Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

Combo Class Reference

#include <JetCombinatorics.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze ()
void ApplyFlavorCorrections (bool option=true)
 Combo ()
double GetChi2 ()
TLorentzVector GetHadb ()
TLorentzVector GetHadTop ()
TLorentzVector GetHadW ()
int GetIdHadb ()
int GetIdLepb ()
int GetIdWp ()
int GetIdWq ()
TLorentzVector GetLepb ()
TLorentzVector GetLepTop ()
TLorentzVector GetLepW ()
double GetNdof ()
double getPdfValue (std::string flavor, double disc)
double GetSumEt ()
TLorentzVector GetTopPair ()
TLorentzVector GetWp ()
TLorentzVector GetWq ()
void Print ()
void SetbDiscPdf (TString filename)
void SetFlvCorrHadb (double corr)
void SetFlvCorrLepb (double corr)
void SetFlvCorrWp (double corr)
void SetFlvCorrWq (double corr)
void SetHadb (TLorentzVector Hadb)
void SetHadb_disc (double disc)
void SetIdHadb (int id)
void SetIdLepb (int id)
void SetIdWp (int id)
void SetIdWq (int id)
void SetLepb (TLorentzVector Lepb)
void SetLepb_disc (double disc)
void SetLepW (TLorentzVector LepW)
void SetMaxMassHadW (double mass)
void SetMaxMassLepTop (double mass)
void SetMaxMassLepW (double mass)
void SetMinMassHadW (double mass)
void SetMinMassLepTop (double mass)
void SetMinMassLepW (double mass)
void SetSigmas (int type=0)
void SetWp (TLorentzVector Wp)
void SetWp_disc (double disc)
void SetWq (TLorentzVector Wq)
void SetWq_disc (double disc)
void Usebtagging (bool option=true)
void UseMtopConstraint (bool option=true)
 ~Combo ()

Private Attributes

double chi2_
TLorentzVector Hadb_
double Hadb_disc_
double Hadb_flv_
TLorentzVector HadTop_
TLorentzVector HadW_
TH1F * hdisc_b_
TH1F * hdisc_cl_
int IdHadb_
int IdLepb_
int IdWp_
int IdWq_
TLorentzVector Lepb_
double Lepb_disc_
double Lepb_flv_
TLorentzVector LepTop_
TLorentzVector LepW_
double maxMassHadW_
double maxMassLepTop_
double maxMassLepW_
double minMassHadW_
double minMassLepTop_
double minMassLepW_
double Mtop_h
double Mtop_l
double MW
double Ndof_
TFile * pdffile_
double sigmaHadt
double sigmaHadW
double sigmaLept
double SumEt_
TLorentzVector TopPair_
bool usebtag_
bool useFlv_
bool useMtop_
TLorentzVector Wp_
double Wp_disc_
double Wp_flv_
TLorentzVector Wq_
double Wq_disc_
double Wq_flv_

Detailed Description

_________________________________________________________________ class: JetCombinatorics.h package:

author: Francisco Yumiceva, Fermilab (


JetCombinatorics.h,v 1.4 2010/02/05 22:01:38 yumiceva Exp


Definition at line 24 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Combo::Combo ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 29 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Hadb_flv_, Lepb_flv_, Mtop_h, Mtop_l, MW, sigmaHadt, sigmaHadW, sigmaLept, SumEt_, usebtag_, useFlv_, useMtop_, Wp_flv_, and Wq_flv_.

          MW = 84.2;//79.8;
          Mtop_h = 180.7;//175.;
          Mtop_l = 174.9;
          sigmaHadW = 10.5;//2.*7.6;
          sigmaHadt = 19.2;//2.*12.5;
          sigmaLept = 24.2;//2.*15.6;

          SumEt_ = 0.;
          usebtag_ = false;
          useMtop_ = true;

          useFlv_ = false;
          Wp_flv_ = Wq_flv_ = Hadb_flv_ = Lepb_flv_ = 1.;
Combo::~Combo ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 45 of file JetCombinatorics.h.


Member Function Documentation

void Combo::analyze ( void  ) [inline]

Definition at line 100 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References chi2_, alignCSCRings::e, getPdfValue(), Hadb_, Hadb_disc_, Hadb_flv_, HadTop_, HadW_, Lepb_, Lepb_disc_, Lepb_flv_, LepTop_, LepW_, Mtop_h, Mtop_l, MW, Ndof_, pdffile_, Pi, sigmaHadt, sigmaHadW, sigmaLept, SumEt_, TopPair_, usebtag_, useFlv_, useMtop_, Wp_, Wp_disc_, Wp_flv_, Wq_, Wq_disc_, and Wq_flv_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().


                if ( useFlv_ ) {
                        Wp_ = Wp_flv_ * Wp_;
                        Wq_ = Wq_flv_ * Wq_;
                        Hadb_ = Hadb_flv_ * Hadb_;
                        Lepb_ = Lepb_flv_ * Lepb_;

                HadW_ = Wp_ + Wq_;
                HadTop_ = HadW_ + Hadb_;
                LepTop_ = LepW_ + Lepb_;
                TopPair_ = HadTop_ + LepTop_;

                //double sigmaHadW = 10.5;//2.*7.6;
                //double sigmaHadt = 19.2;//2.*12.5;
                //double sigmaLept = 24.2;//2.*15.6;
                double chiHadW = (HadW_.M() - MW)/sigmaHadW;
                double chiHadt = (HadTop_.M() - Mtop_h)/sigmaHadt;
                double chiLept = (LepTop_.M() - Mtop_l)/sigmaLept;

                if ( useMtop_ ) {
                        chi2_ = chiHadW*chiHadW + chiHadt*chiHadt + chiLept*chiLept;
                        Ndof_ = 3;
                } else {
                        chi2_ = chiHadW*chiHadW + (HadTop_.M() - LepTop_.M())*(HadTop_.M() - LepTop_.M())/(sigmaHadt*sigmaHadt+sigmaLept*sigmaLept);
                        Ndof_ = 2;
                SumEt_ = HadTop_.Pt();

                if ( usebtag_ ) {

                        double gauss_norm = (2.)*TMath::Log(sigmaHadW*TMath::Sqrt(2*TMath::Pi())) +
                                (2.)*TMath::Log(sigmaHadt*TMath::Sqrt(2*TMath::Pi())) + (2.)*TMath::Log(sigmaLept*TMath::Sqrt(2*TMath::Pi()));

                        double LR_Wp; double LR_Wq;
                        double LR_Hadb; double LR_Lepb;

                        double LR_den = 0;
                        LR_den = ( getPdfValue("cl", Wp_disc_) + getPdfValue("b", Wp_disc_));
                        if (LR_den == 0 ) LR_Wp = 1e-5;
                        else LR_Wp = getPdfValue( "cl", Wp_disc_ )/ LR_den;

                        LR_den = ( getPdfValue("cl", Wq_disc_) + getPdfValue("b", Wq_disc_));
                        if (LR_den == 0 ) LR_Wq = 1e-5;
                        else LR_Wq = getPdfValue( "cl", Wq_disc_ )/ LR_den;

                        LR_den = ( getPdfValue("cl", Hadb_disc_) + getPdfValue("b", Hadb_disc_));
                        if (LR_den == 0 ) LR_Hadb = 1e-5;
                        else LR_Hadb = getPdfValue( "b", Hadb_disc_ )/ LR_den;

                        LR_den = ( getPdfValue("cl", Lepb_disc_) + getPdfValue("b", Lepb_disc_));
                        if (LR_den == 0 ) LR_Lepb = 1e-5;
                        else LR_Lepb = getPdfValue( "b", Lepb_disc_ )/ LR_den;

                        double btag_norm = (-0.25-TMath::Log(4)/2);
                        double btag_N2LL = btag_norm*4.*( LR_Wp * TMath::Log(LR_Wp/4) + LR_Wq*TMath::Log(LR_Wq/4) + LR_Hadb*TMath::Log(LR_Hadb/4) + LR_Lepb*TMath::Log(LR_Lepb/4) );
                        chi2_ += btag_N2LL + gauss_norm;
                        Ndof_ += 3;
void Combo::ApplyFlavorCorrections ( bool  option = true) [inline]

Definition at line 53 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References useFlv_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ useFlv_ = option;}
double Combo::GetChi2 ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 175 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References chi2_.

Referenced by minChi2::operator()().

{ return chi2_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetHadb ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 170 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Hadb_.

{ return Hadb_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetHadTop ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References HadTop_.

{ return HadTop_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetHadW ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References HadW_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ return HadW_; }
int Combo::GetIdHadb ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 178 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References IdHadb_.

{ return IdHadb_;}
int Combo::GetIdLepb ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References IdLepb_.

{ return IdLepb_;}
int Combo::GetIdWp ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References IdWp_.

{ return IdWp_; }
int Combo::GetIdWq ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 180 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References IdWq_.

{ return IdWq_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetLepb ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 171 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Lepb_.

{ return Lepb_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetLepTop ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 173 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References LepTop_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ return LepTop_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetLepW ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 169 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References LepW_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ return LepW_; }
double Combo::GetNdof ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 176 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Ndof_.

{ return Ndof_; }
double Combo::getPdfValue ( std::string  flavor,
double  disc 
) [inline]

Definition at line 193 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References newFWLiteAna::bin, hdisc_b_, and hdisc_cl_.

Referenced by analyze().

          double pdf= 0;
          TH1F *hpdf;
          if ( flavor == "b" ) hpdf = hdisc_b_;
          else hpdf = hdisc_cl_;
          int bin = hpdf->GetXaxis()->FindBin( disc );
          pdf = hpdf->GetBinContent( bin );
          if ( disc < -10 || disc >50 ) return 0;
          //if ( pdf == 0 ) return 1.e-7;
          return pdf;
double Combo::GetSumEt ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 177 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References SumEt_.

Referenced by maxSumEt::operator()().

{ return SumEt_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetTopPair ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References TopPair_.

{ return TopPair_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetWp ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Wp_.

{ return Wp_; }
TLorentzVector Combo::GetWq ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Wq_.

{ return Wq_; }
void Combo::Print ( void  ) [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References chi2_, gather_cfg::cout, Hadb_, Lepb_, SumEt_, Wp_, and Wq_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

          std::cout << " jet Wp  : px = " << Wp_.Px() << " py = " <<  Wp_.Py() << " pz = " << Wp_.Pz() << " e = " << Wp_.E() << std::endl;
          std::cout << " jet Wq  : px = " << Wq_.Px() << " py = " <<  Wq_.Py() << " pz = " << Wq_.Pz() << " e = "<< Wq_.E() << std::endl;
          std::cout << " jet Hadb: px = " << Hadb_.Px() << " py = " <<  Hadb_.Py() <<" pz = " << Hadb_.Pz() <<" e = "<< Hadb_.E() << std::endl;
          std::cout << " jet Lepb: px = " << Lepb_.Px() << " py = " <<  Lepb_.Py() <<" pz = " << Lepb_.Pz() <<" e = "<< Lepb_.E() << std::endl;
          std::cout << " chi-squared = " << chi2_ << " sumEt = " << SumEt_ << std::endl;
void Combo::SetbDiscPdf ( TString  filename) [inline]

Definition at line 63 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References hdisc_b_, hdisc_cl_, and pdffile_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

          pdffile_ = TFile::Open(filename);
          hdisc_b_ = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hdiscNorm_b");
          hdisc_cl_ = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hdiscNorm_cl");
void Combo::SetFlvCorrHadb ( double  corr) [inline]

Definition at line 56 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References corr, and Hadb_flv_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Hadb_flv_ = corr; }
void Combo::SetFlvCorrLepb ( double  corr) [inline]

Definition at line 57 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References corr, and Lepb_flv_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Lepb_flv_ = corr; }
void Combo::SetFlvCorrWp ( double  corr) [inline]

Definition at line 54 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References corr, and Wp_flv_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Wp_flv_ = corr; }
void Combo::SetFlvCorrWq ( double  corr) [inline]

Definition at line 55 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References corr, and Wq_flv_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Wq_flv_ = corr; }
void Combo::SetHadb ( TLorentzVector  Hadb) [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Hadb_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Hadb_ = Hadb; }
void Combo::SetHadb_disc ( double  disc) [inline]

Definition at line 61 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Hadb_disc_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Hadb_disc_= disc;}
void Combo::SetIdHadb ( int  id) [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References IdHadb_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ IdHadb_ = id;}
void Combo::SetIdLepb ( int  id) [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References IdLepb_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ IdLepb_ = id;}
void Combo::SetIdWp ( int  id) [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References IdWp_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ IdWp_ = id; }
void Combo::SetIdWq ( int  id) [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References IdWq_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ IdWq_ = id; }
void Combo::SetLepb ( TLorentzVector  Lepb) [inline]

Definition at line 51 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Lepb_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Lepb_ = Lepb; }
void Combo::SetLepb_disc ( double  disc) [inline]

Definition at line 62 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Lepb_disc_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Lepb_disc_= disc;}
void Combo::SetLepW ( TLorentzVector  LepW) [inline]

Definition at line 50 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References TtSemiLepDaughter::LepW, and LepW_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ LepW_ = LepW; }
void Combo::SetMaxMassHadW ( double  mass) [inline]

Definition at line 95 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References maxMassHadW_.

{ maxMassHadW_ = mass; }
void Combo::SetMaxMassLepTop ( double  mass) [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References maxMassLepTop_.

{ maxMassLepTop_ = mass; }
void Combo::SetMaxMassLepW ( double  mass) [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References maxMassLepW_.

{ maxMassLepW_ = mass; }
void Combo::SetMinMassHadW ( double  mass) [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References minMassHadW_.

{ minMassHadW_ = mass; }
void Combo::SetMinMassLepTop ( double  mass) [inline]

Definition at line 96 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References minMassLepTop_.

{ minMassLepTop_ = mass; }
void Combo::SetMinMassLepW ( double  mass) [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References minMassLepW_.

{ minMassLepW_ = mass; }
void Combo::SetSigmas ( int  type = 0) [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Mtop_h, Mtop_l, MW, sigmaHadt, sigmaHadW, and sigmaLept.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().


          // type == 0 take defaults
          if (type==1) {
            // JES +10%
            MW = 87.2;
            Mtop_h = 193.2;
            Mtop_l = 179.0;
            sigmaHadW = 13.0;
            sigmaHadt = 22.8;
            sigmaLept = 26.3;
          if (type==-1) {
            // JES -10%
            MW = 81.6;
            Mtop_h = 169.3;
            Mtop_l = 171.4;
            sigmaHadW =8.9;
            sigmaHadt =17.9;
            sigmaLept =22.6;

void Combo::SetWp ( TLorentzVector  Wp) [inline]

Definition at line 47 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Wp_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Wp_ = Wp; }
void Combo::SetWp_disc ( double  disc) [inline]

Definition at line 59 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Wp_disc_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Wp_disc_ = disc;}
void Combo::SetWq ( TLorentzVector  Wq) [inline]

Definition at line 48 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Wq_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Wq_ = Wq; }
void Combo::SetWq_disc ( double  disc) [inline]

Definition at line 60 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References Wq_disc_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ Wq_disc_= disc;}
void Combo::Usebtagging ( bool  option = true) [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References usebtag_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ usebtag_ = option;}
void Combo::UseMtopConstraint ( bool  option = true) [inline]

Definition at line 98 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

References useMtop_.

Referenced by JetCombinatorics::FourJetsCombinations().

{ useMtop_ = option; }

Member Data Documentation

double Combo::chi2_ [private]

Definition at line 229 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), GetChi2(), and Print().

TLorentzVector Combo::Hadb_ [private]

Definition at line 210 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), GetHadb(), Print(), and SetHadb().

double Combo::Hadb_disc_ [private]

Definition at line 221 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and SetHadb_disc().

double Combo::Hadb_flv_ [private]

Definition at line 227 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetFlvCorrHadb().

TLorentzVector Combo::HadTop_ [private]

Definition at line 211 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GetHadTop().

TLorentzVector Combo::HadW_ [private]

Definition at line 209 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GetHadW().

TH1F* Combo::hdisc_b_ [private]

Definition at line 224 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by getPdfValue(), and SetbDiscPdf().

TH1F* Combo::hdisc_cl_ [private]

Definition at line 225 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by getPdfValue(), and SetbDiscPdf().

int Combo::IdHadb_ [private]

Definition at line 248 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by GetIdHadb(), and SetIdHadb().

int Combo::IdLepb_ [private]

Definition at line 251 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by GetIdLepb(), and SetIdLepb().

int Combo::IdWp_ [private]

Definition at line 249 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by GetIdWp(), and SetIdWp().

int Combo::IdWq_ [private]

Definition at line 250 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by GetIdWq(), and SetIdWq().

TLorentzVector Combo::Lepb_ [private]

Definition at line 213 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), GetLepb(), Print(), and SetLepb().

double Combo::Lepb_disc_ [private]

Definition at line 222 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and SetLepb_disc().

double Combo::Lepb_flv_ [private]

Definition at line 227 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetFlvCorrLepb().

TLorentzVector Combo::LepTop_ [private]

Definition at line 214 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GetLepTop().

TLorentzVector Combo::LepW_ [private]

Definition at line 212 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), GetLepW(), and SetLepW().

double Combo::maxMassHadW_ [private]

Definition at line 235 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by SetMaxMassHadW().

double Combo::maxMassLepTop_ [private]

Definition at line 238 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by SetMaxMassLepTop().

double Combo::maxMassLepW_ [private]

Definition at line 233 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by SetMaxMassLepW().

double Combo::minMassHadW_ [private]

Definition at line 234 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by SetMinMassHadW().

double Combo::minMassLepTop_ [private]

Definition at line 237 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by SetMinMassLepTop().

double Combo::minMassLepW_ [private]

Definition at line 232 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by SetMinMassLepW().

double Combo::Mtop_h [private]

Definition at line 241 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetSigmas().

double Combo::Mtop_l [private]

Definition at line 242 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetSigmas().

double Combo::MW [private]

Definition at line 240 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetSigmas().

double Combo::Ndof_ [private]

Definition at line 230 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GetNdof().

TFile* Combo::pdffile_ [private]

Definition at line 223 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and SetbDiscPdf().

double Combo::sigmaHadt [private]

Definition at line 244 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetSigmas().

double Combo::sigmaHadW [private]

Definition at line 243 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetSigmas().

double Combo::sigmaLept [private]

Definition at line 245 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetSigmas().

double Combo::SumEt_ [private]

Definition at line 231 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), GetSumEt(), and Print().

TLorentzVector Combo::TopPair_ [private]

Definition at line 215 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and GetTopPair().

bool Combo::usebtag_ [private]

Definition at line 217 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and Usebtagging().

bool Combo::useFlv_ [private]

Definition at line 228 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), ApplyFlavorCorrections(), and Combo().

bool Combo::useMtop_ [private]

Definition at line 218 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and UseMtopConstraint().

TLorentzVector Combo::Wp_ [private]

Definition at line 207 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), GetWp(), Print(), and SetWp().

double Combo::Wp_disc_ [private]

Definition at line 219 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and SetWp_disc().

double Combo::Wp_flv_ [private]

Definition at line 227 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetFlvCorrWp().

TLorentzVector Combo::Wq_ [private]

Definition at line 208 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), GetWq(), Print(), and SetWq().

double Combo::Wq_disc_ [private]

Definition at line 220 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and SetWq_disc().

double Combo::Wq_flv_ [private]

Definition at line 227 of file JetCombinatorics.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Combo(), and SetFlvCorrWq().