
PropagatorsForLoopers_cff Namespace Reference


tuple PropagatorWithMaterialForLoopers
tuple PropagatorWithMaterialForLoopersOpposite

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer("PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002     MaxDPhi = cms.double(4.0),      #default was 1.6
00003     ComponentName = cms.string('PropagatorWithMaterialForLoopers'),
00004     Mass = cms.double(0.1396),      #default was 0.105
00005     PropagationDirection = cms.string('alongMomentum'),
00006     useRungeKutta = cms.bool(False),
00007 # If ptMin > 0, uncertainty in reconstructed momentum will be taken into account when estimating rms scattering angle.
00008 # (By default, it is neglected). However, it will also be assumed that the track pt can't be below specified value,
00009 # to prevent this scattering angle becoming too big.                                    
00010     ptMin = cms.double(-1),
00012     # Use new AnalyticalPropagator's logic for intersection between plane and helix (for loopers)
00013     useOldAnalPropLogic = cms.bool(False)
00014 )

Definition at line 6 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer("PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002     MaxDPhi = cms.double(4.0),     #default was 1.6
00003     ComponentName = cms.string('PropagatorWithMaterialForLoopersOpposite'),
00004     Mass = cms.double(0.1396),     #default was 0.105
00005     PropagationDirection = cms.string('oppositeToMomentum'),
00006     useRungeKutta = cms.bool(False),
00007 # If ptMin > 0, uncertainty in reconstructed momentum will be taken into account when estimating rms scattering angle.
00008 # (By default, it is neglected). However, it will also be assumed that the track pt can't be below specified value,
00009 # to prevent this scattering angle becoming too big.                                    
00010     ptMin = cms.double(-1),
00012     # Use new AnalyticalPropagator's logic for intersection between plane and helix (for loopers)
00013     useOldAnalPropLogic = cms.bool(False)
00014 )

Definition at line 22 of file