Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

ElectronEnergyCorrector Class Reference

#include <ElectronEnergyCorrector.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void classBasedParameterizationEnergy (reco::GsfElectron &, const reco::BeamSpot &bs)
void classBasedParameterizationUncertainty (reco::GsfElectron &)
 ElectronEnergyCorrector (EcalClusterFunctionBaseClass *crackCorrectionFunction)
void simpleParameterizationUncertainty (reco::GsfElectron &)

Private Member Functions

float fBremEta (float sigmaPhiSigmaEta, float eta, int algorithm, reco::GsfElectron::Classification cl) const
float fEnergy (float e, int algorithm, reco::GsfElectron::Classification cl) const
float fEt (float et, int algorithm, reco::GsfElectron::Classification cl) const
float fEta (float energy, float eta, int algorithm) const
double fEtaBarrelBad (double scEta) const
double fEtaBarrelGood (double scEta) const
double fEtaEndcapBad (double scEta) const
double fEtaEndcapGood (double scEta) const

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file ElectronEnergyCorrector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ElectronEnergyCorrector::ElectronEnergyCorrector ( EcalClusterFunctionBaseClass crackCorrectionFunction) [inline]

Definition at line 14 of file ElectronEnergyCorrector.h.

     : crackCorrectionFunction_(crackCorrectionFunction) {}

Member Function Documentation

void ElectronEnergyCorrector::classBasedParameterizationEnergy ( reco::GsfElectron electron,
const reco::BeamSpot bs 

Definition at line 58 of file

References reco::GsfElectron::classification(), corr, relval_parameters_module::energy, reco::GsfElectron::GAP, reco::GsfElectron::isEB(), reco::GsfElectron::isEcalEnergyCorrected(), reco::GsfElectron::isEE(), reco::GsfElectron::setCorrectedEcalEnergy(), reco::GsfElectron::superCluster(), and reco::GsfElectron::UNKNOWN.

Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::createElectron().

  if (electron.isEcalEnergyCorrected())
          edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::classBasedParameterizationEnergy")<<"already done" ;
          return ;

  reco::GsfElectron::Classification elClass = electron.classification() ;
  if ( (elClass <= reco::GsfElectron::UNKNOWN) ||
             (elClass>reco::GsfElectron::GAP) )
          edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::classBasedParameterizationEnergy")<<"unexpected classification" ;
          return ;

  // new corrections from N. Chanon et al., taken from
  float corr = 1.;
  float corr2 = 1.;
  float energy = electron.superCluster()->energy() ;
  float newEnergy = energy;

  //int subdet = electron.superCluster()->seed()->hitsAndFractions()[0].first.subdetId();

  if (electron.isEB())
    float cetacorr = fEta(electron.superCluster()->rawEnergy(), electron.superCluster()->eta(), 0)/electron.superCluster()->rawEnergy();
    energy = electron.superCluster()->rawEnergy()*cetacorr; //previously in CMSSW
    //energy = superCluster.rawEnergy()*fEta(e5x5, superCluster.seed()->eta(), 0)/e5x5;
  else if (electron.isEE())
    energy = electron.superCluster()->rawEnergy()+electron.superCluster()->preshowerEnergy();
   { edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::classBasedParameterizationEnergy")<<"nor barrel neither endcap electron !" ; }

  corr = fBremEta(electron.superCluster()->phiWidth()/electron.superCluster()->etaWidth(), electron.superCluster()->eta(), 0,elClass);

  float et = energy*TMath::Sin(2*TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-electron.superCluster()->eta())))/corr;

  if (electron.isEB()) { corr2 = corr * fEt(et, 0,elClass) ; }
  else if (electron.isEE()) { corr2 = corr * fEnergy(energy/corr, 1,elClass) ; }
  else { edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::classBasedParameterizationEnergy")<<"nor barrel neither endcap electron !" ; }

  newEnergy = energy/corr2;

  // cracks
  double crackcor = 1. ;
  for ( reco::CaloCluster_iterator
        cIt = electron.superCluster()->clustersBegin() ;
        cIt != electron.superCluster()->clustersEnd() ;
        ++cIt )
    const reco::CaloClusterPtr cc = *cIt ;
    crackcor *=
     ( electron.superCluster()->rawEnergy()
       + cc->energy()*(crackCorrectionFunction_->getValue(*cc)-1.) )
     / electron.superCluster()->rawEnergy() ;
  newEnergy *= crackcor ;

  // register final value
  electron.setCorrectedEcalEnergy(newEnergy) ;

void ElectronEnergyCorrector::classBasedParameterizationUncertainty ( reco::GsfElectron electron)

Definition at line 22 of file

References reco::GsfElectron::classification(), EnergyUncertaintyElectronSpecific::computeElectronEnergyUncertainty(), reco::GsfElectron::correctedEcalEnergy(), energyError(), reco::GsfElectron::setCorrectedEcalEnergyError(), and reco::GsfElectron::superCluster().

Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::createElectron().

  EnergyUncertaintyElectronSpecific uncertainty ;
  double energyError = 999. ;
  double ecalEnergy = electron.correctedEcalEnergy() ;
  double eleEta = electron.superCluster()->eta() ;
  double brem = electron.superCluster()->etaWidth()/electron.superCluster()->phiWidth() ;
  energyError =  uncertainty.computeElectronEnergyUncertainty(electron.classification(),eleEta,brem,ecalEnergy) ;
  electron.setCorrectedEcalEnergyError(energyError) ;
float ElectronEnergyCorrector::fBremEta ( float  sigmaPhiSigmaEta,
float  eta,
int  algorithm,
reco::GsfElectron::Classification  cl 
) const [private]

Definition at line 161 of file

References reco::GsfElectron::GAP, and fitWZ::par0.

  // corrections for electrons
  if (algorithm!=0)
    edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::fBremEta")<<"algorithm should be 0 for electrons !" ;
    return 1. ;

  const float etaCrackMin = 1.44 ;
  const float etaCrackMax = 1.56 ;

  const int nBinsEta = 14 ;
  float leftEta[nBinsEta] = { 0.02, 0.25, 0.46, 0.81, 0.91, 1.01, 1.16, etaCrackMax, 1.653, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 } ;
  float rightEta[nBinsEta] = { 0.25, 0.42, 0.77, 0.91, 1.01, 1.13, etaCrackMin, 1.653, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 } ;

  // eta = 0
  if ( TMath::Abs(eta) < leftEta[0] ) { eta = 0.02 ; }

  // outside acceptance
  if ( TMath::Abs(eta) >= rightEta[nBinsEta-1] ) { eta = 2.49 ; } //if (DBG) std::cout << " WARNING [applyScCorrections]: TMath::Abs(eta)  >=  rightEta[nBinsEta-1] " << std::endl;}

  int tmpEta = -1 ;
  for (int iEta = 0; iEta < nBinsEta; ++iEta)
    if ( leftEta[iEta] <= TMath::Abs(eta) && TMath::Abs(eta) <rightEta[iEta] )
     { tmpEta = iEta ; }

  float xcorr[nBinsEta][reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] =
    { 1.00227,  1.00227,  1.00227,  1.00227,  1.00227  },
    { 1.00252,  1.00252,  1.00252,  1.00252,  1.00252  },
    { 1.00225,  1.00225,  1.00225,  1.00225,  1.00225  },
    { 1.00159,  1.00159,  1.00159,  1.00159,  1.00159  },
    { 0.999475, 0.999475, 0.999475, 0.999475, 0.999475 },
    { 0.997203, 0.997203, 0.997203, 0.997203, 0.997203 },
    { 0.993886, 0.993886, 0.993886, 0.993886, 0.993886 },
    { 0.971262, 0.971262, 0.971262, 0.971262, 0.971262 },
    { 0.975922, 0.975922, 0.975922, 0.975922, 0.975922 },
    { 0.979087, 0.979087, 0.979087, 0.979087, 0.979087 },
    { 0.98495,  0.98495,  0.98495,  0.98495,  0.98495  },
    { 0.98781,  0.98781,  0.98781,  0.98781,  0.98781  },
    { 0.989546, 0.989546, 0.989546, 0.989546, 0.989546 },
    { 0.989638, 0.989638, 0.989638, 0.989638, 0.989638 }
   } ;

  float par0[nBinsEta][reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] =
     { 0.987737, 0.987737, 0.97824,  1.01909,   1.00718 },
     { 0.992735, 0.992735, 1.00651,  1.01909,   1.00713 },
     { 0.995447, 0.995447, 0.991318, 1.0184,    1.00641 },
     { 1.00328,  1.00328,  1.00758,  0.989159,  1.00761 },
     { 0.993716, 0.993716, 0.979244, 1.05678,   1.00682 },
     { 1.00796,  1.00796,  1.11168,  1.01785,   1.0073  },
     { 0.978547, 0.978547, 0.782987, 0.996132,  1.00462 },
     { 0.972798, 0.972798, 0.972798, 0.972798, 0.972798 },
     { 0.981672, 0.981672, 0.981672, 0.981672, 0.981672 },
     { 0.98251 , 0.98251 , 0.98251 , 0.98251 , 0.98251  },
     { 0.986123, 0.986123, 0.986123, 0.986123, 0.986123 },
     { 0.990124, 0.990124, 0.990124, 0.990124, 0.990124 },
     { 0.990187, 0.990187, 0.990187, 0.990187, 0.990187 },
     { 0.99372 , 0.99372 , 0.99372 , 0.99372 , 0.99372  }
   } ;

  float par1[nBinsEta][reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] =
     { 0.0211232,  0.0211232,     0.0200981,    -0.0165033,  -0.00187886 },
     { 0.0132634,  0.0132634,     -0.00404441,  -0.0165033,  -0.00227574 },
     { 0.00914973, 0.00914973,    0.0121044,    -0.015315,   -0.00259935 },
     { -0.00185513, -0.00185513,  -0.00358261,  0.00854764,  -0.00433692 },
     { 0.00680977, 0.00680977,    0.0229892,    -0.0709498,  -0.00551324 },
     { -0.0103503, -0.0103503,    -0.0954333,   -0.0218312,  -0.00799669 },
     { 0.0198188,  0.0198188,     0.188263,     -0.00748124, -0.00870057 },
     { -0.000771577, -0.000771577, -0.000771577, -0.000771577, -0.000771577 },
     { -0.00202028 , -0.00202028 , -0.00202028 , -0.00202028 , -0.00202028  },
     { 0.00441308  , 0.00441308  , 0.00441308  , 0.00441308  , 0.00441308   },
     { 0.00832913  , 0.00832913  , 0.00832913  , 0.00832913  , 0.00832913   },
     { 0.00742879  , 0.00742879  , 0.00742879  , 0.00742879  , 0.00742879   },
     { 0.0094608   , 0.0094608   , 0.0094608   , 0.0094608   , 0.0094608    },
     { 0.00560406  , 0.00560406  , 0.00560406  , 0.00560406  , 0.00560406   }
   } ;

  float par2[nBinsEta][reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] =
     { -0.00653788, -0.00653788,  -0.00408167,   0.0032172,     0 },
     { -0.00405187, -0.00405187,  0.000669508,   0.0032172,     0 },
     { -0.0028242,  -0.0028242,   -0.00381642,   0.00241369,    0 },
     { -0.000491565,-0.000491565, -0.000215741,  -0.0026585,    0 },
     { -0.00235393, -0.00235393,  -0.00896144,   0.019303,      0 },
     { 0.000584956, 0.000584956,  0.0179373,     0.00291216,    0 },
     { -0.00717285, -0.00717285,  -0.0447474,    -0.000420271,  0 },
     { -0.00276696, -0.00276696, -0.00276696, -0.00276696, -0.00276696 },
     { -0.00471028, -0.00471028, -0.00471028, -0.00471028, -0.00471028 },
     { -0.00809139, -0.00809139, -0.00809139, -0.00809139, -0.00809139 },
     { -0.00944584, -0.00944584, -0.00944584, -0.00944584, -0.00944584 },
     { -0.00960462, -0.00960462, -0.00960462, -0.00960462, -0.00960462 },
     { -0.010172  , -0.010172  , -0.010172  , -0.010172  , -0.010172   },
     { -0.00943169, -0.00943169, -0.00943169, -0.00943169, -0.00943169 }
   } ;

  float sigmaPhiSigmaEtaMin[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 } ;
  float sigmaPhiSigmaEtaMax[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] = { 5., 5., 5., 5., 5. } ;
  float sigmaPhiSigmaEtaFit[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] = { 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2 } ;

  // extra protections
  // fix sigmaPhiSigmaEta boundaries
  if ( sigmaPhiSigmaEta < sigmaPhiSigmaEtaMin[cl] )
   { sigmaPhiSigmaEta = sigmaPhiSigmaEtaMin[cl] ; }
  if ( sigmaPhiSigmaEta > sigmaPhiSigmaEtaMax[cl]  )
   { sigmaPhiSigmaEta = sigmaPhiSigmaEtaMax[cl] ; }

  // In eta cracks/gaps
  if ( tmpEta == -1 ) // need to interpolate
    float tmpInter = 1 ;
    for ( int iEta = 0 ; iEta < nBinsEta-1 ; ++iEta )
      if ( rightEta[iEta] <= TMath::Abs(eta) && TMath::Abs(eta) <leftEta[iEta+1] )
        if ( sigmaPhiSigmaEta >= sigmaPhiSigmaEtaFit[cl] )
                tmpInter =
                 ( par0[iEta][cl] +
                   sigmaPhiSigmaEta*par1[iEta][cl] +
                   sigmaPhiSigmaEta*sigmaPhiSigmaEta*par2[iEta][cl] +
             par0[iEta+1][cl] +
             sigmaPhiSigmaEta*par1[iEta+1][cl] +
             sigmaPhiSigmaEta*sigmaPhiSigmaEta*par2[iEta+1][cl] ) / 2. ;
              else tmpInter = (xcorr[iEta][cl] + xcorr[iEta+1][cl])/2. ;
    return tmpInter ;

  if (sigmaPhiSigmaEta >= sigmaPhiSigmaEtaFit[cl])
   { return par0[tmpEta][cl] + sigmaPhiSigmaEta*par1[tmpEta][cl] + sigmaPhiSigmaEta*sigmaPhiSigmaEta*par2[tmpEta][cl] ; }
   { return xcorr[tmpEta][cl] ; }

  return 1. ;
float ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEnergy ( float  e,
int  algorithm,
reco::GsfElectron::Classification  cl 
) const [private]

Definition at line 343 of file

References funct::exp(), reco::GsfElectron::GAP, and fitWZ::par0.

  if (algorithm==0) // Electrons EB
   { return 1. ; }
  else if (algorithm==1) // Electrons EE
    float par0[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] = { 400, 400, 400, 400, 400 } ;
    float par1[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] = { 0.982475, 0.982475, 0.982475, 0.982475, 0.982475 } ;
    float par2[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] = { 4.95413e-05, 4.95413e-05, 4.95413e-05, 4.95413e-05, 4.95413e-05 } ;
    float par3[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] = { 0.16886, 0.16886, 0.16886, 0.16886, 0.16886 } ;
    float par4[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1] = { -30.1517, -30.1517, -30.1517, -30.1517, -30.1517 } ;

    if ( E > par0[cl] ) { E = par0[cl] ; }
    if ( E < 0 ) { return 1. ; }
    if ( 0 <= E && E <= par0[cl] ) { return (par1[cl] + E*par2[cl] )*(1- par3[cl]*exp(E/par4[cl] )) ; }
   { edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEnergy")<<"algorithm should be 0 or 1 for electrons !" ; }
  return 1.;
float ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEt ( float  et,
int  algorithm,
reco::GsfElectron::Classification  cl 
) const [private]

Definition at line 306 of file

References funct::exp(), and reco::GsfElectron::GAP.

  if (algorithm==0) //Electrons EB
    float par[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1][5] =
       { 0.974507, 1.16569, -0.000884133, 0.161423, -125.356 },
       { 0.974507, 1.16569, -0.000884133, 0.161423, -125.356 },
       { 0.96449, 0.991457, 0.000237869, 0.159983, -4.38755 },
       { 0.97956, 0.883959, 0.000782834, -0.106388, -124.394 },
       { 0.97213, 0.999528, 5.61192e-06, 0.0143269, -17.1776 }
     } ;
    if ( ET > 200 ) { ET =200 ; }
    if ( ET < 5 ) { return 1. ; }
    if ( 5 <= ET && ET < 10 ) { return par[cl][0] ; }
    if ( 10 <= ET && ET <= 200 ) { return (par[cl][1]  + ET*par[cl][2])*(1- par[cl][3]*exp(ET/par[cl][4])) ; }
  else if (algorithm==1) //Electrons EE
    float par[reco::GsfElectron::GAP+1][5] =
       { 0.930081, 0.996683, 3.54079e-05, 0.0460187, -23.2461 },
       { 0.930081, 0.996683, 3.54079e-05, 0.0460187, -23.2461 },
       { 0.930081, 0.996683, 3.54079e-05, 0.0460187, -23.2461 },
       { 0.930081, 0.996683, 3.54079e-05, 0.0460187, -23.2461 },
       { 0.930081, 0.996683, 3.54079e-05, 0.0460187, -23.2461 }
    if ( ET > 200 ) { ET = 200 ; }
    if ( ET < 5 ) { return 1. ; }
    if ( 5 <= ET && ET < 10 ) { return par[cl][0] ; }
    if ( 10 <= ET && ET <= 200 ) { return ( par[cl][1]  + ET*par[cl][2])*(1-par[cl][3]*exp(ET/par[cl][4])) ; }
   { edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEt")<<"algorithm should be 0 or 1 for electrons !" ; }
  return 1. ;
float ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEta ( float  energy,
float  eta,
int  algorithm 
) const [private]

Definition at line 130 of file

References relval_parameters_module::energy, and p1.


  // corrections for electrons
  if (algorithm!=0) {
    edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEta")<<"algorithm should be 0 for electrons !" ;
    return energy;
  //std::cout << "fEta function" << std::endl;

  // this correction is setup only for EB
  if ( algorithm != 0 ) return energy;

  float ieta = fabs(eta)*(5/0.087);
  // bypass the DB reading for the time being
  //float p0 = (params_->params())[0];  // should be 40.2198
  //float p1 = (params_->params())[1];  // should be -3.03103e-6
  float p0 = 40.2198 ;
  float p1 = -3.03103e-6 ;

  //std::cout << "ieta=" << ieta << std::endl;

  float correctedEnergy = energy;
  if ( ieta < p0 ) correctedEnergy = energy;
  else             correctedEnergy = energy/(1.0 + p1*(ieta-p0)*(ieta-p0));
  //std::cout << "ECEC fEta = " << correctedEnergy << std::endl;
  return correctedEnergy;

double ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEtaBarrelBad ( double  scEta) const [private]

Definition at line 382 of file

References abs, p1, p2, p3, p4, and x.

  // f(eta) for the class = 30 (estimated from 1Mevt single e sample)
  // Ivica's new corrections 01/06
  float p0 =  9.99063e-01;
  float p1 = -2.63341e-02;
  float p2 =  5.16054e-02;
  float p3 = -4.95976e-02;
  float p4 =  3.62304e-03;
  double x  = (double) std::abs(scEta) ;
  return p0 + p1*x + p2*x*x + p3*x*x*x + p4*x*x*x*x ;
double ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEtaBarrelGood ( double  scEta) const [private]

Definition at line 369 of file

References abs, p1, p2, p3, p4, and x.

  // f(eta) for the first 3 classes (0, 10 and 20) (estimated from 1Mevt single e sample)
  // Ivica's new corrections 01/06
  float p0 =  1.00149e+00 ;
  float p1 = -2.06622e-03 ;
  float p2 = -1.08793e-02 ;
  float p3 =  1.54392e-02 ;
  float p4 = -1.02056e-02 ;
  double x  = (double) std::abs(scEta) ;
  return p0 + p1*x + p2*x*x + p3*x*x*x + p4*x*x*x*x ;
double ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEtaEndcapBad ( double  scEta) const [private]

Definition at line 408 of file

References abs, p1, p2, p3, p4, and x.

  // f(eta) for the class = 130-134
  // Ivica's new corrections 01/06
  float p0 =        -4.25221e+00 ;
  float p1 =         1.01936e+01 ;
  float p2 =        -7.48247e+00 ;
  float p3 =         2.45520e+00 ;
  float p4 =        -3.02872e-01 ;
  double x  = (double) std::abs(scEta);
  return p0 + p1*x + p2*x*x + p3*x*x*x + p4*x*x*x*x ;
double ElectronEnergyCorrector::fEtaEndcapGood ( double  scEta) const [private]

Definition at line 395 of file

References abs, p1, p2, p3, p4, and x.

  // f(eta) for the first 3 classes (100, 110 and 120)
  // Ivica's new corrections 01/06
  float p0 = -8.51093e-01 ;
  float p1 =  3.54266e+00 ;
  float p2 = -2.59288e+00 ;
  float p3 = 8.58945e-01 ;
  float p4 = -1.07844e-01 ;
  double x  = (double) std::abs(scEta) ;
  return p0 + p1*x + p2*x*x + p3*x*x*x + p4*x*x*x*x ;
void ElectronEnergyCorrector::simpleParameterizationUncertainty ( reco::GsfElectron electron)

Definition at line 36 of file

References reco::GsfElectron::correctedEcalEnergy(), energyError(), error, reco::GsfElectron::isEB(), reco::GsfElectron::isEE(), and reco::GsfElectron::setCorrectedEcalEnergyError().

Referenced by GsfElectronAlgo::createElectron().

  double error = 999. ;
  double ecalEnergy = electron.correctedEcalEnergy() ;

  if (electron.isEB())
    float parEB[3] = { 5.24e-02,  2.01e-01, 1.00e-02} ;
    error =  ecalEnergy*energyError(ecalEnergy,parEB) ;
  else if (electron.isEE())
    float parEE[3] = { 1.46e-01, 9.21e-01, 1.94e-03} ;
    error =  ecalEnergy*energyError(ecalEnergy,parEE) ;
   { edm::LogWarning("ElectronEnergyCorrector::simpleParameterizationUncertainty")<<"nor barrel neither endcap electron !" ; }

  electron.setCorrectedEcalEnergyError(error) ;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 36 of file ElectronEnergyCorrector.h.