![]() |
![]() |
#include <L1TDEMON.h>
Definition at line 28 of file L1TDEMON.h.
L1TDEMON::L1TDEMON | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | iConfig | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 7 of file L1TDEMON.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, dedefs::DEnsys, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, NULL, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, and validate_alignment_devdb10_cfg::verbose.
{ verbose_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int> ("VerboseFlag", 0); if (verbose()) std::cout << "L1TDEMON::L1TDEMON()...\n" << std::flush; DEsource_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("DataEmulCompareSource"); histFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string> ("HistFolder", "L1TEMU"); histFile_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string> ("HistFile", ""); runInFF_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("RunInFilterFarm", false); if (verbose()) std::cout << "Filter farm run setting? " << runInFF_ << "\n" << std::flush; if (iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("disableROOToutput", true)) histFile_ = ""; if (histFile_.size() != 0) { edm::LogInfo("OutputRootFile") << "L1TEmulator Monitoring histograms will be saved to " << histFile_.c_str() << std::endl; } // copied from HardwareValidation/L1Comparator // check on size are done there std::vector<unsigned int> dosys(0, DEnsys); dosys = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<unsigned int> > ( "COMPARE_COLLS", dosys); for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) { m_doSys[i] = dosys[i]; } // nEvt_ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) { deSysCount[i] = 0; nEvtWithSys[i] = 0; } dbe = NULL; if (iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("DQMStore", false)) { dbe = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); dbe->setVerbose(0); } if (dbe != NULL) dbe->setCurrentFolder(histFolder_); hasRecord_ = true; if (verbose()) std::cout << "L1TDEMON::L1TDEMON constructor...done.\n" << std::flush; }
L1TDEMON::~L1TDEMON | ( | ) |
Definition at line 66 of file L1TDEMON.cc.
{ }
void L1TDEMON::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | iEvent, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
get the comparison results
get the de candidates
--- Fill histograms(me) ---
bitset loop
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 328 of file L1TDEMON.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, dedefs::CTF, dedefs::DEnsys, dedefs::DTF, dedefs::DTP, dedefs::DTtftrk, eta(), fastmath::etaphi(), HcalObjRepresent::Fill(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), dedefs::GMT, dedefs::GMTcnd, i, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), j, phi, scaleCards::rate, dedefs::RCT, L1DataEmulDigi::reset(), dedefs::RPC, evf::utils::sid, dedefs::SystLabel, and validate_alignment_devdb10_cfg::verbose.
{ if (!hasRecord_) return; if (verbose()) std::cout << "L1TDEMON::analyze() start\n" << std::flush; nEvt_++; edm::Handle < L1DataEmulRecord > deRecord; iEvent.getByLabel(DEsource_, deRecord); if (!deRecord.isValid()) { edm::LogInfo("DataNotFound") << "Cannot find L1DataEmulRecord with label " << DEsource_.label() << " Please verify that comparator was successfully executed." << " Emulator DQM will be skipped!" << std::endl; hasRecord_ = false; return; } bool deMatch[DEnsys]; deRecord->get_status(deMatch); if (verbose()) { std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] verbose sys match?: "; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) std::cout << deMatch[i] << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } bool isComp[DEnsys]; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) isComp[i] = deRecord->get_isComp(i); if (verbose()) { std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] verbose dosys?: "; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) std::cout << isComp[i]; std::cout << std::endl; } int DEncand[DEnsys][2]; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) DEncand[i][j] = deRecord->getNCand(i, j); if (verbose()) { std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] ncands d: "; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) std::cout << DEncand[i][0] << " "; std::cout << "\n[L1TDEMON] ncands e: "; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) std::cout << DEncand[i][1] << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } const int nullVal = L1DataEmulDigi().reset(); L1DEDigiCollection deColl; deColl = deRecord->getColl(); // global counters int hasSys[DEnsys] = { 0 }; for (L1DEDigiCollection::const_iterator it = deColl.begin(); it != deColl.end(); it++) if (!it->empty()) hasSys[it->sid()]++; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) { if (!hasSys[i]) continue; nEvtWithSys[i]++; if (deMatch[i]) deSysCount[i]++; } if (verbose()) { std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] digis: \n"; for (L1DEDigiCollection::const_iterator it = deColl.begin(); it != deColl.end(); it++) std::cout << "\t" << *it << std::endl; } // global, sub-systems d|e match, ncands for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) { // skip if system disabled if (!m_doSys[i]) { continue; } if (!isComp[i]) continue; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) sysncand[j]->Fill(i, DEncand[i][j]); //sysrates->Fill(i,(int)!deMatch[i]); int ibin = i + 1; double rate = nEvtWithSys[i] ? (nEvtWithSys[i] - 1. * deSysCount[i]) / nEvtWithSys[i] : 0.; sysrates->setBinContent(ibin, rate); if (verbose()) { std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] analyze " << " sysid:" << i << " nEvt:" << nEvt_ << " match?" << deMatch[i] << " ncands:" << hasSys[i] << " nevtwsys:" << nEvtWithSys[i] << " nevtgood:" << deSysCount[i] << " rate:" << sysrates->getBinContent(ibin) << "\n"; if (rate > 1) std::cout << "problem, error rate for " << SystLabel[i] << " is " << sysrates->getBinContent(ibin) << std::endl; } } // container for subsystem's leading candidate const int ncorr = 3; float LeadCandVal[DEnsys][ncorr] = { { (float) nullVal } }; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) for (int j = 0; j < ncorr; j++) LeadCandVal[i][j] = nullVal; // d|e candidate loop for (L1DEDigiCollection::const_iterator it = deColl.begin(); it != deColl.end(); it++) { int sid = it->sid(); int cid = it->cid(); if (it->empty()) continue; assert(isComp[sid]); int type = it->type(); double phiv = it->x1(); double etav = it->x2(); double x3v = it->x3(); float rankarr[2]; it->rank(rankarr); float rnkv = rankarr[0]; double wei = 1.; unsigned int mask = (~0x0); if (sid == RCT) { //if(cid!=RCTem) continue; //if(cid!=RCTrgn) continue; } // if(sid==GCT) { // // For the moment just include EM and jet objects, energy sums being debugged in the expert DQM first. // if(cid!=GCTisolaem && // cid!=GCTnoisoem && // cid!=GCTcenjets && // cid!=GCTforjets && // cid!=GCTtaujets) continue; // } if (sid == DTP) { //tbd cols:th,ph; plots per wheel //if(it->x3()!=0) continue; } if (sid == GMT) { //select gmt cands only for GMT sys if (cid != GMTcnd) continue; //masking: gres -- I.Mikulec: mask bits 0,5,16,21,22,23 //mask = (~(0x0e10021)); } if (sid == DTF) { if (cid != DTtftrk) continue; } if (sid == RPC || sid == CTF || sid == RPC) { //select mu regional cands only for dtf,ctf,rpc //if(cid!=MUrtf) continue; //masking: gres dttf only -- I.Mikulec: lowest 16 bits only //if(sid==DTF) mask = 0xffff; } errordist ->Fill(type); errortype[sid]->Fill(type); // skip next if running in filter farm if (runInFF_) continue; //exclude agreeing cands wei = 1.; if (!type) wei = 0.; if (etav != nullVal && phiv != nullVal) etaphi[sid]->Fill(etav, phiv, wei); if (etav != nullVal) eta[sid]->Fill(etav, wei); if (phiv != nullVal) phi[sid]->Fill(phiv, wei); if (sid == DTP) if (x3v != nullVal) x3[sid]->Fill(x3v, wei); unsigned int word[2]; it->data(word); std::bitset < 32 > dbits(word[0]); std::bitset < 32 > ebits(word[1]); unsigned int dexor = ((word[0]) ^ (word[1])); //disagreeing bits std::bitset < 32 > debits(dexor); //disagreeing bits after masking std::bitset < 32 > dembits(((dexor) & (mask))); if (verbose()) std::cout << "l1demon" << " sid:" << sid << " cid:" << cid << "\n" << " data:0x" << std::hex << word[0] << std::dec << " bitset:" << dbits << "\n" << " emul:0x" << std::hex << word[1] << std::dec << " bitset:" << ebits << "\n" << " xor:0x" << std::hex << dexor << std::dec << " bitset:" << debits << " bitset:" << ((dbits) ^ (ebits)) << "\n" << std::flush; for (int ibit = 0; ibit < 32; ibit++) { wei = 1.; //comparison gives no info if there's only 1 candidate if (type == 3 || type == 4) wei = 0.; if (dbits[ibit]) dword[sid]->Fill(ibit, wei); if (ebits[ibit]) eword[sid]->Fill(ibit, wei); if (debits[ibit]) deword[sid]->Fill(ibit, wei); //if(dembits[ibit])masked[sid]->Fill(ibit,wei); } //exclude e-only cands (only data) wei = 1.; if (type == 4) wei = 0.; if (etav != nullVal) etaData[sid]->Fill(etav, wei); if (phiv != nullVal) phiData[sid]->Fill(phiv, wei); if (sid == DTP) if (x3v != nullVal) x3Data[sid]->Fill(x3v, wei); rnkData[sid]->Fill(rnkv, wei); //correlations: store leading candidate if (type == 4) continue; //exclude e-only cands bool islead = false; if (rnkv > LeadCandVal[sid][2]) islead = true; else if (rnkv == LeadCandVal[sid][2]) { if (phiv > LeadCandVal[sid][0]) islead = true; else if (phiv == LeadCandVal[sid][0]) if (etav > LeadCandVal[sid][1]) islead = true; } if (islead) { LeadCandVal[sid][0] = phiv; LeadCandVal[sid][1] = etav; LeadCandVal[sid][2] = rnkv; } }//close loop over dedigi-cands if (verbose()) std::cout << "L1TDEMON::analyze() end.\n" << std::flush; }
void L1TDEMON::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [protected, virtual] |
labeling (temporary cosmetics added here)
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 69 of file L1TDEMON.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), gather_cfg::cout, dedefs::CTF, dedefs::CTP, dedefs::DEnsys, dedefs::DTF, dedefs::DTP, eta(), fastmath::etaphi(), dedefs::ETP, dedefs::GCT, dedefs::GLT, dedefs::GMT, dedefs::HTP, i, j, dedefs::LTC, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, phi, dedefs::RCT, dedefs::RPC, MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), dedefs::SystLabel, dedefs::SystLabelExt, and validate_alignment_devdb10_cfg::verbose.
{ if (verbose()) std::cout << "L1TDEMON::beginJob() start\n" << std::flush; DQMStore* dbe = 0; dbe = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); if (dbe) { dbe->setCurrentFolder(histFolder_); // dbe->rmdir(histFolder_); } //physical values disabled now, waiting for scale procedure //const double tpi = 6.2832; //const double amin= -0.5; //const double amax=tpi+0.5; // ETP, HTP, RCT, GCT, DTP, DTF, CTP, CTF, RPC,LTC, GMT,GLT int phiNBins[DEnsys] = { 71 , 71 , 18 ,18 , 12, 255, 160, 255, 144, 0, 255,0}; double phiMinim[DEnsys] = { 0.5, 0.5, -0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0, -0.5, 0, 0,0}; double phiMaxim[DEnsys] = { 71.5, 71.5, 17.5,17.5,11.5, 255,159.5, 255, 143.5, 0, 255,0}; int etaNBins[DEnsys] = { 35 , 35 , 22 ,22 , 5, 20, 120, 20, 64, 0, 20,0}; double etaMinim[DEnsys] = {-17.5,-17.5, -0.5,-0.5,-2.5, 0, -0.5, 0, -0.5, 0, 0,0}; double etaMaxim[DEnsys] = { 17.5, 17.5, 21.5,21.5, 2.5, 63,119.5, 63, 63.5, 0, 63,0}; int x3NBins [DEnsys] = { 0, 0, 7, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0}; double x3Minim [DEnsys] = { 0, 0, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0}; double x3Maxim [DEnsys] = { 0, 0, 6.5, 0, 4.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0}; int rnkNBins[DEnsys] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0}; double rnkMinim[DEnsys] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0}; double rnkMaxim[DEnsys] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0}; //assume for for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) { rnkNBins[i] = 63; rnkMinim[i] = 0.5; rnkMaxim[i] = 63.5; }//rank 0x3f->63 rnkNBins[DTP] = 7; rnkMinim[DTP] = -0.5; rnkMaxim[DTP] = 6.5; //rank 0-6 rnkNBins[CTP] = 16; rnkMinim[CTP] = -0.5; rnkMaxim[CTP] = 15.5; //quality 0-15 /*--notes RCT: global index ieta (0-21)=[22,-0.5,21.5] , iphi (0-17)=[18,-0.5,17.5]; card (0-6) GCT: phi index (0-17); eta = -6 to -0, +0 to +6. Sign is bit 3, 1 means -ve Z, 0 means +ve Z -> 0.17 DTP: usc 0..11; uwh -2..2; ust 1..4; CTP: rank is quality 0..15 */ if (dbe) { if (!runInFF_) dbe->setCurrentFolder(std::string(histFolder_ + "/common")); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { std::string lbl("sysncand"); lbl += (j == 0 ? "Data" : "Emul"); sysncand[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), DEnsys, 0, DEnsys); } sysrates = dbe->book1D("sysrates", "sysrates", DEnsys, 0, DEnsys); const int nerr = 5; errordist = dbe->book1D("errorflag", "errorflag", nerr, 0, nerr); for (int j = 0; j < DEnsys; j++) { // skip if system disabled if (!m_doSys[j]) { continue; } if (!runInFF_) { dbe->setCurrentFolder( std::string(histFolder_ + "/" + SystLabelExt[j])); } std::string lbl(""); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "ErrorFlag"; errortype[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), nerr, 0, nerr); // skip next histos if running in filter farm if (runInFF_) { continue; } // lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "eta"; eta[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), etaNBins[j], etaMinim[j], etaMaxim[j]); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "phi"; phi[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), phiNBins[j], phiMinim[j], phiMaxim[j]); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "x3"; x3[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), x3NBins[j], x3Minim[j], x3Maxim[j]); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "etaphi"; etaphi[j] = dbe->book2D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), etaNBins[j], etaMinim[j], etaMaxim[j], phiNBins[j], phiMinim[j], phiMaxim[j]); // lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "eta"; lbl += "Data"; etaData[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), etaNBins[j], etaMinim[j], etaMaxim[j]); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "phi"; lbl += "Data"; phiData[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), phiNBins[j], phiMinim[j], phiMaxim[j]); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "x3"; lbl += "Data"; x3Data[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), x3NBins[j], x3Minim[j], x3Maxim[j]); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "rank"; lbl += "Data"; rnkData[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), rnkNBins[j], rnkMinim[j], rnkMaxim[j]); const int nbit = (j == GLT) ? 128 : 32; lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "dword"; dword[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), nbit, 0, nbit); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "eword"; eword[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), nbit, 0, nbit); lbl.clear(); lbl += SystLabel[j]; lbl += "deword"; deword[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(), lbl.data(), nbit, 0, nbit); //lbl.clear(); //lbl+=SystLabel[j];lbl+="masked"; //masked[j] = dbe->book1D(lbl.data(),lbl.data(),nbit,0,nbit); } } for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) { sysrates ->setBinLabel(i + 1, SystLabel[i]); sysncand[0]->setBinLabel(i + 1, SystLabel[i]); sysncand[1]->setBinLabel(i + 1, SystLabel[i]); } const int nerr = 5; std::string errLabel[nerr] = { "Agree", "Loc. Agree", "L.Disagree", "Data only", "Emul only" }; for (int j = 0; j < nerr; j++) { errordist->setBinLabel(j + 1, errLabel[j]); } for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) { // skip if system disabled if (!m_doSys[i]) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < nerr; j++) { errortype[i]->setBinLabel(j + 1, errLabel[j]); } } // done if running in filter farm if (runInFF_) return; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) { // skip if system disabled if (!m_doSys[i]) { continue; } etaphi[i]->setAxisTitle("eta", 1); etaphi[i]->setAxisTitle("phi", 2); eta[i]->setAxisTitle("eta"); phi[i]->setAxisTitle("phi"); x3[i]->setAxisTitle("x3"); etaData[i]->setAxisTitle("eta"); phiData[i]->setAxisTitle("phi"); x3Data[i]->setAxisTitle("x3"); rnkData[i]->setAxisTitle("rank"); dword[i]->setAxisTitle("trigger data word bit"); eword[i]->setAxisTitle("trigger data word bit"); deword[i]->setAxisTitle("trigger data word bit"); //masked [i]->setAxisTitle("trigger data word bit"); } // assertions/temporary assert(ETP == 0); assert(HTP == 1); assert(RCT == 2); assert(GCT == 3); assert(DTP == 4); assert(DTF == 5); assert(CTP == 6); assert(CTF == 7); assert(RPC == 8); assert(LTC == 9); assert(GMT == 10); assert(GLT == 11); if (verbose()) std::cout << "L1TDEMON::beginJob() end.\n" << std::flush; }
void L1TDEMON::endJob | ( | void | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 299 of file L1TDEMON.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, dedefs::DEnsys, i, and validate_alignment_devdb10_cfg::verbose.
{ if (verbose()) std::cout << "L1TDEMON::endJob Nevents: " << nEvt_ << "\n" << std::flush; if (verbose()) { std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] systems disagreement rate:\n\t"; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) printf("%4.2f ", sysrates->getBinContent(i)); std::cout << std::endl; } if (verbose()) { std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] verbose fill histo: "; for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) std::cout << deSysCount[i] << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } if (histFile_.size() != 0 && dbe) dbe->save(histFile_); if (verbose()) std::cout << "L1TDEMON::endJob() end.\n" << std::flush; }
int L1TDEMON::verbose | ( | ) | [inline, private] |
DQMStore* L1TDEMON::dbe [private] |
Definition at line 58 of file L1TDEMON.h.
edm::InputTag L1TDEMON::DEsource_ [private] |
Definition at line 44 of file L1TDEMON.h.
int L1TDEMON::deSysCount[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::deword[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 97 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::dword[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 95 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::errordist [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::errortype[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::eta[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 86 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::etaData[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 89 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::etaphi[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 85 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::eword[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 96 of file L1TDEMON.h.
bool L1TDEMON::hasRecord_ [private] |
Definition at line 45 of file L1TDEMON.h.
std::string L1TDEMON::histFile_ [private] |
Definition at line 52 of file L1TDEMON.h.
std::string L1TDEMON::histFolder_ [private] |
Definition at line 55 of file L1TDEMON.h.
bool L1TDEMON::m_doSys[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::masked[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 98 of file L1TDEMON.h.
bool L1TDEMON::monitorDaemon_ [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file L1TDEMON.h.
int L1TDEMON::nEvt_ [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file L1TDEMON.h.
int L1TDEMON::nEvtWithSys[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 67 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::phi[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 87 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::phiData[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 90 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::rnkData[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file L1TDEMON.h.
bool L1TDEMON::runInFF_ [private] |
Definition at line 62 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::sysncand[2] [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::sysrates [private] |
monitoring elements
Definition at line 79 of file L1TDEMON.h.
int L1TDEMON::verbose_ [private] |
Definition at line 48 of file L1TDEMON.h.
Referenced by verbose().
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::x3[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 88 of file L1TDEMON.h.
MonitorElement* L1TDEMON::x3Data[dedefs::DEnsys] [private] |
Definition at line 91 of file L1TDEMON.h.