#include <DTMuonMillepede.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | calculationMillepede (int) |
DTMuonMillepede (std::string, int, float, float, int, int, int, int) | |
TMatrixD | getbcsMatrix (int, int, int) |
TMatrixD | getbqcMatrix (int, int, int) |
TMatrixD | getbsurveyMatrix (int, int, int) |
TMatrixD | getCcsMatrix (int, int, int) |
TMatrixD | getCqcMatrix (int, int, int) |
TMatrixD | getCsurveyMatrix (int, int, int) |
TMatrixD | getLagMatrix (int, int, int) |
TMatrixD | getMatrixFromFile (TString Code, int, int, int, int) |
TMatrixD | prepareForLagrange (const TMatrixD &) |
void | setBranchTree () |
~DTMuonMillepede () | |
Private Attributes | |
float | cov [60][60] |
float | dx [12] |
float | dy [12] |
float | dz [12] |
TFile * | f |
int | laC [12] |
ReadPGInfo * | myPG |
int | nPhiHits |
int | nThetaHits |
float | phix [12] |
float | phiy [12] |
float | phiz [12] |
float | ptMax |
float | ptMin |
int | slC [12] |
int | srC |
int | stC |
TTree * | ttreeOutput |
int | whC |
DTMuonMillepede::DTMuonMillepede | ( | std::string | path, |
int | n_files, | ||
float | MaxPt, | ||
float | MinPt, | ||
int | nPhihits, | ||
int | nThetahits, | ||
int | workingmode, | ||
int | nMtxSection | ||
) |
Definition at line 6 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References calculationMillepede(), f, DTMuonLocalAlignment::initNTuples(), step1_ZMM_7Tev::MinPt, myPG, nPhiHits, nThetaHits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ntuplePath, DTMuonLocalAlignment::numberOfRootFiles, scaleCards::path, ptMax, ptMin, and setBranchTree().
{ ntuplePath = path; numberOfRootFiles = n_files; ptMax = MaxPt; ptMin = MinPt; nPhiHits = nPhihits; nThetaHits = nThetahits; TDirectory * dirSave = gDirectory; //Interface to Survey information myPG = new ReadPGInfo("./InternalData2009.root"); f = new TFile("./LocalMillepedeResults.root", "RECREATE"); f->cd(); setBranchTree(); initNTuples(nMtxSection); calculationMillepede(workingmode); f->Write(); f->Close(); dirSave->cd(); }
DTMuonMillepede::~DTMuonMillepede | ( | ) |
Definition at line 41 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
void DTMuonMillepede::calculationMillepede | ( | int | workingmode | ) |
Definition at line 45 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References funct::A, b, funct::C, gather_cfg::cout, cov, dx, DTMuonLocalAlignment::dxdzSl, dy, DTMuonLocalAlignment::dydzSl, dz, error, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ex, getbcsMatrix(), getCcsMatrix(), getMatrixFromFile(), Exhume::I, i, DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, laC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nhits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nphihits, nPhiHits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nseg, nThetaHits, DTMuonLocalAlignment::nthetahits, phix, phiy, phiz, DTMuonLocalAlignment::pt, ptMax, ptMin, dttmaxenums::R, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl, slC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::sr, srC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, relativeConstraints::station, stC, DTMuonLocalAlignment::tali, ttreeOutput, DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh, whC, x, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xc, DTMuonLocalAlignment::xcp, detailsBasic3DVector::y, DTMuonLocalAlignment::yc, DTMuonLocalAlignment::ycp, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::zc.
Referenced by DTMuonMillepede().
{ //Init Matrizes TMatrixD ****C = new TMatrixD ***[5]; TMatrixD ****b = new TMatrixD ***[5]; for(int whI = -2; whI < 3; ++whI) { C[whI+2] = new TMatrixD **[4]; b[whI+2] = new TMatrixD **[4]; for(int stI = 1; stI < 5; ++stI) { C[whI+2][stI-1] = new TMatrixD * [14]; b[whI+2][stI-1] = new TMatrixD * [14]; for(int seI = 1; seI < 15; ++seI) { if(seI > 12 && stI != 4) continue; if(stI == 4) { C[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(24,24); b[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(24,1); } else { C[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(60,60); b[whI+2][stI-1][seI-1] = new TMatrixD(60,1); } } } } //Run over the TTree if (workingmode<=3) { Int_t nentries = (Int_t)tali->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) { tali->GetEntry(i); if (i%100000==0) std::cout << "Analyzing track number " << i << std::endl; //Basic cuts if(pt > ptMax || pt < ptMin) continue; for(int counter = 0; counter < nseg; ++counter) { if (nphihits[counter]<nPhiHits || (nthetahits[counter]<nThetaHits && st[counter]<4)) continue; TMatrixD A(12,60); TMatrixD R(12,1); TMatrixD E(12,12); TMatrixD B(12, 4); TMatrixD I(12, 12); if(st[counter] == 4) { A.ResizeTo(8,24); R.ResizeTo(8,1); E.ResizeTo(8,8); B.ResizeTo(8,2); I.ResizeTo(8,8); } for(int counterHi = 0; counterHi < nhits[counter]; counterHi++) { int row = 0; if(sl[counter][counterHi] == 3) { row = 4 + (la[counter][counterHi]-1); } else if(sl[counter][counterHi] == 2) { row = 8 + (la[counter][counterHi]-1); } else { row = (la[counter][counterHi]-1); } float x = xc[counter][counterHi]; float y = yc[counter][counterHi]; float xp = xcp[counter][counterHi]; float yp = ycp[counter][counterHi]; float zp = zc[counter][counterHi]; float error = ex[counter][counterHi]; float dxdz = dxdzSl[counter]; float dydz = dydzSl[counter]; if(st[counter]!=4) { if(sl[counter][counterHi] == 2) { A(row, row*5) = -1.0; A(row, row*5+1) = dydz; A(row, row*5+2) = y*dydz; A(row, row*5+3) = -x*dydz; A(row, row*5+4) = -x; R(row, 0) = y-yp; } else { A(row, row*5+0) = -1.0; A(row, row*5+1) = dxdz; A(row, row*5+2) = y*dxdz; A(row, row*5+3) = -x*dxdz; A(row, row*5+4) = y; R(row, 0) = x-xp; } } else { if(sl[counter][counterHi]!=2) { A(row, row*3+0) = -1.0; A(row, row*3+1) = dxdz; A(row, row*3+2) = -x*dxdz; R(row, 0) = x-xp; } } E(row, row) = 1.0/error; I(row, row) = 1.0; if(sl[counter][counterHi] != 2) { B(row, 0) = 1.0; B(row, 1) = zp; } else { B(row, 2) = 1.0; B(row, 3) = zp; } } TMatrixD Bt = B; Bt.T(); TMatrixD At = A; At.T(); TMatrixD gamma = (Bt*E*B); gamma.Invert(); *(C[wh[counter]+2][st[counter]-1][sr[counter]-1]) += At*E*(B*gamma*Bt*E*A-A); *(b[wh[counter]+2][st[counter]-1][sr[counter]-1]) += At*E*(B*gamma*Bt*E*I-I)*R; } } } if (workingmode==3) for(int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) for(int station = 1; station < 5; ++station) for(int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) { if(sector > 12 && station != 4) continue; TMatrixD Ctr = *C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]; TMatrixD btr = *b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]; TString CtrName = "Ctr_"; CtrName += wheel; CtrName += "_"; CtrName += station; CtrName += "_"; CtrName += sector; Ctr.Write(CtrName); TString btrName = "btr_"; btrName += wheel; btrName += "_"; btrName += station; btrName += "_"; btrName += sector; btr.Write(btrName); } // My Final Calculation and Constraints if (workingmode%2==0) { for(int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) for(int station = 1; station < 5; ++station) for(int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) { if(sector > 12 && station != 4) continue; if (workingmode==4) { for (int mf = -1; mf<=-1; mf++) { TMatrixD Ch = getMatrixFromFile("Ctr_",wheel,station,sector,mf); TMatrixD bh = getMatrixFromFile("btr_",wheel,station,sector,mf); *(C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]) += Ch; *(b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]) += bh; } } TMatrixD Ctr = *C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]; TMatrixD btr = *b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]; TMatrixD Ccs = getCcsMatrix(wheel, station, sector); TMatrixD bcs = getbcsMatrix(wheel, station, sector); TMatrixD SC = Ctr + Ccs; TMatrixD Sb = btr + bcs; SC.Invert(); TMatrixD solution = SC*Sb; for(int icounter = 0; icounter < SC.GetNrows(); icounter++) { for(int jcounter = 0; jcounter < SC.GetNrows(); jcounter++) { cov[icounter][jcounter] = SC(icounter, jcounter); } } int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5; if (station==4) { nLayer = 8; nDeg = 3; } for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < nLayer; ++counterLayer) for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < nDeg; ++counterDeg) { if(counterLayer < 4) { slC[counterLayer] = 1; laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer+1; } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) { slC[counterLayer] = 3; laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-3; } else { slC[counterLayer] = 2; laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-7; } if(counterLayer < 8) { dx[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg, 0); dy[counterLayer] = 0.0; } else { dx[counterLayer] = 0.0; dy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg, 0); } dz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+1, 0); if (station!=4) { phix[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+2, 0); phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+3, 0); phiz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+4, 0); } else { phix[counterLayer] = 0.; phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*nDeg+2, 0); phiz[counterLayer] = 0.; } } whC = wheel; stC = station; srC = sector; ttreeOutput->Fill(); } } //Final Calculation and Constraints // for(int wheel = -2; wheel < 3; ++wheel) { // for(int station = 1; station < 5; ++station) { // for(int sector = 1; sector < 15; ++sector) { // if(sector > 12 && station != 4) continue; // TMatrixD Ctr = prepareForLagrange(*C[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]); // TMatrixD btr = prepareForLagrange(*b[wheel+2][station-1][sector-1]); // TMatrixD Cqc = prepareForLagrange(getCqcMatrix(wheel, station, sector)); // TMatrixD bqc = prepareForLagrange(getbqcMatrix(wheel, station, sector)); // TMatrixD Csurvey = prepareForLagrange(getCsurveyMatrix(wheel, station, sector)); // TMatrixD bsurvey = prepareForLagrange(getbsurveyMatrix(wheel, station, sector)); // TMatrixD Clag = getLagMatrix(wheel, station, sector); // TMatrixD SC = Ctr + Cqc + Csurvey + Clag; // TMatrixD Sb = btr + bqc + bsurvey; // // SC.Invert(); // TMatrixD solution = SC*Sb; // for(int icounter = 0; icounter < SC.GetNrows(); icounter++) { // for(int jcounter = 0; jcounter < SC.GetNrows(); jcounter++) { // cov[icounter][jcounter] = SC(icounter, jcounter); // } // } // whC = wheel; // stC = station; // srC = sector; // for(int c = 0; c < 60; ++c) { // for(int s = 0; s < 60; ++s) { // cov[c][s] = SC(c, s); // } // } // for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) { // for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; ++counterDeg) { // if(counterLayer > 7 && station == 4) continue; // if(counterLayer < 4) { // slC[counterLayer] = 1; // laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer+1; // } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) { // slC[counterLayer] = 3; // laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-3; // } else { // slC[counterLayer] = 2; // laC[counterLayer] = counterLayer-7; // } // if(counterLayer < 8) { // dx[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5, 0); // dy[counterLayer] = 0.0; // } else { // dx[counterLayer] = 0.0; // dy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5, 0); // } // dz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+1, 0); // phix[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+2, 0); // phiy[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+3, 0); // phiz[counterLayer] = solution(counterLayer*5+4, 0); // } // } // ttreeOutput->Fill(); // } // } // } // f->Write(); }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbcsMatrix | ( | int | wh, |
int | st, | ||
int | se | ||
) |
Definition at line 392 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), ReadPGInfo::giveSurvey(), getHLTprescales::index, DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, and findQualityFiles::size.
Referenced by calculationMillepede().
{ int size = 60; if(st == 4) size = 24; TMatrixD matrix(size, 1); float Error[3][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001}, {0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.00005, 0.00005}, {0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.00005, 0.00005}}; float TollerancyPosition = 0.01; float TollerancyRotation = 0.0001; TMatrixD ConsQC = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se); bool UseQC = true; if (ConsQC.GetNrows()<70) UseQC = false; TMatrixD Survey = myPG->giveSurvey(wh, st, se); int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5; if (st==4) { nLayer = 8; nDeg = 3; } for (int la = 0; la<nLayer; la++) for (int dg = 0; dg<nDeg; dg++) { int index = la*nDeg + dg; int rdg = dg + 1; if (la<8 && rdg==1) rdg = 0; if (st==4 && rdg==3) rdg = 4; double ThisError2 = Error[la/4][rdg]*Error[la/4][rdg]; if (rdg<2) { if (UseQC) { ThisError2 += ConsQC(la, 1)*ConsQC(la, 1); } else { ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition*TollerancyPosition; } } else if (rdg==2) { ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition*TollerancyPosition; } else { ThisError2 += TollerancyRotation*TollerancyRotation; } float Constraint = 0.; if (la>3) Constraint += Survey(rdg, la/4-1); if (UseQC && rdg==0) Constraint += ConsQC(la, 0);; if (UseQC && rdg==1) Constraint -= ConsQC(la, 0); matrix(index, 0) = Constraint/ThisError2; } return matrix; }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbqcMatrix | ( | int | wh, |
int | st, | ||
int | se | ||
) |
Definition at line 576 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References reco::tau::disc::Eta(), ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, timingPdfMaker::mean, myPG, and mathSSE::sqrt().
{ TMatrixD surv = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se); TMatrixD ResQC(5, 12); TMatrixD sigmaQC(5, 12); TMatrixD matrix(60, 1); if(st == 4) matrix.ResizeTo(40, 1); if(surv.GetNrows() < 7) { for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) { for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) { if(st != 4 && counterLayer > 7) continue; if(counterDeg == 0) { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } else if(counterDeg < 3) { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } else { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } } } } else { for(int counterChamber = 0; counterChamber < 12; ++counterChamber) { ResQC(0, counterChamber) = -surv(counterChamber, 0)/10000.0; } float meanvarSL1 = sqrt(surv(0,1)*surv(0,1)+surv(1,1)*surv(1,1)+surv(2,1)*surv(2,1)+surv(3,1)*surv(3,1))/10000.0; float meanvarSL2 = 0; if(surv.GetNrows() > 9) { meanvarSL2 = sqrt(surv(8,1)*surv(8,1)+surv(9,1)*surv(9,1)+surv(10,1)*surv(10,1)+surv(11,1)*surv(11,1))/10000.0; } float meanvarSL3 = sqrt(surv(4,1)*surv(4,1)+surv(5,1)*surv(5,1)+surv(6,1)*surv(6,1)+surv(7,1)*surv(7,1))/10000.0; for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) { for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) { if(st != 4 && counterLayer > 7) continue; float meanerror = 0; if(counterLayer < 4) { meanerror = meanvarSL1; } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8){ meanerror = meanvarSL2; } else { meanerror = meanvarSL3; } if(counterDeg == 0) { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = sqrt((surv(counterLayer, 1)/10000.0)*(surv(counterLayer, 1)/10000.0)+meanerror*meanerror); } else if(counterDeg < 3) { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } else { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } } } double **Eta = new double *[12]; for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) { if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; Eta[counterLayer] = new double [5]; for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) { if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; if((counterLayer2 < 4 && counterLayer < 4) || (counterLayer2 > 3 && counterLayer > 3)) { if(counterLayer == counterLayer2) { Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 3.0/(4.0); } else { Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = -1.0/(4.0); } } else { Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 0.0; } } } for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) { for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) { if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) { if(counterLayer2 > 7 && st == 4) continue; float mean = 0; if(counterDeg != 0) { if(counterLayer < 4) { mean = (ResQC(counterDeg, 0)+ResQC(counterDeg, 1)+ResQC(counterDeg, 2)+ResQC(counterDeg, 3))/4.0; } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8) { mean = (ResQC(counterDeg, 4)+ResQC(counterDeg, 5)+ResQC(counterDeg, 6)+ResQC(counterDeg, 7))/4.0; } else { mean = (ResQC(counterDeg, 8)+ResQC(counterDeg, 9)+ResQC(counterDeg, 10)+ResQC(counterDeg, 11))/4.0; } } matrix(5*counterLayer2+counterDeg, 0) += Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2]*(ResQC(counterDeg,counterLayer)-mean)/(sigmaQC(counterDeg,counterLayer)*sigmaQC(counterDeg,counterLayer)); } } } } return matrix; }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getbsurveyMatrix | ( | int | wh, |
int | st, | ||
int | se | ||
) |
Definition at line 749 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References error, ReadPGInfo::giveSurvey(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, findQualityFiles::size, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl.
{ TMatrixD survey = myPG->giveSurvey(wh, st, se); int size = 60; if(st == 4) size = 40; TMatrixD matrix(size+6, 1); //Careful with the sign float error[2][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001}, {0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005}}; for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < size/5; counterLayer++) { for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) { int counterDegAux = counterDeg+1; if(counterLayer < 8 && counterDeg == 1) counterDegAux = 0; int superlayerAux = counterLayer/4; int sl = (superlayerAux + 1)/2; matrix(5*counterLayer+counterDeg, 0) = survey(counterDegAux, superlayerAux)/(4.0*error[sl][counterDegAux]*error[sl][counterDegAux]); } } return matrix; }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCcsMatrix | ( | int | wh, |
int | st, | ||
int | se | ||
) |
Definition at line 344 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), getHLTprescales::index, DTMuonLocalAlignment::la, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, and findQualityFiles::size.
Referenced by calculationMillepede().
{ int size = 60; if(st == 4) size = 24; TMatrixD matrix(size, size); float Error[3][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001}, {0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.00005, 0.00005}, {0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.00005, 0.00005, 0.00005}}; float TollerancyPosition = 0.01; float TollerancyRotation = 0.0001; TMatrixD ConsQC = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se); bool UseQC = true; if (ConsQC.GetNrows()<70) UseQC = false; int nLayer = 12, nDeg = 5; if (st==4) { nLayer = 8; nDeg = 3; } for (int la = 0; la<nLayer; la++) for (int dg = 0; dg<nDeg; dg++) { int index = la*nDeg + dg; int rdg = dg + 1; if (la<8 && rdg==1) rdg = 0; if (st==4 && rdg==3) rdg = 4; double ThisError2 = Error[la/4][rdg]*Error[la/4][rdg]; if (rdg<2) { if (UseQC) { ThisError2 += ConsQC(la, 1)*ConsQC(la, 1); } else { ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition*TollerancyPosition; } } else if (rdg==2) { ThisError2 += TollerancyPosition*TollerancyPosition; } else { ThisError2 += TollerancyRotation*TollerancyRotation; } matrix(index, index) = 1./ThisError2; } return matrix; }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCqcMatrix | ( | int | wh, |
int | st, | ||
int | se | ||
) |
Definition at line 492 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References reco::tau::disc::Eta(), ReadPGInfo::giveQCCal(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, myPG, and mathSSE::sqrt().
{ TMatrixD surv = myPG->giveQCCal(wh, st, se); TMatrixD sigmaQC(5, 12); TMatrixD matrix(60, 60); if(st == 4) matrix.ResizeTo(40, 40); if(surv.GetNrows() < 7) { for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) { for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) { if(st != 4 && counterLayer > 7) continue; if(counterDeg == 0) { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } else if(counterDeg < 3) { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } else { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } } } } else { float meanvarSL1 = sqrt(surv(0,1)*surv(0,1)+surv(1,1)*surv(1,1)+surv(2,1)*surv(2,1)+surv(3,1)*surv(3,1))/10000.0; float meanvarSL2 = 0; if(surv.GetNrows() > 9) meanvarSL2 = sqrt(surv(8,1)*surv(8,1)+surv(9,1)*surv(9,1)+surv(10,1)*surv(10,1)+surv(11,1)*surv(11,1))/10000.0; float meanvarSL3 = sqrt(surv(4,1)*surv(4,1)+surv(5,1)*surv(5,1)+surv(6,1)*surv(6,1)+surv(7,1)*surv(7,1))/10000.0; for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) { for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) { if(st != 4 && counterLayer > 7) continue; float meanerror = 0; if(counterLayer < 4) { meanerror = meanvarSL1; } else if(counterLayer > 3 && counterLayer < 8){ meanerror = meanvarSL2; } else { meanerror = meanvarSL3; } if(counterDeg == 0) { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = sqrt((surv(counterLayer, 1)/10000.0)*(surv(counterLayer, 1)/10000.0)+meanerror*meanerror); } else if(counterDeg < 3) { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } else { sigmaQC(counterDeg, counterLayer) = 0.05; } } } double **Eta = new double *[12]; for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) { if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; Eta[counterLayer] = new double [5]; for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) { if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; if((counterLayer2 < 4 && counterLayer < 4) || (counterLayer2 > 3 && counterLayer > 3)) { if(counterLayer == counterLayer2) { Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 3.0/(4.0); } else { Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = -1.0/(4.0); } } else { Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2] = 0.0; } } } for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) { for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; counterLayer++) { if(counterLayer > 7 && st == 4) continue; for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < 12; counterLayer2++) { if(counterLayer2 > 7 && st == 4) continue; for(int counterLayer3 = 0; counterLayer3 < 12; counterLayer3++) { if(counterLayer3 > 7 && st == 4) continue; matrix(5*counterLayer2+counterDeg, 5*counterLayer3+counterDeg) += Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer2]*Eta[counterLayer][counterLayer3]/(sigmaQC(counterDeg,counterLayer)*sigmaQC(counterDeg,counterLayer)); } } } } } return matrix; }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getCsurveyMatrix | ( | int | wh, |
int | st, | ||
int | se | ||
) |
Definition at line 694 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References error, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix, findQualityFiles::size, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::sl.
{ int size = 60; if(st == 4) size = 40; TMatrixD matrix(size+6, size+6); //Careful with the sign float error[2][6] = {{0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001}, {0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005}}; for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < size/5; counterLayer++) { for(int counterLayer2 = 0; counterLayer2 < size/5; counterLayer2++) { int sl1 = counterLayer/4; int sl2 = counterLayer2/4; if (sl1==sl2) { for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; counterDeg++) { int counterDegAux = counterDeg+1; if(counterLayer < 8 && counterDeg == 1) counterDegAux = 0; int sl = (sl1 + 1)/2; matrix(5*counterLayer+counterDeg, 5*counterLayer2+counterDeg) = 1.0/(16.0*error[sl][counterDegAux]*error[sl][counterDegAux]); } } } } return matrix; }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getLagMatrix | ( | int | wh, |
int | st, | ||
int | se | ||
) |
Definition at line 466 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::matrix.
{ TMatrixD matrix(60+6,60+6); if(st == 4) matrix.ResizeTo(40+6, 40+6); for(int counterDeg = 0; counterDeg < 5; ++counterDeg) { for(int counterLayer = 0; counterLayer < 12; ++counterLayer) { if(st == 4) { matrix(40+counterDeg, counterLayer*5+counterDeg) = 10000.0; matrix(counterLayer*5+counterDeg, 40+counterDeg) = 10000.0; } else { int realCounter = counterDeg+1; if(counterDeg == 1 && counterLayer < 8) { realCounter = counterDeg-1; } matrix(counterLayer*5+counterDeg,40+realCounter) = 10000.0; if( (realCounter == 0 && counterLayer > 7) || (realCounter == 1 && counterLayer < 7)) continue; matrix(60+realCounter,counterLayer*5+counterDeg) = 10000.0; } } } return matrix; }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::getMatrixFromFile | ( | TString | Code, |
int | wh, | ||
int | st, | ||
int | se, | ||
int | mf | ||
) |
Definition at line 446 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References DTMuonLocalAlignment::st, and DTMuonLocalAlignment::wh.
Referenced by calculationMillepede().
{ TString MtxFileName = "./LocalMillepedeMatrix_"; MtxFileName += mf; MtxFileName += ".root"; if (mf==-1) MtxFileName = "./LocalMillepedeMatrix.root"; TDirectory *dirSave = gDirectory; TFile *MatrixFile = new TFile(MtxFileName); TString MtxName = Code; MtxName += wh; MtxName += "_"; MtxName += st; MtxName += "_"; MtxName += se; TMatrixD *ThisMtx = (TMatrixD *)MatrixFile->Get(MtxName); MatrixFile->Close(); dirSave->cd(); return *ThisMtx; }
TMatrixD DTMuonMillepede::prepareForLagrange | ( | const TMatrixD & | m | ) |
void DTMuonMillepede::setBranchTree | ( | ) |
Definition at line 783 of file DTMuonMillepede.cc.
References cov, dx, dy, dz, laC, phix, phiy, phiz, slC, srC, stC, ttreeOutput, and whC.
Referenced by DTMuonMillepede().
{ ttreeOutput = new TTree("DTLocalMillepede", "DTLocalMillepede"); ttreeOutput->Branch("wh", &whC, "wh/I"); ttreeOutput->Branch("st", &stC, "st/I"); ttreeOutput->Branch("sr", &srC, "sr/I"); ttreeOutput->Branch("cov", cov, "cov[60][60]/F"); ttreeOutput->Branch("sl", slC, "sl[12]/I"); ttreeOutput->Branch("la", laC, "la[12]/I"); ttreeOutput->Branch("dx", dx, "dx[12]/F"); ttreeOutput->Branch("dy", dy, "dy[12]/F"); ttreeOutput->Branch("dz", dz, "dz[12]/F"); ttreeOutput->Branch("phix", phix, "phix[12]/F"); ttreeOutput->Branch("phiy", phiy, "phiy[12]/F"); ttreeOutput->Branch("phiz", phiz, "phiz[12]/F"); }
float DTMuonMillepede::cov[60][60] [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
float DTMuonMillepede::dx[12] [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
float DTMuonMillepede::dy[12] [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
float DTMuonMillepede::dz[12] [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
TFile* DTMuonMillepede::f [private] |
Reimplemented from DTMuonLocalAlignment.
Definition at line 54 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by DTMuonMillepede().
int DTMuonMillepede::laC[12] [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
ReadPGInfo* DTMuonMillepede::myPG [private] |
Definition at line 52 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by DTMuonMillepede(), getbcsMatrix(), getbqcMatrix(), getbsurveyMatrix(), getCcsMatrix(), and getCqcMatrix().
int DTMuonMillepede::nPhiHits [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().
int DTMuonMillepede::nThetaHits [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().
float DTMuonMillepede::phix[12] [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
float DTMuonMillepede::phiy[12] [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
float DTMuonMillepede::phiz[12] [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
float DTMuonMillepede::ptMax [private] |
Definition at line 57 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().
float DTMuonMillepede::ptMin [private] |
Definition at line 57 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and DTMuonMillepede().
int DTMuonMillepede::slC[12] [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
int DTMuonMillepede::srC [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
int DTMuonMillepede::stC [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
TTree* DTMuonMillepede::ttreeOutput [private] |
Definition at line 55 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().
int DTMuonMillepede::whC [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file DTMuonMillepede.h.
Referenced by calculationMillepede(), and setBranchTree().