Variables | |
tuple | pfJetBenchmark |
string | pfJets = 'ak5PFJets' |
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("PFJetBenchmarkAnalyzer", 00002 OutputFile = cms.untracked.string('JetBenchmark.root'), 00003 InputTruthLabel = cms.InputTag('ak5GenJets'), 00004 maxEta = cms.double(5.0), 00005 recPt = cms.double(10.0), 00006 pfjBenchmarkDebug = cms.bool(False), 00007 deltaRMax = cms.double(0.1), 00008 PlotAgainstRecoQuantities = cms.bool(False), 00009 OnlyTwoJets = cms.bool(True), 00010 BenchmarkLabel = cms.string( pfJets ), 00011 InputRecoLabel = cms.InputTag( pfJets ) 00012 )
Definition at line 6 of file
string pfJetBenchmark_cfi::pfJets = 'ak5PFJets' |
Definition at line 4 of file