![]() |
![]() |
def asciidump::boolean_components | ( | r, | |
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 133 of file asciidump.py.
00134 : 00135 s = "" 00136 for c in r.getElementsByTagName("rSolid"): 00137 s = s + qname(c.getAttribute("name"),ns) + "," 00138 t = r.getElementsByTagName("Translation") 00139 if len(t) != 0: 00140 s = s + unitc(t[0].getAttribute("x")).__str__() + "," 00141 s = s + unitc(t[0].getAttribute("y")).__str__() + "," 00142 s = s + unitc(t[0].getAttribute("z")).__str__() + "," 00143 else: 00144 s = s + "0,0,0," 00145 r = r.getElementsByTagName("rRotation") 00146 if len(r) != 0: 00147 s = s + qname(r[0].getAttribute("name"),ns) + "," 00148 else: 00149 s = s + "rotations:UNIT," 00150 return s 00151 00152 # Solid-action ########################################################################## 00153 # called during the SOLIDS-table generation 00154 # each action creates a sub-table containing the data for the solids 00155 # some actions create several sub-tables (e.g. polycones, rz-sectsion ...)
def asciidump::box_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 156 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::comp_action | ( | e, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 320 of file asciidump.py.
00321 : 00322 file = open(outdir+"MATERIALFRACTIONS.dat",'a') 00323 fracs = e.getElementsByTagName("MaterialFraction") 00324 for frac in fracs: 00325 fm = frac.getAttribute("fraction") 00326 mat = qname(frac.getElementsByTagName("rMaterial")[0].getAttribute("name"),ns) 00327 result = "" + qname(e.getAttribute("name"),ns) + ',' + mat + ',' + fm + "\n" 00328 file.write(result) 00329 return s
def asciidump::cone_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 204 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::examine_section | ( | r, | |
ns, | |||
kind | |||
) |
Definition at line 63 of file asciidump.py.
00064 : 00065 # currently only z-sections 00066 if kind != "ZS,": 00067 return 00068 sections = r.getElementsByTagName("ZSection") 00069 z = [] 00070 rmin = [] 00071 rmax = [] 00072 for s in sections: 00073 z.append(unitc(s.getAttribute("z"))) 00074 rmin.append(unitc(s.getAttribute("rMin"))) 00075 rmax.append(unitc(s.getAttribute("rMax"))) 00076 #print z 00077 # check, whether z-values come in order 00078 xmin = z[0] 00079 for x in z: 00080 if x < xmin: 00081 LOGFILE.write(r.tagName + " " + qname(r.getAttribute("name"),ns) + " z values not z1 <= z2\n") 00082 xmin = x 00083 for i in range(0,len(rmin)): 00084 if rmin[i] == rmax[i]: 00085 LOGFILE.write(r.tagName + " " + qname(r.getAttribute("name"),ns) + " rmin = rmax\n") 00086 if (i != 0) and (i != (len(rmin)-1)): 00087 LOGFILE.write(" the one above might be a problem!\n") 00088 print r.tagName + " " + qname(r.getAttribute("name"),ns) + " rmin = rmax\n", i, range(0,len(rmin)) 00089 00090 for i in range(0,len(rmin)): 00091 if rmin[i] > rmax[i]: 00092 LOGFILE.write(r.tagName + " " + qname(r.getAttribute("name"),ns) + " rmin > rmax\n") 00093 # check pairs of same z-values 00094 zz = {} 00095 for i in range(0,len(rmin)): 00096 zz[z[i]] = 1 00097 #print z[i], zz 00098 if i < len(rmin)-1: 00099 err = 0 00100 if z[i] == z[i+1]: 00101 if rmax[i+1] < rmin[i]: 00102 err = 1 00103 if rmin[i+1] > rmax[i]: 00104 err = 2 00105 if err>0: 00106 LOGFILE.write(r.tagName + " " + qname(r.getAttribute("name"),ns) + " discontinuity at " + i.__str__() + "\n") 00107 if len(zz) == 2: 00108 #print zz, qname(r.getAttribute("name"),ns) 00109 #print n 00110 LOGFILE.write(r.tagName + " " + qname(r.getAttribute("name"),ns) + " simpler solid possible\n")
def asciidump::generic_solid | ( | table, | |
element, | |||
ns, | |||
postfix = "" , |
prefix = "" , |
docpost = "[postfix]" , |
docpre = "[prefix] |
) |
Solid actions.
Definition at line 39 of file asciidump.py.
00040 : 00041 if GENSOLID_ONCE.has_key(table) == 0: 00042 GENSOLID_ONCE[table]=1 00043 f = open(outdir+soldir+table+".cdl",'w') 00044 s = "-- " 00045 if len(prefix): 00046 s = s + docpre 00047 for att in element.attributes.values(): 00048 s = s + att.name + ',' 00049 if len(postfix): 00050 s = s + docpost 00051 f.write(s[:-1]+"\n") 00052 f.close() 00053 file = open(outdir+soldir+table,'a') 00054 s=prefix 00055 for att in element.attributes.values(): 00056 if att.name == "name": 00057 s = s + qname(att.value,ns) + ',' 00058 else: 00059 s = s + unitc(att.value).__str__() + ',' 00060 s = s + postfix 00061 file.write(s[:-1]+"\n") 00062 # examines the sensfullness of the pcone/phedra z-sections or rz-points (currently z-section only)
def asciidump::get_docs | ( | config | ) |
Definition at line 287 of file asciidump.py.
00288 : 00289 result = [] 00290 print CONFIGFILE 00291 doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(open(CONFIGFILE,'r')) 00292 file_elements = doc.getElementsByTagName("File") 00293 print `file_elements` 00294 for file_element in file_elements: 00295 file_name = file_element.getAttribute("name") 00296 url_name = file_element.getAttribute("url") 00297 print url_name + file_name 00298 path = url_name+file_name 00299 ns = string.split(path,'/')[-1][:-4] 00300 result.append([url_name+file_name,ns]) 00301 return result
def asciidump::intersectionsolid_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 219 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::log_action | ( | logp, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 330 of file asciidump.py.
00331 : 00332 # isolate the category, name_cat[0]=name, name_cat[1]=category 00333 name_cat = string.split(s,',') 00334 CATEGORIES[name_cat[1]] ='' # put category in global dictionary 00335 #print name_cat[1] 00336 nodelist = logp.childNodes 00337 l = nodelist.length 00338 mat ="" 00339 sol ="" 00340 for i in range(0,l-1): 00341 if string.find(nodelist[i].nodeName,"Ma") != -1: 00342 mat = qname(nodelist[i].getAttribute("name"),ns) 00343 if string.find(nodelist[i].nodeName,"So") != -1: 00344 sol = qname(nodelist[i].getAttribute("name"),ns) 00345 result = name_cat[0] + ',' + sol + ',' + mat + ',' + name_cat[1] + ',' 00346 return result
def asciidump::poly_section_action | ( | r, | |
ns, | |||
kind | |||
) |
Definition at line 111 of file asciidump.py.
00112 : 00113 count = 0 00114 name = qname(r.getAttribute("name"),ns) + "," 00115 if r.tagName == "Polycone": 00116 name = name + "," 00117 else: 00118 name = "," + name 00119 #print kind 00120 if kind=="ZS,": 00121 for i in r.getElementsByTagName("ZSection"): 00122 prefix = count.__str__() + "," 00123 generic_solid("ZSECTIONS.dat",i,ns,name,prefix,"polycone_solid_name,polyhedra_solid_name,","sequence_no,") 00124 count = count + 1 00125 else: 00126 for i in r.getElementsByTagName("RZPoint"): 00127 prefix = count.__str__() + "," 00128 generic_solid("RZPOINTS.dat",i,ns,name,prefix,"polycone_solid_name,polyhedra_solid_name,","sequence_no,") 00129 count = count + 1 00130 #if count<5: 00131 # LOGFILE.write("ZSECTION:" +" " + r.tagName + " " + name + "\n") 00132 examine_section(r,ns,kind)
def asciidump::polycone_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 195 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::polyhedra_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 186 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::pos_action | ( | posp, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 347 of file asciidump.py.
00348 : 00349 PPCOUNT[0] = PPCOUNT[0] + 1 00350 nodelist = posp.childNodes 00351 l = nodelist.length 00352 parent = "" 00353 child = "" 00354 tra = [] 00355 rot = "" 00356 for i in range(0,l-1): 00357 nn = nodelist[i].nodeName 00358 if string.find(nn,'Pa') != -1: 00359 parent = qname(nodelist[i].getAttribute("name"),ns) 00360 if string.find(nn,'Child') != -1: 00361 child = qname(nodelist[i].getAttribute("name"),ns) 00362 if string.find(nn,'Tra') != -1: 00363 tra.append(unitc(nodelist[i].getAttribute("x"))) 00364 tra.append(unitc(nodelist[i].getAttribute("y"))) 00365 tra.append(unitc(nodelist[i].getAttribute("z"))) 00366 if string.find(nn,'Rot') != -1: 00367 rot = qname(nodelist[i].getAttribute("name"),ns) 00368 result = PPCOUNT[0].__str__() + ',' + s 00369 if len(tra) != 0: 00370 result = result + tra[0].__str__() + ',' + tra[1].__str__() + ',' + tra[2].__str__() + ',' 00371 else: 00372 result = result + ",,," 00373 result = result + rot + ',' + parent + ',' + child + ',' 00374 return result
def asciidump::pseudotrap_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 209 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::qname | ( | s, | |
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 315 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::reflectionsolid_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 161 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::rot_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
other actions
Definition at line 306 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::shapelesssolid_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 166 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::subtractionsolid_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 231 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::trapezoid_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 214 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::trd1_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 181 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::tube_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 176 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::tubs_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 171 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::unionsolid_action | ( | r, | |
s, | |||
ns | |||
) |
Definition at line 225 of file asciidump.py.
def asciidump::unitc | ( | s | ) |
Definition at line 274 of file asciidump.py.
list asciidump::action = i[3] |
Definition at line 416 of file asciidump.py.
list asciidump::at = at[1:] |
Definition at line 428 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by HcaluLUTTPGCoder::adc2Linear(), TAPD::addEntry(), pat::TriggerEvent::algorithmConditions(), PFCandConnector::analyseNuclearWSec(), L1GtTriggerMenuTester::analyze(), MultiTrackValidator::analyze(), MuonTrackValidator::analyze(), CaloSimParameters::CaloSimParameters(), Cleaning(), pat::TriggerEvent::conditionCollections(), evf::FWEPWrapper::createAndSendScalersMessage(), reco::HcalNoiseRBXArray::endHPD(), EcalLaserAnalyzer2::endJob(), EcalLaserAnalyzer::endJob(), TtFullHadSignalSel::EtSin2Theta(), L1GtHwValidation::excludedAlgoList(), edm::IndexIntoFile::fillEventNumbersOrEntries(), HLTMon::fillHistos(), EmDQMReco::fillHistos(), EmDQM::fillHistos(), HLTMonPhotonSource::fillHistos(), HLTMonElectron::fillHistos(), pat::TriggerEvent::filterCollections(), reco::HcalNoiseRBXArray::findHPD(), TrackTransformerForGlobalCosmicMuons::fitter(), L1GtVhdlWriterCore::getCondChipVhdContentFromTriggerMenu(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getEndPathModule(), L1GlobalCaloTrigger::getHFBitCountsCollection(), L1GlobalCaloTrigger::getHFRingEtSumsCollection(), SiStripSubStructure::getTECDetectors(), SiStripSubStructure::getTIBDetectors(), SiStripSubStructure::getTOBDetectors(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getTrigPathModule(), reco::HcalNoiseRBXArray::HcalNoiseRBXArray(), pat::TriggerEvent::indexAlgorithm(), pat::TriggerEvent::indexCondition(), pat::TriggerEvent::indexFilter(), pat::TriggerEvent::indexPath(), CastorPulseShapes::Shape::integrate(), TtFullHadSignalSel::jet_etaetaMoment(), TtFullHadSignalSel::jet_etaphiMoment(), TtFullHadSignalSel::jet_phiphiMoment(), ListOut(), L1RCTORCAMap::makeBarrelData(), AntiElectronIDMVA::MVAValue(), HLTLevel1GTSeed::objectTypeVec(), edm::RefToBaseVector< T >::operator[](), pat::TriggerEvent::pathFilters(), pat::TriggerEvent::pathModules(), HLTConfigProvider::prescaleValues(), FWGeoTopNode::printSelected(), L1GtVhdlWriterCore::processAlgorithmMap(), cms::TrackListMerger::produce(), CaloGeometryDBEP< T, U >::produceAligned(), FWOverlapTableView::recalculate(), FWGeoTopNode::selectPhysicalFromTable(), HBHEStatusBitSetter::SetFlagsFromDigi(), FWGeometryTableViewBase::setPath(), FWGeometryTableView::setPath(), L1DummyProducer::SimpleDigi(), TtFullHadSignalSel::sinTheta(), TtFullHadSignalSel::theta(), PTStatistics::toString(), SETFilter::transform(), pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone::triggerObject(), and L1GtVmeWriterCore::writeVME().
string asciidump::attr = e.getAttribute(at) |
Definition at line 432 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by FWGUIManager::measureWMOffsets(), SimpleSAXParser::parse(), SummaryPlotXmlParser::parseXML(), FWXMLConfigParser::pushConfig(), and evf::rb_statemachine::RBStateMachine::RBStateMachine().
list asciidump::attributes = i[2] |
Definition at line 415 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by FWDialogBuilder::addLabel(), CmsShowCommonPopup::CmsShowCommonPopup(), cscdqm::Collection::getNodeProperties(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::getXMLAttribute(), popcon::EcalSRPHandler::importDccConfigFile(), fireworks::italicGC(), MiscalibReaderFromXML::parseXMLMiscalibFile(), and LumiProducer::toParentString().
dictionary asciidump::CATEGORIES = {} |
Definition at line 238 of file asciidump.py.
string asciidump::cmd = "rm -rf " |
Definition at line 19 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by FWModelContextMenuHandler::chosenItem(), WatcherStreamFileReader::closeFile(), WatcherStreamFileReader::getInputFile(), and RunManager::initG4().
string asciidump::CONFIGFILE = "configuration.xml" |
Definition at line 9 of file asciidump.py.
tuple asciidump::doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(open(doc[0],'r')) |
Definition at line 381 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by HcalLutManager::create_lut_loader(), DBlmapWriter::createLMap(), dumpObject_(), EcalTPGCrystalStatusXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalPedestalsXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionObjectSpecificXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalChannelStatusXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalADCToGeVXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalDCSTowerStatusXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalAlignmentXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalTPGStripStatusXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalClusterEnergyCorrectionXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalDAQTowerStatusXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalTBWeightsXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalTPGTowerStatusXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalWeightGroupXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalGainRatiosXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalFloatCondObjectContainerXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalClusterCrackCorrXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalWeightSetXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalTimeOffsetXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalClusterLocalContCorrXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), DQMParserBase::getDocument(), DQMParserBase::getNewDocument(), TiXmlNode::Identify(), edm::FileLocator::init(), cscdqm::Collection::load(), QTestConfigurationParser::monitorElementTestsMap(), MuonAlignmentInputXML::newAlignableMuon(), edm::service::SiteLocalConfigService::parse(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseAlgorithms(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseConditions(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseId(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseTechTriggers(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::parseVmeXML(), SummaryPlotXmlParser::parseXML(), MiscalibReaderFromXML::parseXMLMiscalibFile(), QTestConfigurationParser::qtestsConfig(), PhysicsTools::saveMatrix(), PhysicsTools::saveVector(), LumiProducer::servletTranslation(), TiXmlAttribute::SetDocument(), L1GtTriggerMenuXmlParser::workXML(), xuti::WriteNodeWithValue(), and EcalTBWeightsXMLTranslator::writeWeightSet().
tuple asciidump::docs_ns = get_docs("configuration.xml") |
Definition at line 375 of file asciidump.py.
list asciidump::document_path = doc[0] |
Definition at line 378 of file asciidump.py.
int asciidump::elCount = 1 |
Definition at line 417 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::trend_plot().
list asciidump::elements = i[1] |
Definition at line 414 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by ora::MappingRawData::addElement(), PFRecoTauAlgorithm::buildPFTau(), FWPFBlockProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), calo_filter(), stor::KeepNewest< T >::doEnq(), dumpObject_(), PFPhotonAlgo::EvaluateGCorrMVA(), PFPhotonAlgo::EvaluateResMVA(), PFPhotonAlgo::EvaluateSingleLegMVA(), CalibratableTest::extractCandidate(), edm::eventsetup::EventSetupsController::getAlreadyMadeESSource(), init_filter(), reco::modules::HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector::matchPFCandToTrack(), ElementsInAnnulus< T, M, N, std::pair< math::XYZPoint, float > >::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauElectronRejectionPlugin::operator()(), ElementsInCone< T, M, std::pair< math::XYZPoint, float > >::operator()(), DTTPGParamsWriter::pharseLine(), PFAlgoTestBenchElectrons::processBlock(), PFRootEventManagerColin::processHIGH_E_TAUS(), PFPhotonTranslator::produce(), reco::modulesNew::IsolationProducer< C1, C2, Alg, OutputCollection, Setup >::produce(), PFElectronTranslator::produce(), IsolationProducer< C1, C2, Alg, OutputCollection, Setup >::produce(), PFAlgo::reconstructParticles(), PFPhotonAlgo::RunPFPhoton(), PFElectronAlgo::SetActive(), PFElectronAlgo::SetCandidates(), PFElectronAlgo::SetIDOutputs(), and PFElectronAlgo::SetLinks().
tuple asciidump::els = doc.getElementsByTagName(el) |
Definition at line 420 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by evf::FUResourceBroker::customWebPage(), PFDisplacedVertexCandidateFinder::packLinks(), and evf::FUEventProcessor::subWeb().
tuple asciidump::file = open(outdir+tablename,'a') |
Definition at line 413 of file asciidump.py.
Definition at line 412 of file asciidump.py.
int asciidump::flagQ = 0 |
Definition at line 424 of file asciidump.py.
int asciidump::flagU = 0 |
Definition at line 425 of file asciidump.py.
dictionary asciidump::GENSOLID_ONCE = {} |
Definition at line 15 of file asciidump.py.
tuple asciidump::le = 0 |
Definition at line 443 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by SiPixelErrorEstimation::analyze(), vdt::getMantExponent(), TkPixelMeasurementDet::hasBadComponents(), PixelCPEBase::localParameters(), TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory::match(), BarrelMeasurementEstimator::maximalLocalDisplacement(), ForwardMeasurementEstimator::maximalLocalDisplacement(), Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase::maximalLocalDisplacement(), cms::HICSeedMeasurementEstimator::maximalLocalDisplacement(), PixelCPEBase::measurementError(), RecHit2DLocalPos::parametersError(), BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit::parametersError(), GCC11_FINAL::parametersError(), KFBasedPixelFitter::MyBeamSpotHit::parametersError(), RecHit1D::parametersError(), cms::SiPixelRecHitConverter::run(), MultiTrajectoryStateTransform::stateOnSurface(), and reco::modules::TrackMultiSelector::TrackMultiSelector().
tuple asciidump::LOGFILE = open("log.txt",'w') |
Definition at line 16 of file asciidump.py.
list asciidump::namespace = doc[1] |
Definition at line 379 of file asciidump.py.
string asciidump::outdir = "./data/" |
Definition at line 11 of file asciidump.py.
list asciidump::PPCOUNT = [ 0 ] |
Definition at line 271 of file asciidump.py.
int asciidump::rad_to_deg = 180 |
Definition at line 256 of file asciidump.py.
list asciidump::s = "" |
Definition at line 422 of file asciidump.py.
string asciidump::soldir = "" |
Definition at line 13 of file asciidump.py.
dictionary asciidump::SOLIDTYPES |
00001 { 00002 'SubtractionSolid':subtractionsolid_action, 00003 'UnionSolid':unionsolid_action, 00004 'IntersectionSolid':intersectionsolid_action, 00005 'Trapezoid':trapezoid_action, 00006 'PseudoTrap':pseudotrap_action, 00007 'Cone':cone_action, 00008 'Polycone':polycone_action, 00009 'Polyhedra':polyhedra_action, 00010 'Trd1':trd1_action, 00011 'Tube':tube_action, 00012 'Tubs':tubs_action, 00013 'ShapelessSolid':shapelesssolid_action, 00014 'ReflectionSolid':reflectionsolid_action, 00015 'Box':box_action, 00016 }
Definition at line 239 of file asciidump.py.
list asciidump::table |
00001 [ 00002 [ 'MATERIALS.dat', ['ElementaryMaterial', 'CompositeMaterial'] , 00003 [':name','density'] ,0 ], 00004 00005 [ 'ELEMENTARYMATERIALS.dat', ['ElementaryMaterial'], 00006 [':name', ';atomicNumber', 'atomicWeight', ';symbol' ], 0 ], 00007 00008 [ 'COMPOSITEMATERIALS.dat', ['CompositeMaterial'], 00009 [':name',';method' ], comp_action ], 00010 00011 [ 'ROTATIONS.dat', ['Rotation', 'ReflectionRotation'], 00012 [':name', 'thetaX', 'phiX', 'thetaY', 'phiY', 'thetaZ', 'phiZ'], rot_action ], 00013 00014 [ 'LOGICALPARTS.dat', ['LogicalPart'], 00015 [':name', ';category', 'itemid' ], log_action ], 00016 00017 [ 'POSPARTS.dat', ['PosPart'], 00018 ['copyNumber'], pos_action ], 00019 00020 [ 'SOLIDS.dat', SOLIDTYPES.keys(), 00021 [':name'], SOLIDTYPES.values() ] 00022 00023 ]
Definition at line 386 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by smproxy::SMPSWebPageHelper::addDOMforConnectionInfo(), stor::SMWebPageHelper::addDOMforResourceUsage(), smproxy::SMPSWebPageHelper::addDOMforThroughputPerEventType(), FWDialogBuilder::addTable(), stor::SMWebPageHelper::addTableForResourceUsages(), ora::MappingToSchema::alter(), l1t::OMDSReader::basicQuery(), l1t::OMDSReader::basicQueryGenericKey(), HLTPrescaleRecorder::beginRun(), l1t::OMDSReader::columnNames(), ora::OraMainTable::create(), TestFunct::CreateMetaTable(), evf::FUResourceBroker::customWebPage(), FWColumnLabelCellRenderer::draw(), L1TriggerScalerRead::dropTable(), HLTConfigData::dump(), HLTPrescaleRecorder::endRun(), ora::DeleteOperation::execute(), ora::InsertOperation::execute(), ora::SelectOperation::execute(), ora::UpdateOperation::execute(), ora::MultiRecordInsertOperation::execute(), HLTConfigData::extract(), L1TOMDSHelper::getBeamConfiguration(), L1TOMDSHelper::getBunchStructure(), getCentralityFromFile(), L1TOMDSHelper::getInitBunchLumi(), L1TOMDSHelper::getNumberCollidingBunches(), stor::DQMTopLevelFolder::getRecord(), L1TOMDSHelper::getRelativeBunchLumi(), evf::IndependentWebGUI::htmlHeadline(), evf::WebGUI::htmlHeadline(), evf::IndependentWebGUI::htmlTable(), evf::WebGUI::htmlTable(), ora::TableRegister::init(), ora::Serializer::lock(), ConfigBox::printHTML(), Navigator::printHTML(), ContentViewer::printHTML(), Select::printHTML(), RunSummaryRead::readData(), RunInfoRead::readData(), DQMSummaryReader::readData(), ora::OraMainTable::setParameter(), DreamSD::setPbWO2MaterialProperties_(), ora::BulkInsertOperation::setUp(), and cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::summary().
list asciidump::tablename = i[0] |
Definition at line 411 of file asciidump.py.
dictionary asciidump::UNITS |
00001 { u'deg':rad_to_deg, 00002 u'fm':1e-12, 00003 u'nm':1e-9, 00004 u'mum':1e-3, 00005 u'mm':1., 00006 u'cm':10., 00007 u'm':1000., 00008 u'rad':1, 00009 u'g/cm3':1, 00010 u'mg/cm3':0.001, 00011 u'g/mole':1., 00012 u'mg/mole':0.001 00013 }
Definition at line 257 of file asciidump.py.
Referenced by SiPixelFedCablingMapBuilder::produce().