
HLT_HIon_cff Namespace Reference


tuple AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator
tuple CaloDetIdAssociator
tuple CaloTopologyBuilder = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTopologyBuilder" )
tuple CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder
tuple CastorDbProducer
tuple ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer
list cmsswVersion = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION']
tuple cosmicsNavigationSchoolESProducer
tuple datasets
tuple DTDataIntegrityTask
tuple EcalDetIdAssociator
tuple ecalSeverityLevel
tuple EcalUnpackerWorkerESProducer
tuple HcalDetIdAssociator
tuple hcalRecAlgos
tuple HLT_HIActivityHF_Coincidence3_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1GlobalDecision + hltPreHIActivityHFCoincidence3 + hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilterCoincidence + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIActivityHF_Single3_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1GlobalDecision + hltPreHIActivityHFSingle3 + hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIBptxXOR_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BptxXOR + hltPreHIBptxXOR + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HICentral10_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sETT2000 + hltPreHICentral10 + HLTRecoMETHfSequence + hltGlobalSumETHfFilter0 + HLTDoHILocalPixelClustersSequence + hltPixelActivityFilter0 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HICentralityVeto_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHICentralityVeto + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + hltPixelActivityFilterCentralityVeto + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIClusterVertexCompatibility_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1GlobalDecision + hltPreHIClusterVertexCompatibility + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + hltHIPixelClusterShapeFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIDiJet55_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet36BptxAND + hltPreHIDiJet55 + HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Corrected + hltHIDiJet55and55 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIDoublePhoton10_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHIDoublePhoton10 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIDoublePhoton10 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIDoublePhoton15_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHIDoublePhoton15 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIDoublePhoton15 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIDoublePhoton20_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHIDoublePhoton20 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIDoublePhoton20 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIDTCalibration_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreHIDTCalibration + hltDTCalibrationRaw + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIEcalCalibration_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreHIEcalCalibration + hltEcalCalibrationRaw + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIFullTrack12_L1Central_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sETT100BptxAND + hltPreHIFullTrack12L1Central + HLTDoCaloSequence + hltHICaloTowerFilter4 + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10 + HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional + HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISingleFullTrackFilter12 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIFullTrack12_L1Peripheral_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sJet16CentralNotETT140BptxAND + hltPreHIFullTrack12L1Peripheral + HLTDoCaloSequence + hltHICaloTowerFilter4 + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10 + HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional + HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISingleFullTrackFilter12 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIFullTrack14_L1Central_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sETT100BptxAND + hltPreHIFullTrack14L1Central + HLTDoCaloSequence + hltHICaloTowerFilter4 + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10 + HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional + HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISingleFullTrackFilter14 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIFullTrack14_L1Peripheral_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sJet16CentralNotETT140BptxAND + hltPreHIFullTrack14L1Peripheral + HLTDoCaloSequence + hltHICaloTowerFilter4 + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10 + HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional + HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISingleFullTrackFilter14 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIFullTrack20_L1Central_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sETT100BptxAND + hltPreHIFullTrack20L1Central + HLTDoCaloSequence + hltHICaloTowerFilter4 + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10 + HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional + HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISingleFullTrackFilter20 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIFullTrack20_L1Peripheral_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sJet16CentralNotETT140BptxAND + hltPreHIFullTrack20L1Peripheral + HLTDoCaloSequence + hltHICaloTowerFilter4 + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10 + HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional + HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISingleFullTrackFilter20 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIFullTrack25_L1Central_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sETT100BptxAND + hltPreHIFullTrack25L1Central + HLTDoCaloSequence + hltHICaloTowerFilter4 + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10 + HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional + HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISingleFullTrackFilter25 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIFullTrack25_L1Peripheral_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sJet16CentralNotETT140BptxAND + hltPreHIFullTrack25L1Peripheral + HLTDoCaloSequence + hltHICaloTowerFilter4 + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10 + HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional + HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISingleFullTrackFilter25 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIHcalCalibration_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceCalibration + hltPreHIHcalCalibration + HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter + hltHcalCalibrationRaw + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet55_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet36BptxAND + hltPreHIJet55 + HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Corrected + hltHI1jet55 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet65_Jet55_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet36BptxAND + hltPreHIJet65Jet55 + HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Corrected + hltHIDiJet55and55 + hltHI1jet65 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet65_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet36BptxAND + hltPreHIJet65 + HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Corrected + hltHI1jet65 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet80_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet52BptxAND + hltPreHIJet80 + HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Corrected + hltHI1jet80 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet95_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet68BptxAND + hltPreHIJet95 + HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Corrected + hltHI1jet95 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJetE30_NoBPTX_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleJet20CentralNotBptx + hltPreHIJetE30NoBPTX + HLTStoppedHSCPLocalHcalReco + HLTStoppedHSCPJetSequence + hltStoppedHSCP1CaloJetEnergy30 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJetE50_NoBPTX3BX_NoHalo_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX + hltL1sL1SingleJet32CentralNotBptx + hltL1BeamHaloAntiCoincidence3BX + hltPreHIJetE50NoBPTX3BXNoHalo + HLTStoppedHSCPLocalHcalReco + hltStoppedHSCPHpdFilter + HLTStoppedHSCPJetSequence + hltStoppedHSCP1CaloJetEnergy50 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1Algo_BptxXOR_BSC_OR_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BptxXORBscMinBiasOR + hltPreHIL1AlgoBptxXORBSCOR + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1DoubleMu0_HighQ_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL1DoubleMu0HighQ + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1HighQFiltered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1DoubleMuOpen_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpen + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_L1HighQL2NHitQ_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0L1HighQL2NHitQ + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1HighQFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2DoubleMu0L2N1HitsFiltered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_NHitQ_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0NHitQ + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2DoubleMu0L2N1HitsFiltered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0 + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2DoubleMu0L2Filtered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2DoubleMu3_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL2DoubleMu3 + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu15_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu3BptxAND + hltPreHIL2Mu15 + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu15L2Filtered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu3_NHitQ_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu3BptxAND + hltPreHIL2Mu3NHitQ + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu3NHitL2Filtered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu3_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu3BptxAND + hltPreHIL2Mu3 + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu3L2Filtered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu7_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu3BptxAND + hltPreHIL2Mu7 + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu7L2Filtered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_OS_NoCowboy_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpenMgt2OSNoCowboy + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0 + HLTHIL3muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL3FilteredMg2OSnoCowboy + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_OS_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpenMgt2OS + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0 + HLTHIL3muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL3FilteredMg2OS + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_SS_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpenMgt2SS + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0 + HLTHIL3muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL3FilteredMgt2SS + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpenMgt2 + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0 + HLTHIL3muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL3FilteredMgt2 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND + hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpen + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0 + HLTHIL3muonrecoSequence + hltHIDimuonL3FilteredOpen + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL3Mu3_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleMu3BptxAND + hltPreHIL3Mu3 + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu3L2Filtered + HLTHIL3muonrecoSequence + hltHISingleMu3L3Filtered + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMET120_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ETM30BptxAND + hltPreHIMET120 + HLTRecoMETSequence + hltHIMET120 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMET200_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ETM50BptxAND + hltPreHIMET200 + HLTRecoMETSequence + hltHIMET200 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMET220_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1ETM50BptxAND + hltPreHIMET220 + HLTRecoMETSequence + hltHIMET220 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_OR_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasBSCOR + hltPreHIMinBiasBSCOR + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasBSC + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasHf_OR_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOr + hltPreHIMinBiasHfOR + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasHF_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHF + hltPreHIMinBiasHF + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_PlusOrMinus_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDC + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCCalo + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_PlusOrMinusPixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCPlusOrMinusPixelSingleTrack + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCPlusOrMinusPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasZDCPixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhoton10_Photon15_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHIPhoton10Photon15 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIDoublePhoton1015Filter1 + hltHIDoublePhoton1015Filter2 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhoton15_Photon20_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1DoubleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHIPhoton15Photon20 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIDoublePhoton1520Filter1 + hltHIDoublePhoton1520Filter2 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhysics_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltPreHIPhysics + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIRandom_v3 = cms.Path( hltRandomEventsFilter + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltPreHIRandom + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HISinglePhoton15_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHISinglePhoton15 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIPhoton15 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HISinglePhoton20_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHISinglePhoton20 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIPhoton20 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HISinglePhoton30_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHISinglePhoton30 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIPhoton30 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HISinglePhoton40_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND + hltPreHISinglePhoton40 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHIPhoton40 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUCC010_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sETT2000 + hltPreHIUCC010 + HLTRecoMETHfSequence + hltGlobalSumETHfFilter3200 + HLTDoHILocalPixelClustersSequence + hltPixelActivityFilter51500 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUCC015_v5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sETT2000 + hltPreHIUCC015 + HLTRecoMETHfSequence + hltGlobalSumETHfFilter3100 + HLTDoHILocalPixelClustersSequence + hltPixelActivityFilter51400 + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUPCNeuEG2Pixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIUPCNeuEG2 + hltPreHIUPCNeuEG2PixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUPCNeuEG5Pixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIUPCNeuEG5 + hltPreHIUPCNeuEG5PixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfEG2Pixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIUPCNeuHcalHfEG2 + hltPreHIUPCNeuHcalHfEG2PixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfEG5Pixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIUPCNeuHcalHfEG5 + hltPreHIUPCNeuHcalHfEG5PixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfMuPixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIUPCNeuHcalHfMu + hltPreHIUPCNeuHcalHfMuPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUPCNeuMuPixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIUPCNeuMu + hltPreHIUPCNeuMuPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIZeroBias_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIZeroBias + hltPreHIZeroBias + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIZeroBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v4 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIZeroBiasXOR + hltPreHIZeroBiasPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIZeroBiasXOR_v3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sL1BptxXOR + hltPreHIZeroBiasXOR + HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLTAnalyzerEndpath = cms.EndPath( hltL1GtTrigReport + hltTrigReport )
tuple HLTBeamSpot = cms.Sequence( hltScalersRawToDigi + hltOnlineBeamSpot + hltOfflineBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequence = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXAntiCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceCalibration = cms.Sequence( hltCalibrationEventsFilter + hltGtDigis )
tuple hltBoolEnd
tuple hltBoolFalse
tuple hltBPTXAntiCoincidence
tuple hltBPTXCoincidence
tuple hltCalibrationEventsFilter
tuple hltCleanedHiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI
tuple hltCombinedSecondaryVertex
tuple HLTConfigVersion
tuple hltCsc2DRecHits
tuple hltCscSegments
tuple HLTDoCaloSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForAll )
tuple HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence = cms.Sequence( hltIslandBasicClustersHI + hltHiIslandSuperClustersHI + hltHiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI + hltHiCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI + hltCleanedHiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI + hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate )
tuple HLTDoHILocalPixelClustersSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltHISiPixelClusters )
tuple HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltHISiPixelClusters + hltHISiPixelRecHits )
tuple HLTDoHILocalStripSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer + hltHISiStripRawToClustersFacility + hltHISiStripClusters )
tuple HLTDoHILocalStripSequenceNonRegional = cms.Sequence( hltSiStripRawToDigi + hltSiStripZeroSuppression + hltHISiStripClustersNonRegional )
tuple HLTDoHIStripZeroSuppression = cms.Sequence( hltSiStripRawToDigi + hltSiStripZeroSuppression + hltSiStripDigiToZSRaw + hltSiStripRawDigiToVirginRaw + virginRawDataRepacker + rawDataRepacker )
tuple HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco )
tuple HLTDoLocalHfSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltTowerMakerForHf )
tuple hltDt1DRecHits
tuple hltDt4DSegments
tuple hltDTCalibrationRaw
tuple hltEcalCalibrationRaw
tuple hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility
tuple hltEcalRecHitAll
tuple hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs
tuple HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )
tuple hltESPAK5CaloL1L2L3
tuple hltESPAK5CaloL2L3
tuple hltESPAnalyticalPropagator
tuple hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator
tuple hltESPBwdElectronPropagator
tuple hltESPChi2EstimatorForRefit
tuple hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator
tuple hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16
tuple hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator9
tuple hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilderForHI
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilterForHI
tuple hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D
tuple hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry
tuple hltESPEcalRegionCablingESProducer
tuple hltESPElectronChi2
tuple hltESPElectronMaterialEffects
tuple hltESPESUnpackerWorker
tuple hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny
tuple hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPFittingSmootherIT
tuple hltESPFittingSmootherRK
tuple hltESPFwdElectronPropagator
tuple hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry
tuple hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother
tuple hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPHIMixedLayerPairs
tuple hltESPHIPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltESPHIPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltESPHITTRHBuilderWithoutRefit
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmoother
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmootherWithOutliersRejectionAndRK
tuple hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader
tuple hltESPKFUpdator
tuple hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D
tuple hltESPL1FastJetCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL2RelativeCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL3AbsoluteCorrectionESProducer
tuple hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltESPMeasurementTrackerForHI
tuple hltESPMixedLayerPairs
tuple hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit
tuple hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPPixelCPEGeneric
tuple hltESPPixelCPETemplateReco
tuple hltESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHB
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHE
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTripletsReg
tuple hltESPPromptTrackCountingESProducer
tuple hltESPRKTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPRKTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator
tuple hltESPSiStripRegionConnectivity
tuple hltESPSmartPropagator
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorAny
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance
tuple hltESPSoftLeptonByPt
tuple hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong
tuple hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPStraightLinePropagator
tuple hltESPTrackCounting3D1st
tuple hltESPTrackCounting3D2nd
tuple hltESPTrajectoryBuilderForElectrons
tuple hltESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltESPTrajectoryBuilderL3
tuple hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits
tuple hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFilterForElectrons
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK
tuple hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK
tuple hltESPTTRHBuilderAngleAndTemplate
tuple hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly
tuple hltESPTTRHBuilderWithoutAngle4PixelTriplets
tuple hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle
tuple hltESSBTagRecord
tuple hltESSEcalSeverityLevel
tuple hltESSHcalSeverityLevel
tuple hltFEDSelector
tuple HLTFullTrackingForHITrackTrigger = cms.Sequence( hltHIPixelTrackSeeds + hltHIPrimTrackCandidates + hltHIGlobalPrimTracks + hltHIGoodLooseTracks + hltHIFullTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger )
tuple hltGctDigis
tuple hltGetConditions
tuple HLTGetRaw
tuple hltGlobalSumETHfFilter0
tuple hltGlobalSumETHfFilter3100
tuple hltGlobalSumETHfFilter3200
tuple hltGtDigis
tuple hltHbhereco
tuple hltHcalCalibrationRaw
tuple HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter
tuple hltHcalDigis
tuple hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilter
tuple hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilterCoincidence
tuple hltHfreco
tuple hltHI1jet55
tuple hltHI1jet65
tuple hltHI1jet80
tuple hltHI1jet95
tuple hltHIAllESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltHIAllESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltHIAllESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltHIAllESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltHIAllL3MuonsIOHit
tuple hltHIBestAdaptiveVertex
tuple hltHICaloJetCorrected
tuple hltHICaloJetIDPassed
tuple hltHICaloTowerFilter4
tuple hltHiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI
tuple hltHiCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI
tuple hltHIDiJet55and55
tuple hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0
tuple hltHIDimuonL3FilteredMg2OS
tuple hltHIDimuonL3FilteredMg2OSnoCowboy
tuple hltHIDimuonL3FilteredMgt2
tuple hltHIDimuonL3FilteredMgt2SS
tuple hltHIDimuonL3FilteredOpen
tuple hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1HighQFiltered
tuple hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered
tuple hltHIDoublePhoton10
tuple hltHIDoublePhoton1015Filter1
tuple hltHIDoublePhoton1015Filter2
tuple hltHIDoublePhoton15
tuple hltHIDoublePhoton1520Filter1
tuple hltHIDoublePhoton1520Filter2
tuple hltHIDoublePhoton20
tuple hltHIFullTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger
tuple hltHIGlobalPrimTracks
tuple hltHIGoodLooseTracks
tuple hltHiIslandSuperClustersHI
tuple hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered
tuple hltHIL2DoubleMu0L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2DoubleMu0L2N1HitsFiltered
tuple hltHIL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2Mu15L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2Mu3L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2Mu3NHitL2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2Mu7L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL3MuonCandidates
tuple HLTHIL3muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTHIL3muonTkCandidateSequence + hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2 + hltHIL3MuonsLinksCombination + hltHIL3Muons )
tuple HLTHIL3muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTHIL3muonrecoNocandSequence + hltHIL3MuonCandidates )
tuple hltHIL3Muons
tuple hltHIL3MuonsLinksCombination
tuple hltHIL3MuonsOIHit
tuple hltHIL3MuonsOIState
tuple HLTHIL3muonTkCandidateSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTDoHILocalStripSequence + hltL3TrajSeedOIState + hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState + hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2OIState + hltHIL3MuonsOIState + hltHIL3TrajSeedOIHit + hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit + hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit + hltHIL3MuonsOIHit + hltHIL3TkFromL2OICombination + hltHIL3TrajSeedIOHit + hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit + hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit + hltHIAllL3MuonsIOHit + hltHIL3TrajectorySeed + hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2 )
tuple hltHIL3TkFromL2OICombination
tuple hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2
tuple hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit
tuple hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit
tuple hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2OIState
tuple hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2
tuple hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit
tuple hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit
tuple hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState
tuple hltHIL3TrajectorySeed
tuple hltHIL3TrajSeedIOHit
tuple hltHIL3TrajSeedOIHit
tuple hltHIMET120
tuple hltHIMET200
tuple hltHIMET220
tuple hltHIPhoton15
tuple hltHIPhoton20
tuple hltHIPhoton30
tuple hltHIPhoton40
tuple hltHIPixel3PrimTracks
tuple hltHIPixel3ProtoTracks
tuple hltHIPixelAdaptiveVertex
tuple hltHIPixelClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltHIPixelClusterVertices
tuple hltHIPixelClusterVerticesForHITrackTrigger
tuple hltHIPixelMedianVertex
tuple hltHIPixelTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger
tuple hltHIPixelTrackSeeds
tuple hltHIPrimTrackCandidates
tuple HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Corrected = cms.Sequence( HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Uncorrected + hltHICaloJetIDPassed + hltHICaloJetCorrected )
tuple HLTHIRecoJetSequenceIC5Uncorrected = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets )
tuple hltHISelectedProtoTracks
tuple hltHISelectedVertex
tuple hltHISingleFullTrackFilter12
tuple hltHISingleFullTrackFilter14
tuple hltHISingleFullTrackFilter20
tuple hltHISingleFullTrackFilter25
tuple hltHISingleMu3L3Filtered
tuple hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter
tuple hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter10
tuple hltHISiPixelClusters
tuple hltHISiPixelRecHits
tuple hltHISiStripClusters
tuple hltHISiStripClustersNonRegional
tuple hltHISiStripRawToClustersFacility
tuple hltHoreco
tuple hltIslandBasicClustersHI
tuple hltIter1ESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter1Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter1Tau3MuESPPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter1Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter2ESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter2ESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter2Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter2Tau3MuESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltIter2Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter3ESPLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter3ESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter3Tau3MuESPLayerTriplets
tuple hltIter3Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter3Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter4ESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter4ESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT
tuple hltIter4Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltIter4Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT
tuple hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets
tuple hltL1BeamHaloAntiCoincidence3BX
tuple hltL1extraParticles
tuple hltL1GtObjectMap
tuple hltL1GtTrigReport
tuple hltL1sETT100BptxAND
tuple hltL1sETT2000
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasBSC
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasBSCOR
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasHF
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOr
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasZDC
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCPlusOrMinusPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltL1sHIUPCNeuEG2
tuple hltL1sHIUPCNeuEG5
tuple hltL1sHIUPCNeuHcalHfEG2
tuple hltL1sHIUPCNeuHcalHfEG5
tuple hltL1sHIUPCNeuHcalHfMu
tuple hltL1sHIUPCNeuMu
tuple hltL1sHIZeroBias
tuple hltL1sHIZeroBiasXOR
tuple hltL1sJet16CentralNotETT140BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1BptxXOR
tuple hltL1sL1BptxXORBscMinBiasOR
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleEG5BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1ETM30BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1ETM50BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1GlobalDecision
tuple hltL1sL1SingleEG5BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet20CentralNotBptx
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet32CentralNotBptx
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet36BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet52BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1SingleJet68BptxAND
tuple hltL1sL1SingleMu3BptxAND
tuple HLTL1UnpackerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltGtDigis + hltGctDigis + hltL1GtObjectMap + hltL1extraParticles )
tuple hltL2MuonCandidates
tuple HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence + hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds + hltL2MuonSeeds + hltL2Muons )
tuple HLTL2muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL2MuonCandidates )
tuple hltL2Muons
tuple hltL2MuonSeeds
tuple hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds
tuple hltL3TrajSeedOIState
tuple hltMet
tuple hltMetForHf
tuple hltMuonCSCDigis
tuple hltMuonDTDigis
tuple HLTMuonLocalRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuonDTDigis + hltDt1DRecHits + hltDt4DSegments + hltMuonCSCDigis + hltCsc2DRecHits + hltCscSegments + hltMuonRPCDigis + hltRpcRecHits )
tuple hltMuonRPCDigis
tuple hltOfflineBeamSpot = cms.EDProducer( "BeamSpotProducer" )
tuple hltOnlineBeamSpot
tuple hltPixelActivityFilter0
tuple hltPixelActivityFilter51400
tuple hltPixelActivityFilter51500
tuple hltPixelActivityFilterCentralityVeto
tuple hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger
tuple HLTPixelSeedingForHITrackTrigger = cms.Sequence( hltHIPixelClusterVerticesForHITrackTrigger + hltHIPixel3ProtoTracks + hltHIPixelMedianVertex + hltHISelectedProtoTracks + hltHIPixelAdaptiveVertex + hltHIBestAdaptiveVertex + hltHISelectedVertex + hltHIPixel3PrimTracks + hltHIPixelTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger )
tuple HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger = cms.Sequence( hltHIPixelClusterVertices + hltPixelTracksForHITrackTrigger + hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger )
tuple hltPixelTracksForHITrackTrigger
tuple hltPreHIActivityHFCoincidence3
tuple hltPreHIActivityHFSingle3
tuple hltPreHIBptxXOR
tuple hltPreHICentral10
tuple hltPreHICentralityVeto
tuple hltPreHIClusterVertexCompatibility
tuple hltPreHIDiJet55
tuple hltPreHIDoublePhoton10
tuple hltPreHIDoublePhoton15
tuple hltPreHIDoublePhoton20
tuple hltPreHIDTCalibration
tuple hltPreHIEcalCalibration
tuple hltPreHIFullTrack12L1Central
tuple hltPreHIFullTrack12L1Peripheral
tuple hltPreHIFullTrack14L1Central
tuple hltPreHIFullTrack14L1Peripheral
tuple hltPreHIFullTrack20L1Central
tuple hltPreHIFullTrack20L1Peripheral
tuple hltPreHIFullTrack25L1Central
tuple hltPreHIFullTrack25L1Peripheral
tuple hltPreHIHcalCalibration
tuple hltPreHIJet55
tuple hltPreHIJet65
tuple hltPreHIJet65Jet55
tuple hltPreHIJet80
tuple hltPreHIJet95
tuple hltPreHIJetE30NoBPTX
tuple hltPreHIJetE50NoBPTX3BXNoHalo
tuple hltPreHIL1AlgoBptxXORBSCOR
tuple hltPreHIL1DoubleMu0HighQ
tuple hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpen
tuple hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0
tuple hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0L1HighQL2NHitQ
tuple hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0NHitQ
tuple hltPreHIL2DoubleMu3
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu15
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu3
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu3NHitQ
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu7
tuple hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpen
tuple hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpenMgt2
tuple hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpenMgt2OS
tuple hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpenMgt2OSNoCowboy
tuple hltPreHIL3DoubleMuOpenMgt2SS
tuple hltPreHIL3Mu3
tuple hltPreHIMET120
tuple hltPreHIMET200
tuple hltPreHIMET220
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasBSC
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasBSCOR
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasHF
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasHfOR
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasZDCCalo
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasZDCPlusOrMinusPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIPhoton10Photon15
tuple hltPreHIPhoton15Photon20
tuple hltPreHIPhysics
tuple hltPreHIRandom
tuple hltPreHISinglePhoton15
tuple hltPreHISinglePhoton20
tuple hltPreHISinglePhoton30
tuple hltPreHISinglePhoton40
tuple hltPreHIUCC010
tuple hltPreHIUCC015
tuple hltPreHIUPCNeuEG2PixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIUPCNeuEG5PixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIUPCNeuHcalHfEG2PixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIUPCNeuHcalHfEG5PixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIUPCNeuHcalHfMuPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIUPCNeuMuPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIZeroBias
tuple hltPreHIZeroBiasPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIZeroBiasXOR
tuple hltRandomEventsFilter
tuple hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate
tuple HLTRecoMETHfSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoLocalHfSequence + hltMetForHf )
tuple HLTRecoMETSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltMet )
tuple HLTriggerFinalPath = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltScalersRawToDigi + hltFEDSelector + hltTriggerSummaryAOD + hltTriggerSummaryRAW )
tuple HLTriggerFirstPath = cms.Path( hltGetConditions + HLTGetRaw + hltBoolFalse )
tuple hltRpcRecHits
tuple hltScalersRawToDigi
tuple HLTSchedule = cms.Schedule( *(HLTriggerFirstPath, HLT_HIMET120_v4, HLT_HIMET200_v4, HLT_HIMET220_v4, HLT_HIPhysics_v3, HLT_HIDTCalibration_v3, HLT_HIEcalCalibration_v3, HLT_HIHcalCalibration_v3, HLT_HIZeroBias_v3, HLT_HIZeroBiasXOR_v3, HLT_HIZeroBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_OR_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasHF_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasHf_OR_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_PlusOrMinus_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasZDCPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_PlusOrMinusPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIBptxXOR_v3, HLT_HIL1Algo_BptxXOR_BSC_OR_v3, HLT_HIL1DoubleMuOpen_v4, HLT_HIL1DoubleMu0_HighQ_v4, HLT_HIL2Mu3_v4, HLT_HIL2Mu3_NHitQ_v4, HLT_HIL2Mu7_v4, HLT_HIL2Mu15_v4, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_v4, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_NHitQ_v4, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_L1HighQL2NHitQ_v4, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu3_v4, HLT_HIL3Mu3_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_SS_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_OS_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_OS_NoCowboy_v5, HLT_HISinglePhoton15_v4, HLT_HISinglePhoton20_v5, HLT_HISinglePhoton30_v5, HLT_HISinglePhoton40_v5, HLT_HIPhoton10_Photon15_v4, HLT_HIPhoton15_Photon20_v4, HLT_HIDoublePhoton10_v4, HLT_HIDoublePhoton15_v4, HLT_HIDoublePhoton20_v4, HLT_HIJet55_v4, HLT_HIJet65_v4, HLT_HIJet80_v4, HLT_HIJet95_v4, HLT_HIDiJet55_v4, HLT_HIJet65_Jet55_v4, HLT_HIJetE30_NoBPTX_v4, HLT_HIJetE50_NoBPTX3BX_NoHalo_v4, HLT_HIActivityHF_Coincidence3_v3, HLT_HIActivityHF_Single3_v3, HLT_HIClusterVertexCompatibility_v4, HLT_HICentralityVeto_v4, HLT_HIFullTrack12_L1Central_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack12_L1Peripheral_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack14_L1Central_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack14_L1Peripheral_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack20_L1Central_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack20_L1Peripheral_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack25_L1Central_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack25_L1Peripheral_v5, HLT_HIRandom_v3, HLT_HIUCC010_v5, HLT_HIUCC015_v5, HLT_HICentral10_v5, HLT_HIUPCNeuMuPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuEG2Pixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuEG5Pixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfMuPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfEG2Pixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfEG5Pixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLTriggerFinalPath, HLTAnalyzerEndpath ))
tuple hltSiPixelDigis
tuple hltSiStripDigiToZSRaw
tuple hltSiStripExcludedFEDListProducer
tuple hltSiStripRawDigiToVirginRaw
tuple hltSiStripRawToDigi
tuple hltSiStripZeroSuppression
tuple hltStoppedHSCP1CaloJetEnergy30
tuple hltStoppedHSCP1CaloJetEnergy50
tuple hltStoppedHSCPHpdFilter
tuple hltStoppedHSCPIterativeCone5CaloJets
tuple HLTStoppedHSCPJetSequence = cms.Sequence( hltStoppedHSCPTowerMakerForAll + hltStoppedHSCPIterativeCone5CaloJets )
tuple HLTStoppedHSCPLocalHcalReco = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco )
tuple hltStoppedHSCPTowerMakerForAll
tuple hltTowerMakerForAll
tuple hltTowerMakerForHf
tuple hltTriggerSummaryAOD
tuple hltTriggerSummaryRAW
tuple hltTriggerType
tuple hltTrigReport
tuple HODetIdAssociator
tuple MaterialPropagator
tuple MaterialPropagatorForHI
tuple MuonDetIdAssociator
tuple NavigationSchoolESProducer
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagator
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagatorForHI
tuple PreshowerDetIdAssociator
tuple rawDataRepacker
tuple SiPixelQualityESProducer
tuple siPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer" )
tuple SiStripLorentzAngleDepESProducer
tuple SteppingHelixPropagatorAny
tuple streams
tuple TransientTrackBuilderESProducer
tuple UpdaterService
tuple virginRawDataRepacker

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
00002   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator" ),
00004   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" )
00005 )

Definition at line 335 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "CaloDetIdAssociator" ),
00003   etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
00004   nEta = cms.int32( 70 ),
00005   nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
00006   includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
00007 )

Definition at line 436 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_cff::CaloTopologyBuilder = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTopologyBuilder" )

Definition at line 340 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder",
00002   MapFile = cms.untracked.string( "Geometry/CaloTopology/data/" )
00003 )

Definition at line 341 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CastorDbProducer",
00002   appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
00003 )

Definition at line 344 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "ClusterShapeHitFilterESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "ClusterShapeHitFilter" )
00003 )

Definition at line 347 of file

list HLT_HIon_cff::cmsswVersion = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION']

Definition at line 7029 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "NavigationSchoolESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "CosmicNavigationSchool" )
00003 )

Definition at line 443 of file

Definition at line 21 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.Service( "DTDataIntegrityTask",
00002   processingMode = cms.untracked.string( "HLT" ),
00003   fedIntegrityFolder = cms.untracked.string( "DT/FEDIntegrity_EvF" ),
00004   getSCInfo = cms.untracked.bool( True )
00005 )

Definition at line 2736 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "EcalDetIdAssociator" ),
00003   etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.02 ),
00004   nEta = cms.int32( 300 ),
00005   nPhi = cms.int32( 360 ),
00006   includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
00007 )

Definition at line 446 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "EcalSeverityLevelESProducer",
00002   dbstatusMask = cms.PSet( 
00003     kGood = cms.vuint32( 0 ),
00004     kProblematic = cms.vuint32( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ),
00005     kRecovered = cms.vuint32(  ),
00006     kTime = cms.vuint32(  ),
00007     kWeird = cms.vuint32(  ),
00008     kBad = cms.vuint32( 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 )
00009   ),
00010   timeThresh = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00011   flagMask = cms.PSet( 
00012     kGood = cms.vstring( 'kGood' ),
00013     kProblematic = cms.vstring( 'kPoorReco',
00014       'kPoorCalib',
00015       'kNoisy',
00016       'kSaturated' ),
00017     kRecovered = cms.vstring( 'kLeadingEdgeRecovered',
00018       'kTowerRecovered' ),
00019     kTime = cms.vstring( 'kOutOfTime' ),
00020     kWeird = cms.vstring( 'kWeird',
00021       'kDiWeird' ),
00022     kBad = cms.vstring( 'kFaultyHardware',
00023       'kDead',
00024       'kKilled' )
00025   )
00026 )

Definition at line 453 of file

Definition at line 350 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "HcalDetIdAssociator" ),
00003   etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
00004   nEta = cms.int32( 70 ),
00005   nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
00006   includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
00007 )

Definition at line 479 of file

Definition at line 486 of file

Definition at line 6995 of file

Definition at line 6996 of file

Definition at line 6960 of file

Definition at line 7010 of file

Definition at line 6998 of file

Definition at line 6997 of file

Definition at line 6991 of file

Definition at line 6984 of file

Definition at line 6985 of file

Definition at line 6986 of file

Definition at line 6944 of file

Definition at line 6945 of file

Definition at line 6999 of file

Definition at line 7000 of file

Definition at line 7001 of file

Definition at line 7002 of file

Definition at line 7003 of file

Definition at line 7004 of file

Definition at line 7005 of file

Definition at line 7006 of file

Definition at line 6946 of file

Definition at line 6987 of file

Definition at line 6992 of file

Definition at line 6988 of file

Definition at line 6989 of file

Definition at line 6990 of file

Definition at line 6993 of file

Definition at line 6994 of file

Definition at line 6961 of file

Definition at line 6963 of file

Definition at line 6962 of file

Definition at line 6970 of file

Definition at line 6969 of file

Definition at line 6968 of file

Definition at line 6971 of file

Definition at line 6967 of file

Definition at line 6965 of file

Definition at line 6964 of file

Definition at line 6966 of file

Definition at line 6977 of file

Definition at line 6976 of file

Definition at line 6975 of file

Definition at line 6974 of file

Definition at line 6973 of file

Definition at line 6972 of file

Definition at line 6940 of file

Definition at line 6941 of file

Definition at line 6942 of file

Definition at line 6951 of file

Definition at line 6950 of file

Definition at line 6953 of file

Definition at line 6952 of file

Definition at line 6954 of file

Definition at line 6955 of file

Definition at line 6957 of file

Definition at line 6956 of file

Definition at line 6959 of file

Definition at line 6958 of file

Definition at line 6982 of file

Definition at line 6983 of file

Definition at line 6943 of file

Definition at line 7007 of file

Definition at line 6978 of file

Definition at line 6979 of file

Definition at line 6980 of file

Definition at line 6981 of file

Definition at line 7008 of file

Definition at line 7009 of file

Definition at line 7012 of file

Definition at line 7013 of file

Definition at line 7015 of file

Definition at line 7016 of file

Definition at line 7014 of file

Definition at line 7011 of file

Definition at line 6947 of file

Definition at line 6949 of file

Definition at line 6948 of file

Definition at line 7018 of file

Definition at line 6908 of file

Definition at line 6909 of file

Definition at line 6930 of file

Definition at line 6931 of file

Definition at line 6915 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
00002     result = cms.bool( True )
00003 )

Definition at line 3345 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
00002     result = cms.bool( False )
00003 )

Definition at line 2752 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1Activity",
00002     technicalBits = cms.uint64( 0x8 ),
00003     ignoreL1Mask = cms.bool( True ),
00004     invert = cms.bool( True ),
00005     physicsLoBits = cms.uint64( 0x0 ),
00006     physicsHiBits = cms.uint64( 0x0 ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     daqPartitions = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00009     bunchCrossings = cms.vint32( 0, 1, -1 )
00010 )

Definition at line 6023 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1Activity",
00002     technicalBits = cms.uint64( 0x1 ),
00003     ignoreL1Mask = cms.bool( True ),
00004     invert = cms.bool( False ),
00005     physicsLoBits = cms.uint64( 0x1 ),
00006     physicsHiBits = cms.uint64( 0x40000 ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     daqPartitions = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00009     bunchCrossings = cms.vint32( 0, -1, 1 )
00010 )

Definition at line 6139 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
00002     SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 2 )
00003 )

Definition at line 3392 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HiSpikeCleaner",
00002     originalSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI" ),
00003     recHitProducerEndcap = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
00004     TimingCut = cms.untracked.double( 9999999.0 ),
00005     swissCutThr = cms.untracked.double( 0.95 ),
00006     recHitProducerBarrel = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
00007     etCut = cms.double( 8.0 ),
00008     outputColl = cms.string( "" )
00009 )

Definition at line 5552 of file

Definition at line 541 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002   tableName = cms.string('/dev/CMSSW_5_2_1/HIon/V130')
00003 )

Definition at line 6 of file

Definition at line 3933 of file

Definition at line 3981 of file

Definition at line 6911 of file

Definition at line 6925 of file

Definition at line 6937 of file

Definition at line 6916 of file

Definition at line 6921 of file

Definition at line 6933 of file

Definition at line 6913 of file

Definition at line 6910 of file

Definition at line 6935 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "DTRecHitProducer",
00002     debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00003     recAlgoConfig = cms.PSet( 
00004       tTrigMode = cms.string( "DTTTrigSyncFromDB" ),
00005       minTime = cms.double( -3.0 ),
00006       stepTwoFromDigi = cms.bool( False ),
00007       doVdriftCorr = cms.bool( False ),
00008       debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00009       maxTime = cms.double( 420.0 ),
00010       tTrigModeConfig = cms.PSet( 
00011         vPropWire = cms.double( 24.4 ),
00012         doTOFCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
00013         tofCorrType = cms.int32( 0 ),
00014         wirePropCorrType = cms.int32( 0 ),
00015         tTrigLabel = cms.string( "" ),
00016         doWirePropCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
00017         doT0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
00018         debug = cms.untracked.bool( False )
00019       )
00020     ),
00021     dtDigiLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltMuonDTDigis" ),
00022     recAlgo = cms.string( "DTLinearDriftFromDBAlgo" )
00023 )

Definition at line 3827 of file

Definition at line 3850 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
00002     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00003     fedList = cms.vuint32( 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3399 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
00002     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00003     fedList = cms.vuint32( 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3407 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitFacility",
00002     sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00003     workerName = cms.string( "" )
00004 )

Definition at line 2841 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
00002     splitOutput = cms.bool( True ),
00003     rechitCollection = cms.string( "NotNeededsplitOutputTrue" ),
00004     EErechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
00005     EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
00006     sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs" ),
00007     cleaningConfig = cms.PSet( 
00008       e6e2thresh = cms.double( 0.04 ),
00009       tightenCrack_e6e2_double = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00010       e4e1Threshold_endcap = cms.double( 0.3 ),
00011       tightenCrack_e4e1_single = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00012       tightenCrack_e1_double = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00013       cThreshold_barrel = cms.double( 4.0 ),
00014       e4e1Threshold_barrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
00015       tightenCrack_e1_single = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00016       e4e1_b_barrel = cms.double( -0.024 ),
00017       e4e1_a_barrel = cms.double( 0.04 ),
00018       ignoreOutOfTimeThresh = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
00019       cThreshold_endcap = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00020       e4e1_b_endcap = cms.double( -0.0125 ),
00021       e4e1_a_endcap = cms.double( 0.02 ),
00022       cThreshold_double = cms.double( 10.0 )
00023     ),
00024     lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" )
00025 )

Definition at line 2860 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
00002     JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet( 
00003     ),
00004     sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "NotNeededoESfalse" ),
00005     doES = cms.bool( False ),
00006     type = cms.string( "all" ),
00007     sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
00008     EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet( 
00009     ),
00010     CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet( 
00011     ),
00012     MuonJobPSet = cms.PSet(  ),
00013     esInstance = cms.untracked.string( "es" ),
00014     MuJobPSet = cms.PSet(  )
00015 )

Definition at line 2845 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_cff::HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )

Definition at line 6914 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "JetCorrectionESChain",
00002   correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPL1FastJetCorrectionESProducer',
00003     'hltESPL2RelativeCorrectionESProducer',
00004     'hltESPL3AbsoluteCorrectionESProducer' ),
00005   appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
00006 )

Definition at line 595 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "JetCorrectionESChain",
00002   correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPL2RelativeCorrectionESProducer',
00003     'hltESPL3AbsoluteCorrectionESProducer' ),
00004   appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
00005 )

Definition at line 601 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
00002   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPAnalyticalPropagator" ),
00004   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" )
00005 )

Definition at line 606 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1776 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 8 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter" )
00014 )

Definition at line 1790 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
00002   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator" ),
00004   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" )
00005 )

Definition at line 611 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPBwdElectronPropagator" ),
00004   Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
00005   ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00007   useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
00008 )

Definition at line 616 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
00002   MaxChi2 = cms.double( 100000.0 ),
00003   nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2EstimatorForRefit" )
00005 )

Definition at line 624 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
00002   MaxChi2 = cms.double( 30.0 ),
00003   nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" )
00005 )

Definition at line 629 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
00002   MaxChi2 = cms.double( 16.0 ),
00003   nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" )
00005 )

Definition at line 634 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
00002   MaxChi2 = cms.double( 9.0 ),
00003   nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator9" )
00005 )

Definition at line 639 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 644 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter" )
00014 )

Definition at line 658 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 672 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialForHI" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilterForHI" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilderForHI" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOppositeForHI" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTrackerForHI" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 686 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter" )
00014 )

Definition at line 700 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 6 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     minPt = cms.double( 11.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilterForHI" )
00014 )

Definition at line 714 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CloseComponentsMergerESProducer5D",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
00003   MaxComponents = cms.int32( 12 ),
00004   DistanceMeasure = cms.string( "hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D" )
00005 )

Definition at line 728 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "DetLayerGeometryESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00003 )

Definition at line 733 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "EcalRegionCablingESProducer",
00002   esMapping = cms.PSet(  LookupTable = cms.FileInPath( "EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat" ) )
00003 )

Definition at line 744 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
00002   MaxChi2 = cms.double( 2000.0 ),
00003   nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPElectronChi2" )
00005 )

Definition at line 747 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "GsfMaterialEffectsESProducer",
00002   BetheHeitlerParametrization = cms.string( "BetheHeitler_cdfmom_nC6_O5.par" ),
00003   EnergyLossUpdator = cms.string( "GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator" ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" ),
00005   MultipleScatteringUpdator = cms.string( "MultipleScatteringUpdator" ),
00006   Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
00007   BetheHeitlerCorrection = cms.int32( 2 )
00008 )

Definition at line 752 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "ESUnpackerWorkerESProducer",
00002   RHAlgo = cms.PSet( 
00003     ESRecoAlgo = cms.int32( 0 ),
00004     Type = cms.string( "ESRecHitWorker" )
00005   ),
00006   DCCDataUnpacker = cms.PSet(  LookupTable = cms.FileInPath( "EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat" ) ),
00007   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPESUnpackerWorker" )
00008 )

Definition at line 736 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
00002   NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
00003   endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00004   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
00005   useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( True ),
00006   useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
00007   endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00008   SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
00009   AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
00010   returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
00011   useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
00012   VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
00013   useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
00014   sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
00015   useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00016   debug = cms.bool( False ),
00017   ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
00018   useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00019   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
00020 )

Definition at line 760 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
00002   NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
00003   endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00004   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
00005   useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( True ),
00006   useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
00007   endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00008   SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
00009   AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
00010   returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
00011   useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
00012   VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
00013   useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
00014   sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
00015   useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00016   debug = cms.bool( False ),
00017   ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
00018   useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00019   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" )
00020 )

Definition at line 780 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
00002   EstimateCut = cms.double( 10.0 ),
00003   LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
00004   Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
00005   MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00006   Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
00007   BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( True ),
00008   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherIT" ),
00009   NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( True ),
00010   RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
00011 )

Definition at line 800 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
00002   EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00003   LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
00004   Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
00005   MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00006   Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
00007   BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
00008   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherRK" ),
00009   NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
00010   RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
00011 )

Definition at line 811 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFwdElectronPropagator" ),
00004   Mass = cms.double( 5.11E-4 ),
00005   ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00007   useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
00008 )

Definition at line 822 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "GlobalDetLayerGeometryESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" )
00003 )

Definition at line 830 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
00002   EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00003   LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
00004   Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter" ),
00005   MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00006   Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother" ),
00007   BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( True ),
00008   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfElectronFittingSmoother" ),
00009   NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( True ),
00010   RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
00011 )

Definition at line 848 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "GsfTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
00002   Merger = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectoryFitter" ),
00004   MaterialEffectsUpdator = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" ),
00005   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" ),
00006   GeometricalPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPAnalyticalPropagator" )
00007 )

Definition at line 833 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "GsfTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
00002   ErrorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
00003   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" ),
00004   Merger = cms.string( "hltESPCloseComponentsMerger5D" ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPGsfTrajectorySmoother" ),
00006   GeometricalPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPBwdAnalyticalPropagator" ),
00007   MaterialEffectsUpdator = cms.string( "hltESPElectronMaterialEffects" )
00008 )

Definition at line 840 of file

Definition at line 859 of file

Definition at line 906 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002   layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
00003     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
00004     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
00005     'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
00006     'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
00007   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPHIPixelLayerTriplets" ),
00008   TEC = cms.PSet(  ),
00009   FPix = cms.PSet( 
00010     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00011     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
00012     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00013     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
00014     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
00015   ),
00016   TID = cms.PSet(  ),
00017   BPix = cms.PSet( 
00018     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00019     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
00020     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00021     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
00022     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 )
00023   ),
00024   TIB = cms.PSet(  ),
00025   TOB = cms.PSet(  )
00026 )

Definition at line 940 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
00002   StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
00003   Matcher = cms.string( "Fake" ),
00004   ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
00005   PixelCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPHITTRHBuilderWithoutRefit" )
00007 )

Definition at line 992 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
00002   EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00003   LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
00004   Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
00005   MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00006   Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother" ),
00007   BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
00008   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
00009   NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
00010   RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
00011 )

Definition at line 999 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
00002   EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00003   LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
00004   Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon" ),
00005   MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00006   Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon" ),
00007   BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
00008   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon" ),
00009   NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
00010   RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
00011 )

Definition at line 1010 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
00002   EstimateCut = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00003   LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -14.0 ),
00004   Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPRKFitter" ),
00005   MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00006   Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPRKSmoother" ),
00007   BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( True ),
00008   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmootherWithOutliersRejectionAndRK" ),
00009   NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( True ),
00010   RejectTracks = cms.bool( True )
00011 )

Definition at line 1021 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
00002   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
00004   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00005   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00006   Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00007   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00008 )

Definition at line 1032 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
00002   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon" ),
00004   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00005   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00006   Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
00007   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00008 )

Definition at line 1040 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
00002   errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
00003   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother" ),
00005   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00006   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00007   Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00008   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00009 )

Definition at line 1048 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
00002   errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
00003   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon" ),
00005   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00006   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00007   Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
00008   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00009 )

Definition at line 1057 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
00002   errorRescaling = cms.double( 10.0 ),
00003   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader" ),
00005   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00006   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00007   Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite" ),
00008   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00009 )

Definition at line 1066 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFUpdatorESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" )
00003 )

Definition at line 1075 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "DistanceBetweenComponentsESProducer5D",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKullbackLeiblerDistance5D" ),
00003   DistanceMeasure = cms.string( "KullbackLeibler" )
00004 )

Definition at line 1078 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "L1FastjetCorrectionESProducer",
00002   appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
00003   srcRho = cms.InputTag( 'hltKT6CaloJets','rho' ),
00004   algorithm = cms.string( "AK5Calo" ),
00005   level = cms.string( "L1FastJet" )
00006 )

Definition at line 1082 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
00002   appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
00003   algorithm = cms.string( "AK5Calo" ),
00004   level = cms.string( "L2Relative" )
00005 )

Definition at line 1088 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "LXXXCorrectionESProducer",
00002   appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
00003   algorithm = cms.string( "AK5Calo" ),
00004   level = cms.string( "L3Absolute" )
00005 )

Definition at line 1093 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
00002   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
00004   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00005   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00006   Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAny" ),
00007   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00008 )

Definition at line 1098 of file

Definition at line 1106 of file

Definition at line 1153 of file

Definition at line 1200 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   useSeedLayer = cms.bool( False ),
00008   deltaEta = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00009   deltaPhi = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00010   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00011   rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00012   propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
00013   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00014   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
00015   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00016   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00017   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
00018   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00019 )

Definition at line 1303 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderSeedHit" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   useSeedLayer = cms.bool( True ),
00008   deltaEta = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00009   deltaPhi = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00010   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00011   rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00012   propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
00013   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00014   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
00015   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00016   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00017   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
00018   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00019 )

Definition at line 1322 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.9 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" )
00014 )

Definition at line 1341 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder" )
00003 )

Definition at line 1355 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1261 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 9 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiEffTrajectoryFilter" )
00014 )

Definition at line 1289 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1247 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 8 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter" )
00014 )

Definition at line 1275 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PixelCPEGenericESProducer",
00002   EdgeClusterErrorX = cms.double( 50.0 ),
00003   DoCosmics = cms.bool( False ),
00004   LoadTemplatesFromDB = cms.bool( True ),
00005   UseErrorsFromTemplates = cms.bool( True ),
00006   eff_charge_cut_highX = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00007   TruncatePixelCharge = cms.bool( True ),
00008   size_cutY = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00009   size_cutX = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00010   inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle = cms.bool( False ),
00011   IrradiationBiasCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
00012   TanLorentzAnglePerTesla = cms.double( 0.106 ),
00013   inflate_errors = cms.bool( False ),
00014   eff_charge_cut_lowX = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00015   eff_charge_cut_highY = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00016   ClusterProbComputationFlag = cms.int32( 0 ),
00017   EdgeClusterErrorY = cms.double( 85.0 ),
00018   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
00019   eff_charge_cut_lowY = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00020   PixelErrorParametrization = cms.string( "NOTcmsim" ),
00021   Alpha2Order = cms.bool( True )
00022 )

Definition at line 1358 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PixelCPETemplateRecoESProducer",
00002   DoCosmics = cms.bool( False ),
00003   LoadTemplatesFromDB = cms.bool( True ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPETemplateReco" ),
00005   Alpha2Order = cms.bool( True ),
00006   ClusterProbComputationFlag = cms.int32( 0 ),
00007   speed = cms.int32( -2 ),
00008   UseClusterSplitter = cms.bool( False )
00009 )

Definition at line 1380 of file

Definition at line 1389 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002   layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
00003     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
00004     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
00005     'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
00006     'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
00007   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTriplets" ),
00008   TEC = cms.PSet(  ),
00009   FPix = cms.PSet( 
00010     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00011     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
00012     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00013     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00014     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
00015   ),
00016   TID = cms.PSet(  ),
00017   BPix = cms.PSet( 
00018     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00019     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
00020     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00021     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00022     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 )
00023   ),
00024   TIB = cms.PSet(  ),
00025   TOB = cms.PSet(  )
00026 )

Definition at line 1423 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002   layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3' ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHB" ),
00004   TEC = cms.PSet(  ),
00005   FPix = cms.PSet( 
00006     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00007     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
00008     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00009     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00010     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
00011   ),
00012   TID = cms.PSet(  ),
00013   BPix = cms.PSet( 
00014     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00015     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
00016     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00017     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00018     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 )
00019   ),
00020   TIB = cms.PSet(  ),
00021   TOB = cms.PSet(  )
00022 )

Definition at line 1449 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002   layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
00003     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
00004     'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
00005     'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHE" ),
00007   TEC = cms.PSet(  ),
00008   FPix = cms.PSet( 
00009     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00010     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
00011     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00012     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00013     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
00014   ),
00015   TID = cms.PSet(  ),
00016   BPix = cms.PSet( 
00017     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00018     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
00019     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00020     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00021     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 )
00022   ),
00023   TIB = cms.PSet(  ),
00024   TOB = cms.PSet(  )
00025 )

Definition at line 1471 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002   layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
00003     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
00004     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
00005     'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
00006     'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
00007   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTripletsReg" ),
00008   TEC = cms.PSet(  ),
00009   FPix = cms.PSet( 
00010     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 ),
00011     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
00012     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00013     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHitsReg" ),
00014     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" )
00015   ),
00016   TID = cms.PSet(  ),
00017   BPix = cms.PSet( 
00018     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 ),
00019     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
00020     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00021     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHitsReg" ),
00022     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" )
00023   ),
00024   TIB = cms.PSet(  ),
00025   TOB = cms.PSet(  )
00026 )

Definition at line 966 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PromptTrackCountingESProducer",
00002   maxImpactParameterSig = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00003   deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00004   maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00005   impactParameterType = cms.int32( 0 ),
00006   trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ),
00007   deltaRmin = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00008   maxImpactParameter = cms.double( 0.03 ),
00009   maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00010   nthTrack = cms.int32( -1 )
00011 )

Definition at line 1496 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
00002   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPRKFitter" ),
00004   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00005   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00006   Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
00007   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" )
00008 )

Definition at line 1507 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
00002   errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
00003   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPRKSmoother" ),
00005   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00006   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00007   Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
00008   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPGlobalDetLayerGeometry" )
00009 )

Definition at line 1515 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
00004   Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
00005   ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00007   useRungeKutta = cms.bool( True )
00008 )

Definition at line 1524 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SiStripRegionConnectivity",
00002   EtaDivisions = cms.untracked.uint32( 20 ),
00003   PhiDivisions = cms.untracked.uint32( 20 ),
00004   EtaMax = cms.untracked.double( 2.5 )
00005 )

Definition at line 1532 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
00002   Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00003   TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00004   MuonPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong" ),
00005   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagator" )
00007 )

Definition at line 1537 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
00002   Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00003   TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00004   MuonPropagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
00005   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAny" )
00007 )

Definition at line 1544 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
00002   Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00003   TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00004   MuonPropagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
00005   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite" )
00007 )

Definition at line 1551 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
00002   Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00003   TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00004   MuonPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
00005   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorOpposite" )
00007 )

Definition at line 1558 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "LeptonTaggerByDistanceESProducer",
00002   distance = cms.double( 0.5 )
00003 )

Definition at line 1565 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "LeptonTaggerByPtESProducer",
00002   ipSign = cms.string( "any" )
00003 )

Definition at line 1568 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
00002   NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
00003   endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00004   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
00005   useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
00006   useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
00007   endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00008   SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
00009   AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
00010   returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
00011   useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
00012   VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
00013   useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
00014   sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
00015   useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00016   debug = cms.bool( False ),
00017   ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
00018   useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00019   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong" )
00020 )

Definition at line 1571 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
00002   NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
00003   endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00004   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
00005   useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
00006   useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
00007   endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00008   SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
00009   AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
00010   returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
00011   useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
00012   VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
00013   useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
00014   sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
00015   useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00016   debug = cms.bool( False ),
00017   ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
00018   useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00019   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" )
00020 )

Definition at line 1591 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "StraightLinePropagatorESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPStraightLinePropagator" ),
00003   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" )
00004 )

Definition at line 1611 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrackCountingESProducer",
00002   deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00003   maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 0.07 ),
00004   impactParameterType = cms.int32( 0 ),
00005   trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ),
00006   maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00007   nthTrack = cms.int32( 1 )
00008 )

Definition at line 1643 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrackCountingESProducer",
00002   deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00003   maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 0.07 ),
00004   impactParameterType = cms.int32( 0 ),
00005   trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" ),
00006   maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00007   nthTrack = cms.int32( 2 )
00008 )

Definition at line 1651 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "hltESPFwdElectronPropagator" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterForElectrons" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderForElectrons" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "hltESPBwdElectronPropagator" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPElectronChi2" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 90.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1687 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator9" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1659 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderL3" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1673 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryCleanerESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
00003   fractionShared = cms.double( 0.5 ),
00004   ValidHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00005   ComponentType = cms.string( "TrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
00006   MissingHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00007   allowSharedFirstHit = cms.bool( False )
00008 )

Definition at line 1701 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryCleanerESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds" ),
00003   fractionShared = cms.double( 0.5 ),
00004   ValidHitBonus = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00005   ComponentType = cms.string( "TrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds" ),
00006   MissingHitPenalty = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00007   allowSharedFirstHit = cms.bool( True )
00008 )

Definition at line 1709 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004     minPt = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00005     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( -1 ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00010     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterForElectrons" )
00014 )

Definition at line 1753 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
00014 )

Definition at line 1717 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.5 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 1000000000 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3" )
00014 )

Definition at line 1731 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
00002   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
00004   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00005   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00006   Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
00007   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00008 )

Definition at line 1745 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
00002   errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
00003   minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00004   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
00005   Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00006   Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00007   Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
00008   RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" )
00009 )

Definition at line 1767 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
00002   StripCPE = cms.string( "StripCPEfromTrackAngle" ),
00003   Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
00004   ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
00005   PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPETemplateReco" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderAngleAndTemplate" )
00007 )

Definition at line 1622 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
00002   StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
00003   Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
00004   ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
00005   PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" )
00007 )

Definition at line 1629 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
00002   StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
00003   Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
00004   ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
00005   PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderWithoutAngle4PixelTriplets" )
00007 )

Definition at line 1636 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
00002   StripCPE = cms.string( "StripCPEfromTrackAngle" ),
00003   Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
00004   ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
00005   PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
00006   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" )
00007 )

Definition at line 1615 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
00002   iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
00003   recordName = cms.string( "JetTagComputerRecord" ),
00004   firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
00005 )

Definition at line 319 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
00002   iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
00003   recordName = cms.string( "EcalSeverityLevelAlgoRcd" ),
00004   firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
00005 )

Definition at line 324 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
00002   iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
00003   recordName = cms.string( "HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd" ),
00004   firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
00005 )

Definition at line 329 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
00002     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00003     fedList = cms.vuint32( 1023 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6887 of file

Definition at line 6934 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "GctRawToDigi",
00002     unpackSharedRegions = cms.bool( False ),
00003     numberOfGctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00004     verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00005     numberOfRctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00006     inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00007     unpackerVersion = cms.uint32( 0 ),
00008     gctFedId = cms.untracked.int32( 745 ),
00009     hltMode = cms.bool( True )
00010 )

Definition at line 2764 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( "EventSetupRecordDataGetter",
00002     toGet = cms.VPSet( 
00003     ),
00004     verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False )
00005 )

Definition at line 2744 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( "HLTGetRaw",
00002     RawDataCollection = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
00003 )

Definition at line 2749 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTGlobalSumsCaloMET",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     observable = cms.string( "sumEt" ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     Min = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00006     Max = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMetForHf" ),
00008     triggerType = cms.int32( 88 )
00009 )

Definition at line 6776 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTGlobalSumsCaloMET",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     observable = cms.string( "sumEt" ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     Min = cms.double( 3100.0 ),
00006     Max = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMetForHf" ),
00008     triggerType = cms.int32( 88 )
00009 )

Definition at line 6757 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTGlobalSumsCaloMET",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     observable = cms.string( "sumEt" ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     Min = cms.double( 3200.0 ),
00006     Max = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMetForHf" ),
00008     triggerType = cms.int32( 88 )
00009 )

Definition at line 6738 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi",
00002     DaqGtFedId = cms.untracked.int32( 813 ),
00003     DaqGtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00004     UnpackBxInEvent = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005     ActiveBoardsMask = cms.uint32( 0xffff )
00006 )

Definition at line 2758 of file

Definition at line 2895 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
00002     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00003     fedList = cms.vuint32( 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3420 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter",
00002     InputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00003     CalibTypes = cms.vint32( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ),
00004     FilterSummary = cms.untracked.bool( False )
00005 )

Definition at line 3415 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HcalRawToDigi",
00002     UnpackZDC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
00003     FilterDataQuality = cms.bool( True ),
00004     InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00005     ComplainEmptyData = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00006     UnpackCalib = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
00007     UnpackTTP = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00008     lastSample = cms.int32( 9 ),
00009     firstSample = cms.int32( 0 )
00010 )

Definition at line 2885 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalSimpleRecHitFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     minNHitsNeg = cms.int32( 1 ),
00004     minNHitsPos = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     threshold = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00006     doCoincidence = cms.bool( False ),
00007     maskedChannels = cms.vint32(  ),
00008     HFRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" )
00009 )

Definition at line 6106 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalSimpleRecHitFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     minNHitsNeg = cms.int32( 1 ),
00004     minNHitsPos = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     threshold = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00006     doCoincidence = cms.bool( True ),
00007     maskedChannels = cms.vint32(  ),
00008     HFRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" )
00009 )

Definition at line 6093 of file

Definition at line 2956 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 55.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHICaloJetCorrected" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5795 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 65.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHICaloJetCorrected" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5809 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 80.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHICaloJetCorrected" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5835 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 95.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHICaloJetCorrected" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5861 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkf3HitTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPCkf3HitTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1804 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1818 of file

Definition at line 1832 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   useSeedLayer = cms.bool( False ),
00008   deltaEta = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00009   deltaPhi = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00010   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00011   rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00012   propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
00013   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00014   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
00015   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00016   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00017   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
00018   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00019 )

Definition at line 1879 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1898 of file

Definition at line 5128 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HIBestVertexSelection",
00002     maxNumber = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00003     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixelAdaptiveVertex" )
00004 )

Definition at line 6277 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "CaloJetCorrectionProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHICaloJetIDPassed" ),
00003     correctors = cms.vstring( 'hltESPAK5CaloL2L3' )
00004 )

Definition at line 5791 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HLTCaloJetIDProducer",
00002     min_N90 = cms.int32( -2 ),
00003     min_N90hits = cms.int32( -2 ),
00004     min_EMF = cms.double( 1.0E-6 ),
00005     jetsInput = cms.InputTag( "hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets" ),
00006     JetIDParams = cms.PSet( 
00007       useRecHits = cms.bool( True ),
00008       hbheRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
00009       hoRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHoreco" ),
00010       hfRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" ),
00011       ebRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
00012       eeRecHitsColl = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' )
00013     ),
00014     max_EMF = cms.double( 999.0 )
00015 )

Definition at line 5776 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTCaloTowerFilter",
00002     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
00003     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00004     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForAll" ),
00005     MinPt = cms.double( 4.0 ),
00006     MinN = cms.uint32( 1 )
00007 )

Definition at line 6165 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HiEgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
00002     corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
00003     sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.03 ),
00004     superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Island" ),
00005     etThresh = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00006     rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltHiIslandSuperClustersHI','islandBarrelSuperClustersHI' ),
00007     applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
00008     isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( 
00009       fEtaVect = cms.vdouble( 0.993, 0.0, 0.00546, 1.165, -0.180844, 0.040312 ),
00010       fBremVect = cms.vdouble( -0.773799, 2.73438, -1.07235, 0.986821, -0.0101822, 3.06744E-4, 1.00595, -0.0495958, 0.00451986, 1.00595, -0.0495958, 0.00451986 ),
00011       fBremThVect = cms.vdouble( 1.2, 1.2 ),
00012       fEtEtaVect = cms.vdouble( 0.9497, 0.006985, 1.03754, -0.0142667, -0.0233993, 0.0, 0.0, 0.908915, 0.0137322, 16.9602, -29.3093, 19.8976, -5.92666, 0.654571 ),
00013       brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00014       brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00015       minR9Barrel = cms.double( 0.94 ),
00016       minR9Endcap = cms.double( 0.95 ),
00017       maxR9 = cms.double( 1.5 )
00018     ),
00019     VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
00020     recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' )
00021 )

Definition at line 5510 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HiEgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
00002     corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
00003     sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.15 ),
00004     superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Island" ),
00005     etThresh = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00006     rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltHiIslandSuperClustersHI','islandEndcapSuperClustersHI' ),
00007     applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
00008     isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( 
00009       fEtaVect = cms.vdouble( 0.993, 0.0, 0.00546, 1.165, -0.180844, 0.040312 ),
00010       fBremVect = cms.vdouble( -0.773799, 2.73438, -1.07235, 0.986821, -0.0101822, 3.06744E-4, 1.00595, -0.0495958, 0.00451986, 1.00595, -0.0495958, 0.00451986 ),
00011       fBremThVect = cms.vdouble( 1.2, 1.2 ),
00012       fEtEtaVect = cms.vdouble( 0.9497, 0.006985, 1.03754, -0.0142667, -0.0233993, 0.0, 0.0, 0.908915, 0.0137322, 16.9602, -29.3093, 19.8976, -5.92666, 0.654571 ),
00013       brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00014       brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00015       minR9Barrel = cms.double( 0.94 ),
00016       minR9Endcap = cms.double( 0.95 ),
00017       maxR9 = cms.double( 1.5 )
00018     ),
00019     VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
00020     recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' )
00021 )

Definition at line 5531 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 55.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHICaloJetCorrected" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5875 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00004     CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
00005     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered" ),
00006     MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00007     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00008     SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
00009     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00013     AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
00014     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
00016     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00019     MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 5282 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     ChargeOpt = cms.int32( -1 ),
00004     MaxPtMin = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00005     FastAccept = cms.bool( False ),
00006     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3MuonCandidates" ),
00007     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0" ),
00008     MaxPtBalance = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00009     MaxPtPair = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00010     MaxAcop = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00011     MinPtMin = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00012     MaxInvMass = cms.vdouble( 300.0 ),
00013     MinPtMax = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00014     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00015     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00016     MinPtPair = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00017     MaxDr = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00018     MinAcop = cms.double( -999.0 ),
00019     MaxDCAMuMu = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00020     MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00021     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00022     MinPtBalance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00023     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00024     MaxRapidityPair = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00025     CutCowboys = cms.bool( False ),
00026     MinInvMass = cms.vdouble( 2.0 )
00027 )

Definition at line 5395 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     ChargeOpt = cms.int32( -1 ),
00004     MaxPtMin = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00005     FastAccept = cms.bool( False ),
00006     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3MuonCandidates" ),
00007     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0" ),
00008     MaxPtBalance = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00009     MaxPtPair = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00010     MaxAcop = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00011     MinPtMin = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00012     MaxInvMass = cms.vdouble( 300.0 ),
00013     MinPtMax = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00014     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00015     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00016     MinPtPair = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00017     MaxDr = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00018     MinAcop = cms.double( -999.0 ),
00019     MaxDCAMuMu = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00020     MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00021     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00022     MinPtBalance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00023     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00024     MaxRapidityPair = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00025     CutCowboys = cms.bool( True ),
00026     MinInvMass = cms.vdouble( 2.0 )
00027 )

Definition at line 5426 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     ChargeOpt = cms.int32( 0 ),
00004     MaxPtMin = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00005     FastAccept = cms.bool( False ),
00006     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3MuonCandidates" ),
00007     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0" ),
00008     MaxPtBalance = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00009     MaxPtPair = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00010     MaxAcop = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00011     MinPtMin = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00012     MaxInvMass = cms.vdouble( 300.0 ),
00013     MinPtMax = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00014     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00015     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00016     MinPtPair = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00017     MaxDr = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00018     MinAcop = cms.double( -999.0 ),
00019     MaxDCAMuMu = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00020     MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00021     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00022     MinPtBalance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00023     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00024     MaxRapidityPair = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00025     CutCowboys = cms.bool( False ),
00026     MinInvMass = cms.vdouble( 2.0 )
00027 )

Definition at line 5333 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     ChargeOpt = cms.int32( 1 ),
00004     MaxPtMin = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00005     FastAccept = cms.bool( False ),
00006     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3MuonCandidates" ),
00007     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0" ),
00008     MaxPtBalance = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00009     MaxPtPair = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00010     MaxAcop = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00011     MinPtMin = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00012     MaxInvMass = cms.vdouble( 300.0 ),
00013     MinPtMax = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00014     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00015     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00016     MinPtPair = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00017     MaxDr = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00018     MinAcop = cms.double( -999.0 ),
00019     MaxDCAMuMu = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00020     MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00021     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00022     MinPtBalance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00023     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00024     MaxRapidityPair = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00025     CutCowboys = cms.bool( False ),
00026     MinInvMass = cms.vdouble( 2.0 )
00027 )

Definition at line 5364 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     ChargeOpt = cms.int32( 0 ),
00004     MaxPtMin = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00005     FastAccept = cms.bool( False ),
00006     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3MuonCandidates" ),
00007     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDimuonL2PreFiltered0" ),
00008     MaxPtBalance = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00009     MaxPtPair = cms.vdouble( 1.0E125 ),
00010     MaxAcop = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00011     MinPtMin = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00012     MaxInvMass = cms.vdouble( 300.0 ),
00013     MinPtMax = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00014     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00015     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00016     MinPtPair = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
00017     MaxDr = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00018     MinAcop = cms.double( -999.0 ),
00019     MaxDCAMuMu = cms.double( 999.0 ),
00020     MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00021     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00022     MinPtBalance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00023     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00024     MaxRapidityPair = cms.double( 999999.0 ),
00025     CutCowboys = cms.bool( False ),
00026     MinInvMass = cms.vdouble( 0.0 )
00027 )

Definition at line 5302 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
00004     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND" ),
00005     MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00006     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00007     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00008     SelectQualities = cms.vint32( 7, 6, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
00009     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00010     ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
00011 )

Definition at line 3769 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
00004     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1DoubleMuOpenBptxAND" ),
00005     MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00006     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00007     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00008     SelectQualities = cms.vint32(  ),
00009     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00010     ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
00011 )

Definition at line 3754 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 10.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5682 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 10.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5634 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5644 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5696 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5658 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5668 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5710 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIGoodLooseTracks" ),
00003     particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
00004 )

Definition at line 6440 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPrimTrackCandidates" ),
00003     clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
00004     beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00005     Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmootherWithOutliersRejectionAndRK" ),
00006     useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( True ),
00007     MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
00008     alias = cms.untracked.string( "ctfWithMaterialTracks" ),
00009     NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
00010     TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
00011     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderAngleAndTemplate" ),
00012     AlgorithmName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOppositeForHI" ),
00013     Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" )
00014 )

Definition at line 6391 of file

Definition at line 6405 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HiSuperClusterProducer",
00002     barrelSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "islandBarrelSuperClustersHI" ),
00003     endcapEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.14 ),
00004     barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "islandBarrelBasicClustersHI" ),
00005     endcapClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltIslandBasicClustersHI" ),
00006     barrelPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.8 ),
00007     endcapPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.6 ),
00008     endcapBCEnergyThreshold = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00009     VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
00010     seedTransverseEnergyThreshold = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00011     barrelEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.07 ),
00012     endcapSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "islandEndcapSuperClustersHI" ),
00013     barrelBCEnergyThreshold = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00014     doBarrel = cms.bool( True ),
00015     doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
00016     endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "islandEndcapBasicClustersHI" ),
00017     barrelClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltIslandBasicClustersHI" )
00018 )

Definition at line 5492 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
00004     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sL1SingleMu3BptxAND" ),
00005     MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00006     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00008     SelectQualities = cms.vint32(  ),
00009     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00010     ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False )
00011 )

Definition at line 3796 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00004     CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
00005     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered" ),
00006     MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00007     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00008     SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
00009     MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00013     AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
00014     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
00016     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00019     MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 4380 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00004     CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
00005     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered" ),
00006     MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00007     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00008     SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
00009     MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.vint32( 1 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00013     AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
00014     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
00016     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00019     MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 4404 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00004     CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
00005     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered" ),
00006     MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00007     MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
00008     SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
00009     MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00013     AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
00014     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
00016     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00019     MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 4432 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00004     CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
00005     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered" ),
00006     MinPt = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00007     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00008     SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
00009     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00013     AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
00014     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
00016     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00019     MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 4356 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00004     CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
00005     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered" ),
00006     MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00007     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00008     SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
00009     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00013     AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
00014     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
00016     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00019     MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 4284 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00004     CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
00005     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered" ),
00006     MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00007     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00008     SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
00009     MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.vint32( 1 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00013     AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
00014     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
00016     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00019     MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 4308 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00004     CutOnChambers = cms.bool( False ),
00005     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL1SingleMu3withBptxANDL1Filtered" ),
00006     MinPt = cms.double( 7.0 ),
00007     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00008     SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
00009     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     MinNchambers = cms.vint32( 0 ),
00013     AbsEtaBins = cms.vdouble( 5.0 ),
00014     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
00016     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00019     MinNstations = cms.vint32( 0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 4332 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L3MuonCandidateProducer",
00002     InputLinksObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3MuonsLinksCombination" ),
00003     InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3Muons" ),
00004     MuonPtOption = cms.string( "Global" )
00005 )

Definition at line 5253 of file

Definition at line 6923 of file

Definition at line 6924 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCombiner",
00002     labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltHIL3MuonsOIState','hltHIL3MuonsOIHit','hltHIAllL3MuonsIOHit' )
00003 )

Definition at line 5250 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackLinksCombiner",
00002     labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltHIL3MuonsOIState','hltHIL3MuonsOIHit','hltHIAllL3MuonsIOHit' )
00003 )

Definition at line 5247 of file

Definition at line 4886 of file

Definition at line 4636 of file

Definition at line 6922 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCombiner",
00002     labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltHIL3MuonsOIState','hltHIL3MuonsOIHit' )
00003 )

Definition at line 4996 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCombiner",
00002     labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2IOHit','hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2OIHit','hltHIL3TkTracksFromL2OIState' )
00003 )

Definition at line 5244 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit" ),
00003     clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
00004     beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00005     Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
00006     useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
00007     MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
00008     alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
00009     NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
00010     TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
00011     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00012     AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
00013     Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
00014 )

Definition at line 5114 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit" ),
00003     clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
00004     beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00005     Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
00006     useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
00007     MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
00008     alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
00009     NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
00010     TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
00011     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00012     AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
00013     Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
00014 )

Definition at line 4872 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "TrackProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState" ),
00003     clusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag( "" ),
00004     beamSpot = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00005     Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
00006     useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
00007     MeasurementTracker = cms.string( "" ),
00008     alias = cms.untracked.string( "" ),
00009     NavigationSchool = cms.string( "" ),
00010     TrajectoryInEvent = cms.bool( True ),
00011     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00012     AlgorithmName = cms.string( "undefAlgorithm" ),
00013     Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" )
00014 )

Definition at line 4622 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L3TrackCandCombiner",
00002     labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2IOHit','hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIHit','hltHIL3TrackCandidateFromL2OIState' )
00003 )

Definition at line 5241 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3TrajSeedIOHit" ),
00003     reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( False ),
00004     TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet( 
00005       propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00006       numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
00007       propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
00008     ),
00009     TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
00010     cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
00011     useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
00012     RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
00013     doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
00014     trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
00015     NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
00016     TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00017     maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
00018 )

Definition at line 5096 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3TrajSeedOIHit" ),
00003     reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( False ),
00004     TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet( 
00005       propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00006       numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
00007       propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
00008     ),
00009     TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
00010     cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
00011     useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
00012     RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
00013     doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
00014     trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
00015     NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
00016     TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00017     maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
00018 )

Definition at line 4854 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrajectoryMaker",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltL3TrajSeedOIState" ),
00003     reverseTrajectories = cms.bool( False ),
00004     TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet( 
00005       propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00006       numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 ),
00007       propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" )
00008     ),
00009     TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
00010     cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( False ),
00011     useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( False ),
00012     RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput" ),
00013     doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
00014     trackCandidateAlso = cms.bool( True ),
00015     NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
00016     TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
00017     maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 )
00018 )

Definition at line 4604 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L3MuonTrajectorySeedCombiner",
00002     labels = cms.VInputTag( 'hltHIL3TrajSeedIOHit','hltL3TrajSeedOIState','hltHIL3TrajSeedOIHit' )
00003 )

Definition at line 5238 of file

Definition at line 4999 of file

Definition at line 4746 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloMET",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 120.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMet" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 87 )
00010 )

Definition at line 3254 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloMET",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 200.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMet" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 87 )
00010 )

Definition at line 3364 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloMET",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 220.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltMet" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 87 )
00010 )

Definition at line 3378 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5566 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5580 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 30.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5594 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( 40.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 81 )
00010 )

Definition at line 5608 of file

Definition at line 6286 of file

Definition at line 6178 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "PrimaryVertexProducer",
00002     vertexCollections = cms.VPSet( 
00003       cms.PSet(  maxDistanceToBeam = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00004         useBeamConstraint = cms.bool( False ),
00005         minNdof = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00006         algorithm = cms.string( "AdaptiveVertexFitter" ),
00007         label = cms.string( "" )
00008       )
00009     ),
00010     verbose = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00011     TkFilterParameters = cms.PSet( 
00012       maxD0Significance = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00013       minPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00014       maxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00015       minSiliconLayersWithHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00016       minPixelLayersWithHits = cms.int32( 2 ),
00017       trackQuality = cms.string( "any" ),
00018       numTracksThreshold = cms.int32( 2 ),
00019       algorithm = cms.string( "filterWithThreshold" )
00020     ),
00021     beamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00022     TrackLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltHISelectedProtoTracks" ),
00023     TkClusParameters = cms.PSet( 
00024       algorithm = cms.string( "gap" ),
00025       TkGapClusParameters = cms.PSet(  zSeparation = cms.double( 1.0 ) )
00026     )
00027 )

Definition at line 6250 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixelClusterShapeFilter",
00002     maxZ = cms.double( 20.05 ),
00003     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00004     clusterTrunc = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00005     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
00006     zStep = cms.double( 0.2 ),
00007     minZ = cms.double( -20.0 ),
00008     nhitsTrunc = cms.int32( 150 ),
00009     clusterPars = cms.vdouble(  )
00010 )

Definition at line 6119 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HIPixelClusterVtxProducer",
00002     maxZ = cms.double( 20.05 ),
00003     zStep = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00004     minZ = cms.double( -20.0 ),
00005     pixelRecHits = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" )
00006 )

Definition at line 3500 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HIPixelClusterVtxProducer",
00002     maxZ = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00003     zStep = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00004     minZ = cms.double( -15.0 ),
00005     pixelRecHits = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" )
00006 )

Definition at line 6172 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HIPixelMedianVtxProducer",
00002     PeakFindThreshold = cms.uint32( 100 ),
00003     PeakFindMaxZ = cms.double( 30.0 ),
00004     FitThreshold = cms.int32( 5 ),
00005     TrackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixel3ProtoTracks" ),
00006     PtMin = cms.double( 0.075 ),
00007     PeakFindBinsPerCm = cms.int32( 10 ),
00008     FitMaxZ = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00009     FitBinsPerCm = cms.int32( 500 )
00010 )

Definition at line 6231 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixel3PrimTracks" ),
00003     particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
00004 )

Definition at line 6336 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SeedGeneratorFromProtoTracksEDProducer",
00002     useEventsWithNoVertex = cms.bool( True ),
00003     originHalfLength = cms.double( 1.0E9 ),
00004     useProtoTrackKinematics = cms.bool( False ),
00005     InputVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "" ),
00006     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00007     InputCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixel3PrimTracks" ),
00008     originRadius = cms.double( 1.0E9 )
00009 )

Definition at line 6365 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "CkfTrackCandidateMaker",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixelTrackSeeds" ),
00003     maxSeedsBeforeCleaning = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
00004     TransientInitialStateEstimatorParameters = cms.PSet( 
00005       propagatorAlongTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialForHI" ),
00006       propagatorOppositeTISE = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOppositeForHI" ),
00007       numberMeasurementsForFit = cms.int32( 4 )
00008     ),
00009     TrajectoryCleaner = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedSeeds" ),
00010     cleanTrajectoryAfterInOut = cms.bool( True ),
00011     useHitsSplitting = cms.bool( True ),
00012     RedundantSeedCleaner = cms.string( "none" ),
00013     doSeedingRegionRebuilding = cms.bool( False ),
00014     maxNSeeds = cms.uint32( 100000 ),
00015     NavigationSchool = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
00016     TrajectoryBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilderForHI" )
00017 )

Definition at line 6374 of file

Definition at line 6927 of file

Definition at line 6926 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HIProtoTrackSelection",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixel3ProtoTracks" ),
00003     beamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00004     maxD0Significance = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00005     minZCut = cms.double( 0.2 ),
00006     VertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixelMedianVertex" ),
00007     ptMin = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00008     nSigmaZ = cms.double( 5.0 )
00009 )

Definition at line 6241 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "HIBestVertexProducer",
00002     adaptiveVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIBestAdaptiveVertex" ),
00003     beamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00004     medianVertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixelMedianVertex" )
00005 )

Definition at line 6281 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
00004     MinPt = cms.double( 12.0 ),
00005     MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00006     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
00007     trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIFullTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger" ),
00008     vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHISelectedVertex" ),
00009     MaxPt = cms.double( 10000.0 ),
00010     MinSep = cms.double( 0.2 )
00011 )

Definition at line 6444 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
00004     MinPt = cms.double( 14.0 ),
00005     MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00006     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
00007     trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIFullTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger" ),
00008     vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHISelectedVertex" ),
00009     MaxPt = cms.double( 10000.0 ),
00010     MinSep = cms.double( 0.2 )
00011 )

Definition at line 6475 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
00004     MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
00005     MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00006     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
00007     trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIFullTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger" ),
00008     vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHISelectedVertex" ),
00009     MaxPt = cms.double( 10000.0 ),
00010     MinSep = cms.double( 0.2 )
00011 )

Definition at line 6494 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
00004     MinPt = cms.double( 25.0 ),
00005     MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00006     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
00007     trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIFullTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger" ),
00008     vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHISelectedVertex" ),
00009     MaxPt = cms.double( 10000.0 ),
00010     MinSep = cms.double( 0.2 )
00011 )

Definition at line 6513 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL3PreFilter",
00002     MaxNormalizedChi2 = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00003     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00004     PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL2Mu3L2Filtered" ),
00005     MinNmuonHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00006     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     MinTrackPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00008     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00009     MaxDXYBeamSpot = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00010     MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00011     MinDxySig = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00012     NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00013     MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00014     MaxPtDifference = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
00015     MaxDr = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00016     CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL3MuonCandidates" ),
00017     MinDr = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00018     BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOnlineBeamSpot" ),
00019     MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 )
00020 )

Definition at line 5258 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixlMBFilt",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00003     pixlTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger" ),
00004     MinTrks = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00005     MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00006     MinSep = cms.double( 1.0 )
00007 )

Definition at line 3563 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinTrks = cms.int32( 1 ),
00004     MinPt = cms.double( 10.0 ),
00005     MaxVz = cms.double( 15.0 ),
00006     MaxEta = cms.double( 2.4 ),
00007     trackCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHIPixelTrackCandsForHITrackTrigger" ),
00008     vertexCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHISelectedVertex" ),
00009     MaxPt = cms.double( 10000.0 ),
00010     MinSep = cms.double( 0.2 )
00011 )

Definition at line 6340 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelClusterProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelDigis" ),
00003     ChannelThreshold = cms.int32( 1000 ),
00004     maxNumberOfClusters = cms.int32( -1 ),
00005     VCaltoElectronGain = cms.int32( 65 ),
00006     MissCalibrate = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
00007     SplitClusters = cms.bool( False ),
00008     VCaltoElectronOffset = cms.int32( -414 ),
00009     payloadType = cms.string( "HLT" ),
00010     SeedThreshold = cms.int32( 1000 ),
00011     ClusterThreshold = cms.double( 4000.0 )
00012 )

Definition at line 3483 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelRecHitConverter",
00002     VerboseLevel = cms.untracked.int32( 0 ),
00003     src = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelClusters" ),
00004     CPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" )
00005 )

Definition at line 3495 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "MeasurementTrackerSiStripRefGetterProducer",
00002     InputModuleLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiStripRawToClustersFacility" ),
00003     measurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltHIAllESPMeasurementTracker" )
00004 )

Definition at line 4509 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SiStripClusterizer",
00002     DigiProducersList = cms.VInputTag( 'hltSiStripZeroSuppression:VirginRaw','hltSiStripZeroSuppression:ProcessedRaw','hltSiStripZeroSuppression:ScopeMode' ),
00003     Clusterizer = cms.PSet( 
00004       ChannelThreshold = cms.double( 2.0 ),
00005       MaxSequentialBad = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00006       Algorithm = cms.string( "ThreeThresholdAlgorithm" ),
00007       MaxSequentialHoles = cms.uint32( 0 ),
00008       MaxAdjacentBad = cms.uint32( 0 ),
00009       QualityLabel = cms.string( "" ),
00010       SeedThreshold = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00011       ClusterThreshold = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00012       RemoveApvShots = cms.bool( True )
00013     )
00014 )

Definition at line 6351 of file

Definition at line 4459 of file

Definition at line 3036 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "IslandClusterProducer",
00002     endcapHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
00003     barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "islandBarrelBasicClustersHI" ),
00004     IslandEndcapSeedThr = cms.double( 0.18 ),
00005     posCalcParameters = cms.PSet( 
00006       T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
00007       LogWeighted = cms.bool( True ),
00008       T0_endc = cms.double( 3.1 ),
00009       T0_endcPresh = cms.double( 1.2 ),
00010       W0 = cms.double( 4.2 ),
00011       X0 = cms.double( 0.89 )
00012     ),
00013     barrelShapeAssociation = cms.string( "islandBarrelShapeAssoc" ),
00014     endcapShapeAssociation = cms.string( "islandEndcapShapeAssoc" ),
00015     endcapHitProducer = cms.string( "hltEcalRecHitAll" ),
00016     clustershapecollectionEB = cms.string( "islandBarrelShape" ),
00017     IslandBarrelSeedThr = cms.double( 0.5 ),
00018     barrelHitProducer = cms.string( "hltEcalRecHitAll" ),
00019     barrelHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
00020     clustershapecollectionEE = cms.string( "islandEndcapShape" ),
00021     endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "islandEndcapBasicClustersHI" ),
00022     VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" )
00023 )

Definition at line 5469 of file

Definition at line 1912 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002   layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
00003     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
00004     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
00005     'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
00006     'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
00007   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPPixelLayerTriplets" ),
00008   TEC = cms.PSet(  ),
00009   FPix = cms.PSet( 
00010     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00011     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 ),
00012     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00013     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00014     skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
00015     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 )
00016   ),
00017   TID = cms.PSet(  ),
00018   BPix = cms.PSet( 
00019     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00020     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 ),
00021     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00022     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00023     skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1ClustersRefRemoval" ),
00024     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 )
00025   ),
00026   TIB = cms.PSet(  ),
00027   TOB = cms.PSet(  )
00028 )

Definition at line 1959 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 1987 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.2 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
00014 )

Definition at line 2001 of file

Definition at line 2332 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002   layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
00003     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
00004     'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
00005     'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
00006     'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
00007   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1Tau3MuESPPixelLayerTriplets" ),
00008   TEC = cms.PSet(  ),
00009   FPix = cms.PSet( 
00010     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00011     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 ),
00012     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00013     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00014     skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1Tau3MuClustersRefRemoval" ),
00015     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 )
00016   ),
00017   TID = cms.PSet(  ),
00018   BPix = cms.PSet( 
00019     HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
00020     hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 ),
00021     useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
00022     TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
00023     skipClusters = cms.InputTag( "hltIter1Tau3MuClustersRefRemoval" ),
00024     hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 )
00025   ),
00026   TIB = cms.PSet(  ),
00027   TOB = cms.PSet(  )
00028 )

Definition at line 2379 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter1ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter1Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter1Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 2407 of file

Definition at line 2015 of file

Definition at line 2062 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 2098 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
00014 )

Definition at line 2112 of file

Definition at line 2421 of file

Definition at line 2468 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter2ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 2 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter2Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter2Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 2504 of file

Definition at line 2126 of file

Definition at line 2171 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 2218 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
00014 )

Definition at line 2232 of file

Definition at line 2518 of file

Definition at line 2563 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter3ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter3Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter3Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 )
00014 )

Definition at line 2610 of file

Definition at line 2246 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002   layerList = cms.vstring( 'TIB1+TIB2' ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPPixelLayerPairs" ),
00004   TEC = cms.PSet(  ),
00005   FPix = cms.PSet(  ),
00006   TID = cms.PSet(  ),
00007   BPix = cms.PSet(  ),
00008   TIB = cms.PSet(  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ) ),
00009   TOB = cms.PSet(  )
00010 )

Definition at line 2293 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
00014   minNrOfHitsForRebuild = cms.untracked.int32( 4 )
00015 )

Definition at line 2303 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
00002   filterPset = cms.PSet( 
00003     minPt = cms.double( 0.3 ),
00004     minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
00005     ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
00006     maxLostHits = cms.int32( 0 ),
00007     maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 100 ),
00008     maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
00009     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 6 ),
00010     nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
00011     chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 )
00012   ),
00013   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" )
00014 )

Definition at line 2318 of file

Definition at line 2624 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
00002   propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00003   trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltIter4ESPTrajectoryFilterIT" ),
00004   maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005   ComponentName = cms.string( "hltIter4Tau3MuESPTrajectoryBuilderIT" ),
00006   propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00007   MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltIter4Tau3MuESPMeasurementTracker" ),
00008   estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator16" ),
00009   TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
00010   updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
00011   alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
00012   intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
00013   lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
00014   minNrOfHitsForRebuild = cms.untracked.int32( 4 )
00015 )

Definition at line 2671 of file

Definition at line 5736 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1Activity",
00002     technicalBits = cms.uint64( 0x0 ),
00003     ignoreL1Mask = cms.bool( True ),
00004     invert = cms.bool( True ),
00005     physicsLoBits = cms.uint64( 0x0 ),
00006     physicsHiBits = cms.uint64( 0x8000000000000000 ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     daqPartitions = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00009     bunchCrossings = cms.vint32( 0, 1, -1 )
00010 )

Definition at line 6045 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L1ExtraParticlesProd",
00002     tauJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','tauJets' ),
00003     etHadSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
00004     etTotalSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
00005     centralBxOnly = cms.bool( True ),
00006     centralJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','cenJets' ),
00007     etMissSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
00008     hfRingEtSumsSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
00009     produceMuonParticles = cms.bool( True ),
00010     forwardJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','forJets' ),
00011     ignoreHtMiss = cms.bool( False ),
00012     htMissSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
00013     produceCaloParticles = cms.bool( True ),
00014     muonSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00015     isolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','isoEm' ),
00016     nonIsolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','nonIsoEm' ),
00017     hfRingBitCountsSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" )
00018 )

Definition at line 2795 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L1GlobalTrigger",
00002     TechnicalTriggersUnprescaled = cms.bool( True ),
00003     ProduceL1GtObjectMapRecord = cms.bool( True ),
00004     AlgorithmTriggersUnmasked = cms.bool( False ),
00005     EmulateBxInEvent = cms.int32( 1 ),
00006     AlgorithmTriggersUnprescaled = cms.bool( True ),
00007     ProduceL1GtDaqRecord = cms.bool( False ),
00008     ReadTechnicalTriggerRecords = cms.bool( True ),
00009     RecordLength = cms.vint32( 3, 0 ),
00010     TechnicalTriggersUnmasked = cms.bool( False ),
00011     ProduceL1GtEvmRecord = cms.bool( False ),
00012     GmtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00013     TechnicalTriggersVetoUnmasked = cms.bool( True ),
00014     AlternativeNrBxBoardEvm = cms.uint32( 0 ),
00015     TechnicalTriggersInputTags = cms.VInputTag( 'simBscDigis' ),
00016     CastorInputTag = cms.InputTag( "castorL1Digis" ),
00017     GctInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
00018     AlternativeNrBxBoardDaq = cms.uint32( 0 ),
00019     WritePsbL1GtDaqRecord = cms.bool( False ),
00020     BstLengthBytes = cms.int32( -1 )
00021 )

Definition at line 2774 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( "L1GtTrigReport",
00002     PrintVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32( 10 ),
00003     UseL1GlobalTriggerRecord = cms.bool( False ),
00004     PrintOutput = cms.untracked.int32( 3 ),
00005     L1GtRecordInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" )
00006 )

Definition at line 6897 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ETT100_BptxAND OR L1_ETT2000" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6149 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ETT2000" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6535 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BscMinBiasThreshold1_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3570 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BscMinBiasOR_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3586 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfCoincidencePm_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3602 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfMmOrPpOrPm_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3618 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfCoincPmORBscMinBiasThresh1_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3634 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZdcCaloPlus_ZdcCaloMinus_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3654 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZdcCaloPlus_BptxAND OR L1_ZdcCaloMinus_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3670 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZdcCaloPlus_ZdcCaloMinus_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3686 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZdcCaloPlus_BptxAND OR L1_ZdcCaloMinus_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3702 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_EG2_ZdcCalo_NotBscMinBiasThresh2_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6807 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_EG5_ZdcCalo_NotBscMinBiasThresh2_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6823 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_EG2_ZdcCalo_NotHcalHfCoincidencePm_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6855 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_EG5_ZdcCalo_NotHcalHfCoincidencePm_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6871 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_MuOpen_ZdcCalo_NotHcalHfCoincidencePm_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6839 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_MuOpen_ZdcCalo_NotBscMinBiasThresh2_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6791 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZeroBias" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3424 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxPlusANDMinus OR L1_BptxXOR" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3456 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet16_Central_NotETT140_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6455 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxXOR" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3440 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxXOR_BscMinBiasOR" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3722 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleEG5_BptxAND OR L1_ETT2000" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 5618 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "( L1_DoubleMuOpen_BptxAND OR L1_ETT2000 ) AND ( L1_HcalHfCoincPmORBscMinBiasThresh1_BptxAND_instance1 OR L1_NotBsc2_BscMinBiasOR OR L1_NotBsc2_HcalHfMmOrPpOrPm )" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3738 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ETM30_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 2825 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ETM50_BptxAND" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3348 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1GlobalDecision" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6077 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND OR L1_ETT2000" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 5453 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet20_Central_NotBptxOR_NotMuBeamHalo" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 5889 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet32_Central_NotBptxOR_NotMuBeamHalo" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 6033 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet36_BptxAND OR L1_ETT2000" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 5720 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet52_BptxAND OR L1_ETT2000" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 5819 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet52_BptxAND OR L1_ETT2000" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 5845 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "( L1_SingleMu3_BptxAND OR L1_ETT2000 ) AND ( L1_HcalHfCoincPmORBscMinBiasThresh1_BptxAND_instance1 OR L1_NotBsc2_BscMinBiasOR OR L1_NotBsc2_HcalHfMmOrPpOrPm )" ),
00004     L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00005     L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
00006     L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
00007     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00008     L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00009     L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
00010     L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
00011     L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False )
00012 )

Definition at line 3780 of file

Definition at line 6907 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L2MuonCandidateProducer",
00002     InputObjects = cms.InputTag( 'hltL2Muons','UpdatedAtVtx' )
00003 )

Definition at line 4281 of file

Definition at line 6919 of file

Definition at line 6920 of file

Definition at line 4194 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "L2MuonSeedGenerator",
00002     ServiceParameters = cms.PSet( 
00003       Propagators = cms.untracked.vstring( 'SteppingHelixPropagatorAny' ),
00004       RPCLayers = cms.bool( True ),
00005       UseMuonNavigation = cms.untracked.bool( True )
00006     ),
00007     InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
00008     L1MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
00009     OfflineSeedLabel = cms.untracked.InputTag( "hltL2OfflineMuonSeeds" ),
00010     L1MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00011     L1MinQuality = cms.uint32( 1 ),
00012     GMTReadoutCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00013     UseOfflineSeed = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
00014     Propagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
00015 )

Definition at line 4179 of file

Definition at line 4089 of file

Definition at line 4513 of file

Definition at line 3137 of file

Definition at line 6621 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "CSCDCCUnpacker",
00002     PrintEventNumber = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00003     UseSelectiveUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
00004     UseExaminer = cms.bool( True ),
00005     ErrorMask = cms.uint32( 0x0 ),
00006     InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00007     UseFormatStatus = cms.bool( True ),
00008     ExaminerMask = cms.uint32( 0x1febf3f6 ),
00009     UnpackStatusDigis = cms.bool( False ),
00010     VisualFEDInspect = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00011     FormatedEventDump = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00012     Debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00013     VisualFEDShort = cms.untracked.bool( False )
00014 )

Definition at line 3919 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "DTUnpackingModule",
00002     useStandardFEDid = cms.bool( True ),
00003     inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00004     dataType = cms.string( "DDU" ),
00005     fedbyType = cms.bool( False ),
00006     readOutParameters = cms.PSet( 
00007       debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00008       rosParameters = cms.PSet( 
00009         writeSC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
00010         readingDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
00011         performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00012         readDDUIDfromDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
00013         debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00014         localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False )
00015       ),
00016       localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00017       performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( False )
00018     ),
00019     dqmOnly = cms.bool( False )
00020 )

Definition at line 3807 of file

Definition at line 6918 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "RPCUnpackingModule",
00002     InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00003     doSynchro = cms.bool( False )
00004 )

Definition at line 4076 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_cff::hltOfflineBeamSpot = cms.EDProducer( "BeamSpotProducer" )

Definition at line 2824 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "BeamSpotOnlineProducer",
00002     maxZ = cms.double( 40.0 ),
00003     src = cms.InputTag( "hltScalersRawToDigi" ),
00004     gtEvmLabel = cms.InputTag( "" ),
00005     changeToCMSCoordinates = cms.bool( False ),
00006     setSigmaZ = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00007     maxRadius = cms.double( 2.0 )
00008 )

Definition at line 2816 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixelActivityFilter",
00002     maxClusters = cms.uint32( 1000000 ),
00003     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00004     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelClusters" ),
00005     minClusters = cms.uint32( 34000 )
00006 )

Definition at line 6785 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixelActivityFilter",
00002     maxClusters = cms.uint32( 1000000 ),
00003     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00004     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelClusters" ),
00005     minClusters = cms.uint32( 51400 )
00006 )

Definition at line 6766 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixelActivityFilter",
00002     maxClusters = cms.uint32( 1000000 ),
00003     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00004     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelClusters" ),
00005     minClusters = cms.uint32( 51500 )
00006 )

Definition at line 6747 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixelActivityFilter",
00002     maxClusters = cms.uint32( 1000 ),
00003     saveTags = cms.bool( False ),
00004     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelClusters" ),
00005     minClusters = cms.uint32( 3 )
00006 )

Definition at line 6133 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
00002     src = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracksForHITrackTrigger" ),
00003     particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
00004 )

Definition at line 3559 of file

Definition at line 6932 of file

Definition at line 6917 of file

Definition at line 3506 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6089 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6102 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3718 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6772 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6129 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6115 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5871 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5678 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5692 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5706 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3395 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3403 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6161 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6467 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6471 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6486 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6490 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6505 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6509 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6524 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3411 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5732 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5805 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5885 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5831 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5857 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5901 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6055 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3734 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3765 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3750 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 4376 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 4424 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 4400 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 4428 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 4352 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3792 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 4304 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 4328 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5278 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5329 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5391 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5422 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5360 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 4452 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 2837 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3360 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3374 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3582 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3598 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3614 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3630 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3646 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3650 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3666 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3682 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3698 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3714 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5630 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5654 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3388 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6531 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5465 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5576 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5590 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 5604 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6547 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6753 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6819 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6835 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6867 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6883 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6851 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 6803 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3436 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3468 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
00002     L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
00003     offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
00004 )

Definition at line 3452 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
00002     SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 3 )
00003 )

Definition at line 6528 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers",
00002     scIslandEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHiCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI" ),
00003     scHybridBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCleanedHiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI" ),
00004     recoEcalCandidateCollection = cms.string( "" )
00005 )

Definition at line 5561 of file

Definition at line 6936 of file

Definition at line 6912 of file

Definition at line 7017 of file

Definition at line 6939 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "RPCRecHitProducer",
00002     recAlgoConfig = cms.PSet(  ),
00003     deadvecfile = cms.FileInPath( "RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/data/RPCDeadVec.dat" ),
00004     rpcDigiLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltMuonRPCDigis" ),
00005     maskvecfile = cms.FileInPath( "RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/data/RPCMaskVec.dat" ),
00006     recAlgo = cms.string( "RPCRecHitStandardAlgo" ),
00007     deadSource = cms.string( "File" ),
00008     maskSource = cms.string( "File" )
00009 )

Definition at line 4080 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "ScalersRawToDigi",
00002     scalersInputTag = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
00003 )

Definition at line 2813 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_cff::HLTSchedule = cms.Schedule( *(HLTriggerFirstPath, HLT_HIMET120_v4, HLT_HIMET200_v4, HLT_HIMET220_v4, HLT_HIPhysics_v3, HLT_HIDTCalibration_v3, HLT_HIEcalCalibration_v3, HLT_HIHcalCalibration_v3, HLT_HIZeroBias_v3, HLT_HIZeroBiasXOR_v3, HLT_HIZeroBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_OR_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasHF_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasHf_OR_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_PlusOrMinus_v3, HLT_HIMinBiasZDCPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_PlusOrMinusPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIBptxXOR_v3, HLT_HIL1Algo_BptxXOR_BSC_OR_v3, HLT_HIL1DoubleMuOpen_v4, HLT_HIL1DoubleMu0_HighQ_v4, HLT_HIL2Mu3_v4, HLT_HIL2Mu3_NHitQ_v4, HLT_HIL2Mu7_v4, HLT_HIL2Mu15_v4, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_v4, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_NHitQ_v4, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0_L1HighQL2NHitQ_v4, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu3_v4, HLT_HIL3Mu3_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_SS_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_OS_v5, HLT_HIL3DoubleMuOpen_Mgt2_OS_NoCowboy_v5, HLT_HISinglePhoton15_v4, HLT_HISinglePhoton20_v5, HLT_HISinglePhoton30_v5, HLT_HISinglePhoton40_v5, HLT_HIPhoton10_Photon15_v4, HLT_HIPhoton15_Photon20_v4, HLT_HIDoublePhoton10_v4, HLT_HIDoublePhoton15_v4, HLT_HIDoublePhoton20_v4, HLT_HIJet55_v4, HLT_HIJet65_v4, HLT_HIJet80_v4, HLT_HIJet95_v4, HLT_HIDiJet55_v4, HLT_HIJet65_Jet55_v4, HLT_HIJetE30_NoBPTX_v4, HLT_HIJetE50_NoBPTX3BX_NoHalo_v4, HLT_HIActivityHF_Coincidence3_v3, HLT_HIActivityHF_Single3_v3, HLT_HIClusterVertexCompatibility_v4, HLT_HICentralityVeto_v4, HLT_HIFullTrack12_L1Central_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack12_L1Peripheral_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack14_L1Central_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack14_L1Peripheral_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack20_L1Central_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack20_L1Peripheral_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack25_L1Central_v5, HLT_HIFullTrack25_L1Peripheral_v5, HLT_HIRandom_v3, HLT_HIUCC010_v5, HLT_HIUCC015_v5, HLT_HICentral10_v5, HLT_HIUPCNeuMuPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuEG2Pixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuEG5Pixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfMuPixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfEG2Pixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLT_HIUPCNeuHcalHfEG5Pixel_SingleTrack_v4, HLTriggerFinalPath, HLTAnalyzerEndpath ))

Definition at line 7021 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelRawToDigi",
00002     UseQualityInfo = cms.bool( False ),
00003     CheckPixelOrder = cms.bool( False ),
00004     IncludeErrors = cms.bool( False ),
00005     UseCablingTree = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
00006     InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00007     ErrorList = cms.vint32(  ),
00008     Regions = cms.PSet(  ),
00009     Timing = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
00010     UserErrorList = cms.vint32(  )
00011 )

Definition at line 3472 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SiStripDigiToRawModule",
00002     InputDigiLabel = cms.string( "VirginRaw" ),
00003     FedReadoutMode = cms.string( "ZERO_SUPPRESSED" ),
00004     UseWrongDigiType = cms.bool( False ),
00005     UseFedKey = cms.bool( False ),
00006     InputModuleLabel = cms.string( "hltSiStripZeroSuppression" )
00007 )

Definition at line 3323 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SiStripExcludedFEDListProducer",
00002     ProductLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" )
00003 )

Definition at line 4456 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SiStripDigiToRawModule",
00002     InputDigiLabel = cms.string( "VirginRaw" ),
00003     FedReadoutMode = cms.string( "VIRGIN_RAW" ),
00004     UseWrongDigiType = cms.bool( False ),
00005     UseFedKey = cms.bool( False ),
00006     InputModuleLabel = cms.string( "hltSiStripZeroSuppression" )
00007 )

Definition at line 3330 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "SiStripRawToDigiModule",
00002     UseDaqRegister = cms.bool( False ),
00003     ProductLabel = cms.InputTag( "rawDataCollector" ),
00004     MarkModulesOnMissingFeds = cms.bool( True ),
00005     UnpackCommonModeValues = cms.bool( False ),
00006     AppendedBytes = cms.int32( 0 ),
00007     UseFedKey = cms.bool( False ),
00008     ErrorThreshold = cms.uint32( 7174 ),
00009     TriggerFedId = cms.int32( 0 ),
00010     DoAPVEmulatorCheck = cms.bool( False ),
00011     UnpackBadChannels = cms.bool( False ),
00012     DoAllCorruptBufferChecks = cms.bool( False )
00013 )

Definition at line 3264 of file

Definition at line 3277 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltStoppedHSCPIterativeCone5CaloJets" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( 30.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
00010 )

Definition at line 6013 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
00002     saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
00003     MinPt = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00004     MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
00005     MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
00006     MinMass = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00007     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltStoppedHSCPIterativeCone5CaloJets" ),
00008     MinE = cms.double( 50.0 ),
00009     triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
00010 )

Definition at line 6067 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTHPDFilter",
00002     rbxSpikeEnergy = cms.double( 50.0 ),
00003     energy = cms.double( -99.0 ),
00004     inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
00005     hpdSpikeIsolationEnergy = cms.double( 1.0 ),
00006     hpdSpikeEnergy = cms.double( 10.0 ),
00007     rbxSpikeUnbalance = cms.double( 0.2 )
00008 )

Definition at line 6059 of file

Definition at line 5973 of file

Definition at line 6929 of file

Definition at line 6928 of file

Definition at line 5905 of file

Definition at line 3069 of file

Definition at line 6551 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "TriggerSummaryProducerAOD",
00002     processName = cms.string( "@" )
00003 )

Definition at line 6891 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "TriggerSummaryProducerRAW",
00002     processName = cms.string( "@" )
00003 )

Definition at line 6894 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
00002     SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 1 )
00003 )

Definition at line 2755 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( "HLTrigReport",
00002     HLTriggerResults = cms.InputTag( 'TriggerResults','','HLT' )
00003 )

Definition at line 6903 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "HODetIdAssociator" ),
00003   etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
00004   nEta = cms.int32( 30 ),
00005   nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
00006   includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
00007 )

Definition at line 2686 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
00004   Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
00005   ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00007   useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
00008 )

Definition at line 381 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialForHI" ),
00004   Mass = cms.double( 0.139 ),
00005   ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00007   useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
00008 )

Definition at line 389 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "MuonDetIdAssociator" ),
00003   etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.125 ),
00004   nEta = cms.int32( 48 ),
00005   nPhi = cms.int32( 48 ),
00006   includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
00007 )

Definition at line 2693 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "NavigationSchoolESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" )
00003 )

Definition at line 2700 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
00004   Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
00005   ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00007   useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
00008 )

Definition at line 397 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
00002   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
00003   ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOppositeForHI" ),
00004   Mass = cms.double( 0.139 ),
00005   ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
00006   MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
00007   useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False )
00008 )

Definition at line 405 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "PreshowerDetIdAssociator" ),
00003   etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.1 ),
00004   nEta = cms.int32( 60 ),
00005   nPhi = cms.int32( 30 ),
00006   includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
00007 )

Definition at line 2703 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "RawDataCollectorByLabel",
00002     verbose = cms.untracked.int32( 0 ),
00003     RawCollectionList = cms.VInputTag( 'hltSiStripDigiToZSRaw','source','rawDataCollector' )
00004 )

Definition at line 3341 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelQualityESProducer",
00002   ListOfRecordToMerge = cms.VPSet( 
00003     cms.PSet(  record = cms.string( "SiPixelQualityFromDbRcd" ),
00004       tag = cms.string( "" )
00005     ),
00006     cms.PSet(  record = cms.string( "SiPixelDetVOffRcd" ),
00007       tag = cms.string( "" )
00008     )
00009   )
00010 )

Definition at line 2710 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_cff::siPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer" )

Definition at line 2720 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SiStripLorentzAngleDepESProducer",
00002   LatencyRecord = cms.PSet( 
00003     record = cms.string( "SiStripLatencyRcd" ),
00004     label = cms.untracked.string( "" )
00005   ),
00006   LorentzAngleDeconvMode = cms.PSet( 
00007     record = cms.string( "SiStripLorentzAngleRcd" ),
00008     label = cms.untracked.string( "deconvolution" )
00009   ),
00010   LorentzAnglePeakMode = cms.PSet( 
00011     record = cms.string( "SiStripLorentzAngleRcd" ),
00012     label = cms.untracked.string( "peak" )
00013   )
00014 )

Definition at line 2721 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
00002   NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
00003   endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00004   PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
00005   useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
00006   useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
00007   endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
00008   SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
00009   AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
00010   returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
00011   useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
00012   VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
00013   useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
00014   sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
00015   useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00016   debug = cms.bool( False ),
00017   ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
00018   useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
00019   ComponentName = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" )
00020 )

Definition at line 413 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet( 
00002   AForHI = cms.vstring( 'HIDiMuon',
00003     'HIHighPt',
00004     'HIMinBiasUPC' ),
00005   Calibration = cms.vstring( 'TestEnablesEcalHcalDT' ),
00006   EcalCalibration = cms.vstring( 'EcalLaser' ),
00007   ExpressForHI = cms.vstring( 'HIExpressPhysics' ),
00008   HLTDQM = cms.vstring( 'OnlineHltMonitorHI' ),
00009   HLTDQMResults = cms.vstring( 'OnlineHltResults' ),
00010   HLTMON = cms.vstring( 'OfflineMonitorHI' )
00011 )

Definition at line 10 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer( "TransientTrackBuilderESProducer",
00002   ComponentName = cms.string( "TransientTrackBuilder" )
00003 )

Definition at line 433 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.Service( "UpdaterService",
00002 )

Definition at line 2741 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer( "RawDataCollectorByLabel",
00002     verbose = cms.untracked.int32( 0 ),
00003     RawCollectionList = cms.VInputTag( 'hltSiStripRawDigiToVirginRaw' )
00004 )

Definition at line 3337 of file