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00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #
00004 # module to make the MaxSumPtWMass jet combination
00005 #
00006 findTtSemiLepJetCombMaxSumPtWMass = cms.EDProducer("TtSemiLepJetCombMaxSumPtWMass",
00007     ## jet input 
00008     jets  = cms.InputTag("selectedPatJets"),
00009     ## lepton input 
00010     leps  = cms.InputTag("selectedPatMuons"),
00011     ## maximum number of jets to be considered
00012     maxNJets  = cms.int32(4),
00013     ## nominal WMass parameter (in GeV)
00014     wMass    = cms.double(80.4),
00015     ## use b-tagging two distinguish between light and b jets
00016     useBTagging = cms.bool(False),
00017     ## choose algorithm for b-tagging
00018     bTagAlgorithm = cms.string("trackCountingHighEffBJetTags"),
00019     ## minimum b discriminator value required for b jets and
00020     ## maximum b discriminator value allowed for non-b jets
00021     minBDiscBJets     = cms.double(1.0),
00022     maxBDiscLightJets = cms.double(3.0)
00023 )