![]() |
![]() |
#include <L1TDTTF.h>
L1TDTTF::L1TDTTF | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) |
base services
DT input output tracks GMT GlobalMuon try
Use DQMStore?
Use ROOT Output?
Definition at line 205 of file L1TDTTF.cc.
References dbe_, dttpgSource_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), l1tsubsystemfolder_, edm::InputTag::label(), NULL, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, outputFile_, edm::InputTag::process(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), DQMStore::setVerbose(), trackInputTag_, and verbose_.
: dttpgSource_( ps.getParameter< edm::InputTag >("dttpgSource") ), gmtSource_( ps.getParameter< edm::InputTag >("gmtSource") ), muonCollectionLabel_( ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("MuonCollection") ), l1tsubsystemfolder_( ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("l1tSystemFolder", "L1T/L1TDTTF")), online_( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("online", true) ), verbose_( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false) ) { std::string trstring = dttpgSource_.label() + ":DATA:" + dttpgSource_.process(); trackInputTag_ = edm::InputTag(trstring); if ( verbose_ ) edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF: constructor") << "Verbose enabled"; dbe_ = NULL; if ( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DQMStore", false) ) { dbe_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); dbe_->setVerbose(0); dbe_->setCurrentFolder(l1tsubsystemfolder_); } if ( ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("disableROOToutput", false) ) { outputFile_ = ""; } else { outputFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("outputFile", ""); if ( ! outputFile_.empty() ) { edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF: constructor") << "L1T Monitoring histograms will be saved to " << outputFile_; } } }
L1TDTTF::~L1TDTTF | ( | ) | [virtual] |
void L1TDTTF::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | e, |
const edm::EventSetup & | c | ||
) | [protected, virtual] |
tracks handle
dttf counters
selection for offline
global muon selection plot
in case of problems accept all
in case of problems accept all
take only bx=0
in Gmt but not in DTTF
in phys values double phi= dttfCand->phiValue(); int sector = 1 + (phi + 15)/30; /// in phys values
Per event summaries
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 615 of file L1TDTTF.cc.
References accept(), dttf_gmt_ghost, dttf_nTracksPerEv, dttf_nTracksPerEvent_integ, dttf_nTracksPerEvent_wheel, dttf_spare, dttpgSource_, eta(), MonitorElement::Fill(), fillMEs(), L1MuGMTReadoutCollection::getRecords(), gmtSource_, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), edm::InputTag::label(), muonCollectionLabel_, patZpeak::muons, nev_, nev_dttf_, nev_dttf_track2_, numTracks, online_, phi, edm::InputTag::process(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), alignCSCRings::s, trackInputTag_, verbose_, and w().
{ if ( verbose_ ) edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF::Analyze::start") << "#################### START"; ++nev_; memset( numTracks, 0, 72 * sizeof(int) ); edm::Handle<L1MuDTTrackContainer > myL1MuDTTrackContainer; try { event.getByLabel(trackInputTag_, myL1MuDTTrackContainer); } catch (...) { edm::LogError("L1TDTTF::analyze::DataNotFound") << "can't getByLabel L1MuDTTrackContainer with label " << dttpgSource_.label() << ":DATA:" << dttpgSource_.process(); return; } if ( !myL1MuDTTrackContainer.isValid() ) { edm::LogError("L1TDTTF::analyze::DataNotFound") << "can't find L1MuDTTrackContainer with label " << dttpgSource_.label() << ":DATA:" << dttpgSource_.process(); return; } L1MuDTTrackContainer::TrackContainer * trackContainer = myL1MuDTTrackContainer->getContainer(); if ( trackContainer->size() > 0 ) { ++nev_dttf_; if( trackContainer->size() > 1 ) ++nev_dttf_track2_; } bool accept = true; if ( ! online_ ) { try { edm::Handle<reco::MuonCollection> muons; event.getByLabel(muonCollectionLabel_, muons); accept = false; if ( muons.isValid() ) { for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator recoMu = muons->begin(); recoMu!=muons->end(); ++recoMu ) { if ( fabs( recoMu->eta() ) < 1.4 ) { if ( verbose_ ) { edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTFClient::Analyze:GM") << "Found a global muon!"; } accept = true; break; } } if ( ! accept ) { dttf_spare->Fill( trackContainer->size() ? 1 : 0 ); if ( verbose_ ) { edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTFClient::Analyze:GM") << "No global muons in this event!"; } } else { dttf_spare->Fill( trackContainer->size() ? 2 : 3 ); } } else { accept = true; edm::LogWarning("L1TDTTFClient::Analyze:GM") << "Invalid MuonCollection with label " << muonCollectionLabel_.label(); } } catch (...) { accept = true; edm::LogError("DataNotFound") << "Unable to getByLabel MuonCollection with label " << muonCollectionLabel_.label() ; } } std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand> gmtBx0DttfCandidates; try { edm::Handle<L1MuGMTReadoutCollection> pCollection; event.getByLabel(gmtSource_, pCollection); if ( !pCollection.isValid() ) { edm::LogError("DataNotFound") << "can't find L1MuGMTReadoutCollection with label " << gmtSource_.label() ; } // get GMT readout collection L1MuGMTReadoutCollection const* gmtrc = pCollection.product(); std::vector<L1MuGMTReadoutRecord> gmt_records = gmtrc->getRecords(); std::vector<L1MuGMTReadoutRecord>::const_iterator RRItr; for ( RRItr = gmt_records.begin(); RRItr != gmt_records.end(); ++RRItr ) { std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand> dttfCands = RRItr->getDTBXCands(); std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand>::iterator dttfCand; for( dttfCand = dttfCands.begin(); dttfCand != dttfCands.end(); ++dttfCand ) { if(dttfCand->empty()) continue; if ( RRItr->getBxInEvent() ) continue; // dttf_gmt_ghost_phys->Fill( dttfCand->eta_packed(), // dttfCand->phi_packed() ); gmtBx0DttfCandidates.push_back( *dttfCand ); } } } catch (...) { edm::LogError("DataNotFound") << "Unable to getByLabel L1MuGMTReadoutCollection with label " << gmtSource_.label() ; } // fill MEs if all selections are passed if ( accept ) fillMEs( trackContainer, gmtBx0DttfCandidates ); std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand>::iterator dttfCand; for( dttfCand = gmtBx0DttfCandidates.begin(); dttfCand != gmtBx0DttfCandidates.end(); ++dttfCand ) { if( dttfCand->empty() ) continue; int phi= dttfCand->phi_packed(); int sector = 1 + (phi + 6)/12; if (sector > 12 ) sector -= 12; double eta = dttfCand->etaValue(); int wheel = -3; if ( eta < -0.74 ) { wheel = -2; } else if ( eta < -0.3 ) { wheel = -1; } else if ( eta < 0.3 ) { wheel = 0; } else if ( eta < 0.74 ) { wheel = 1; } else { wheel = 2; } dttf_gmt_ghost->Fill( wheel, sector ); // dttf_gmt_ghost_phys->Fill( dttfCand->eta_packed(), // dttfCand->phi_packed() ); } int numTracksInt = 0; for ( int w = 0; w < 6; ++w ) { int numTracks_wh = 0; for ( int s = 0; s < 12; ++s ) { dttf_nTracksPerEv[w][s]->Fill( numTracks[w][s] ); numTracks_wh += numTracks[w][s]; } numTracksInt += numTracks_wh; dttf_nTracksPerEvent_wheel[w]->Fill( numTracks_wh ); } dttf_nTracksPerEvent_integ->Fill( numTracksInt ); }
void L1TDTTF::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [protected, virtual] |
testing purposes
histo name
histo title
DTTF Output (6 wheels)
Per wheel summaries
number of tracks per event per wheel
phi vs etafine - for each wheel
phi vs etacoarse - for each wheel
Per wheel summaries : 2ND_TRACK_ONLY
DTTF Tracks Quality distribution
quality per wheel 2ND TRACK
phi vs eta - for each wheel 2ND TRACK
DTTF Tracks eta distribution (Packed values)
DTTF Tracks Phi distribution (Packed values)
DTTF Tracks p_{T} distribution (Packed values)
DTTF Tracks Charge distribution
Go in detailed subfolders
number of tracks per event folder
BX_SECTORS for each wheel
CHARGE folder
PT folder
PHI folder
QUALITY folder
ETA folder
ETA folder
integrated values: always packed
Only for online: occupancy summary - reset
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 259 of file L1TDTTF.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), bookEta(), dbe_, dttf_bx, dttf_bx_2ndTrack, dttf_eta, dttf_eta_fine_fraction, dttf_eta_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_gmt_ghost, dttf_gmt_match, dttf_gmt_missed, dttf_nTracksPerEv, dttf_nTracksPerEvent_integ, dttf_nTracksPerEvent_wheel, dttf_phi, dttf_phi_eta_coarse_wheel, dttf_phi_eta_fine_wheel, dttf_phi_eta_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_phi_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_pt, dttf_pt_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_q, dttf_q_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_qual, dttf_quality_summary_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_quality_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_spare, MonitorElement::getTH2F(), l1tsubsystemfolder_, pileupCalc::nbins, nev_, nev_dttf_, nev_dttf_track2_, online_, MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), setQualLabel(), setWheelLabel(), and errorMatrix2Lands_multiChannel::start.
{ nev_ = 0; nev_dttf_ = 0; nev_dttf_track2_ = 0; // get hold of back-end interface if ( dbe_ ) { std::string dttf_trk_folder = l1tsubsystemfolder_; char hname[100]; char htitle[100]; float start = 0; float stop = 0; int nbins = 0; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder); std::string wheelpath[6] = { "/02-WHEEL_N2", "/03-WHEEL_N1", "/04-WHEEL_N0", "/05-WHEEL_P0", "/06-WHEEL_P1", "/07-WHEEL_P2" }; char c_whn[6][3] = { "N2", "N1", "N0", "P0", "P1", "P2" }; // char bxn [3][3] = { "N1", "0", "P1" }; // char bxn[3][25] = {"/BX_NONZERO_ONLY/BX_N1", "", "/BX_NONZERO_ONLY/BX_P1"}; for ( int iwh = 0; iwh < 6; ++iwh ) { bookEta( iwh, nbins, start, stop ); std::string dttf_trk_folder_wheel = dttf_trk_folder + wheelpath[iwh]; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_wheel); sprintf(hname, "dttf_01_nTracksPerEvent_wh%s", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - Number Tracks Per Event", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_nTracksPerEvent_wheel[iwh] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 10, 0.5, 10.5); dttf_nTracksPerEvent_wheel[iwh]->setAxisTitle("# tracks/event", 1); sprintf(hname, "dttf_07_phi_vs_etaFine_wh%s", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - #eta-#phi DTTF Tracks occupancy (fine #eta only, unpacked values)", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_phi_eta_fine_wheel[iwh] = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, nbins, start-0.5, stop-0.5, 144, -6, 138); // 144, -0.5, 143.5); dttf_phi_eta_fine_wheel[iwh]->setAxisTitle("#eta", 1); dttf_phi_eta_fine_wheel[iwh]->setAxisTitle("#phi", 2); sprintf(hname, "dttf_08_phi_vs_etaCoarse_wh%s", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - #eta-#phi DTTF Tracks occupancy (coarse #eta only, unpacked values)", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_phi_eta_coarse_wheel[iwh] = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, nbins, start-0.5, stop-0.5, 144, -6, 138); // 144, -0.5, 143.5); dttf_phi_eta_coarse_wheel[iwh]->setAxisTitle("#eta", 1); dttf_phi_eta_coarse_wheel[iwh]->setAxisTitle("#phi", 2); std::string dttf_trk_folder_wheel_2ndtrack = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/2ND_TRACK_ONLY"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_wheel_2ndtrack); sprintf(hname, "dttf_04_quality_wh%s_2ndTrack", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - 2nd Tracks Quality distribution", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_quality_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 7, 1, 8); setQualLabel( dttf_quality_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh], 1); sprintf(hname, "dttf_05_quality_summary_wh%s_2ndTrack", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - 2nd Tracks - Quality", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_quality_summary_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh] = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, 12, 1, 13, 7, 1, 8 ); dttf_quality_summary_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh]->setAxisTitle("Sector", 1); setQualLabel( dttf_quality_summary_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh], 2); // dttf_quality_summary_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh]->setAxisTitle("Quality", 2); sprintf(hname, "dttf_06_phi_vs_eta_wh%s_2ndTrack", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - #eta-#phi Distribution of DTTF 2nd Tracks", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_phi_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh] = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, nbins, start-0.5,stop-0.5, 144, -6, 138); // 144, -0.5, 143.5); dttf_phi_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh]->setAxisTitle("#eta", 1); dttf_phi_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh]->setAxisTitle("#phi", 2); sprintf(hname, "dttf_07_eta_wh%s_2ndTrack", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - DTTF 2nd Tracks #eta distribution (Packed values)", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 64, -0.5, 63.5); dttf_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh]->setAxisTitle("#eta", 1); sprintf(hname, "dttf_08_phi_wh%s_2ndTrack", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - DTTF 2nd Tracks Phi distribution (Packed values)", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_phi_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 144, -6, 138. ); dttf_phi_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh]->setAxisTitle("#phi", 1); sprintf(hname, "dttf_09_pt_wh%s_2ndTrack", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - DTTF 2nd Tracks p_{T} distribution (Packed values)", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_pt_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 32, -0.5, 31.5); dttf_pt_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh]->setAxisTitle("p_{T}", 1); sprintf(hname, "dttf_10_charge_wh%s_2ndTrack", c_whn[iwh]); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s - DTTF 2nd Tracks Charge distribution", c_whn[iwh]); dttf_q_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 2, -0.5, 1.5); dttf_q_wheel_2ndTrack[iwh]->setAxisTitle("Charge", 1); std::string dttf_trk_folder_nTracksPerEvent = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/TracksPerEvent"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_nTracksPerEvent); for(int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_nTracksPerEvent_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - Number of Tracks Per Event", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); dttf_nTracksPerEv[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 2, 0.5, 2.5); dttf_nTracksPerEv[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("# tracks/event", 1); } std::string dttf_trk_folder_wh_bxsec_all = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/BX_BySector"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_wh_bxsec_all); for(int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise ) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_bx_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - BX Distribution", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); dttf_bx[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 3, -1.5, 1.5); dttf_bx[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("BX", 1); } std::string dttf_trk_folder_wh_bxsec_trk2 = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/BX_BySector/2ND_TRACK_ONLY"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_wh_bxsec_trk2); for(int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise ) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_bx_2ndTrack_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - BX 2nd Tracks only", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); dttf_bx_2ndTrack[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 3, -1.5, 1.5); dttf_bx_2ndTrack[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("BX", 1); } std::string dttf_trk_folder_charge = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/Charge"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_charge); for(int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_charge_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - Packed Charge", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); dttf_q[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 2, -0.5, 1.5); dttf_q[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("Charge", 1); } std::string dttf_trk_folder_pt = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/PT"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_pt); for(int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise ) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_pt_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - Packed p_{T}", c_whn[iwh], ise + 1 ); dttf_pt[iwh][ise]= dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 32, -0.5, 31.5); dttf_pt[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("p_{T}", 1); } std::string dttf_trk_folder_phi = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/Phi"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_phi); for(int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise ) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_phi_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - Packed Phi", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); dttf_phi[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 144, -6, 138); dttf_phi[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("#phi", 1); //dttf_phi[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(title,title, 32,-16.5, 15.5); } std::string dttf_trk_folder_quality = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/Quality"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_quality); for(int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise){ sprintf(hname, "dttf_qual_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - Packed Quality", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); dttf_qual[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 7, 1, 8); dttf_qual[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("Quality", 1); setQualLabel( dttf_qual[iwh][ise], 1 ); } std::string dttf_trk_folder_eta = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/Eta"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_eta); for (int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise ) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_eta_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - Packed #eta", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); dttf_eta[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 64, -0.5, 63.5); dttf_eta[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("#eta", 1); } dttf_trk_folder_eta = dttf_trk_folder_wheel + "/EtaFineFraction"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_eta); for (int ise = 0; ise < 12; ++ise ) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_etaFine_fraction_wh%s_se%d", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); sprintf(htitle, "Wheel %s Sector %d - Eta Fine Fraction", c_whn[iwh], ise+1); dttf_eta_fine_fraction[iwh][ise] = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 2, 0, 2); dttf_eta_fine_fraction[iwh][ise]->setAxisTitle("#eta", 1); dttf_eta_fine_fraction[iwh][ise]->setBinLabel(1, "fine", 1); dttf_eta_fine_fraction[iwh][ise]->setBinLabel(2, "coarse", 1); } } std::string dttf_trk_folder_inclusive = dttf_trk_folder + "/01-INCLUSIVE"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_inclusive); sprintf(hname, "dttf_01_nTracksPerEvent_integ"); sprintf(htitle, "Number of DTTF Tracks Per Event"); dttf_nTracksPerEvent_integ = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 20, 0.5, 20.5); dttf_nTracksPerEvent_integ->setAxisTitle("# tracks/event", 1); // sprintf(hname, "dttf_10_qual_eta_distr"); // sprintf(htitle, "DTTF Tracks Quality vs Eta Distribution"); // dttf_qual_eta_integ = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, 64, 0, 64, 7, 1, 8); // setQualLabel( dttf_qual_eta_integ, 2); if ( online_ ) { sprintf(hname, "dttf_04_tracks_occupancy_by_lumi"); sprintf(htitle, "DTTF Tracks in the last LumiSections"); dttf_spare = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, 6, 0, 6, 12, 1, 13); setWheelLabel( dttf_spare ); dttf_spare->setAxisTitle("Sector", 2); dttf_spare->getTH2F()->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(12); } else { sprintf(hname, "dttf_04_global_muons_request"); sprintf(htitle, "Tracks compatible with a Global Muon in the Barrel"); dttf_spare = dbe_->book1D(hname, htitle, 4, -0.5, 3.5 ); dttf_spare->setBinLabel(1, "No tracks", 1); dttf_spare->setBinLabel(2, "No tracks but GM", 1); dttf_spare->setBinLabel(3, "Tracks wo GM", 1); dttf_spare->setBinLabel(4, "Tracks w GM", 1); } std::string dttf_trk_folder_integrated_gmt = dttf_trk_folder + "/08-GMT_MATCH"; dbe_->setCurrentFolder(dttf_trk_folder_integrated_gmt); sprintf(hname, "dttf_tracks_with_gmt_match"); sprintf(htitle, "DTTF Tracks With a Match in GMT"); dttf_gmt_match = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, 6, 0., 6., 12, 1., 13.); setWheelLabel( dttf_gmt_match ); sprintf(hname, "dttf_tracks_without_gmt_match"); sprintf(htitle, "DTTF Tracks Without a Match in GMT"); dttf_gmt_missed = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, 6, 0., 6., 12, 1., 13.); setWheelLabel( dttf_gmt_missed ); sprintf(hname, "dttf_missing_tracks_in_gmt"); sprintf(htitle, "GMT Tracks Without a Corresponding Track in DTTF"); dttf_gmt_ghost = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, 5, -2, 3, 12, 1, 13.); dttf_gmt_ghost->setBinLabel(1, "N2", 1); dttf_gmt_ghost->setBinLabel(2, "N1", 1); dttf_gmt_ghost->setBinLabel(3, "N0/P0", 1); dttf_gmt_ghost->setBinLabel(4, "P1", 1); dttf_gmt_ghost->setBinLabel(5, "P2", 1); // sprintf(hname, "dttf_eta_phi_missing_tracks_in_gmt"); // sprintf(htitle, "GMT Tracks Without a Corresponding Track in DTTF"); // dttf_gmt_ghost_phys = dbe_->book2D(hname, htitle, 64, 0., 64., 144, 0., 144. ); } }
void L1TDTTF::beginLuminosityBlock | ( | edm::LuminosityBlock const & | lumiSeg, |
edm::EventSetup const & | context | ||
) | [inline, protected, virtual] |
void L1TDTTF::bookEta | ( | int | wh, |
int & | nbins, | ||
float & | start, | ||
float & | stop | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 1050 of file L1TDTTF.cc.
Referenced by beginJob().
{ switch ( wh ) { case 0 : start = 0; stop = 18; nbins = 18; break; // N2 case 1 : start = 8; stop = 28; nbins = 20; break; // N1 case 2 : start = 22; stop = 32; nbins = 10; break; // N0 case 3 : start = 22; stop = 42; nbins = 20; break; // P0 case 4 : start = 36; stop = 56; nbins = 20; break; // P1 case 5 : start = 46; stop = 64; nbins = 18; break; // P2 default : start = 0; stop = 0; nbins = 0; break; // BOH } }
void L1TDTTF::endJob | ( | void | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 597 of file L1TDTTF.cc.
References dbe_, nev_, nev_dttf_, nev_dttf_track2_, outputFile_, DQMStore::save(), and verbose_.
{ if (verbose_) { edm::LogInfo("EndJob") << "L1TDTTF: end job...."; edm::LogInfo("EndJob") << "analyzed " << nev_ << " events"; edm::LogInfo("EndJob") << "containing at least one dttf track : " << nev_dttf_; edm::LogInfo("EndJob") << "containing two dttf tracks : " << nev_dttf_track2_; } if ( outputFile_.size() != 0 && dbe_ ) dbe_->save(outputFile_); }
void L1TDTTF::endLuminosityBlock | ( | edm::LuminosityBlock const & | lumiSeg, |
edm::EventSetup const & | context | ||
) | [inline, protected, virtual] |
void L1TDTTF::fillMEs | ( | std::vector< L1MuDTTrackCand > * | trackContainer, |
std::vector< L1MuRegionalCand > & | gmtDttfCands | ||
) | [private] |
Forget N0 with zero eta value for physical values
from 0 to 11
from 1 to 12
wh has possible values {-3,-2,-1,1,2,3}
make wh2 go from 0 to 5
useful conversions
calculate phi in physical coordinates: keep it int, set labels later
new attempt
Fill per sector bx WHEEL_s/dttf_bx_whs
Fill per sector 2nd bx
Fill per sector phi: WHEEL_s/BX_d/dttf_phi_whs_sed
Fill per sector quality WHEEL_s/BX_d/dttf_qual_whs_sed
Fill per sector pt WHEEL_s/BX_d/dttf_pt_whs_sed
Fill per sector charge WHEEL_s/BX_d/dttf_q_whs_sed
Fill per sector eta WHEEL_s/BX_d/dttf_eta_whs_sed
Only for online: INCLUSIVE/dttf_occupancy_summary_r
second track summary
gmt phi_packed() goes from 0 to 143
calculate phi in physical coordinates: keep it int, set labels later
Definition at line 822 of file L1TDTTF.cc.
References dttf_bx, dttf_bx_2ndTrack, dttf_eta, dttf_eta_fine_fraction, dttf_eta_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_gmt_match, dttf_gmt_missed, dttf_phi, dttf_phi_eta_coarse_wheel, dttf_phi_eta_fine_wheel, dttf_phi_eta_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_phi_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_pt, dttf_pt_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_q, dttf_q_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_qual, dttf_quality_summary_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_quality_wheel_2ndTrack, dttf_spare, MonitorElement::Fill(), match(), numTracks, online_, and verbose_.
Referenced by analyze().
{ L1MuDTTrackContainer::TrackContainer::const_iterator track = trackContainer->begin(); L1MuDTTrackContainer::TrackContainer::const_iterator trackEnd = trackContainer->end(); for ( ; track != trackEnd; ++track ) { if ( verbose_ ) { edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF::Analyze") << "bx = " << track->bx(); edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF::Analyze") << "quality (packed) = " << track->quality_packed(); edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF::Analyze") << "pt (packed) = " << track->pt_packed() << " , pt (GeV) = " << track->ptValue(); edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF::Analyze") << "phi (packed) = " << track->phi_packed() << " , phi (rad) = " << track->phiValue(); edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF::Analyze") << "charge (packed) = " << track->charge_packed(); } if ( ( track->whNum() == -1 ) && ! track->eta_packed() ) { edm::LogInfo("L1TDTTF::Analyze") << "Skipping N0 with zero eta value"; continue; } int bxindex = track->bx() + 1; int se = track->scNum(); int sector = se + 1; int whindex = track->whNum(); whindex = ( whindex < 0 ) ? whindex + 3 : whindex + 2; if ( whindex < 0 || whindex > 5 ) { edm::LogError("L1TDTTF::Analyze::WHEEL_ERROR") << track->whNum() << "(" << whindex << ")"; continue; } if ( se < 0 || se > 11 ) { edm::LogError("L1TDTTF::Analyze::SECTOR_ERROR") << se; continue; } // int phi_local = track->phi_packed();//range: 0 < phi_local < 31 // if ( phi_local > 15 ) phi_local -= 32; //range: -16 < phi_local < 15 // int phi_global = phi_local + se * 12; //range: -16 < phi_global < 147 // if(phi_global < 0) phi_global += 144; //range: 0 < phi_global < 147 // if(phi_global > 143) phi_global -= 144; //range: 0 < phi_global < 143 // // float phi_phys = phi_global * 2.5 + 1.25; int phi_global = track->phi_packed(); phi_global = (phi_global > 15 ? phi_global - 32 : phi_global ) + se * 12; if ( phi_global < -6 ) phi_global += 144; //range: 0 < phi_global < 147 if ( phi_global > 137 ) phi_global -= 144; //range: 0 < phi_global < 143 // int eta_global = track->eta_packed(); // int eta_global = track->eta_packed() - 32; // dttf_eta[bxindex][whindex][se]->Fill(eta_global); // float eta_phys = eta_global / 2.4 ; dttf_bx[whindex][se]->Fill(track->bx()); if( track->TrkTag() == 1 ) { dttf_bx_2ndTrack[whindex][se]->Fill(track->bx()); } if ( bxindex == 1 ) { ++numTracks[whindex][se]; dttf_phi[whindex][se]->Fill(phi_global); dttf_qual[whindex][se]->Fill(track->quality_packed()); dttf_pt[whindex][se]->Fill(track->pt_packed()); dttf_q[whindex][se]->Fill(track->charge_packed()); dttf_eta[whindex][se]->Fill( track->eta_packed() ); if( track->isFineHalo() ) { dttf_eta_fine_fraction[whindex][se]->Fill( 0 ); dttf_phi_eta_fine_wheel[whindex]->Fill( track->eta_packed(), phi_global ); } else { dttf_eta_fine_fraction[whindex][se]->Fill( 1 ); dttf_phi_eta_coarse_wheel[whindex]->Fill( track->eta_packed(), phi_global ); } if ( online_ ) { dttf_spare->Fill( whindex, sector ); } // dttf_qual_eta_integ->Fill(track->eta_packed(), track->quality_packed()); if ( track->TrkTag() == 1 ) { dttf_phi_wheel_2ndTrack[whindex]->Fill(phi_global); dttf_pt_wheel_2ndTrack[whindex]->Fill(track->pt_packed()); dttf_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[whindex]->Fill(track->eta_packed()); dttf_quality_wheel_2ndTrack[whindex]->Fill(track->quality_packed()); dttf_q_wheel_2ndTrack[whindex]->Fill(track->charge_packed()); dttf_quality_summary_wheel_2ndTrack[whindex]->Fill( sector, track->quality_packed() ); dttf_phi_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[whindex]->Fill( track->eta_packed(), phi_global ); } bool match = false; std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand>::iterator dttfCand; unsigned int gmt_phi = ( phi_global < 0 ? phi_global + 144 : phi_global ); for ( dttfCand = gmtDttfCands.begin(); dttfCand != gmtDttfCands.end(); ++dttfCand ) { if ( dttfCand->empty() ) continue; if ( ( dttfCand->phi_packed() == gmt_phi ) && dttfCand->quality_packed() == track->quality_packed() ) { match = true; dttfCand->reset(); break; } } if ( match ) { dttf_gmt_match->Fill( whindex, sector ); } else { dttf_gmt_missed->Fill( whindex, sector ); } } } }
void L1TDTTF::setQualLabel | ( | MonitorElement * | me, |
int | axis | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 1021 of file L1TDTTF.cc.
References MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), and MonitorElement::setBinLabel().
Referenced by beginJob().
{ if( axis == 1 ) me->setAxisTitle("Quality", axis); me->setBinLabel(1, "T34", axis); me->setBinLabel(2, "T23/24", axis); me->setBinLabel(3, "T12/13/14", axis); me->setBinLabel(4, "T234", axis); me->setBinLabel(5, "T134", axis); me->setBinLabel(6, "T123/124", axis); me->setBinLabel(7, "T1234", axis); }
void L1TDTTF::setWheelLabel | ( | MonitorElement * | me | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 1036 of file L1TDTTF.cc.
References MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), and MonitorElement::setBinLabel().
Referenced by beginJob().
{ me->setAxisTitle("Wheel", 1); me->setBinLabel(1, "N2", 1); me->setBinLabel(2, "N1", 1); me->setBinLabel(3, "N0", 1); me->setBinLabel(4, "P0", 1); me->setBinLabel(5, "P1", 1); me->setBinLabel(6, "P2", 1); }
DQMStore* L1TDTTF::dbe_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), endJob(), and L1TDTTF().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_bx[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 89 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_bx_2ndTrack[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 90 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_eta[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_eta_fine_fraction[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[6] [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_gmt_ghost [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_gmt_match [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_gmt_missed [private] |
Definition at line 102 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_nTracksPerEv[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 88 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 98 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_nTracksPerEvent_wheel[6] [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_phi[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 94 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_phi_eta_coarse_wheel[6] [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_phi_eta_fine_wheel[6] [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_phi_eta_wheel_2ndTrack[6] [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_phi_wheel_2ndTrack[6] [private] |
Definition at line 84 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_pt[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 95 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_pt_wheel_2ndTrack[6] [private] |
Definition at line 85 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_q[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 96 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_q_wheel_2ndTrack[6] [private] |
Definition at line 86 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_qual[6][12] [private] |
Definition at line 91 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_quality_summary_wheel_2ndTrack[6] [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_quality_wheel_2ndTrack[6] [private] |
Definition at line 78 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and fillMEs().
MonitorElement* L1TDTTF::dttf_spare [private] |
Definition at line 99 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and fillMEs().
edm::InputTag L1TDTTF::dttpgSource_ [private] |
edm::InputTag L1TDTTF::gmtSource_ [private] |
std::string L1TDTTF::l1tsubsystemfolder_ [private] |
Definition at line 70 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and L1TDTTF().
edm::InputTag L1TDTTF::muonCollectionLabel_ [private] |
int L1TDTTF::nev_ [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().
int L1TDTTF::nev_dttf_ [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().
int L1TDTTF::nev_dttf_track2_ [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().
int L1TDTTF::numTracks[6][12] [private] |
bool L1TDTTF::online_ [private] |
Definition at line 71 of file L1TDTTF.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and fillMEs().
std::string L1TDTTF::outputFile_ [private] |
edm::InputTag L1TDTTF::trackInputTag_ [private] |