Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

TrackProducerFP420 Class Reference

#include <TrackProducerFP420.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector
< ClusterFP420 >

Public Member Functions

std::vector< TrackFP420trackFinderSophisticated (edm::Handle< ClusterCollectionFP420 > input, int det)
 TrackProducerFP420 (int, int, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, bool, bool, bool, bool, double, double, float, float, double, int, double, double)

Private Attributes

float chiCutX
float chiCutY
double dXX
double dYY
double gapBlade
double pitchX
double pitchXW
double pitchY
double pitchYW
int pn0
std::vector< TrackFP420rhits
int rn0
int sn0
ClusterCollectionFP420 soutput
bool UseHalfPitchShiftInX
bool UseHalfPitchShiftInXW
bool UseHalfPitchShiftInY
bool UseHalfPitchShiftInYW
int verbos
double XsensorSize
int xytype
double YsensorSize
double z420
double zBlade
double zD2
double zD3
double ZGapLDet
double zinibeg
double ZSiDet
double ZSiPlane
double ZSiStep

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<ClusterFP420>::const_iterator TrackProducerFP420::ClusterFP420Iter

Definition at line 28 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TrackProducerFP420::TrackProducerFP420 ( int  asn0,
int  apn0,
int  arn0,
int  axytype,
double  az420,
double  azD2,
double  azD3,
double  apitchX,
double  apitchY,
double  apitchXW,
double  apitchYW,
double  aZGapLDet,
double  aZSiStep,
double  aZSiPlane,
double  aZSiDet,
double  azBlade,
double  agapBlade,
bool  aUseHalfPitchShiftInX,
bool  aUseHalfPitchShiftInY,
bool  aUseHalfPitchShiftInXW,
bool  aUseHalfPitchShiftInYW,
double  adXX,
double  adYY,
float  achiCutX,
float  achiCutY,
double  azinibeg,
int  verbosity,
double  aXsensorSize,
double  aYsensorSize 

Definition at line 23 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstMuon2_cfi::verbosity.

  // Everything that depend on the det
  sn0 = asn0;
  pn0 = apn0;
  rn0 = arn0;
  xytype = axytype;
  z420= az420;
  zD2 = azD2;
  zD3 = azD3;
  //zUnit= azUnit;
  pitchX = apitchX;
  pitchY = apitchY;
  pitchXW = apitchXW;
  pitchYW = apitchYW;
  ZGapLDet = aZGapLDet;
  ZSiStep = aZSiStep; 
  ZSiPlane = aZSiPlane;
  ZSiDet = aZSiDet;
  zBlade = azBlade;
  gapBlade = agapBlade;

  UseHalfPitchShiftInX = aUseHalfPitchShiftInX;
  UseHalfPitchShiftInY = aUseHalfPitchShiftInY;
  UseHalfPitchShiftInXW = aUseHalfPitchShiftInXW;
  UseHalfPitchShiftInYW = aUseHalfPitchShiftInYW;
  dXX = adXX;
  dYY = adYY;
  chiCutX = achiCutX;
  chiCutY = achiCutY;
  zinibeg = azinibeg;
  XsensorSize = aXsensorSize;
  YsensorSize = aYsensorSize;

  if (verbos > 0) {
    std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420: call constructor" << std::endl;
    std::cout << " sn0= " << sn0 << " pn0= " << pn0 << " rn0= " << rn0 << " xytype= " << xytype << std::endl;
    std::cout << " zD2= " << zD2 << " zD3= " << zD3 << " zinibeg= " << zinibeg << std::endl;
    //std::cout << " zUnit= " << zUnit << std::endl;
    std::cout << " pitchX= " << pitchX << " pitchY= " << pitchY << std::endl;
    std::cout << " ZGapLDet= " << ZGapLDet << std::endl;
    std::cout << " ZSiStep= " << ZSiStep << " ZSiPlane= " << ZSiPlane << std::endl;
    std::cout << " ZSiDet= " <<ZSiDet  << std::endl;
    std::cout << " UseHalfPitchShiftInX= " << UseHalfPitchShiftInX << " UseHalfPitchShiftInY= " << UseHalfPitchShiftInY << std::endl;
    std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:----------------------" << std::endl;
    std::cout << " dXX= " << dXX << " dYY= " << dYY << std::endl;
    std::cout << " chiCutX= " << chiCutX << " chiCutY= " << chiCutY << std::endl;

  theFP420NumberingScheme = new FP420NumberingScheme();


Member Function Documentation

std::vector< TrackFP420 > TrackProducerFP420::trackFinderSophisticated ( edm::Handle< ClusterCollectionFP420 input,
int  det 

Definition at line 86 of file

References abs, ClusterFP420::amplitudes(), ClusterFP420::barycenter(), ClusterFP420::barycenterW(), ClusterFP420::barycerror(), ClusterFP420::barycerrorW(), cl, GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::cl2, gather_cfg::cout, corrVsCorr::ry, and lumiQTWidget::t.

Referenced by FP420TrackMain::run().

  std::vector<TrackFP420> rhits;
  int restracks = 10;// max # tracks
  double Ax[10]; double Bx[10]; double Cx[10]; int Mx[10];
  double Ay[10]; double By[10]; double Cy[10]; int My[10];
  double AxW[10]; double BxW[10]; double CxW[10]; int MxW[10];
  double AyW[10]; double ByW[10]; double CyW[10]; int MyW[10];
  if (verbos > 0) {
    std::cout << "===============================================================================" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "=================================================================" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "==========================================================" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "=                                                 =" << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420: Start trackFinderSophisticated " << std::endl; 
// xytype is the sensor grid arrangment
  if( xytype < 1 || xytype > 2 ){
    std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:ERROR in trackFinderSophisticated: check xytype = " << xytype << std::endl; 
    return rhits;
// sn0= 3 - 2St configuration, sn0= 4 - 3St configuration 
//  if( sn0 < 3 || sn0 > 4 ){
  if( sn0 != 3 ){
    std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:ERROR in trackFinderSophisticated: check sn0 (configuration) = " << sn0 << std::endl; 
    return rhits;
  int zbeg = 1, zmax=3;// means layer 1 and 2 in superlayer, i.e. for loop: 1,2
  //   .
  int reshits1 = 12;// is max # cl in sensor of copyinlayer=1
  int reshits2 = 24;// (reshits2-reshits1) is max # cl in sensors of copyinlayers= 2 or 3
  //  int resplanes = 20;
  int nX[20], nY[20];// resplanes =20 NUMBER OF PLANES; nX, nY - # cl for every X and Y plane
  int uX[20], uY[20];// resplanes =20 NUMBER OF PLANES; nX, nY - current # cl used for every X and Y plane
  double zX[24][20], xX[24][20], wX[24][20];
  double zY[24][20], yY[24][20], wY[24][20];
  double             yXW[24][20], wXW[24][20];
  double             xYW[24][20], wYW[24][20];
  bool qX[24][20], qY[24][20];
  //   .
  int txf = 0; int txs1 = 0; int txss = 0;
  int tyf = 0; int tys1 = 0; int tyss = 0;
  //   .
  double pitch=0.;
  double pitchW=0.;
  else if(xytype==2){

     //current change of geometry:
    float Xshift = pitch/2.;
    float Yshift = pitchW/2.;
    int nmetcurx=0;
    int nmetcury=0;
    unsigned int ii0 = 999999;
    int allplacesforsensors=7;
    for (int sector=1; sector < sn0; sector++) {
      for (int zmodule=1; zmodule<pn0; zmodule++) {
        for (int zsideinorder=1; zsideinorder<allplacesforsensors; zsideinorder++) {
          int zside = theFP420NumberingScheme->FP420NumberingScheme::realzside(rn0, zsideinorder);// 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6
          if (verbos  == -49) {
            std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:  sector= " << sector << " zmodule= " << zmodule << " zsideinorder= " << zsideinorder << " zside= " << zside << " det= " << det << std::endl; 
          if(zside != 0) {
            int justlayer = theFP420NumberingScheme->FP420NumberingScheme::unpackLayerIndex(rn0, zside);// 1, 2
            if(justlayer<1||justlayer>2) {
              std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:WRONG  justlayer= " << justlayer << std::endl; 
            int copyinlayer = theFP420NumberingScheme->FP420NumberingScheme::unpackCopyIndex(rn0, zside);// 1, 2, 3
            if(copyinlayer<1||copyinlayer>3) {
              std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:WRONG  copyinlayer= " << copyinlayer << std::endl; 
            int orientation = theFP420NumberingScheme->FP420NumberingScheme::unpackOrientation(rn0, zside);// Front: = 1; Back: = 2
            if(orientation<1||orientation>2) {
              std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:WRONG  orientation= " << orientation << std::endl; 
            // ii is a continues numbering of planes(!)  over two arm FP420 set up
            //                                                                    and  ...[ii] massives have prepared in use of ii
            int detfixed=1;// use this treatment for each set up arm, hence no sense to repete the same for +FP420 and -FP420;
            int nlayers=3;// 2=3-1
            unsigned int ii = theFP420NumberingScheme->FP420NumberingScheme::packMYIndex(nlayers,pn0,sn0,detfixed,justlayer,sector,zmodule)-1;// substruct 1 from 1(+1), 2(+2), 3(+3),4(+4),5...,6...,7...,8...,9...,10... (1st Station)              ,11...,12...,13,...20... (2nd Station)
            // ii = 0-19   --> 20 items

            if (verbos == -49) {
              std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:  justlayer= " << justlayer << " copyinlayer= " << copyinlayer << " ii= " << ii << std::endl; 
            double zdiststat = 0.;
            if(sn0<4) {
              if(sector==2) zdiststat = zD3;
            else {
              if(sector==2) zdiststat = zD2;
              if(sector==3) zdiststat = zD3;
            double kplane = -(pn0-1)/2 - 0.5  +  (zmodule-1); //-3.5 +0...5 = -3.5,-2.5,-1.5,+2.5,+1.5
            double zcurrent = zinibeg + z420 + (ZSiStep-ZSiPlane)/2  + kplane*ZSiStep + zdiststat;  
            //double zcurrent = zinibeg +(ZSiStep-ZSiPlane)/2  + kplane*ZSiStep + (sector-1)*zUnit;  
             if(orientation==1) zcurrent += (ZGapLDet+ZSiDet/2);
             if(orientation==2) zcurrent += zBlade-(ZGapLDet+ZSiDet/2);
             if(orientation==1) zcurrent += (ZGapLDet+ZSiDet/2)+zBlade+gapBlade;
             if(orientation==2) zcurrent += 2*zBlade+gapBlade-(ZGapLDet+ZSiDet/2);
            //   .
            if(det == 2) zcurrent = -zcurrent;
            //   .
            // local - global systems with possible shift of every second plate:
            // for xytype=1
            float dYYcur = dYY;// XSiDet/2.
            float dYYWcur = dXX;//(BoxYshft+dYGap) + (YSi - YSiDet)/2. = 4.7
            // for xytype=2
            float dXXcur = dXX;//(BoxYshft+dYGap) + (YSi - YSiDet)/2. = 4.7
            float dXXWcur = dYY;// XSiDet/2.
            //   .
            if(justlayer==2) {
              // X-type: x-coord
              if (UseHalfPitchShiftInX == true){
                dXXcur += Xshift;
              // X-type: y-coord
              if (UseHalfPitchShiftInXW == true){
                dXXWcur -= Yshift;
            double XXXDelta = 0.0;
            if(copyinlayer==2) { XXXDelta = XsensorSize;}
            if(copyinlayer==3) { XXXDelta = 2.*XsensorSize;}
            double YYYDelta = 0.0;
            if(copyinlayer==2) { YYYDelta = XsensorSize;}
            if(copyinlayer==3) { YYYDelta = 2.*XsensorSize;}
            //   .
            //   GET CLUSTER collection  !!!!
            //   .
            unsigned int iu=theFP420NumberingScheme->FP420NumberingScheme::packMYIndex(rn0,pn0,sn0,det,zside,sector,zmodule);
            if (verbos > 0 ) {
              std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420: check        iu = " << iu << std::endl; 
              std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420:  sector= " << sector << " zmodule= " << zmodule << " zside= " << zside << " det= " << det << " rn0= " << rn0 << " pn0= " << pn0 << " sn0= " << sn0 << " copyinlayer= " << copyinlayer << std::endl; 
            //============================================================================================================ put into currentclust
            std::vector<ClusterFP420> currentclust;
            ClusterCollectionFP420::Range outputRange;
            outputRange = input->get(iu);
            // fill output in currentclust vector (for may be sorting? or other checks)
            ClusterCollectionFP420::ContainerIterator sort_begin = outputRange.first;
            ClusterCollectionFP420::ContainerIterator sort_end = outputRange.second;
            for ( ;sort_begin != sort_end; ++sort_begin ) {
              //  std::sort(currentclust.begin(),currentclust.end());
            } // for
            if (verbos > 0 ) {
              std::cout << "TrackProducerFP420: currentclust.size = " << currentclust.size() << std::endl; 
            std::vector<ClusterFP420>::const_iterator simHitIter = currentclust.begin();
            std::vector<ClusterFP420>::const_iterator simHitIterEnd = currentclust.end();
            if(xytype ==1){
              if(ii != ii0) {
                nY[ii] = 0;// # cl in every Y plane (max is reshits)
                uY[ii] = 0;// current used # cl in every X plane 
            else if(xytype ==2){
              if(ii != ii0) {
                nX[ii] = 0;// # cl in every X plane (max is reshits)
                uX[ii] = 0;// current used # cl in every X plane 
            // loop in #clusters of current sensor
            for (;simHitIter != simHitIterEnd; ++simHitIter) {
              const ClusterFP420 icluster = *simHitIter;
              // fill vectors for track reconstruction
              //disentangle complicated pattern recognition of hits?
              // Y:
              if(xytype ==1){
                if(copyinlayer==1 && nY[ii]>reshits1){
                  std::cout << "WARNING-ERROR:TrackproducerFP420: currentclust.size()= " << currentclust.size() <<" bigger reservated number of hits" << " zcurrent=" << zY[nY[ii]-1][ii] << " copyinlayer= "  << copyinlayer << " ii= "  << ii << std::endl;
                if(copyinlayer !=1 && nY[ii]>reshits2){
                  std::cout << "WARNING-ERROR:TrackproducerFP420: currentclust.size()= " << currentclust.size() <<" bigger reservated number of hits" << " zcurrent=" << zY[nY[ii]-1][ii] << " copyinlayer= "  << copyinlayer << " ii= "  << ii << std::endl;
                zY[nY[ii]-1][ii] = zcurrent;
                yY[nY[ii]-1][ii] = icluster.barycenter()*pitch+0.5*pitch+YYYDelta;
                xYW[nY[ii]-1][ii] = icluster.barycenterW()*pitchW+0.5*pitchW;
                // go to global system:
                yY[nY[ii]-1][ii] = yY[nY[ii]-1][ii] - dYYcur; 
                wY[nY[ii]-1][ii] = 1./(icluster.barycerror()*pitch);//reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y
                wY[nY[ii]-1][ii] *= wY[nY[ii]-1][ii];//reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y
                if(det == 2) {
                  xYW[nY[ii]-1][ii] =(xYW[nY[ii]-1][ii]+dYYWcur); 
                else {
                  xYW[nY[ii]-1][ii] =-(xYW[nY[ii]-1][ii]+dYYWcur); 
                wYW[nY[ii]-1][ii] = 1./(icluster.barycerrorW()*pitchW);//reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y
                wYW[nY[ii]-1][ii] *= wYW[nY[ii]-1][ii];//reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y
                qY[nY[ii]-1][ii] = true;
                if(copyinlayer==1 && nY[ii]==reshits1) break;
                if(copyinlayer !=1 && nY[ii]==reshits2) break;
              // X:
              else if(xytype ==2){
                if (verbos == -49) {
                  std::cout << "TrackproducerFP420: nX[ii]= " << nX[ii] << " Ncl= " << currentclust.size() << " copyinlayer= "  << copyinlayer << " ii= " << ii << " zcurrent = " << zcurrent << " xX= " << icluster.barycenter()*pitch+0.5*pitch+XXXDelta << " yXW= " << icluster.barycenterW()*pitchW+0.5*pitchW << " det= " << det << " cl.size= " << icluster.amplitudes().size() << " cl.ampl[0]= " << icluster.amplitudes()[0] << std::endl;
                if(copyinlayer==1 && nX[ii]>reshits1){
                  std::cout << "WARNING-ERROR:TrackproducerFP420: nX[ii]= " << nX[ii] <<" bigger reservated number of hits" << " currentclust.size()= " << currentclust.size() << " copyinlayer= "  << copyinlayer << " ii= " << ii << std::endl;
                if(copyinlayer !=1 && nX[ii]>reshits2){
                  std::cout << "WARNING-ERROR:TrackproducerFP420: nX[ii]= " << nX[ii] <<" bigger reservated number of hits" << " currentclust.size()= " << currentclust.size() << " copyinlayer= "  << copyinlayer << " ii= " << ii << std::endl;
                zX[nX[ii]-1][ii] = zcurrent;
                xX[nX[ii]-1][ii] = icluster.barycenter()*pitch+0.5*pitch+XXXDelta;
                yXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] = icluster.barycenterW()*pitchW+0.5*pitchW;
                // go to global system:
                xX[nX[ii]-1][ii] =-(xX[nX[ii]-1][ii]+dXXcur); 
                wX[nX[ii]-1][ii] = 1./(icluster.barycerror()*pitch);//reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y
                wX[nX[ii]-1][ii] *= wX[nX[ii]-1][ii];//reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y
                if(det == 2) {
                  yXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] = -(yXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] - dXXWcur); 
                else {
                  yXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] = yXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] - dXXWcur; 
                wXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] = 1./(icluster.barycerrorW()*pitchW);//reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y
                wXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] *= wXW[nX[ii]-1][ii];//reciprocal of the variance for each datapoint in y
                qX[nX[ii]-1][ii] = true;
                if (verbos == -29) {
                  std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: nX[ii]= " << nX[ii]<< " ii = " << ii << " zcurrent = " << zcurrent << " yXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] = " << yXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] << " xX[nX[ii]-1][ii] = " << xX[nX[ii]-1][ii] << std::endl;
                  std::cout << "  XXXDelta= " << XXXDelta << "  dXXcur= " << dXXcur << "  -dXXWcur= " << -dXXWcur << std::endl;
                  std::cout << "  icluster.barycerrorW()*pitchW= " << icluster.barycerrorW()*pitchW << "  wXW[nX[ii]-1][ii]= " <<wXW[nX[ii]-1][ii]  << std::endl;
                  std::cout << " -icluster.barycenterW()*pitchW+0.5*pitchW = " << icluster.barycenterW()*pitchW+0.5*pitchW << std::endl;
                  std::cout << "============================================================" << std::endl;
                if (verbos  > 0) {
                  std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: nX[ii]= " << nX[ii]<< " ii = " << ii << " zcurrent = " << zcurrent << " xX[nX[ii]-1][ii] = " << xX[nX[ii]-1][ii] << std::endl;
                  std::cout << " wX[nX[ii]-1][ii] = " << wX[nX[ii]-1][ii] << " wXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] = " << wXW[nX[ii]-1][ii] << std::endl;
                  std::cout << " -icluster.barycenter()*pitch-0.5*pitch = " << -icluster.barycenter()*pitch-0.5*pitch << " -dXXcur = " << -dXXcur << " -XXXDelta = " << -XXXDelta << std::endl;
                  std::cout << "============================================================" << std::endl;

                if(copyinlayer==1 && nX[ii]==reshits1) break;
                if(copyinlayer !=1 && nX[ii]==reshits2) break;
              }// if(xytype
            } // for loop in #clusters (can be breaked)
            // Y:
            if(xytype ==1){
              if(nY[ii] > nmetcury) {  /* # Y-planes w/ clusters */
                ++tyf; if(sector==1) ++tys1; if(sector==(sn0-1)) ++tyss;
            // X:
            else if(xytype ==2){
              if(nX[ii] > nmetcurx) {  /* # X-planes w/ clusters */
                ++txf; if(sector==1) ++txs1; if(sector==(sn0-1)) ++txss;
            //================================== end of for loops in continuius number iu:
        }   // for zsideinorder
      }   // for zmodule
    }   // for sector
    if (verbos > 0) {
      std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: tyf= " << tyf<< " tys1 = " << tys1 << " tyss = " << tyss << std::endl;
      std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: txf= " << txf<< " txs1 = " << txs1 << " txss = " << txss << std::endl;
      std::cout << "============================================================" << std::endl;
    //======================    start road finder   =============================================================================

  //  int nitMax=5;// max # iterations to find track
  int nitMax=10;// max # iterations to find track using go over of different XZ and YZ fits to find the good chi2X and chi2Y simultaneously(!!!) 

  // criteria for track selection: 
  // track is selected if for 1st station #cl >=pys1Cut
  //  int  pys1Cut = 5, pyssCut = 5, pyallCut=12;
  //  int  pys1Cut = 1, pyssCut = 1, pyallCut= 3;

//  int  pys1Cut = 3, pyssCut = 3, pyallCut= 6; // before geom. update
//  int  pys1Cut = 2, pyssCut = 2, pyallCut= 4; // bad for 5 layers per station
  int  pys1Cut = 3, pyssCut = 1, pyallCut= 5;
  //  double yyyvtx = 0.0, xxxvtx = -15;  //mm
  // for configuration: 3St, 1m for 1-2 St:
  // double sigman=0.1, ssigma = 1.0, sigmam=0.15;/* ssigma is foreseen to match 1st point of 2nd Station*/
  // for equidistant 3 Stations:
  // for tests:
  //  double sigman=118., ssigma = 299., sigmam=118.;
  // RMS1=0.013, RMS2 = 1.0, RMS3 = 0.018 see plots d1XCL, d2XCL, d3XCL
  //  double sigman=0.05, ssigma = 2.5, sigmam=0.06;
  //  double sigman=0.18, ssigma = 1.8, sigmam=0.18;
  //  double sigman=0.18, ssigma = 2.9, sigmam=0.18;
  // for 3 Stations:
  // LAST:
  double sigman=0.18, ssigma = 2.5, sigmam=0.18;
  if( sn0 < 4 ){
    // for 2 Stations:
    // sigman=0.24, ssigma = 4.2, sigmam=0.33;
    //  sigman=0.18, ssigma = 3.9, sigmam=0.18;
    // sigman=0.18, ssigma = 3.6, sigmam=0.18;


    //  sigman=0.18, ssigma = 3.3, sigmam=0.18;// before geometry update for 4 sensors per superlayer
    //    sigman=0.30, ssigma = 7.1, sigmam=0.40;// for update
     sigman=0.30, ssigma = 8.0, sigmam=1.0;// for matching update to find point nearby to fit track in 1st plane of 2nd Station 
  if (verbos > 0) {
    std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: ssigma= " << ssigma << std::endl;
  /* ssigma = 3. * 8000.*(0.025+0.009)/sqrt(pn0-1)/100. = 2.9 mm(!!!)----
     ssigma is reduced by factor k_reduced = (sn0-1)-sector+1 = sn0-sector
     # Stations  currentStation
     2Stations:     sector=2,         sn0=3 , sn0-sector = 1 --> k_reduced = 1
     3Stations:     sector=2,         sn0=4 , sn0-sector = 2 --> k_reduced = 2
     3Stations:     sector=3,         sn0=4 , sn0-sector = 1 --> k_reduced = 1
  int numberXtracks=0, numberYtracks=0, totpl = 2*(pn0-1)*(sn0-1); double sigma;

  for (int xytypecurrent=xytype; xytypecurrent<xytype+1; ++xytypecurrent) {
    if (verbos > 0) {
      std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: xytypecurrent= " << xytypecurrent << std::endl;
    double tg0 = 0.;
    int qAcl[20], qAii[20], fip=0, niteration = 0;
    int ry = 0, rys1 = 0, ryss = 0;
    int tas1=tys1, tass=tyss, taf=tyf;
    bool SelectTracks = true;
  //   .

  double yA[24][20], zA[24][20], wA[24][20]; int nA[20], uA[20]; bool qA[24][20];
    // Y:
  //======================    start road finder  for xytypecurrent = 1      ===========================================================
    if(xytypecurrent ==1){
      tg0= 3*1./(800.+20.); // for Y: 1cm/...   *3 - 3sigma range
      for (int ii=0; ii < totpl; ++ii) {
        if (verbos > 0) {
          std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: ii= " << ii << " nY[ii]= " << nY[ii] << std::endl;
          std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: ii= " << ii << " uY[ii]= " << uY[ii] << std::endl;
        nA[ii] = nY[ii];
        uA[ii] = uY[ii];
        for (int cl=0; cl<nA[ii]; ++cl) {
          if (verbos > 0) {
            std::cout << " cl= " << cl << " yY[cl][ii]= " << yY[cl][ii] << std::endl;
            std::cout << " zY[cl][ii]= " << zY[cl][ii] << " wY[cl][ii]= " << wY[cl][ii] << " qY[cl][ii]= " << qY[cl][ii] << std::endl;
          yA[cl][ii] = yY[cl][ii];
          zA[cl][ii] = zY[cl][ii];
          wA[cl][ii] = wY[cl][ii];
          qA[cl][ii] = qY[cl][ii];
    }// if xytypecurrent ==1
    // X:
  //======================    start road finder  for superlayer = 2      ===========================================================
    else if(xytypecurrent ==2){
      tg0= 3*2./(800.+20.); // for X: 2cm/...   *3 - 3sigma range
      for (int ii=0; ii < totpl; ++ii) {
        if (verbos > 0) {
          std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: ii= " << ii << " nX[ii]= " << nX[ii] << std::endl;
          std::cout << "trackFinderSophisticated: ii= " << ii << " uX[ii]= " << uX[ii] << std::endl;
        nA[ii] = nX[ii];
        uA[ii] = uX[ii];
        for (int cl=0; cl<nA[ii]; ++cl) {
          if (verbos == -29) {
            std::cout << " cl= " << cl << " xX[cl][ii]= " << xX[cl][ii] << std::endl;
            std::cout << " zX[cl][ii]= " << zX[cl][ii] << " wX[cl][ii]= " << wX[cl][ii] << " qX[cl][ii]= " << qX[cl][ii] << std::endl;
          yA[cl][ii] = xX[cl][ii];
          zA[cl][ii] = zX[cl][ii];
          wA[cl][ii] = wX[cl][ii];
          qA[cl][ii] = qX[cl][ii];
    }// if xytypecurrent ==xytype

  //======================    start road finder        ====================================================
    if (verbos > 0) {
      std::cout << "                  start road finder                        " << std::endl;
    do {
      double fyY[20], fzY[20], fwY[20];
      double fyYW[20],         fwYW[20];
      int py = 0, pys1 = 0, pyss = 0;
      bool NewStation = false, py1first = false;
      for (int sector=1; sector < sn0; ++sector) {
        double tav=0., t1=0., t2=0., t=0., sm;
        int stattimes=0;
        if( sector != 1 ) {
          NewStation = true;  
        for (int zmodule=1; zmodule<pn0; ++zmodule) {
          for (int justlayer=zbeg; justlayer<zmax; justlayer++) {
            // iu is a continues numbering of planes(!) 
            int detfixed=1;// use this treatment for each set up arm, hence no sense to do it differently for +FP420 and -FP420;
            int nlayers=3;// 2=3-1
            unsigned int ii = theFP420NumberingScheme->FP420NumberingScheme::packMYIndex(nlayers,pn0,sn0,detfixed,justlayer,sector,zmodule)-1;// substruct 1 from 1(+1), 2(+2), 3(+3),4(+4),5...,6...,7...,8...,9...,10... (1st Station)              ,11...,12...,13,...20... (2nd Station)
            // ii = 0-19   --> 20 items
            if(nA[ii]!=0  && uA[ii]!= nA[ii]) { 
              ++py; if(sector==1) ++pys1; if(sector==(sn0-1)) ++pyss;
              if(py==2 && sector==1) { 
                // find closest cluster in X                   .
                double dymin=9999999., df2; int cl2=-1;
                for (int cl=0; cl<nA[ii]; ++cl) {
                    df2 = std::abs(fyY[fip]-yA[cl][ii]);
                    if(df2 < dymin) {
                      dymin = df2;
                // END of finding of closest cluster in X                   .
                  t1 = t*wA[cl2][ii];
                  t2 = wA[cl2][ii];
                  if (verbos > 0) {
                    std::cout << " t= " << t << " tg0= " << tg0 << std::endl;
                  if(std::abs(t)<tg0) { 
                    qA[cl2][ii] = false;//point is taken, mark it for not using again
                    qAcl[py-1] = cl2;
                    qAii[py-1] = ii;
                    if (verbos > 0) {
                      std::cout << " point is taken, mark it for not using again uA[ii]= " << uA[ii] << std::endl;
                    if(uA[ii]==nA[ii]){/* no points anymore for this plane */
                      ++ry; if(sector==1) ++rys1; if(sector==(sn0-1)) ++ryss;
                  }//if abs
                    py--; if(sector==1) pys1--;  if(sector==(sn0-1)) pyss--;
                    t1 -= t*wA[cl2][ii]; t2 -= wA[cl2][ii];
                  py--; if(sector==1) pys1--;  if(sector==(sn0-1)) pyss--;
              else {
                //                                                                                                                 .
                bool clLoopTrue = true;
                int clcurr=-1;
                for (int clind=0; clind<nA[ii]; ++clind) {
                  if(clLoopTrue) {
                    int cl=clind;
                      clcurr = cl;
                      if(py<3 ){
                        if(py==1) { 
                          py1first = true;
                          qA[cl][ii] = false;//point is taken, mark it for not using again
                          qAcl[py-1] = cl;
                          qAii[py-1] = ii;
                          if (verbos > 0) std::cout << " point is taken, mark it uA[ii]= " << uA[ii] << std::endl;
                        }//if py=1
                        if(uA[ii]==nA[ii]){/* no points anymore for this plane */
                          ++ry; if(sector==1) ++rys1; if(sector==(sn0-1)) ++ryss;
                      else {
                          if( sn0 < 4 ) {
                            // stattimes=0 case (point of 1st plane to be matched in new Station)
                            sigma = ssigma;
                          else {
                            sigma = ssigma/(sn0-1-sector);
                          //sigma = ssigma/(sn0-sector);
                          //if(stattimes==1 || sector==3 ) sigma = msigma * sqrt(1./wA[cl][ii]);
                          if(stattimes==1 || sector==3 ) sigma = sigmam; // (1st $3rd Stations for 3St. configur. ), 1st only for 2St. conf.
                          //    if(stattimes==1 || sector==(sn0-1) ) sigma = sigmam;
                          double cov00, cov01, cov11, c0Y, c1Y, chisqY;
                          gsl_fit_wlinear (fzY, 1, fwY, 1, fyY, 1, py-1, 
                                           &c0Y, &c1Y, &cov00, &cov01, &cov11, 
                          // find closest cluster in X                   .
                          int cl2match=-1;
                          double dymin=9999999., df2; 
                          for (int clmatch=0; clmatch<nA[ii]; ++clmatch) {
                              double smmatch = c0Y+ c1Y*zA[clmatch][ii];
                              df2 = std::abs(smmatch-yA[clmatch][ii]);
                              if(df2 < dymin) {
                                dymin = df2;
                          if(cl2match != -1) {
                            clLoopTrue = false; // just not continue the clinid loop
                          sm = c0Y+ c1Y*zA[cl][ii];
                          if (verbos > 0) {
                            std::cout << " sector= " << sector << " sn0= " << sn0 << " sigma= " << sigma << std::endl;
                            std::cout << " stattimes= " << stattimes << " ssigma= " << ssigma << " sigmam= " << sigmam << std::endl;
                            std::cout << " sm= " << sm << " c0Y= " << c0Y << " c1Y= " << c1Y << " chisqY= " << chisqY << std::endl;
                            std::cout << " zA[cl][ii]= " << zA[cl][ii] << " ii= " << ii << " cl= " << cl << std::endl;
                            for (int ct=0; ct<py-1; ++ct) {
                              std::cout << " py-1= " << py-1 << " fzY[ct]= " << fzY[ct] << std::endl;
                              std::cout << " fyY[ct]= " << fyY[ct] << " fwY[ct]= " << fwY[ct] << std::endl;
                        }//NewStation 1
                          t1 += t*wA[cl][ii];
                          t2 += wA[cl][ii];
                          sm = fyY[fip]+tav*(zA[cl][ii]-fzY[fip]);
                          //sigma = nsigma * sqrt(1./wA[cl][ii]);
                          sigma = sigman;
                        double diffpo = yA[cl][ii]-sm;
                        if (verbos > 0) {
                          std::cout << " diffpo= " << diffpo << " yA[cl][ii]= " << yA[cl][ii] << " sm= " << sm << " sigma= " << sigma << std::endl;
                        if(std::abs(diffpo) < sigma ) {
                            if(stattimes==1) {
                              t1 = 0; t2 = 0;
                            else if(stattimes==2){
                              NewStation = false; 
                              //t1 += t*wA[cl][ii];
                              //t2 += wA[cl][ii];
                              t1 = t*wA[cl][ii];
                              t2 = wA[cl][ii];
                          }//if(NewStation 2
                          qA[cl][ii] = false;//point is taken, mark it for not using again
                          qAcl[py-1] = cl;
                          qAii[py-1] = ii;
                          if (verbos > 0) {
                            std::cout << " 3333 point is taken, mark it uA[ii]= " << uA[ii] << std::endl;
                          if(uA[ii]==nA[ii]){/* no points anymore for this plane */
                            ++ry; if(sector==1) ++rys1; if(sector==(sn0-1)) ++ryss;
                          //  break; // to go on next plane
                        }//if abs
                          t1 -= t*wA[cl][ii]; t2 -= wA[cl][ii];
                        }//if abs
                      }// if py<3 and else py>3
                      if(!qA[cl][ii]) break;// go on next plane if point is found among clusters of current plane;
                    }// if qA
                  } // if clLoopTrue
                }// for cl     --  can be break and return to "for zmodule"
                //                                                                                                                 .
                if( (py!=1 && clcurr != -1 && qA[clcurr][ii]) || (py==1 && !py1first)) { 
                  // if point is not found - continue natural loop, but reduce py 
                  py--; if(sector==1) pys1--;  if(sector==(sn0-1)) pyss--;
              }//if(py==2 else 
            }//if(nA !=0           : inside  this if( -  ask  ++py
          }// for justlayer
        }// for zmodule
      }// for sector
      if (verbos > 0) {
        std::cout << "END: pys1= " << pys1 << " pyss = " << pyss << " py = " << py << std::endl;
      // apply criteria for track selection: 
      // do not take track if 
      if( pys1 < pys1Cut || pyss < pyssCut || py < pyallCut ){
        //      if( pys1<3 || pyss<2 || py<4 ){
      // do fit:
        double cov00, cov01, cov11;
        double c0Y, c1Y, chisqY;
        gsl_fit_wlinear (fzY, 1, fwY, 1, fyY, 1, py, 
                         &c0Y, &c1Y, &cov00, &cov01, &cov11, 
        // collect cases where the nearby points with the same coordinate exists
//      int pyrepete=py+2;
//      if(py < 11 && chisqY/(py-2) < 0.5) {
//        double fyYold=999999.;
//        for (int ipy=0; ipy<py; ++ipy) {
//          if( fyY[ipy]!=fyYold) --pyrepete;
//          fyYold=fyY[ipy];
//        }
//      }
        float chindfx;
        if(py>2) {
          chindfx = chisqY/(py-2);
          //      chindfy = chisqY;
          chindfx = 9999;
        if (verbos  > 0) {
          //      std::cout << " Do FIT XZ: chindfx= " << chindfx << " chisqY= " << chisqY << " py= " << py << " pyrepete= " << pyrepete << std::endl;
          std::cout << " Do FIT XZ: chindfx= " << chindfx << " chisqY= " << chisqY << " py= " << py << std::endl;
        if (verbos > 0) {
          std::cout << " preparation for second order fit for Wide pixels= " << std::endl;
        for (int ipy=0; ipy<py; ++ipy) {
          if(xytypecurrent ==1){
            if (verbos > 0) {
              std::cout << " ipy= " << ipy << std::endl;
              std::cout << " qAcl[ipy]= " << qAcl[ipy] << " qAii[ipy]= " << qAii[ipy] << std::endl;
              std::cout << " fyYW[ipy]= " << fyYW[ipy] << " fwYW[ipy]= " << fwYW[ipy] << std::endl;
          else if(xytypecurrent ==2){
            if (verbos ==-29) {
              std::cout << " ipy= " << ipy << std::endl;
              std::cout << " qAcl[ipy]= " << qAcl[ipy] << " qAii[ipy]= " << qAii[ipy] << std::endl;
              std::cout << " fyYW[ipy]= " << fyYW[ipy] << " fwYW[ipy]= " << fwYW[ipy] << std::endl;
        }// for

        if (verbos > 0) {
          std::cout << " start second order fit for Wide pixels= " << std::endl;
        double wov00, wov01, wov11;
        double w0Y, w1Y, whisqY;
        gsl_fit_wlinear (fzY, 1, fwYW, 1, fyYW, 1, py, 
                         &w0Y, &w1Y, &wov00, &wov01, &wov11, 

        float chindfy;
        if(py>2) {
          chindfy = whisqY/(py-2);
          //      chindfy = chisqY;
          chindfy = 9999;
        if (verbos > 0) {
          std::cout << " chindfy= " << chindfy << " chiCutY= " << chiCutY << std::endl;

        if(xytypecurrent ==1){
          if(chindfx < chiCutX && chindfy < chiCutY) {
            Ay[numberYtracks-1] = c0Y; 
            By[numberYtracks-1] = c1Y; 
            Cy[numberYtracks-1] = chisqY; 
            //  My[numberYtracks-1] = py-pyrepete;
            My[numberYtracks-1] = py;
            AyW[numberYtracks-1] = w0Y; 
            ByW[numberYtracks-1] = w1Y; 
            CyW[numberYtracks-1] = whisqY; 
            MyW[numberYtracks-1] = py;
            if (verbos > 0) {
              if(py>20) {
                std::cout << " niteration = " << niteration << std::endl;
                std::cout << " chindfy= " << chindfy << " py= " << py << std::endl;
                std::cout << " c0Y= " << c0Y << " c1Y= " << c1Y << std::endl;
                std::cout << " pys1= " << pys1 << " pyss = " << pyss << std::endl;
        else if(xytypecurrent ==2){
          if(chindfx < chiCutX && chindfy < chiCutY) {
            Ax[numberXtracks-1] = c0Y; 
            Bx[numberXtracks-1] = c1Y; 
            Cx[numberXtracks-1] = chisqY; 
            //   Mx[numberXtracks-1] = py-pyrepete;
            Mx[numberXtracks-1] = py;
            AxW[numberXtracks-1] = w0Y; 
            BxW[numberXtracks-1] = w1Y; 
            CxW[numberXtracks-1] = whisqY; 
            MxW[numberXtracks-1] = py;
            if (verbos > 0) {
              std::cout << " niteration = " << niteration << std::endl;
              std::cout << " chindfx= " << chindfy << " px= " << py << std::endl;
              std::cout << " c0X= " << c0Y << " c1X= " << c1Y << std::endl;
              std::cout << " pxs1= " << pys1 << " pxss = " << pyss << std::endl;
      }//  if else
      // do not select tracks anymore if
      if (verbos  > 0) {
        std::cout << "Current iteration, niteration >= " << niteration << std::endl;
        std::cout << " numberYtracks= " << numberYtracks << std::endl;
        std::cout << " numberXtracks= " << numberXtracks << std::endl;
        std::cout << " pys1= " << pys1 << " pyss = " << pyss << " py = " << py << std::endl;
        std::cout << " tas1= " << tas1 << " tass = " << tass << " taf = " << taf << std::endl;
        std::cout << " rys1= " << rys1 << " ryss = " << ryss << " ry = " << ry << std::endl;
        std::cout << " tas1-rys1= " << tas1-rys1 << " tass-ryss = " << tass-ryss << " taf-ry = " << taf-ry << std::endl;
        std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------- " << std::endl;
      // let's decide: do we continue track finder procedure
      if( tas1-rys1<pys1Cut || tass-ryss<pyssCut || taf-ry<pyallCut  ){
        SelectTracks = false;
    } while(SelectTracks && niteration < nitMax );      
    //======================    finish do loop finder for  xytypecurrent     ====================================================
  }// for xytypecurrent 
  if (verbos > 0) {
    std::cout << " numberXtracks= " << numberXtracks << " numberYtracks= " << numberYtracks << std::endl;

  // case X and Y plane types are available
  if(xytype>2) {
  // match selected X and Y tracks to each other: tgphi=By/Bx->phi=artg(By/Bx); tgtheta=Bx/cosphi=By/sinphi->  ================
  //                min of |Bx/cosphi-By/sinphi|                                                               ================

    if (verbos > 0) {
      std::cout << " numberXtracks= " << numberXtracks << " numberYtracks= " << numberYtracks << std::endl;
      if(numberXtracks>0) {
        int newxnum[10], newynum[10];// max # tracks = restracks = 10
        int nmathed=0;
        do {
          double dthmin= 999999.; 
          int trminx=-1, trminy=-1;
          for (int trx=0; trx<numberXtracks; ++trx) {
            if (verbos > 0) {
              std::cout << "----------- trx= " << trx << " nmathed= " << nmathed << std::endl;
            for (int tr=0; tr<numberYtracks; ++tr) {
              if (verbos > 0) {
                std::cout << "--- tr= " << tr << " nmathed= " << nmathed << std::endl;
              bool YesY=false;
              for (int nmx=0; nmx<nmathed; ++nmx) {
                if(trx==newxnum[nmx]) YesY=true;
                if(YesY) break;
                for (int nm=0; nm<nmathed; ++nm) {
                  if(tr==newynum[nm]) YesY=true;
                  if(YesY) break;
              if(!YesY) {
                //--------------------------------------------------------------------  ----    ----    ----    ----    ----    ----
                //double yyyyyy = 999999.;
                //if(Bx[trx] != 0.) yyyyyy = Ay[tr]-(Ax[trx]-xxxvtx)*By[tr]/Bx[trx];
                //double xxxxxx = 999999.;
                //if(By[tr] != 0.) xxxxxx = Ax[trx]-(Ay[tr]-yyyvtx)*Bx[trx]/By[tr];
                //double  dthdif= std::abs(yyyyyy-yyyvtx) + std::abs(xxxxxx-xxxvtx);
                double  dthdif= std::abs(AxW[trx]-Ay[tr]) + std::abs(BxW[trx]-By[tr]);
                if (verbos > 0) {
                  //  std::cout << " yyyyyy= " << yyyyyy << " xxxxxx= " << xxxxxx << " dthdif= " << dthdif << std::endl;
                  std::cout << " abs(AxW[trx]-Ay[tr]) = " << std::abs(AxW[trx]-Ay[tr]) << " abs(BxW[trx]-By[tr])= " << std::abs(BxW[trx]-By[tr]) << " dthdif= " << dthdif << std::endl;
                //--------------------------------------------------------------------      ----        ----    ----    ----    ----    ----
                if( dthdif < dthmin ) {
                  dthmin = dthdif;
                  trminx = trx;
                  trminy = tr;
                }//if  dthdif
              }//if !YesY
            }//for y
          }// for x
          if(trminx != -1) {
            newxnum[nmathed-1] = trminx;
            newxnum[nmathed-1] = nmathed-1;
          if (verbos > 0) {
            std::cout << " trminx= " << trminx << std::endl;
            newynum[nmathed-1] = -1;
            if (verbos > 0) {
              std::cout << "!!!  nmathed= " << nmathed << " > numberYtracks= " << numberYtracks << std::endl;
          else {
            if (verbos > 0) {
              std::cout << " trminy= " << trminy << std::endl;
            newynum[nmathed-1] = trminy;
        } while(nmathed<numberXtracks && nmathed < restracks);      
    for (int tr=0; tr<nmathed; ++tr) {
      int tx=newxnum[tr];
      int ty=newynum[tr];
      }//if ty
      // test:
      //  tx=tr;
      if (verbos > 0) {
        if(Mx[tx]>20) {
          std::cout << " for track tr= " << tr << " tx= " << tx << " ty= " << ty << std::endl;
          std::cout << " Ax= " << Ax[tx]   << " Ay= " << Ay[ty]   << std::endl;
          std::cout << " Bx= " << Bx[tx]   << " By= " << By[ty]   << std::endl;
          std::cout << " Cx= " << Cx[tx]   << " Cy= " << Cy[ty]   << std::endl;
          std::cout << " Mx= " << Mx[tx]   << " My= " << My[ty]   << std::endl;
          std::cout << " AxW= " << AxW[tx]   << " AyW= " << AyW[ty]   << std::endl;
          std::cout << " BxW= " << BxW[tx]   << " ByW= " << ByW[ty]   << std::endl;
          std::cout << " CxW= " << CxW[tx]   << " CyW= " << CyW[ty]   << std::endl;
          std::cout << " MxW= " << MxW[tx]   << " MyW= " << MyW[ty]   << std::endl;
      //   rhits.push_back( TrackFP420(c0X,c1X,chisqX,nhitplanesY,c0Y,c1Y,chisqY,nhitplanesY) );
      rhits.push_back( TrackFP420(Ax[tx],Bx[tx],Cx[tx],Mx[tx],Ay[ty],By[ty],Cy[ty],My[ty]) );
    }//for tr
      }//in  numberXtracks >0
  // case Y plane types are available only
  else if(xytype==1) {
    for (int ty=0; ty<numberYtracks; ++ty) {
      if (verbos > 0) {
        std::cout << " for track ty= " << ty << std::endl;
        std::cout << " Ay= " << Ay[ty]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " By= " << By[ty]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " Cy= " << Cy[ty]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " My= " << My[ty]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " AyW= " << AyW[ty]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " ByW= " << ByW[ty]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " CyW= " << CyW[ty]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " MyW= " << MyW[ty]   << std::endl;
      rhits.push_back( TrackFP420(AyW[ty],ByW[ty],CyW[ty],MyW[ty],Ay[ty],By[ty],Cy[ty],My[ty]) );
    }//for ty
  // case X plane types are available only
  else if(xytype==2) {
    for (int tx=0; tx<numberXtracks; ++tx) {
      if (verbos > 0) {
        std::cout << " for track tx= " << tx << std::endl;
        std::cout << " Ax= " << Ax[tx]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " Bx= " << Bx[tx]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " Cx= " << Cx[tx]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " Mx= " << Mx[tx]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " AxW= " << AxW[tx]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " BxW= " << BxW[tx]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " CxW= " << CxW[tx]   << std::endl;
        std::cout << " MxW= " << MxW[tx]   << std::endl;
      rhits.push_back( TrackFP420(Ax[tx],Bx[tx],Cx[tx],Mx[tx],AxW[tx],BxW[tx],CxW[tx],MxW[tx]) );
    }//for tx

  return rhits;

Member Data Documentation

float TrackProducerFP420::chiCutX [private]

Definition at line 84 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

float TrackProducerFP420::chiCutY [private]

Definition at line 85 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::dXX [private]

Definition at line 82 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::dYY [private]

Definition at line 83 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::gapBlade [private]

Definition at line 80 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::pitchX [private]

Definition at line 70 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::pitchXW [private]

Definition at line 72 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::pitchY [private]

Definition at line 71 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::pitchYW [private]

Definition at line 73 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

int TrackProducerFP420::pn0 [private]

Definition at line 54 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

std::vector<TrackFP420> TrackProducerFP420::rhits [private]

Definition at line 46 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

int TrackProducerFP420::rn0 [private]

Definition at line 56 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

int TrackProducerFP420::sn0 [private]

Definition at line 52 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 44 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 48 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 61 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 63 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 62 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 64 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 89 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 91 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 58 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

Definition at line 92 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::z420 [private]

Definition at line 67 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::zBlade [private]

Definition at line 79 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::zD2 [private]

Definition at line 68 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::zD3 [private]

Definition at line 69 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::ZGapLDet [private]

Definition at line 74 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::zinibeg [private]

Definition at line 87 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::ZSiDet [private]

Definition at line 78 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::ZSiPlane [private]

Definition at line 77 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.

double TrackProducerFP420::ZSiStep [private]

Definition at line 76 of file TrackProducerFP420.h.