Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

DTMuonMillepede Class Reference

#include <DTMuonMillepede.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTMuonMillepede:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void calculationMillepede (int)
 DTMuonMillepede (std::string, int, float, float, int, int, int, int)
TMatrixD getbcsMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getbqcMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getbsurveyMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getCcsMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getCqcMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getCsurveyMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getLagMatrix (int, int, int)
TMatrixD getMatrixFromFile (TString Code, int, int, int, int)
TMatrixD prepareForLagrange (const TMatrixD &)
void setBranchTree ()
 ~DTMuonMillepede ()

Private Attributes

float cov [60][60]
float dx [12]
float dy [12]
float dz [12]
TFile * f
int laC [12]
int nPhiHits
int nThetaHits
float phix [12]
float phiy [12]
float phiz [12]
float ptMax
float ptMin
int slC [12]
int srC
int stC
TTree * ttreeOutput
int whC

Detailed Description

2011/09/15 08:52:14
Luca Scodellaro <>

Definition at line 20 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTMuonMillepede::DTMuonMillepede ( std::string  path,
int  n_files,
float  MaxPt,
float  MinPt,
int  nPhihits,
int  nThetahits,
int  workingmode,
int  nMtxSection 

Definition at line 6 of file

References calculationMillepede(), f, DTMuonLocalAlignment::initNTuples(), step1_ZMM_7Tev::MinPt, myPG, nPhiHits, nThetaHits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ntuplePath, DTMuonLocalAlignment::numberOfRootFiles, scaleCards::path, ptMax, ptMin, and setBranchTree().

  ntuplePath = path;
  numberOfRootFiles = n_files;
  ptMax = MaxPt; 
  ptMin = MinPt; 
  nPhiHits = nPhihits;
  nThetaHits = nThetahits;

  TDirectory * dirSave = gDirectory;

  //Interface to Survey information
  myPG = new ReadPGInfo("./InternalData2009.root"); 
  f = new TFile("./LocalMillepedeResults.root", "RECREATE");





DTMuonMillepede::~DTMuonMillepede ( )

Definition at line 41 of file


Member Function Documentation

void DTMuonMillepede::calculationMillepede ( int  workingmode)

Definition at line 45 of file

References funct::A, b, funct::C, gather_cfg::cout, cov, dx, DTMuonLocalAlignment::dxdzSl, dy, DTMuonLocalAlignment::dydzSl, dz, error, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ex, getbcsMatrix(), getCcsMatrix(), getMatrixFromFile(), Exhume::I, i, DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, laC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nhits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nphihits, nPhiHits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nseg, nThetaHits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nthetahits, phix, phiy, phiz, DTMuonLocalAlignment::pt, ptMax, ptMin, dttmaxenums::R, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl, slC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sr, srC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, relativeConstraints::station, stC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::tali, ttreeOutput, DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh, whC, x, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xc, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xcp, detailsBasic3DVector::y, DTMuonLocalAlignment::yc, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ycp, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::zc.

Referenced by DTMuonMillepede().

  //Init Matrizes
  TMatrixD ****C = new TMatrixD ***[5];
  TMatrixD ****b = new TMatrixD ***[5];
  for(int whI = -2; whI < 3; ++whI) {
    C[whI+2] = new TMatrixD **[4];
    b[whI+2] = new TMatrixD **[4];
    for(int stI = 1; stI < 5; ++stI) {
      C[whI+2][stI-1] = new TMatrixD * [14];
      b[whI+2][stI-1] = new TMatrixD * [14];
      for(int seI = 1; seI < 15; ++seI) {
        if(seI > 12 && stI != 4) continue;
        if(stI == 4) {
          C[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(24,24);
          b[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(24,1);
        } else { 
          C[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(60,60);
          b[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(60,1);
  //Run over the TTree  
  if (workingmode<=3) {

    Int_t nentries = (Int_t)tali->GetEntries();
    for (Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) {
      if (i%100000==0) std::cout << "Analyzing track number " << i << std::endl;
      //Basic cuts
      if(pt > ptMax || pt < ptMin) continue;
      for(int counter = 0; counter < nseg; ++counter) {
        if (nphihits[counter]<nPhiHits || (nthetahits[counter]<nThetaHits && st[counter]<4)) continue;
        TMatrixD A(12,60);
        TMatrixD R(12,1);
        TMatrixD E(12,12);
        TMatrixD B(12, 4);
        TMatrixD I(12, 12);
        if(st[counter] == 4) {

        for(int counterHi = 0; counterHi < nhits[counter]; counterHi++) {
          int row = 0;
          if(sl[counter][counterHi] == 3) {
            row = 4 + (la[counter][counterHi]-1);
          } else if(sl[counter][counterHi] == 2) {
            row = 8 + (la[counter][counterHi]-1);
          } else {
            row = (la[counter][counterHi]-1);

          float x = xc[counter][counterHi];
          float y = yc[counter][counterHi];
          float xp = xcp[counter][counterHi];
          float yp = ycp[counter][counterHi];
          float zp = zc[counter][counterHi];
          float error = ex[counter][counterHi]; 
          float dxdz = dxdzSl[counter];
          float dydz = dydzSl[counter];

          if(st[counter]!=4) {
            if(sl[counter][counterHi] == 2) {
              A(row, row*5) = -1.0;
              A(row, row*5+1) = dydz;
              A(row, row*5+2) = y*dydz;
              A(row, row*5+3) = -x*dydz;
              A(row, row*5+4) = -x;
              R(row, 0) = y-yp;
            } else {
              A(row, row*5+0) = -1.0;
              A(row, row*5+1) = dxdz;
              A(row, row*5+2) = y*dxdz;
              A(row, row*5+3) = -x*dxdz;
              A(row, row*5+4) = y;
              R(row, 0) = x-xp;
          } else {
            if(sl[counter][counterHi]!=2) {
              A(row, row*3+0) = -1.0;
              A(row, row*3+1) = dxdz;
              A(row, row*3+2) = -x*dxdz;
              R(row, 0) = x-xp;
          E(row, row) = 1.0/error;
          I(row, row) = 1.0;

          if(sl[counter][counterHi] != 2) {
            B(row, 0) = 1.0;
            B(row, 1) = zp;
          } else {
            B(row, 2) = 1.0;
            B(row, 3) = zp;

        TMatrixD Bt = B; Bt.T();
        TMatrixD At = A; At.T();
        TMatrixD gamma = (Bt*E*B); gamma.Invert();
        *(C[wh[counter]+2][st[counter]-1][sr[counter]-1]) += At*E*(B*gamma*Bt*E*A-A);
        *(b[wh[counter]+2][st[counter]-1][sr[counter]-1]) += At*E*(B*gamma*Bt*E*I-I)*R;


  if (workingmode==3) 
    for(int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) 
      for(int station = 1; station < 5; ++station) 
        for(int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) {
          if(sector > 12 && station != 4) continue;
          TMatrixD Ctr = *C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1];
          TMatrixD btr = *b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1];
          TString CtrName = "Ctr_"; CtrName += wheel; CtrName += "_"; CtrName += station;
          CtrName += "_"; CtrName += sector;
          TString btrName = "btr_"; btrName += wheel; btrName += "_"; btrName += station;
          btrName += "_"; btrName += sector;
  // My Final Calculation and Constraints 
  if (workingmode%2==0) {

    for(int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) 
      for(int station = 1; station < 5; ++station) 
        for(int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) {
          if(sector > 12 && station != 4) continue;
          if (workingmode==4) {
            for (int mf = -1; mf<=-1; mf++) {
              TMatrixD Ch = getMatrixFromFile("Ctr_",wheel,station,sector,mf);
              TMatrixD bh = getMatrixFromFile("btr_",wheel,station,sector,mf);
              *(C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]) += Ch;
              *(b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]) += bh;
          TMatrixD Ctr = *C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1];
          TMatrixD btr = *b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1];

          TMatrixD Ccs = getCcsMatrix(wheel, station, sector);
          TMatrixD bcs = getbcsMatrix(wheel, station, sector);
          TMatrixD SC = Ctr + Ccs;
          TMatrixD Sb = btr + bcs; 
          TMatrixD solution = SC*Sb;
          for(int icounter = 0; icounter < SC.GetNrows(); icounter++) {
            for(int jcounter = 0; jcounter < SC.GetNrows(); jcounter++) {
              cov[icounter][jcounter] = SC(icounter, jcounter);

          int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5;
          if (station==4) { nLayer = 8; nDeg = 3; }
          for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < nLayer; ++counterLayer) 
            for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < nDeg; ++counterDeg) {
              if(counterLayer < 4) {
                slC[counterLayer] = 1;
                laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer+1;
              } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) {
                slC[counterLayer] = 3;
                laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-3;
              } else {
                slC[counterLayer] = 2;
                laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-7;
              if(counterLayer < 8) {
                dx[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg, 0);
                dy[counterLayer] = 0.0;
              } else {
                dx[counterLayer] = 0.0;
                dy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg, 0); 
              dz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+1, 0);
              if (station!=4) {
                phix[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+2, 0);
                phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+3, 0);
                phiz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+4, 0);
              } else {
                phix[counterLayer] = 0.;
                phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+2, 0);
                phiz[counterLayer] = 0.;

          whC = wheel; stC = station; srC = sector;


  //Final Calculation and Constraints 
//   for(int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) {
//     for(int station = 1; station < 5; ++station) {
//       for(int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) {
//         if(sector > 12 && station != 4) continue;
//         TMatrixD Ctr = prepareForLagrange(*C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]);
//         TMatrixD btr = prepareForLagrange(*b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]);
//         TMatrixD Cqc = prepareForLagrange(getCqcMatrix(wheel, station, sector));
//         TMatrixD bqc = prepareForLagrange(getbqcMatrix(wheel, station, sector));
//         TMatrixD Csurvey = prepareForLagrange(getCsurveyMatrix(wheel, station, sector));
//         TMatrixD bsurvey = prepareForLagrange(getbsurveyMatrix(wheel, station, sector));
//         TMatrixD Clag = getLagMatrix(wheel, station, sector);
//         TMatrixD SC = Ctr + Cqc + Csurvey + Clag;
//         TMatrixD Sb = btr + bqc + bsurvey;
//         SC.Invert();
//         TMatrixD solution = SC*Sb;
//         for(int icounter = 0; icounter < SC.GetNrows(); icounter++) {
//           for(int jcounter = 0; jcounter < SC.GetNrows(); jcounter++) {
//             cov[icounter][jcounter] = SC(icounter, jcounter);
//           }
//         }
//         whC = wheel;
//         stC = station;
//         srC = sector;
//         for(int c = 0; c < 60; ++c) {
//           for(int s = 0; s < 60; ++s) {
//             cov[c][s] = SC(c, s);
//           }
//         }

//         for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
//           for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; ++counterDeg) {
//             if(counterLayer > 7 && station == 4) continue;
//             if(counterLayer < 4) {
//               slC[counterLayer] = 1;
//               laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer+1;
//             } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) {
//               slC[counterLayer] = 3;
//               laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-3;
//             } else {
//               slC[counterLayer] = 2;
//               laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-7;
//             }
//             if(counterLayer < 8) {
//               dx[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5, 0);
//               dy[counterLayer] = 0.0;
//             } else {
//               dx[counterLayer] = 0.0;
//               dy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5, 0); 
//             }
//             dz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+1, 0);
//             phix[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+2, 0);
//             phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+3, 0);
//             phiz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+4, 0);
//           }
//         }
//         ttreeOutput->Fill();
//       }
//     }
//   }
  //  f->Write();

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbcsMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 392 of file

References ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), ReadPGInfo::giveSurvey(), getHLTprescales::index, DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, and findQualityFiles::size.

Referenced by calculationMillepede().


  int size = 60;
  if(st == 4) size = 24;

  TMatrixD matrix(size, 1);

  float Error[3][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001},
                       {0.005,    0.005,    0.005,    0.00005,  0.00005,  0.00005}, 
                       {0.005,    0.005,    0.005,    0.00005,  0.00005,  0.00005}};

  float TollerancyPosition = 0.01;
  float TollerancyRotation = 0.0001;
  TMatrixD ConsQC = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se);

  bool UseQC = true;
  if (ConsQC.GetNrows()<70) UseQC = false;

  TMatrixD Survey = myPG->giveSurvey(wh, st, se);

  int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5;
  if (st==4) { nLayer = 8; nDeg = 3; }

  for (int la = 0; la<nLayer; la++) 
    for (int dg = 0; dg<nDeg; dg++) {

      int index = la*nDeg + dg;

      int rdg = dg + 1;
      if (la<8 && rdg==1) rdg = 0;
      if (st==4 && rdg==3) rdg = 4;

      double ThisError2 = Error[la/4][rdg]*Error[la/4][rdg];
      if (rdg<2) {
        if (UseQC) { ThisError2 += ConsQC(la, 1)*ConsQC(la, 1); 
        } else { ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition*TollerancyPosition; }
      } else if (rdg==2) { ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition*TollerancyPosition; 
      } else { ThisError2 += TollerancyRotation*TollerancyRotation; }
      float Constraint = 0.;
      if (la>3) 
        Constraint += Survey(rdg, la/4-1);
      if (UseQC && rdg==0) Constraint += ConsQC(la, 0);;
      if (UseQC && rdg==1) Constraint -= ConsQC(la, 0);
      matrix(index, 0) = Constraint/ThisError2;
  return matrix;
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbqcMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 576 of file

References reco::tau::disc::Eta(), ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, timingPdfMaker::mean, myPG, and mathSSE::sqrt().


  TMatrixD surv = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se);
  TMatrixD ResQC(5, 12);
  TMatrixD sigmaQC(5, 12);
  TMatrixD matrix(60, 1);
  if(st == 4) matrix.ResizeTo(40, 1);
  if(surv.GetNrows() < 7) {
    for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
      for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
        if(st != 4 && counterLayer > 7) continue;
        if(counterDeg == 0) {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
        } else if(counterDeg < 3) {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
        } else {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
  } else { 
    for(int counterChamber = 0; counterChamber < 12; ++counterChamber) {
      ResQC(0, counterChamber) = -surv(counterChamber, 0)/10000.0;
    float meanvarSL1 = sqrt(surv(0,1)*surv(0,1)+surv(1,1)*surv(1,1)+surv(2,1)*surv(2,1)+surv(3,1)*surv(3,1))/10000.0;
    float meanvarSL2 = 0;
    if(surv.GetNrows() > 9) {
      meanvarSL2 = sqrt(surv(8,1)*surv(8,1)+surv(9,1)*surv(9,1)+surv(10,1)*surv(10,1)+surv(11,1)*surv(11,1))/10000.0;
    float meanvarSL3 = sqrt(surv(4,1)*surv(4,1)+surv(5,1)*surv(5,1)+surv(6,1)*surv(6,1)+surv(7,1)*surv(7,1))/10000.0;
    for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
      for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
        if(st != 4 && counterLayer > 7) continue;
        float meanerror = 0;
        if(counterLayer < 4) {
          meanerror = meanvarSL1;
        } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8){
          meanerror = meanvarSL2;
        } else {
          meanerror = meanvarSL3;
        if(counterDeg == 0) {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = sqrt((surv(counterLayer, 1)/10000.0)*(surv(counterLayer, 1)/10000.0)+meanerror*meanerror);
        } else if(counterDeg < 3) {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
        } else {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
    double **Eta = new double *[12];
    for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) {
      if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue;
      Eta[counterLayer] = new double [5];
      for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) {
        if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue;
        if((counterLayer2 < 4 && counterLayer < 4) || (counterLayer2 > 3 && counterLayer > 3)) {
          if(counterLayer == counterLayer2) {
            Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 3.0/(4.0);
          } else {
            Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = -1.0/(4.0);
        } else {
          Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 0.0;
    for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
      for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) {
        if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; 
        for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) {
          if(counterLayer2 > 7 && st == 4) continue;
          float mean = 0;
          if(counterDeg != 0) {
            if(counterLayer < 4) {
              mean = (ResQC(counterDeg, 0)+ResQC(counterDeg, 1)+ResQC(counterDeg, 2)+ResQC(counterDeg, 3))/4.0;
            } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) {
              mean = (ResQC(counterDeg, 4)+ResQC(counterDeg, 5)+ResQC(counterDeg, 6)+ResQC(counterDeg, 7))/4.0;
            } else {
              mean = (ResQC(counterDeg, 8)+ResQC(counterDeg, 9)+ResQC(counterDeg, 10)+ResQC(counterDeg, 11))/4.0;
          matrix(5*counterLayer2+counterDeg, 0) += Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2]*(ResQC(counterDeg,counterLayer)-mean)/(sigmaQC(counterDeg,counterLayer)*sigmaQC(counterDeg,counterLayer));
  return matrix;
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbsurveyMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 749 of file

References error, ReadPGInfo::giveSurvey(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, findQualityFiles::size, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl.

  TMatrixD survey = myPG->giveSurvey(wh, st, se); 
  int size = 60;
  if(st == 4) size = 40;

  TMatrixD matrix(size+6, 1);
  //Careful with the sign
  float error[2][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001}, 
                       {0.05,     0.05,     0.05,     0.005,    0.005,    0.005}};
  for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < size/5; counterLayer++) {
    for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
      int counterDegAux = counterDeg+1;
      if(counterLayer < 8 && counterDeg == 1) counterDegAux = 0;  
      int superlayerAux = counterLayer/4;
      int sl = (superlayerAux + 1)/2;
      matrix(5*counterLayer+counterDeg, 0) =  survey(counterDegAux, superlayerAux)/(4.0*error[sl][counterDegAux]*error[sl][counterDegAux]);

  return matrix;

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCcsMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 344 of file

References ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), getHLTprescales::index, DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, and findQualityFiles::size.

Referenced by calculationMillepede().


  int size = 60;
  if(st == 4) size = 24;

  TMatrixD matrix(size, size);

  float Error[3][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001},
                       {0.005,    0.005,    0.005,    0.00005,  0.00005,  0.00005}, 
                       {0.005,    0.005,    0.005,    0.00005,  0.00005,  0.00005}};

  float TollerancyPosition = 0.01;
  float TollerancyRotation = 0.0001;
  TMatrixD ConsQC = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se);

  bool UseQC = true;
  if (ConsQC.GetNrows()<70) UseQC = false;
  int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5;
  if (st==4) { nLayer = 8; nDeg = 3; }

  for (int la = 0; la<nLayer; la++) 
    for (int dg = 0; dg<nDeg; dg++) {

      int index = la*nDeg + dg;

      int rdg = dg + 1;
      if (la<8 && rdg==1) rdg = 0;
      if (st==4 && rdg==3) rdg = 4;

      double ThisError2 = Error[la/4][rdg]*Error[la/4][rdg];
      if (rdg<2) {
        if (UseQC) { ThisError2 += ConsQC(la, 1)*ConsQC(la, 1); 
        } else { ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition*TollerancyPosition; }
      } else if (rdg==2) { ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition*TollerancyPosition; 
      } else { ThisError2 += TollerancyRotation*TollerancyRotation; }
      matrix(index, index) = 1./ThisError2;

  return matrix;

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCqcMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 492 of file

References reco::tau::disc::Eta(), ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, and mathSSE::sqrt().


  TMatrixD surv = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se);
  TMatrixD sigmaQC(5, 12);
  TMatrixD matrix(60, 60);
  if(st == 4) matrix.ResizeTo(40, 40);

  if(surv.GetNrows() < 7) {
    for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
      for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
        if(st != 4 && counterLayer > 7) continue;
        if(counterDeg == 0) {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
        } else if(counterDeg < 3) {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
        } else {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
  } else {
    float meanvarSL1 = sqrt(surv(0,1)*surv(0,1)+surv(1,1)*surv(1,1)+surv(2,1)*surv(2,1)+surv(3,1)*surv(3,1))/10000.0; 
    float meanvarSL2 = 0;
    if(surv.GetNrows() > 9) meanvarSL2 = sqrt(surv(8,1)*surv(8,1)+surv(9,1)*surv(9,1)+surv(10,1)*surv(10,1)+surv(11,1)*surv(11,1))/10000.0; 
    float meanvarSL3 = sqrt(surv(4,1)*surv(4,1)+surv(5,1)*surv(5,1)+surv(6,1)*surv(6,1)+surv(7,1)*surv(7,1))/10000.0; 
    for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
      for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
        if(st != 4 && counterLayer > 7) continue;
        float meanerror = 0;
        if(counterLayer < 4) {
          meanerror = meanvarSL1;
        } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8){
          meanerror = meanvarSL2;
        } else {
          meanerror = meanvarSL3;
        if(counterDeg == 0) {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = sqrt((surv(counterLayer, 1)/10000.0)*(surv(counterLayer, 1)/10000.0)+meanerror*meanerror);
        } else if(counterDeg < 3) {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
        } else {
          sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05;
    double **Eta = new double *[12];
    for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) {
      if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; 
      Eta[counterLayer] = new double [5];
      for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) {
        if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; 
        if((counterLayer2 < 4 && counterLayer < 4) || (counterLayer2 > 3 && counterLayer > 3)) {
          if(counterLayer == counterLayer2) {
            Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 3.0/(4.0);
          } else {
            Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = -1.0/(4.0);
        } else {
          Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 0.0;
    for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
      for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) {
        if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; 
        for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) {
          if(counterLayer2 > 7 && st == 4) continue; 
          for(int counterLayer3 = 0; counterLayer3 < 12; counterLayer3++) {
            if(counterLayer3 > 7 && st == 4) continue; 
            matrix(5*counterLayer2+counterDeg, 5*counterLayer3+counterDeg) +=
  return matrix;
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCsurveyMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 694 of file

References error, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, findQualityFiles::size, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl.


  int size = 60;
  if(st == 4) size = 40;

  TMatrixD matrix(size+6, size+6);
  //Careful with the sign
  float error[2][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001}, 
                       {0.05,     0.05,     0.05,     0.005,    0.005,    0.005}};
  for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < size/5; counterLayer++) {
    for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < size/5; counterLayer2++) {
      int sl1 = counterLayer/4;
      int sl2 = counterLayer2/4;
      if (sl1==sl2) {
        for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) {
          int counterDegAux = counterDeg+1;
          if(counterLayer < 8 && counterDeg == 1) counterDegAux = 0;
          int sl = (sl1 + 1)/2; 
          matrix(5*counterLayer+counterDeg, 5*counterLayer2+counterDeg) =  1.0/(16.0*error[sl][counterDegAux]*error[sl][counterDegAux]);

  return matrix;

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getLagMatrix ( int  wh,
int  st,
int  se 

Definition at line 466 of file

References makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix.

  TMatrixD matrix(60+6,60+6);
  if(st == 4) matrix.ResizeTo(40+6, 40+6); 
  for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; ++counterDeg) {
    for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) {
      if(st == 4) {
        matrix(40+counterDeg, counterLayer*5+counterDeg) = 10000.0;
        matrix(counterLayer*5+counterDeg, 40+counterDeg) = 10000.0;
      } else {
        int realCounter = counterDeg+1;
        if(counterDeg == 1 && counterLayer < 8) {
          realCounter = counterDeg-1;
        matrix(counterLayer*5+counterDeg,40+realCounter) = 10000.0;
        if( (realCounter == 0 && counterLayer > 7) ||
            (realCounter == 1 && counterLayer < 7)) continue;  
        matrix(60+realCounter,counterLayer*5+counterDeg) = 10000.0;
  return matrix;
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getMatrixFromFile ( TString  Code,
int  wh,
int  st,
int  se,
int  mf 

Definition at line 446 of file

References DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh.

Referenced by calculationMillepede().

  TString MtxFileName = "./LocalMillepedeMatrix_"; MtxFileName += mf; MtxFileName += ".root";
  if (mf==-1) MtxFileName = "./LocalMillepedeMatrix.root";

  TDirectory *dirSave = gDirectory;

  TFile *MatrixFile = new TFile(MtxFileName);
  TString MtxName = Code; MtxName += wh; MtxName += "_"; MtxName += st; MtxName += "_"; MtxName += se;
  TMatrixD *ThisMtx = (TMatrixD *)MatrixFile->Get(MtxName);


  return *ThisMtx;

TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::prepareForLagrange ( const TMatrixD &  m)

Definition at line 774 of file

References m.

  TMatrixD updatedMatrix = m;
  updatedMatrix.ResizeTo(m.GetNrows()+6, m.GetNcols()+6);
  return updatedMatrix;

void DTMuonMillepede::setBranchTree ( )

Definition at line 783 of file

References cov, dx, dy, dz, laC, phix, phiy, phiz, slC, srC, stC, ttreeOutput, and whC.

Referenced by DTMuonMillepede().


  ttreeOutput = new TTree("DTLocalMillepede", "DTLocalMillepede");

  ttreeOutput->Branch("wh", &whC, "wh/I");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("st", &stC, "st/I");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("sr", &srC, "sr/I");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("cov", cov, "cov[60][60]/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("sl", slC, "sl[12]/I");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("la", laC, "la[12]/I");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("dx", dx, "dx[12]/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("dy", dy, "dy[12]/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("dz", dz, "dz[12]/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("phix", phix, "phix[12]/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("phiy", phiy, "phiy[12]/F");
  ttreeOutput->Branch("phiz", phiz, "phiz[12]/F");


Member Data Documentation

float DTMuonMillepede::cov[60][60] [private]

Definition at line 66 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonMillepede::dx[12] [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonMillepede::dy[12] [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonMillepede::dz[12] [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

TFile* DTMuonMillepede::f [private]

Reimplemented from DTMuonLocalAlignment.

Definition at line 54 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by DTMuonMillepede().

int DTMuonMillepede::laC[12] [private]

Definition at line 64 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

Definition at line 59 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().

Definition at line 59 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().

float DTMuonMillepede::phix[12] [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonMillepede::phiy[12] [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonMillepede::phiz[12] [private]

Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

float DTMuonMillepede::ptMax [private]

Definition at line 57 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().

float DTMuonMillepede::ptMin [private]

Definition at line 57 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().

int DTMuonMillepede::slC[12] [private]

Definition at line 64 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

int DTMuonMillepede::srC [private]

Definition at line 63 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

int DTMuonMillepede::stC [private]

Definition at line 63 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

TTree* DTMuonMillepede::ttreeOutput [private]

Definition at line 55 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().

int DTMuonMillepede::whC [private]

Definition at line 63 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.

Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().