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TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection > Class Template Reference

#include <TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.


struct  FitResult

Public Member Functions

 TtSemiLepHitFitProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~TtSemiLepHitFitProducer ()

Private Types

typedef hitfit::RunHitFit
< pat::Electron, pat::Muon,
pat::Jet, pat::MET

Private Member Functions

virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)

Private Attributes

std::string bTagAlgo_
 input tag for b-tagging algorithm
< pat::Electron
edm::FileInPath hitfitBJetResolution_
edm::FileInPath hitfitDefault_
edm::FileInPath hitfitElectronResolution_
edm::FileInPath hitfitMETResolution_
edm::FileInPath hitfitMuonResolution_
edm::FileInPath hitfitUdscJetResolution_
double jes_
 jet energy scale
double jesB_
std::string jetCorrectionLevel_
 jet correction level
edm::InputTag jets_
< pat::Jet
edm::InputTag leps_
double maxBTagValueNonBJet_
 max value of bTag for a non-b-jet
double maxEtaEle_
 maximum eta value for electrons, needed to limited range in which resolutions are provided
double maxEtaJet_
 maximum eta value for jets, needed to limited range in which resolutions are provided
double maxEtaMu_
 maximum eta value for muons, needed to limited range in which resolutions are provided
int maxNComb_
 maximal number of combinations to be written to the event
int maxNJets_
 maximal number of jets (-1 possible to indicate 'all')
edm::InputTag mets_
< pat::MET
double minBTagValueBJet_
 min value of bTag for a b-jet
double mTop_
< pat::Muon
double mW_
bool useBTag_
 switch to tell whether to use b-tagging or not

Detailed Description

template<typename LeptonCollection>
class TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >

Definition at line 20 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename LeptonCollection >
typedef hitfit::RunHitFit<pat::Electron,pat::Muon,pat::Jet,pat::MET> TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::PatHitFit [private]

Definition at line 83 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename LeptonCollection >
TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::TtSemiLepHitFitProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg) [explicit]

Definition at line 101 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

References TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::electronTranslator_, edm::FileInPath::fullPath(), TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::HitFit, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::hitfitDefault_, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::jetTranslator_, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxEtaEle_, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxEtaJet_, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxEtaMu_, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::metTranslator_, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::mTop_, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::muonTranslator_, and TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::mW_.

  jets_                    (cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jets")),
  leps_                    (cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("leps")),
  mets_                    (cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("mets")),
  maxNJets_                (cfg.getParameter<int>          ("maxNJets"            )),
  maxNComb_                (cfg.getParameter<int>          ("maxNComb"            )),
  bTagAlgo_                (cfg.getParameter<std::string>  ("bTagAlgo"            )),
  minBTagValueBJet_        (cfg.getParameter<double>       ("minBDiscBJets"       )),
  maxBTagValueNonBJet_     (cfg.getParameter<double>       ("maxBDiscLightJets"   )),
  useBTag_                 (cfg.getParameter<bool>         ("useBTagging"         )),
  mW_                      (cfg.getParameter<double>       ("mW"                  )),
  mTop_                    (cfg.getParameter<double>       ("mTop"                )),
  jetCorrectionLevel_      (cfg.getParameter<std::string>  ("jetCorrectionLevel"  )),
  jes_                     (cfg.getParameter<double>       ("jes"                 )),
  jesB_                    (cfg.getParameter<double>       ("jesB"                )),

  // The following five initializers read the config parameters for the
  // ASCII text files which contains the physics object resolutions.
  hitfitDefault_           (cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::FileInPath>(std::string("hitfitDefault"),
  hitfitMuonResolution_    (cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::FileInPath>(std::string("hitfitMuonResolution"),
  hitfitUdscJetResolution_ (cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::FileInPath>(std::string("hitfitUdscJetResolution"),
  hitfitBJetResolution_    (cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::FileInPath>(std::string("hitfitBJetResolution"),
  hitfitMETResolution_     (cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::FileInPath>(std::string("hitfitElectronResolution"),

  // The following four initializers instantiate the translator between PAT objects
  // and HitFit objects using the ASCII text files which contains the resolutions.
  muonTranslator_    (hitfitMuonResolution_.fullPath()),
  jetTranslator_     (hitfitUdscJetResolution_.fullPath(), hitfitBJetResolution_.fullPath(), jetCorrectionLevel_, jes_, jesB_),
  metTranslator_     (hitfitMETResolution_.fullPath())

  // Create an instance of RunHitFit and initialize it.
  HitFit = new PatHitFit(electronTranslator_,

  maxEtaMu_  = 2.4;
  maxEtaEle_ = 2.5;
  maxEtaJet_ = 2.5;

  edm::LogVerbatim( "TopHitFit" )
    << "\n"
    << "+++++++++++ TtSemiLepHitFitProducer ++++++++++++ \n"
    << " Due to the eta ranges for which resolutions     \n"
    << " are provided in                                 \n"
    << " TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/data/resolution/     \n"
    << " so far, the following cuts are currently        \n"
    << " implemented in the TtSemiLepHitFitProducer:     \n"
    << " |eta(muons    )| <= " << maxEtaMu_  <<        " \n"
    << " |eta(electrons)| <= " << maxEtaEle_ <<        " \n"
    << " |eta(jets     )| <= " << maxEtaJet_ <<        " \n"
    << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n";

  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsHadP");
  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsHadQ");
  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsHadB");
  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("PartonsLepB");
  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("Leptons");
  produces< std::vector<pat::Particle> >("Neutrinos");

  produces< std::vector<std::vector<int> > >();
  produces< std::vector<double> >("Chi2");
  produces< std::vector<double> >("Prob");
  produces< std::vector<double> >("MT");
  produces< std::vector<double> >("SigMT");
  produces< std::vector<int> >("Status");
template<typename LeptonCollection >
TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::~TtSemiLepHitFitProducer ( )

Definition at line 183 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

  delete HitFit;

Member Function Documentation

template<typename LeptonCollection >
void TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::produce ( edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup setup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 189 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

References abs, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::Chi2, eta(), funct::exp(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), TtSemiLepEvtPartons::HadB, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::HadB, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::HadP, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::HadQ, i, metsig::jet, hitfit::Lepjets_Event::jet(), TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::JetCombi, analyzePatCleaning_cfg::jets, hitfit::Lepjets_Event::lep(), TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LepB, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::LepB, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::LepL, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::LepN, TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQ, TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQBar, hitfit::Lepjets_Event::met(), TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::MT, nPartons, hitfit::Lepjets_Event_Lep::p(), TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::Prob, edm::Event::put(), query::result, TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::SigMT, and TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::FitResult::Status.

  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsHadP( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsHadQ( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsHadB( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pPartonsLepB( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pLeptons    ( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<pat::Particle> > pNeutrinos  ( new std::vector<pat::Particle> );

  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<std::vector<int> > > pCombi ( new std::vector<std::vector<int> > );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<double>            > pChi2  ( new std::vector<double> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<double>            > pProb  ( new std::vector<double> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<double>            > pMT    ( new std::vector<double> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<double>            > pSigMT ( new std::vector<double> );
  std::auto_ptr< std::vector<int>               > pStatus( new std::vector<int> );

  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Jet> > jets;
  evt.getByLabel(jets_, jets);

  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::MET> > mets;
  evt.getByLabel(mets_, mets);

  edm::Handle<LeptonCollection> leps;
  evt.getByLabel(leps_, leps);

  // -----------------------------------------------------
  // skip events with no appropriate lepton candidate in
  // or empty MET or less jets than partons
  // -----------------------------------------------------

  const unsigned int nPartons = 4;

  // Clear the internal state

  // Add lepton into HitFit
  bool foundLepton = false;
  if(!leps->empty()) {
    double maxEtaLep = maxEtaMu_;
    if( !dynamic_cast<const reco::Muon*>(&((*leps)[0])) ) // assume electron if it is not a muon
      maxEtaLep = maxEtaEle_;
    for(unsigned iLep=0; iLep<(*leps).size() && !foundLepton; ++iLep) {
      if(std::abs((*leps)[iLep].eta()) <= maxEtaLep) {
        foundLepton = true;

  // Add jets into HitFit
  int nJetsFound = 0;
  for(unsigned iJet=0; iJet<(*jets).size() && nJetsFound!=maxNJets_; ++iJet) {
    if(std::abs((*jets)[iJet].eta()) <= maxEtaJet_) {

  // Add missing transverse energy into HitFit

  if( !foundLepton || mets->empty() || (unsigned)nJetsFound<nPartons ) {
    // the kinFit getters return empty objects here
    pPartonsHadP->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pPartonsHadQ->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pPartonsHadB->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pPartonsLepB->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pLeptons    ->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pNeutrinos  ->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    // indices referring to the jet combination
    std::vector<int> invalidCombi;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nPartons; ++i)
      invalidCombi.push_back( -1 );
    pCombi->push_back( invalidCombi );
    // chi2
    pChi2->push_back( -1. );
    // chi2 probability
    pProb->push_back( -1. );
    // fitted top mass
    pMT->push_back( -1. );
    pSigMT->push_back( -1. );
    // status of the fitter
    pStatus->push_back( -1 );
    // feed out all products
    evt.put(pPartonsHadP, "PartonsHadP");
    evt.put(pPartonsHadQ, "PartonsHadQ");
    evt.put(pPartonsHadB, "PartonsHadB");
    evt.put(pPartonsLepB, "PartonsLepB");
    evt.put(pLeptons    , "Leptons"    );
    evt.put(pNeutrinos  , "Neutrinos"  );
    evt.put(pChi2       , "Chi2"       );
    evt.put(pProb       , "Prob"       );
    evt.put(pMT         , "MT"         );
    evt.put(pSigMT      , "SigMT"      );
    evt.put(pStatus     , "Status"     );

  std::list<FitResult> FitResultList;


  // In this part are variables from the
  // kinematic fit procedure

  // Number of all permutations of the event
  size_t nHitFit    = 0 ;

  // Number of jets in the event
  size_t nHitFitJet = 0 ;

  // Results of the fit for all jet permutations of the event
  std::vector<hitfit::Fit_Result> hitFitResult;

  // R U N   H I T F I T
  // Run the kinematic fit and get how many permutations are possible
  // in the fit

  nHitFit         = HitFit->FitAllPermutation();


  // Get the number of jets
  nHitFitJet = HitFit->GetUnfittedEvent()[0].njets();

  // Get the fit results for all permutations
  hitFitResult = HitFit->GetFitAllPermutation();

  // Loop over all permutations and extract the information
  for (size_t fit = 0 ; fit != nHitFit ; ++fit) {

      // Get the event after the fit
      hitfit::Lepjets_Event fittedEvent = hitFitResult[fit].ev();

        Get jet permutation according to TQAF convention
        11 : leptonic b
        12 : hadronic b
        13 : hadronic W
        14 : hadronic W
      std::vector<int> hitCombi(4);
      for (size_t jet = 0 ; jet != nHitFitJet ; ++jet) {
          int jet_type = fittedEvent.jet(jet).type();

          switch(jet_type) {
            case 11: hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LepB     ] = jet;
            case 12: hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::HadB     ] = jet;
            case 13: hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQ   ] = jet;
            case 14: hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQBar] = jet;

      // Store the kinematic quantities in the corresponding containers.

      hitfit::Lepjets_Event_Jet hadP_ = fittedEvent.jet(hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQ   ]);
      hitfit::Lepjets_Event_Jet hadQ_ = fittedEvent.jet(hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQBar]);
      hitfit::Lepjets_Event_Jet hadB_ = fittedEvent.jet(hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::HadB     ]);
      hitfit::Lepjets_Event_Jet lepB_ = fittedEvent.jet(hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LepB     ]);
      hitfit::Lepjets_Event_Lep lepL_ = fittedEvent.lep(0);

  std::string bTagAlgo_;
  double minBTagValueBJet_;
  double maxBTagValueNonBJet_;
  bool useBTag_;

      if (   hitFitResult[fit].chisq() > 0    // only take into account converged fits
          && (!useBTag_ || (   useBTag_       // use btag information if chosen
                            && jets->at(hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQ   ]).bDiscriminator(bTagAlgo_) < maxBTagValueNonBJet_
                            && jets->at(hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQBar]).bDiscriminator(bTagAlgo_) < maxBTagValueNonBJet_
                            && jets->at(hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::HadB     ]).bDiscriminator(bTagAlgo_) > minBTagValueBJet_
                            && jets->at(hitCombi[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LepB     ]).bDiscriminator(bTagAlgo_) > minBTagValueBJet_
          ) {
        FitResult result;
        result.Status = 0;
        result.Chi2 = hitFitResult[fit].chisq();
        result.Prob = exp(-1.0*(hitFitResult[fit].chisq())/2.0);
        result.MT   = hitFitResult[fit].mt();
        result.SigMT= hitFitResult[fit].sigmt();
        result.HadB = pat::Particle(reco::LeafCandidate(0,
                                       math::XYZTLorentzVector(hadB_.p().x(), hadB_.p().y(),
                                       hadB_.p().z(), hadB_.p().t()), math::XYZPoint()));
        result.HadP = pat::Particle(reco::LeafCandidate(0,
                                       math::XYZTLorentzVector(hadP_.p().x(), hadP_.p().y(),
                                       hadP_.p().z(), hadP_.p().t()), math::XYZPoint()));
        result.HadQ = pat::Particle(reco::LeafCandidate(0,
                                       math::XYZTLorentzVector(hadQ_.p().x(), hadQ_.p().y(),
                                       hadQ_.p().z(), hadQ_.p().t()), math::XYZPoint()));
        result.LepB = pat::Particle(reco::LeafCandidate(0,
                                       math::XYZTLorentzVector(lepB_.p().x(), lepB_.p().y(),
                                       lepB_.p().z(), lepB_.p().t()), math::XYZPoint()));
        result.LepL = pat::Particle(reco::LeafCandidate(0,
                                       math::XYZTLorentzVector(lepL_.p().x(), lepL_.p().y(),
                                       lepL_.p().z(), lepL_.p().t()), math::XYZPoint()));
        result.LepN = pat::Particle(reco::LeafCandidate(0,
                                       math::XYZTLorentzVector(fittedEvent.met().x(), fittedEvent.met().y(),
                                       fittedEvent.met().z(), fittedEvent.met().t()), math::XYZPoint()));
        result.JetCombi = hitCombi;



  // sort results w.r.t. chi2 values

  // -----------------------------------------------------
  // feed out result
  // starting with the JetComb having the smallest chi2
  // -----------------------------------------------------

  if( ((unsigned)FitResultList.size())<1 ) { // in case no fit results were stored in the list (all fits aborted)
    pPartonsHadP->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pPartonsHadQ->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pPartonsHadB->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pPartonsLepB->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pLeptons    ->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    pNeutrinos  ->push_back( pat::Particle() );
    // indices referring to the jet combination
    std::vector<int> invalidCombi;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nPartons; ++i)
      invalidCombi.push_back( -1 );
    pCombi->push_back( invalidCombi );
    // chi2
    pChi2->push_back( -1. );
    // chi2 probability
    pProb->push_back( -1. );
    // fitted top mass
    pMT->push_back( -1. );
    pSigMT->push_back( -1. );
    // status of the fitter
    pStatus->push_back( -1 );
  else {
    unsigned int iComb = 0;
    for(typename std::list<FitResult>::const_iterator result = FitResultList.begin(); result != FitResultList.end(); ++result) {
      if(maxNComb_ >= 1 && iComb == (unsigned int) maxNComb_) break;
      // partons
      pPartonsHadP->push_back( result->HadP );
      pPartonsHadQ->push_back( result->HadQ );
      pPartonsHadB->push_back( result->HadB );
      pPartonsLepB->push_back( result->LepB );
      // lepton
      pLeptons->push_back( result->LepL );
      // neutrino
      pNeutrinos->push_back( result->LepN );
      // indices referring to the jet combination
      pCombi->push_back( result->JetCombi );
      // chi2
      pChi2->push_back( result->Chi2 );
      // chi2 probability
      pProb->push_back( result->Prob );
      // fitted top mass
      pMT->push_back( result->MT );
      pSigMT->push_back( result->SigMT );
      // status of the fitter
      pStatus->push_back( result->Status );
  evt.put(pPartonsHadP, "PartonsHadP");
  evt.put(pPartonsHadQ, "PartonsHadQ");
  evt.put(pPartonsHadB, "PartonsHadB");
  evt.put(pPartonsLepB, "PartonsLepB");
  evt.put(pLeptons    , "Leptons"    );
  evt.put(pNeutrinos  , "Neutrinos"  );
  evt.put(pChi2       , "Chi2"       );
  evt.put(pProb       , "Prob"       );
  evt.put(pMT         , "MT"         );
  evt.put(pSigMT      , "SigMT"      );
  evt.put(pStatus     , "Status"     );

Member Data Documentation

template<typename LeptonCollection >
std::string TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::bTagAlgo_ [private]

input tag for b-tagging algorithm

Definition at line 48 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
hitfit::LeptonTranslatorBase<pat::Electron> TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::electronTranslator_ [private]
template<typename LeptonCollection >
PatHitFit* TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::HitFit [private]
template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::FileInPath TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::hitfitBJetResolution_ [private]

Definition at line 89 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::FileInPath TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::hitfitDefault_ [private]
template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::FileInPath TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::hitfitElectronResolution_ [private]

Definition at line 86 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::FileInPath TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::hitfitMETResolution_ [private]

Definition at line 90 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::FileInPath TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::hitfitMuonResolution_ [private]

Definition at line 87 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::FileInPath TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::hitfitUdscJetResolution_ [private]

Definition at line 88 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::jes_ [private]

jet energy scale

Definition at line 64 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::jesB_ [private]

Definition at line 65 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
std::string TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::jetCorrectionLevel_ [private]

jet correction level

Definition at line 61 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::InputTag TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::jets_ [private]

Definition at line 31 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
hitfit::JetTranslatorBase<pat::Jet> TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::jetTranslator_ [private]
template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::InputTag TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::leps_ [private]

Definition at line 32 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxBTagValueNonBJet_ [private]

max value of bTag for a non-b-jet

Definition at line 52 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxEtaEle_ [private]

maximum eta value for electrons, needed to limited range in which resolutions are provided

Definition at line 43 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

Referenced by TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::TtSemiLepHitFitProducer().

template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxEtaJet_ [private]

maximum eta value for jets, needed to limited range in which resolutions are provided

Definition at line 45 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

Referenced by TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::TtSemiLepHitFitProducer().

template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxEtaMu_ [private]

maximum eta value for muons, needed to limited range in which resolutions are provided

Definition at line 41 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

Referenced by TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::TtSemiLepHitFitProducer().

template<typename LeptonCollection >
int TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxNComb_ [private]

maximal number of combinations to be written to the event

Definition at line 38 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
int TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::maxNJets_ [private]

maximal number of jets (-1 possible to indicate 'all')

Definition at line 36 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
edm::InputTag TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::mets_ [private]

Definition at line 33 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
hitfit::METTranslatorBase<pat::MET> TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::metTranslator_ [private]
template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::minBTagValueBJet_ [private]

min value of bTag for a b-jet

Definition at line 50 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.

template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::mTop_ [private]
template<typename LeptonCollection >
hitfit::LeptonTranslatorBase<pat::Muon> TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::muonTranslator_ [private]
template<typename LeptonCollection >
double TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::mW_ [private]
template<typename LeptonCollection >
bool TtSemiLepHitFitProducer< LeptonCollection >::useBTag_ [private]

switch to tell whether to use b-tagging or not

Definition at line 54 of file TtSemiLepHitFitProducer.h.