Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

CastorSD Class Reference

#include <SimG4CMS/Forward/interface/CastorSD.h>

Inheritance diagram for CastorSD:
CaloSD SensitiveCaloDetector Observer< const BeginOfRun * > Observer< const BeginOfEvent * > Observer< const BeginOfTrack * > Observer< const EndOfTrack * > Observer< const EndOfEvent * > SensitiveDetector

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CastorSD (G4String, const DDCompactView &, SensitiveDetectorCatalog &clg, edm::ParameterSet const &, const SimTrackManager *)
virtual double getEnergyDeposit (G4Step *)
virtual uint32_t setDetUnitId (G4Step *step)
void setNumberingScheme (CastorNumberingScheme *scheme)
virtual ~CastorSD ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initRun ()

Private Member Functions

void getFromLibrary (G4Step *)
uint32_t rotateUnitID (uint32_t, G4Track *, CastorShowerEvent)
int setTrackID (G4Step *)

Private Attributes

double energyThresholdSL
G4LogicalVolume * lvC3EF
G4LogicalVolume * lvC3HF
G4LogicalVolume * lvC4EF
G4LogicalVolume * lvC4HF
G4LogicalVolume * lvCAST
double non_compensation_factor
bool useShowerLibrary

Detailed Description

Description: Stores hits of Castor in appropriate container

Usage: Used in sensitive detector builder

Definition at line 30 of file CastorSD.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CastorSD::CastorSD ( G4String  name,
const DDCompactView cpv,
SensitiveDetectorCatalog clg,
edm::ParameterSet const &  p,
const SimTrackManager manager 

Definition at line 30 of file

References energyThresholdSL, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), lvC3EF, lvC3HF, lvC4EF, lvC4HF, lvCAST, non_compensation_factor, setNumberingScheme(), showerLibrary, and useShowerLibrary.

  CaloSD(name, cpv, clg, p, manager), numberingScheme(0), lvC3EF(0),
  lvC3HF(0), lvC4EF(0), lvC4HF(0), lvCAST(0) {
  edm::ParameterSet m_CastorSD = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("CastorSD");
  useShowerLibrary  = m_CastorSD.getParameter<bool>("useShowerLibrary");
  energyThresholdSL = m_CastorSD.getParameter<double>("minEnergyInGeVforUsingSLibrary");
  energyThresholdSL = energyThresholdSL*GeV;   //  Convert GeV => MeV 
  non_compensation_factor = m_CastorSD.getParameter<double>("nonCompensationFactor");
  if (useShowerLibrary) showerLibrary = new CastorShowerLibrary(name, p);
  setNumberingScheme(new CastorNumberingScheme());
    << "***************************************************\n"
    << "*                                                 *\n" 
    << "* Constructing a CastorSD  with name " << GetName() << "\n"
    << "*                                                 *\n"
    << "***************************************************";
  const G4LogicalVolumeStore * lvs = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
  std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator lvcite;
  for (lvcite = lvs->begin(); lvcite != lvs->end(); lvcite++) {
    if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(),"C3EF") == 0) lvC3EF = (*lvcite);
    if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(),"C3HF") == 0) lvC3HF = (*lvcite);
    if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(),"C4EF") == 0) lvC4EF = (*lvcite);
    if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(),"C4HF") == 0) lvC4HF = (*lvcite);
    if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(),"CAST") == 0) lvCAST = (*lvcite);
    if (lvC3EF != 0 && lvC3HF != 0 && lvC4EF != 0 && lvC4HF != 0 && lvCAST != 0) break;
  edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD:: LogicalVolume pointers\n"
                             << lvC3EF << " for C3EF; " << lvC3HF 
                             << " for C3HF; " << lvC4EF << " for C4EF; " 
                             << lvC4HF << " for C4HF; " 
                             << lvCAST << " for CAST. " << std::endl;

  //  if(useShowerLibrary) edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "\n Using Castor Shower Library \n";

CastorSD::~CastorSD ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 77 of file

References showerLibrary, and useShowerLibrary.

  if (useShowerLibrary) delete showerLibrary;

Member Function Documentation

double CastorSD::getEnergyDeposit ( G4Step *  aStep) [virtual]

Reimplemented from CaloSD.

Definition at line 94 of file

References a, abs, beta, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), dot(), energyThresholdSL, eta(), getFromLibrary(), create_public_lumi_plots::log, LogDebug, lvC3EF, lvC3HF, lvC4EF, lvC4HF, lvCAST, M_PI, max(), min, SensitiveDetector::name, NULL, phi, pi, CaloSD::preStepPoint, dttmaxenums::R, alignCSCRings::r, mathSSE::sqrt(), funct::tan(), theta(), CaloSD::theTrack, and useShowerLibrary.

  float NCherPhot = 0.;

  if (aStep == NULL) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    // preStepPoint information *********************************************
    G4StepPoint*       preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
    G4VPhysicalVolume* currentPV    = preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume();
    G4LogicalVolume*   currentLV    = currentPV->GetLogicalVolume();
    G4String           name   = currentPV->GetName();
    std::string        nameVolume;
#ifdef debugLog
    G4SteppingControl  stepControlFlag = aStep->GetControlFlag();
    if (aStep->IsFirstStepInVolume()) 
      LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD::getEnergyDeposit:"
                             << "\n IsFirstStepInVolume " ; 
    // Get theTrack 
    G4Track*        theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
#ifdef debugLog
    if (useShowerLibrary && currentLV==lvCAST) {
          LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD::getEnergyDeposit:"
                                 << "\n TrackID , ParentID , ParticleName ,"
                                 << " eta , phi , z , time ,"
                                 << " K , E , Mom " 
                                 << "\n  TRACKINFO: " 
                                 << theTrack->GetTrackID() 
                                 << " , " 
                                 << theTrack->GetParentID() 
                                 << " , "
                                 << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() 
                                 << " , "
                                 << theTrack->GetPosition().eta() 
                                 << " , "
                                 << theTrack->GetPosition().phi() 
                                 << " , "
                                 << theTrack->GetPosition().z() 
                                 << " , "
                                 << theTrack->GetGlobalTime() 
                                 << " , "
                                 << theTrack->GetKineticEnergy() 
                                 << " , "
                                 << theTrack->GetTotalEnergy() 
                                 << " , "
                                 << theTrack->GetMomentum().mag() ;
      if(theTrack->GetTrackID() != 1) 
            LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD::getEnergyDeposit:"
                                   << "\n CurrentStepNumber , TrackID , Particle , VertexPosition ,"
                                   << " LogicalVolumeAtVertex , CreatorProcess"
                                   << "\n  TRACKINFO2: " 
                                   << theTrack->GetCurrentStepNumber() 
                                   << " , " 
                                   << theTrack->GetTrackID() 
                                   << " , "
                                   << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() 
                                   << " , "
                                   << theTrack->GetVertexPosition() 
                                   << " , "
                                   << theTrack->GetLogicalVolumeAtVertex()->GetName() 
                                   << " , " 
                                   << theTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessName() ;
    } // end of if(useShowerLibrary)
    // if particle moves from interaction point or "backwards (halo)
    bool backward = false;
    G4ThreeVector  hitPoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();      
    G4ThreeVector  hit_mom  = preStepPoint->GetMomentumDirection();
    double zint = hitPoint.z();
    double pz   = hit_mom.z();

    // Check if theTrack moves backward 
    if (pz * zint < 0.) backward = true;
    // Check that theTrack is above the energy threshold to use Shower Library 
    bool aboveThreshold = false;
    if(theTrack->GetKineticEnergy() > energyThresholdSL) aboveThreshold = true;
    // Check if theTrack is a muon (if so, DO NOT use Shower Library) 
    bool notaMuon = true;
    G4int mumPDG  =  13;
    G4int mupPDG  = -13;
    G4int parCode = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
    if (parCode == mupPDG || parCode == mumPDG ) notaMuon = false;
    // angle condition
    double theta_max = M_PI - 3.1305; // angle in radians corresponding to -5.2 eta
    double R_mom=sqrt(hit_mom.x()*hit_mom.x() + hit_mom.y()*hit_mom.y());
    double theta = atan2(R_mom,std::abs(pz));
    bool angleok = false;
    if ( theta < theta_max) angleok = true;
    // OkToUse
    double R = sqrt(hitPoint.x()*hitPoint.x() + hitPoint.y()*hitPoint.y());
    bool dot = false;
    if ( zint < -14450. && R < 45.) dot = true;
    bool inRange = true;
    if ( zint < -14700. || R > 193.) inRange = false;
    bool OkToUse = false;
    if ( inRange && !dot) OkToUse = true;
    if (useShowerLibrary && aboveThreshold && notaMuon && (!backward) && OkToUse && angleok && currentLV == lvCAST ) {
      // Use Castor shower library if energy is above threshold, is not a muon 
      // and is not moving backward 
#ifdef debugLog
      LogDebug("ForwardSim") << " Current logical volume is " << nameVolume ;
      return NCherPhot;
    } else {
      // Usual calculations
      // G4ThreeVector      hitPoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();     
      // G4ThreeVector      hit_mom = preStepPoint->GetMomentumDirection();
      G4double           stepl    = aStep->GetStepLength()/cm;
      G4double           beta     = preStepPoint->GetBeta();
      G4double           charge   = preStepPoint->GetCharge();
      //        G4VProcess*        curprocess   = preStepPoint->GetProcessDefinedStep();
      //        G4String           namePr   = preStepPoint->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
      //        std::string nameProcess;
      //        nameProcess.assign(namePr,0,4);

      //        G4LogicalVolume*   lv    = currentPV->GetLogicalVolume();
      //        G4Material*        mat   = lv->GetMaterial();
      //        G4double           rad   = mat->GetRadlen();

      // postStepPoint information *********************************************
      G4StepPoint* postStepPoint= aStep->GetPostStepPoint();   
      G4VPhysicalVolume* postPV    = postStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume();
      G4String           postname   = postPV->GetName();
      std::string        postnameVolume;

      // theTrack information  *************************************************
      // G4Track*        theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();   
      //G4double        entot    = theTrack->GetTotalEnergy();
      G4ThreeVector   vert_mom = theTrack->GetVertexMomentumDirection();

      G4ThreeVector  localPoint = theTrack->GetTouchable()->GetHistory()->

      // calculations...       *************************************************
      float phi = -100.;
      if (vert_mom.x() != 0) phi = atan2(vert_mom.y(),vert_mom.x()); 
      if (phi < 0.) phi += twopi;
      G4String       particleType = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();
#ifdef debugLog
      float costheta =vert_mom.z()/sqrt(vert_mom.x()*vert_mom.x()+
      float theta = acos(std::min(std::max(costheta,float(-1.)),float(1.)));
      float eta = -log(tan(theta/2));
      G4int          primaryID    = theTrack->GetTrackID();
      // *************************************************

      // *************************************************
      double edep   = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();

      // *************************************************

      // *************************************************
      // take into account light collection curve for plate
      //      double weight = curve_Castor(nameVolume, preStepPoint);
      //      double edep   = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() * weight;
      // *************************************************

      // *************************************************
      /*    comments for sensitive volumes:      
            C001 ...-... CP06,CBU1 ...-...CALM --- > fibres and bundle 
            for first release of CASTOR
            CASF  --- > quartz plate  for first and second releases of CASTOR  
            GF2Q, GFNQ, GR2Q, GRNQ 
            for tests with my own test geometry of HF (on ask of Gavrilov)
            C3TF, C4TF - for third release of CASTOR
      double meanNCherPhot=0;

      if (currentLV == lvC3EF || currentLV == lvC4EF || currentLV == lvC3HF ||
          currentLV == lvC4HF) {
        //      if(nameVolume == "C3EF" || nameVolume == "C4EF" || nameVolume == "C3HF" || nameVolume == "C4HF") {

        float bThreshold = 0.67;
        float nMedium = 1.4925;
        //     float photEnSpectrDL = (1./400.nm-1./700.nm)*; /* cm-1  */
        //     float photEnSpectrDL = 10714.285714;

        float photEnSpectrDE = 1.24;    /* see below   */
        /*     E = 2pi*(1./137.)*(eV*cm/370.)/lambda  =     */
        /*       = 12.389184*(eV*cm)/lambda                 */
        /*     Emax = 12.389184*(eV*cm)/400nm*10-7cm/nm  = 3.01 eV     */
        /*     Emin = 12.389184*(eV*cm)/700nm*10-7cm/nm  = 1.77 eV     */
        /*     delE = Emax - Emin = 1.24 eV  --> */
        /*   */
        /* default for Castor nameVolume  == "CASF" or (C3TF & C4TF)  */

        float thFullRefl = 23.;  /* 23.dergee */
        float thFullReflRad = thFullRefl*pi/180.;

        /* default for Castor nameVolume  == "CASF" or (C3TF & C4TF)  */
        float thFibDir = 45.;  /* .dergee */
        /* for test HF geometry volumes:   
           if(nameVolume == "GF2Q" || nameVolume == "GFNQ" ||
           nameVolume == "GR2Q" || nameVolume == "GRNQ")
           thFibDir = 0.0; // .dergee
        float thFibDirRad = thFibDir*pi/180.;
        /*   */
        /*   */

        // at which theta the point is located:
        //     float th1    = hitPoint.theta();

        // theta of charged particle in LabRF(hit momentum direction):
        float costh =hit_mom.z()/sqrt(hit_mom.x()*hit_mom.x()+
        if (zint < 0) costh = -costh;
        float th = acos(std::min(std::max(costh,float(-1.)),float(1.)));

        // just in case (can do bot use):
        if (th < 0.) th += twopi;

        // theta of cone with Cherenkov photons w.r.t.direction of charged part.:
        float costhcher =1./(nMedium*beta);
        float thcher = acos(std::min(std::max(costhcher,float(-1.)),float(1.)));

        // diff thetas of charged part. and quartz direction in LabRF:
        float DelFibPart = fabs(th - thFibDirRad);

        // define real distances:
        float d = fabs(tan(th)-tan(thFibDirRad));   

        //       float a = fabs(tan(thFibDirRad)-tan(thFibDirRad+thFullReflRad));   
        //       float r = fabs(tan(th)-tan(th+thcher));   
        float a = tan(thFibDirRad)+tan(fabs(thFibDirRad-thFullReflRad));   
        float r = tan(th)+tan(fabs(th-thcher));   

        // define losses d_qz in cone of full reflection inside quartz direction
        float d_qz;
#ifdef debugLog
        float variant;
        if(DelFibPart > (thFullReflRad + thcher) ) {
          d_qz = 0.; 
#ifdef debugLog
        // if(d > (r+a) ) {d_qz = 0.; variant=0.;}
        else {
          if((th + thcher) < (thFibDirRad+thFullReflRad) && 
             (th - thcher) > (thFibDirRad-thFullReflRad)) {
            d_qz = 1.; 
#ifdef debugLog
          // if((DelFibPart + thcher) < thFullReflRad ) {d_qz = 1.; variant=1.;}
          // if((d+r) < a ) {d_qz = 1.; variant=1.;}
          else {
            if((thFibDirRad + thFullReflRad) < (th + thcher) && 
               (thFibDirRad - thFullReflRad) > (th - thcher) ) {
              // if((thcher - DelFibPart ) > thFullReflRad ) 
              // if((r-d ) > a ) 
              d_qz = 0.; 
#ifdef debugLog
            } else {
              // if((thcher + DelFibPart ) > thFullReflRad && 
              //    thcher < (DelFibPart+thFullReflRad) ) 
              //      {
              d_qz = 0.; 
#ifdef debugLog

              // use crossed length of circles(cone projection)
              // dC1/dC2 : 
              float arg_arcos = 0.;
              float tan_arcos = 2.*a*d;
              if(tan_arcos != 0.) arg_arcos =(r*r-a*a-d*d)/tan_arcos; 
              arg_arcos = fabs(arg_arcos);
              float th_arcos = acos(std::min(std::max(arg_arcos,float(-1.)),float(1.)));
              d_qz = th_arcos/pi/2.;
              d_qz = fabs(d_qz);

              //            }
              //             else
              //             {
              //                d_qz = 0.; variant=4.;
              //#ifdef debugLog
              // std::cout <<" ===============>variant 4 information: <===== " <<std::endl;
              // std::cout <<" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  variant = " << variant  <<std::endl;
              //             }

        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        if(charge != 0. && beta > bThreshold )  {
                          meanNCherPhot = 370.*charge*charge*
                          ( 1. - 1./(nMedium*nMedium*beta*beta) )*
                          G4int poissNCherPhot = (G4int) G4Poisson(meanNCherPhot);
                          if(poissNCherPhot < 0) poissNCherPhot = 0;
                          float effPMTandTransport = 0.19;
                          double ReflPower = 0.1;
                          double proba = d_qz + (1-d_qz)*ReflPower;
                          NCherPhot = poissNCherPhot*effPMTandTransport*proba*0.307;

#ifdef debugLog
          float thgrad = th*180./pi;
          float thchergrad = thcher*180./pi;
          float DelFibPartgrad = DelFibPart*180./pi;
          LogDebug("ForwardSim") << " ==============================> start all "
                                 << "information:<========= \n" << " =====> for "
                                 << "test:<===  \n" << " variant = " << variant  
                                 << "\n thgrad = " << thgrad  << "\n thchergrad "
                                 << "= " << thchergrad  << "\n DelFibPartgrad = "
                                 << DelFibPartgrad << "\n d_qz = " << d_qz  
                                 << "\n =====> Start Step Information <===  \n"
                                 << " ===> calo preStepPoint info <===  \n" 
                                 << " hitPoint = " << hitPoint  << "\n"
                                 << " hitMom = " << hit_mom  << "\n"
                                 << " stepControlFlag = " << stepControlFlag 
            // << "\n curprocess = " << curprocess << "\n"
            // << " nameProcess = " << nameProcess 
                                 << "\n charge = " << charge << "\n"
                                 << " beta = " << beta << "\n"
                                 << " bThreshold = " << bThreshold << "\n"
                                 << " thgrad =" << thgrad << "\n"
                                 << " effPMTandTransport=" << effPMTandTransport 
            // << "\n volume = " << name 
                                 << "\n nameVolume = " << nameVolume << "\n"
                                 << " nMedium = " << nMedium << "\n"
            //  << " rad length = " << rad << "\n"
            //  << " material = " << mat << "\n"
                                 << " stepl = " << stepl << "\n"
                                 << " photEnSpectrDE = " << photEnSpectrDE <<"\n"
                                 << " edep = " << edep << "\n"
                                 << " ===> calo theTrack info <=== " << "\n"
                                 << " particleType = " << particleType << "\n"
                                 << " primaryID = " << primaryID << "\n"
                                 << " entot= " << theTrack->GetTotalEnergy() << "\n"
                                 << " vert_eta= " << eta  << "\n"
                                 << " vert_phi= " << phi << "\n"
                                 << " vert_mom= " << vert_mom  << "\n"
                                 << " ===> calo hit preStepPointinfo <=== "<<"\n"
                                 << " local point = " << localPoint << "\n"
                                 << " ==============================> final info"
                                 << ":  <=== \n" 
                                 << " meanNCherPhot = " << meanNCherPhot << "\n"
                                 << " poissNCherPhot = " << poissNCherPhot <<"\n"
                                 << " NCherPhot = " << NCherPhot;
          // Included by WC
          //         std::cout << "\n volume = "         << name 
          //              << "\n nameVolume = "     << nameVolume << "\n"
          //              << "\n postvolume = "     << postname 
          //              << "\n postnameVolume = " << postnameVolume << "\n"
          //              << "\n particleType = "   << particleType 
          //              << "\n primaryID = "      << primaryID << "\n";


#ifdef debugLog
      LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD:: " << nameVolume 
        //      << " Light Collection Efficiency " << weight
                             << " Weighted Energy Deposit " << edep/MeV 
                             << " MeV\n";
      // Temporary member for testing purpose only...
      // unit_id = setDetUnitId(aStep);
      // if(NCherPhot != 0) std::cout << "\n  UnitID = " << unit_id << "  ;  NCherPhot = " << NCherPhot ;
      return NCherPhot;
  return 0;
void CastorSD::getFromLibrary ( G4Step *  aStep) [private]

Definition at line 614 of file

References CaloSD::checkHit(), CaloSD::createNewHit(), CaloSD::currentHit, CaloSD::currentID, CaloSD::edepositEM, CaloSD::edepositHAD, CaloSD::emPDG, CaloSD::epPDG, CaloSD::gammaPDG, CastorShowerEvent::getDetID(), CastorShowerEvent::getNhit(), CastorShowerEvent::getNphotons(), CastorShowerEvent::getPrimE(), CastorShowerLibrary::getShowerHits(), CastorShowerEvent::getTime(), GetVolume(), i, LogDebug, non_compensation_factor, convertSQLiteXML::ok, CaloSD::posGlobal, CaloSD::preStepPoint, CaloSD::previousID, CaloSD::resetForNewPrimary(), rotateUnitID(), pileupReCalc_HLTpaths::scale, CaloHitID::setID(), setTrackID(), showerLibrary, CaloSD::theTrack, cond::rpcobgas::time, funct::true, and CaloSD::updateHit().

Referenced by getEnergyDeposit().


//   Method to get hits from the Shower Library
//   CastorShowerEvent hits returned by getShowerHits are used to  
//   replace the full simulation of the shower from theTrack
//   "updateHit" save the Hits to a CaloG4Hit container

  preStepPoint  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint(); 
  theTrack      = aStep->GetTrack();   
  bool ok;
  // ****    Call method to retrieve hits from the ShowerLibrary   ****
  CastorShowerEvent hits = showerLibrary->getShowerHits(aStep, ok);

  double etrack    = preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
  int    primaryID = setTrackID(aStep);
  // int    primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();

  // Reset entry point for new primary
  posGlobal = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
  resetForNewPrimary(posGlobal, etrack);

  // Check whether track is EM or HAD
  G4int particleCode = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
  bool isEM , isHAD ;
  if (particleCode==emPDG || particleCode==epPDG || particleCode==gammaPDG) {
    isEM = true ; isHAD = false;
  } else {
    isEM = false; isHAD = true ;

#ifdef debugLog
  //  edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "\n CastorSD::getFromLibrary:  " 
  LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "\n CastorSD::getFromLibrary:  " 
                         << hits.getNhit() << " hits for " << GetName() << " from " 
                         << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << " of "
                         << preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV << " GeV and trackID " 
                         << theTrack->GetTrackID()  ;

  // Scale to correct energy
  double E_track = preStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy() ;
  double E_SLhit = hits.getPrimE() * GeV ;
  double scale = E_track/E_SLhit ;
        //Non compensation 
        if (isHAD){
                scale=scale*non_compensation_factor; // if hadronic extend the scale with the non-compensation factor
        } else {
                scale=scale; // if electromagnetic, don't do anything
/*    double theTrackEnergy = theTrack->GetTotalEnergy() ; 
  if(fabs(theTrackEnergy-E_track)>10.) {
    edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "\n            TrackID = " << theTrack->GetTrackID()
                               << "\n     theTrackEnergy = " << theTrackEnergy
                               << "\n preStepPointEnergy = " << E_track ;
    G4TrackVector tsec = *(aStep->GetSecondary());
    for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<tsec.size(); kk++) {
        edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD::getFromLibrary:"
                               << "\n tsec[" << kk << "]->GetTrackID() = " 
                               << tsec[kk]->GetTrackID() 
                               << " with energy " 
                               << tsec[kk]->GetTotalEnergy() ;
  //  Loop over hits retrieved from the library
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hits.getNhit(); i++) {
    // Get nPhotoElectrons and set edepositEM / edepositHAD accordingly
    double nPhotoElectrons    = hits.getNphotons(i);
    // Apply scaling
      nPhotoElectrons *= scale ;
    if(isEM)  {
       // edepositEM  = nPhotoElectrons*GeV; 
       edepositEM  = nPhotoElectrons; 
       edepositHAD = 0.;                 
    } else if(isHAD) {
       edepositEM  = 0.;                  
       edepositHAD = nPhotoElectrons;
       // edepositHAD = nPhotoElectrons*GeV;
    // Get hit position and time
    double                time = hits.getTime(i);
    //    math::XYZPoint    position = hits.getHitPosition(i);
    // Get hit detID
    unsigned int        unitID = hits.getDetID(i);
    // Make the detID "rotation" from one sector to another taking into account the 
    // sectors of the impinging particle (theTrack) and of the particle that produced 
    // the 'hits' retrieved from shower library   
    unsigned int rotatedUnitID = rotateUnitID(unitID , theTrack , hits);
    currentID.setID(rotatedUnitID, time, primaryID, 0);
    // currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, 0);
    // check if it is in the same unit and timeslice as the previous one
    if (currentID == previousID) {
    } else {
      if (!checkHit()) currentHit = createNewHit();
  }  //  End of loop over hits

  //Now kill the current track
  if (ok) {
#ifdef debugLog
    LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD::getFromLibrary:"
                           << "\n \"theTrack\" with TrackID() = " 
                           << theTrack->GetTrackID() 
                           << " and with energy " 
                           << theTrack->GetTotalEnergy()
                           << " has been set to be killed" ;
    G4TrackVector tv = *(aStep->GetSecondary());
    for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<tv.size(); kk++) {
      if (tv[kk]->GetVolume() == preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()) {
#ifdef debugLog
        LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD::getFromLibrary:"
                               << "\n tv[" << kk << "]->GetTrackID() = " 
                               << tv[kk]->GetTrackID() 
                               << " with energy " 
                               << tv[kk]->GetTotalEnergy()
                               << " has been set to be killed" ;
void CastorSD::initRun ( ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from CaloSD.

Definition at line 83 of file

References CastorShowerLibrary::initParticleTable(), showerLibrary, and useShowerLibrary.

  if (useShowerLibrary) {
    // showerLibrary = new CastorShowerLibrary(name, cpv, p);
    G4ParticleTable * theParticleTable = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
    edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD::initRun: Using Castor Shower Library \n";
uint32_t CastorSD::rotateUnitID ( uint32_t  unitID,
G4Track *  track,
CastorShowerEvent  shower 
) [private]

Definition at line 549 of file

References printConversionInfo::aux, CastorShowerEvent::getPrimPhi(), LogDebug, M_PI, and reco::btau::trackPhi.

Referenced by getFromLibrary().

// ==============================================================
//   o   Exploit Castor phi symmetry to return newUnitID for  
//       shower hits based on track phi coordinate 
// ==============================================================
  // Get 'track' phi:
  float   trackPhi = track->GetPosition().phi(); 
  if(trackPhi<0) trackPhi += 2*M_PI ;
  // Get phi from primary that gave rise to SL 'shower':
  float  showerPhi = shower.getPrimPhi(); 
  if(showerPhi<0) showerPhi += 2*M_PI ;
  // Delta phi:
  //  Find the OctSector for which 'track' and 'shower' belong
  int  trackOctSector = (int) (  trackPhi / (M_PI/4) ) ;
  int showerOctSector = (int) ( showerPhi / (M_PI/4) ) ;
  uint32_t  newUnitID;
  uint32_t         sec = ( ( unitID>>4 ) & 0xF ) ;
  uint32_t  complement = ( unitID & 0xFFFFFF0F ) ;
  // edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "\n CastorSD::rotateUnitID:  " 
  //                            << "\n      unitID = " << unitID 
  //                            << "\n         sec = " << sec 
  //                            << "\n  complement = " << complement ; 
  // Get 'track' z:
  float   trackZ = track->GetPosition().z();
  int aux ;
  int dSec = 2*(trackOctSector - showerOctSector) ;
  // if(trackZ<0)  // Good for revision 1.8 of CastorNumberingScheme
  if(trackZ>0)  // Good for revision 1.9 of CastorNumberingScheme
    int sec1 = sec-dSec;
    //    sec -= dSec ;
    if(sec1<0) sec1  += 16;
    if(sec1>15) sec1 -= 16;
    sec = (uint32_t)(sec1);
  } else {
    if( dSec<0 ) sec += 16 ;
    sec += dSec ;
    aux  = (int) (sec/16) ;
    sec -= aux*16 ;
  sec  = sec<<4 ;
  newUnitID = complement | sec ;
#ifdef debugLog
  if(newUnitID != unitID) {
    LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "\n CastorSD::rotateUnitID:  " 
                           << "\n     unitID = " << unitID 
                           << "\n  newUnitID = " << newUnitID ; 
  return newUnitID ;

uint32_t CastorSD::setDetUnitId ( G4Step *  step) [virtual]

Implements CaloSD.

Definition at line 508 of file

References CastorNumberingScheme::getUnitID(), and numberingScheme.

  return (numberingScheme == 0 ? 0 : numberingScheme->getUnitID(aStep));
void CastorSD::setNumberingScheme ( CastorNumberingScheme scheme)

Definition at line 514 of file

References numberingScheme.

Referenced by CastorSD().


  if (scheme != 0) {
    edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD: updates numbering scheme for " 
                               << GetName();
    if (numberingScheme) delete numberingScheme;
    numberingScheme = scheme;
int CastorSD::setTrackID ( G4Step *  aStep) [private]

Definition at line 526 of file

References TrackInformation::getIDonCaloSurface(), CaloSD::preStepPoint, CaloSD::previousID, CaloSD::resetForNewPrimary(), CaloSD::theTrack, and CaloHitID::trackID().

Referenced by getFromLibrary().


  theTrack     = aStep->GetTrack();

  double etrack = preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
  TrackInformation * trkInfo = (TrackInformation *)(theTrack->GetUserInformation());
  int      primaryID = trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface();
  if (primaryID == 0) {
#ifdef debugLog
    edm::LogWarning("ForwardSim") << "CastorSD: Problem with primaryID **** set by force "
                                  << "to TkID **** " << theTrack->GetTrackID();
    primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();

  if (primaryID != previousID.trackID())
    resetForNewPrimary(preStepPoint->GetPosition(), etrack);

  return primaryID;

Member Data Documentation

double CastorSD::energyThresholdSL [private]

Definition at line 52 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

G4LogicalVolume* CastorSD::lvC3EF [private]

Definition at line 48 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

G4LogicalVolume * CastorSD::lvC3HF [private]

Definition at line 48 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

G4LogicalVolume * CastorSD::lvC4EF [private]

Definition at line 48 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

G4LogicalVolume * CastorSD::lvC4HF [private]

Definition at line 48 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

G4LogicalVolume* CastorSD::lvCAST [private]

Definition at line 49 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

Definition at line 53 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), and getFromLibrary().

Definition at line 46 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by setDetUnitId(), and setNumberingScheme().

Definition at line 47 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), getFromLibrary(), initRun(), and ~CastorSD().

Definition at line 51 of file CastorSD.h.

Referenced by CastorSD(), getEnergyDeposit(), initRun(), and ~CastorSD().