Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

FWECALDetailViewBuilder Class Reference

#include <FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

TEveCaloLego * build ()
 FWECALDetailViewBuilder (const edm::EventBase *event, const FWGeometry *geom, float eta, float phi, int size=50, Color_t defaultColor=kMagenta+1)
double makeLegend (double x0=0.02, double y0=0.95, Color_t clustered1=kGreen+1, Color_t clustered2=kTeal, Color_t supercluster=kYellow)
void setColor (Color_t color, const std::vector< DetId > &detIds)
void showSuperCluster (const reco::SuperCluster &cluster, Color_t color=kYellow)
void showSuperClusters (Color_t color1=kGreen+2, Color_t color2=kTeal)

Private Member Functions

void fillData (const EcalRecHitCollection *hits, TEveCaloDataVec *data)

Static Private Member Functions

static bool superClusterEtaLess (const reco::CaloCluster &lhs, const reco::CaloCluster &rhs)

Private Attributes

std::vector< Color_t > m_colors
Color_t m_defaultColor
std::map< DetId, int > m_detIdsToColor
float m_eta
const edm::EventBasem_event
const FWGeometrym_geom
float m_phi
int m_size

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FWECALDetailViewBuilder::FWECALDetailViewBuilder ( const edm::EventBase event,
const FWGeometry geom,
float  eta,
float  phi,
int  size = 50,
Color_t  defaultColor = kMagenta+1 
) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

      : m_event(event), m_geom(geom),
        m_eta(eta), m_phi(phi), m_size(size),

Member Function Documentation

TEveCaloLego * FWECALDetailViewBuilder::build ( )

Definition at line 28 of file

References data, jptDQMConfig_cff::etaMax, jptDQMConfig_cff::etaMin, fillData(), fwLog, edm::EventBase::getByLabel(), i, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), fwlog::kWarning, m_colors, m_defaultColor, m_eta, m_event, m_phi, M_PI, m_size, siStripFEDMonitor_P5_cff::Max, siStripFEDMonitor_P5_cff::Min, phi, jptDQMConfig_cff::phiMax, jptDQMConfig_cff::phiMin, alignCSCRings::r, GlobalPosition_Frontier_DevDB_cff::tag, theta(), x, and fw3dlego::xbins.

Referenced by FWMuonDetailView::build(), FWElectronDetailView::build(), FWPhotonDetailView::build(), and FWCaloTowerDetailView::build().

   // get the hits from the event

   edm::Handle<EcalRecHitCollection> handle_hits;
   const EcalRecHitCollection *hits = 0;

   if (fabs(m_eta) < 1.5)
         edm::InputTag tag("ecalRecHit", "EcalRecHitsEB");
         m_event->getByLabel(tag, handle_hits);
         if (handle_hits.isValid())
            hits = &*handle_hits;
      catch (...)
         fwLog(fwlog::kWarning) <<"FWECALDetailViewBuilder::build():: Failed to access EcalRecHitsEB collection." << std::endl;
      if ( ! handle_hits.isValid()) {
            edm::InputTag tag("reducedEcalRecHitsEB");
            m_event->getByLabel(tag, handle_hits);
            if (handle_hits.isValid())
               hits = &*handle_hits;

         catch (...)
            fwLog(fwlog::kWarning) <<"FWECALDetailViewBuilder::build():: Failed to access reducedEcalRecHitsEB collection." << std::endl;
         edm::InputTag tag("ecalRecHit", "EcalRecHitsEE");
         m_event->getByLabel(tag, handle_hits);
         if (handle_hits.isValid())
            hits = &*handle_hits;
      catch (...)
         fwLog(fwlog::kWarning) <<"FWECALDetailViewBuilder::build():: Failed to access ecalRecHitsEE collection." << std::endl;

      if ( ! handle_hits.isValid()) {
         try {
            edm::InputTag tag("reducedEcalRecHitsEE");
            m_event->getByLabel(tag, handle_hits);
            if (handle_hits.isValid())
               hits = &*handle_hits;

         catch (...)
            fwLog(fwlog::kWarning) <<"FWECALDetailViewBuilder::build():: Failed to access reducedEcalRecHitsEE collection." << std::endl;
   // data
   TEveCaloDataVec* data = new TEveCaloDataVec( 1 + m_colors.size() );
   data->RefSliceInfo(0).Setup("hits (not clustered)", 0.0, m_defaultColor );
   for( size_t i = 0; i < m_colors.size(); ++i )
      data->RefSliceInfo(i + 1).Setup( "hits (clustered)", 0.0, m_colors[i] );

   if( handle_hits.isValid() ) 
      fillData( hits, data );

   // axis
   Double_t etaMin(0), etaMax(0), phiMin(0), phiMax(0);
   if (data->Empty())
      fwLog(fwlog::kWarning) <<"FWECALDetailViewBuilder::build():: No hits found in " << Form("FWECALDetailViewBuilder::build():: No hits found in eta[%f] phi[%f] region", m_eta, m_phi)<<".\n";

      // add dummy background
      float x = m_size*TMath::DegToRad();
      if (fabs(m_eta) < 1.5) {
         etaMin = m_eta -x;
         etaMax = m_eta +x;
         phiMin = m_phi -x;
         phiMax = m_phi +x;
         data->AddTower(etaMin, etaMax, phiMin, phiMax);
         float theta = TEveCaloData::EtaToTheta(m_eta);
         float r = TMath::Tan(theta) * 290;
         phiMin = r * TMath::Cos(m_phi - x) -300;
         phiMax = r * TMath::Cos(m_phi + x) + 300;
         etaMin = r * TMath::Sin(m_phi - x) - 300;
         etaMax = r * TMath::Sin(m_phi + x) + 300;
         data->AddTower(TMath::Min(etaMin, etaMax), TMath::Max(etaMin, etaMax),
                        TMath::Min(phiMin, phiMax), TMath::Max(phiMin, phiMax));

      data->FillSlice(0, 0.1);      

   TAxis* eta_axis = 0;
   TAxis* phi_axis = 0; 
   data->GetEtaLimits(etaMin, etaMax);
   data->GetPhiLimits(phiMin, phiMax);
   //  printf("data rng %f %f %f %f\n",etaMin, etaMax, phiMin, phiMax );

   if (fabs(m_eta) > 1.5) {
      eta_axis = new TAxis(10, etaMin, etaMax);
      phi_axis = new TAxis(10, phiMin, phiMax);
   } else {
      std::vector<double> etaBinsWithinLimits;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<83; ++i)
         if ( fw3dlego::xbins[i] > etaMin && fw3dlego::xbins[i] < etaMax )

      std::vector<double> phiBinsWithinLimits;
      for ( double phi = -M_PI; phi < M_PI; phi += M_PI/36 )
         if ( phi > phiMin && phi < phiMax )

      eta_axis = new TAxis((int)etaBinsWithinLimits.size() -1, &etaBinsWithinLimits[0]);
      phi_axis = new TAxis((int)phiBinsWithinLimits.size() -1, &phiBinsWithinLimits[0]);


   // lego
   TEveCaloLego *lego = new TEveCaloLego(data);
   // scale and translate to real world coordinates
   lego->SetEta(etaMin, etaMax);
   lego->SetPhiWithRng((phiMin+phiMax)*0.5, (phiMax-phiMin)*0.5); // phi range = 2* phiOffset
   Double_t legoScale = ((etaMax - etaMin) < (phiMax - phiMin)) ? (etaMax - etaMin) : (phiMax - phiMin);
   lego->RefMainTrans().SetScale(legoScale, legoScale, legoScale*0.5);
   lego->RefMainTrans().SetPos((etaMax+etaMin)*0.5, (phiMax+phiMin)*0.5, 0);
   lego->SetName("ECALDetail Lego");
   return lego;

void FWECALDetailViewBuilder::fillData ( const EcalRecHitCollection hits,
TEveCaloDataVec *  data 
) [private]

Definition at line 273 of file

References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), delta, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), eta(), fwLog, FWGeometry::getCorners(), i, j, gen::k, fwlog::kInfo, m_detIdsToColor, m_eta, m_geom, m_phi, M_PI, m_size, maxEta, cmsRun_displayProdMFGeom_cfg::maxX, cmsRun_displayProdMFGeom_cfg::maxY, benchmark_cfg::minEta, cmsRun_displayProdMFGeom_cfg::minX, cmsRun_displayProdMFGeom_cfg::minY, phi, findQualityFiles::size, v, x, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

Referenced by build().

   const float barrelCR = m_size*0.0172; // barrel cell range

   // loop on all the detids
   for( EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator k = hits->begin(), kEnd = hits->end();
        k != kEnd; ++k )
      // get reco geometry
      double centerEta = 0;
      double centerPhi = 0;
      const float* points = m_geom->getCorners( k->id().rawId());
      if( points != 0 )
         TEveVector v;
         int j = 0;
         for( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
            v += TEveVector( points[j], points[j + 1], points[j + 2] );
            j +=3;
         centerEta = v.Eta();
         centerPhi = v.Phi();
         fwLog( fwlog::kInfo ) << "cannot get geometry for DetId: "<< k->id().rawId() << ". Ignored.\n";
      double size = k->energy() / cosh( centerEta );

      // check what slice to put in
      int slice = 0;
      std::map<DetId, int>::const_iterator itr = m_detIdsToColor.find(k->id());
      if (itr != m_detIdsToColor.end()) slice = itr->second;

      // if in the EB
      if( k->id().subdetId() == EcalBarrel )
         // do phi wrapping
         if( centerPhi > m_phi + M_PI) centerPhi -= 2 * M_PI;
         if( centerPhi < m_phi - M_PI) centerPhi += 2 * M_PI;

         // check if the hit is in the window to be drawn
         if( !( fabs( centerEta - m_eta ) < barrelCR
                && fabs( centerPhi - m_phi ) < barrelCR )) continue;

         double minEta(10), maxEta(-10), minPhi(4), maxPhi(-4);
         if( points != 0 )
            // calorimeter crystalls have slightly non-symetrical form in eta-phi projection
            // so if we simply get the largest eta and phi, cells will overlap
            // therefore we get a smaller eta-phi range representing the inner square
            // we also should use only points from the inner face of the crystal, since
            // non-projecting direction of crystals leads to large shift in eta on outter
            // face.
            int j = 0;
            for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
               TEveVector crystal( points[j], points[j + 1], points[j + 2] );
               j += 3;
               double eta = crystal.Eta();
               double phi = crystal.Phi();
               if ( crystal.Perp() > 135 ) continue;
               if ( minEta - eta > 0.01) minEta = eta;
               if ( eta - minEta > 0 && eta - minEta < 0.01 ) minEta = eta;
               if ( eta - maxEta > 0.01) maxEta = eta;
               if ( maxEta - eta > 0 && maxEta - eta < 0.01 ) maxEta = eta;
               if ( minPhi - phi > 0.01) minPhi = phi;
               if ( phi - minPhi > 0 && phi - minPhi < 0.01 ) minPhi = phi;
               if ( phi - maxPhi > 0.01) maxPhi = phi;
               if ( maxPhi - phi > 0 && maxPhi - phi < 0.01 ) maxPhi = phi;
            double delta = 0.0172 * 0.5;
            minEta = centerEta - delta;
            maxEta = centerEta + delta;
            minPhi = centerPhi - delta;
            maxPhi = centerPhi + delta;
         if( minPhi >= ( m_phi - barrelCR ) && maxPhi <= ( m_phi + barrelCR ) &&
             minEta >= ( m_eta - barrelCR ) && maxEta <= ( m_eta + barrelCR ))
            data->AddTower( minEta, maxEta, minPhi, maxPhi );
            // printf("EB add %f %f %f %f \n",minEta, maxEta, minPhi, maxPhi );
            data->FillSlice( slice, size );
         // otherwise in the EE
      else if( k->id().subdetId() == EcalEndcap )
         // check if the hit is in the window to be drawn
         double crystalSize = m_size * 0.0172;
         if( !( fabs( centerEta - m_eta ) < ( crystalSize )
                && fabs( centerPhi - m_phi ) < ( crystalSize )))

         if( points != 0 )
            double minX(9999), maxX(-9999), minY(9999), maxY(-9999);
            int j = 0;
            for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
               TEveVector crystal( points[j], points[j + 1], points[j + 2] );
               j += 3;
               double x = crystal.fX;
               double y = crystal.fY;
               if( fabs( crystal.fZ ) > 330 ) continue;
               if( minX - x > 0.01 ) minX = x;
               if( x - maxX > 0.01 ) maxX = x;
               if( minY - y > 0.01 ) minY = y;
               if( y - maxY > 0.01 ) maxY = y;
            data->AddTower( minX, maxX, minY, maxY );
            // printf("EE add %f %f %f %f \n",minX, maxX, minY, maxY );
         data->FillSlice( slice, size );
   } // end loop on hits

double FWECALDetailViewBuilder::makeLegend ( double  x0 = 0.02,
double  y0 = 0.95,
Color_t  clustered1 = kGreen+1,
Color_t  clustered2 = kTeal,
Color_t  supercluster = kYellow 

Definition at line 398 of file

References FWDetailViewBase::drawCanvasBox(), m_defaultColor, pos, x, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

Referenced by FWCaloTowerDetailView::setTextInfo(), FWElectronDetailView::setTextInfo(), FWPhotonDetailView::setTextInfo(), and FWMuonDetailView::setTextInfo().

   Double_t fontsize = 0.07;
   TLatex* latex = new TLatex();
   Double_t x = x0;
   Double_t y = y0;
   Double_t boxH = 0.25*fontsize;
   Double_t yStep = 0.04;

   y -= yStep;
   latex->DrawLatex(x, y, "Energy types:");
   y -= yStep;

   Double_t pos[4];
   pos[0] = x+0.05;
   pos[2] = x+0.20;

   pos[1] = y; pos[3] = pos[1] + boxH;
   FWDetailViewBase::drawCanvasBox(pos, m_defaultColor);
   latex->DrawLatex(x+0.25, y, "unclustered");
   y -= yStep;
   if (clustered1<0) return y;

   pos[1] = y; pos[3] = pos[1] + boxH;
   FWDetailViewBase::drawCanvasBox(pos, clustered1);
   latex->DrawLatex(x+0.25, y, "clustered");
   y -= yStep;
   if (clustered2<0) return y;

   pos[1] = y; pos[3] = pos[1] + boxH;
   FWDetailViewBase::drawCanvasBox(pos, clustered2);
   latex->DrawLatex(x+0.25, y, "clustered");
   y -= yStep;
   if (supercluster<0) return y;

   pos[1] = y; pos[3] = pos[1] + boxH;
   FWDetailViewBase::drawCanvasBox(pos, supercluster);
   latex->DrawLatex(x+0.25, y, "super-cluster");
   y -= yStep;

   return y;
void FWECALDetailViewBuilder::setColor ( Color_t  color,
const std::vector< DetId > &  detIds 

Definition at line 202 of file

References i, m_colors, and m_detIdsToColor.

Referenced by FWMuonDetailView::build(), and showSuperCluster().



   // get the slice for this group of detIds
   // note that the zeroth slice is the default one (all else)
   int slice = m_colors.size();
   // take a note of which slice these detids are going to go into
   for (size_t i = 0; i < detIds.size(); ++i)
      m_detIdsToColor[detIds[i]] = slice;
void FWECALDetailViewBuilder::showSuperCluster ( const reco::SuperCluster cluster,
Color_t  color = kYellow 

Definition at line 216 of file

References first, reco::CaloCluster::hitsAndFractions(), j, and setColor().

Referenced by FWElectronDetailView::build(), FWPhotonDetailView::build(), and showSuperClusters().

   std::vector<DetId> clusterDetIds;
   const std::vector<std::pair<DetId, float> > &hitsAndFractions = cluster.hitsAndFractions();
   for (size_t j = 0; j < hitsAndFractions.size(); ++j)

   setColor( color, clusterDetIds );
void FWECALDetailViewBuilder::showSuperClusters ( Color_t  color1 = kGreen+2,
Color_t  color2 = kTeal 

Definition at line 229 of file

References runEdmFileComparison::collection, eta(), fwLog, edm::EventBase::getByLabel(), i, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), fwlog::kWarning, m_eta, m_event, m_phi, m_size, phi, edm::Handle< T >::product(), showSuperCluster(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), and superClusterEtaLess().

Referenced by FWMuonDetailView::build(), FWElectronDetailView::build(), FWPhotonDetailView::build(), and FWCaloTowerDetailView::build().

   // get the superclusters from the event
   edm::Handle<reco::SuperClusterCollection> collection;

   if( fabs( m_eta ) < 1.5 ) {
      try {
         m_event->getByLabel(edm::InputTag("correctedHybridSuperClusters"), collection);
      catch (...)
         fwLog(fwlog::kWarning) <<"no barrel superclusters are available" << std::endl;
   } else {
      try {
         m_event->getByLabel(edm::InputTag("correctedMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshower"), collection);
      catch (...)
         fwLog(fwlog::kWarning) <<"no endcap superclusters are available" << std::endl;
   if( collection.isValid() )
      unsigned int colorIndex = 0;
      // sort clusters in eta so neighboring clusters have distinct colors
      reco::SuperClusterCollection sorted = *collection.product();
      std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), superClusterEtaLess );
      for( size_t i = 0; i < sorted.size(); ++i )
         if( !(fabs(sorted[i].eta() - m_eta) < (m_size*0.0172)
               && fabs(sorted[i].phi() - m_phi) < (m_size*0.0172)) )

         if( colorIndex %2 == 0 )
            showSuperCluster( sorted[i], color1 );
            showSuperCluster( sorted[i], color2 );
static bool FWECALDetailViewBuilder::superClusterEtaLess ( const reco::CaloCluster lhs,
const reco::CaloCluster rhs 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 83 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

References reco::CaloCluster::eta().

Referenced by showSuperClusters().

      return ( lhs.eta() < rhs.eta());

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<Color_t> FWECALDetailViewBuilder::m_colors [private]

Definition at line 80 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Referenced by build(), and setColor().

Definition at line 74 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Referenced by build(), and makeLegend().

Definition at line 77 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Referenced by fillData(), and setColor().

Definition at line 71 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Referenced by build(), fillData(), and showSuperClusters().

Definition at line 69 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Referenced by build(), and showSuperClusters().

Definition at line 70 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Referenced by fillData().

Definition at line 72 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Referenced by build(), fillData(), and showSuperClusters().

Definition at line 73 of file FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h.

Referenced by build(), fillData(), and showSuperClusters().