Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

EEBeamCaloTask Class Reference

#include <EEBeamCaloTask.h>

Inheritance diagram for EEBeamCaloTask:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EEBeamCaloTask (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~EEBeamCaloTask ()

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void beginJob (void)
void beginRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void cleanup (void)
void endJob (void)
void endRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c)
void reset (void)
void setup (void)

Private Attributes

bool changed_cry_in_beam_
bool changed_tb_status_
int cib_ [12]
int crystal_step_
edm::InputTag EBDigiCollection_
edm::InputTag EcalRawDataCollection_
edm::InputTag EcalTBEventHeader_
edm::InputTag EcalUncalibratedRecHitCollection_
bool enableCleanup_
int event_last_reset_
int evt_after_change_
int ievt_
bool init_
int last_cry_in_beam_
int lastStableStatus_
MonitorElementmeBBCaloEne_ [cryInArray_]
MonitorElementmeBBCaloGains_ [cryInArray_]
MonitorElementmeBBCaloPulseProf_ [cryInArray_]
MonitorElementmeBBCaloPulseProfG12_ [cryInArray_]
bool mergeRuns_
std::string prefixME_
int previous_cry_in_beam_
int previous_ev_num_
int PreviousCrystalinBeam_ [3]
int PreviousTableStatus_ [2]
bool profileArranged_
int table_step_
bool wasFakeChange_

Static Private Attributes

static const int cryInArray_ = 9
static const int defaultPede_ = 200

Detailed Description

Definition at line 20 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EEBeamCaloTask::EEBeamCaloTask ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)


Definition at line 34 of file

References cryInArray_, CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_, CrystalsDone_, dqmStore_, EBDigiCollection_, EcalRawDataCollection_, EcalTBEventHeader_, EcalUncalibratedRecHitCollection_, enableCleanup_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, init_, meBBCaloAllNeededCry_, meBBCaloCryOnBeam_, meBBCaloCryRead_, meBBCaloE3x3_, meBBCaloE3x3Moving_, meBBCaloEne_, meBBCaloGains_, meBBCaloMaxEneCry_, meBBCaloPulseProf_, meBBCaloPulseProfG12_, meBBNumCaloCryRead_, meEEBCaloBeamCentered_, meEEBCaloDesync_, meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_, meEEBCaloE1vsCry_, meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_, meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_, meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_, mergeRuns_, cmsCodeRules::cppFunctionSkipper::operator, prefixME_, and TableMoving_.


  init_ = false;

  dqmStore_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();

  prefixME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("prefixME", "");

  enableCleanup_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableCleanup", false);

  mergeRuns_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("mergeRuns", false);

  EcalTBEventHeader_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EcalTBEventHeader");
  EcalRawDataCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EcalRawDataCollection");
  EBDigiCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EBDigiCollection");
  EcalUncalibratedRecHitCollection_ = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EcalUncalibratedRecHitCollection");

  for (int i = 0; i < cryInArray_ ; i++) {


  meBBCaloCryRead_ = 0;
  //meBBCaloCryReadMoving_ = 0;

  meBBNumCaloCryRead_ = 0;
  meBBCaloAllNeededCry_ = 0;

  meBBCaloE3x3_ = 0;
  meBBCaloE3x3Moving_ = 0;

  meBBCaloCryOnBeam_ = 0;
  meBBCaloMaxEneCry_ = 0;
  TableMoving_ = 0;

  CrystalsDone_ = 0;
  CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_ = 0;
  meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_ = 0;
  meEEBCaloE1vsCry_ = 0;
  meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_ = 0;
  meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_ = 0;
  meEEBCaloBeamCentered_ = 0;

  meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_ = 0;
//   for(int u=0;u<851;u++){
//     meBBCaloE3x3Cry_[u]=0;
//     meBBCaloE1Cry_[u]=0;
//   }

  meEEBCaloDesync_ = 0;

EEBeamCaloTask::~EEBeamCaloTask ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 94 of file



Member Function Documentation

void EEBeamCaloTask::analyze ( const edm::Event e,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]


Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 367 of file

References abs, ecalMGPA::adc(), EcalMGPASample::adc(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::BEAMH2, EcalDCCHeaderBlock::BEAMH4, newFWLiteAna::bin, dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, changed_cry_in_beam_, changed_tb_status_, cryInArray_, crystal_step_, EcalTBEventHeader::crystalInBeam(), CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_, CrystalsDone_, createTree::dd, defaultPede_, EBDigiCollection_, EcalEndcap, EcalRawDataCollection_, EcalTBEventHeader_, EcalUncalibratedRecHitCollection_, event(), event_last_reset_, EcalTBEventHeader::eventNumber(), MonitorElement::Fill(), EcalMGPASample::gainId(), MonitorElement::getBinContent(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), i, EBDetId::ic(), ievt_, init_, last_cry_in_beam_, lastStableStatus_, LogDebug, meBBCaloAllNeededCry_, meBBCaloCryOnBeam_, meBBCaloCryRead_, meBBCaloE3x3_, meBBCaloE3x3Moving_, meBBCaloEne_, meBBCaloGains_, meBBCaloMaxEneCry_, meBBCaloPulseProf_, meBBCaloPulseProfG12_, meBBNumCaloCryRead_, meEEBCaloBeamCentered_, meEEBCaloDesync_, meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_, meEEBCaloE1vsCry_, meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_, meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_, meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_, previous_cry_in_beam_, previous_ev_num_, PreviousCrystalinBeam_, PreviousTableStatus_, edm::Handle< T >::product(), profileArranged_, MonitorElement::Reset(), EcalDataFrame::sample(), MonitorElement::setBinContent(), setup(), Numbers::subDet(), EcalTBEventHeader::syncError(), table_step_, EcalTBEventHeader::tableIsMoving(), TableMoving_, groupFilesInBlocks::temp, and wasFakeChange_.


  bool enable = false;

  edm::Handle<EcalRawDataCollection> dcchs;

  if ( e.getByLabel(EcalRawDataCollection_, dcchs) ) {

    for ( EcalRawDataCollection::const_iterator dcchItr = dcchs->begin(); dcchItr != dcchs->end(); ++dcchItr ) {

      if ( Numbers::subDet( *dcchItr ) != EcalEndcap ) continue;

      if ( dcchItr->getRunType() == EcalDCCHeaderBlock::BEAMH4 ||
           dcchItr->getRunType() == EcalDCCHeaderBlock::BEAMH2 ) enable = true;

  } else {
    edm::LogWarning("EEBeamCaloTask") << EcalRawDataCollection_ << " not available";

  if ( ! enable ) return;
  if ( ! init_ ) this->setup();

  edm::Handle<EcalTBEventHeader> pEventHeader;
  const EcalTBEventHeader* evtHeader=0;

  if ( e.getByLabel(EcalTBEventHeader_, pEventHeader) ) {
    evtHeader = pEventHeader.product(); // get a ptr to the product
  } else {
    std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product for the event header" << std::endl;

  //FIX ME, in the task we should use LV1 instead of ievt_ (prescaling)
  int cry_in_beam = 0;
  bool tb_moving = false;//just for test, to be filled with info from the event
  int event = 0;

    cry_in_beam = evtHeader->crystalInBeam();
    tb_moving = evtHeader->tableIsMoving();
    event = evtHeader->eventNumber();
    if( evtHeader->syncError() ) {meEEBCaloDesync_->Fill(crystal_step_);}
  else {
    cry_in_beam =   previous_cry_in_beam_;
    tb_moving = lastStableStatus_;
    event = previous_ev_num_ +10;

  previous_cry_in_beam_ = cry_in_beam;
  previous_ev_num_ = event;

  bool reset_histos_stable = false;
  bool reset_histos_moving = false;

  bool skip_this_event = false;

  if(ievt_ < 3){last_cry_in_beam_ = cry_in_beam;}


    if( PreviousTableStatus_[0] == 0 &&  PreviousTableStatus_[1] == 1 && lastStableStatus_ == 0){
      wasFakeChange_ = false;
      // ! Warning! This works in the assumption that the crystal in beam stay the same
      // while the tb is moving and is set to the new one only when the table
      // reaches the new position
      lastStableStatus_ = 1;

    else if( PreviousTableStatus_[1] == 0) {
      changed_tb_status_ = true;
      wasFakeChange_ = true;
    // just skip the first event when the table change status
    PreviousTableStatus_[0] = PreviousTableStatus_[1];
    PreviousTableStatus_[1] = 1;
  }//end of if(tb_moving)

  else {// table is not moving

    if( PreviousTableStatus_[0] == 1 &&  PreviousTableStatus_[1] == 0 && lastStableStatus_ == 1){
      //reset_histos_stable = true;
      wasFakeChange_ = false;
      lastStableStatus_ = 0;
    else if(PreviousTableStatus_[1] == 1) {
      changed_tb_status_ = true;
      wasFakeChange_ = true;
    // just skip the first event when the table change status

    // check also whether cry in beam  has changed
    if(  PreviousCrystalinBeam_[0] == PreviousCrystalinBeam_[1]  &&   PreviousCrystalinBeam_[1] != PreviousCrystalinBeam_[2] && PreviousCrystalinBeam_[2] == cry_in_beam ){
      wasFakeChange_ = false;
    else if (PreviousCrystalinBeam_[2] != cry_in_beam){
      changed_cry_in_beam_ = true;
      wasFakeChange_ = true;

    PreviousCrystalinBeam_[0] = PreviousCrystalinBeam_[1];
    PreviousCrystalinBeam_[1] = PreviousCrystalinBeam_[2];
    PreviousCrystalinBeam_[2] =  cry_in_beam;

    if( !tb_moving ) {CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_->Fill(event,float(cry_in_beam));}
    else{CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_->Fill(event,-100); }
    if ( !profileArranged_ ){
      float dd=0;
      int mbin =0;
      for( int bin=1; bin < 20001; bin++ ){
        float temp = CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_->getBinContent(bin);
        if(temp>0){ dd= temp+0.01; mbin=bin; break;}
      if(mbin >0) { CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_->Fill(20*mbin-1,dd);}
      profileArranged_ = true;

    edm::LogInfo("EEBeamCaloTask") << "event " << ievt_ << " resetting histos for moving table!! ";


    //here the follwowing histos should be reset



    if( event - event_last_reset_ > 30){//to be tuned, to avoid a double reset for the change in the table status and
                                        //in the crystal in beam. This works ONLY if the crystal in beam stay the same
                                        // while the table is moving.
                                        //One can also think to remove the reset of the histograms when the table change
                                        // status from moving to stable, and to leave the reset only if the cry_in_beam changes.

      edm::LogInfo("EEBeamCaloTask") << "event " << ievt_ << " resetting histos for stable table!! ";

      event_last_reset_ = event;

      last_cry_in_beam_ = cry_in_beam;

      //here the follwowing histos should be reset
      for (int u=0;u<cryInArray_;u++){

   edm::LogInfo("EEBeamCaloTask") << "event " << event <<" analyzed: "<<ievt_ << " : skipping this event!! ";

 // now CrystalsDone_ contains the crystal on beam at the beginning fo a new step, and not when it has finished !!
 // <5 just to avoid that we skip the event just after the reset and we do not set CrystalsDone_ .
 // if( ievt_ - event_last_reset_ < 5){ CrystalsDone_->setBinContent(cry_in_beam , crystal_step_ );}
 CrystalsDone_->setBinContent(cry_in_beam , crystal_step_ );
  int eta_c = ( cry_in_beam-1)/20 ;
  int phi_c = ( cry_in_beam-1)%20 ;

  float xie = eta_c + 0.5;
  float xip = phi_c + 0.5;
  if (!tb_moving) {meBBCaloCryOnBeam_->Fill(xie,xip);}

  edm::Handle<EBDigiCollection> digis;
  e.getByLabel(EBDigiCollection_, digis);
  int nebd = digis->size();


  //matrix 7x7 around cry in beam
  int cry_to_beRead[49]; //0 or -1 for non existing crystals (eg 852)
  for(int u=0;u<49;u++){cry_to_beRead[u]=0;}
  // chech that all the crystals in the 7x7 exist
  for(int de=-3; de<4; de++){
    for(int dp=-3; dp<4; dp++){
      int u = de -7*dp + 24;
      bool existing_cry = (phi_c+dp) >= 0 && (phi_c+dp) <= 19 && (eta_c+de) >=0 && (eta_c+de) <= 84;


  for ( EBDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr = digis->begin(); digiItr != digis->end(); ++digiItr ) {

    EBDetId id = digiItr->id();

    int ic = id.ic();
    int ie = (ic-1)/20;
    int ip = (ic-1)%20;

    int deta_c= ie - eta_c;
    int dphi_c= ip - phi_c;
    if (! tb_moving){meBBCaloCryRead_->Fill(deta_c, dphi_c);}

    if(std::abs(deta_c) > 3 || std::abs(dphi_c) > 3){continue;}
    int i_toBeRead = deta_c -7*dphi_c + 24;
    if( i_toBeRead > -1 &&  i_toBeRead <49){

    if(std::abs(deta_c) > 1 || std::abs(dphi_c) > 1){continue;}
    int i_in_array = deta_c -3*dphi_c + 4;

    if( i_in_array < 0 || i_in_array > 8 ){continue;}

    EBDataFrame dataframe = (*digiItr);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      int adc = dataframe.sample(i).adc();
      int gainid = dataframe.sample(i).gainId();

      if ( gainid == 1 ){// gain 12
        if(! tb_moving){
      else if ( gainid == 2 ){// gain 6
        float val = (float(adc)-defaultPede_)*2 + defaultPede_;
        if(! tb_moving){
      else if ( gainid == 3 ){// gain 1
        float val = (float(adc)-defaultPede_)*12 + defaultPede_;
        if(! tb_moving){
    }// end of loop over samples
  }// end of loop over digis

  //now  if everything was correct cry_to_beRead should be filled with 1 or -1 but not 0
  bool all_cry_readout = true;

  if(all_cry_readout){ meBBCaloAllNeededCry_->Fill(1.5);}//bin3
  else {
    if( tb_moving ) {meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_->Fill( crystal_step_+0.5 );}
    else {meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_->Fill( crystal_step_ );}

  //the part involving rechits

  edm::Handle<EcalUncalibratedRecHitCollection> hits;
  e.getByLabel(EcalUncalibratedRecHitCollection_, hits);
  int neh = hits->size();
  LogDebug("EEBeamCaloTask") << "event " << event <<" analyzed: "<< ievt_ << " hits collection size " << neh;
  float ene3x3=0;
  float maxEne = 0;
  int ieM =-1, ipM = -1;//for the crystal with maximum energy deposition
  float cryInBeamEne =0;
  for ( EcalUncalibratedRecHitCollection::const_iterator hitItr = hits->begin(); hitItr != hits->end(); ++hitItr ) {

    EBDetId id = hitItr->id();

    int ic = id.ic();
    int ie = (ic-1)/20;
    int ip = (ic-1)%20;

    int deta_c= ie - eta_c;
    int dphi_c= ip - phi_c;

    int i_in_array = deta_c -3*dphi_c + 4;

    float R_ene = hitItr->amplitude();
    if ( R_ene <= 0. ) R_ene = 0.0;
    if(R_ene > maxEne){
      ieM =ie; ipM = ip;
    if(std::abs(deta_c) > 1 || std::abs(dphi_c) > 1){continue;}

    if( i_in_array < 0 || i_in_array > 8 ){continue;}

    if(i_in_array == 4){cryInBeamEne = R_ene;}
    if(! tb_moving){meBBCaloEne_[i_in_array]->Fill(R_ene);}
    ene3x3 += R_ene;

  }//end of loop over rechits

  if (!tb_moving){
    meEEBCaloE1vsCry_->Fill(cry_in_beam , cryInBeamEne );
    meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_->Fill(cry_in_beam, ene3x3 );
void EEBeamCaloTask::beginJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 98 of file

References dqmStore_, ievt_, prefixME_, profileArranged_, DQMStore::rmdir(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().


  ievt_ = 0;

  profileArranged_ = false;

  if ( dqmStore_ ) {
    dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask");
    dqmStore_->rmdir(prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask");

void EEBeamCaloTask::beginRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 111 of file

References Numbers::initGeometry(), mergeRuns_, and reset().


  Numbers::initGeometry(c, false);

  if ( ! mergeRuns_ ) this->reset();

void EEBeamCaloTask::cleanup ( void  ) [protected]


Definition at line 302 of file

References cryInArray_, CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_, CrystalsDone_, dqmStore_, edm::getName(), MonitorElement::getName(), i, init_, meBBCaloAllNeededCry_, meBBCaloCryOnBeam_, meBBCaloCryRead_, meBBCaloE3x3_, meBBCaloE3x3Moving_, meBBCaloEne_, meBBCaloGains_, meBBCaloMaxEneCry_, meBBCaloPulseProf_, meBBCaloPulseProfG12_, meBBNumCaloCryRead_, meEEBCaloBeamCentered_, meEEBCaloDesync_, meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_, meEEBCaloE1vsCry_, meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_, meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_, meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_, prefixME_, DQMStore::removeElement(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), and TableMoving_.

Referenced by endJob().


  if ( ! init_ ) return;

  if ( dqmStore_ ) {
    dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask");
    for (int i = 0; i < cryInArray_ ; i++) {
      if ( meBBCaloPulseProf_[i] ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloPulseProf_[i]->getName() );
      meBBCaloPulseProf_[i] = 0;
      if ( meBBCaloPulseProfG12_[i] ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloPulseProfG12_[i]->getName() );
      meBBCaloPulseProfG12_[i] = 0;
      if ( meBBCaloGains_[i] ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloGains_[i]->getName() );
      meBBCaloGains_[i] = 0;
      if ( meBBCaloEne_[i] ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloEne_[i]->getName() );
      meBBCaloEne_[i] = 0;

    if ( meBBCaloCryRead_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloCryRead_->getName() );
    meBBCaloCryRead_ = 0;
    if ( meBBCaloAllNeededCry_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloAllNeededCry_->getName() );
    meBBCaloAllNeededCry_ = 0;
    if ( meBBNumCaloCryRead_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBNumCaloCryRead_->getName() );
    meBBNumCaloCryRead_ = 0;
    if ( meBBCaloE3x3_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloE3x3_->getName() );
    meBBCaloE3x3_ = 0;
    if ( meBBCaloE3x3Moving_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloE3x3Moving_->getName() );
    meBBCaloE3x3Moving_ = 0;
    if ( meBBCaloCryOnBeam_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloCryOnBeam_->getName() );
    meBBCaloCryOnBeam_ = 0;
    if ( meBBCaloMaxEneCry_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meBBCaloMaxEneCry_->getName() );
    meBBCaloMaxEneCry_ = 0;
    if ( TableMoving_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( TableMoving_->getName() );
    TableMoving_ = 0;
    if ( CrystalsDone_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( CrystalsDone_->getName() );
    CrystalsDone_ = 0;
    if ( CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_->getName() );
    CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_ = 0;
    if( meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_->getName() );
    meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_ = 0;
    if( meEEBCaloE1vsCry_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloE1vsCry_->getName() );
    meEEBCaloE1vsCry_ = 0;
    if( meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_->getName() );
    meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_ = 0;
    if( meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_ )  dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_->getName() );
    meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_ = 0;
    if( meEEBCaloBeamCentered_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloBeamCentered_->getName() );
    meEEBCaloBeamCentered_ = 0;
    if( meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement(meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_->getName() );
    meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_ = 0;
    if( meEEBCaloDesync_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement(meEEBCaloDesync_->getName() );
    meEEBCaloDesync_ = 0;

  init_ = false;

void EEBeamCaloTask::endJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 359 of file

References cleanup(), enableCleanup_, and ievt_.


  edm::LogInfo("EEBeamCaloTask") << "analyzed " << ievt_ << " events";

  if ( enableCleanup_ ) this->cleanup();

void EEBeamCaloTask::endRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup c 
) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 119 of file


void EEBeamCaloTask::reset ( void  ) [protected]


Definition at line 123 of file

References cryInArray_, CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_, CrystalsDone_, i, meBBCaloAllNeededCry_, meBBCaloCryOnBeam_, meBBCaloCryRead_, meBBCaloE3x3_, meBBCaloE3x3Moving_, meBBCaloEne_, meBBCaloGains_, meBBCaloMaxEneCry_, meBBCaloPulseProf_, meBBCaloPulseProfG12_, meBBNumCaloCryRead_, meEEBCaloBeamCentered_, meEEBCaloDesync_, meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_, meEEBCaloE1vsCry_, meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_, meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_, meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_, MonitorElement::Reset(), and TableMoving_.

Referenced by beginRun().


    for (int i = 0; i < cryInArray_ ; i++) {
      if ( meBBCaloPulseProf_[i] ) meBBCaloPulseProf_[i]->Reset();
      if ( meBBCaloPulseProfG12_[i] ) meBBCaloPulseProfG12_[i]->Reset();
      if ( meBBCaloGains_[i] ) meBBCaloGains_[i]->Reset();
      if ( meBBCaloEne_[i] ) meBBCaloEne_[i]->Reset();

//       if ( meBBCaloPulseProfMoving_[i] ) meBBCaloPulseProfMoving_[i]->Reset();
//       if ( meBBCaloPulseProfG12Moving_[i] ) meBBCaloPulseProfG12Moving_[i]->Reset();
//       if ( meBBCaloGainsMoving_[i] ) meBBCaloGainsMoving_[i]->Reset();
//       if ( meBBCaloEneMoving_[i] ) meBBCaloEneMoving_[i]->Reset();

//     for(int u=0; u< 1701;u++){
//       if ( meBBCaloE3x3Cry_[u] ) meBBCaloE3x3Cry_[u]->Reset();
//       if ( meBBCaloE1Cry_[u] ) meBBCaloE1Cry_[u]->Reset();
//     }

    if ( meBBCaloCryRead_ ) meBBCaloCryRead_->Reset();
//    if ( meBBCaloCryReadMoving_ ) meBBCaloCryReadMoving_->Reset();
    if ( meBBCaloAllNeededCry_ ) meBBCaloAllNeededCry_->Reset();
    if ( meBBNumCaloCryRead_ ) meBBNumCaloCryRead_->Reset();
    if ( meBBCaloE3x3_ ) meBBCaloE3x3_->Reset();
    if ( meBBCaloE3x3Moving_ ) meBBCaloE3x3Moving_->Reset();
    if ( meBBCaloCryOnBeam_ ) meBBCaloCryOnBeam_->Reset();
    if ( meBBCaloMaxEneCry_ ) meBBCaloMaxEneCry_->Reset();
    if ( TableMoving_ ) TableMoving_->Reset();
    if ( CrystalsDone_ ) CrystalsDone_->Reset();
    if ( CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_ ) CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_->Reset();
    if( meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_ ) meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_->Reset();
    if( meEEBCaloE1vsCry_ ) meEEBCaloE1vsCry_->Reset();
    if( meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_ ) meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_->Reset();
    if( meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_ )  meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_->Reset();
    if( meEEBCaloBeamCentered_ ) meEEBCaloBeamCentered_->Reset();
    if( meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_ ) meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_->Reset();
    if( meEEBCaloDesync_ ) meEEBCaloDesync_->Reset();

void EEBeamCaloTask::setup ( void  ) [protected]


Definition at line 163 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookProfile(), changed_cry_in_beam_, changed_tb_status_, cib_, cryInArray_, crystal_step_, CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_, CrystalsDone_, dqmStore_, event_last_reset_, evt_after_change_, i, init_, last_cry_in_beam_, lastStableStatus_, meBBCaloAllNeededCry_, meBBCaloCryOnBeam_, meBBCaloCryRead_, meBBCaloE3x3_, meBBCaloE3x3Moving_, meBBCaloEne_, meBBCaloGains_, meBBCaloMaxEneCry_, meBBCaloPulseProf_, meBBCaloPulseProfG12_, meBBNumCaloCryRead_, meEEBCaloBeamCentered_, meEEBCaloDesync_, meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_, meEEBCaloE1vsCry_, meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_, meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_, meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, prefixME_, previous_cry_in_beam_, PreviousCrystalinBeam_, PreviousTableStatus_, profileArranged_, MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), table_step_, TableMoving_, and wasFakeChange_.

Referenced by analyze().


  init_ = true;
  profileArranged_= false;

  std::string name;
  std::stringstream ss;

  PreviousTableStatus_[0]=0;//let's start with stable...
  PreviousTableStatus_[1]=0;//let's start with stable...

  PreviousCrystalinBeam_[0] = 0;
  PreviousCrystalinBeam_[1] = 0;
  PreviousCrystalinBeam_[2] = -1;
  // PreviousCrystalinBeam_[2] = -1 is needed to have a correct step vs cry matching
  for(int u=0;u<10;u++){cib_[u]=0;}
  changed_tb_status_= false;
  changed_cry_in_beam_ = false;
  evt_after_change_ =0;
  wasFakeChange_= false;
  event_last_reset_ = 0;
  last_cry_in_beam_ = 0;
  previous_cry_in_beam_ = 1;

  if ( dqmStore_ ) {
    dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask");

    for (int i = 0; i < cryInArray_ ; i++) {

      ss << std::setw(1) << std::setfill('0') << i+1;

      name = "EEBCT pulse profile cry " + ss.str();
      //considering the gain the range is 4096*12 ~ 50000
      meBBCaloPulseProf_[i] = dqmStore_->bookProfile(name, name, 10,0.,10.,50000,0.,50000.,"s");

      name = "EEBCT pulse profile in G12 cry " + ss.str();
      meBBCaloPulseProfG12_[i] = dqmStore_->bookProfile(name, name, 10,0.,10.,4096,0.,4096.,"s");
      meBBCaloPulseProfG12_[i]->setAxisTitle("#sample", 1);
      meBBCaloPulseProfG12_[i]->setAxisTitle("ADC", 2);

      name = "EEBCT found gains cry " + ss.str();
      meBBCaloGains_[i] =  dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,14,0.,14.);
      meBBCaloGains_[i]->setAxisTitle("gain", 1);
      // g1-> bin 2, g6-> bin 7, g12-> bin 13

      name = "EEBCT rec energy cry " + ss.str();
      meBBCaloEne_[i] =  dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,500,0.,9000.);
      meBBCaloEne_[i]->setAxisTitle("rec ene (ADC)", 1);
      //9000 ADC in G12 equivalent is about 330 GeV


    name = "EEBCT readout crystals";
    meBBCaloCryRead_ =  dqmStore_->book2D(name,name,9,-4.,5.,9,-4.,5.);
    //matrix of readout crystal around cry in beam

    name = "EEBCT all needed crystals readout";
    meBBCaloAllNeededCry_ = dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,3,-1.,2.);
    // not all needed cry are readout-> bin 1, all needed cry are readout-> bin 3

    name = "EEBCT readout crystals number";
    meBBNumCaloCryRead_ = dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,851,0.,851.);
    meBBNumCaloCryRead_->setAxisTitle("number of read crystals", 1);

    name = "EEBCT rec Ene sum 3x3";
    meBBCaloE3x3_ = dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,500,0.,9000.);
    meBBCaloE3x3_->setAxisTitle("rec ene (ADC)", 1);
    //9000 ADC in G12 equivalent is about 330 GeV

    name = "EEBCT rec Ene sum 3x3 table moving";
    meBBCaloE3x3Moving_ = dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,500,0.,9000.);
    //9000 ADC in G12 equivalent is about 330 GeV

    name = "EEBCT crystal on beam";
    meBBCaloCryOnBeam_ = dqmStore_->book2D(name, name, 85, 0., 85., 20, 0., 20.);

    name = "EEBCT crystal with maximum rec energy";
    meBBCaloMaxEneCry_ = dqmStore_->book2D(name, name, 85, 0., 85., 20, 0., 20.);

    name = "EEBCT table is moving";
    TableMoving_ = dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,2,0.,1.1);
    TableMoving_->setAxisTitle("table status (0=stable, 1=moving)", 1);
    //table is moving-> bin 2, table is not moving-> bin 1

    name = "EEBCT crystals done";
    CrystalsDone_ = dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,850,1.,851.);
    CrystalsDone_->setAxisTitle("crystal", 1);
    CrystalsDone_->setAxisTitle("step in the scan", 2);
    //for a crystal done the corresponing bin is filled with the step in the
    //autoscan pertainig to the given crystales

    name = "EEBCT crystal in beam vs event";
    CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_ = dqmStore_->bookProfile(name, name, 20000,0.,400000.,1802,-101.,851.,"s");
    CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_->setAxisTitle("event", 1);
    CrystalInBeam_vs_Event_->setAxisTitle("crystal in beam", 2);
    // 1 bin each 20 events
    // when table is moving for just one events fill with -100

    name = "EEBCT readout crystals errors";
    meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_ = dqmStore_->book1D(name, name, 425,1.,86.);
    meEEBCaloReadCryErrors_->setAxisTitle("step in the scan", 1);

    name = "EEBCT average rec energy in the single crystal";
    meEEBCaloE1vsCry_ = dqmStore_->bookProfile(name, name, 850,1.,851.,500,0.,9000.,"s");
    meEEBCaloE1vsCry_->setAxisTitle("crystal", 1);
    meEEBCaloE1vsCry_->setAxisTitle("rec energy (ADC)", 2);

    name = "EEBCT average rec energy in the 3x3 array";
    meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_ = dqmStore_->bookProfile(name, name, 850,1.,851.,500,0.,9000.,"s");
    meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_->setAxisTitle("crystal", 1);
    meEEBCaloE3x3vsCry_->setAxisTitle("rec energy (ADC)", 2);

    name = "EEBCT number of entries";
    meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_ = dqmStore_->book1D(name, name,850,1.,851.);
    meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_->setAxisTitle("crystal", 1);
    meEEBCaloEntriesVsCry_->setAxisTitle("number of events (prescaled)", 2);

    name = "EEBCT energy deposition in the 3x3";
    meEEBCaloBeamCentered_ = dqmStore_->book2D(name, name,3,-1.5,1.5,3,-1.5,1.5);
    meEEBCaloBeamCentered_->setAxisTitle("\\Delta \\eta", 1);
    meEEBCaloBeamCentered_->setAxisTitle("\\Delta \\phi", 2);

    name = "EEBCT E1 in the max cry";
    meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_= dqmStore_->book1D(name,name,500,0.,9000.);
    meEEBCaloE1MaxCry_->setAxisTitle("rec Ene (ADC)", 1);

    name = "EEBCT Desynchronization vs step";
    meEEBCaloDesync_= dqmStore_->book1D(name, name, 85 ,1.,86.);
    meEEBCaloDesync_->setAxisTitle("step", 1);
    meEEBCaloDesync_->setAxisTitle("Desynchronized events", 2);



Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 130 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 129 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int EEBeamCaloTask::cib_[12] [private]

Definition at line 128 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by setup().

const int EEBeamCaloTask::cryInArray_ = 9 [static, private]

Definition at line 73 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 134 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 105 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 103 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

const int EEBeamCaloTask::defaultPede_ = 200 [static, private]

Definition at line 74 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 60 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), and setup().

Definition at line 70 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloTask().

Definition at line 69 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloTask().

Definition at line 68 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloTask().

Definition at line 71 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloTask().

Definition at line 64 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by EEBeamCaloTask(), and endJob().

Definition at line 135 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 131 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by setup().

int EEBeamCaloTask::ievt_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().

bool EEBeamCaloTask::init_ [private]

Definition at line 121 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), and setup().

Definition at line 136 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 133 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 89 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 98 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 86 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 92 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 93 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 79 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 78 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 99 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 76 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 77 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 90 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 115 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 119 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 117 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 109 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 111 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 113 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 107 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 66 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), and EEBeamCaloTask().

std::string EEBeamCaloTask::prefixME_ [private]

Definition at line 62 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by beginJob(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), and setup().

Definition at line 137 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 138 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 126 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 125 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 123 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and setup().

Definition at line 134 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

Definition at line 101 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloTask(), reset(), and setup().

Definition at line 132 of file EEBeamCaloTask.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().