Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

Hector Class Reference

#include <Hector.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void add (const HepMC::GenEvent *ev, const edm::EventSetup &es)
HepMC::GenEvent * addPartToHepMC (HepMC::GenEvent *event)
void clear ()
void clearApertureFlags ()
void filterD1 ()
void filterFP420 ()
void filterZDC ()
std::vector< LHCTransportLink > & getCorrespondenceMap ()
int getDirect (unsigned int part_n) const
 Hector (const edm::ParameterSet &ps, bool verbosity, bool FP420Transport, bool ZDCTransport)
void print () const
virtual ~Hector ()

Private Attributes

string beam1filename
string beam2filename
double etacut
double lengthd1
double lengthfp420
double lengthzdc
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineD11
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineD12
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineFP4201
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineFP4202
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineZDC1
H_BeamLine * m_beamlineZDC2
std::map< unsigned int,
H_BeamParticle * > 
std::map< unsigned int, int > m_direct
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_eAtTrPoint
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_eta
bool m_FP420Transport
std::map< unsigned int, bool > m_isCharged
std::map< unsigned int, bool > m_isStoppedd1
std::map< unsigned int, bool > m_isStoppedfp420
std::map< unsigned int, bool > m_isStoppedzdc
std::map< unsigned int, int > m_pdg
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_pz
H_RecRPObject * m_rp420_b
H_RecRPObject * m_rp420_f
float m_rpp420_b
float m_rpp420_f
float m_rppd1
float m_rppzdc
double m_sig_e
double m_sigmaSTX
double m_sigmaSTY
bool m_smearAng
bool m_smearE
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_TxAtTrPoint
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_TyAtTrPoint
bool m_verbosity
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_xAtTrPoint
std::map< unsigned int, double > m_yAtTrPoint
bool m_ZDCTransport
edm::ESHandle< ParticleDataTablepdt
TRandom3 * rootEngine_
std::vector< LHCTransportLinktheCorrespondenceMap

Detailed Description

Definition at line 40 of file Hector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Hector::Hector ( const edm::ParameterSet ps,
bool  verbosity,
bool  FP420Transport,
bool  ZDCTransport 

Definition at line 18 of file

References beam1filename, beam2filename, etacut, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), lengthd1, lengthfp420, lengthzdc, LogDebug, m_beamlineD11, m_beamlineD12, m_beamlineFP4201, m_beamlineFP4202, m_beamlineZDC1, m_beamlineZDC2, m_FP420Transport, m_rpp420_b, m_rpp420_f, m_rppd1, m_rppzdc, m_sig_e, m_sigmaSTX, m_sigmaSTY, m_smearAng, m_smearE, m_verbosity, m_ZDCTransport, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, rootEngine_, and theCorrespondenceMap.

  // Create LHC beam line
  edm::ParameterSet hector_par = param.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("Hector");
  // User definitons
  lengthfp420    = hector_par.getParameter<double>("BeamLineLengthFP420" );
  m_rpp420_f     = (float) hector_par.getParameter<double>("RP420f");
  m_rpp420_b     = (float) hector_par.getParameter<double>("RP420b");
  lengthzdc      = hector_par.getParameter<double>("BeamLineLengthZDC" );
  lengthd1       = hector_par.getParameter<double>("BeamLineLengthD1" );
  beam1filename  = hector_par.getParameter<string>("Beam1");
  beam2filename  = hector_par.getParameter<string>("Beam2");  
  m_rppzdc       = (float) lengthzdc ;
  m_rppd1        = (float) lengthd1 ;
  m_smearAng     = hector_par.getParameter<bool>("smearAng");
  m_sigmaSTX     = hector_par.getParameter<double>("sigmaSTX" );
  m_sigmaSTY     = hector_par.getParameter<double>("sigmaSTY" );
  m_smearE       = hector_par.getParameter<bool>("smearEnergy");
  m_sig_e        = hector_par.getParameter<double>("sigmaEnergy");
  etacut         = hector_par.getParameter<double>("EtaCutForHector" );
  edm::Service<edm::RandomNumberGenerator> rng;
  if ( ! rng.isAvailable() ) {
    throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
      << "LHCTransport (Hector) requires the RandomNumberGeneratorService\n"
      "which is not present in the configuration file.  You must add the service\n"
      "in the configuration file or remove the modules that require it.";
  if ( (rng->getEngine()).name() == "TRandom3" ) {
    rootEngine_ = ( (edm::TRandomAdaptor*) &(rng->getEngine()) )->getRootEngine();
    if ( m_verbosity ) LogDebug("HectorSetup") << "LHCTransport seed = " << rootEngine_->GetSeed();
  else {
    edm::LogError("WrongRandomNumberGenerator") << "The TRandom3 engine must be used, Random Number Generator Service not correctly initialized!"; 
    rootEngine_ = new TRandom3();


  if(m_verbosity) {
    edm::LogInfo("HectorSetup") << "===================================================================\n"  
                                << " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *           \n"  
                                << " *                                                         *       \n"  
                                << " *                   --<--<--  A fast simulator --<--<--     *     \n"  
                                << " *                 | --<--<--     of particle   --<--<--     *     \n"  
                                << " *  ----HECTOR----<                                          *     \n"  
                                << " *                 | -->-->-- transport through-->-->--      *     \n"   
                                << " *                   -->-->-- generic beamlines -->-->--     *     \n"  
                                << " *                                                           *     \n"   
                                << " * JINST 2:P09005 (2007)                                     *     \n"  
                                << " *      X Rouby, J de Favereau, K Piotrzkowski (CP3)         *     \n"  
                                << " *               *     \n"  
                                << " *                                                           *     \n"  
                                << " * Center for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology  *     \n"  
                                << " *              Universite catholique de Louvain             *     \n"  
                                << " *                 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium                 *     \n"  
                                << " *                                                         *       \n"  
                                << " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *           \n"   
                                << " Hector configuration: \n" 
                                << " m_FP420Transport = " << m_FP420Transport << "\n" 
                                << " m_ZDCTransport   = " << m_ZDCTransport << "\n" 
                                << " lengthfp420      = " << lengthfp420 << "\n" 
                                << " m_rpp420_f       = " << m_rpp420_f << "\n" 
                                << " m_rpp420_b       = " << m_rpp420_b << "\n" 
                                << " lengthzdc        = " << lengthzdc << "\n" 
                                << " lengthd1         = " << lengthd1 << "\n" 
                                << "===================================================================\n";
  edm::FileInPath b1(beam1filename.c_str());
  edm::FileInPath b2(beam2filename.c_str());
  // construct beam line for FP420:                                                                                           .
  if(m_FP420Transport && lengthfp420>0. ) {
    m_beamlineFP4201 = new H_BeamLine(  1, lengthfp420 + 0.1 ); // (direction, length)
    m_beamlineFP4202 = new H_BeamLine( -1, lengthfp420 + 0.1 ); //
    m_beamlineFP4201->fill( b1.fullPath(),  1, "IP5" );
    m_beamlineFP4202->fill( b2.fullPath(), -1, "IP5" );
    m_beamlineFP4201->offsetElements( 120, -0.097 );
    m_beamlineFP4202->offsetElements( 120, +0.097 );
    if ( m_verbosity ) LogDebug("HectorSetup") << "Hector: WARNING: lengthfp420=  " << lengthfp420;
  if (m_ZDCTransport && lengthzdc>0. && lengthd1>0.) {
    // construct beam line for ZDC:                                                                                           .
    m_beamlineZDC1 = new H_BeamLine(  1, lengthzdc + 0.1 ); // (direction, length)
    m_beamlineZDC2 = new H_BeamLine( -1, lengthzdc + 0.1 ); //
    m_beamlineZDC1->fill( b1.fullPath(),  1, "IP5" );
    m_beamlineZDC2->fill( b2.fullPath(), -1, "IP5" );
    m_beamlineZDC1->offsetElements( 120, -0.097 );
    m_beamlineZDC2->offsetElements( 120, +0.097 );
    // construct beam line for D1:                                                                                           .
    m_beamlineD11 = new H_BeamLine(  1, lengthd1 + 0.1 ); // (direction, length)
    m_beamlineD12 = new H_BeamLine( -1, lengthd1 + 0.1 ); //
    m_beamlineD11->fill( b1.fullPath(),  1, "IP5" );
    m_beamlineD12->fill( b2.fullPath(), -1, "IP5" );
    m_beamlineD11->offsetElements( 120, -0.097 );
    m_beamlineD12->offsetElements( 120, +0.097 );
    if ( m_verbosity ) LogDebug("HectorSetup") << "Hector: WARNING: lengthzdc=  " << lengthzdc << "lengthd1=  " << lengthd1;
Hector::~Hector ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 139 of file

References m_beamlineD11, m_beamlineD12, m_beamlineFP4201, m_beamlineFP4202, m_beamlineZDC1, m_beamlineZDC2, and m_beamPart.

  for (std::map<unsigned int,H_BeamParticle*>::iterator it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it ) {
    delete (*it).second;

  delete m_beamlineFP4201;
  delete m_beamlineFP4202;
  delete m_beamlineZDC1;
  delete m_beamlineZDC2;
  delete m_beamlineD11;
  delete m_beamlineD12;

Member Function Documentation

void Hector::add ( const HepMC::GenEvent *  ev,
const edm::EventSetup es 

Adds the stable protons from the event ev to a beamline

Definition at line 183 of file

References abs, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), etacut, g, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, edm::EventSetup::getData(), geometryCSVtoXML::line, LogDebug, m_beamPart, m_direct, m_eta, m_isCharged, m_pdg, m_pz, m_verbosity, scaleCards::mass, and pdt.

Referenced by HectorProducer::produce().

  H_BeamParticle * h_p;
  unsigned int line;
  for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator eventParticle =evt->particles_begin();
       eventParticle != evt->particles_end();
       ++eventParticle ) {
    if ( (*eventParticle)->status() == 1 ) {
      if ( abs( (*eventParticle)->momentum().eta())>etacut){
        line = (*eventParticle)->barcode();
        if ( m_beamPart.find(line) == m_beamPart.end() ) {
          double charge=1.;
          m_isCharged[line] = false;// neutrals
          HepMC::GenParticle * g = (*eventParticle);    
          iSetup.getData( pdt );
          const ParticleData * part = pdt->particle( g->pdg_id() );
          if (part){
            charge = part->charge();
          if(charge !=0) m_isCharged[line] = true;//charged
          double mass = (*eventParticle)->generatedMass();
          h_p = new H_BeamParticle(mass,charge);
          double px,py,pz;
          px = (*eventParticle)->momentum().px();         
          py = (*eventParticle)->momentum().py();         
          pz = (*eventParticle)->momentum().pz();         
          h_p->set4Momentum( px, py, pz, (*eventParticle)->momentum().e() );
          // from mm to um        
          double XforPosition = (*eventParticle)->production_vertex()->position().x()/micrometer;//um
          double YforPosition = (*eventParticle)->production_vertex()->position().y()/micrometer;//um
          double ZforPosition = (*eventParticle)->production_vertex()->position().z()/meter;//m
          // crossing angle (beam tilt) is not known a priory; keep now 0.0 but, in principle, can be entered as parameters
          double TXforPosition=0.0, TYforPosition=0.0;//urad
          // Clears H_BeamParticle::positions and sets the initial one
          h_p->setPosition(XforPosition, YforPosition, TXforPosition, TYforPosition, ZforPosition );
          m_beamPart[line] = h_p;
          m_direct[line] = 0;
          m_direct[line] = ( pz > 0 ) ? 1 : -1;
          m_eta[line] = (*eventParticle)->momentum().eta();
          m_pdg[line] = (*eventParticle)->pdg_id();
          m_pz[line]  = (*eventParticle)->momentum().pz();
          if(m_verbosity) { 
            LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:add: barcode = " << line 
                                              << " status = " << g->status() 
                                              << " PDG Id = " << g->pdg_id() 
                                              << " mass = " << mass 
                                              << " pz = " << pz 
                                              << " charge = " << charge 
                                              << " m_isCharged[line] = " << m_isCharged[line];
        }// if find line
      }// if eta > 8.2
    }// if status
  }// for loop
HepMC::GenEvent * Hector::addPartToHepMC ( HepMC::GenEvent *  event)

Return vector of the particle lines (HepMC::GenParticle::barcode()) in a beamline

Definition at line 495 of file

References funct::cos(), relval_parameters_module::energy, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, lengthd1, geometryCSVtoXML::line, LogDebug, m_beamPart, m_direct, m_eAtTrPoint, m_FP420Transport, m_isStoppedd1, m_isStoppedfp420, m_isStoppedzdc, m_rpp420_b, m_rpp420_f, m_TxAtTrPoint, m_TyAtTrPoint, m_verbosity, m_xAtTrPoint, m_yAtTrPoint, m_ZDCTransport, pi, edm::second(), funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), theCorrespondenceMap, theta(), and cond::rpcobgas::time.

Referenced by HectorProducer::produce().


  unsigned int line;

  HepMC::GenParticle * gpart;
  long double tx,ty,theta,fi,energy,time = 0;
  std::map< unsigned int, H_BeamParticle* >::iterator it;
  for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it ) {
    line = (*it).first;
    if(!m_FP420Transport) m_isStoppedfp420[line] = true;
    if(!m_ZDCTransport) {m_isStoppedzdc[line] = false;m_isStoppedd1[line] = true;}
    if(m_verbosity) {
      LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: barcode = " << line << "\n"
                                        << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: isStoppedfp420=" << (*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second << "\n"
                                        << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: isStoppedzdc=" << (*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second << "\n"
                                        << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: isStoppedd1=" << (*m_isStoppedd1.find(line)).second;
    if (!((*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second) || (!((*m_isStoppedd1.find(line)).second) && ((*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second))){

      gpart = evt->barcode_to_particle( line );
      if ( gpart ) {
        tx     = (*m_TxAtTrPoint.find(line)).second / 1000000.;
        ty     = (*m_TyAtTrPoint.find(line)).second / 1000000.;
        theta  = sqrt((tx*tx) + (ty*ty));
        double ddd = 0.;
        if ( !((*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second)) {
          if( (*m_direct.find( line )).second >0 ) {
            ddd = m_rpp420_f;
          else if((*m_direct.find( line )).second <0 ) {
            ddd = m_rpp420_b;
            theta= pi-theta;
        else {
          ddd = lengthd1;
          if((*m_direct.find( line )).second <0 ) theta= pi-theta;
        fi     = std::atan2(tx,ty); // tx, ty never == 0?
        energy = (*m_eAtTrPoint.find(line)).second;
        time = ( ddd*meter - gpart->production_vertex()->position().z()*mm ); // mm

        if(ddd != 0.) {
          if(m_verbosity) {
            LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") <<"Hector:: x= "<< (*(m_xAtTrPoint.find(line))).second*0.001<< "\n"
                                              <<"Hector:: y= "<< (*(m_yAtTrPoint.find(line))).second*0.001<< "\n"
                                              <<"Hector:: z= "<< ddd * (*(m_direct.find( line ))).second*1000. << "\n"
                                              <<"Hector:: t= "<< time;
          HepMC::GenVertex * vert = new HepMC::GenVertex( HepMC::FourVector( (*(m_xAtTrPoint.find(line))).second*0.001,
                                                                             ddd * (*(m_direct.find( line ))).second*1000.,
                                                                             time + .001*time ) );
          gpart->set_status( 2 );
          vert->add_particle_in( gpart );
          vert->add_particle_out( new HepMC::GenParticle( HepMC::FourVector(energy*std::sin(theta)*std::sin(fi),
                                                                            energy ),
                                                          gpart->pdg_id(), 1, gpart->flow() ) );
          evt->add_vertex( vert );

          int ingoing = (*vert->particles_in_const_begin())->barcode();
          int outgoing = (*vert->particles_out_const_begin())->barcode();
          LHCTransportLink theLink(ingoing,outgoing);
          if (m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:addPartToHepMC: LHCTransportLink " << theLink;

          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector::TRANSPORTED pz= " << gpart->momentum().pz()  
                                                                 << " eta= "<< gpart->momentum().eta()  
                                                                 << " status= "<< gpart->status();
        }// ddd
      }// if gpart
    }// if !isStopped
    else {
      gpart = evt->barcode_to_particle( line );
      if ( gpart ) {
        //        HepMC::GenVertex * vert= new HepMC::GenVertex();
        gpart->set_status( 2 );
        //        vert->add_particle_in( gpart );
        //        vert->add_particle_out( gpart );
        //        evt->add_vertex( vert );
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector::NON-transp. pz= " << gpart->momentum().pz()  
                                                               << " eta= "<< gpart->momentum().eta()  
                                                               << " status= "<< gpart->status();

  return evt;
void Hector::clear ( void  )

Clears BeamParticle, prepares Hector for a next Aperture check or/and a next event

Definition at line 160 of file

References m_beamPart, m_direct, m_eta, m_isCharged, m_pdg, and m_pz.

Referenced by HectorProducer::produce().

  for ( std::map<unsigned int,H_BeamParticle*>::iterator it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it ) {
    delete (*it).second;
void Hector::clearApertureFlags ( )

Clears ApertureFlags, prepares Hector for a next event

Definition at line 154 of file

References m_isStoppedd1, m_isStoppedfp420, and m_isStoppedzdc.

Referenced by HectorProducer::produce().

void Hector::filterD1 ( )

propagate the particles through a beamline to ZDC

Definition at line 404 of file

References lengthd1, geometryCSVtoXML::line, LogDebug, m_beamlineD11, m_beamlineD12, m_beamPart, m_direct, m_eAtTrPoint, m_isCharged, m_isStoppedd1, m_isStoppedzdc, m_sig_e, m_sigmaSTX, m_sigmaSTY, m_smearAng, m_smearE, m_TxAtTrPoint, m_TyAtTrPoint, m_verbosity, m_xAtTrPoint, m_yAtTrPoint, rootEngine_, and edm::second().

Referenced by HectorProducer::produce().

  unsigned int line;
  H_BeamParticle * part;
  std::map< unsigned int, H_BeamParticle* >::iterator it;
  bool is_stop_d1;
  int direction;
  float x1_d1;
  float y1_d1;
  if ( m_beamPart.size() && lengthd1>0.) {
    for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it ) {
      line = (*it).first;
      part = (*it).second;
      if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1: barcode = " << line << " isStoppedZDC =" << (*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second;
      if ( ((*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second) || !((*m_isCharged.find( line )).second) ) {
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1: barcode = " << line << " propagated ";
        direction = (*m_direct.find( line )).second;
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1:direction=" << direction;
        if (m_smearAng) {
          if ( m_sigmaSTX>0. && m_sigmaSTY>0.) {
            // the beam transverse direction is centered on (TXforPosition, TYforPosition) at IP
          } else {
            // for smearAng() in urad, default are (STX=30.23, STY=30.23)
        if (m_smearE) {
          if ( m_sig_e ) {
          } else {
            part->smearE(SBE,rootEngine_);  // in GeV, default is SBE=0.79
        if ( direction == 1 && m_beamlineD11 != 0 ) {
          part->computePath( m_beamlineD11 );
          is_stop_d1 = part->stopped( m_beamlineD11 );
          m_isStoppedd1[line] = is_stop_d1;
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1 barcode " << line << " positive is_stop_d1 =  "<< is_stop_d1;
        } else  if ( direction == -1 && m_beamlineD12 != 0 ){
          part->computePath( m_beamlineD12 );
          is_stop_d1 = part->stopped( m_beamlineD12 );
          m_isStoppedd1[line] = is_stop_d1;
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1 barcode " << line << " negative is_stop_d1 =  "<< is_stop_d1;
        } else {
          is_stop_d1 = true;
          m_isStoppedd1[line] = is_stop_d1;
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1 barcode " << line << " 0        is_stop_d1 =  "<< is_stop_d1;
        if (!is_stop_d1 ) {
          part->propagate( lengthd1 );
          x1_d1 = part->getX();
          y1_d1 = part->getY();
          m_xAtTrPoint[line]  = x1_d1;
          m_yAtTrPoint[line]  = y1_d1;
          m_TxAtTrPoint[line] = part->getTX();
          m_TyAtTrPoint[line] = part->getTY();
          m_eAtTrPoint[line]  = part->getE();
      }// if stopzdc
      else {
        m_isStoppedd1[line] = false;// not stopped in propagating to ZDC and therefore in  propagation to D1 too.
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterD1: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedd1.find(line)).second;
    } // for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); it++ ) 
  } // if ( m_beamPart.size() )
void Hector::filterFP420 ( )

propagate the particles through a beamline to FP420

Definition at line 249 of file

References lengthfp420, geometryCSVtoXML::line, LogDebug, m_beamlineFP4201, m_beamlineFP4202, m_beamPart, m_direct, m_eAtTrPoint, m_isCharged, m_isStoppedfp420, m_rpp420_b, m_rpp420_f, m_sig_e, m_sigmaSTX, m_sigmaSTY, m_smearAng, m_smearE, m_TxAtTrPoint, m_TyAtTrPoint, m_verbosity, m_xAtTrPoint, m_yAtTrPoint, rootEngine_, and edm::second().

Referenced by HectorProducer::produce().

  unsigned int line;
  H_BeamParticle * part;
  std::map< unsigned int, H_BeamParticle* >::iterator it;
  bool is_stop;
  int direction;
  float x1_420;
  float y1_420;
  if ( m_beamPart.size() && lengthfp420>0. ) {
    for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it ) {
      line = (*it).first;
      part = (*it).second;
      if(m_verbosity) {
        LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line;
      if ( (*m_isCharged.find( line )).second ) {
        direction = (*m_direct.find( line )).second;
        if (m_smearAng) {
          // the beam transverse direction is centered on (TXforPosition, TYforPosition) at IP
          if ( m_sigmaSTX>0. && m_sigmaSTY>0.) {
          else {
            // for smearAng() in urad, default are (STX=30.23, STY=30.23)
        if (m_smearE) {
          if ( m_sig_e ) {
          else {
            part->smearE(SBE,rootEngine_);  // in GeV, default is SBE=0.79
        if ( direction == 1 && m_beamlineFP4201 != 0 ) {
          part->computePath( m_beamlineFP4201 );
          is_stop = part->stopped( m_beamlineFP4201 );
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " positive is_stop=  "<< is_stop;
        else if ( direction == -1 && m_beamlineFP4202 != 0 ){
          part->computePath( m_beamlineFP4202 );
          is_stop = part->stopped( m_beamlineFP4202 );
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " negative is_stop=  "<< is_stop;
        else {
          is_stop = true;
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " 0        is_stop=  "<< is_stop;
        m_isStoppedfp420[line] = is_stop;
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second;
        if (!is_stop) {
          if ( direction == 1 ) part->propagate( m_rpp420_f );
          if ( direction == -1 ) part->propagate( m_rpp420_b );
          x1_420 = part->getX();
          y1_420 = part->getY();
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " x=  "<< x1_420 <<" y= " << y1_420;
          m_xAtTrPoint[line]  = x1_420;
          m_yAtTrPoint[line]  = y1_420;
          m_TxAtTrPoint[line] = part->getTX();
          m_TyAtTrPoint[line] = part->getTY();
          m_eAtTrPoint[line]  = part->getE();
      }// if isCharged
      else {
        m_isStoppedfp420[line] = true;// imply that neutral particles stopped to reach 420m
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterFP420: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second;
    } // for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); it++ ) 
  } // if ( m_beamPart.size() )
void Hector::filterZDC ( )

propagate the particles through a beamline to ZDC

Definition at line 333 of file

References lengthzdc, geometryCSVtoXML::line, LogDebug, m_beamlineZDC1, m_beamlineZDC2, m_beamPart, m_direct, m_FP420Transport, m_isCharged, m_isStoppedfp420, m_isStoppedzdc, m_sig_e, m_sigmaSTX, m_sigmaSTY, m_smearAng, m_smearE, m_verbosity, rootEngine_, and edm::second().

Referenced by HectorProducer::produce().

  unsigned int line;
  H_BeamParticle * part;
  std::map< unsigned int, H_BeamParticle* >::iterator it;
  bool is_stop_zdc = false;
  int direction;
  if ( m_beamPart.size() && lengthzdc>0. ) {
    for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it ) {
      line = (*it).first;
      part = (*it).second;
      if(m_verbosity) {
        LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " charge  = " << (*m_isCharged.find(line)).second;
        if (m_FP420Transport) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << " isStoppedFP420 =" << (*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second;
      //      if ( ((*m_isStoppedfp420.find(line)).second) && ((*m_isCharged.find(line)).second) ) {
      if ( ((*m_isCharged.find(line)).second) ) {
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " propagated ";
        direction = (*m_direct.find( line )).second;
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " direction = " << direction;
        if (m_smearAng) {
          if ( m_sigmaSTX>0. && m_sigmaSTY>0.) {
            // the beam transverse direction is centered on (TXforPosition, TYforPosition) at IP
          } else {
            // for smearAng() in urad, default are (STX=30.23, STY=30.23)
        if (m_smearE) {
          if ( m_sig_e ) {
          } else {
            part->smearE(SBE,rootEngine_);  // in GeV, default is SBE=0.79
        if ( direction == 1 && m_beamlineZDC1 != 0 ){
          part->computePath( m_beamlineZDC1 );
          is_stop_zdc = part->stopped( m_beamlineZDC1 );
          m_isStoppedzdc[line] = is_stop_zdc;
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode " << line << " positive is_stop_zdc=  "<< is_stop_zdc;
        } else if ( direction == -1 && m_beamlineZDC2 != 0 ){
          part->computePath( m_beamlineZDC2 );
          is_stop_zdc = part->stopped( m_beamlineZDC2 );
          m_isStoppedzdc[line] = is_stop_zdc;
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode " << line << " negative is_stop_zdc=  "<< is_stop_zdc;
        } else {
          m_isStoppedzdc[line] = true;
          if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode " << line << " 0         is_stop_zdc=  "<< is_stop_zdc;
      // if stopfp420 charged particles
        else if ( ((*m_isCharged.find(line)).second) ){
        m_isStoppedzdc[line] = false;// not stopped in propagating to FP420 and therefore in  propagation to ZDC too.
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second;
        } */
      else {
        m_isStoppedzdc[line] = true;// neutrals particles considered as stopped in propagating to ZDC
        if(m_verbosity) LogDebug("HectorEventProcessing") << "Hector:filterZDC: barcode = " << line << " isStopped=" << (*m_isStoppedzdc.find(line)).second;
    } // for (it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); it++ ) 
  } // if ( m_beamPart.size() )
std::vector<LHCTransportLink>& Hector::getCorrespondenceMap ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 72 of file Hector.h.

References theCorrespondenceMap.

Referenced by HectorProducer::produce().

int Hector::getDirect ( unsigned int  part_n) const

Definition at line 480 of file

References m_direct.

  std::map<unsigned int, int>::const_iterator it = m_direct.find( part_n );
  if ( it != m_direct.end() ){
    return (*it).second;
  return 0;
void Hector::print ( void  ) const

Prints properties of all particles in a beamline

Definition at line 488 of file

References m_beamPart.

  for (std::map<unsigned int,H_BeamParticle*>::const_iterator it = m_beamPart.begin(); it != m_beamPart.end(); ++it ) {

Member Data Documentation

string Hector::beam1filename [private]

Definition at line 128 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by Hector().

string Hector::beam2filename [private]

Definition at line 129 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by Hector().

double Hector::etacut [private]

Definition at line 86 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add(), and Hector().

double Hector::lengthd1 [private]

Definition at line 84 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterD1(), and Hector().

double Hector::lengthfp420 [private]

Definition at line 82 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterFP420(), and Hector().

double Hector::lengthzdc [private]

Definition at line 83 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterZDC(), and Hector().

H_BeamLine* Hector::m_beamlineD11 [private]

Definition at line 105 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterD1(), Hector(), and ~Hector().

H_BeamLine* Hector::m_beamlineD12 [private]

Definition at line 106 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterD1(), Hector(), and ~Hector().

H_BeamLine* Hector::m_beamlineFP4201 [private]

Definition at line 101 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterFP420(), Hector(), and ~Hector().

H_BeamLine* Hector::m_beamlineFP4202 [private]

Definition at line 102 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterFP420(), Hector(), and ~Hector().

H_BeamLine* Hector::m_beamlineZDC1 [private]

Definition at line 103 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterZDC(), Hector(), and ~Hector().

H_BeamLine* Hector::m_beamlineZDC2 [private]

Definition at line 104 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterZDC(), Hector(), and ~Hector().

std::map<unsigned int, H_BeamParticle*> Hector::m_beamPart [private]

Definition at line 112 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add(), addPartToHepMC(), clear(), filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), print(), and ~Hector().

std::map<unsigned int, int> Hector::m_direct [private]

Definition at line 113 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add(), addPartToHepMC(), clear(), filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), and getDirect().

std::map<unsigned int, double> Hector::m_eAtTrPoint [private]

Definition at line 121 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterD1(), and filterFP420().

std::map<unsigned int, double> Hector::m_eta [private]

Definition at line 123 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add(), and clear().

bool Hector::m_FP420Transport [private]

Definition at line 132 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterZDC(), and Hector().

std::map<unsigned int, bool> Hector::m_isCharged [private]

Definition at line 126 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add(), clear(), filterD1(), filterFP420(), and filterZDC().

std::map<unsigned int, bool> Hector::m_isStoppedd1 [private]

Definition at line 116 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), clearApertureFlags(), and filterD1().

std::map<unsigned int, bool> Hector::m_isStoppedfp420 [private]

Definition at line 114 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), clearApertureFlags(), filterFP420(), and filterZDC().

std::map<unsigned int, bool> Hector::m_isStoppedzdc [private]

Definition at line 115 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), clearApertureFlags(), filterD1(), and filterZDC().

std::map<unsigned int, int> Hector::m_pdg [private]

Definition at line 124 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add(), and clear().

std::map<unsigned int, double> Hector::m_pz [private]

Definition at line 125 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add(), and clear().

H_RecRPObject* Hector::m_rp420_b [private]

Definition at line 110 of file Hector.h.

H_RecRPObject* Hector::m_rp420_f [private]

Definition at line 109 of file Hector.h.

float Hector::m_rpp420_b [private]

Definition at line 94 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterFP420(), and Hector().

float Hector::m_rpp420_f [private]

Definition at line 93 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterFP420(), and Hector().

float Hector::m_rppd1 [private]

Definition at line 96 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by Hector().

float Hector::m_rppzdc [private]

Definition at line 95 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by Hector().

double Hector::m_sig_e [private]

Definition at line 88 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), and Hector().

double Hector::m_sigmaSTX [private]

Definition at line 90 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), and Hector().

double Hector::m_sigmaSTY [private]

Definition at line 91 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), and Hector().

bool Hector::m_smearAng [private]

Definition at line 87 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), and Hector().

bool Hector::m_smearE [private]

Definition at line 89 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), and Hector().

std::map<unsigned int, double> Hector::m_TxAtTrPoint [private]

Definition at line 119 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterD1(), and filterFP420().

std::map<unsigned int, double> Hector::m_TyAtTrPoint [private]

Definition at line 120 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterD1(), and filterFP420().

bool Hector::m_verbosity [private]

Definition at line 131 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add(), addPartToHepMC(), filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), and Hector().

std::map<unsigned int, double> Hector::m_xAtTrPoint [private]

Definition at line 117 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterD1(), and filterFP420().

std::map<unsigned int, double> Hector::m_yAtTrPoint [private]

Definition at line 118 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), filterD1(), and filterFP420().

bool Hector::m_ZDCTransport [private]

Definition at line 133 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), and Hector().

Definition at line 98 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by add().

TRandom3* Hector::rootEngine_ [private]

Definition at line 137 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by filterD1(), filterFP420(), filterZDC(), and Hector().

Definition at line 135 of file Hector.h.

Referenced by addPartToHepMC(), getCorrespondenceMap(), and Hector().