![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
list | bins = [] |
bout = labelifsinglebinelselabel+b | |
string | cfmt = "%-" |
tuple | chmax = max([max(len(p),len(c)) for p,c,x in shapeLines]) |
int | cmax = 5 |
tuple | DC = parseCard(file, options) |
tuple | dirname = os.path.dirname(fname) |
tuple | file = open(fname, "r") |
fname = options.fprefix+fname | |
tuple | hmax = max([10] + [len("%-12s[nofloat] %s %s" % (l,p,a)) for l,(p,a,e,nf) in systlines.items()]) |
list | keyline = [] |
string | label = "ch%d" |
list | obsline = [] |
list | p2sMap = DC.shapeMap[b] |
list | p2sMapD = DC.shapeMap['*'] |
dictionary | paramSysts = {} |
tuple | parser = OptionParser() |
list | pdfargs = [ str(x) for x in pdfargs ] |
list | pidline = [] |
tuple | r = str(errline[b][p]) |
list | signals = [] |
tuple | singlebin = (len(DC.bins) == 1) |
tuple | sysnamesSorted = systlines.keys() |
dictionary | systeffect = {} |
list | systline = [] |
list | tmpsignals = [] |
list | xrep = [xi.replace("$CHANNEL",b) for xi in x] |
list combineCards::bins = [] |
Definition at line 132 of file combineCards.py.
Referenced by egHLT::MonElemFuncs::addTightLooseTrigHist(), SiStripBaselineAnalyzer::analyze(), TopDiLeptonDQM::beginJob(), PhysicsPerformanceDBWriterTFormula_fromfile_WPandPL::beginJob(), TauTagValidation::beginJob(), METTester::beginRun(), MuonTrackValidatorBase::BinLogX(), MTVHistoProducerAlgo::BinLogX(), PedsFullNoiseSummaryFactory::extract(), PedsOnlySummaryFactory::extract(), NoiseSummaryFactory::extract(), CalibrationSummaryFactory::extract(), PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract(), DaqScopeModeTask::fill(), CSCValHists::fill1DHist(), CSCValHists::fill1DHistByChamber(), CSCValHists::fill1DHistByCrate(), CSCValHists::fill1DHistByLayer(), CSCValHists::fill1DHistByStation(), CSCValHists::fill1DHistByType(), ecaldqm::MESetDet1D::fill_(), CSCValHists::fillCalibHist(), RPCNoisyStripTest::fillGlobalME(), FastTimerServiceClient::fillSummaryPlots(), HcalQLPlotHistoMgr::GetAHistogramImpl(), CSCOfflineMonitor::histoEfficiency(), CSCValidation::histoEfficiency(), egHLT::MonElemFuncs::initTightLooseTrigHists(), egHLT::MonElemFuncs::initTrigTagProbeHist(), egHLT::MonElemFuncs::initTrigTagProbeHist_2Leg(), egHLT::MonElemFuncs::initTrigTagProbeHists(), HcalLedAnalysis::LedTrendings(), LA_Filler_Fitter::make_and_fit_symmchi2(), reco::tau::RecoTauDiscriminationBinnedIsolation::operator()(), HcalPedestalAnalysis::per2CapsHists(), MuonResiduals6DOFFitter::plot(), RivetAnalyzer::prebook(), reco::tau::RecoTauDiscriminationBinnedIsolation::RecoTauDiscriminationBinnedIsolation(), LA_Filler_Fitter::rms_profile(), ecaldqm::MESetEcal::setBinContent(), ecaldqm::MESetEcal::setBinEntries(), TagProbeFitter::setBinnedFit(), TagProbeFitter::setBinsForMassPlots(), ecaldqm::shift(), ESTrendTask::shift2Left(), ESTrendTask::shift2Right(), EcalDQMBinningService::smOffsetBins(), LA_Filler_Fitter::subset_probability(), HcalPedestalAnalysis::Trendings(), Folder::update(), and CSCEfficiency::~CSCEfficiency().
combineCards::bout = labelifsinglebinelselabel+b |
Definition at line 45 of file combineCards.py.
string combineCards::cfmt = "%-" |
Definition at line 148 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::chmax = max([max(len(p),len(c)) for p,c,x in shapeLines]) |
Definition at line 147 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::cmax = 5 |
Definition at line 31 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::DC = parseCard(file, options) |
Definition at line 38 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::dirname = os.path.dirname(fname) |
Definition at line 36 of file combineCards.py.
Referenced by BigEventsDebugger::analyze(), APVCyclePhaseMonitor::analyze(), APVCyclePhaseMonitor::beginRun(), APVCyclePhaseProducerFromL1TS::beginRun(), RunHistogramManager::beginRun(), APVCyclePhaseProducerFromL1ABC::beginRun(), BigEventsDebugger::BigEventsDebugger(), TrackerOfflineValidation::bookDirHists(), TrackerOfflineValidation::collateSummaryHists(), ESPedestalClient::endJob(), WatcherStreamFileReader::getInputFile(), MergeRootfile(), and FFTJetProducer::saveResults().
tuple combineCards::file = open(fname, "r") |
Definition at line 37 of file combineCards.py.
combineCards::fname = options.fprefix+fname |
Definition at line 35 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::hmax = max([10] + [len("%-12s[nofloat] %s %s" % (l,p,a)) for l,(p,a,e,nf) in systlines.items()]) |
Definition at line 175 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::keyline = [] |
Definition at line 28 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::label = "ch%d" |
Definition at line 33 of file combineCards.py.
Definition at line 27 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::p2sMap = DC.shapeMap[b] |
Definition at line 108 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::p2sMapD = DC.shapeMap['*'] |
Definition at line 109 of file combineCards.py.
dictionary combineCards::paramSysts = {} |
Definition at line 30 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::parser = OptionParser() |
Definition at line 7 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::pdfargs = [ str(x) for x in pdfargs ] |
Definition at line 98 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::pidline = [] |
Definition at line 162 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::r = str(errline[b][p]) |
Definition at line 72 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::signals = [] |
Definition at line 29 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::singlebin = (len(DC.bins) == 1) |
Definition at line 39 of file combineCards.py.
tuple combineCards::sysnamesSorted = systlines.keys() |
Definition at line 184 of file combineCards.py.
dictionary combineCards::systeffect = {} |
Definition at line 60 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::systline = [] |
Definition at line 188 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::tmpsignals = [] |
Definition at line 163 of file combineCards.py.
list combineCards::xrep = [xi.replace("$CHANNEL",b) for xi in x] |
Definition at line 111 of file combineCards.py.