Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker Class Reference

#include <TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h>

Inheritance diagram for TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void produce (edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
 TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
 ~TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker ()

Private Member Functions

bool HasPositiveCharge (const reco::Candidate *) const
bool LepDiffCharge (const reco::Candidate *, const reco::Candidate *) const
bool PTComp (const reco::Candidate *, const reco::Candidate *) const

Private Attributes

bool calcTopMass_
bool eeChannel_
edm::InputTag electronSource_
bool emuChannel_
bool etauChannel_
edm::InputTag evtSource_
int jetCorrScheme_
edm::InputTag jetSource_
bool matchToGenEvt_
edm::InputTag metSource_
bool mumuChannel_
edm::InputTag muonSource_
bool mutauChannel_
unsigned int nrCombJets_
std::vector< double > nupars_
edm::InputTag tauSource_
bool tautauChannel_
double tmassbegin_
double tmassend_
double tmassstep_
bool useMCforBest_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 17 of file

References calcTopMass_, eeChannel_, electronSource_, emuChannel_, etauChannel_, evtSource_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), jetCorrScheme_, jetSource_, matchToGenEvt_, metSource_, mumuChannel_, muonSource_, mutauChannel_, myLRSignalSelObservables, nrCombJets_, nupars_, tauSource_, tautauChannel_, tmassbegin_, tmassend_, tmassstep_, and useMCforBest_.

  // configurables
  electronSource_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("electronSource");
  muonSource_     = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("muonSource");
  tauSource_      = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tauSource");
  metSource_      = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("metSource");
  jetSource_      = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jetSource");
  jetCorrScheme_  = iConfig.getParameter<int>          ("jetCorrectionScheme");
  evtSource_      = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("evtSource");
  nrCombJets_     = iConfig.getParameter<unsigned int> ("nrCombJets");
  matchToGenEvt_  = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("matchToGenEvt");
  calcTopMass_    = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("calcTopMass"); 
  useMCforBest_   = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("bestSolFromMC");
  eeChannel_      = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("eeChannel"); 
  emuChannel_     = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("emuChannel");
  mumuChannel_    = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("mumuChannel");
  mutauChannel_   = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("mutauChannel");
  etauChannel_    = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("etauChannel");
  tautauChannel_  = iConfig.getParameter<bool>         ("tautauChannel");
  tmassbegin_     = iConfig.getParameter<double>       ("tmassbegin");
  tmassend_       = iConfig.getParameter<double>       ("tmassend");
  tmassstep_      = iConfig.getParameter<double>       ("tmassstep");
  nupars_         = iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("neutrino_parameters");
  // define what will be produced
  produces<std::vector<TtDilepEvtSolution> >();
  myLRSignalSelObservables = new TtDilepLRSignalSelObservables();
TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::~TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker ( )

Definition at line 49 of file


Member Function Documentation

void TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 53 of file

References nupars_, solver, tmassbegin_, tmassend_, and tmassstep_.

bool TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::HasPositiveCharge ( const reco::Candidate l) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 60 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

References reco::Candidate::charge().

Referenced by produce().

  return (l->charge() > 0);
bool TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::LepDiffCharge ( const reco::Candidate l1,
const reco::Candidate l2 
) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 55 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

References reco::Candidate::charge().

Referenced by produce().

  return (l1->charge() != l2->charge());
void TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 58 of file

References TtFullLepKinSolver::addKinSolInfo(), calcTopMass_, gather_cfg::cout, eeChannel_, HI_PhotonSkim_cff::electrons, electronSource_, emuChannel_, etauChannel_, evtSource_, spr::find(), TtGenEvtProducer_cfi::genEvt, edm::Event::getByLabel(), TtDilepEvtSolution::getJetResidual(), HasPositiveCharge(), iEvent, metsig::jet, jetCorrScheme_, fwrapper::jets, jetSource_, LepDiffCharge(), matchToGenEvt_, metSource_, mumuChannel_, patZpeak::muons, muonSource_, mutauChannel_, nrCombJets_, NULL, PTComp(), edm::Event::put(), alignCSCRings::s, TtDilepEvtSolution::setB(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setBbar(), TtFullLepKinSolver::SetConstraints(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setElectronm(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setElectronp(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setGenEvt(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setJetCorrectionScheme(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setMET(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setMuonm(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setMuonp(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setTaum(), TtDilepEvtSolution::setTaup(), solver, metsig::tau, tauSource_, tautauChannel_, useMCforBest_, and TtFullLepKinSolver::useWeightFromMC().

  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Tau> > taus;
  iEvent.getByLabel(tauSource_, taus);
  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Muon> > muons;
  iEvent.getByLabel(muonSource_, muons);
  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Electron> > electrons;
  iEvent.getByLabel(electronSource_, electrons);
  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::MET> > mets;
  iEvent.getByLabel(metSource_, mets);
  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Jet> > jets;
  iEvent.getByLabel(jetSource_, jets);
  int selMuonp = -1, selMuonm = -1;
  int selElectronp = -1, selElectronm = -1;
  int selTaup = -1, selTaum = -1;
  bool leptonFound = false;
  bool mumu = false;
  bool emu = false;
  bool ee = false;
  bool etau = false;
  bool mutau = false;
  bool tautau = false;
  bool leptonFoundEE = false;
  bool leptonFoundMM = false;
  bool leptonFoundTT = false;
  bool leptonFoundEpMm = false;
  bool leptonFoundEmMp = false;
  bool leptonFoundEpTm = false;
  bool leptonFoundEmTp = false;
  bool leptonFoundMpTm = false;
  bool leptonFoundMmTp = false;
  bool jetsFound = false;
  bool METFound = false;
  std::vector<int>  JetVetoByTaus;
  //select MET (TopMET vector is sorted on ET)
  if(mets->size()>=1) { METFound = true; }
  // If we have electrons and muons available, 
  // build a solutions with electrons and muons.
  if (muons->size() + electrons->size() >=2) {
    // select leptons
    if (electrons->size() == 0) mumu = true;
    else if (muons->size() == 0) ee = true;
    else if (electrons->size() == 1) {
      if (muons->size() == 1) emu = true;
      else if (PTComp(&(*electrons)[0], &(*muons)[1])) emu = true;
      else  mumu = true;
    else if (electrons->size() > 1) {
      if (PTComp(&(*electrons)[1], &(*muons)[0])) ee = true;
      else if (muons->size() == 1) emu = true;
      else if (PTComp(&(*electrons)[0], &(*muons)[1])) emu = true;
      else mumu = true;
    if (ee) {
      if (LepDiffCharge(&(*electrons)[0], &(*electrons)[1])) {
        leptonFound = true;
        leptonFoundEE = true;
        if (HasPositiveCharge(&(*electrons)[0])) {
          selElectronp = 0;
          selElectronm = 1;
        } else {
          selElectronp = 1;
          selElectronm = 0;
    else if (emu) {
      if (LepDiffCharge(&(*electrons)[0], &(*muons)[0])) {
        leptonFound = true;
        if (HasPositiveCharge(&(*electrons)[0])) {
          leptonFoundEpMm = true;
          selElectronp = 0;
          selMuonm = 0;
        } else {
          leptonFoundEmMp = true;
          selMuonp = 0;
          selElectronm = 0;
    else if (mumu) {
      if (LepDiffCharge(&(*muons)[0], &(*muons)[1])) {
        leptonFound = true;
        leptonFoundMM = true;
        if (HasPositiveCharge(&(*muons)[0])) {
          selMuonp = 0;
          selMuonm = 1;
        } else {
          selMuonp = 1;
          selMuonm = 0;
    //select Jets (TopJet vector is sorted on ET)
    if(jets->size()>=2) { jetsFound = true; }
  // If a tau is needed to have two leptons, then only consider the taus.
  // This is the minimal modification of the dilept selection that includes taus,
  // since we are considering taus only when no other solution exist.
  else if(muons->size() + electrons->size()==1 && taus->size()>0) {
    // select leptons
    if(muons->size()==1) {
      mutau = true;
      // depending on the muon charge, set the right muon index and specify channel
      int expectedCharge = - muons->begin()->charge();
      int* tauIdx = NULL;
      if (expectedCharge<0) {
        selMuonp = 0;
        tauIdx = &selTaum;
        leptonFoundMpTm = true;
      } else {
        selMuonm = 0;
        tauIdx = &selTaup;
        leptonFoundMmTp = true;
      // loop over the vector of taus to find the ones
      // that have the charge opposite to the muon one, and do not match in eta-phi
      std::vector<std::vector<pat::Tau>::const_iterator> subset1;
      for(std::vector<pat::Tau>::const_iterator tau = taus->begin(); tau < taus->end(); ++tau ) {
        if(tau->charge()*expectedCharge>=0 && DeltaR<pat::Particle>()(*tau,*(muons->begin()))>0.1) { 
          *tauIdx = tau-taus->begin(); 
          leptonFound = true;
      // if there are more than one tau with ecalIsol==0, take the smallest E/P
      float iso = 999.;
      for(std::vector<std::vector<pat::Tau>::const_iterator>::const_iterator tau = subset1.begin(); tau < subset1.end(); ++tau) {
        if((*tau)->isCaloTau() && (*tau)->isolationTracksPtSum()<iso) {
          *tauIdx = *tau - taus->begin();
          iso = (*tau)->isolationTracksPtSum();
        if((*tau)->isPFTau() && (*tau)->isolationPFChargedHadrCandsPtSum()<iso) {
          *tauIdx = *tau - taus->begin();
          iso = (*tau)->isolationPFChargedHadrCandsPtSum();
      // check that one combination has been found
      if(!leptonFound) { leptonFoundMpTm = false; leptonFoundMmTp = false; } 
      // discard the jet that matches the tau (if one) 
      if(leptonFound) {
        for(std::vector<pat::Jet>::const_iterator jet = jets->begin(); jet<jets->end(); ++jet) {
          if(DeltaR<pat::Particle, pat::Jet>()(*(taus->begin()+*tauIdx),*jet)<0.1) {
    else {
      etau = true;
      // depending on the electron charge, set the right electron index and specify channel
      int expectedCharge = - electrons->begin()->charge();
      int* tauIdx = NULL;
      if (expectedCharge<0) {
        selElectronp = 0;
        tauIdx = &selTaum;
        leptonFoundEpTm = true;
      } else {
        selElectronm = 0;
        tauIdx = &selTaup;
        leptonFoundEmTp = true;
      // loop over the vector of taus to find the ones
      // that have the charge opposite to the muon one, and do not match in eta-phi
      std::vector<std::vector<pat::Tau>::const_iterator> subset1;
      for(std::vector<pat::Tau>::const_iterator tau = taus->begin(); tau < taus->end(); ++tau ) {
        if(tau->charge()*expectedCharge>=0 && DeltaR<pat::Particle>()(*tau,*(electrons->begin()))>0.1) { 
          *tauIdx = tau-taus->begin(); 
          leptonFound = true; 
      // if there are more than one tau with ecalIsol==0, take the smallest E/P
      float iso = 999.;
      for(std::vector<std::vector<pat::Tau>::const_iterator>::const_iterator tau = subset1.begin(); tau < subset1.end(); ++tau) {
        if((*tau)->isCaloTau() && (*tau)->isolationTracksPtSum()<iso) {
          *tauIdx = *tau - taus->begin();
          iso = (*tau)->isolationTracksPtSum();
        if((*tau)->isPFTau() && (*tau)->isolationPFChargedHadrCandsPtSum()<iso) {
          *tauIdx = *tau - taus->begin();
          iso = (*tau)->isolationPFChargedHadrCandsPtSum();

      // check that one combination has been found
      if(!leptonFound) { leptonFoundEpTm = false; leptonFoundEmTp = false; } 
      // discard the jet that matches the tau (if one) 
      if(leptonFound) {
        for(std::vector<pat::Jet>::const_iterator jet = jets->begin(); jet<jets->end(); ++jet) {
          if(DeltaR<pat::Particle, pat::Jet>()(*(taus->begin()+*tauIdx),*jet)<0.1) {
    // select Jets (TopJet vector is sorted on ET)
    jetsFound = ((jets->size()-JetVetoByTaus.size())>=2);
  } else if(taus->size()>1) {
    tautau = true;
    if(LepDiffCharge(&(*taus)[0],&(*taus)[1])) {
      leptonFound = true;
      leptonFoundTT = true;
      if(HasPositiveCharge(&(*taus)[0])) {
        selTaup = 0;
        selTaum = 1;
      else {
        selTaup = 1;
        selTaum = 0;
    for(std::vector<pat::Jet>::const_iterator jet = jets->begin(); jet<jets->end(); ++jet) {
      if(DeltaR<pat::Particle, pat::Jet>()((*taus)[0],*jet)<0.1 || DeltaR<pat::Particle, pat::Jet>()((*taus)[1],*jet)<0.1) {
    // select Jets (TopJet vector is sorted on ET)
    jetsFound = ((jets->size()-JetVetoByTaus.size())>=2);
  // Check that the above work makes sense
    std::cout << "[TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker]: "
              << "Lepton selection criteria uncorrectly defined" << std::endl;
  bool correctLepton = (leptonFoundEE && eeChannel_)                          ||
                       ((leptonFoundEmMp || leptonFoundEpMm) && emuChannel_)  ||
                       (leptonFoundMM && mumuChannel_)                        ||
                       ((leptonFoundMmTp || leptonFoundMpTm) && mutauChannel_)||
                       ((leptonFoundEmTp || leptonFoundEpTm) && etauChannel_) ||
                       (leptonFoundTT && tautauChannel_)                        ;
  std::vector<TtDilepEvtSolution> * evtsols = new std::vector<TtDilepEvtSolution>();
  if(correctLepton && METFound && jetsFound) {
    // protect against reading beyond array boundaries while discounting vetoed jets
    unsigned int nrCombJets = 0; 
    unsigned int numberOfJets = 0;
    for(; nrCombJets<jets->size() && numberOfJets<nrCombJets_; ++nrCombJets) {
      if(find(JetVetoByTaus.begin(),JetVetoByTaus.end(),int(nrCombJets))==JetVetoByTaus.end()) ++numberOfJets;
    // consider all permutations
    for (unsigned int ib = 0; ib < nrCombJets; ib++) {
      // skipped jet vetoed during components-flagging.
      // second loop of the permutations
      for (unsigned int ibbar = 0; ibbar < nrCombJets; ibbar++) {
        // avoid the diagonal: b and bbar must be distinct jets
        if(ib==ibbar) continue;
        // skipped jet vetoed during components-flagging.
        // Build and save a solution
        TtDilepEvtSolution asol;
        double xconstraint = 0, yconstraint = 0;
        // Set e+ in the event
        if (leptonFoundEE || leptonFoundEpMm || leptonFoundEpTm) {
          asol.setElectronp(electrons, selElectronp);
          xconstraint += (*electrons)[selElectronp].px();
          yconstraint += (*electrons)[selElectronp].py();
        // Set e- in the event
        if (leptonFoundEE || leptonFoundEmMp || leptonFoundEmTp) {
          asol.setElectronm(electrons, selElectronm);
          xconstraint += (*electrons)[selElectronm].px();
          yconstraint += (*electrons)[selElectronm].py();
        // Set mu+ in the event
        if (leptonFoundMM || leptonFoundEmMp || leptonFoundMpTm) {
          asol.setMuonp(muons, selMuonp);
          xconstraint += (*muons)[selMuonp].px();
          yconstraint += (*muons)[selMuonp].py();
        // Set mu- in the event
        if (leptonFoundMM || leptonFoundEpMm || leptonFoundMmTp) {
          asol.setMuonm(muons, selMuonm);
          xconstraint += (*muons)[selMuonm].px();
          yconstraint += (*muons)[selMuonm].py();
        // Set tau- in the event
        if (leptonFoundEpTm || leptonFoundMpTm || leptonFoundTT) {
          asol.setTaum(taus, selTaum);
          xconstraint += (*taus)[selTaum].px();
          yconstraint += (*taus)[selTaum].py();
        // Set tau+ in the event
        if (leptonFoundEmTp || leptonFoundMmTp || leptonFoundTT) {
          asol.setTaup(taus, selTaup);
          xconstraint += (*taus)[selTaup].px();
          yconstraint += (*taus)[selTaup].py();
        // Set Jets/MET in the event
        asol.setB(jets, ib); 
        asol.setBbar(jets, ibbar);
        asol.setMET(mets, 0);
        xconstraint += (*jets)[ib].px() + (*jets)[ibbar].px() + (*mets)[0].px();
        yconstraint += (*jets)[ib].py() + (*jets)[ibbar].py() + (*mets)[0].py();
        // if asked for, match the event solutions to the gen Event
          edm::Handle<TtGenEvent> genEvt;
          iEvent.getByLabel (evtSource_,genEvt);
        // If asked, use the kin fitter to compute the top mass
        if (calcTopMass_) {
          solver->SetConstraints(xconstraint, yconstraint);
          asol = solver->addKinSolInfo(&asol);

     // these lines calculate the observables to be used in the TtDilepSignalSelection LR
      (*myLRSignalSelObservables)(asol, iEvent);

    // flag the best solution (MC matching)
      double bestSolDR = 9999.;
      int bestSol = -1;
      double dR = 0.;
      for(size_t s=0; s<evtsols->size(); s++) {
        dR = (*evtsols)[s].getJetResidual();
        if(dR<bestSolDR) { bestSolDR = dR; bestSol = s; }
      if(bestSol!=-1) (*evtsols)[bestSol].setBestSol(true);
    // put the result in the event
    std::auto_ptr<std::vector<TtDilepEvtSolution> > pOut(evtsols);
  } else {
    // no solution: put a dummy solution in the event
    TtDilepEvtSolution asol;
    std::auto_ptr<std::vector<TtDilepEvtSolution> > pOut(evtsols);
bool TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::PTComp ( const reco::Candidate l1,
const reco::Candidate l2 
) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 50 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

References reco::Candidate::pt().

Referenced by produce().

  return (l1->pt() > l2->pt());

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 41 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 42 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 33 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 42 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 42 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 38 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 39 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 37 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 41 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 36 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 42 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 34 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 42 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 46 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

unsigned int TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::nrCombJets_ [private]

Definition at line 40 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

std::vector<double> TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::nupars_ [private]

Definition at line 44 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 47 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and produce().

Definition at line 35 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 42 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 43 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 43 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 43 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 41 of file TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker().