Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

FlavourHistograms2D< T, G > Class Template Reference

#include <FlavourHistorgrams2D.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

std::string baseNameDescription () const
std::string baseNameTitle () const
void divide (const FlavourHistograms2D< T, G > &bHD) const
void fill (const int &flavour, const T *variableX, const G *variableY) const
void fill (const int &flavour, const T &variableX, const G &variableY) const
 FlavourHistograms2D (TString baseNameTitle_, TString baseNameDescription_, int nBinsX_, double lowerBoundX_, double upperBoundX_, int nBinsY_, double lowerBoundY_, double upperBoundY_, bool statistics_, bool update, std::string folder, bool mc, bool createProfile)
std::vector< TH2F * > getHistoVector () const
std::vector< TProfile * > getProfileVector () const
TH2F * histo_all () const
TH2F * histo_b () const
TH2F * histo_c () const
TH2F * histo_d () const
TH2F * histo_dus () const
TH2F * histo_dusg () const
TH2F * histo_g () const
TH2F * histo_ni () const
TH2F * histo_s () const
TH2F * histo_u () const
double lowerBoundX () const
double lowerBoundY () const
int nBinsX () const
int nBinsY () const
TProfile * profile_all () const
TProfile * profile_b () const
TProfile * profile_c () const
TProfile * profile_d () const
TProfile * profile_dus () const
TProfile * profile_dusg () const
TProfile * profile_g () const
TProfile * profile_ni () const
TProfile * profile_s () const
TProfile * profile_u () const
void SetMaximum (const double &max)
void SetMinimum (const double &min)
void settitle (const char *titleX, const char *titleY)
bool statistics () const
double upperBoundX () const
double upperBoundY () const
virtual ~FlavourHistograms2D ()

Protected Member Functions

void fillVariable (const int &flavour, const T &varX, const G &varY) const

Protected Attributes

int * theArrayDimension
std::string theBaseNameDescription
std::string theBaseNameTitle
int theIndexToPlot
double theLowerBoundX
double theLowerBoundY
double theMax
int theMaxDimension
double theMin
int theNBinsX
int theNBinsY
bool theStatistics
double theUpperBoundX
double theUpperBoundY

Private Member Functions

 FlavourHistograms2D ()

Private Attributes

bool createProfile_
bool mcPlots_

Detailed Description

template<class T, class G>
class FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >

Definition at line 30 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T , class G >
FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::FlavourHistograms2D ( TString  baseNameTitle_,
TString  baseNameDescription_,
int  nBinsX_,
double  lowerBoundX_,
double  upperBoundX_,
int  nBinsY_,
double  lowerBoundY_,
double  upperBoundY_,
bool  statistics_,
bool  update,
std::string  folder,
bool  mc,
bool  createProfile 

Definition at line 169 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

References HistoProviderDQM::access(), HistoProviderDQM::book2D(), HistoProviderDQM::bookProfile(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::createProfile_, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), MonitorElement::getTProfile(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::mcPlots_, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theArrayDimension, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theBaseNameDescription, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theBaseNameTitle, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_all, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_b, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_c, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_d, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_dus, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_dusg, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_g, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_ni, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_s, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_u, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theLowerBoundX, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theLowerBoundY, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theNBinsX, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theNBinsY, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_all, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_b, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_c, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_d, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_dus, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_dusg, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_g, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_ni, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_s, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_u, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theStatistics, FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theUpperBoundX, and FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theUpperBoundY.

  // BaseFlavourHistograms2D () ,
  // theVariable ( variable_ ) ,
  theMaxDimension(-1), theIndexToPlot(-1), theBaseNameTitle ( baseNameTitle_ ) , theBaseNameDescription ( baseNameDescription_ ) ,
  theNBinsX ( nBinsX_ ) , theNBinsY (nBinsY_), 
  theLowerBoundX ( lowerBoundX_ ) , theUpperBoundX ( upperBoundX_ ) ,
  theLowerBoundY ( lowerBoundY_ ) , theUpperBoundY ( upperBoundY_ ) ,
  theStatistics ( statistics_ ) , theMin(-1.), theMax(-1.), mcPlots_(mc), createProfile_(createProfile)
  // defaults for array dimensions
  theArrayDimension = 0  ;
  if (!update) {
    // book histos
    HistoProviderDQM prov("Btag",folder);
    theHisto_all   = (prov.book2D( theBaseNameTitle + "ALL"  , theBaseNameDescription + " all jets"  , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY )) ; 
    if (mcPlots_) {  
      theHisto_d     = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "D"    , theBaseNameDescription + " d-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY )) ; 
      theHisto_u     = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "U"    , theBaseNameDescription + " u-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
      theHisto_s     = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "S"    , theBaseNameDescription + " s-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
      theHisto_c     = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "C"    , theBaseNameDescription + " c-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
      theHisto_b     = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "B"    , theBaseNameDescription + " b-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
      theHisto_g     = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "G"    , theBaseNameDescription + " g-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
      theHisto_ni    = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "NI"   , theBaseNameDescription + " ni-jets"   , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
      theHisto_dus   = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "DUS"  , theBaseNameDescription + " dus-jets"  , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
      theHisto_dusg  = (prov.book2D ( theBaseNameTitle + "DUSG" , theBaseNameDescription + " dusg-jets" , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ;
      theHisto_d = 0;
      theHisto_u = 0;
      theHisto_s = 0;
      theHisto_c = 0;
      theHisto_b = 0;
      theHisto_g = 0;
      theHisto_ni = 0;
      theHisto_dus = 0;
      theHisto_dusg = 0;

    if (createProfile_) {
      theProfile_all = (prov.bookProfile( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_ALL" , theBaseNameDescription + " all jets" , theNBinsX, theLowerBoundX, theUpperBoundX, theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY));
      if (mcPlots_) {
        theProfile_d     = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_D"    , theBaseNameDescription + " d-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY )) ; 
        theProfile_u     = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_U"    , theBaseNameDescription + " u-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
        theProfile_s     = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_S"    , theBaseNameDescription + " s-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
        theProfile_c     = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_C"    , theBaseNameDescription + " c-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
        theProfile_b     = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_B"    , theBaseNameDescription + " b-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
        theProfile_g     = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_G"    , theBaseNameDescription + " g-jets"    , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
        theProfile_ni    = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_NI"   , theBaseNameDescription + " ni-jets"   , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
        theProfile_dus   = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_DUS"  , theBaseNameDescription + " dus-jets"  , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ; 
        theProfile_dusg  = (prov.bookProfile ( theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_DUSG" , theBaseNameDescription + " dusg-jets" , theNBinsX , theLowerBoundX , theUpperBoundX , theNBinsY, theLowerBoundY, theUpperBoundY)) ;
      } else{
          theProfile_d = 0;
          theProfile_u = 0;
          theProfile_s = 0;
          theProfile_c = 0;
          theProfile_b = 0;
          theProfile_g = 0;
          theProfile_ni = 0;
          theProfile_dus = 0;
          theProfile_dusg = 0;
    }  else {
          theProfile_all = 0;
          theProfile_d = 0;
          theProfile_u = 0;
          theProfile_s = 0;
          theProfile_c = 0;
          theProfile_b = 0;
          theProfile_g = 0;
          theProfile_ni = 0;
          theProfile_dus = 0;
          theProfile_dusg = 0;
      // statistics if requested
    if ( theStatistics ) {
      theHisto_all ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theProfile_all ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
      if (mcPlots_) {  
        theHisto_d   ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theHisto_u   ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theHisto_s   ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theHisto_c   ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theHisto_b   ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theHisto_g   ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theHisto_ni  ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theHisto_dus ->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ; 
        theHisto_dusg->getTH2F()->Sumw2() ;

        if(createProfile) {
          theProfile_d   ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
          theProfile_u   ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
          theProfile_s   ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
          theProfile_c   ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
          theProfile_b   ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
          theProfile_g   ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
          theProfile_ni  ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
          theProfile_dus ->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ; 
          theProfile_dusg->getTProfile()->Sumw2() ;
  } else {
    HistoProviderDQM prov("Btag",folder);
    theHisto_all   = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "ALL" ) ; 
    if (mcPlots_) {  
      theHisto_d     = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "D"   ) ; 
      theHisto_u     = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "U"   ) ; 
      theHisto_s     = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "S"   ) ; 
      theHisto_c     = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "C"   ) ; 
      theHisto_b     =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "B"   ) ; 
      theHisto_g     =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "G"   ) ; 
      theHisto_ni    =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "NI"  ) ; 
      theHisto_dus   =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "DUS" ) ; 
      theHisto_dusg  =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "DUSG") ;

    if(createProfile_) {
      theProfile_all = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_ALL");
      if(mcPlots_) {
        theProfile_d     = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_D"   ) ; 
        theProfile_u     = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_U"   ) ; 
        theProfile_s     = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_S"   ) ; 
        theProfile_c     = prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_C"   ) ; 
        theProfile_b     =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_B"   ) ; 
        theProfile_g     =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_G"   ) ; 
        theProfile_ni    =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_NI"  ) ; 
        theProfile_dus   =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_DUS" ) ; 
        theProfile_dusg  =prov.access(theBaseNameTitle + "_Profile_DUSG") ;
template<class T , class G >
FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::~FlavourHistograms2D ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 310 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

template<class T, class G>
FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::FlavourHistograms2D ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 159 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.


Member Function Documentation

template<class T, class G>
std::string FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::baseNameDescription ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 66 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

template<class T, class G>
std::string FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::baseNameTitle ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theBaseNameTitle       ; }
template<class T, class G>
void FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide ( const FlavourHistograms2D< T, G > &  bHD) const

Definition at line 415 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

References MultipleCompare::Divide(), getTH2F(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_all(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_b(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_c(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_d(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_dus(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_dusg(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_g(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_ni(), FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_s(), and FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_u().

  // divide histos using binomial errors
  // ATTENTION: It's the responsability of the user to make sure that the HistoDescriptions
  //            involved in this operation have been constructed with the statistics option switched on!!
  theHisto_all  ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_all->getTH2F()  , bHD.histo_all () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;    
    if (mcPlots_) {  
      theHisto_d    ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_d ->getTH2F()   , bHD.histo_d   () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;    
      theHisto_u    ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_u ->getTH2F()   , bHD.histo_u   () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;
      theHisto_s    ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_s ->getTH2F()   , bHD.histo_s   () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;
      theHisto_c    ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_c ->getTH2F()   , bHD.histo_c   () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;
      theHisto_b    ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_b ->getTH2F()   , bHD.histo_b   () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;
      theHisto_g    ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_g  ->getTH2F()  , bHD.histo_g   () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;
      theHisto_ni   ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_ni->getTH2F()   , bHD.histo_ni  () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;
      theHisto_dus  ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_dus->getTH2F()  , bHD.histo_dus () , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;
      theHisto_dusg ->getTH2F()-> Divide ( theHisto_dusg->getTH2F() , bHD.histo_dusg() , 1.0 , 1.0 , "b" ) ;
template<class T, class G>
void FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::fill ( const int &  flavour,
const T variableX,
const G &  variableY 
) const

Definition at line 324 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by TrackIPTagPlotter::analyzeTag(), and TagCorrelationPlotter::analyzeTags().

  // For single variables and arrays (for arrays only a single index can be filled)
  fillVariable ( flavour , variableX , variableY ) ;
template<class T, class G>
void FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::fill ( const int &  flavour,
const T variableX,
const G *  variableY 
) const

Definition at line 331 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

References i.

  if ( theArrayDimension == 0 ) {       
    // single variable
    fillVariable ( flavour , *variableX, *variableY ) ;
  } else {
    // array      
    int iMax = *theArrayDimension ;
    if ( *theArrayDimension > theMaxDimension ) iMax = theMaxDimension ;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i != iMax ; ++i ) {
      // check if only one index to be plotted (<0: switched off -> plot all)
      if ( ( theIndexToPlot < 0 ) || ( i == theIndexToPlot ) ) { 
        fillVariable ( flavour , *(variableX+i) , *(variableY+i) ) ;

    // if single index to be filled but not enough entries: fill 0.0 (convention!)
    if ( theIndexToPlot >= iMax ) { 
      // cout << "==>> The index to be filled is too big -> fill 0.0 : " << theBaseNameTitle << " : " << theIndexToPlot << " >= " << iMax << endl ;
      const T& theZeroT = static_cast<T> ( 0.0) ;
      const G& theZeroG = static_cast<T> ( 0.0 );
      fillVariable ( flavour , theZeroT , theZeroG ) ;
template<class T, class G>
void FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::fillVariable ( const int &  flavour,
const T varX,
const G &  varY 
) const [protected]

Definition at line 437 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

  // all
  theHisto_all                ->Fill ( varX, varY ) ;
    theProfile_all->Fill( varX, varY );
  // flavour specific
  if (!mcPlots_) return;

  switch( flavour ) {
    case 1:
      theHisto_d->Fill( varX, varY );
      theHisto_dus->Fill( varX, varY );
      theHisto_dusg->Fill( varX, varY );
      if(createProfile_) {
        theProfile_d->Fill(varX, varY);
        theProfile_dus->Fill(varX, varY);
        theProfile_dusg->Fill(varX, varY);
    case 2:
      theHisto_u->Fill( varX, varY );
      theHisto_dus->Fill( varX, varY );
      theHisto_dusg->Fill( varX, varY );
      if(createProfile_) {
        theProfile_u->Fill(varX, varY);
        theProfile_dus->Fill(varX, varY);
        theProfile_dusg->Fill(varX, varY);
    case 3:
      theHisto_s->Fill( varX, varY );
      theHisto_dus->Fill( varX, varY );
      theHisto_dusg->Fill( varX, varY );
      if(createProfile_) {
        theProfile_s->Fill(varX, varY);
        theProfile_dus->Fill(varX, varY);
        theProfile_dusg->Fill(varX, varY);
    case 4:
      theHisto_c->Fill( varX, varY );
      if(createProfile_) theProfile_c->Fill(varX, varY);
    case 5:
      theHisto_b->Fill( varX, varY );
      if(createProfile_) theProfile_b->Fill(varX, varY);
    case 21:
      theHisto_g->Fill( varX, varY );
      theHisto_dusg->Fill( varX, varY );
      if(createProfile_) {
        theProfile_g->Fill(varX, varY);
        theProfile_dusg->Fill(varX, varY);
      theHisto_ni->Fill( varX, varY );
      if(createProfile_) theProfile_ni->Fill(varX, varY);
template<class T , class G >
std::vector< TH2F * > FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::getHistoVector ( ) const

Definition at line 500 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

References getTH2F().

  std::vector<TH2F*> histoVector;
  histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_all->getTH2F() );
    if (mcPlots_) {  
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_d->getTH2F()   );
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_u->getTH2F()   );
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_s->getTH2F()   );
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_c->getTH2F()   );
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_b->getTH2F()   );
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_g ->getTH2F()  );
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_ni->getTH2F()  );
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_dus->getTH2F() );
      histoVector.push_back ( theHisto_dusg->getTH2F());
  return histoVector;
template<class T , class G >
std::vector< TProfile * > FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::getProfileVector ( ) const

Definition at line 519 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

References getTProfile().

  std::vector<TProfile*> profileVector;
  if(createProfile_) {
    profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_all->getTProfile() );
      if (mcPlots_) {  
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_d->getTProfile()   );
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_u->getTProfile()   );
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_s->getTProfile()   );
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_c->getTProfile()   );
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_b->getTProfile()   );
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_g ->getTProfile()  );
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_ni->getTProfile()  );
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_dus->getTProfile() );
        profileVector.push_back ( theProfile_dusg->getTProfile());
  return profileVector;
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_all ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 76 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_all->getTH2F()  ; }    
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_b ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 81 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_b->getTH2F()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_c ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_c->getTH2F()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_d ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_d ->getTH2F()   ; }    
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_dus ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 84 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_dus->getTH2F()  ; }
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_dusg ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 85 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_dusg->getTH2F() ; }
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_g ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 82 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_g->getTH2F()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_ni ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 83 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_ni->getTH2F()   ; }
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_s ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 79 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_s->getTH2F()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
TH2F* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::histo_u ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::divide().

{ return theHisto_u->getTH2F()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::lowerBoundX ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 69 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theLowerBoundX         ; } 
template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::lowerBoundY ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 71 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theLowerBoundY         ; } 
template<class T, class G>
int FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::nBinsX ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 67 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theNBinsX              ; }
template<class T, class G>
int FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::nBinsY ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theNBinsY              ; }
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_all ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_all->getTProfile()  ; }    
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_b ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_b->getTProfile()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_c ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_c->getTProfile()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_d ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_d ->getTProfile()   ; }    
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_dus ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 95 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_dus->getTProfile()  ; }
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_dusg ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 96 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_dusg->getTProfile() ; }
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_g ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_g->getTProfile()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_ni ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_ni->getTProfile()   ; }
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_s ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 90 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_s->getTProfile()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
TProfile* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::profile_u ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 89 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theProfile_u->getTProfile()    ; }
template<class T, class G>
void FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::SetMaximum ( const double &  max) [inline]

Definition at line 60 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ theMax = max;}
template<class T, class G>
void FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::SetMinimum ( const double &  min) [inline]

Definition at line 61 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ theMin = min;}
template<class T , class G >
void FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::settitle ( const char *  titleX,
const char *  titleY 

Definition at line 360 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

Referenced by TagCorrelationPlotter::TagCorrelationPlotter().

 if(theHisto_all) theHisto_all ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
 if(theHisto_all) theHisto_all ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
    if (mcPlots_) {  
      if(theHisto_d)  theHisto_d   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_u)  theHisto_u   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_s)  theHisto_s   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_c)  theHisto_c   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_b)  theHisto_b   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_g)  theHisto_g   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_ni) theHisto_ni  ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_dus) theHisto_dus ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_dusg)theHisto_dusg->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theHisto_d)  theHisto_d   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theHisto_u)  theHisto_u   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theHisto_s)  theHisto_s   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theHisto_c)  theHisto_c   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theHisto_b)  theHisto_b   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theHisto_g)  theHisto_g   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theHisto_ni) theHisto_ni  ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theHisto_dus) theHisto_dus ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theHisto_dusg)theHisto_dusg->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;

  if(createProfile_) {
    if(theProfile_all) theProfile_all ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
    if(theProfile_all) theProfile_all ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
    if (mcPlots_ == true) {  
      if(theProfile_d)  theProfile_d   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_u)  theProfile_u   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_s)  theProfile_s   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_c)  theProfile_c   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_b)  theProfile_b   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_g)  theProfile_g   ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_ni) theProfile_ni  ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_dus) theProfile_dus ->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_dusg)theProfile_dusg->setAxisTitle(titleX) ;
      if(theProfile_d)  theProfile_d   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theProfile_u)  theProfile_u   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theProfile_s)  theProfile_s   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theProfile_c)  theProfile_c   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theProfile_b)  theProfile_b   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theProfile_g)  theProfile_g   ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theProfile_ni) theProfile_ni  ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theProfile_dus) theProfile_dus ->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
      if(theProfile_dusg)theProfile_dusg->setAxisTitle(titleY, 2) ;
template<class T, class G>
bool FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::statistics ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 73 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theStatistics          ; }
template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::upperBoundX ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 70 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theUpperBoundX         ; }
template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::upperBoundY ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 72 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

{ return theUpperBoundY         ; }

Member Data Documentation

template<class T, class G>
bool FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::createProfile_ [private]
template<class T, class G>
bool FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::mcPlots_ [private]
template<class T, class G>
int* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theArrayDimension [protected]
template<class T, class G>
std::string FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theBaseNameDescription [protected]
template<class T, class G>
std::string FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theBaseNameTitle [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_all [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_b [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_c [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_d [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_dus [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_dusg [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_g [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_ni [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_s [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theHisto_u [protected]
template<class T, class G>
int FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theIndexToPlot [protected]

Definition at line 117 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theLowerBoundX [protected]
template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theLowerBoundY [protected]
template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theMax [protected]
template<class T, class G>
int FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theMaxDimension [protected]

Definition at line 116 of file FlavourHistorgrams2D.h.

template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theMin [protected]
template<class T, class G>
int FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theNBinsX [protected]
template<class T, class G>
int FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theNBinsY [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_all [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_b [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_c [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_d [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_dus [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_dusg [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_g [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_ni [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_s [protected]
template<class T, class G>
MonitorElement* FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theProfile_u [protected]
template<class T, class G>
bool FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theStatistics [protected]
template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theUpperBoundX [protected]
template<class T, class G>
double FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >::theUpperBoundY [protected]