![]() |
![]() |
Classes | |
class | ApplyFunctionToSequence |
The plotting of HPS Efficiencies. More... | |
Functions | |
def | ConvertDrawJobToLegacyCompare |
def | MakeLabeler |
def | RemoveComparisonPlotCommands |
def | SetBaseDirectory |
def | setBinning |
def | SetCompareToLegacyProductNames |
def | SetLogScale |
def | SetPlotDirectory |
def | SetPlotOnlyStepByStep |
def | SetReferenceFileToPlot |
def | SetSmartLogScale |
def | SetTestAndReferenceLabels |
def | SetTestFileToPlot |
def | setTrigger |
def | SetValidationExtention |
def | SetYmodulesToLog |
def | TranslateToLegacyProdNames |
Variables | |
tuple | denominator = cms.InputTag("kinematicSelectedTauValDenominator") |
tuple | discriminators |
list | drawOptModifiers = [['eff_overlay01',['markerColor','lineColor'],[1,1]],['eff_overlay02',['markerColor','lineColor'],[2,2]],['eff_overlay03',['markerColor','lineColor'],[3,3]],['eff_overlay04',['markerColor','lineColor'],[4,4]],['eff_overlay05',['markerColor','lineColor'],[6,6]],['eff_overlay06',['markerColor','lineColor'],[5,5]],['eff_overlay07',['markerColor','lineColor'],[7,7]],['eff_overlay08',['markerColor','lineColor'],[28,28]],['eff_overlay09',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[2,2,29]],['eff_overlay010',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[4,4,29]],['eff_overlay011',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[6,6,29]]] |
tuple | drawOptStuff |
tuple | ExtensionName = cms.string("LeadingPion") |
GenericTriggerSelection = GenericTriggerSelectionParameters, | |
tuple | GenericTriggerSelectionParameters |
tuple | kinematicSelectedTauValDenominatorCut = cms.string('pt > 5. && abs(eta) < 2.5') |
list | legModifiers = [['efficiency',['posY','sizeY'],[0.72,0.17]],['efficiency_overlay',['posY','sizeY'],[0.66,0.23]]] |
tuple | legStuff |
tuple | loadTau |
tuple | plotNamesToNormalize = cms.vstring('*_pTRatio_*','*_Size_*','*_SumPt_*','*_dRTauRefJet*') |
Normalizes All the histograms. | |
tuple | plotPset = Utils.SetPlotSequence(proc.TauValNumeratorAndDenominator) |
plots = plotPset | |
tuple | proc = cms.Process('helper') |
tuple | reference = cms.string('*_pTRatio_allHadronic') |
tuple | standardCompareTestAndReference |
tuple | standardDrawingStuff |
tuple | StandardMatchingParameters |
tuple | TauProducer = cms.InputTag('shrinkingConePFTauProducer') |
tuple | xAxisStuff |
list | xModifiers = [['pt',['xAxisTitle'],['P_{T} / GeV']],['eta',['xAxisTitle'],['#eta']],['phi',['xAxisTitle'],['#phi']],['pileup',['xAxisTitle'],['# of Reco Vertices']]] |
tuple | yAxisStuff |
list | yModifiers = [['efficiency',['yScale','yAxisTitle'],['linear','#varepsilon']],['fakeRate',['yScale','yAxisTitle'],['log','Fake rate']]] |
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::ConvertDrawJobToLegacyCompare | ( | input | ) |
Converts a draw job defined to compare 31X named PFTau validtion efficiencies to comapre a 31X to a 22X named validation
Definition at line 412 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00413 : 00414 """ Converts a draw job defined to compare 31X named PFTau validtion efficiencies 00415 to comapre a 31X to a 22X named validation """ 00416 # get the list of drawjobs { name : copyOfPSet } 00417 if not hasattr(input, "drawJobs"): 00418 return 00419 myDrawJobs = input.drawJobs.parameters_() 00420 for drawJobName, drawJobData in myDrawJobs.iteritems(): 00421 print drawJobData 00422 if not drawJobData.plots.pythonTypeName() == "cms.PSet": 00423 continue 00424 pSetToInsert = cms.PSet( 00425 standardEfficiencyParameters, 00426 plots = cms.VPSet( 00427 # test plot w/ modern names 00428 cms.PSet( 00429 dqmMonitorElements = drawJobData.plots.dqmMonitorElements, 00430 process = cms.string('test'), 00431 drawOptionEntry = cms.string('eff_overlay01'), 00432 legendEntry = cms.string(input.processes.test.legendEntry.value()) 00433 ), 00434 # ref plot w/ vintage name 00435 cms.PSet( 00436 # translate the name 00437 dqmMonitorElements = cms.vstring(TranslateToLegacyProdNames(drawJobData.plots.dqmMonitorElements.value()[0])), 00438 process = cms.string('reference'), 00439 drawOptionEntry = cms.string('eff_overlay02'), 00440 legendEntry = cms.string(input.processes.reference.legendEntry.value()) 00441 ) 00442 ) 00443 ) 00444 input.drawJobs.__setattr__(drawJobName, pSetToInsert)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::MakeLabeler | ( | TestLabel, | |
ReferenceLabel | |||
) |
Definition at line 445 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00446 : 00447 def labeler(module): 00448 if hasattr(module, 'processes'): 00449 if module.processes.hasParameter(['test', 'legendEntry']) and module.processes.hasParameter([ 'reference', 'legendEntry']): 00450 module.processes.test.legendEntry = TestLabel 00451 module.processes.reference.legendEntry = ReferenceLabel 00452 print "Set test label to %s and reference label to %s for plot producer %s" % (TestLabel, ReferenceLabel, module.label()) 00453 else: 00454 print "ERROR in RecoTauValidation_cfi::MakeLabeler - trying to set test/reference label but %s does not have processes.(test/reference).legendEntry parameters!" % module.label() 00455 return labeler
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::RemoveComparisonPlotCommands | ( | module | ) |
Definition at line 491 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetBaseDirectory | ( | Directory | ) |
Definition at line 478 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00479 : 00480 def BaseDirectorizer(module): 00481 newPath = Directory 00482 #if module.hasParameter("outputFilePath"): 00483 if hasattr(module, "outputFilePath"): 00484 oldPath = module.outputFilePath.value() 00485 newPath = os.path.join(newPath, oldPath) 00486 if not os.path.exists(newPath): 00487 os.makedirs(newPath) 00488 print newPath 00489 module.outputFilePath = cms.string("%s" % newPath) 00490 return BaseDirectorizer
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::setBinning | ( | module, | |
pset | |||
) |
Definition at line 536 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00537 : 00538 if module._TypedParameterizable__type == 'TauTagValidation': 00539 module.histoSettings = pset
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetCompareToLegacyProductNames | ( | myPlottingSequence | ) |
Definition at line 508 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetLogScale | ( | myPlottingSequence | ) |
Definition at line 521 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetPlotDirectory | ( | myPlottingSequence, | |
directory | |||
) |
Definition at line 500 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetPlotOnlyStepByStep | ( | myPlottingSequence | ) |
Definition at line 529 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetReferenceFileToPlot | ( | myProcess, | |
FileLoc | |||
) |
Definition at line 515 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetSmartLogScale | ( | myPlottingSequence | ) |
Definition at line 525 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetTestAndReferenceLabels | ( | myPlottingSequence, | |
TestLabel, | |||
ReferenceLabel | |||
) |
Definition at line 504 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetTestFileToPlot | ( | myProcess, | |
FileLoc | |||
) |
Definition at line 512 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::setTrigger | ( | module, | |
pset | |||
) |
Definition at line 540 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00541 : 00542 if hasattr(module,'_TypedParameterizable__type') and module._TypedParameterizable__type == 'TauTagValidation': 00543 setattr(module,'turnOnTrigger',cms.bool(True)) #Turns on trigger (in case is off) 00544 for item in pset.parameters_().items(): 00545 setattr(module.GenericTriggerSelection,item[0],item[1])
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetValidationExtention | ( | module, | |
extension | |||
) |
Definition at line 533 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::SetYmodulesToLog | ( | matchingNames = [] | ) |
set all modules whose name contains one of the matching names to log y scale
Definition at line 456 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00457 : 00458 ''' set all modules whose name contains one of the matching names to log y scale''' 00459 def yLogger(module): 00460 ''' set a module to use log scaling in the yAxis''' 00461 if hasattr(module, 'drawJobs'): 00462 print "EK DEBUG" 00463 drawJobParamGetter = lambda subName : getattr(module.drawJobs, subName) 00464 #for subModule in [getattr(module.drawJobs, subModuleName) for subModuleName in dir(module.drawJobs)]: 00465 attrNames = dir(module.drawJobs) 00466 for subModuleName, subModule in zip(attrNames, map(drawJobParamGetter, attrNames)): 00467 matchedNames = [name for name in matchingNames if subModuleName.find( name) > -1] # matching sub strings 00468 if len(matchingNames) == 0: 00469 matchedNames = ['take','everything','and','dont','bother'] 00470 if hasattr(subModule, "yAxis") and len(matchedNames): 00471 print "Setting drawJob: ", subModuleName, " to log scale." 00472 subModule.yAxis = cms.string('fakeRate') #'fakeRate' configuration specifies the log scaling 00473 if len(matchingNames) == 0: 00474 module.yAxes.efficiency.maxY_log = 40 00475 module.yAxes.fakeRate.maxY_log = 40 00476 return yLogger 00477
def RecoTauValidation_cfi::TranslateToLegacyProdNames | ( | input | ) |
Definition at line 401 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00402 : 00403 input = re.sub('fixedConePFTauProducer', 'pfRecoTauProducer', input) 00404 #fixedDiscriminationRegex = re.compile('fixedConePFTauDiscrimination( \w* )') 00405 fixedDiscriminationRegex = re.compile('fixedConePFTauDiscrimination(\w*)') 00406 input = fixedDiscriminationRegex.sub(r'pfRecoTauDiscrimination\1', input) 00407 input = re.sub('shrinkingConePFTauProducer', 'pfRecoTauProducerHighEfficiency', input) 00408 shrinkingDiscriminationRegex = re.compile('shrinkingConePFTauDiscrimination(\w*)') 00409 input = shrinkingDiscriminationRegex.sub(r'pfRecoTauDiscrimination\1HighEfficiency', input) 00410 return input 00411
tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi::denominator = cms.InputTag("kinematicSelectedTauValDenominator") |
Definition at line 74 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
Referenced by SuperClusterShapeAlgo::Calculate_Covariances(), ClusterShapeAlgo::Calculate_Covariances(), EcalClusterTools::cluster2ndMoments(), SiPixelDataQuality::computeGlobalQualityFlag(), PFClusterShapeAlgo::covariances(), EcalClusterTools::covariances(), HarvestingAnalyzer::endJob(), FWHLTTriggerTableView::fillAverageAcceptFractions(), PFPhotonClusters::FillClusterWidth(), PFClusterShapeAlgo::find_e3x2(), SETFilter::findParabolaMinimum(), EcalClusterTools::localCovariances(), L1TDTTPGClient::makeRatioHisto(), PFClusterWidthAlgo::PFClusterWidthAlgo(), CaloValidationStatistics::RMS(), EcalClusterTools::roundnessSelectedBarrelRecHits(), PhotonOfflineClient::runClient(), EcalClusterTools::scLocalCovariances(), TangentCircle::TangentCircle(), TauDQMHistEffProducer::TauDQMHistEffProducer(), and Accumulator::variance().
00001 cms.VPSet( 00002 cms.PSet( discriminator = cms.string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationByLeadingTrackFinding"),selectionCut = cms.double(0.5),plotStep = cms.bool(True)), 00003 cms.PSet( discriminator = cms.string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationByLeadingPionPtCut"),selectionCut = cms.double(0.5),plotStep = cms.bool(False)), #not plotted 00004 cms.PSet( discriminator = cms.string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationByTrackIsolationUsingLeadingPion"),selectionCut = cms.double(0.5),plotStep = cms.bool(True)), 00005 cms.PSet( discriminator = cms.string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationByECALIsolationUsingLeadingPion"),selectionCut = cms.double(0.5),plotStep = cms.bool(True)), 00006 cms.PSet( discriminator = cms.string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationAgainstElectron"),selectionCut = cms.double(0.5),plotStep = cms.bool(True)), 00007 cms.PSet( discriminator = cms.string("shrinkingConePFTauDiscriminationAgainstMuon"),selectionCut = cms.double(0.5),plotStep = cms.bool(True)) 00008 )
Definition at line 119 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
Referenced by PFTauSelectorDefinition::PFTauSelectorDefinition(), reco::tau::RecoTauDiscriminantFromDiscriminator::RecoTauDiscriminantFromDiscriminator(), and CaloTauSelectorDefinition::select().
list RecoTauValidation_cfi::drawOptModifiers = [['eff_overlay01',['markerColor','lineColor'],[1,1]],['eff_overlay02',['markerColor','lineColor'],[2,2]],['eff_overlay03',['markerColor','lineColor'],[3,3]],['eff_overlay04',['markerColor','lineColor'],[4,4]],['eff_overlay05',['markerColor','lineColor'],[6,6]],['eff_overlay06',['markerColor','lineColor'],[5,5]],['eff_overlay07',['markerColor','lineColor'],[7,7]],['eff_overlay08',['markerColor','lineColor'],[28,28]],['eff_overlay09',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[2,2,29]],['eff_overlay010',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[4,4,29]],['eff_overlay011',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[6,6,29]]] |
Definition at line 259 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 markerColor = cms.int32(1), 00003 markerSize = cms.double(1.), 00004 markerStyle = cms.int32(20), 00005 lineColor = cms.int32(1), 00006 lineStyle = cms.int32(1), 00007 lineWidth = cms.int32(2), 00008 drawOption = cms.string('ex0'), 00009 drawOptionLegend = cms.string('p') 00010 )
Definition at line 249 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi::ExtensionName = cms.string("LeadingPion") |
Definition at line 117 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
Definition at line 116 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 andOr = cms.bool( False ),#specifies the logical combination of the single filters' (L1, HLT and DCS) decisions at top level (True=OR) 00003 dbLabel = cms.string("PFTauDQMTrigger"),#specifies the label under which the DB payload is available from the ESSource or Global Tag 00004 andOrHlt = cms.bool(True),#specifies the logical combination of the single HLT paths' decisions (True=OR) 00005 hltInputTag = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults::HLT"), 00006 #hltDBKey = cms.string('jetmet_highptjet'),#Tag of the record in the database, where IOV-based HLT paths are found. This record overwrites the configuration parameter hltPaths 00007 hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_IsoMu*_eta*_LooseIsoPFTau*_v*','HLT_DoubleIsoPFTau*_Trk*_eta*_v*'),#Lists logical expressions of HLT paths, which should have accepted the event (fallback in case DB unaccessible) 00008 errorReplyHlt = cms.bool(False),#specifies the desired return value of the HLT filter and the single HLT path filter in case of certain errors 00009 verbosityLevel = cms.uint32(0) #0: complete silence (default), needed for T0 processing; 00010 )
Definition at line 103 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi::kinematicSelectedTauValDenominatorCut = cms.string('pt > 5. && abs(eta) < 2.5') |
Definition at line 73 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
list RecoTauValidation_cfi::legModifiers = [['efficiency',['posY','sizeY'],[0.72,0.17]],['efficiency_overlay',['posY','sizeY'],[0.66,0.23]]] |
Definition at line 247 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 posX = cms.double(0.50), 00003 posY = cms.double(0.72), 00004 sizeX = cms.double(0.39), 00005 sizeY = cms.double(0.17), 00006 header = cms.string(''), 00007 option = cms.string('brNDC'), 00008 borderSize = cms.int32(0), 00009 fillColor = cms.int32(0) 00010 )
Definition at line 237 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer("TauDQMFileLoader", 00002 test = cms.PSet( 00003 #inputFileNames = cms.vstring('/afs/cern.ch/user/f/friis/scratch0/MyValidationArea/310pre6NewTags/src/Validation/RecoTau/test/CMSSW_3_1_0_pre6_ZTT_0505Fixes.root'), 00004 inputFileNames = cms.vstring('/opt/sbg/cms/ui4_data1/dbodin/CMSSW_3_5_1/src/TauID/QCD_recoFiles/TauVal_CMSSW_3_6_0_QCD.root'), 00005 scaleFactor = cms.double(1.), 00006 dqmDirectory_store = cms.string('test') 00007 ), 00008 reference = cms.PSet( 00009 inputFileNames = cms.vstring('/opt/sbg/cms/ui4_data1/dbodin/CMSSW_3_5_1/src/TauID/QCD_recoFiles/TauVal_CMSSW_3_6_0_QCD.root'), 00010 scaleFactor = cms.double(1.), 00011 dqmDirectory_store = cms.string('reference') 00012 ) 00013 )
Definition at line 201 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi::plotNamesToNormalize = cms.vstring('*_pTRatio_*','*_Size_*','*_SumPt_*','*_dRTauRefJet*') |
Normalizes All the histograms.
Definition at line 183 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi::plotPset = Utils.SetPlotSequence(proc.TauValNumeratorAndDenominator) |
Definition at line 168 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
Referenced by ConfigurableAnalysis::ConfigurableAnalysis(), and PlottingDevice::PlottingDevice().
Definition at line 171 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
Referenced by PatTrackAnalyzer::analyze(), PatBJetTrackAnalyzer::beginJob(), PatTrackAnalyzer::beginJob(), PatBJetTagAnalyzer::beginJob(), PatBJetVertexAnalyzer::beginJob(), main(), TauDQMHistEffProducer::TauDQMHistEffProducer(), and TauDQMHistPlotter::TauDQMHistPlotter().
tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi::proc = cms.Process('helper') |
Definition at line 88 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi::reference = cms.string('*_pTRatio_allHadronic') |
Definition at line 184 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
Referenced by NoiseTask::book(), HDQMInspector::createTrend(), MuonAlignmentFromReference::initialize(), HDQMInspector::InitializeIOVList(), RoadMaker::SortRingsIntoLayers(), writeCalibTxt(), and writeCMSSWCoeff().
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 processes = cms.PSet( 00003 test = cms.PSet( 00004 dqmDirectory = cms.string('test'), 00005 legendEntry = cms.string('no test label'), 00006 type = cms.string('smMC') # Data/smMC/bsmMC/smSumMC 00007 ), 00008 reference = cms.PSet( 00009 dqmDirectory = cms.string('reference'), 00010 legendEntry = cms.string('no ref label'), 00011 type = cms.string('smMC') # Data/smMC/bsmMC/smSumMC 00012 ) 00013 ), 00014 )
Definition at line 321 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
Definition at line 261 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 DataType = cms.string('Leptons'), 00003 MatchDeltaR_Leptons = cms.double(0.15), 00004 MatchDeltaR_Jets = cms.double(0.3), 00005 SaveOutputHistograms = cms.bool(False), #TRUE FOR TEST ONLY 00006 #RefCollection = cms.InputTag("TauGenJetProducer","selectedGenTauDecaysToHadronsPt5Cumulative"), 00007 RefCollection = denominator, 00008 TauPtCut = cms.double(0.), #almost deprecated, since recoCuts provides more flexibility 00009 recoCuts = cms.string(''), #filter reconstructed candidates. leave this empty to select all. or use sth like: pt > 20 & abs(eta) < 2.3 00010 genCuts = cms.string(''), #filter generated candidates. leave this empty to select all. or use sth like: pt > 20 & abs(eta) < 2.3 00011 chainCuts = cms.bool(False) #Decide whether to chain discriminators or not 00012 )
Definition at line 90 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi::TauProducer = cms.InputTag('shrinkingConePFTauProducer') |
Definition at line 118 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 xAxisTitle = cms.string('P_{T} / GeV'), 00003 xAxisTitleOffset = cms.double(0.9), 00004 xAxisTitleSize = cms.double(0.05) 00005 )
Definition at line 218 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
list RecoTauValidation_cfi::xModifiers = [['pt',['xAxisTitle'],['P_{T} / GeV']],['eta',['xAxisTitle'],['#eta']],['phi',['xAxisTitle'],['#phi']],['pileup',['xAxisTitle'],['# of Reco Vertices']]] |
Definition at line 223 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
00001 cms.PSet( 00002 yScale = cms.string('linear'), # linear/log 00003 minY_linear = cms.double(0.), 00004 maxY_linear = cms.double(1.6), 00005 minY_log = cms.double(0.001), 00006 maxY_log = cms.double(1.8), 00007 yAxisTitle = cms.string('#varepsilon'), 00008 yAxisTitleOffset = cms.double(1.1), 00009 yAxisTitleSize = cms.double(0.05) 00010 )
Definition at line 225 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.
list RecoTauValidation_cfi::yModifiers = [['efficiency',['yScale','yAxisTitle'],['linear','#varepsilon']],['fakeRate',['yScale','yAxisTitle'],['log','Fake rate']]] |
Definition at line 235 of file RecoTauValidation_cfi.py.