00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00002 00003 # 00004 # module to make a persistent copy of the genParticles from the top decay, 00005 # using either status 2 equivalent particles (default) or status 3 particles 00006 # 00007 decaySubset = cms.EDProducer("TopDecaySubset", 00008 ## input particle collection of type edm::View<reco::GenParticle> 00009 src = cms.InputTag("genParticles"), 00010 ## define fill mode. The following modes are available: 00011 ## 'kStable' : status 2 equivalents (after parton shower) are 00012 ## calculated and saved (as status 2 particles) 00013 ## 'kME' : status 3 particles (from matrix element, before 00014 ## parton shower) are saved (as status 3 particles) 00015 fillMode = cms.string("kStable"), 00016 ## choose whether to save additionally radiated gluons in the 00017 ## decay chain or not 00018 addRadiation = cms.bool(True) 00019 ) 00020