Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

OutputDDToDDL Class Reference

#include <OutputDDToDDL.h>

Inheritance diagram for OutputDDToDDL:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginRun (const edm::Run &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void endJob ()
 OutputDDToDDL (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
 ~OutputDDToDDL ()

Private Member Functions

void addToMatStore (const DDMaterial &mat, std::set< DDMaterial > &matStore)
void addToSolStore (const DDSolid &sol, std::set< DDSolid > &solStore, std::set< DDRotation > &rotStore)
void addToSpecStore (const DDLogicalPart &lp, std::map< DDsvalues_type, std::set< DDPartSelection * >, ddsvaluesCmp > &specStore)

Private Attributes

std::string fname_
int rotNumSeed_
int specNameCount_
std::ostream * xos_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file OutputDDToDDL.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OutputDDToDDL::OutputDDToDDL ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 30 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, fname_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), rotNumSeed_, and xos_.

                                                           : fname_()
  //  std::cout<<"OutputDDToDDL::OutputDDToDDL"<<std::endl;
  rotNumSeed_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("rotNumSeed");
  fname_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("fileName");
  if ( fname_ == "" ) {
    xos_ = &std::cout;
  } else {
    xos_ = new std::ofstream(fname_.c_str());
  (*xos_) << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl;
  (*xos_) << "<DDDefinition xmlns=\"\"" << std::endl;
  (*xos_) << " xmlns:xsi=\"\"" << std::endl;
  (*xos_) << "xsi:schemaLocation=\" ../../../DetectorDescription/Schema/DDLSchema.xsd\">" << std::endl;
  (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
OutputDDToDDL::~OutputDDToDDL ( )

Definition at line 46 of file

References xos_.

  (*xos_) << "</DDDefinition>" << std::endl;
  (*xos_) << std::endl;


Member Function Documentation

void OutputDDToDDL::addToMatStore ( const DDMaterial mat,
std::set< DDMaterial > &  matStore 
) [private]

Definition at line 183 of file

References DDMaterial::constituent(), cropTnPTrees::frac, and DDMaterial::noOfConstituents().

Referenced by beginRun().

  if ( mat.noOfConstituents() != 0 ) {
    DDMaterial::FractionV::value_type frac;
    int findex(0);
    while ( findex < mat.noOfConstituents() ) {
      if ( matStore.find(mat.constituent(findex).first) == matStore.end() ) {
        addToMatStore( mat.constituent(findex).first, matStore );
void OutputDDToDDL::addToSolStore ( const DDSolid sol,
std::set< DDSolid > &  solStore,
std::set< DDRotation > &  rotStore 
) [private]

Definition at line 197 of file

References ddintersection, ddsubtraction, ddunion, DDBooleanSolid::rotation(), DDSolid::shape(), DDBooleanSolid::solidA(), and DDBooleanSolid::solidB().

Referenced by beginRun().

      if ( sol.shape() == ddunion || sol.shape() == ddsubtraction || sol.shape() == ddintersection ) {
        const DDBooleanSolid& bs (sol);
        if ( solStore.find(bs.solidA()) == solStore.end()) {
          addToSolStore(bs.solidA(), solStore, rotStore);
        if ( solStore.find(bs.solidB()) == solStore.end()) {
          addToSolStore(bs.solidB(), solStore, rotStore);
void OutputDDToDDL::addToSpecStore ( const DDLogicalPart lp,
std::map< DDsvalues_type, std::set< DDPartSelection * >, ddsvaluesCmp > &  specStore 
) [private]

Definition at line 211 of file

References DDLogicalPart::attachedSpecifics().

Referenced by beginRun().

  std::vector<std::pair<DDPartSelection*, DDsvalues_type*> >::const_iterator spit(lp.attachedSpecifics().begin()), spend(lp.attachedSpecifics().end());
  for ( ; spit != spend; ++spit ) {
virtual void OutputDDToDDL::analyze ( const edm::Event ,
const edm::EventSetup  
) [inline, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 27 of file OutputDDToDDL.h.

void OutputDDToDDL::beginRun ( const edm::Run ,
edm::EventSetup const &  es 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 55 of file

References addToMatStore(), addToSolStore(), addToSpecStore(), gather_cfg::cout, fname_, edm::EventSetup::get(), i, DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::logicalPart(), DDLogicalPart::material(), DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::material(), DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::ns_, dbtoconf::out, DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::position(), alignCSCRings::r, cmsRelvalreport::red(), DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::rotation(), rotNumSeed_, DDLogicalPart::solid(), DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::solid(), DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::specpar(), and xos_.


  edm::ESTransientHandle<DDCompactView> pDD;

  es.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get( pDD );

  DDCompactView::DDCompactView::graph_type gra = pDD->graph();
  // temporary stores:
  std::set<DDLogicalPart> lpStore;
  std::set<DDMaterial> matStore;
  std::set<DDSolid> solStore;
  // 2009-08-19: MEC: I've tried this with set<DDPartSelection> and
  // had to write operator< for DDPartSelection and DDPartSelectionLevel
  // the output from such an effort is different than this one.
  std::map<DDsvalues_type, std::set<DDPartSelection*>, ddsvaluesCmp > specStore;
  std::set<DDRotation> rotStore;

  DDCoreToDDXMLOutput out;
  std::string rn = fname_;
  size_t foundLastDot= rn.find_last_of('.');
  size_t foundLastSlash= rn.find_last_of('/');
  if ( foundLastSlash > foundLastDot && foundLastSlash != std::string::npos) {
    std::cout << "What? last . before last / in path for filename... this should die..." << std::endl;
  if ( foundLastDot != std::string::npos && foundLastSlash != std::string::npos ) {
    out.ns_ = rn.substr(foundLastSlash,foundLastDot);
  } else if ( foundLastDot != std::string::npos ) {
    out.ns_ = rn.substr(0, foundLastDot);
  } else {
    std::cout << "What? no file name? Attempt at namespace =\"" << out.ns_ << "\" filename was " << fname_ <<  std::endl;
  std::cout << "fname_=" << fname_ << " namespace = " << out.ns_ << std::endl;
  std::string ns_ = out.ns_;

  (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
  typedef  DDCompactView::graph_type::const_adj_iterator adjl_iterator;

  adjl_iterator git = gra.begin();
  adjl_iterator gend = gra.end();    
  DDCompactView::graph_type::index_type i=0;
  (*xos_) << "<PosPartSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
  git = gra.begin();
  for (; git != gend; ++git) 
      const DDLogicalPart & ddLP = gra.nodeData(git);
      if ( lpStore.find(ddLP) != lpStore.end() ) {
        addToSpecStore(ddLP, specStore);
      addToMatStore( ddLP.material(), matStore );
      addToSolStore( ddLP.solid(), solStore, rotStore );
      if (git->size()) 
          // ask for children of ddLP  
          DDCompactView::graph_type::edge_list::const_iterator cit  = git->begin();
          DDCompactView::graph_type::edge_list::const_iterator cend = git->end();
          for (; cit != cend; ++cit) 
              const DDLogicalPart & ddcurLP = gra.nodeData(cit->first);
              if (lpStore.find(ddcurLP) != lpStore.end()) {
                addToSpecStore(ddcurLP, specStore);
              addToMatStore(ddcurLP.material(), matStore);
              addToSolStore(ddcurLP.solid(), solStore, rotStore);
              out.position(ddLP, ddcurLP, gra.edgeData(cit->second), rotNumSeed_, *xos_);
            } // iterate over children
        } // if (children)
    } // iterate over graph nodes  
  //  std::cout << "specStore.size() = " << specStore.size() << std::endl;

  (*xos_) << "</PosPartSection>" << std::endl;
  (*xos_) << std::scientific << std::setprecision(18);
  std::set<DDMaterial>::const_iterator it(matStore.begin()), ed(matStore.end());
  (*xos_) << "<MaterialSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
  for (; it != ed; ++it) {
    if (! it->isDefined().second) continue;
    out.material(*it, *xos_);
  (*xos_) << "</MaterialSection>" << std::endl;

  (*xos_) << "<RotationSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
  (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
  std::set<DDRotation>::iterator rit(rotStore.begin()), red(rotStore.end());
  for (; rit != red; ++rit) {
    if (! rit->isDefined().second) continue;
    if ( rit->toString() != ":" ) {
      DDRotation r(*rit);
      out.rotation(r, *xos_);
  (*xos_) << "</RotationSection>" << std::endl;

  (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
  std::set<DDSolid>::const_iterator sit(solStore.begin()), sed(solStore.end());
  (*xos_) << "<SolidSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
  for (; sit != sed; ++sit) {
    if (! sit->isDefined().second) continue;  
    out.solid(*sit, *xos_);
  (*xos_) << "</SolidSection>" << std::endl;

  std::set<DDLogicalPart>::iterator lpit(lpStore.begin()), lped(lpStore.end());
  (*xos_) << "<LogicalPartSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
  for (; lpit != lped; ++lpit) {
    if (! lpit->isDefined().first) continue;  
    const DDLogicalPart & lp = *lpit;
      out.logicalPart(lp, *xos_);
  (*xos_) << "</LogicalPartSection>" << std::endl;

  (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
  std::map<DDsvalues_type, std::set<DDPartSelection*> >::const_iterator mit(specStore.begin()), mend (specStore.end());
  (*xos_) << "<SpecParSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
  for (; mit != mend; ++mit) {
    out.specpar ( *mit, *xos_ );
  (*xos_) << "</SpecParSection>" << std::endl;

virtual void OutputDDToDDL::endJob ( void  ) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 28 of file OutputDDToDDL.h.


Member Data Documentation

std::string OutputDDToDDL::fname_ [private]

Definition at line 36 of file OutputDDToDDL.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and OutputDDToDDL().

Definition at line 35 of file OutputDDToDDL.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and OutputDDToDDL().

Definition at line 38 of file OutputDDToDDL.h.

std::ostream* OutputDDToDDL::xos_ [private]

Definition at line 37 of file OutputDDToDDL.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), OutputDDToDDL(), and ~OutputDDToDDL().