Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

Herwig6Hadronizer Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Herwig6Hadronizer:
gen::BaseHadronizer gen::Herwig6Instance gen::FortranInstance

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const char * classname () const
bool decay ()
bool declareSpecialSettings (const std::vector< std::string >)
bool declareStableParticles (const std::vector< int > &pdgIds)
void finalizeEvent ()
bool generatePartonsAndHadronize ()
bool hadronize ()
 Herwig6Hadronizer (const edm::ParameterSet &params)
bool initialize (const lhef::HEPRUP *heprup)
bool initializeForExternalPartons ()
bool initializeForInternalPartons ()
bool readSettings (int)
bool residualDecay ()
void setSLHAFromHeader (const std::vector< std::string > &lines)
void statistics ()
 ~Herwig6Hadronizer ()

Private Member Functions

void clear ()
int pythiaStatusCode (const HepMC::GenParticle *p) const
void pythiaStatusCodes ()
virtual void upEvnt ()
virtual void upInit ()

Private Attributes

double comEnergy
bool doMatching
bool doMPInteraction
bool emulatePythiaStatusCodes
bool externalPartons
bool fConvertToPDG
int hepmcVerbosity
int herwigVerbosity
bool inclusiveMatching
double matchingScale
int maxEventsToPrint
bool needClear
int nMatch
int numTrials
gen::ParameterCollector parameters
std::string particleSpecFileName
bool printCards
bool readMCatNLOfile
bool readParticleSpecFile
bool useJimmy

Detailed Description

Definition at line 79 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Herwig6Hadronizer::Herwig6Hadronizer ( const edm::ParameterSet params)

Definition at line 154 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::exists(), fConvertToPDG, and edm::ParameterSet::getParameter().

        herwigVerbosity(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("herwigVerbosity", 0)),
        hepmcVerbosity(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("hepmcVerbosity", 0)),
        maxEventsToPrint(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("maxEventsToPrint", 0)),
        printCards(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("printCards", false)),
        emulatePythiaStatusCodes(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("emulatePythiaStatusCodes", false)),
        numTrials(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("numTrialsMPI", 100)),
        doMatching(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doMatching", false)),
        inclusiveMatching(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("inclusiveMatching", true)),
        nMatch(params.getUntrackedParameter<int>("nMatch", 0)),
        matchingScale(params.getUntrackedParameter<double>("matchingScale", 0.0)),

        // added to be able to read external particle spectrum file
        readParticleSpecFile(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("readParticleSpecFile", false))
  fConvertToPDG = false;
  if ( params.exists( "doPDGConvert" ) )
    fConvertToPDG = params.getParameter<bool>("doPDGConvert");
Herwig6Hadronizer::~Herwig6Hadronizer ( )

Definition at line 184 of file

References clear().


Member Function Documentation

const char* Herwig6Hadronizer::classname ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 108 of file

{ return "Herwig6Hadronizer"; }
void Herwig6Hadronizer::clear ( void  ) [private]

Definition at line 189 of file

References gen::FortranInstance::call(), jmefin, needClear, and useJimmy.

Referenced by initialize(), readSettings(), and ~Herwig6Hadronizer().

        if (!needClear)

        // teminate elementary process
        if (useJimmy)

        needClear = false;
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::decay ( )

Definition at line 851 of file

        // hadron decays

//      InstanceWrapper wrapper(this);  // safe guard
//      //int iproc = hwproc.IPROC;
//      //hwproc.IPROC = 312;
//      hwdhad();       // unstable particle decays
//      //hwproc.IPROC = iproc;
//      hwdhvy();       // heavy flavour decays
//      hwmevt();       // soft underlying event                
//      if (doMatching) {
//        bool pass = call_hwmatch();
//        if (!pass) {
//          printf("Event failed MLM matching\n");
//          hwufne();
//          if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kKilled);
//          return false;
//        }
//      }       
//      hwufne();       // finalize event
//      if (hwevnt.IERROR)
//              return false;
//      if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kAccepted);
//      event().reset(new HepMC::GenEvent);
//      if (!conv.fill_next_event(event().get()))
//              throw cms::Exception("Herwig6Error")
//                      << "HepMC Conversion problems in event." << std::endl;
//         // do particle ID conversion Herwig->PDG, if requested
//         if ( fConvertToPDG ) {
//            for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator part = event()->particles_begin(); part != event()->particles_end(); ++part) {
//              if ((*part)->pdg_id() != HepPID::translateHerwigtoPDT((*part)->pdg_id()))
//                (*part)->set_pdg_id(HepPID::translateHerwigtoPDT((*part)->pdg_id()));
//            }
//         }

        return true;
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::declareSpecialSettings ( const std::vector< std::string >  )

Definition at line 644 of file

   return true;
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::declareStableParticles ( const std::vector< int > &  pdgIds)

Definition at line 614 of file

        markStable(13);          // MU+
        markStable(-13);         // MU-
        markStable(3112);        // SIGMA+
        markStable(-3112);       // SIGMABAR+
        markStable(3222);        // SIGMA-
        markStable(-3222);       // SIGMABAR-
        markStable(3122);        // LAMBDA0
        markStable(-3122);       // LAMBDABAR0
        markStable(3312);        // XI-
        markStable(-3312);       // XIBAR+
        markStable(3322);        // XI0
        markStable(-3322);       // XI0BAR
        markStable(3334);        // OMEGA-
        markStable(-3334);       // OMEGABAR+
        markStable(211);         // PI+
        markStable(-211);        // PI-
        markStable(321);         // K+
        markStable(-321);        // K-
        markStable(310);         // K_S0
        markStable(130);         // K_L0

        for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = pdgIds.begin();
            iter != pdgIds.end(); ++iter)
                if (!markStable(*iter))
                        return false;
        return true;
void Herwig6Hadronizer::finalizeEvent ( )

Definition at line 745 of file

References abs, emulatePythiaStatusCodes, gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), gen::BaseHadronizer::eventInfo(), externalPartons, lhef::LHEEvent::fillEventInfo(), lhef::LHEEvent::fillPdfInfo(), lhef::LHEEvent::fixHepMCEventTimeOrdering(), configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, hwuaem_(), hwualf_(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheEvent(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), NULL, and pythiaStatusCodes().

  HepMC::PdfInfo pdfInfo;
  if(externalPartons) {
    lheEvent()->fillEventInfo( event().get() );
    lheEvent()->fillPdfInfo( &pdfInfo );

    // for MC@NLO: IDWRUP is not filled...
      event()->set_signal_process_id( abs(hwproc.IPROC) );

  HepMC::GenParticle* incomingParton = NULL;
  HepMC::GenParticle* targetParton = NULL;
  HepMC::GenParticle* incomingProton = NULL;
  HepMC::GenParticle* targetProton = NULL;
  // find incoming parton (first entry with IST=121)
  for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); 
      (it != event()->particles_end() && incomingParton==NULL); it++)
    if((*it)->status()==121) incomingParton = (*it);
  // find target parton (first entry with IST=122)
  for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); 
      (it != event()->particles_end() && targetParton==NULL); it++)
    if((*it)->status()==122) targetParton = (*it);
  // find incoming Proton (first entry ID=2212, IST=101)
  for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); 
      (it != event()->particles_end() && incomingProton==NULL); it++)
    if((*it)->status()==101 && (*it)->pdg_id()==2212) incomingProton = (*it);
  // find target Proton (first entry ID=2212, IST=102)
  for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); 
      (it != event()->particles_end() && targetProton==NULL); it++)
    if((*it)->status()==102 && (*it)->pdg_id()==2212) targetProton = (*it);
  // find hard scale Q (computed from colliding partons)
  if( incomingParton && targetParton ) {
    math::XYZTLorentzVector totMomentum(0,0,0,0);
    double evScale = totMomentum.mass(); 
    double evScale2 = evScale*evScale; 
    // find alpha_QED & alpha_QCD         
    int one=1;
    double alphaQCD=hwualf_(&one,&evScale);
    double alphaQED=hwuaem_(&evScale2);
    if(!externalPartons || event()->event_scale() < 0) event()->set_event_scale(evScale);
    if(!externalPartons || event()->alphaQCD() < 0)    event()->set_alphaQCD(alphaQCD);
    if(!externalPartons || event()->alphaQED() < 0)    event()->set_alphaQED(alphaQED);
    if(!externalPartons || pdfInfo.x1() < 0) {
      // get the PDF information
      pdfInfo.set_id1( incomingParton->pdg_id()==21 ? 0 : incomingParton->pdg_id());
      pdfInfo.set_id2( targetParton->pdg_id()==21 ? 0 : targetParton->pdg_id());
      if( incomingProton && targetProton ) {
        double x1 = incomingParton->momentum().pz()/incomingProton->momentum().pz();
        double x2 = targetParton->momentum().pz()/targetProton->momentum().pz();        
      // we do not fill pdf1 & pdf2, since they are not easily available (what are they needed for anyways???)
      pdfInfo.set_scalePDF(evScale); // the same as Q above... does this make sense?
    if(!externalPartons || event()->signal_process_id() < 0) event()->set_signal_process_id( abs(hwproc.IPROC) );
    event()->set_pdf_info( pdfInfo );
  // add event weight & PDF information
  if (lheRunInfo() != 0 && std::abs(lheRunInfo()->getHEPRUP()->IDWTUP) == 4)
    // in LHE weighting mode 4 the weight is an xsec, so convert form HERWIG
    // to standard CMS unit "picobarn"
    event()->weights().push_back( 1.0e3 * hwevnt.EVWGT );
    event()->weights().push_back( hwevnt.EVWGT );

  // find final parton (first entry with IST=123)
  HepMC::GenParticle* finalParton = NULL;
  for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator it = event()->particles_begin(); 
      (it != event()->particles_end() && finalParton==NULL); it++)
    if((*it)->status()==123) finalParton = (*it);
  // add GenEventInfo & binning Values
  eventInfo().reset(new GenEventInfoProduct(event().get()));    
  if(finalParton) {
    double thisPt=finalParton->momentum().perp();
    eventInfo()->setBinningValues(std::vector<double>(1, thisPt));
  // emulate PY6 status codes, if switched on...
  if (emulatePythiaStatusCodes)
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::generatePartonsAndHadronize ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 102 of file

References hadronize().

{ return hadronize(); }
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::hadronize ( )

Definition at line 665 of file

References gen::Herwig6Instance::callWithTimeout(), conv, lhef::LHEEvent::count(), doMatching, doMPInteraction, error, gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), fConvertToPDG, hwwarn_(), lhef::LHERunInfo::kAccepted, lhef::LHERunInfo::kKilled, lhef::LHERunInfo::kSelected, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheEvent(), useJimmy, and wrapper.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize().

        // hard process generation, parton shower, hadron formation

        InstanceWrapper wrapper(this);  // safe guard


        // call herwig routines to create HEPEVT

        hwuine();       // initialize event
        if (callWithTimeout(10, hwepro)) { // process event and PS
          // We hung for more than 10 seconds
          int error = 199;
          hwwarn_("HWHGUP", &error);
        hwbgen();       // parton cascades
        // call jimmy ... only if event is not killed yet by HERWIG
        if (useJimmy && doMPInteraction && !hwevnt.IERROR && call_hwmsct()) {
          if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kKilled);
          return false;
        hwdhob();       // heavy quark decays
        hwcfor();       // cluster formation
        hwcdec();       // cluster decays
//      // if event *not* killed by HERWIG, return true
//      if (hwevnt.IERROR) {
//        hwufne();     // finalize event, to keep system clean
//        if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kKilled);
//        return false;
//      }
        //if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kAccepted);
        hwdhad();       // unstable particle decays
        hwdhvy();       // heavy flavour decays
        hwmevt();       // soft underlying event                

        hwufne();       // finalize event

        // if event *not* killed by HERWIG, return true
        if (hwevnt.IERROR) {
          if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kKilled);
          return false;
      if (doMatching) {
          bool pass = call_hwmatch();
          if (!pass) {
            printf("Event failed MLM matching\n");
            if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count( lhef::LHERunInfo::kSelected );
            return false;
        if (lheEvent()) lheEvent()->count(lhef::LHERunInfo::kAccepted);
        event().reset(new HepMC::GenEvent);
        if (!conv.fill_next_event(event().get()))
                throw cms::Exception("Herwig6Error")
                        << "HepMC Conversion problems in event." << std::endl;

        // do particle ID conversion Herwig->PDG, if requested
        if ( fConvertToPDG ) {
           for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator part = event()->particles_begin(); part != event()->particles_end(); ++part) {
             if ((*part)->pdg_id() != HepPID::translateHerwigtoPDT((*part)->pdg_id()))
        return true;
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::initialize ( const lhef::HEPRUP heprup)

Definition at line 434 of file

References gen::ParameterCollector::begin(), gen::FortranInstance::call(), clear(), comEnergy, edm::errors::Configuration, doMPInteraction, alignCSCRings::e, lhef::HEPRUP::EBMUP, gen::ParameterCollector::end(), Exception, externalPartons, lhef::LHERunInfo::findHeader(), gen::Herwig6Instance::give(), hepmcVerbosity, herwigVerbosity, hwdspn, hwprch, i, lhef::HEPRUP::IDBMUP, info, jimmin, jminit, jmparm, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), geometryCSVtoXML::line, maxEventsToPrint, needClear, gen::Herwig6Instance::openParticleSpecFile(), parameters, particleSpecFileName, lhef::LHERunInfo::pdfSetTranslation(), printCards, readParticleSpecFile, setSLHAFromHeader(), and useJimmy.


        externalPartons = (heprup != 0);

        std::ostringstream info;
        info << "---------------------------------------------------\n"; 
        info << "Initializing Herwig6Hadronizer for "
             << (externalPartons ? "external" : "internal") << " partons\n";
        info << "---------------------------------------------------\n";

        info << "   Herwig verbosity level         = " << herwigVerbosity << "\n";
        info << "   HepMC verbosity                = " << hepmcVerbosity << "\n";
        info << "   Number of events to be printed = " << maxEventsToPrint << "\n";

        // Call hwudat to set up HERWIG block data

        // Setting basic parameters
        if (externalPartons) {
                hwproc.PBEAM1 = heprup->EBMUP.first;
                hwproc.PBEAM2 = heprup->EBMUP.second;
                pdgToHerwig(heprup->IDBMUP.first, hwbmch.PART1);
                pdgToHerwig(heprup->IDBMUP.second, hwbmch.PART2);
        } else {
                hwproc.PBEAM1 = 0.5 * comEnergy;
                hwproc.PBEAM2 = 0.5 * comEnergy;
                pdgToHerwig(2212, hwbmch.PART1);
                pdgToHerwig(2212, hwbmch.PART2);

        if (useJimmy) {
                info << "   HERWIG will be using JIMMY for UE/MI.\n";
                jmparm.MSFLAG = 1;
                if (doMPInteraction)
                        info << "   JIMMY trying to generate multiple interactions.\n";

        // set the IPROC already here... needed for VB pairs

        bool iprocFound=false;
        for(gen::ParameterCollector::const_iterator line = parameters.begin();
            line != parameters.end(); ++line) {
          if(!strcmp((line->substr(0,5)).c_str(),"IPROC")) {
            if (!give(*line))
              throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
                << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \""
                << *line << "\"." << std::endl;
            else iprocFound=true;
        if (!iprocFound && !externalPartons)
          throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
            << "You have to define the process with IPROC."  << std::endl;

        // initialize other common blocks ...
        hwevnt.MAXER = 100000000;       // O(inf)
        hwpram.LWSUD = 0;               // don't write Sudakov form factors
        hwdspn.LWDEC = 0;               // don't write three/four body decays
                                        // (no fort.77 and fort.88 ...)

        // init LHAPDF glue

        std::memset(hwprch.AUTPDF, ' ', sizeof hwprch.AUTPDF);
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                hwpram.MODPDF[i] = -111;
                std::memcpy(hwprch.AUTPDF[i], "HWLHAPDF", 8);

        if (useJimmy)

        hwevnt.MAXPR = maxEventsToPrint;
        hwpram.IPRINT = herwigVerbosity;
//      hwprop.RMASS[6] = 175.0;        //FIXME

        if (printCards) {
                info << "\n";
                info << "------------------------------------\n";
                info << "Reading HERWIG parameters\n";
                info << "------------------------------------\n";
        for(gen::ParameterCollector::const_iterator line = parameters.begin();
            line != parameters.end(); ++line) {
                if (printCards)
                        info << "   " << *line << "\n";
                if (!give(*line))
                        throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
                                << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \""
                                << *line << "\"." << std::endl;

        if (printCards)
                info << "\n";

        if (externalPartons) {
                std::vector<std::string> slha =
                if (!slha.empty())

        needClear = true;

        std::pair<int, int> pdfs(-1, -1);
        if (externalPartons)
                pdfs = lheRunInfo()->pdfSetTranslation();

        if (hwpram.MODPDF[0] != -111 || hwpram.MODPDF[1] != -111) {
                for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        if (hwpram.MODPDF[i] == -111)
                                hwpram.MODPDF[i] = -1;

                if (pdfs.first != -1 || pdfs.second != -1)
                                << "Both external Les Houches event and "
                                   "config file specify a PDF set.  "
                                   "User PDF will override external one."
                                << std::endl;

                pdfs.first = hwpram.MODPDF[0] != -111 ? hwpram.MODPDF[0] : -1;
                pdfs.second = hwpram.MODPDF[1] != -111 ? hwpram.MODPDF[1] : -1;

        printf("pdfs.first = %i, pdfs.second = %i\n",pdfs.first,pdfs.second);
        hwpram.MODPDF[0] = pdfs.first;
        hwpram.MODPDF[1] = pdfs.second;

        if (externalPartons)
                hwproc.IPROC = -1;

        //Lars: lower EFFMIN threshold, to continue execution of IPROC=4000, lambda'_211=0.01 at LM7,10
        if( readParticleSpecFile ) {
          hwpram.EFFMIN = 1e-5;
        // HERWIG preparations ...
        markStable(13);          // MU+
        markStable(-13);         // MU-
        markStable(3112);        // SIGMA+
        markStable(-3112);       // SIGMABAR+
        markStable(3222);        // SIGMA-
        markStable(-3222);       // SIGMABAR-
        markStable(3122);        // LAMBDA0
        markStable(-3122);       // LAMBDABAR0
        markStable(3312);        // XI-
        markStable(-3312);       // XIBAR+
        markStable(3322);        // XI0
        markStable(-3322);       // XI0BAR
        markStable(3334);        // OMEGA-
        markStable(-3334);       // OMEGABAR+
        markStable(211);         // PI+
        markStable(-211);        // PI-
        markStable(321);         // K+
        markStable(-321);        // K-
        markStable(310);         // K_S0
        markStable(130);         // K_L0

        // better: merge with declareStableParticles
        // and get the list from configuration / Geant4 / Core somewhere

        // initialize HERWIG event generation

        if (useJimmy)

        return true;
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::initializeForExternalPartons ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file

References initializeForInternalPartons().

bool Herwig6Hadronizer::initializeForInternalPartons ( )

Definition at line 415 of file

References gen::FortranInstance::call(), jimmin, jminit, and useJimmy.

Referenced by initializeForExternalPartons().


   if (useJimmy) call(jimmin);

   // initialize HERWIG event generation

        if (useJimmy) {

   return true;

int Herwig6Hadronizer::pythiaStatusCode ( const HepMC::GenParticle *  p) const [private]

Definition at line 946 of file

References externalPartons, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, lumiQueryAPI::q, and ntuplemaker::status.

Referenced by pythiaStatusCodes().

        int status = p->status();

        // weird 9922212 particles...
        if (status == 3 && !p->end_vertex())
                return 2;

        if (status >= 1 && status <= 3)
                return status;

        if (!p->end_vertex())
                return 1;

        // let's prevent particles having status 3, if the identical
        // particle downstream is a better status 3 candidate
        int currentId = p->pdg_id();
        int orig = status;
        if (status == 123 || status == 124 ||
            status == 155 || status == 156 || status == 160 ||
            (status >= 195 && status <= 197)) {
                for(const HepMC::GenParticle *q = p;;) {
                        const HepMC::GenVertex *vtx = q->end_vertex();
                        if (!vtx)

                        HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator iter;
                        for(iter = vtx->particles_out_const_begin();
                            iter != vtx->particles_out_const_end(); ++iter)
                                if ((*iter)->pdg_id() == currentId)

                        if (iter == vtx->particles_out_const_end())

                        q = *iter;
                        if (q->status() == 3 ||
                            ((status == 120 || status == 123 ||
                              status == 124) && orig > 124))
                                return 4;

        int nesting = 0;
        for(;;) {
                if ((status >= 120 && status <= 122) || status == 3) {
                        // avoid flagging status 3 if there is a
                        // better status 3 candidate upstream
                        if (externalPartons)
                                return ((orig >= 121 && orig <= 124) ||
                                        orig == 3) ? 3 : 4;
                                return (nesting ||
                                        (status != 3 && orig <= 124)) ? 3 : 4;

                // check whether we are leaving the hard process
                // including heavy resonance decays
                if (!(status == 4 || status == 123 || status == 124 ||
                      status == 155 || status == 156 || status == 160 ||
                      (status >= 195 && status <= 197)))

                const HepMC::GenVertex *vtx = p->production_vertex();
                if (!vtx || !vtx->particles_in_size())

                p = *vtx->particles_in_const_begin();
                status = p->status();

                int newId = p->pdg_id();

                if (!newId)

                // nesting increases if we move to the next-best mother
                if (newId != currentId) {
                        if (++nesting > 1 && externalPartons)
                        currentId = newId;

        return 2; 
void Herwig6Hadronizer::pythiaStatusCodes ( ) [private]

Definition at line 1032 of file

References gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), and pythiaStatusCode().

Referenced by finalizeEvent().

        for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator iter =
            iter != event()->particles_end(); iter++)

        for(HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator iter =
            iter != event()->particles_end(); iter++)
                if ((*iter)->status() == 4)
bool Herwig6Hadronizer::readSettings ( int  key)

Definition at line 248 of file

References gen::ParameterCollector::begin(), gen::FortranInstance::call(), clear(), comEnergy, edm::errors::Configuration, doMatching, doMPInteraction, alignCSCRings::e, lhef::HEPRUP::EBMUP, gen::ParameterCollector::end(), Exception, externalPartons, lhef::LHERunInfo::findHeader(), lhef::LHERunInfo::getHEPRUP(), gen::Herwig6Instance::give(), hepmcVerbosity, herwigVerbosity, hwdspn, hwmatchpram, hwprch, i, lhef::HEPRUP::IDBMUP, inclusiveMatching, info, jmparm, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), geometryCSVtoXML::line, matchingScale, maxEventsToPrint, needClear, nMatch, gen::Herwig6Instance::openParticleSpecFile(), parameters, particleSpecFileName, lhef::LHERunInfo::pdfSetTranslation(), printCards, readParticleSpecFile, setSLHAFromHeader(), and useJimmy.


   const lhef::HEPRUP* heprup = lheRunInfo()->getHEPRUP();
   externalPartons = ( heprup != 0 );
   if ( key == 0 && externalPartons ) return false;
   if ( key > 0 && !externalPartons ) return false;

   std::ostringstream info;
   info << "---------------------------------------------------\n"; 
   info << "Taking in settinsg for Herwig6Hadronizer for "
        << (externalPartons ? "external" : "internal") << " partons\n";
   info << "---------------------------------------------------\n";

   info << "   Herwig verbosity level         = " << herwigVerbosity << "\n";
   info << "   HepMC verbosity                = " << hepmcVerbosity << "\n";
   info << "   Number of events to be printed = " << maxEventsToPrint << "\n";

   // Call hwudat to set up HERWIG block data

   // Setting basic parameters
   if (externalPartons) {
                hwproc.PBEAM1 = heprup->EBMUP.first;
                hwproc.PBEAM2 = heprup->EBMUP.second;
                pdgToHerwig(heprup->IDBMUP.first, hwbmch.PART1);
                pdgToHerwig(heprup->IDBMUP.second, hwbmch.PART2);
                hwproc.PBEAM1 = 0.5 * comEnergy;
                hwproc.PBEAM2 = 0.5 * comEnergy;
                pdgToHerwig(2212, hwbmch.PART1);
                pdgToHerwig(2212, hwbmch.PART2);

   if (doMatching) {
     hwmatchpram.n_match = nMatch;
     hwmatchpram.matching_scale = matchingScale;
     if (inclusiveMatching)
       hwmatchpram.max_multiplicity_flag = 1;
       hwmatchpram.max_multiplicity_flag = 0;
   if (useJimmy) 
                info << "   HERWIG will be using JIMMY for UE/MI.\n";
                jmparm.MSFLAG = 1;
                if (doMPInteraction)
                        info << "   JIMMY trying to generate multiple interactions.\n";

   // set the IPROC already here... needed for VB pairs

   bool iprocFound=false;
   for(gen::ParameterCollector::const_iterator line = parameters.begin();
                                               line != parameters.end(); ++line) 
          if(!strcmp((line->substr(0,5)).c_str(),"IPROC")) {
            if (!give(*line))
              throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
                << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \""
                << *line << "\"." << std::endl;
            else iprocFound=true;
   if (!iprocFound && !externalPartons)
          throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
            << "You have to define the process with IPROC."  << std::endl;

   // initialize other common blocks ...
   call(hwigin); // default init
   hwevnt.MAXER = 100000000;    // O(inf)
   hwpram.LWSUD = 0;            // don't write Sudakov form factors
   hwdspn.LWDEC = 0;            // don't write three/four body decays
                                // (no fort.77 and fort.88 ...)
        // init LHAPDF glue
        std::memset(hwprch.AUTPDF, ' ', sizeof hwprch.AUTPDF);
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                hwpram.MODPDF[i] = -111;
                std::memcpy(hwprch.AUTPDF[i], "HWLHAPDF", 8);

        hwevnt.MAXPR = maxEventsToPrint;
        hwpram.IPRINT = herwigVerbosity;
//      hwprop.RMASS[6] = 175.0;        //FIXME

        if (printCards) {
                info << "\n";
                info << "------------------------------------\n";
                info << "Reading HERWIG parameters\n";
                info << "------------------------------------\n";
        for(gen::ParameterCollector::const_iterator line = parameters.begin();
            line != parameters.end(); ++line) {
                if (printCards)
                        info << "   " << *line << "\n";
                if (!give(*line))
                        throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
                                << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \""
                                << *line << "\"." << std::endl;

        if (printCards)
                info << "\n";

        if (externalPartons) {
                std::vector<std::string> slha =
                if (!slha.empty())

        needClear = true;

        std::pair<int, int> pdfs(-1, -1);
        if (externalPartons)
                pdfs = lheRunInfo()->pdfSetTranslation();

        if (hwpram.MODPDF[0] != -111 || hwpram.MODPDF[1] != -111) {
                for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        if (hwpram.MODPDF[i] == -111)
                                hwpram.MODPDF[i] = -1;

                if (pdfs.first != -1 || pdfs.second != -1)
                                << "Both external Les Houches event and "
                                   "config file specify a PDF set.  "
                                   "User PDF will override external one."
                                << std::endl;

                pdfs.first = hwpram.MODPDF[0] != -111 ? hwpram.MODPDF[0] : -1;
                pdfs.second = hwpram.MODPDF[1] != -111 ? hwpram.MODPDF[1] : -1;
        printf("pdfs.first = %i, pdfs.second = %i\n",pdfs.first,pdfs.second);

        hwpram.MODPDF[0] = pdfs.first;
        hwpram.MODPDF[1] = pdfs.second;

        if (externalPartons && hwproc.IPROC>=0)
                hwproc.IPROC = -1;

        //Lars: lower EFFMIN threshold, to continue execution of IPROC=4000, lambda'_211=0.01 at LM7,10
        if( readParticleSpecFile ) {
          hwpram.EFFMIN = 1e-5;


   return true;

bool Herwig6Hadronizer::residualDecay ( )

Definition at line 898 of file

        return true;
void Herwig6Hadronizer::setSLHAFromHeader ( const std::vector< std::string > &  lines)

Definition at line 202 of file

References Association::block, gather_cfg::blocks, geometryCSVtoXML::line, pos, split, and create_public_pileup_plots::transform.

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().

        std::set<std::string> blocks;
        std::string block;
        for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin();
            iter != lines.end(); ++iter) {
                std::string line = *iter;
                std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(),
                               line.begin(), (int(*)(int))std::toupper);
                std::string::size_type pos = line.find('#');
                if (pos != std::string::npos)

                if (line.empty())

                if (!boost::algorithm::is_space()(line[0])) {
                        std::vector<std::string> tokens;
                        boost::split(tokens, line,
                        if (!tokens.size())
                        if (tokens.size() < 2)
                        if (tokens[0] == "BLOCK")
                                block = tokens[1];
                        else if (tokens[0] == "DECAY")
                                block = "DECAY";

                        if (block.empty())

                        if (!blocks.count(block)) {
                                        << "Unsupported SLHA block \"" << block
                                        << "\".  It will be ignored."
                                        << std::endl;
void Herwig6Hadronizer::statistics ( )

Definition at line 649 of file

References gen::BaseHadronizer::runInfo(), and GenRunInfoProduct::setInternalXSec().

        if (!runInfo().internalXSec()) {
          // not set via LHE, so get it from HERWIG
          // the reason is that HERWIG doesn't compute the xsec
          // in all LHE modes

          double RNWGT = 1. / hwevnt.NWGTS;
          double AVWGT = hwevnt.WGTSUM * RNWGT;

          double xsec = 1.0e3 * AVWGT;

void Herwig6Hadronizer::upEvnt ( ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from gen::FortranInstance.

Definition at line 928 of file

References begin, edm::errors::Configuration, lhef::CommonBlocks::fillHEPEUP(), lhef::LHEEvent::getComments(), gen::Herwig6Instance::give(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheEvent(), and readMCatNLOfile.


        // if MCatNLO external file is read, read comment & pass IHPRO to HERWIG
        if(readMCatNLOfile) {
          for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter=lheEvent()->getComments().begin();
              iter!=lheEvent()->getComments().end(); ++iter) {
            std::string toParse(iter->substr(1));
            if (!give(toParse))
              throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
                    << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \""
                    << toParse << "\"." << std::endl;
void Herwig6Hadronizer::upInit ( ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from gen::FortranInstance.

Definition at line 903 of file

References edm::errors::Configuration, lhef::CommonBlocks::fillHEPRUP(), lhef::LHERunInfo::getHeaders(), gen::Herwig6Instance::give(), heprup_, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), HEPRUP_::pdfgup, HEPRUP_::pdfsup, and readMCatNLOfile.

        heprup_.pdfgup[0] = heprup_.pdfgup[1] = -1;
        heprup_.pdfsup[0] = heprup_.pdfsup[1] = -1;
        // we set up the PDFs ourselves
        // pass HERWIG paramaters fomr header (if present)
        std::string mcnloHeader="herwig6header";
        std::vector<lhef::LHERunInfo::Header> headers=lheRunInfo()->getHeaders();
        for(std::vector<lhef::LHERunInfo::Header>::const_iterator hIter=headers.begin();hIter!=headers.end(); ++hIter) {
            for(lhef::LHERunInfo::Header::const_iterator lIter=hIter->begin(); lIter != hIter->end(); ++lIter) {
              if((lIter->c_str())[0]!='#' && (lIter->c_str())[0]!='\n') {   // it's not a comment) 
                if (!give(*lIter))
                  throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
                    << "Herwig 6 did not accept the following: \""
                    << *lIter << "\"." << std::endl;

Member Data Documentation

double Herwig6Hadronizer::comEnergy [private]

Definition at line 129 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().

HepMC::IO_HERWIG Herwig6Hadronizer::conv [private]

Definition at line 119 of file

Referenced by hadronize().

Definition at line 134 of file

Referenced by hadronize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 131 of file

Referenced by hadronize(), initialize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 128 of file

Referenced by finalizeEvent().

Definition at line 121 of file

Referenced by finalizeEvent(), initialize(), pythiaStatusCode(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 133 of file

Referenced by hadronize(), and Herwig6Hadronizer().

Definition at line 125 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 124 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 135 of file

Referenced by readSettings().

Definition at line 137 of file

Referenced by readSettings().

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by clear(), initialize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 136 of file

Referenced by readSettings().

Definition at line 132 of file

Definition at line 123 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 142 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 127 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().

Definition at line 139 of file

Referenced by upEvnt(), and upInit().

Definition at line 143 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and readSettings().