Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

ZMuMuPerformances Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ZMuMuPerformances:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ZMuMuPerformances (const edm::ParameterSet &pset)

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
bool check_ifZmumu (const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
virtual void endJob ()
float getParticleEta (const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
Particle::LorentzVector getParticleP4 (const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
float getParticlePhi (const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)
float getParticlePt (const int ipart, const Candidate *dauGen0, const Candidate *dauGen1, const Candidate *dauGen2)

Private Attributes

double etamax_
double etamaxMinus_
double etamaxPlus_
double etaminMinus_
double etaminPlus_
edm::InputTag genParticles_
reco::CandidateBaseRef globalMuonCandRef_
TH2D * h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen
TH2D * h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen
TH2D * h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_DPtGlobalGenvsEtaGen
TH2D * h_DPtGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen
TH2D * h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen
TH2D * h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen
TH2D * h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_DPtTrackGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_DPtTrackGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_DRSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_DRSta_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_DRTrack_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_DRTrack_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged
TH1D * h_etaSta_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_etaSta_ZMuStaTagged
TH1D * h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_etaTrack_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_etaTrack_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonChargeTimeGenCharge
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt
TH1D * h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_n_globalMuon_perEvent
TH1D * h_n_globalMuon_perEvent_MCmatch
TH1D * h_n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent
TH1D * h_n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch
TH1D * h_n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent
TH1D * h_n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch
TH1D * h_n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent
TH1D * h_n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch
TH1D * h_n_tracks_perEvent
TH1D * h_n_zMuMu_perEvent
TH1D * h_n_zMuSta_perEvent
TH1D * h_n_zMuTrack_perEvent
TH1D * h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged
TH1D * h_phiSta_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_phiSta_ZMuStaTagged
TH1D * h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_phiTrack_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_phiTrack_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged
TH1D * h_ptSta_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_ptSta_ZMuStaTagged
TH1D * h_ptStaMinusptTrack_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_ptStaMinusptTrack_vsEtaTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH2D * h_ptStaMinusptTrack_vsPtTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_ptTrack_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_ptTrack_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_TrackerMuonChargeTimeGenCharge
TH1D * h_TrackerMuonEtaMinusGenEta
TH1D * h_TrackerMuonPtMinusGenPt
TH1D * h_zMuMuMassOppositeSign
TH1D * h_zMuMuMassSameSign
TH1D * h_zMuMuMassSameSign_MCmatch
TH1D * h_zMuStaMass_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged
TH1D * h_zMuStaMass_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_zMuStaMass_ZMuStaTagged
TH1D * h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged
TH1D * h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuMuTagged
TH1D * h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuTrackTagged
double isomax_
double isoMax_
double massMax_
double massMin_
edm::InputTag muonIso_
edm::InputTag muonMatchMap_
edm::InputTag muons_
int n_correctStaCharge_ZMuMutagged
int n_correctStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged
int n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged
int n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged
int n_goodSta_ZMuMutagged
int n_goodSta_ZMuStatagged
int n_goodTrack_ZMuMutagged
int n_goodTrack_ZMuTracktagged
int n_MultipleGoodZMuTrack
int n_OneGoodZMuTrack
int n_StaNotFound_ZMuTracktagged
int n_TrkNotFound_ZMuStatagged
int n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMutagged
int n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged
int n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged
int n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged
int n_ZMuStaTaggedMatched
bool noCut_
int numberOfMatchedZMuSta_
int nZMuMuSameSign
int nZMuMuSameSign_mcMatched
OverlapChecker overlap_
double ptmaxMinus_
double ptmaxPlus_
double ptmin_
double ptminMinus_
double ptminPlus_
reco::CandidateBaseRef standAloneMuonCandRef_
int totalNumberOfZfound
int totalNumberOfZpassed
edm::InputTag trackIso_
reco::CandidateBaseRef trackMuonCandRef_
edm::InputTag tracks_
double zMassMax_
double zMassMin_
edm::InputTag zMuMu_
edm::InputTag zMuMuMatchMap_
edm::InputTag zMuStandAlone_
edm::InputTag zMuStandAloneMatchMap_
edm::InputTag zMuTrack_
edm::InputTag zMuTrackMatchMap_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 34 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ZMuMuPerformances::ZMuMuPerformances ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 169 of file

References etamax_, etamaxPlus_, h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen, h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen, h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen, h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen, h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtTrackGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtTrackGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRSta_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_DRTrack_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRTrack_ZMuTrackTagged, h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged, h_etaSta_ZMuMuTagged, h_etaSta_ZMuStaTagged, h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_etaTrack_ZMuMuTagged, h_etaTrack_ZMuTrackTagged, h_GlobalMuonChargeTimeGenCharge, h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta, h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged, h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt, h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged, h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta, h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged, h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt, h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged, h_n_globalMuon_perEvent, h_n_globalMuon_perEvent_MCmatch, h_n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent, h_n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch, h_n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent, h_n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch, h_n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent, h_n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch, h_n_tracks_perEvent, h_n_zMuMu_perEvent, h_n_zMuSta_perEvent, h_n_zMuTrack_perEvent, h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged, h_phiSta_ZMuMuTagged, h_phiSta_ZMuStaTagged, h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_phiTrack_ZMuMuTagged, h_phiTrack_ZMuTrackTagged, h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged, h_ptSta_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptSta_ZMuStaTagged, h_ptStaMinusptTrack_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptStaMinusptTrack_vsEtaTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptStaMinusptTrack_vsPtTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_ptTrack_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptTrack_ZMuTrackTagged, h_TrackerMuonChargeTimeGenCharge, h_TrackerMuonEtaMinusGenEta, h_TrackerMuonPtMinusGenPt, h_zMuMuMassOppositeSign, h_zMuMuMassSameSign, h_zMuMuMassSameSign_MCmatch, h_zMuStaMass_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged, h_zMuStaMass_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuStaMass_ZMuStaTagged, h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuTrackTagged, isomax_, isoMax_, massMax_, massMin_, n_correctStaCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_correctStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged, n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged, n_goodSta_ZMuMutagged, n_goodSta_ZMuStatagged, n_goodTrack_ZMuMutagged, n_goodTrack_ZMuTracktagged, n_MultipleGoodZMuTrack, n_OneGoodZMuTrack, n_StaNotFound_ZMuTracktagged, n_TrkNotFound_ZMuStatagged, n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged, n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged, n_ZMuStaTaggedMatched, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, nZMuMuSameSign, nZMuMuSameSign_mcMatched, ptmin_, ptminPlus_, totalNumberOfZfound, totalNumberOfZpassed, zMassMax_, and zMassMin_.

  genParticles_(pset.getParameter<InputTag>( "genParticles" ) ),


  isomax_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("isomax")) { 
  Service<TFileService> fs;

  // cut setting
  etamax_ = etamaxPlus_;
  ptmin_ = ptminPlus_;
  massMin_ = zMassMin_;
  massMax_ = zMassMax_;
  isoMax_ = isomax_;

  // general histograms
  h_n_globalMuon_perEvent = fs->make<TH1D>("n_globalMuon_perEvent","n.of globalMuons per Event",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent = fs->make<TH1D>("n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent","n.of standAlone Only Muons per Event",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent = fs->make<TH1D>("n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent","n.of tracker Only Muons per Event",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent = fs->make<TH1D>("n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent","n.of tracker & StandAlone Only Muons per Event",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_globalMuon_perEvent_MCmatch = fs->make<TH1D>("n_globalMuon_perEvent_MCmatch","n.of globalMuons per Event (MCmatch)",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch = fs->make<TH1D>("n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch","n.of standAlone Only Muons per Event (MCmatch)",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch = fs->make<TH1D>("n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch","n.of tracker Only Muons per Event (MCmatch)",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch = fs->make<TH1D>("n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch","n.of tracker & StandAlone Only Muons per Event (MCmatch)",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_tracks_perEvent = fs->make<TH1D>("n_tracks_perEvent","n.of tracks per Event",100,-.5,99.5);
  h_n_zMuMu_perEvent = fs->make<TH1D>("n_zMuMu_perEvent","n.of global-global muons per Event",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_zMuSta_perEvent = fs->make<TH1D>("n_zMuSta_perEvent","n.of global-sta muons per Event",6,-.5,5.5);
  h_n_zMuTrack_perEvent = fs->make<TH1D>("n_zMuTrack_perEvent","n.of global-track muons per Event",100,-.5,99.5);

  // zMuMu inv mass 
  h_zMuMuMassSameSign = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuMuMassSameSign","inv Mass ZMuMu cand SameSign",100, 0., 200.);
  h_zMuMuMassOppositeSign = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuMuMassOppositeSign","inv Mass ZMuMu cand OppositeSign",100, 0., 200.);
  h_zMuMuMassSameSign_MCmatch = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuMuMassSameSign_MCmatch","inv Mass ZMuMu cand SameSign (MC match)",100, 0., 200.);

  // histograms for MC truth
  // charge truth
  h_GlobalMuonChargeTimeGenCharge = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonChargeTimeGenCharge","charge global mu times charge generated mu",3, -1.5, 1.5);
  h_TrackerMuonChargeTimeGenCharge = fs->make<TH1D>("TrackerMuonChargeTimeGenCharge","charge Tracker mu times charge generated mu",3, -1.5, 1.5);
  // resolution respect to gen particles
  h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta","global mu Eta minus generated mu Eta",100, -.005, .005);
  h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPtoverPt","global mu Pt minus generated mu Pt over Pt",100, -.5, .5);
  h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta","global mu Sta cmponent Eta minus generated mu Eta",100, -.5, .5);
  h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPtoerPt","global mu Sta component Pt minus generated mu Pt over Pt",100, -1., 1.);
  h_TrackerMuonEtaMinusGenEta = fs->make<TH1D>("TrackerMuonEtaMinusGenEta","Tracker mu Eta minus Eta generated mu",100, -.005, .005);
  h_TrackerMuonPtMinusGenPt = fs->make<TH1D>("TrackerMuonPtMinusenPtoverPt","Tracker mu Pt minus Pt generated mu over Pt",100, -.5, .5);

  h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen","Eta global - Eta Gen vs Eta gen",50,-2.5,2.5,100,-.005,.005);
  h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen","Eta Sta component of a Global - Eta Gen vs Eta gen",50,-2.5,2.5,100,-.5,.5);
  h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DPtGlobalGenovePtvsPtGen","Pt global - Pt Gen over Pt vs Pt gen",50,0.,100.,100,-.5,.5);
  h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenoverPtvsPtGen","Pt Sta component of a Global - Pt Gen over Pt vs Pt gen",50,0.,100.,100,-1.,1.);

  // resolution respect to gen particles for ZMuMuTagged events
  h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged","global mu Eta minus generated mu Eta",100, -.005, .005);
  h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPtoverPt_ZMuMuTagged","global mu Pt minus generated mu Pt over Pt",100, -.5, .5);
  h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged","global mu Sta cmponent Eta minus generated mu Eta",100, -.5, .5);
  h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPtoverPt_ZMuMuTagged","global mu Sta component Pt minus generated mu Pt over Pt",100, -1., 1.);
  h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged","Eta global - Eta Gen vs Eta gen",50,-2.5,2.5,100,-.005,.005);
  h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged","Eta Sta component of a Global - Eta Gen vs Eta gen",50,-2.5,2.5,100,-.5,.5);
  h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DPtGlobalGenOverPtvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged","Pt global - Pt Gen vs Pt gen over Pt",50,0.,100.,100,-.5,.5);
  h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenoverPtvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged","Pt Sta component of a Global - Pt Gen over Pt vs Pt gen",50,0.,100.,100,-1.,1.);
  h_DPtGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DPtGlobalGenOverPtvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged","Pt global - Pt Gen over Pt vs Eta gen",50,-2.5,2.5,100,-.5,.5);
  h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenoverPtvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged","Pt Sta component of a Global - Pt Gen over Pt vs Eta gen",50,-2.5,2.5,100,-1.,1.);
  h_DPtTrackGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DPtTrackGenOverPtvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged","Pt track - Pt Gen vs Pt gen over Pt",50,0.,100.,100,-.5,.5);
  h_DPtTrackGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("h_DPtTrackGenOverPtvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged","Pt track - Pt Gen over Pt vs Eta gen",50,-2.5,2.5,100,-.5,.5);

  // histograms for cynematic of ZMuMutagged muons for Sta performances studies
  h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuTrackMass_ZMuMuTagged","inv Mass ZMuTrack cand (global-global)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_etaTrack_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("etaTrack_ZMuMuTagged","eta of Track (global-global)",50, -2.5, 2.5);
  h_phiTrack_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("phiTrack_ZMuMuTagged","phi of Track (global-global)",50, -3.1415, 3.1415);
  h_ptTrack_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptTrack_ZMuMuTagged","pt of Track (global-global)",100, 0., 100.);
  h_DRTrack_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("DRTrackSta_ZMuMuTagged","DR track-sta (global-global)",100, 0., 5.);

  // histograms for cynematic of ZMuMutagged muons when StandAlone has wrong charge
  h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","inv Mass ZMuTrack cand (global-global wrongStaCharge)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","eta of Track (global-global wrongStaCharge)",50, -2.5, 2.5);
  h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","phi of Track (global-global wrongStaCharge)",50, -3.1415, 3.1415);
  h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","pt of Track (global-global wrongStaCharge)",100, 0., 100.);
  h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("DRTrackSta_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","DR track-sta (global-global wrongStaCharge)",100, 0., 5.);

  // hisograms for performances of StandAlone when StandAlone has correct charge
  h_zMuStaMass_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuStaMass_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","inv Mass ZMuSta cand (global-global correctStaCharge)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_ptStaMinusptTrack_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptStaMinusptTrackoverPT_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","ptSta - ptTrack over Pt (global-global correctStaCharge)",100, -1., 1.);
  h_ptStaMinusptTrack_vsPtTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("ptStaMinusptTrackoverPt_vsPtTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","ptSta - ptTrack over Pt vs ptTrack (global-global correctStaCharge)",100,0.,100.,100, -1., 1.);
  h_ptStaMinusptTrack_vsEtaTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH2D>("ptStaMinusptTrackoverPt_vsEtaTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged","ptSta - ptTrack over Pt vs etaTrack (global-global correctStaCharge)",100,-2.5, 2.5, 100, -1., 1.);

  // histograms for cynematic of ZMuMutagged muons for TRK performances studies
  h_zMuStaMass_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuStaMass_ZMuMuTagged","inv Mass ZMuSta cand (global-global)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_etaSta_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("etaSta_ZMuMuTagged","eta of Sta (global-global)",50, -2.5, 2.5);
  h_phiSta_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("phiSta_ZMuMuTagged","phi of Sta (global-global)",50, -3.1415, 3.1415);
  h_ptSta_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptSta_ZMuMuTagged","pt of Sta (global-global)",100, 0., 100.);
  h_DRSta_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("DRTrackSta_ZMuMuTagged_staSelected","DR track-sta sta selected (global-global)",100, 0., 5.);

  // histograms for cynematic of ZMuMutagged muons when Track has wrong charge
  h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged","inv Mass ZMuSta cand (global-global wrongTrkCharge)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged","eta of Sta (global-global wrongTrkCharge)",50, -2.5, 2.5);
  h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged","phi of Sta (global-global wrongTrkCharge)",50, -3.1415, 3.1415);
  h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged","pt of Sta (global-global wrongTrkCharge)",100, 0., 100.);
  h_DRSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("DRTrackSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged","DR track-sta (global-global wrongTrkCharge)",100, 0., 5.);

  // ****************************************************************************************************
  // histograms for cynematic of ZMuTracktagged muons with unMatched StandAlone 
  h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuTrackMass_ZMuTrackTagged","inv Mass ZMuTrack cand (global-track)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_etaTrack_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("etaTrack_ZMuTrackTagged","eta of Track (global-track)",50, -2.5, 2.5);
  h_phiTrack_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("phiTrack_ZMuTrackTagged","phi of Track (global-track)",50, -3.1415, 3.1415);
  h_ptTrack_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptTrack_ZMuTrackTagged","pt of Track (global-track)",100, 0., 100.);
  h_DRTrack_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("DRTrackSta_ZMuTrackTagged","DR track-sta (global-track)",100, 0., 5.);

  // histograms for cynematic of ZMuTracktagged muons when unMatched StandAlone has wrong charge
  h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged","inv Mass ZMuTrack cand (global-track wrongUnMatcehdStaCharge)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged","eta of Track (global-track wrongUnMatchedStaCharge)",50, -2.5, 2.5);
  h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged","phi of Track (global-track wrongUnMatchedStaCharge)",50, -3.1415, 3.1415);
  h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged","pt of Track (global-track wrongUnMatchedStaCharge)",100, 0., 100.);
  h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("DRTrackSta_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged","DR track-sta (global-track wrongUnMatchedStaCharge)",100, 0., 5.);

  // histograms for cynematic of ZMuStatagged muons with unMatched Track 
  h_zMuStaMass_ZMuStaTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuStaMass_ZMuStaTagged","inv Mass ZMuSta cand (global-sta)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_etaSta_ZMuStaTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("etaSta_ZMuStaTagged","eta of Sta (global-sta)",50, -2.5, 2.5);
  h_phiSta_ZMuStaTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("phiSta_ZMuStaTagged","phi of Sta (global-sta)",50, -3.1415, 3.1415);
  h_ptSta_ZMuStaTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptSta_ZMuStaTagged","pt of Sta (global-sta)",100, 0., 100.);

  // histograms for cynematic of ZMuStatagged muons when unMatched track has wrong charge
  h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged","inv Mass ZMuSta cand (global-sta wrongUnMatcehdTrkCharge)",100, 0., 200.);
  h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged","eta of Sta (global-sta wrongUnMatchedTrkCharge)",50, -2.5, 2.5);
  h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged","phi of Sta (global-sta wrongUnMatchedTrkCharge)",50, -3.1415, 3.1415);
  h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged = fs->make<TH1D>("ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged","pt of Sta (global-sta wrongUnMatchedTrkCharge)",100, 0., 100.);

  // clear global counters
  nZMuMuSameSign_mcMatched =  0;
  nZMuMuSameSign = 0;
  n_goodTrack_ZMuMutagged = 0;
  n_correctStaCharge_ZMuMutagged = 0;
  n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMutagged = 0;
  n_goodSta_ZMuMutagged = 0;
  n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged = 0;
  n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged = 0;
  n_goodTrack_ZMuTracktagged = 0;
  n_correctStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged = 0;
  n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged = 0;

  n_goodSta_ZMuStatagged = 0;
  n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged = 0;
  n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged = 0;


Member Function Documentation

void ZMuMuPerformances::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 344 of file

References abs, check_ifZmumu(), reco::Candidate::daughter(), deltaR(), etamax_, genParticleCandidates2GenParticles_cfi::genParticles, genParticles_, reco::Candidate::get(), getParticleEta(), getParticleP4(), getParticlePt(), h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen, h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen, h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtGlobalGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen, h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen, h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtTrackGenvsEtaGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DPtTrackGenvsPtGen_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRSta_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_DRTrack_ZMuMuTagged, h_DRTrack_ZMuTrackTagged, h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged, h_etaSta_ZMuMuTagged, h_etaSta_ZMuStaTagged, h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_etaTrack_ZMuMuTagged, h_etaTrack_ZMuTrackTagged, h_GlobalMuonChargeTimeGenCharge, h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta, h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged, h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt, h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged, h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta, h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged, h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt, h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged, h_n_globalMuon_perEvent, h_n_globalMuon_perEvent_MCmatch, h_n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent, h_n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch, h_n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent, h_n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch, h_n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent, h_n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch, h_n_tracks_perEvent, h_n_zMuMu_perEvent, h_n_zMuSta_perEvent, h_n_zMuTrack_perEvent, h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged, h_phiSta_ZMuMuTagged, h_phiSta_ZMuStaTagged, h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_phiTrack_ZMuMuTagged, h_phiTrack_ZMuTrackTagged, h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged, h_ptSta_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptSta_ZMuStaTagged, h_ptStaMinusptTrack_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptStaMinusptTrack_vsEtaTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptStaMinusptTrack_vsPtTracker_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_ptTrack_ZMuMuTagged, h_ptTrack_ZMuTrackTagged, h_TrackerMuonChargeTimeGenCharge, h_TrackerMuonEtaMinusGenEta, h_TrackerMuonPtMinusGenPt, h_zMuMuMassOppositeSign, h_zMuMuMassSameSign, h_zMuMuMassSameSign_MCmatch, h_zMuStaMass_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged, h_zMuStaMass_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuStaMass_ZMuStaTagged, h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged, h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuMuTagged, h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuTrackTagged, i, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), j, m, scaleCards::mass, reco::Candidate::mass(), massMax_, massMin_, reco::Candidate::masterClone(), metsig::muon, muonIso_, muonMatch_cfi::muonMatch, muonMatchMap_, patZpeak::muons, muons_, n_correctStaCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_correctStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged, n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged, n_goodSta_ZMuMutagged, n_goodSta_ZMuStatagged, n_goodTrack_ZMuMutagged, n_goodTrack_ZMuTracktagged, n_StaNotFound_ZMuTracktagged, n_TrkNotFound_ZMuStatagged, n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged, n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged, n_ZMuStaTaggedMatched, noCut_, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, nZMuMuSameSign, nZMuMuSameSign_mcMatched, ptmin_, reco::Muon::standAloneMuon(), reco::Muon::track(), testEve_cfg::tracks, tracks_, ZMuMuAnalysisNtupler_cff::zMuMu, zMuMu_, zMuMuMatchMap_, zMuStandAlone_, zMuStandAloneMatchMap_, zMuTrack_, and zMuTrackMatchMap_.

  Handle<CandidateView> zMuMu;  
  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuMuMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu global + Mu global (can be used also for same sign Zmumu)
  Handle<CandidateView> zMuTrack;  
  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuTrackMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu + Track
  Handle<CandidateView> zMuStandAlone; 
  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuStandAloneMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu + StandAlone
  Handle<CandidateView> muons; //Collection of Muons
  Handle<GenParticleMatch> muonMatchMap; 
  Handle<IsolationCollection> muonIso; 
  Handle<CandidateView> tracks; //Collection of Tracks
  Handle<IsolationCollection> trackIso; 
  Handle<GenParticleCollection> genParticles;  // Collection of Generatd Particles
  event.getByLabel(zMuMu_, zMuMu); 
  event.getByLabel(zMuTrack_, zMuTrack); 
  event.getByLabel(zMuStandAlone_, zMuStandAlone); 
  event.getByLabel(muons_, muons); 
  event.getByLabel(muonMatchMap_, muonMatchMap); 
  event.getByLabel(tracks_, tracks); 
  event.getByLabel(genParticles_, genParticles);

  cout << "*********  zMuMu         size : " << zMuMu->size() << endl;
  cout << "*********  zMuMuSameSign size : " << zMuMuSameSign->size() << endl;
  cout << "*********  zMuStandAlone size : " << zMuStandAlone->size() << endl;
  cout << "*********  zMuTrack      size : " << zMuTrack->size() << endl;
  cout << "*********  muons         size : " << muons->size()<< endl;
  cout << "*********  standAlone    size : " << standAlone->size()<< endl;
  cout << "*********  tracks        size : " << tracks->size()<< endl;
  cout << "*********  generated     size : " << genParticles->size()<< endl;
  cout << "***************************************************" << endl;
  int n_globalMuon_perEvent=0;
  int n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent=0;
  int n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent=0;
  int n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent=0;
  int n_globalMuon_perEvent_MCmatch=0;
  int n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch=0;
  int n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch=0;
  int n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch=0;

  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < muons->size() ; ++j) {
    CandidateBaseRef muCandRef = muons->refAt(j); 
    const Candidate & muCand = (*muons)[j]; //the candidate
    const reco::Muon & muon = dynamic_cast<const reco::Muon &>(muCand);
    reco::TrackRef innerTrackRef = muon.track();
    reco::TrackRef outerTrackRef = muon.standAloneMuon();
    TrackRef muStaComponentRef = muCand.get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  // standalone part of muon
    TrackRef muTrkComponentRef = muCand.get<TrackRef>();  // track part of muon
    GenParticleRef muonMatch = (*muonMatchMap)[muCandRef]; 
    if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==1) n_globalMuon_perEvent++;
    if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isTrackerMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isStandAloneMuon()==1) n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent++;
    if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isTrackerMuon()==1 && muCandRef->isStandAloneMuon()==0) n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent++;
    if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isTrackerMuon()==1 && muCandRef->isStandAloneMuon()==1) n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent++;

    if (muonMatch.isNonnull()) {
      if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==1) n_globalMuon_perEvent_MCmatch++;
      if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isTrackerMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isStandAloneMuon()==1) n_staOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch++;
      if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isTrackerMuon()==1 && muCandRef->isStandAloneMuon()==0) n_trackerOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch++;
      if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isTrackerMuon()==1 && muCandRef->isStandAloneMuon()==1) n_trackerStaOnlyMuon_perEvent_MCmatch++;
      double productCharge = muCandRef->charge() * muonMatch->charge();
      if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==1) {
        h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta->Fill(muCandRef->eta() - muonMatch->eta());
        h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt->Fill((muCandRef->pt() - muonMatch->pt())/muonMatch->pt());
        h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta->Fill(muStaComponentRef->eta() - muonMatch->eta());
        h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt->Fill((muStaComponentRef->pt() - muonMatch->pt())/muonMatch->pt());
        h_DEtaGlobalGenvsEtaGen->Fill(muonMatch->eta(),muCandRef->eta() - muonMatch->eta());
        h_DPtGlobalGenvsPtGen->Fill(muonMatch->pt(),(muCandRef->pt() - muonMatch->pt())/muonMatch->pt());
        h_DEtaGlobalStaComponentGenvsEtaGen->Fill(muonMatch->eta(),muStaComponentRef->eta() - muonMatch->eta());
        h_DPtGlobalStaComponentGenvsPtGen->Fill(muonMatch->pt(),(muStaComponentRef->pt() - muonMatch->pt())/muonMatch->pt());
      if (muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isTrackerMuon()==1) { 
        h_TrackerMuonEtaMinusGenEta->Fill(muCandRef->eta() - muonMatch->eta());
        h_TrackerMuonPtMinusGenPt->Fill((muCandRef->pt() - muonMatch->pt())/muonMatch->pt());

  //      std::cout<<"Run-> "<<<<std::endl;
  //      std::cout<<"Event-> "<<<<std::endl; 

  // loop on ZMuMu
  if (zMuMu->size() > 0 ) {
    event.getByLabel(zMuMuMatchMap_, zMuMuMatchMap); 
    event.getByLabel(muonIso_, muonIso); 
    event.getByLabel(muonMatchMap_, muonMatchMap); 
    float muGenplus_pt = 0, muGenminus_pt = 0, muGenplus_eta = 100, muGenminus_eta = 100;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuMu->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
      const Candidate & zMuMuCand = (*zMuMu)[i]; //the candidate
      CandidateBaseRef zMuMuCandRef = zMuMu->refAt(i);
      GenParticleRef zMuMuMatch = (*zMuMuMatchMap)[zMuMuCandRef];
      bool isMCMatched = false;
      if(zMuMuMatch.isNonnull()) {
        isMCMatched = true;   // ZMuMu matched
        if(zMuMuMatch->pdgId() == 23 && zMuMuMatch->status()==3 && zMuMuMatch->numberOfDaughters() == 3) {  
                                             // Z0 decays in mu+ mu-, the 3rd daughter is the same Z0
          const Candidate * dauGen0 = zMuMuMatch->daughter(0);
          const Candidate * dauGen1 = zMuMuMatch->daughter(1);
          const Candidate * dauGen2 = zMuMuMatch->daughter(2);
          if (check_ifZmumu(dauGen0, dauGen1, dauGen2)) {         // Z0 in mu+ mu-
            muGenplus_pt = getParticlePt(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
            muGenminus_pt = getParticlePt(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
            muGenplus_eta = getParticleEta(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
            muGenminus_eta = getParticleEta(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
            Particle::LorentzVector pZ(0, 0, 0, 0);
            Particle::LorentzVector muplusp4 = getParticleP4(-13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
            Particle::LorentzVector muminusp4 = getParticleP4(13,dauGen0,dauGen1,dauGen2);
            pZ = muplusp4 + muminusp4;
          }  // en if is Z
        }  // end if is Z->mumu


      TrackRef as1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0)->get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  // standalone part of ZMuMu cand0
      TrackRef as2 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1)->get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  // standalone part of ZMuMu cand1
      TrackRef a1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0)->get<TrackRef,reco::CombinedMuonTag>();  // global part of ZMuMu cand0
      TrackRef a2 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1)->get<TrackRef,reco::CombinedMuonTag>();  // global part of ZMuMu cand1
      TrackRef at1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0)->get<TrackRef>();  // tracker part of ZMuMu cand0
      TrackRef at2 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1)->get<TrackRef>();  // tracker part of ZMuMu cand1

      math::XYZTLorentzVector ps1(as1->px(),as1->py(),as1->pz(),as1->p());
      math::XYZTLorentzVector ps2(as2->px(),as2->py(),as2->pz(),as2->p());
      math::XYZTLorentzVector pg1(a1->px(),a1->py(),a1->pz(),a1->p());
      math::XYZTLorentzVector pg2(a2->px(),a2->py(),a2->pz(),a2->p());
      math::XYZTLorentzVector ptrk1(at1->px(),at1->py(),at1->pz(),at1->p());
      math::XYZTLorentzVector ptrk2(at2->px(),at2->py(),at2->pz(),at2->p());

      //      double mass2global = (pg1+pg2).mass();         // inv. Mass done with the two global muons (is th same like m)
      double massGlobalSta = (pg1+ps2).mass();       // inv. mass done with the global daughter(0) and the Sta part of Daughter(1)
      double massStaGlobal = (ps1+pg2).mass();       // inv. mass done with the global daughter(1) and the Sta part of Daughter(0)
      //      double mass2Tracker = (ptrk1+ptrk2).mass();    // inv. mass done with the two tracker compnents
      double massGlobalTracker = (pg1+ptrk2).mass(); // inv. mass done with the global daughter(0) and the tracker part of Daughter(1)
      double massTrackerGlobal = (ptrk1+pg2).mass(); // inv. mass done with the global daughter(1) and the tracker part of Daughter(0)
      double etaGlobal1 = a1->eta();
      double etaGlobal2 = a2->eta();
      double etaSta1 = as1->eta();
      double etaSta2 = as2->eta();
      double etaTracker1 = at1->eta();
      double etaTracker2 = at2->eta();
      //      double phiGlobal1 = a1->phi();
      //      double phiGlobal2 = a2->phi();
      double phiSta1 = as1->phi();
      double phiSta2 = as2->phi();
      double phiTracker1 = at1->phi();
      double phiTracker2 = at2->phi();
      double ptGlobal1 = a1->pt();
      double ptGlobal2 = a2->pt();
      double ptSta1 = as1->pt();
      double ptSta2 = as2->pt();
      double ptTracker1 = at1->pt();
      double ptTracker2 = at2->pt();
      double chargeGlobal1 = a1->charge();
      double chargeGlobal2 = a2->charge();
      double chargeSta1 = as1->charge();
      double chargeSta2 = as2->charge();
      double chargeTracker1 = at1->charge();
      double chargeTracker2 = at2->charge();
      double DR1 = deltaR(etaSta1, phiSta1, etaTracker1, phiTracker1);
      double DR2 = deltaR(etaSta2, phiSta2, etaTracker2, phiTracker2);

      if (chargeGlobal1 == chargeGlobal2) {
        if (isMCMatched) {

      } else {

      bool etaCut = false;
      bool ptCut = false;
      //bool isoCut = false;
      bool massCut = false;

      // ******************************************************************************************************************************
      // Start study for StandAlone charge mis-id: select global-global events according to global1+track2 (or global2+track1) 
      // *******************************************************************************************************************************

      // cynematical cuts for Zglobal1Track2
      if (abs(etaGlobal1)<etamax_ && abs(etaTracker2)<etamax_) etaCut = true;
      if (ptGlobal1>ptmin_ && ptTracker2>ptmin_) ptCut = true;
      if (massGlobalTracker>massMin_ && massGlobalTracker<massMax_) massCut = true;

      if (noCut_) {
        etaCut = true;
        ptCut = true;
        massCut = true;

      if (etaCut && ptCut && massCut) {
        // check first global1-track2 if they have opposite charge and if global1 has consistent charge between sta and track
        if (chargeSta1 == chargeTracker1 && chargeTracker1 != chargeTracker2) {      // event tagged to study StandAlone2 charge
          h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massGlobalTracker);  // inv mass global+tracker part
          h_etaTrack_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaTracker2);      // eta of tagged track
          h_phiTrack_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(phiTracker2);      // phi of tagged track
          h_ptTrack_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(ptTracker2);        // pt of tagged track
          h_DRTrack_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(DR2);               // DR between sta2 and tracker2 for tagged track

          if (isMCMatched) {             // if MC match .. resolution plots of global1 respect to gen particles
            double etaGen, ptGen;
            if (chargeGlobal1==1) {
              etaGen = muGenplus_eta;
              ptGen = muGenplus_pt;
            } else {
              etaGen = muGenminus_eta;
              ptGen = muGenminus_pt;
            h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaGlobal1 - etaGen);
            h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged->Fill((ptGlobal1 - ptGen)/ptGen);
            h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaSta1 - etaGen);
            h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged->Fill((ptSta1 - ptGen)/ptGen);

          } // end if MC Match

          if (chargeSta2 == chargeTracker2) {   // StandAlone2 has correct charge
            h_zMuStaMass_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massGlobalSta);  // inv mass of global-Sta part for correct charge muons
            // qui posso aggiungere plot col MC match
          if (chargeSta2 != chargeTracker2) {  // StandAlone2 has wrong charge
            h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massGlobalTracker);  // inv mass global+tracker part (wrong Sta charge)
            h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaTracker2);      // eta of tagged track (wrong Sta charge)
            h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(phiTracker2);      // phi of tagged track (wrong Sta charge)
            h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(ptTracker2);      // pt of tagged track (wrong Sta charge)
            h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(DR2);            // DR between sta2 and tracker2 for tagged track (wrong Sta charge)
        }  // end if check chrge global1-tracker2
      }  // end if cut selection

      // cynematical cuts for Zglobal2Track1
      etaCut = false;
      ptCut = false;
      massCut = false;
      //isoCut = false;
      if (abs(etaGlobal2)<etamax_ && abs(etaTracker1)<etamax_) etaCut = true;
      if (ptGlobal2>ptmin_ && ptTracker1>ptmin_) ptCut = true;
      if (massTrackerGlobal>massMin_ && massTrackerGlobal<massMax_) massCut = true;

      if (noCut_) {
        etaCut = true;
        ptCut = true;
        massCut = true;

      if (etaCut && ptCut && massCut) {
        // check global2-track1 if they have opposite charge and if global2 has consistent charge between sta and track
        if (chargeSta2 == chargeTracker2 && chargeTracker1 != chargeTracker2) {      // event tagged to study StandAlone2 charge
          h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massTrackerGlobal);  // inv mass global+tracker part
          h_etaTrack_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaTracker1);      // eta of tagged track
          h_phiTrack_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(phiTracker1);      // phi of tagged track
          h_ptTrack_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(ptTracker1);        // pt of tagged track
          h_DRTrack_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(DR1);               // DR between sta1 and tracker1 for tagged track

          // qui posso aggiungere plot col MC match
          if (isMCMatched) {             // if MC match .. resolution plots of global2 respect to gen particles
            double etaGen, ptGen;
            if (chargeGlobal2==1) {
              etaGen = muGenplus_eta;
              ptGen = muGenplus_pt;
            } else {
              etaGen = muGenminus_eta;
              ptGen = muGenminus_pt;
            h_GlobalMuonEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaGlobal2 - etaGen);
            h_GlobalMuonPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged->Fill((ptGlobal2 - ptGen)/ptGen);
            h_GlobalMuonStaComponentEtaMinusGenEta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaSta2 - etaGen);
            h_GlobalMuonStaComponentPtMinusGenPt_ZMuMuTagged->Fill((ptSta2 - ptGen)/ptGen);
          } // end if MC Match

          if (chargeSta1 == chargeTracker1) {   // StandAlone1 has correct charge
            h_zMuStaMass_correctStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massStaGlobal);  // inv mass of Sta-global part for correct charge muons

          if (chargeSta1 != chargeTracker1) {  // StandAlone2 has wrong charge
            h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massTrackerGlobal);  // inv mass global+tracker part (wrong Sta charge)
            h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaTracker1);      // eta of tagged track (wrong Sta charge)
            h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(phiTracker1);      // phi of tagged track (wrong Sta charge)
            h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(ptTracker1);      // pt of tagged track (wrong Sta charge)
            h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(DR1);            // DR between sta1 and tracker1 for tagged track (wrong Sta charge)
        }  // end if check charge global1-tracker2
      }  // end if cuts

      // ******************************************************************************************************************************
      // Start study for tracker charge mis-id: select global-global events according to global1+staComponent2 (or global2+staComponent1) 
      // *******************************************************************************************************************************

      etaCut = false;
      ptCut = false;
      //isoCut = false;
      massCut = false;

     // cynematical cuts for Zglobal1Sta2
      if (abs(etaGlobal1)<etamax_ && abs(etaSta2)<etamax_) etaCut = true;
      if (ptGlobal1>ptmin_ && ptSta2>ptmin_) ptCut = true;
      if (massGlobalSta>massMin_ && massGlobalSta<massMax_) massCut = true;

      if (noCut_) {
        etaCut = true;
        ptCut = true;
        massCut = true;

      if (etaCut && ptCut && massCut) {
        // check first global1-sta2 if they have opposite charge and if global1 has consistent charge between sta and track
        if (chargeSta1 == chargeTracker1 && chargeTracker1 != chargeSta2) {      // event tagged to study track2 charge
          h_zMuStaMass_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massGlobalSta);  // inv mass global+sta part
          h_etaSta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaSta2);            // eta of tagged sta
          h_phiSta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(phiSta2);      // phi of tagged sta
          h_ptSta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(ptSta2);        // pt of tagged sta
          h_DRSta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(DR2);               // DR between sta2 and tracker2 for tagged sta

          if (chargeSta2 == chargeTracker2) {   // track2 has correct charge
            // qui posso aggiungere plot col MC match
          if (chargeSta2 != chargeTracker2) {  // track2 has wrong charge
            h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massGlobalSta);  // inv mass global+sta part (wrong Trk charge)
            h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaSta2);      // eta of tagged sta (wrong trk charge)
            h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(phiSta2);      // phi of tagged sta (wrong Trk charge)
            h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(ptSta2);      // pt of tagged sta (wrong Trk charge)
            h_DRSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(DR2);            // DR between sta2 and tracker2 for tagged sta (wrong trk charge)
        }  // end if check chrge global1-sta2
      }  // end if cut selection

      etaCut = false;
      ptCut = false;
      //isoCut = false;
      massCut = false;

     // cynematical cuts for Zglobal2Sta1
      if (abs(etaGlobal2)<etamax_ && abs(etaSta1)<etamax_) etaCut = true;
      if (ptGlobal2>ptmin_ && ptSta1>ptmin_) ptCut = true;
      if (massStaGlobal>massMin_ && massStaGlobal<massMax_) massCut = true;

      if (noCut_) {
        etaCut = true;
        ptCut = true;
        massCut = true;

      if (etaCut && ptCut && massCut) {
        // check first global2-sta1 if they have opposite charge and if global2 has consistent charge between sta and track
        if (chargeSta2 == chargeTracker2 && chargeTracker2 != chargeSta1) {      // event tagged to study track1 charge
          h_zMuStaMass_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massStaGlobal);  // inv mass global+sta part
          h_etaSta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaSta1);            // eta of tagged sta
          h_phiSta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(phiSta1);      // phi of tagged sta
          h_ptSta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(ptSta1);        // pt of tagged sta
          h_DRSta_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(DR1);               // DR between sta1 and tracker1 for tagged sta

          if (chargeSta1 == chargeTracker1) {   // track1 has correct charge
            // qui posso aggiungere plot col MC match
          if (chargeSta1 != chargeTracker1) {  // track1 has wrong charge
            h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(massStaGlobal);  // inv mass global+sta part (wrong Trk charge)
            h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(etaSta1);      // eta of tagged sta (wrong trk charge)
            h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(phiSta1);      // phi of tagged sta (wrong Trk charge)
            h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(ptSta1);      // pt of tagged sta (wrong Trk charge)
            h_DRSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMuTagged->Fill(DR1);            // DR between sta2 and tracker2 for tagged sta (wrong trk charge)
        }  // end if check chrge global2-sta1
      }  // end if cut selection

    }  // end loop on ZMuMu cand
  }    // end if ZMuMu size > 0

  // loop on ZMuTrack in order to recover some unMatched StandAlone

  //double LargerDRCut=2.; // larger DR cut to recover unMatched Sta
  int taggedZ_index = -1; // index of Z with minimum DR respect to unMatched Sta
  int taggedMuon_index = -1; // index of Sta muon with minimum DR respect to unMatched track
  int n_ZMuTrackTagged_inEvent = 0;  // number of tagged Z in the event
  if (zMuTrack->size() > 0 && zMuMu->size()==0) {           // check ZMuTrack just if no ZMuMu has been found in the event
    event.getByLabel(zMuTrackMatchMap_, zMuTrackMatchMap); 
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuTrack->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
      const Candidate & zMuTrackCand = (*zMuTrack)[i]; //the candidate
      CandidateBaseRef zMuTrackCandRef = zMuTrack->refAt(i);
      GenParticleRef zMuTrackMatch = (*zMuTrackMatchMap)[zMuTrackCandRef];
      //bool isMCMatched = false;
      //if(zMuTrackMatch.isNonnull()) isMCMatched = true;   // ZMuTrack matched
      // forzo isMCMatched
      //      isMCMatched = true;

      double m = zMuTrackCand.mass();
      CandidateBaseRef zglobalDaughter = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
      CandidateBaseRef ztrackerDaughter = zMuTrackCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
      TrackRef zglobalDaughter_StaComponentRef = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0)->get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  
                                                                                  // standalone part of global component of ZMuMu
      TrackRef zglobalDaughter_TrackComponentRef = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0)->get<TrackRef>();  
                                                                                  // track part Of the global component of ZMuMu
      double ZtrackerDaughterCharge = ztrackerDaughter->charge();
      double ZtrackerDaughterPt = ztrackerDaughter->pt();
      double ZtrackerDaughterEta = ztrackerDaughter->eta();
      double ZtrackerDaughterPhi = ztrackerDaughter->phi();
      double ZglobalDaughterPt = zglobalDaughter->pt();
      double ZglobalDaughterEta = zglobalDaughter->eta();
      double ZglobalDaughter_StaComponentCharge = zglobalDaughter_StaComponentRef->charge(); 
      double ZglobalDaughter_TrackComponentCharge = zglobalDaughter_TrackComponentRef->charge(); 

      // study of standAlone charge mis-id and efficiency selecting ZMuTrack events (tag the index of Z and of muon)
      // for Sta charge mis-id just use unMatched standAlone muons trackerMuons that are standAlone Muons but no globalMuons
      // ********************************************************************************************************************
      // cynematical cuts for ZMuTrack
      bool etaCut = false;
      bool ptCut = false;
      //      bool isoCut = false;
      bool massCut = false;
      if (abs(ZglobalDaughterEta)<etamax_ && abs(ZtrackerDaughterEta)<etamax_) etaCut = true;
      if (ZglobalDaughterPt>ptmin_ && ZtrackerDaughterPt>ptmin_) ptCut = true;
      if (m>massMin_ && m<massMax_) massCut = true;

       if (noCut_) {
        etaCut = true;
        ptCut = true;
        massCut = true;
      if (etaCut && ptCut && massCut && ZglobalDaughter_StaComponentCharge == ZglobalDaughter_TrackComponentCharge && 
          ZglobalDaughter_TrackComponentCharge != ZtrackerDaughterCharge) {   // cynematic cuts and global charge consistent and opposite tracker charge

        // posso inserire istogrammi eta e pt track per studio Sta efficiency
        // ...

        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < muons->size() ; ++j) {
          CandidateBaseRef muCandRef = muons->refAt(j); 
          const Candidate & muCand = (*muons)[j]; //the candidate
          TrackRef muStaComponentRef = muCand.get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  // standalone part of muon
          TrackRef muTrkComponentRef = muCand.get<TrackRef>();  // track part of muon

          if (muCandRef->isStandAloneMuon()==1 && muCandRef->isGlobalMuon()==0 && muCandRef->isTrackerMuon()==1) {          
            double muEta = muCandRef->eta();
            double muPhi = muCandRef->phi();
            // check DeltaR between Sta muon and tracks of ZMuTrack
            double DRmuSta_trackOfZ = deltaR(muEta, muPhi, ZtrackerDaughterEta, ZtrackerDaughterPhi);
            if (DRmuSta_trackOfZ == 0) {  // match track track ... standalone-muTracker 
              taggedZ_index = i;
              taggedMuon_index = j;
            } // end check minimum DR
          }  // end if isStandAlone
        }    // end loop on muon candidates
      } // end cynematic cuts    

    }  // end loop on zMuTrack size
  }   // end if zMuTrack size > 0

  // analyze the tagged ZMuTRack and the Sta muons with minimal DR
  if (n_ZMuTrackTagged_inEvent>0) {   // at Least one ZMuTRack tagged

    if (taggedZ_index==-1) { // StandAlone inefficient
      //      h_etaTrack_StaNotFound_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(ztrackerDaughter->eta());
    } else {
      const Candidate & zMuTrackCand = (*zMuTrack)[taggedZ_index]; //the candidate tagged
      CandidateBaseRef zMuTrackCandRef = zMuTrack->refAt(taggedZ_index);
      double m = zMuTrackCand.mass();
      CandidateBaseRef zglobalDaughter = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
      CandidateBaseRef ztrackerDaughter = zMuTrackCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
      TrackRef zglobalDaughter_StaComponentRef = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0)->get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  
                                                                          // standalone part of global component of ZMuMu
      TrackRef zglobalDaughter_TrackComponentRef = zMuTrackCand.daughter(0)->get<TrackRef>();  
                                                                          // track part Of the global component of ZMuMu
      double ZtrackerDaughterCharge = ztrackerDaughter->charge();
      double ZtrackerDaughterPt = ztrackerDaughter->pt();
      double ZtrackerDaughterEta = ztrackerDaughter->eta();
      double ZtrackerDaughterPhi = ztrackerDaughter->phi();

      CandidateBaseRef muCandRef = muons->refAt(taggedMuon_index);  // the tagged muon
      const Candidate & muCand = (*muons)[taggedMuon_index]; //the candidate
      TrackRef muStaComponentRef = muCand.get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  // standalone part of muon
      TrackRef muTrkComponentRef = muCand.get<TrackRef>();  // track part of muon

      double muEta = muStaComponentRef->eta();
      double muPhi = muStaComponentRef->phi();
      double muCharge = muStaComponentRef->charge();
      // check DeltaR between Sta muon and tracks of ZMuTrack
      double DRmuSta_trackOfZ = deltaR(muEta, muPhi, ZtrackerDaughterEta, ZtrackerDaughterPhi);

      h_zMuTrackMass_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(m);         // inv mass ZMuTrack for tagged events
      h_etaTrack_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(ZtrackerDaughterEta);   // eta of tagged track
      h_phiTrack_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(ZtrackerDaughterPhi);      // phi of tagged track
      h_ptTrack_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(ZtrackerDaughterPt);        // pt of tagged track
      h_DRTrack_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(DRmuSta_trackOfZ);          // DR between sta1 and tracker1 for tagged track

      // check StandAlone charge    
      if (muCharge != ZtrackerDaughterCharge) {  // wrong Sta charge
        n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged++;                              // number of events wrong charge for unMatched Sta
        h_zMuTrackMass_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(m);         // inv mass ZMuTrack for tagged events wrong unMatched Sta charge
        h_etaTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(ZtrackerDaughterEta);   // eta of tagged track wrong unMatched Sta charge
        h_phiTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(ZtrackerDaughterPhi);      // phi of tagged track wrong unMatched Sta charge
        h_ptTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(ZtrackerDaughterPt);        // pt of tagged track wrong unMatched Sta charge
        h_DRTrack_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTrackTagged->Fill(DRmuSta_trackOfZ);          // DR between unMatched Sta and tracker for wrong sta charge 
      } else {  // correct Sta charge
        n_correctStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged++;                              // number of events correct charge for unMatched Sta
      }  // end if Sta charge check
    }   // end if StandAlone is present    
  }  // end if zMuTrack tagged

  // study of track charge mis-id and efficiency selecting ZMuSta events 
  // for Track charge mis-id just use unMatched standAlone muons trackerMuons that are standAlone Muons but no globalMuons
  // ********************************************************************************************************************
  // loop on ZMuSta in order to recover some unMatched StandAlone 
  bool isZMuStaMatched=false;
  //LargerDRCut=2.; // larger DR cut to recover unMatched Sta
  taggedZ_index = -1; // index of Z with minimum DR respect to unMatched Sta
  taggedMuon_index = -1; // index of Sta muon with minimum DR respect to unMatched track
  int n_ZMuStaTagged_inEvent = 0;  // number of tagged Z in the event
  if (zMuStandAlone->size() > 0) {           // check ZMuSta just if no ZMuMu has been found in the event
    event.getByLabel(zMuStandAloneMatchMap_, zMuStandAloneMatchMap); 
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuStandAlone->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
      const Candidate & zMuStaCand = (*zMuStandAlone)[i]; //the candidate
      CandidateBaseRef zMuStaCandRef = zMuStandAlone->refAt(i);

      GenParticleRef zMuStaMatch = (*zMuStandAloneMatchMap)[zMuStaCandRef];
      if(zMuStaMatch.isNonnull()) {        // ZMuSta Macthed
        isZMuStaMatched = true;

      double m = zMuStaCand.mass();
      CandidateBaseRef zglobalDaughter = zMuStaCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
      CandidateBaseRef zstandaloneDaughter = zMuStaCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
      int iglb = 0;
      int ista = 1;
      if (zglobalDaughter->isGlobalMuon()==0 && zstandaloneDaughter->isGlobalMuon()==1) {  // invert definition
        CandidateBaseRef buffer = zglobalDaughter;
        zglobalDaughter = zstandaloneDaughter;
        zstandaloneDaughter = buffer;
        iglb = 1;
        ista = 0;
      TrackRef zglobalDaughter_StaComponentRef = zMuStaCand.daughter(iglb)->get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  
                                                                                  // standalone part of global component of ZMuMu
      TrackRef zglobalDaughter_TrackComponentRef = zMuStaCand.daughter(iglb)->get<TrackRef>();  
                                                                                  // track part Of the global component of ZMuMu
      TrackRef zstaDaughter_StaComponentRef = zMuStaCand.daughter(ista)->get<TrackRef,reco::StandAloneMuonTag>();  
                                                                                  // standalone part of global component of ZMuMu
      TrackRef zstaDaughter_TrackComponentRef = zMuStaCand.daughter(ista)->get<TrackRef>();  
                                                                                  // track part Of the global component of ZMuMu
      double ZglobalDaughterPt = zglobalDaughter->pt();
      double ZglobalDaughterEta = zglobalDaughter->eta();

      double ZstaDaughter_StaComponentCharge = zstaDaughter_StaComponentRef->charge(); 
      double ZstaDaughter_StaComponentPt = zstaDaughter_StaComponentRef->pt(); 
      double ZstaDaughter_StaComponentEta = zstaDaughter_StaComponentRef->eta(); 
      double ZstaDaughter_StaComponentPhi = zstaDaughter_StaComponentRef->phi(); 
      double ZstaDaughter_TrackComponentCharge = zstaDaughter_TrackComponentRef->charge(); 

      double ZglobalDaughter_StaComponentCharge = zglobalDaughter_StaComponentRef->charge(); 
      double ZglobalDaughter_TrackComponentCharge = zglobalDaughter_TrackComponentRef->charge(); 

      // cynematical cuts for ZMuSta
      bool etaCut = false;
      bool ptCut = false;
      //      bool isoCut = false;
      bool massCut = false;
      if (abs(ZglobalDaughterEta)<etamax_ && abs(ZstaDaughter_StaComponentEta)<etamax_) etaCut = true;
      if (ZglobalDaughterPt>ptmin_ && ZstaDaughter_StaComponentPt>ptmin_) ptCut = true;
      if (m>massMin_ && m<massMax_) massCut = true;          // dovrei usare la massa fatta con la sola parte sta 
                                                             // (Se è anche trackerMu non è cosi') 
       if (noCut_) {
        etaCut = true;
        ptCut = true;
        massCut = true;
      if (etaCut && ptCut && massCut && ZglobalDaughter_StaComponentCharge == ZglobalDaughter_TrackComponentCharge && 
          ZglobalDaughter_StaComponentCharge != ZstaDaughter_StaComponentCharge) {   // cynematic cuts and global charge consistent and opposite sta charge
        if (isZMuStaMatched) n_ZMuStaTaggedMatched++;
        // posso inserire istogrammi eta e pt track per studio Sta efficiency
        // ...
        if (zstandaloneDaughter->isStandAloneMuon()==1 && zstandaloneDaughter->isTrackerMuon()==1) {  // track matched
          h_zMuStaMass_ZMuStaTagged->Fill(m);         // inv mass ZMuSta for tagged events
          h_etaSta_ZMuStaTagged->Fill(ZstaDaughter_StaComponentEta);   // eta of tagged sta
          h_phiSta_ZMuStaTagged->Fill(ZstaDaughter_StaComponentPhi);  // phi of tagged sta
          h_ptSta_ZMuStaTagged->Fill(ZstaDaughter_StaComponentPt);        // pt of tagged sta
          // check Track charge    
          if (ZstaDaughter_StaComponentCharge != ZstaDaughter_TrackComponentCharge) {  // wrong Trk charge
            n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged++;                              // number of events wrong track charge for unMatched track
            h_zMuStaMass_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged->Fill(m);         // inv mass ZMuSta for tagged evts wrong unMatched track charge
            h_etaSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged->Fill(ZstaDaughter_StaComponentEta);   // eta of tagged sta wrong unMatched track charge
            h_phiSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged->Fill(ZstaDaughter_StaComponentPhi);   // phi of tagged sta wrong unMatched track charge
            h_ptSta_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStaTagged->Fill(ZstaDaughter_StaComponentPt);        // pt of tagged sta wrong unMatched track charge
          } else {  // correct Sta charge
            n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged++;                              // number of events correct charge for unMatched Sta
          }  // end if Sta charge check
        } else {   // tracker inefficient
      } // end cynematic cuts    
      if (n_ZMuStaTagged_inEvent==0) {

    }  // end loop on zMuSta candidates
  }   // end check ZMuSta size
}       // end analyze
bool ZMuMuPerformances::check_ifZmumu ( const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 1006 of file

References reco::Candidate::pdgId().

Referenced by analyze().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  bool muplusFound=false;
  bool muminusFound=false;
  bool ZFound=false;
  if (partId0==13 || partId1==13 || partId2==13) muminusFound=true;
  if (partId0==-13 || partId1==-13 || partId2==-13) muplusFound=true;
  if (partId0==23 || partId1==23 || partId2==23) ZFound=true;
  return muplusFound*muminusFound*ZFound;   
void ZMuMuPerformances::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 1154 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, n_correctStaCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_correctStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged, n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged, n_goodSta_ZMuMutagged, n_goodSta_ZMuStatagged, n_goodTrack_ZMuMutagged, n_goodTrack_ZMuTracktagged, n_StaNotFound_ZMuTracktagged, n_TrkNotFound_ZMuStatagged, n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged, n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged, n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged, n_ZMuStaTaggedMatched, numberOfMatchedZMuSta_, nZMuMuSameSign, nZMuMuSameSign_mcMatched, totalNumberOfZfound, and totalNumberOfZpassed.


  cout << "------------------------------------  Counters  --------------------------------" << endl;
  cout << "totalNumberOfZfound = " << totalNumberOfZfound << endl;
  cout << "totalNumberOfZpassed = " << totalNumberOfZpassed << endl;
  cout << "Number Of ZMuMu Same Sign (no cuts) " << nZMuMuSameSign << endl;
  cout << "Number Of ZMuMu Same Sign (no cuts) MC matched " << nZMuMuSameSign_mcMatched << endl;

  cout << "------------------------------------  Counters for standAlone charge mis-id studies --------------------------------" << endl;
  cout << " number of goodTracks tagged for ZMuMu collection = " << n_goodTrack_ZMuMutagged << endl;
  cout << " number of goodTracks tagged for ZMuMu collection (correct Sta charge) = " << n_correctStaCharge_ZMuMutagged << endl;
  cout << " number of goodTracks tagged for ZMuMu collection (wrong Sta charge) = " << n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuMutagged << endl<<endl;
  cout << " number of goodTracks tagged for ZMuTrack collection unMatchedSTA = " << n_goodTrack_ZMuTracktagged << endl;
  cout << " number of goodTracks tagged for ZMuTrack collection unMatchedSTA (correct Sta charge) = " << n_correctStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged << endl;
  cout << " number of goodTracks tagged for ZMuTrack collection unMatchedSTA (wrong Sta charge) = " << n_wrongStaCharge_ZMuTracktagged << endl<<endl;
  cout << " number of goodTracks tagged for ZMuTrack collection (No STA found) = " << n_StaNotFound_ZMuTracktagged << endl;

  cout << "------------------------------------  Counters for Track charge mis-id studies --------------------------------" << endl;
  cout << " number of goodStandAlone tagged for ZMuMu collection = " << n_goodSta_ZMuMutagged << endl;
  cout << " number of goodStandAlone tagged for ZMuMu collection (correct Trk charge) = " << n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged << endl;
  cout << " number of goodStandAlone tagged for ZMuMu collection (wrong Trk charge) = " << n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuMutagged << endl<<endl;
  cout << " number of goodSta tagged for ZMuSta collection unMatchedTrk = " << n_goodSta_ZMuStatagged << endl;
  cout << " number of goodSta tagged for ZMuSta collection unMatchedTrk (correct Trk charge) = " << n_correctTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged << endl;
  cout << " number of goodSta tagged for ZMuSta collection unMatchedTrk (wrong Trk charge) = " << n_wrongTrkCharge_ZMuStatagged << endl<<endl;
  cout << " number of goodSta tagged for ZMuSta collection (No Trk found) = " << n_TrkNotFound_ZMuStatagged << endl;
  cout << " number of ZMuSta mactched = " << numberOfMatchedZMuSta_ << endl;
  cout << " number of ZMuSta Tagged matched = " << n_ZMuStaTaggedMatched << endl;
float ZMuMuPerformances::getParticleEta ( const int  ipart,
const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 1053 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), reco::Candidate::eta(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), and reco::Candidate::status().

Referenced by analyze().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  float etapart=0.;
  if (partId0 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
  if (partId1 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
  if (partId2 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
      if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        etapart = dauMuGen->eta();
  return etapart;
Particle::LorentzVector ZMuMuPerformances::getParticleP4 ( const int  ipart,
const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 1119 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::p4(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), and reco::Candidate::status().

Referenced by analyze().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  Particle::LorentzVector p4part(0.,0.,0.,0.);
  if (partId0 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
  if (partId1 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
  if (partId2 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
      if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        p4part = dauMuGen->p4();
  return p4part;
float ZMuMuPerformances::getParticlePhi ( const int  ipart,
const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 1086 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), reco::Candidate::phi(), and reco::Candidate::status().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  float phipart=0.;
  if (partId0 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
  if (partId1 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
  if (partId2 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
      if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        phipart = dauMuGen->phi();
  return phipart;
float ZMuMuPerformances::getParticlePt ( const int  ipart,
const Candidate dauGen0,
const Candidate dauGen1,
const Candidate dauGen2 
) [private]

Definition at line 1020 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), gen::k, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), reco::Candidate::pt(), and reco::Candidate::status().

Referenced by analyze().

  int partId0 = dauGen0->pdgId();
  int partId1 = dauGen1->pdgId();
  int partId2 = dauGen2->pdgId();
  float ptpart=0.;
  if (partId0 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen0->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen0->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
  if (partId1 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen1->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen1->daughter(k);
      if(dauMuGen->pdgId() == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
  if (partId2 == ipart) {
    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < dauGen2->numberOfDaughters(); ++k) {
      const Candidate * dauMuGen = dauGen2->daughter(k);
      if(abs(dauMuGen->pdgId()) == ipart && dauMuGen->status() ==1) {
        ptpart = dauMuGen->pt();
  return ptpart;

Member Data Documentation

double ZMuMuPerformances::etamax_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 56 of file

Definition at line 55 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 56 of file

Definition at line 55 of file

Definition at line 51 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 60 of file

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 83 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 84 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 78 of file

Definition at line 85 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 83 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 78 of file

Definition at line 85 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 84 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 86 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 86 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 103 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 100 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 92 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 109 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 89 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 102 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 114 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 100 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 91 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 108 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 89 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 80 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 81 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 76 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 82 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 76 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 82 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 103 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 115 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 100 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 92 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 109 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 89 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 103 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 115 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 100 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 95 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 96 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 97 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 92 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 109 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 89 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 70 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 70 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 70 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 95 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 102 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 114 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 100 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 91 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 108 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 89 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

double ZMuMuPerformances::isomax_ [private]

Definition at line 56 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuPerformances().

double ZMuMuPerformances::isoMax_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuPerformances().

double ZMuMuPerformances::massMax_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

double ZMuMuPerformances::massMin_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 49 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 49 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 49 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 134 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 130 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 139 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 129 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 138 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 125 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 133 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 144 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 143 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 136 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 141 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 127 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 135 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 131 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 140 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 146 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

bool ZMuMuPerformances::noCut_ [private]

Definition at line 53 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 145 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 122 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 123 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 61 of file

Definition at line 56 of file

Definition at line 55 of file

double ZMuMuPerformances::ptmin_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 56 of file

Definition at line 55 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 60 of file

Definition at line 119 of file

Referenced by endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by endJob(), and ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 50 of file

Definition at line 60 of file

Definition at line 50 of file

Referenced by analyze().

double ZMuMuPerformances::zMassMax_ [private]

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuPerformances().

double ZMuMuPerformances::zMassMin_ [private]

Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by ZMuMuPerformances().

Definition at line 46 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 46 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 48 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 47 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 47 of file

Referenced by analyze().