![]() |
![]() |
Definition at line 28 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuMuEfficiency | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | pset | ) |
Definition at line 104 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
References etamax_, h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_dimuonEtaGen_, h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_, h_dimuonMassGen_, h_dimuonMassGenPassed_, h_dimuonPtGen_, h_dimuonPtGenPassed_, h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_, h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_, h_etaStandAlone_, h_etaTrack_, h_muetaGen_, h_muetaGenPassed_, h_muptGen_, h_muptGenPassed_, h_nZMCfound_, h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_, h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_, h_ptStandAlone_, h_ptTrack_, h_ZetaGen_, h_ZetaGenPassed_, h_ZmassGen_, h_ZmassGenPassed_, h_ZptGen_, h_ZptGenPassed_, TFileDirectory::make(), n_zMuMufound_genZsele, n_zMuStafound_genZsele, n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele, nbinsEta_, nbinsPt_, noMCmatching, numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound, numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_notOverlapped, numberOfOverlappedStandAlone_, numberOfOverlappedTracks_, ptmin_, totalNumberOfevents, totalNumberOfZfound, totalNumberOfZPassed, ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match, ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch, ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match, and ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch.
: zMuMu_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuMu")), zMuMuMatchMap_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuMuMatchMap")), zMuTrack_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuTrack")), zMuTrackMatchMap_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuTrackMatchMap")), zMuStandAlone_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuStandAlone")), zMuStandAloneMatchMap_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuStandAloneMatchMap")), muons_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("muons")), muonMatchMap_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("muonMatchMap")), muonIso_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("muonIso")), tracks_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("tracks")), trackIso_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("trackIso")), standAlone_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("standAlone")), standAloneIso_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("standAloneIso")), genParticles_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>( "genParticles" ) ), zMassMin_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("zMassMin")), zMassMax_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("zMassMax")), ptmin_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ptmin")), etamax_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("etamax")), isomax_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("isomax")), nbinsPt_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("nbinsPt")), nbinsEta_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("nbinsEta")) { Service<TFileService> fs; TFileDirectory trackEffDir = fs->mkdir("TrackEfficiency"); // tracker efficiency distributions h_etaStandAlone_ = trackEffDir.make<TH1D>("StandAloneMuonEta", "StandAlone #eta for Z -> #mu + standalone", nbinsEta_, -etamax_, etamax_); h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_ = trackEffDir.make<TH1D>("MuonOverlappedToStandAloneEta", "Global muon overlapped to standAlone #eta for Z -> #mu + sa", nbinsEta_, -etamax_, etamax_); h_ptStandAlone_ = trackEffDir.make<TH1D>("StandAloneMuonPt", "StandAlone p_{t} for Z -> #mu + standalone", nbinsPt_, ptmin_, 100); h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_ = trackEffDir.make<TH1D>("MuonOverlappedToStandAlonePt", "Global muon overlapped to standAlone p_{t} for Z -> #mu + sa", nbinsPt_, ptmin_, 100); // StandAlone efficiency distributions TFileDirectory standaloneEffDir = fs->mkdir("StandaloneEfficiency"); h_etaTrack_ = standaloneEffDir.make<TH1D>("TrackMuonEta", "Track #eta for Z -> #mu + track", nbinsEta_, -etamax_, etamax_); h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_ = standaloneEffDir.make<TH1D>("MuonOverlappedToTrackEta", "Global muon overlapped to track #eta for Z -> #mu + tk", nbinsEta_, -etamax_, etamax_); h_ptTrack_ = standaloneEffDir.make<TH1D>("TrackMuonPt", "Track p_{t} for Z -> #mu + track", nbinsPt_, ptmin_, 100); h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_ = standaloneEffDir.make<TH1D>("MuonOverlappedToTrackPt", "Global muon overlapped to track p_{t} for Z -> #mu + tk", nbinsPt_, ptmin_, 100); // inv. mass resolution studies TFileDirectory invMassResolutionDir = fs->mkdir("invriantMassResolution"); h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ = invMassResolutionDir.make<TH1D>("zMuMu_invMassResolution","zMuMu invariant Mass Resolution",50,-25,25); h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ = invMassResolutionDir.make<TH1D>("zMuSta_invMassResolution","zMuSta invariant Mass Resolution",50,-25,25); h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ = invMassResolutionDir.make<TH1D>("zMuTrack_invMassResolution","zMuTrack invariant Mass Resolution",50,-25,25); // generator level histograms TFileDirectory genParticleDir = fs->mkdir("genParticle"); h_nZMCfound_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("NumberOfgeneratedZeta","n. of generated Z per event",4,-.5,3.5); h_ZetaGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZeta","#eta of generated Z",100,-5.,5.); h_ZptGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZpt","pt of generated Z",100,0.,200.); h_ZmassGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZmass","mass of generated Z",100,0.,200.); h_muetaGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedMuonEta","#eta of generated muons from Z decay",100,-5.,5.); h_muptGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedMuonpt","pt of generated muons from Z decay",100,0.,200.); h_dimuonEtaGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonEta","#eta of generated dimuon",100,-5.,5.); h_dimuonPtGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonPt","pt of generated dimuon",100,0.,200.); h_dimuonMassGen_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonMass","mass of generated dimuon",100,0.,200.); h_ZetaGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZeta_passed","#eta of generated Z after cuts",100,-5.,5.); h_ZptGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZpt_passed","pt of generated Z after cuts",100,0.,200.); h_ZmassGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedZmass_passed","mass of generated Z after cuts",100,0.,200.); h_muetaGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedMuonEta_passed","#eta of generated muons from Z decay after cuts",100,-5.,5.); h_muptGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedMuonpt_passed","pt of generated muons from Z decay after cuts",100,0.,200.); h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonEta_passed","#eta of generated dimuon after cuts",100,-5.,5.); h_dimuonPtGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonPt_passed","pt of generated dimuon after cuts",100,0.,200.); h_dimuonMassGenPassed_ = genParticleDir.make<TH1D>("generatedDimuonMass_passed","mass of generated dimuon after cuts",100,0.,200.); // to insert isolation histograms .............. numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound = 0; numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound = 0; numberOfMatchedZMuMu_ = 0; numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_ = 0; numberOfMatchedZMuSta_ = 0; numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_ = 0; numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu = 0; numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu = 0; numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive = 0; numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive = 0; numberOfOverlappedStandAlone_ = 0; numberOfOverlappedTracks_ = 0; numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_notOverlapped = 0; noMCmatching = 0; ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match = 0; ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch = 0; ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match = 0; ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch = 0; ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match = 0; ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match = 0; ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch = 0; n_zMuMufound_genZsele = 0; n_zMuStafound_genZsele = 0; n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele = 0; // generator counters totalNumberOfevents = 0; totalNumberOfZfound = 0; totalNumberOfZPassed = 0; }
void ZMuMuEfficiency::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | event, |
const edm::EventSetup & | setup | ||
) | [private, virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 222 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
References check_ifZmumu(), gather_cfg::cout, reco::Candidate::daughter(), reco::Candidate::eta(), etamax_, genParticleCandidates2GenParticles_cfi::genParticles, genParticles_, getParticleEta(), getParticleP4(), getParticlePt(), globalMuonCandRef_, h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_, h_dimuonEtaGen_, h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_, h_dimuonMassGen_, h_dimuonMassGenPassed_, h_dimuonPtGen_, h_dimuonPtGenPassed_, h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_, h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_, h_etaStandAlone_, h_etaTrack_, h_muetaGen_, h_muetaGenPassed_, h_muptGen_, h_muptGenPassed_, h_nZMCfound_, h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_, h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_, h_ptStandAlone_, h_ptTrack_, h_ZetaGen_, h_ZetaGenPassed_, h_ZmassGen_, h_ZmassGenPassed_, h_ZptGen_, h_ZptGenPassed_, i, trackerHitRTTI::isMatched(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), isomax_, j, create_public_lumi_plots::log, reco::Candidate::mass(), reco::Candidate::masterClone(), muonIso_, muonMatch_cfi::muonMatch, muonMatchMap_, patZpeak::muons, muons_, n_zMuMufound_genZsele, n_zMuStafound_genZsele, n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele, noMCmatching, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound, numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu, reco::Candidate::pdgId(), reco::Candidate::pt(), ptmin_, mathSSE::sqrt(), standAlone_, standAloneIso_, standAloneMuonCandRef_, reco::Candidate::status(), funct::tan(), totalNumberOfevents, totalNumberOfZfound, totalNumberOfZPassed, trackIso_, testEve_cfg::tracks, tracks_, zMassMax_, zMassMin_, ZMuMuAnalysisNtupler_cff::zMuMu, zMuMu_, zMuMuMatchMap_, zMuStandAlone_, zMuStandAloneMatchMap_, zMuTrack_, ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match, ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch, zMuTrackMatchMap_, ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match, and ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch.
{ Handle<CandidateView> zMuMu; Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuMuMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu global + Mu global Handle<CandidateView> zMuTrack; Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuTrackMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu + Track Handle<CandidateView> zMuStandAlone; Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuStandAloneMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu + StandAlone Handle<CandidateView> muons; //Collection of Muons Handle<GenParticleMatch> muonMatchMap; Handle<IsolationCollection> muonIso; Handle<CandidateView> tracks; //Collection of Tracks Handle<IsolationCollection> trackIso; Handle<CandidateView> standAlone; //Collection of StandAlone Handle<IsolationCollection> standAloneIso; Handle<GenParticleCollection> genParticles; // Collection of Generatd Particles event.getByLabel(zMuMu_, zMuMu); event.getByLabel(zMuTrack_, zMuTrack); event.getByLabel(zMuStandAlone_, zMuStandAlone); event.getByLabel(muons_, muons); event.getByLabel(tracks_, tracks); event.getByLabel(standAlone_, standAlone); event.getByLabel(genParticles_, genParticles); cout << "********* zMuMu size : " << zMuMu->size() << endl; cout << "********* zMuStandAlone size : " << zMuStandAlone->size() << endl; cout << "********* zMuTrack size : " << zMuTrack->size() << endl; cout << "********* muons size : " << muons->size()<< endl; cout << "********* standAlone size : " << standAlone->size()<< endl; cout << "********* tracks size : " << tracks->size()<< endl; cout << "********* generated size : " << genParticles->size()<< endl; // generator level distributions int nZMCfound = 0; totalNumberOfevents++; int ngen = genParticles->size(); bool ZMuMuMatchedfound = false; bool ZMuMuMatchedSelectedfound = false; bool ZMuStaMatchedfound = false; //bool ZMuStaMatchedSelectedfound = false; int ZMuTrackMatchedfound = 0; int ZMuTrackMatchedSelected_exclusivefound = 0; double dimuonMassGen = 0; for (int i=0; i<ngen; i++) { const Candidate &genCand = (*genParticles)[i]; // if((genCand.pdgId() == 23) && (genCand.status() == 2)) //this is an intermediate Z0 // cout << ">>> intermediate Z0 found, with " << genCand.numberOfDaughters() << " daughters" << endl; if((genCand.pdgId() == 23)&&(genCand.status() == 3)) { //this is a Z0 if(genCand.numberOfDaughters() == 3) { // possible Z0 decays in mu+ mu-, the 3rd daughter is the same Z0 const Candidate * dauGen0 = genCand.daughter(0); const Candidate * dauGen1 = genCand.daughter(1); const Candidate * dauGen2 = genCand.daughter(2); if (check_ifZmumu(dauGen0, dauGen1, dauGen2)) { // Z0 in mu+ mu- totalNumberOfZfound++; nZMCfound++; bool checkpt = false; bool checketa = false; bool checkmass = false; float mupluspt, muminuspt, mupluseta, muminuseta; mupluspt = getParticlePt(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2); muminuspt = getParticlePt(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2); mupluseta = getParticleEta(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2); muminuseta = getParticleEta(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2); //float muplusphi = getParticlePhi(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2); //float muminusphi = getParticlePhi(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2); Particle::LorentzVector pZ(0, 0, 0, 0); Particle::LorentzVector muplusp4 = getParticleP4(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2); Particle::LorentzVector muminusp4 = getParticleP4(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2); pZ = muplusp4 + muminusp4; double dimuon_pt = sqrt(pZ.x()*pZ.x()+pZ.y()*pZ.y()); double tan_theta_half = tan(atan(dimuon_pt/pZ.z())/2.); double dimuon_eta = 0.; if (tan_theta_half>0) dimuon_eta = -log(tan(tan_theta_half)); if (tan_theta_half<=0) dimuon_eta = log(tan(-tan_theta_half)); dimuonMassGen = pZ.mass(); // dimuon invariant Mass at Generator Level h_ZmassGen_->Fill(genCand.mass()); h_ZetaGen_->Fill(genCand.eta()); h_ZptGen_->Fill(genCand.pt()); h_dimuonMassGen_->Fill(pZ.mass()); h_dimuonEtaGen_->Fill(dimuon_eta); h_dimuonPtGen_->Fill(dimuon_pt); h_muetaGen_->Fill(mupluseta); h_muetaGen_->Fill(muminuseta); h_muptGen_->Fill(mupluspt); h_muptGen_->Fill(muminuspt); // dimuon 4-momentum // h_mDimuonMC->Fill(pZ.mass()); // h_ZminusDimuonMassMC->Fill(genCand.mass()-pZ.mass()); // h_DeltaPhiMC->Fill(deltaPhi(muplusphi,muminusphi)); // if (dauGen2==23) float z_eta = dauGen2->eta(); // if (dauGen2==23) float Zpt = dauGen2->pt(); // h_DeltaPhivsZPtMC->Fill(DeltaPhi(muplusphi,muminusphi),ZPt); if (mupluspt > ptmin_ && muminuspt > ptmin_) checkpt = true; if (mupluseta < etamax_ && muminuseta < etamax_) checketa = true; if (genCand.mass()>zMassMin_ && genCand.mass()<zMassMax_) checkmass = true; if (checkpt && checketa && checkmass) { totalNumberOfZPassed++; h_ZmassGenPassed_->Fill(genCand.mass()); h_ZetaGenPassed_->Fill(genCand.eta()); h_ZptGenPassed_->Fill(genCand.pt()); h_dimuonMassGenPassed_->Fill(pZ.mass()); h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_->Fill(dimuon_eta); h_dimuonPtGenPassed_->Fill(dimuon_pt); h_muetaGenPassed_->Fill(mupluseta); h_muetaGenPassed_->Fill(muminuseta); h_muptGenPassed_->Fill(mupluspt); h_muptGenPassed_->Fill(muminuspt); if (zMuMu->size() > 0 ) { n_zMuMufound_genZsele++; } else if (zMuStandAlone->size() > 0 ) { n_zMuStafound_genZsele++; } else { n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele++; } } } } } } h_nZMCfound_->Fill(nZMCfound); // number of Z found in the event at generator level //TRACK efficiency (conto numero di eventi Zmumu global e ZmuSta (ricorda che sono due campioni esclusivi) if (zMuMu->size() > 0 ) { numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound++; event.getByLabel(zMuMuMatchMap_, zMuMuMatchMap); event.getByLabel(muonIso_, muonIso); event.getByLabel(standAloneIso_, standAloneIso); event.getByLabel(muonMatchMap_, muonMatchMap); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuMu->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates const Candidate & zMuMuCand = (*zMuMu)[i]; //the candidate CandidateBaseRef zMuMuCandRef = zMuMu->refAt(i); bool isMatched = false; GenParticleRef zMuMuMatch = (*zMuMuMatchMap)[zMuMuCandRef]; if(zMuMuMatch.isNonnull()) { // ZMuMu matched isMatched = true; numberOfMatchedZMuMu_++; } CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0)->masterClone(); CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1)->masterClone(); if (isMatched) ZMuMuMatchedfound = true; // Cuts if((dau0->pt() > ptmin_) && (dau1->pt() > ptmin_) && (fabs(dau0->eta()) < etamax_) && (fabs(dau1->eta()) < etamax_) && (zMuMuCand.mass() > zMassMin_) && (zMuMuCand.mass() < zMassMax_) && (isMatched)) { //The Z daughters are already matched! const double globalMuonIsolation0 = (*muonIso)[dau0]; const double globalMuonIsolation1 = (*muonIso)[dau1]; if((globalMuonIsolation0 < isomax_) && (globalMuonIsolation1 < isomax_)) { // ZMuMu matched and selected by cuts ZMuMuMatchedSelectedfound = true; numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_++; h_etaStandAlone_->Fill(dau0->eta()); // StandAlone found dau0, eta h_etaStandAlone_->Fill(dau1->eta()); // StandAlone found dau1, eta h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_->Fill(dau0->eta()); // is global muon so dau0 is also found as a track, eta h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_->Fill(dau1->eta()); // is global muon so dau1 is also found as a track, eta h_ptStandAlone_->Fill(dau0->pt()); // StandAlone found dau0, pt h_ptStandAlone_->Fill(dau1->pt()); // StandAlone found dau1, pt h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_->Fill(dau0->pt()); // is global muon so dau0 is also found as a track, pt h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_->Fill(dau1->pt()); // is global muon so dau1 is also found as a track, pt h_etaTrack_->Fill(dau0->eta()); // Track found dau0, eta h_etaTrack_->Fill(dau1->eta()); // Track found dau1, eta h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_->Fill(dau0->eta()); // is global muon so dau0 is also found as a StandAlone, eta h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_->Fill(dau1->eta()); // is global muon so dau1 is also found as a StandAlone, eta h_ptTrack_->Fill(dau0->pt()); // Track found dau0, pt h_ptTrack_->Fill(dau1->pt()); // Track found dau1, pt h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_->Fill(dau0->pt()); // is global muon so dau0 is also found as a StandAlone, pt h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_->Fill(dau1->pt()); // is global muon so dau1 is also found as a StandAlone, pt h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_->Fill(zMuMuCand.mass()-dimuonMassGen); // check that the two muons are matched . .per ora è solo un mio controllo for(unsigned int j = 0; j < muons->size() ; ++j) { CandidateBaseRef muCandRef = muons->refAt(j); GenParticleRef muonMatch = (*muonMatchMap)[muCandRef]; // if (muonMatch.isNonnull()) cout << "mu match n. " << j << endl; } } } } } if (zMuStandAlone->size() > 0) { numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound++; event.getByLabel(zMuStandAloneMatchMap_, zMuStandAloneMatchMap); event.getByLabel(muonIso_, muonIso); event.getByLabel(standAloneIso_, standAloneIso); event.getByLabel(muonMatchMap_, muonMatchMap); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuStandAlone->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates const Candidate & zMuStaCand = (*zMuStandAlone)[i]; //the candidate CandidateBaseRef zMuStaCandRef = zMuStandAlone->refAt(i); bool isMatched = false; GenParticleRef zMuStaMatch = (*zMuStandAloneMatchMap)[zMuStaCandRef]; if(zMuStaMatch.isNonnull()) { // ZMuSta Macthed isMatched = true; ZMuStaMatchedfound = true; numberOfMatchedZMuSta_++; } CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuStaCand.daughter(0)->masterClone(); CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuStaCand.daughter(1)->masterClone(); // Cuts if((dau0->pt() > ptmin_) && (dau1->pt() > ptmin_) && (fabs(dau0->eta()) < etamax_) && (fabs(dau1->eta()) < etamax_) && (zMuStaCand.mass() > zMassMin_) && (zMuStaCand.mass() < zMassMax_) && (isMatched)) { CandidateBaseRef standAloneMuonCandRef_, globalMuonCandRef_; if(dau0->isGlobalMuon()) { standAloneMuonCandRef_ = dau1; globalMuonCandRef_ = dau0; } if(dau1->isGlobalMuon()) { standAloneMuonCandRef_ = dau0; globalMuonCandRef_ = dau1; } const double globalMuonIsolation = (*muonIso)[globalMuonCandRef_]; const double standAloneMuonIsolation = (*standAloneIso)[standAloneMuonCandRef_]; if((globalMuonIsolation < isomax_) && (standAloneMuonIsolation < isomax_)) { // ZMuSta matched and selected //ZMuStaMatchedSelectedfound = true; numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_++; h_etaStandAlone_->Fill(standAloneMuonCandRef_->eta()); //Denominator eta for measuring track efficiency h_ptStandAlone_->Fill(standAloneMuonCandRef_->pt()); //Denominator pt for measuring track eff h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_->Fill(zMuStaCand.mass()-dimuonMassGen); // differnce between ZMuSta reco and dimuon mass gen } } } } //end loop on Candidate //STANDALONE efficiency if (zMuTrack->size() > 0) { event.getByLabel(zMuTrackMatchMap_, zMuTrackMatchMap); event.getByLabel(muonIso_, muonIso); event.getByLabel(trackIso_, trackIso); event.getByLabel(muonMatchMap_, muonMatchMap); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuTrack->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates const Candidate & zMuTrkCand = (*zMuTrack)[i]; //the candidate CandidateBaseRef zMuTrkCandRef = zMuTrack->refAt(i); bool isMatched = false; GenParticleRef zMuTrkMatch = (*zMuTrackMatchMap)[zMuTrkCandRef]; if(zMuTrkMatch.isNonnull()) { isMatched = true; } CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuTrkCand.daughter(0)->masterClone(); CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuTrkCand.daughter(1)->masterClone(); if (isMatched) { ZMuTrackMatchedfound++; if (ZMuMuMatchedfound) numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu++; if (ZMuMuMatchedSelectedfound) numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu++; if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound) numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive++; } // Cuts if ((dau0->pt() > ptmin_) && (dau1->pt() > ptmin_) && (fabs(dau0->eta()) < etamax_) && (fabs(dau1->eta())< etamax_) && (zMuTrkCand.mass() > zMassMin_) && (zMuTrkCand.mass() < zMassMax_) && (isMatched) && !ZMuMuMatchedfound && !ZMuStaMatchedfound ) { // dau0 is always the global muon, dau1 is the track for ZMuTrack collection const double globalMuonIsolation = (*muonIso)[dau0]; const double trackMuonIsolation = (*trackIso)[dau1]; if((globalMuonIsolation < isomax_) && (trackMuonIsolation < isomax_)) { // ZMuTRack matched - selected without ZMuMu found (exclusive) numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive++; ZMuTrackMatchedSelected_exclusivefound++; h_etaTrack_->Fill(dau1->eta()); //Denominator eta Sta h_ptTrack_->Fill(dau1->pt()); //Denominator pt Sta h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_->Fill(zMuTrkCand.mass()-dimuonMassGen); } } } } //end loop on Candidate if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && !ZMuStaMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound == 0) noMCmatching++; if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound == 1) ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match++; if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound > 1) ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch++; if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedSelected_exclusivefound == 1) ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match++; if (!ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedSelected_exclusivefound > 1) ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch++; if (ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound == 1) ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match++; if (ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound == 2) ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match++; if (ZMuMuMatchedfound && ZMuTrackMatchedfound > 2) ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch++; }
bool ZMuMuEfficiency::check_ifZmumu | ( | const Candidate * | dauGen0, |
const Candidate * | dauGen1, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen2 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 524 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
References reco::Candidate::pdgId().
Referenced by analyze().
{ int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId(); int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId(); int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId(); bool muplusFound=false; bool muminusFound=false; bool ZFound=false; if (partId0==13 || partId1==13 || partId2==13) muminusFound=true; if (partId0==-13 || partId1==-13 || partId2==-13) muplusFound=true; if (partId0==23 || partId1==23 || partId2==23) ZFound=true; return muplusFound*muminusFound*ZFound; }
void ZMuMuEfficiency::endJob | ( | void | ) | [private, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 672 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, n_zMuMufound_genZsele, n_zMuStafound_genZsele, n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele, noMCmatching, numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound, numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuMu_, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu, numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu, mathSSE::sqrt(), totalNumberOfevents, totalNumberOfZfound, totalNumberOfZPassed, ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match, ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match, ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch, ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match, and ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch.
{ // double efficiencySTA =(double)numberOfOverlappedStandAlone_/(double)numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_; // double errorEff_STA = sqrt( efficiencySTA*(1 - efficiencySTA)/(double)numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_); double myTrackEff = 2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_/(2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_+(double)numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_); double myErrTrackEff = sqrt(myTrackEff*(1-myTrackEff)/(2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_+(double)numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_)); double myStaEff = 2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_/(2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_+(double)numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive); double myErrStaEff = sqrt(myTrackEff*(1-myTrackEff)/(2.*numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_+(double)numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive)); // double efficiencyTRACK =(double)numberOfOverlappedTracks_/(double)numberOfMatchedZMuSta_; // double errorEff_TRACK = sqrt( efficiencyTRACK*(1 - efficiencyTRACK)/(double)numberOfMatchedZMuSta_); cout << "------------------------------------ Counters for MC acceptance --------------------------------" << endl; cout << "totalNumberOfevents = " << totalNumberOfevents << endl; cout << "totalNumberOfZfound = " << totalNumberOfZfound << endl; cout << "totalNumberOfZpassed = " << totalNumberOfZPassed << endl; cout << "n. of events zMuMu found (gen level selected)" << n_zMuMufound_genZsele << endl; cout << "n. of events zMuSta found (gen level selected)" << n_zMuStafound_genZsele << endl; cout << "n. of events zMuTrk found (gen level selected)" << n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele << endl; cout << "---------------------------- Counter for MC truth efficiency calculation--------------------- " << endl; cout << "number of events with ZMuMu found = " << numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound << endl; cout << "number of events with ZMuSta found = " << numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound << endl; cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " << endl; cout << "number of events without MC maching = " << noMCmatching << endl; cout << "number of ZMuTrack exclsive 1 match = " << ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match << endl; cout << "number of ZMuTrack exclsive more match = " << ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch << endl; cout << "number of ZMuTrack selected exclusive 1 match = " << ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match << endl; cout << "number of ZMuTrack selected exclusive more match = " << ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch << endl; cout << "number of ZMuTrack ZMuMu 1 match = " << ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match << endl; cout << "number of ZMuTrack ZMuMu 2 match = " << ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match << endl; cout << "number of ZMuTrack ZMuMu more match = " << ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch << endl; cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuMu = " << numberOfMatchedZMuMu_ << endl; cout << "numberOfMatchedSelectdZMuMu = " << numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_ << endl; cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuSta = " << numberOfMatchedZMuSta_ << endl; cout << "numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta = " << numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_ << endl; cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu = " << numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu << endl; cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu = " << numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedSelectedZMuMu << endl; cout << "numberOfMatchedZMuTrack exclusive = " << numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive << endl; cout << "numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack exclusive = " << numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuTrack_exclusive << endl; cout << " ----------------------------- Efficiency --------------------------------- " << endl; cout << "Efficiency StandAlone = " << myStaEff << " +/- " << myErrStaEff << endl; cout << "Efficiency Track = " << myTrackEff << " +/- " << myErrTrackEff << endl; }
float ZMuMuEfficiency::getParticleEta | ( | const int | ipart, |
const Candidate * | dauGen0, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen1, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen2 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 571 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), reco::Candidate::eta(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), and reco::Candidate::status().
Referenced by analyze().
{ int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId(); int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId(); int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId(); float etapart=0.; if (partId0 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k); if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { etapart = dauMuGen->eta(); } } } if (partId1 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k); if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { etapart = dauMuGen->eta(); } } } if (partId2 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k); if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { etapart = dauMuGen->eta(); } } } return etapart; }
Particle::LorentzVector ZMuMuEfficiency::getParticleP4 | ( | const int | ipart, |
const Candidate * | dauGen0, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen1, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen2 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 637 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::p4(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), and reco::Candidate::status().
Referenced by analyze().
{ int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId(); int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId(); int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId(); Particle::LorentzVector p4part(0.,0.,0.,0.); if (partId0 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k); if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { p4part = dauMuGen->p4(); } } } if (partId1 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k); if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { p4part = dauMuGen->p4(); } } } if (partId2 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k); if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { p4part = dauMuGen->p4(); } } } return p4part; }
float ZMuMuEfficiency::getParticlePhi | ( | const int | ipart, |
const Candidate * | dauGen0, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen1, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen2 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 604 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), reco::Candidate::phi(), and reco::Candidate::status().
{ int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId(); int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId(); int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId(); float phipart=0.; if (partId0 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k); if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { phipart = dauMuGen->phi(); } } } if (partId1 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k); if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { phipart = dauMuGen->phi(); } } } if (partId2 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k); if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { phipart = dauMuGen->phi(); } } } return phipart; }
float ZMuMuEfficiency::getParticlePt | ( | const int | ipart, |
const Candidate * | dauGen0, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen1, | ||
const Candidate * | dauGen2 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 538 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), reco::Candidate::pt(), and reco::Candidate::status().
Referenced by analyze().
{ int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId(); int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId(); int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId(); float ptpart=0.; if (partId0 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k); if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { ptpart = dauMuGen->pt(); } } } if (partId1 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k); if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { ptpart = dauMuGen->pt(); } } } if (partId2 == ipart) { for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) { const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k); if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) { ptpart = dauMuGen->pt(); } } } return ptpart; }
double ZMuMuEfficiency::etamax_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::genParticles_ [private] |
Definition at line 46 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 50 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_DELTA_ZMuMuMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 70 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_DELTA_ZMuStaMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 70 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_DELTA_ZMuTrackMassReco_dimuonMassGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 70 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_dimuonEtaGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_dimuonEtaGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 68 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_dimuonMassGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_dimuonMassGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 68 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_dimuonPtGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_dimuonPtGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 68 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_etaMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_ [private] |
Definition at line 54 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_etaMuonOverlappedToTrack_ [private] |
Definition at line 58 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_etaStandAlone_ [private] |
Definition at line 54 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_etaTrack_ [private] |
Definition at line 58 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_muetaGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_muetaGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 67 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_muIsoGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_muIsoGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 67 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_muptGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_muptGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 67 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_nZMCfound_ [private] |
Definition at line 62 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ptMuonOverlappedToStandAlone_ [private] |
Definition at line 55 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ptMuonOverlappedToTrack_ [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ptStandAlone_ [private] |
Definition at line 55 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ptTrack_ [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZetaGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D* ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZetaGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZmassGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZmassGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZptGen_ [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
TH1D * ZMuMuEfficiency::h_ZptGenPassed_ [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
double ZMuMuEfficiency::isomax_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::muonIso_ [private] |
Definition at line 43 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::muonMatchMap_ [private] |
Definition at line 43 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::muons_ [private] |
Definition at line 43 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::n_zMuMufound_genZsele [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::n_zMuStafound_genZsele [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::n_zMuTrkfound_genZsele [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
unsigned int ZMuMuEfficiency::nbinsEta_ [private] |
Definition at line 49 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().
unsigned int ZMuMuEfficiency::nbinsPt_ [private] |
Definition at line 49 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::noMCmatching [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfEventsWithZMuMufound [private] |
Definition at line 72 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfEventsWithZMuStafound [private] |
Definition at line 72 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuMu_ [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfMatchedSelectedZMuSta_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
Definition at line 76 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfMatchedZMuMu_ [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfMatchedZMuSta_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_exclusive [private] |
Definition at line 76 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
Definition at line 77 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_matchedZMuMu [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfMatchedZMuTrack_notOverlapped [private] |
Definition at line 75 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfOverlappedStandAlone_ [private] |
Definition at line 75 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::numberOfOverlappedTracks_ [private] |
Definition at line 75 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by ZMuMuEfficiency().
OverlapChecker ZMuMuEfficiency::overlap_ [private] |
Definition at line 51 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
double ZMuMuEfficiency::ptmin_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::standAlone_ [private] |
Definition at line 45 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::standAloneIso_ [private] |
Definition at line 45 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 50 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::totalNumberOfevents [private] |
Definition at line 78 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::totalNumberOfZfound [private] |
Definition at line 78 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::totalNumberOfZPassed [private] |
Definition at line 78 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::trackIso_ [private] |
Definition at line 44 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 50 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::tracks_ [private] |
Definition at line 44 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
double ZMuMuEfficiency::zMassMax_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
double ZMuMuEfficiency::zMassMin_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::zMuMu_ [private] |
Definition at line 40 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::zMuMuMatchMap_ [private] |
Definition at line 40 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::zMuStandAlone_ [private] |
Definition at line 42 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 42 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
edm::InputTag ZMuMuEfficiency::zMuTrack_ [private] |
Definition at line 41 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuTrack_exclusive_1match [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuTrack_exclusive_morematch [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_1match [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_2match [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuTrack_ZMuMu_morematch [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
Definition at line 41 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_1match [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().
int ZMuMuEfficiency::ZMuTrackselected_exclusive_morematch [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file ZMuMuEfficiency.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuEfficiency().