 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 70 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 70 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 70 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 68 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 68 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 68 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_muIsoGen_ [private]

Definition at line 64 of file

Definition at line 67 of file

TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_muptGen_ [private]

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 62 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 55 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 59 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 55 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ptTrack_ [private]

Definition at line 59 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZetaGen_ [private]

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZmassGen_ [private]

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZptGen_ [private]

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

double ZMuMuEfficiency::isomax_ [private]

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 43 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 43 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 43 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 83 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 83 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 83 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

unsigned int ZMuMuEfficiency::nbinsEta_ [private]

Definition at line 49 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().

unsigned int ZMuMuEfficiency::nbinsPt_ [private]

Definition at line 49 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 79 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 72 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 72 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 74 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 76 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 74 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 76 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 51 of file

double ZMuMuEfficiency::ptmin_ [private]

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 45 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 45 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 50 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 44 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 50 of file

Definition at line 44 of file

Referenced by analyze().

double ZMuMuEfficiency::zMassMax_ [private]

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by analyze().

double ZMuMuEfficiency::zMassMin_ [private]

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 40 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 40 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 42 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 42 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 41 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 79 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 79 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 81 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 81 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 81 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 41 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 80 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().

Definition at line 80 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().