Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables

fireworks Namespace Reference


namespace  expression
namespace  geometry
namespace  table


class  Context
struct  jetScaleMarker
class  OptionNode
struct  OptionNodePtrCompare
struct  OptionNodePtrEqual
struct  scaleMarker
struct  State
class  StateOrdering


bool acceptDataFormatsVersion (TString &n)
void addBox (const std::vector< float > &corners, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *)
void addCircle (double eta, double phi, double radius, const unsigned int nLineSegments, TEveElement *comp, FWProxyBuilderBase *pb)
void addDashedArrow (double phi, double size, TEveElement *comp, FWProxyBuilderBase *pb)
void addDashedLine (double phi, double theta, double size, TEveElement *comp, FWProxyBuilderBase *pb)
void addDoubleLines (double phi, TEveElement *comp, FWProxyBuilderBase *pb)
void addRhoZEnergyProjection (FWProxyBuilderBase *, TEveElement *, double r_ecal, double z_ecal, double theta_min, double theta_max, double phi)
void addSiStripClusters (const FWEventItem *iItem, const reco::Track &t, class TEveElement *tList, bool addNearbyClusters, bool master)
void addStraightLineSegment (TEveStraightLineSet *marker, reco::Candidate const *cand, double scale_factor=2)
const TGGC & boldGC ()
void createSegment (int detector, bool matchedSegment, float segmentLength, float segmentLimit, float *segmentPosition, float *segmentDirection, float *segmentInnerPoint, float *segmentOuterPoint)
const TString datadir ("/src/Fireworks/Core/")
void drawEnergyScaledBox3D (const float *corners, float scale, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *, bool invert=false)
void drawEnergyTower3D (const float *corners, float scale, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *, bool reflect=false)
void drawEtScaledBox3D (const float *corners, float energy, float maxEnergy, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *, bool reflect=false)
void drawEtTower3D (const float *corners, float scale, TEveElement *, FWProxyBuilderBase *, bool reflect=false)
void energyScaledBox3DCorners (const float *corners, float scale, std::vector< float > &, bool invert=false)
void energyTower3DCorners (const float *corners, float scale, std::vector< float > &, bool reflect=false)
void etScaledBox3DCorners (const float *corners, float energy, float maxEnergy, std::vector< float > &scaledCorners, bool reflect=false)
void etTower3DCorners (const float *corners, float scale, std::vector< float > &, bool reflect=false)
const SiStripClusterextractClusterFromTrackingRecHit (const TrackingRecHit *rh)
void getDecomposedVersion (const TString &s, int *out)
std::string getLocalTime (const edm::EventBase &event)
std::pair< double, double > getPhiRange (const std::vector< double > &phis, double phi)
TEveGeoShape * getShape (const char *name, TGeoBBox *shape, Color_t color)
std::string getTimeGMT (const edm::EventBase &event)
const TGGC & greenGC ()
std::string info (const std::set< DetId > &)
std::string info (const std::vector< DetId > &)
std::string info (const DetId &)
void invertBox (std::vector< float > &corners)
const TGGC & italicGC ()
void localSiStrip (short strip, float *localTop, float *localBottom, const float *pars, unsigned int id)
TEveJetCone * makeEveJetCone (const reco::Jet &iData, const fireworks::Context &context)
bool makeRhoPhiSuperCluster (FWProxyBuilderBase *, const reco::SuperClusterRef &iCluster, float iPhi, TEveElement &oItemHolder)
bool makeRhoZSuperCluster (FWProxyBuilderBase *, const reco::SuperClusterRef &iCluster, float iPhi, TEveElement &oItemHolder)
float pixelLocalX (const double mpx, const int m_nrows)
float pixelLocalY (const double mpy, const int m_ncols)
TEveTrack * prepareCandidate (const reco::Candidate &track, TEveTrackPropagator *propagator)
TEveTrack * prepareTrack (const reco::Track &track, TEveTrackPropagator *propagator, const std::vector< TEveVector > &extraRefPoints=std::vector< TEveVector >())
void pushNearbyPixelHits (std::vector< TVector3 > &pixelPoints, const FWEventItem &iItem, const reco::Track &t)
void pushPixelCluster (std::vector< TVector3 > &pixelPoints, const FWGeometry &geom, DetId id, const SiPixelCluster &c, const float *pars)
void pushPixelHits (std::vector< TVector3 > &pixelPoints, const FWEventItem &iItem, const reco::Track &t)
const TGGC & redGC ()
void setPath (TString &v)
void setTrackTypePF (const reco::PFCandidate &pfCand, TAttLine *track)
void setupAddElement (TEveElement *el, TEveElement *parent, const FWEventItem *item, bool master, bool color)
int * supportedDataFormatsVersion ()
std::vector< std::pair< double,
double > > 
thetaBins ()


static const int BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X = 1
static const int BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y = 2
static const int COLS_PER_ROC = 52
static const double MICRON = 1./1000./10.
const TString p1 = gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_BASE") + datadir
const TString p2 = gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE") + datadir
static const double PITCHX = 100*MICRON
static const double PITCHY = 150*MICRON
static const int ROWS_PER_ROC = 80
static const std::string subdets [7] = { "UNKNOWN", "PXB", "PXF", "TIB", "TID", "TOB", "TEC" }

Function Documentation

bool fireworks::acceptDataFormatsVersion ( TString &  n)

Definition at line 72 of file

References getDecomposedVersion(), supportedDataFormatsVersion(), and v.

Referenced by FWFileEntry::openFile().

   int v[] = {0, 0, 0};
   getDecomposedVersion(n, v);
   return v[0] == supportedDataFormatsVersion()[0];
void fireworks::addBox ( const std::vector< float > &  corners,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb 

Definition at line 146 of file

References FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement().

Referenced by drawEnergyScaledBox3D(), drawEnergyTower3D(), drawEtScaledBox3D(), and drawEtTower3D().

      TEveBox* eveBox = new TEveBox( "Box" );    
      eveBox->SetDrawFrame( false );
      eveBox->SetPickable( true );      
      eveBox->SetVertices( &corners[0] );

      pb->setupAddElement( eveBox, comp );
void fireworks::addCircle ( double  eta,
double  phi,
double  radius,
const unsigned int  nLineSegments,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb 

Definition at line 156 of file

References funct::cos(), M_PI, FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement(), and funct::sin().

Referenced by FWL1MuonParticleLegoProxyBuilder::build(), FWL1JetParticleLegoProxyBuilder::build(), FWJetLegoProxyBuilder::build(), FWPFTauProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), FWCaloTauProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), and RoadSearchSeedFinderAlgorithm::calculateCircleSeedsFromHits().

      TEveStraightLineSet* container = new TEveStraightLineSet;
      for( unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < nLineSegments; ++iphi )
         container->AddLine( eta + radius * cos( 2 * M_PI / nLineSegments * iphi ),
                             phi + radius * sin( 2 * M_PI / nLineSegments * iphi ),
                             eta + radius * cos( 2 * M_PI / nLineSegments * ( iphi + 1 )),
                             phi + radius * sin( 2 * M_PI / nLineSegments * ( iphi + 1 )),
                             0.01 );
      pb->setupAddElement( container, comp );
void fireworks::addDashedArrow ( double  phi,
double  size,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb 

Definition at line 172 of file

References funct::cos(), FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement(), and funct::sin().

Referenced by FWL1EtMissParticleGlimpseProxyBuilder::build(), and FWMETGlimpseProxyBuilder::build().

      TEveScalableStraightLineSet* marker = new TEveScalableStraightLineSet;
      marker->SetLineWidth( 1 );
      marker->SetLineStyle( 2 );
      marker->AddLine( 0, 0, 0, size * cos( phi ), size * sin( phi ), 0 );
      marker->AddLine( size * 0.9 * cos( phi + 0.03 ), size * 0.9 * sin( phi + 0.03 ), 0, size * cos( phi ), size * sin( phi ), 0 );
      marker->AddLine( size * 0.9 * cos( phi - 0.03 ), size * 0.9 * sin( phi - 0.03 ), 0, size * cos( phi ), size * sin( phi ), 0 );
      pb->setupAddElement( marker, comp );      
void fireworks::addDashedLine ( double  phi,
double  theta,
double  size,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb 

Definition at line 183 of file

References fireworks::Context::caloR1(), fireworks::Context::caloZ2(), FWProxyBuilderBase::context(), funct::cos(), M_PI, alignCSCRings::r, FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement(), and funct::sin().

Referenced by FWL1JetParticleProxyBuilder::build(), FWL1EmParticleProxyBuilder::build(), FWL1EtMissParticleProxyBuilder::build(), and FWL1MuonParticleProxyBuilder::build().

      double r( 0 );
      if( theta < pb->context().caloTransAngle() || M_PI - theta < pb->context().caloTransAngle())
         r = pb->context().caloZ2() / fabs( cos( theta ));
         r = pb->context().caloR1() / sin( theta );
      TEveStraightLineSet* marker = new TEveStraightLineSet;
      marker->SetLineWidth( 2 );
      marker->SetLineStyle( 2 );
      marker->AddLine( r * cos( phi ) * sin( theta ), r * sin( phi ) * sin( theta ), r * cos( theta ),
                       ( r + size ) * cos( phi ) * sin( theta ), ( r + size ) * sin( phi ) * sin( theta ), ( r + size ) * cos( theta ));
      pb->setupAddElement( marker, comp );      
void fireworks::addDoubleLines ( double  phi,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb 

Definition at line 199 of file

References M_PI, and FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement().

Referenced by FWL1EtMissParticleLegoProxyBuilder::build(), and FWMETLegoProxyBuilder::build().

      TEveStraightLineSet* mainLine = new TEveStraightLineSet;
      mainLine->AddLine( -5.191, phi, 0.01, 5.191, phi, 0.01 );
      pb->setupAddElement( mainLine, comp );
      phi = phi > 0 ? phi - M_PI : phi + M_PI;
      TEveStraightLineSet* secondLine = new TEveStraightLineSet;
      secondLine->SetLineStyle( 7 );
      secondLine->AddLine( -5.191, phi, 0.01, 5.191, phi, 0.01 );
      pb->setupAddElement( secondLine, comp );      
void fireworks::addRhoZEnergyProjection ( FWProxyBuilderBase pb,
TEveElement *  container,
double  r_ecal,
double  z_ecal,
double  theta_min,
double  theta_max,
double  phi 

Definition at line 60 of file

References diffTwoXMLs::r1, diffTwoXMLs::r2, FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement(), lumiQTWidget::t, and funct::tan().

Referenced by FWTauProxyBuilderBase::buildBaseTau(), FWMETProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), and makeRhoZSuperCluster().

      TEveGeoManagerHolder gmgr( TEveGeoShape::GetGeoMangeur());
      double z1 = r_ecal / tan( theta_min );
      if( z1 > z_ecal ) z1 = z_ecal;
      if( z1 < -z_ecal ) z1 = -z_ecal;
      double z2 = r_ecal / tan( theta_max );
      if( z2 > z_ecal ) z2 = z_ecal;
      if( z2 < -z_ecal ) z2 = -z_ecal;
      double r1 = z_ecal * fabs( tan( theta_min ));
      if( r1 > r_ecal ) r1 = r_ecal;
      if( phi < 0 ) r1 = -r1;
      double r2 = z_ecal * fabs( tan( theta_max ));
      if( r2 > r_ecal ) r2 = r_ecal;
      if( phi < 0 ) r2 = -r2;

      if( fabs(r2 - r1) > 1 )
         TGeoBBox *sc_box = new TGeoBBox( 0., fabs( r2 - r1 ) / 2, 1 );
         TEveGeoShape *element = new TEveGeoShape("r-segment");
         TEveTrans &t = element->RefMainTrans();
         t(1,4) = 0;
         t(2,4) = (r2+r1)/2;
         t(3,4) = fabs(z2)>fabs(z1) ? z2 : z1;
         pb->setupAddElement(element, container);
      if( fabs(z2 - z1) > 1 )
         TGeoBBox *sc_box = new TGeoBBox( 0., 1, ( z2 - z1 ) / 2 );
         TEveGeoShape *element = new TEveGeoShape("z-segment");
         element->SetShape( sc_box );
         TEveTrans &t = element->RefMainTrans();
         t(1,4) = 0;
         t(2,4) = fabs(r2)>fabs(r1) ? r2 : r1;
         t(3,4) = (z2+z1)/2;
         pb->setupAddElement(element, container);
void fireworks::addSiStripClusters ( const FWEventItem iItem,
const reco::Track t,
class TEveElement *  tList,
bool  addNearbyClusters,
bool  master 

Definition at line 404 of file

References edmNew::DetSet< T >::begin(), FWGeometry::contains(), edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::end(), edmNew::DetSet< T >::end(), extractClusterFromTrackingRecHit(), edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::find(), SiStripCluster::firstStrip(), fwLog, TrackingRecHit::geographicalId(), relativeConstraints::geom, FWEventItem::getGeom(), FWGeometry::getParameters(), TrackingRecHit::isValid(), fwlog::kDebug, fwlog::kError, localSiStrip(), FWGeometry::localToGlobal(), DetId::rawId(), reco::Track::recHitsBegin(), reco::Track::recHitsEnd(), and setupAddElement().

Referenced by FWTrackHitsDetailView::addHits(), FWConvTrackHitsDetailView::addHits(), and FWTracksRecHitsProxyBuilder::build().

   // master is true if the product is for proxy builder
   const FWGeometry *geom = iItem->getGeom();

   const edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> * allClusters = 0;
   if( addNearbyClusters )
      for( trackingRecHit_iterator it = t.recHitsBegin(), itEnd = t.recHitsEnd(); it != itEnd; ++it )
         if( typeid( **it ) == typeid( SiStripRecHit2D ))
            const SiStripRecHit2D &hit = static_cast<const SiStripRecHit2D &>( **it );
            if( hit.cluster().isNonnull() && hit.cluster().isAvailable())
               allClusters = hit.cluster().product();
         else if( typeid( **it ) == typeid( SiStripRecHit1D ))
            const SiStripRecHit1D &hit = static_cast<const SiStripRecHit1D &>( **it );
            if( hit.cluster().isNonnull() && hit.cluster().isAvailable())
               allClusters = hit.cluster().product();

   for( trackingRecHit_iterator it = t.recHitsBegin(), itEnd = t.recHitsEnd(); it != itEnd; ++it )
      unsigned int rawid = (*it)->geographicalId();
      if( ! geom->contains( rawid ))
         fwLog( fwlog::kError )
           << "failed to get geometry of SiStripCluster with detid: " 
           << rawid << std::endl;
      const float* pars = geom->getParameters( rawid );
      // -- get phi from SiStripHit
      TrackingRecHitRef rechitRef = *it;
      const TrackingRecHit *rechit = &( *rechitRef );
      const SiStripCluster *cluster = extractClusterFromTrackingRecHit( rechit );

      if( cluster )
         if( allClusters != 0 )
            const edmNew::DetSet<SiStripCluster> & clustersOnThisDet = (*allClusters)[rechit->geographicalId().rawId()];

            for( edmNew::DetSet<SiStripCluster>::const_iterator itc = clustersOnThisDet.begin(), edc = clustersOnThisDet.end(); itc != edc; ++itc )

               TEveStraightLineSet *scposition = new TEveStraightLineSet;
               scposition->SetDepthTest( false );
               scposition->SetPickable( kTRUE );

               short firststrip = itc->firstStrip();

               if( &*itc == cluster )
                  scposition->SetTitle( Form( "Exact SiStripCluster from TrackingRecHit, first strip %d", firststrip ));
                  scposition->SetLineColor( kGreen );
                  scposition->SetTitle( Form( "SiStripCluster, first strip %d", firststrip ));
                  scposition->SetLineColor( kRed );
               float localTop[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
               float localBottom[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

               fireworks::localSiStrip( firststrip, localTop, localBottom, pars, rawid );

               float globalTop[3];
               float globalBottom[3];
               geom->localToGlobal( rawid, localTop, globalTop, localBottom, globalBottom );
               scposition->AddLine( globalTop[0], globalTop[1], globalTop[2],
                                    globalBottom[0], globalBottom[1], globalBottom[2] );
               setupAddElement( scposition, tList, iItem, master, false );
            short firststrip = cluster->firstStrip();
            TEveStraightLineSet *scposition = new TEveStraightLineSet;
            scposition->SetDepthTest( false );
            scposition->SetPickable( kTRUE );
            scposition->SetTitle( Form( "SiStripCluster, first strip %d", firststrip ));
            float localTop[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
            float localBottom[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

            fireworks::localSiStrip( firststrip, localTop, localBottom, pars, rawid );

            float globalTop[3];
            float globalBottom[3];
            geom->localToGlobal( rawid, localTop, globalTop, localBottom, globalBottom );
            scposition->AddLine( globalTop[0], globalTop[1], globalTop[2],
                                 globalBottom[0], globalBottom[1], globalBottom[2] );
            setupAddElement( scposition, tList, iItem, master, true );
      else if( !rechit->isValid() && ( rawid != 0 )) // lost hit
         if( allClusters != 0 )
            edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster>::const_iterator itds = allClusters->find( rawid );
            if( itds != allClusters->end())
               const edmNew::DetSet<SiStripCluster> & clustersOnThisDet = *itds;
               for( edmNew::DetSet<SiStripCluster>::const_iterator itc = clustersOnThisDet.begin(), edc = clustersOnThisDet.end(); itc != edc; ++itc )
                  short firststrip = itc->firstStrip();

                  TEveStraightLineSet *scposition = new TEveStraightLineSet;
                  scposition->SetDepthTest( false );
                  scposition->SetPickable( kTRUE );
                  scposition->SetTitle( Form( "Lost SiStripCluster, first strip %d", firststrip ));

                  float localTop[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
                  float localBottom[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

                  fireworks::localSiStrip( firststrip, localTop, localBottom, pars, rawid );

                  float globalTop[3];
                  float globalBottom[3];
                  geom->localToGlobal( rawid, localTop, globalTop, localBottom, globalBottom );
                  scposition->AddLine( globalTop[0], globalTop[1], globalTop[2],
                                       globalBottom[0], globalBottom[1], globalBottom[2] );

                  setupAddElement( scposition, tList, iItem, master, false );
                  scposition->SetLineColor( kRed );
         fwLog( fwlog::kDebug )
            << "*ANOTHER* option possible: valid=" << rechit->isValid()
            << ", rawid=" << rawid << std::endl;
void fireworks::addStraightLineSegment ( TEveStraightLineSet *  marker,
reco::Candidate const *  cand,
double  scale_factor = 2 

Definition at line 23 of file

References funct::cos(), reco::Candidate::phi(), phi, reco::Candidate::pt(), funct::sin(), findQualityFiles::size, theta(), and reco::Candidate::theta().

Referenced by FWElectronGlimpseProxyBuilder::build(), and FWMuonGlimpseProxyBuilder::build().

   double phi = cand->phi();
   double theta = cand->theta();
   double size = cand->pt() * scale_factor;
   marker->AddLine( 0, 0, 0, size * cos(phi)*sin(theta), size *sin(phi)*sin(theta), size*cos(theta));
const TGGC & fireworks::boldGC ( )

Definition at line 12 of file

Referenced by FWPSetTableManager::cellRenderer().

   static TGGC s_boldGC(*gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFrameGC());
   TGFontPool *pool = gClient->GetFontPool();
   //TGFont *font = pool->FindFontByHandle(s_boldGC.GetFont());
   //FontAttributes_t attributes = font->GetFontAttributes();
     This doesn't seem to work:
     attributes.fWeight = 1; 
     TGFont *newFont = pool->GetFont(attributes.fFamily, 9,
     attributes.fWeight, attributes.fSlant);

     But this does:
   TGFont* newFont = pool->GetFont("-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
   if ( ! newFont )
      return s_boldGC;

   return s_boldGC;
void fireworks::createSegment ( int  detector,
bool  matchedSegment,
float  segmentLength,
float  segmentLimit,
float *  segmentPosition,
float *  segmentDirection,
float *  segmentInnerPoint,
float *  segmentOuterPoint 

Definition at line 10 of file

References funct::cos(), MuonSubdetId::CSC, MuonSubdetId::DT, fwLog, fwlog::kWarning, mag(), mathSSE::sqrt(), funct::tan(), and theta().

    if( detector == MuonSubdetId::CSC )
      if( matchedSegment )
        segmentOuterPoint[0] = segmentPosition[0] + segmentLength*segmentDirection[0];
        segmentOuterPoint[1] = segmentPosition[1] + segmentLength*segmentDirection[1];
        segmentOuterPoint[2] = segmentLength;

        if( fabs(segmentOuterPoint[1]) > segmentLimit )
          segmentOuterPoint[1] = segmentLimit * ( segmentOuterPoint[1] / fabs( segmentOuterPoint[1] ));

        segmentInnerPoint[0] = segmentPosition[0] - segmentLength*segmentDirection[0];
        segmentInnerPoint[1] = segmentPosition[1] - segmentLength*segmentDirection[1];
        segmentInnerPoint[2] = -segmentLength;

        if( fabs(segmentInnerPoint[1]) > segmentLimit )
          segmentInnerPoint[1] = segmentLimit * ( segmentInnerPoint[1] / fabs( segmentInnerPoint[1] ));

        segmentOuterPoint[0] = segmentPosition[0] + segmentDirection[0] * ( segmentPosition[2] / segmentDirection[2] );
        segmentOuterPoint[1] = segmentPosition[1] + segmentDirection[1] * ( segmentPosition[2] / segmentDirection[2] );
        segmentOuterPoint[2] = segmentPosition[2];

        if( fabs( segmentOuterPoint[1] ) > segmentLength )
          segmentOuterPoint[1] = segmentLength * ( segmentOuterPoint[1]/fabs( segmentOuterPoint[1] ));

        segmentInnerPoint[0] = segmentPosition[0] - segmentDirection[0] * ( segmentPosition[2] / segmentDirection[2] );
        segmentInnerPoint[1] = segmentPosition[1] - segmentDirection[1] * ( segmentPosition[2] / segmentDirection[2] );
        segmentInnerPoint[2] = -segmentPosition[2];

        if( fabs( segmentInnerPoint[1] ) > segmentLength )
          segmentInnerPoint[1] = segmentLength * ( segmentInnerPoint[1] / fabs( segmentInnerPoint[1] ));
    if ( detector == MuonSubdetId::DT )
      if( matchedSegment )
        segmentOuterPoint[0] = segmentPosition[0] + segmentLength*segmentDirection[0];
        segmentOuterPoint[1] = segmentPosition[1] + segmentLength*segmentDirection[1];
        segmentOuterPoint[2] = segmentLength;

        segmentInnerPoint[0] = segmentPosition[0] - segmentLength*segmentDirection[0];
        segmentInnerPoint[1] = segmentPosition[1] - segmentLength*segmentDirection[1];
        segmentInnerPoint[2] = -segmentLength;
        double mag = sqrt( segmentDirection[0] * segmentDirection[0] + 
                           segmentDirection[1] * segmentDirection[1] +
                           segmentDirection[2] * segmentDirection[2] );
        double theta = atan2( sqrt( segmentDirection[0] * segmentDirection[0]
                                  + segmentDirection[1] * segmentDirection[1] ), segmentDirection[2] );

        double newSegmentLength = segmentLength / cos( theta );

        segmentInnerPoint[0] = segmentPosition[0] + ( segmentDirection[0] / mag ) * newSegmentLength;
        segmentInnerPoint[1] = segmentPosition[1] + ( segmentDirection[1] / mag ) * newSegmentLength;
        segmentInnerPoint[2] = segmentPosition[2] + ( segmentDirection[2] / mag ) * newSegmentLength;
        segmentOuterPoint[0] = segmentPosition[0] - ( segmentDirection[0] / mag ) * newSegmentLength;
        segmentOuterPoint[1] = segmentPosition[1] - ( segmentDirection[1] / mag ) * newSegmentLength;
        segmentOuterPoint[2] = segmentPosition[2] - ( segmentDirection[2] / mag ) * newSegmentLength;
        if( fabs(segmentOuterPoint[0]) > segmentLimit )
          segmentOuterPoint[0] = segmentLimit * ( segmentOuterPoint[0]/fabs( segmentOuterPoint[0] ));
          segmentOuterPoint[1] = ( segmentOuterPoint[1]/fabs( segmentOuterPoint[1] )) * tan( theta );
    fwLog( fwlog::kWarning ) << "MuonSubdetId: " << detector << std::endl;
const TString fireworks::datadir ( "/src/Fireworks/Core/"  )
void fireworks::drawEnergyScaledBox3D ( const float *  corners,
float  scale,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb,
bool  invert = false 

Definition at line 239 of file

References addBox(), and energyScaledBox3DCorners().

      std::vector<float> scaledCorners( 24 );
      energyScaledBox3DCorners(corners, scale, scaledCorners, invert);
      addBox( scaledCorners, comp, pb );
void fireworks::drawEnergyTower3D ( const float *  corners,
float  scale,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb,
bool  reflect = false 

Definition at line 323 of file

References addBox(), and energyTower3DCorners().

      std::vector<float> scaledCorners( 24 );
      energyTower3DCorners(corners, scale, scaledCorners, reflect);
      addBox( scaledCorners, comp, pb );
void fireworks::drawEtScaledBox3D ( const float *  corners,
float  energy,
float  maxEnergy,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb,
bool  reflect = false 

Definition at line 276 of file

References addBox(), and etScaledBox3DCorners().

      std::vector<float> scaledCorners( 24 );
      etScaledBox3DCorners(corners, energy, maxEnergy, scaledCorners, invert);
      addBox( scaledCorners, comp, pb );
void fireworks::drawEtTower3D ( const float *  corners,
float  scale,
TEveElement *  comp,
FWProxyBuilderBase pb,
bool  reflect = false 

Definition at line 372 of file

References addBox(), and etTower3DCorners().

      std::vector<float> scaledCorners( 24 );
      etTower3DCorners(corners, scale, scaledCorners, reflect);
      addBox( scaledCorners, comp, pb );
void fireworks::energyScaledBox3DCorners ( const float *  corners,
float  scale,
std::vector< float > &  scaledCorners,
bool  invert = false 

Definition at line 213 of file

References f, i, and invertBox().

Referenced by FWHBHERecHitProxyBuilder::build(), FWHFRecHitProxyBuilder::build(), FWHORecHitProxyBuilder::build(), drawEnergyScaledBox3D(), and FWHBHERecHitProxyBuilder::scaleProduct().

      std::vector<float> centre( 3, 0 );

      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
         centre[0] += corners[i];
         centre[1] += corners[i + 1];
         centre[2] += corners[i + 2];

      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
         centre[i] *= 1.0f / 8.0f;

      // Coordinates for a scaled version of the original box
      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
         scaledCorners[i] = centre[0] + ( corners[i] - centre[0] ) * scale;
         scaledCorners[i + 1] = centre[1] + ( corners[i + 1] - centre[1] ) * scale;
         scaledCorners[i + 2] = centre[2] + ( corners[i + 2] - centre[2] ) * scale;
      if( invert )
         invertBox( scaledCorners );
void fireworks::energyTower3DCorners ( const float *  corners,
float  scale,
std::vector< float > &  scaledCorners,
bool  reflect = false 

Definition at line 284 of file

References diffTreeTool::diff, i, and pileupReCalc_HLTpaths::scale.

Referenced by FWCaloClusterProxyBuilder::build(), FWCastorRecHitProxyBuilder::build(), FWPRCaloTowerProxyBuilder::build(), FWZDCRecHitProxyBuilder::build(), FWPCaloHitProxyBuilder::build(), FWEcalRecHitProxyBuilder::build(), drawEnergyTower3D(), and FWEcalRecHitProxyBuilder::scaleProduct().

      for( int i = 0; i < 24; ++i )
         scaledCorners[i] = corners[i];
      // Coordinates of a front face scaled 
      if( reflect )
         // We know, that an ES rechit geometry in -Z needs correction. 
         // The back face is actually its front face.
         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i += 3 )
            TEveVector diff( corners[i] - corners[i + 12], corners[i + 1] - corners[i + 13], corners[i + 2] - corners[i + 14] );
            diff *= scale;
            scaledCorners[i] = corners[i] + diff.fX;
            scaledCorners[i + 1] = corners[i + 1] + diff.fY;
            scaledCorners[i + 2] = corners[i + 2] + diff.fZ;
         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i += 3 )
            TEveVector diff( corners[i + 12] - corners[i], corners[i + 13] - corners[i + 1], corners[i + 14] - corners[i + 2] );
            diff *= scale;
            scaledCorners[i] = corners[i + 12];
            scaledCorners[i + 1] = corners[i + 13];
            scaledCorners[i + 2] = corners[i + 14];
            scaledCorners[i + 12] = corners[i + 12] + diff.fX;
            scaledCorners[i + 13] = corners[i + 13] + diff.fY;
            scaledCorners[i + 14] = corners[i + 14] + diff.fZ;
void fireworks::etScaledBox3DCorners ( const float *  corners,
float  energy,
float  maxEnergy,
std::vector< float > &  scaledCorners,
bool  reflect = false 

Definition at line 247 of file

References trackerHits::c, f, i, invertBox(), pileupReCalc_HLTpaths::scale, and funct::sin().

Referenced by FWHBHERecHitProxyBuilder::build(), drawEtScaledBox3D(), and FWHBHERecHitProxyBuilder::scaleProduct().

      std::vector<float> centre( 3, 0 );

      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
         centre[0] += corners[i];
         centre[1] += corners[i + 1];
         centre[2] += corners[i + 2];

      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
         centre[i] *= 1.0f / 8.0f;

      TEveVector c( centre[0], centre[1], centre[2] );
      float scale = energy / maxEnergy * sin( c.Theta());
      // Coordinates for a scaled version of the original box
      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
         scaledCorners[i] = centre[0] + ( corners[i] - centre[0] ) * scale;
         scaledCorners[i + 1] = centre[1] + ( corners[i + 1] - centre[1] ) * scale;
         scaledCorners[i + 2] = centre[2] + ( corners[i + 2] - centre[2] ) * scale;
      if( invert )
         invertBox( scaledCorners );
void fireworks::etTower3DCorners ( const float *  corners,
float  scale,
std::vector< float > &  scaledCorners,
bool  reflect = false 

Definition at line 332 of file

References diffTreeTool::diff, i, and funct::sin().

Referenced by drawEtTower3D(), and FWEcalRecHitProxyBuilder::scaleProduct().

      for( int i = 0; i < 24; ++i )
         scaledCorners[i] = corners[i];
      // Coordinates of a front face scaled 
      if( reflect )
         // We know, that an ES rechit geometry in -Z needs correction. 
         // The back face is actually its front face.
         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i += 3 )
            TEveVector diff( corners[i] - corners[i + 12], corners[i + 1] - corners[i + 13], corners[i + 2] - corners[i + 14] );
            diff *= ( scale * sin( diff.Theta()));
            scaledCorners[i] = corners[i] + diff.fX;
            scaledCorners[i + 1] = corners[i + 1] + diff.fY;
            scaledCorners[i + 2] = corners[i + 2] + diff.fZ;
         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 12; i += 3 )
            TEveVector diff( corners[i + 12] - corners[i], corners[i + 13] - corners[i + 1], corners[i + 14] - corners[i + 2] );
            diff *= ( scale * sin( diff.Theta()));
            scaledCorners[i] = corners[i + 12];
            scaledCorners[i + 1] = corners[i + 13];
            scaledCorners[i + 2] = corners[i + 14];
            scaledCorners[i + 12] = corners[i + 12] + diff.fX;
            scaledCorners[i + 13] = corners[i + 13] + diff.fY;
            scaledCorners[i + 14] = corners[i + 14] + diff.fZ;
const SiStripCluster * fireworks::extractClusterFromTrackingRecHit ( const TrackingRecHit rh)

Definition at line 359 of file

References fwLog, and fwlog::kDebug.

Referenced by addSiStripClusters().

   const SiStripCluster* cluster = 0;

   if( const SiStripRecHit2D* hit2D = dynamic_cast<const SiStripRecHit2D*>( rechit ))
      fwLog( fwlog::kDebug ) << "hit 2D ";
      if( hit2D->cluster().isNonnull())
         cluster = hit2D->cluster().get();
      else if( hit2D->cluster_regional().isNonnull())
         cluster = hit2D->cluster_regional().get();
         fwLog( fwlog::kDebug ) << "no cluster found!\n";
   if( cluster == 0 )
     if( const SiStripRecHit1D* hit1D = dynamic_cast<const SiStripRecHit1D*>( rechit ))
        fwLog( fwlog::kDebug ) << "hit 1D ";

        if( hit1D->cluster().isNonnull())
           cluster = hit1D->cluster().get();
        else if( hit1D->cluster_regional().isNonnull())
           cluster = hit1D->cluster_regional().get();
           fwLog( fwlog::kDebug ) << "no cluster found!\n";
   return cluster;
void fireworks::getDecomposedVersion ( const TString &  s,
int *  out 

Definition at line 30 of file

Referenced by acceptDataFormatsVersion(), and supportedDataFormatsVersion().

   TPMERegexp re("CMSSW_(\\d+)_(\\d+)_(\\d+)");
   if (re.NMatches() > 3)
      out[0] = re[1].Atoi();
      out[1] = re[2].Atoi();
      out[2] = re[3].Atoi();
std::string fireworks::getLocalTime ( const edm::EventBase event)

Definition at line 113 of file

References pos, lumiQTWidget::t, runonSM::text, edm::EventBase::time(), and edm::Timestamp::value().

Referenced by CmsShowMainFrame::loadEvent(), and FWEventAnnotation::updateOverlayText().

      time_t t( event.time().value() >> 32 );
      std::string text( asctime( localtime( &t ) ) );
      size_t pos = text.find('\n');
      if( pos != std::string::npos ) text = text.substr( 0, pos );
      text += " ";
      if( daylight )
         text += tzname[1];
         text += tzname[0];
      return text;
std::pair< double, double > fireworks::getPhiRange ( const std::vector< double > &  phis,
double  phi 

Definition at line 21 of file

References i, M_PI, max(), and min.

Referenced by FWTauProxyBuilderBase::buildBaseTau(), and makeRhoPhiSuperCluster().

      double min =  100;
      double max = -100;

      for( std::vector<double>::const_iterator i = phis.begin();
           i != phis.end(); ++i )
         double aphi = *i;
         // make phi continuous around jet phi
         if( aphi - phi > M_PI ) aphi -= 2*M_PI;
         if( phi - aphi > M_PI ) aphi += 2*M_PI;
         if( aphi > max ) max = aphi;
         if( aphi < min ) min = aphi;

      if( min > max ) return std::pair<double,double>( 0, 0 );

      return std::pair<double,double>( min, max );
TEveGeoShape * fireworks::getShape ( const char *  name,
TGeoBBox *  shape,
Color_t  color 

Definition at line 42 of file

References trackerHits::c.

Referenced by FWTauProxyBuilderBase::buildBaseTau(), FWMETProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), FWGlimpseView::FWGlimpseView(), and makeRhoPhiSuperCluster().

      TEveGeoShape* egs = new TEveGeoShape( name );
      TColor* c = gROOT->GetColor( color );
      Float_t rgba[4] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 };
      if( c )
         rgba[0] = c->GetRed();
         rgba[1] = c->GetGreen();
         rgba[2] = c->GetBlue();
      egs->SetMainColorRGB( rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2] );
      egs->SetShape( shape );
      return egs;
std::string fireworks::getTimeGMT ( const edm::EventBase event)

Definition at line 103 of file

References pos, lumiQTWidget::t, runonSM::text, edm::EventBase::time(), and edm::Timestamp::value().

      time_t t( event.time().value() >> 32 );
      std::string text( asctime( gmtime( &t ) ) );
      size_t pos = text.find( '\n' );
      if( pos != std::string::npos ) text = text.substr( 0, pos );
      text += " GMT";
      return text;
const TGGC & fireworks::greenGC ( )

Definition at line 39 of file

   static TGGC s_greenGC(*gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFrameGC());
   return s_greenGC;
std::string fireworks::info ( const std::set< DetId > &  idSet)

Definition at line 887 of file

References info(), and runonSM::text.

   std::string text;
   for(std::set<DetId>::const_iterator id = idSet.begin(), idEnd = idSet.end(); id != idEnd; ++id)
      text += info(*id);
      text += "\n";
   return text;
std::string fireworks::info ( const std::vector< DetId > &  idSet)

Definition at line 898 of file

References info(), and runonSM::text.

   std::string text;
   for(std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator id = idSet.begin(), idEnd = idSet.end(); id != idEnd; ++id)
      text += info(*id);
      text += "\n";
   return text;
std::string fireworks::info ( const DetId id)

Definition at line 703 of file

References DetId::Calo, CSCDetId::chamber(), MuonSubdetId::CSC, HcalDetId::depth(), MuonSubdetId::DT, DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, EcalLaserPnDiode, EcalPreshower, EcalTriggerTower, CSCDetId::endcap(), DetId::Hcal, HcalBarrel, HcalEmpty, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, HcalOther, HcalOuter, HcalTriggerTower, EEDetId::ic(), EBDetId::ieta(), CaloTowerDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::iphi(), EBDetId::iphi(), CaloTowerDetId::iphi(), EEDetId::iquadrant(), EEDetId::isc(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), TIBDetId::layer(), TOBDetId::layer(), PXBDetId::layer(), CSCDetId::layer(), RPCDetId::layer(), DetId::Muon, PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, RPCDetId::region(), RPCDetId::ring(), CSCDetId::ring(), RPCDetId::roll(), MuonSubdetId::RPC, RPCDetId::sector(), DTChamberId::sector(), RPCDetId::station(), CSCDetId::station(), DTChamberId::station(), HcalDetId::subdet(), RPCDetId::subsector(), StripSubdetector::TEC, StripSubdetector::TIB, StripSubdetector::TID, StripSubdetector::TOB, EBDetId::tower_ieta(), EBDetId::tower_iphi(), DetId::Tracker, TIDDetId::wheel(), DTChamberId::wheel(), and TECDetId::wheel().

Referenced by info().

   std::ostringstream oss;
   oss << "DetId: " << id.rawId() << "\n";
   switch ( id.det() ) {
      case DetId::Tracker:
         switch ( id.subdetId() ) {
            case StripSubdetector::TIB:
               oss <<"TIB "<<TIBDetId(id).layer();
            case StripSubdetector::TOB:
               oss <<"TOB "<<TOBDetId(id).layer();
            case StripSubdetector::TEC:
               oss <<"TEC "<<TECDetId(id).wheel();
            case StripSubdetector::TID:
               oss <<"TID "<<TIDDetId(id).wheel();
            case (int) PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel:
               oss <<"PixBarrel "<< PXBDetId(id).layer();
            case (int) PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap:
               oss <<"PixEndcap "<< PXBDetId(id).layer();

      case DetId::Muon:
         switch ( id.subdetId() ) {
            case MuonSubdetId::DT:
               DTChamberId detId(id.rawId());
               oss << "DT chamber (wheel, station, sector): "
                   << detId.wheel() << ", "
                   << detId.station() << ", "
                   << detId.sector();
            case MuonSubdetId::CSC:
               CSCDetId detId(id.rawId());
               oss << "CSC chamber (endcap, station, ring, chamber, layer): "
                   << detId.endcap() << ", "
                   << detId.station() << ", "
                   << detId.ring() << ", "
                   << detId.chamber() << ", "
                   << detId.layer();
            case MuonSubdetId::RPC:
               RPCDetId detId(id.rawId());
               oss << "RPC chamber ";
               switch ( detId.region() ) {
                  case 0:
                     oss << "/ barrel / (wheel, station, sector, layer, subsector, roll): "
                         << detId.ring() << ", "
                         << detId.station() << ", "
                         << detId.sector() << ", "
                         << detId.layer() << ", "
                         << detId.subsector() << ", "
                         << detId.roll();
                  case 1:
                     oss << "/ forward endcap / (wheel, station, sector, layer, subsector, roll): "
                         << detId.ring() << ", "
                         << detId.station() << ", "
                         << detId.sector() << ", "
                         << detId.layer() << ", "
                         << detId.subsector() << ", "
                         << detId.roll();
                  case -1:
                     oss << "/ backward endcap / (wheel, station, sector, layer, subsector, roll): "
                         << detId.ring() << ", "
                         << detId.station() << ", "
                         << detId.sector() << ", "
                         << detId.layer() << ", "
                         << detId.subsector() << ", "
                         << detId.roll();
      case DetId::Calo:
         CaloTowerDetId detId( id.rawId() );
         oss << "CaloTower (ieta, iphi): "
             << detId.ieta() << ", "
             << detId.iphi();
      case DetId::Ecal:
         switch ( id.subdetId() ) {
            case EcalBarrel:
               EBDetId detId(id);
               oss << "EcalBarrel (ieta, iphi, tower_ieta, tower_iphi): "
                   << detId.ieta() << ", "
                   << detId.iphi() << ", "
                   << detId.tower_ieta() << ", "
                   << detId.tower_iphi();
            case EcalEndcap:
               EEDetId detId(id);
               oss << "EcalEndcap (ix, iy, SuperCrystal, crystal, quadrant): "
                   << detId.ix() << ", "
                   << detId.iy() << ", "
                   << detId.isc() << ", "
                   << detId.ic() << ", "
                   << detId.iquadrant();
            case EcalPreshower:
               oss << "EcalPreshower";
            case EcalTriggerTower:
               oss << "EcalTriggerTower";
            case EcalLaserPnDiode:
               oss << "EcalLaserPnDiode";
      case DetId::Hcal:
         HcalDetId detId(id);
         switch ( detId.subdet() ) {
            case HcalEmpty:
               oss << "HcalEmpty ";
            case HcalBarrel:
               oss << "HcalBarrel ";
            case HcalEndcap:
               oss << "HcalEndcap ";
            case HcalOuter:
               oss << "HcalOuter ";
            case HcalForward:
               oss << "HcalForward ";
            case HcalTriggerTower:
               oss << "HcalTriggerTower ";
            case HcalOther:
               oss << "HcalOther ";
         oss << "(ieta, iphi, depth):"
             << detId.ieta() << ", "
             << detId.iphi() << ", "
             << detId.depth();
      default :;
   return oss.str();
void fireworks::invertBox ( std::vector< float > &  corners)

Definition at line 127 of file

References swap().

Referenced by energyScaledBox3DCorners(), and etScaledBox3DCorners().

      std::swap( corners[0], corners[9] );
      std::swap( corners[1], corners[10] );
      std::swap( corners[2], corners[11] );

      std::swap( corners[3], corners[6] );
      std::swap( corners[4], corners[7] );
      std::swap( corners[5], corners[8] );

      std::swap( corners[12], corners[21] );
      std::swap( corners[13], corners[22] );
      std::swap( corners[14], corners[23] );

      std::swap( corners[15], corners[18] );
      std::swap( corners[16], corners[19] );
      std::swap( corners[17], corners[20] );
const TGGC & fireworks::italicGC ( )

Definition at line 53 of file

References asciidump::attributes.

Referenced by FWPSetTableManager::cellRenderer().

   static TGGC s_italicGC(*gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFrameGC());
   TGFontPool *pool = gClient->GetFontPool();
   TGFont *font = pool->FindFontByHandle(s_italicGC.GetFont());
   FontAttributes_t attributes = font->GetFontAttributes();
   attributes.fSlant = 1;
   TGFont *newFont = pool->GetFont(attributes.fFamily, 9,
                                   attributes.fWeight, attributes.fSlant);
   return s_italicGC;
void fireworks::localSiStrip ( short  strip,
float *  localTop,
float *  localBottom,
const float *  pars,
unsigned int  id 

Definition at line 292 of file

References delta, fwLog, fwlog::kError, evf::evtn::offset(), and funct::tan().

Referenced by addSiStripClusters(), FWSiStripDigiProxyBuilder::build(), and FWSiStripClusterProxyBuilder::build().

  Float_t topology = pars[0];
  Float_t halfStripLength = pars[2] * 0.5;
  Double_t localCenter[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
  localTop[1] = halfStripLength;
  localBottom[1] = -halfStripLength;
  if( topology == 1 ) // RadialStripTopology
    // stripAngle = phiOfOneEdge + yAxisOrientation * strip * angularWidth
    // localY = yAxisOrientation * originToIntersection * tan( stripAngle )
    Float_t stripAngle = tan( pars[5] + pars[3] * strip * pars[6] );
    Float_t delta = halfStripLength * stripAngle;
    localCenter[0] = pars[3] * pars[4] * stripAngle;
    localTop[0] = localCenter[0] + delta;
    localBottom[0] = localCenter[0] - delta;
  else if( topology == 2 ) // RectangularStripTopology
    // offset = -numberOfStrips/2. * pitch
    // localY = strip * pitch + offset
    Float_t offset = -pars[1] * 0.5 * pars[3];
    localCenter[0] = strip * pars[3] + offset;
    localTop[0] = localCenter[0];
    localBottom[0] = localCenter[0];
  else if( topology == 3 ) // TrapezoidalStripTopology
    fwLog( fwlog::kError )
      << "did not expect TrapezoidalStripTopology of "
      << id << std::endl;
  else if( pars[0] == 0 ) // StripTopology
    fwLog( fwlog::kError )
      << "did not find StripTopology of "
      << id << std::endl;
TEveJetCone * fireworks::makeEveJetCone ( const reco::Jet iData,
const fireworks::Context context 

Definition at line 7 of file

References trackerHits::c, fireworks::Context::caloMaxEta(), fireworks::Context::caloR1(), fireworks::Context::caloR2(), fireworks::Context::caloTransAngle(), fireworks::Context::caloZ1(), fireworks::Context::caloZ2(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), reco::Jet::etaetaMoment(), reco::Jet::getJetConstituents(), metsig::jet, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), reco::Jet::phiphiMoment(), mathSSE::sqrt(), funct::tan(), and reco::LeafCandidate::vertex().

Referenced by FWTauProxyBuilderBase::buildBaseTau(), and FWJetProxyBuilder::requestCommon().

   TEveJetCone* jet = new TEveJetCone();

   reco::Jet::Constituents c = iData.getJetConstituents();
   bool haveData = true;
   for ( reco::Jet::Constituents::const_iterator itr = c.begin(); itr != c.end(); ++itr )
      if ( !itr->isAvailable() ) {
         haveData = false;

   double eta_size = 0.2;
   double phi_size = 0.2;
   if ( haveData ){
      eta_size = sqrt(iData.etaetaMoment());
      phi_size = sqrt(iData.phiphiMoment());

   static const float offr = 5;
   static const float offz = offr/tan(context.caloTransAngle());
   if (iData.eta() < context.caloMaxEta())
      jet->SetCylinder(context.caloR1(false) -offr, context.caloZ1(false)-offz);
      jet->SetCylinder(context.caloR2(false) -offr, context.caloZ2(false)-offz);

   jet-> AddEllipticCone(iData.eta(), iData.phi(), eta_size, phi_size);
   return jet;
bool fireworks::makeRhoPhiSuperCluster ( FWProxyBuilderBase pb,
const reco::SuperClusterRef iCluster,
float  iPhi,
TEveElement &  oItemHolder 

Definition at line 29 of file

References fireworks::Context::caloR1(), FWDisplayProperties::color(), FWProxyBuilderBase::context(), FWEventItem::defaultDisplayProperties(), end, FWGeometry::getCorners(), fireworks::Context::getGeom(), getPhiRange(), getShape(), i, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isAvailable(), FWProxyBuilderBase::item(), M_PI, colinearityKinematic::Phi, alignCSCRings::r, and FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement().

Referenced by FWPhotonProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), and FWElectronProxyBuilder::buildViewType().

   if( !iCluster.isAvailable()) return false;
   TEveGeoManagerHolder gmgr( TEveGeoShape::GetGeoMangeur());

   std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> > detids = iCluster->hitsAndFractions();
   std::vector<double> phis;
   for( std::vector<std::pair<DetId, float> >::const_iterator id = detids.begin(), end = detids.end(); id != end; ++id )
      const float* corners = pb->context().getGeom()->getCorners( id->first.rawId());
      if( corners != 0 )
         std::vector<float> centre( 3, 0 );

         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
            centre[0] += corners[i];
            centre[1] += corners[i + 1];
            centre[2] += corners[i + 2];
         phis.push_back( TEveVector( centre[0], centre[1], centre[2] ).Phi());
   std::pair<double,double> phiRange = fireworks::getPhiRange( phis, iPhi );
   const double r = pb->context().caloR1();
   TGeoBBox *sc_box = new TGeoTubeSeg( r - 2, r , 1,
                                       phiRange.first * 180 / M_PI - 0.5,
                                       phiRange.second * 180 / M_PI + 0.5 ); // 0.5 is roughly half size of a crystal
   TEveGeoShape *sc = fireworks::getShape( "supercluster", sc_box, pb->item()->defaultDisplayProperties().color());
   sc->SetPickable( kTRUE );
   pb->setupAddElement( sc, &oItemHolder );
   return true;
bool fireworks::makeRhoZSuperCluster ( FWProxyBuilderBase pb,
const reco::SuperClusterRef iCluster,
float  iPhi,
TEveElement &  oItemHolder 

Definition at line 67 of file

References addRhoZEnergyProjection(), Reference_intrackfit_cff::barrel, fireworks::Context::caloR1(), fireworks::Context::caloR2(), fireworks::Context::caloTransAngle(), fireworks::Context::caloZ1(), fireworks::Context::caloZ2(), FWProxyBuilderBase::context(), end, FWGeometry::getCorners(), fireworks::Context::getGeom(), i, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isAvailable(), Pi, and theta().

Referenced by FWPhotonProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), and FWElectronProxyBuilder::buildViewType().

   if( !iCluster.isAvailable()) return false;
   TEveGeoManagerHolder gmgr( TEveGeoShape::GetGeoMangeur());
   double theta_max = 0;
   double theta_min = 10;
   std::vector<std::pair<DetId, float> > detids = iCluster->hitsAndFractions();
   for( std::vector<std::pair<DetId, float> >::const_iterator id = detids.begin(), end = detids.end(); id != end; ++id )
      const float* corners = pb->context().getGeom()->getCorners( id->first.rawId());
      if( corners != 0 )
         std::vector<float> centre( 3, 0 );

         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 24; i += 3 )
            centre[0] += corners[i];
            centre[1] += corners[i + 1];
            centre[2] += corners[i + 2];

         double theta = TEveVector( centre[0], centre[1], centre[2] ).Theta();
         if( theta > theta_max ) theta_max = theta;
         if( theta < theta_min ) theta_min = theta;
   // expand theta range by the size of a crystal to avoid segments of zero length
   bool barrel = true; 
   if ((theta_max > 0 && theta_max <  pb->context().caloTransAngle()) || 
       ( theta_min > (TMath::Pi() -pb->context().caloTransAngle())) )
        barrel = false; 
   double z_ecal = barrel ? pb->context().caloZ1() : pb->context().caloZ2();
   double r_ecal = barrel ? pb->context().caloR1() : pb->context().caloR2();

   fireworks::addRhoZEnergyProjection( pb, &oItemHolder, r_ecal-1, z_ecal-1,
                                       theta_min - 0.003, theta_max + 0.003,
                                       iPhi );

   return true;
float fireworks::pixelLocalX ( const double  mpx,
const int  m_nrows 

Definition at line 165 of file


Referenced by FWSiPixelClusterProxyBuilder::build(), FWSiPixelDigiProxyBuilder::build(), pushPixelCluster(), and ValidateGeometry::validatePixelTopology().

  // Calculate the edge of the active sensor with respect to the center,
  // that is simply the half-size.       
  // Take into account large pixels
  const double xoffset = -( nrows + BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X * nrows / ROWS_PER_ROC ) / 2. * PITCHX;

  // Measurement to local transformation for X coordinate
  // X coordinate is in the ROC row number direction
  // Copy from RectangularPixelTopology::localX implementation
   int binoffx = int(mpx);             // truncate to int
   double fractionX = mpx - binoffx;   // find the fraction
   double local_PITCHX = PITCHX;       // defaultpitch
   if( binoffx > 80 ) {                // ROC 1 - handles x on edge cluster
      binoffx = binoffx + 2;
   } else if( binoffx == 80 ) {        // ROC 1
      binoffx = binoffx+1;
      local_PITCHX = 2 * PITCHX;
   } else if( binoffx == 79 ) {        // ROC 0
      binoffx = binoffx + 0;
      local_PITCHX = 2 * PITCHX;
   } else if( binoffx >= 0 ) {         // ROC 0
      binoffx = binoffx + 0;

   // The final position in local coordinates
   double lpX = double( binoffx * PITCHX ) + fractionX * local_PITCHX + xoffset;

   return lpX;
float fireworks::pixelLocalY ( const double  mpy,
const int  m_ncols 

Definition at line 198 of file


Referenced by FWSiPixelClusterProxyBuilder::build(), FWSiPixelDigiProxyBuilder::build(), pushPixelCluster(), and ValidateGeometry::validatePixelTopology().

  // Calculate the edge of the active sensor with respect to the center,
  // that is simply the half-size.       
  // Take into account large pixels
  double yoffset = -( ncols + BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y * ncols / COLS_PER_ROC ) / 2. * PITCHY;

  // Measurement to local transformation for Y coordinate
  // Y is in the ROC column number direction
  // Copy from RectangularPixelTopology::localY implementation
  int binoffy = int( mpy );           // truncate to int
  double fractionY = mpy - binoffy;   // find the fraction
  double local_PITCHY = PITCHY;       // defaultpitch

  if( binoffy>416 ) {                 // ROC 8, not real ROC
    binoffy = binoffy+17;
  } else if( binoffy == 416 ) {       // ROC 8
    binoffy = binoffy + 16;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy == 415 ) {       // ROC 7, last big pixel
    binoffy = binoffy + 15;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy > 364 ) {        // ROC 7
    binoffy = binoffy + 15;
  } else if( binoffy == 364 ) {       // ROC 7
    binoffy = binoffy + 14;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy == 363 ) {       // ROC 6
    binoffy = binoffy + 13;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy > 312 ) {        // ROC 6
    binoffy = binoffy + 13;
  } else if( binoffy == 312 ) {       // ROC 6
    binoffy = binoffy + 12;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy == 311 ) {       // ROC 5
    binoffy = binoffy + 11;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy > 260 ) {        // ROC 5
    binoffy = binoffy + 11;
  } else if( binoffy == 260 ) {       // ROC 5
    binoffy = binoffy + 10;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy == 259 ) {       // ROC 4
    binoffy = binoffy + 9;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy > 208 ) {        // ROC 4
    binoffy = binoffy + 9;
  } else if(binoffy == 208 ) {        // ROC 4
    binoffy = binoffy + 8;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy == 207 ) {       // ROC 3
    binoffy = binoffy + 7;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy > 156 ) {        // ROC 3
    binoffy = binoffy + 7;
  } else if( binoffy == 156 ) {       // ROC 3
    binoffy = binoffy + 6;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy == 155 ) {       // ROC 2
    binoffy = binoffy + 5;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy > 104 ) {        // ROC 2
    binoffy = binoffy + 5;
  } else if( binoffy == 104 ) {       // ROC 2
    binoffy = binoffy + 4;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy == 103 ) {       // ROC 1
    binoffy = binoffy + 3;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy > 52 ) {         // ROC 1
    binoffy = binoffy + 3;
  } else if( binoffy == 52 ) {        // ROC 1
    binoffy = binoffy + 2;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy == 51 ) {        // ROC 0
    binoffy = binoffy + 1;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;
  } else if( binoffy > 0 ) {          // ROC 0
    binoffy=binoffy + 1;
  } else if( binoffy == 0 ) {         // ROC 0
    binoffy = binoffy + 0;
    local_PITCHY = 2 * PITCHY;

  // The final position in local coordinates
  double lpY = double( binoffy * PITCHY ) + fractionY * local_PITCHY + yoffset;

  return lpY;
TEveTrack * fireworks::prepareCandidate ( const reco::Candidate track,
TEveTrackPropagator *  propagator 

Definition at line 10 of file

References reco::Candidate::charge(), reco::Candidate::px(), reco::Candidate::py(), reco::Candidate::pz(), lumiQTWidget::t, and reco::Candidate::vertex().

Referenced by FWCandidateProxyBuilder::build(), FWGenParticleProxyBuilder::build(), FWElectronLegoProxyBuilder::build(), FWMuonBuilder::buildMuon(), and FWElectronProxyBuilder::requestCommon().

   TEveRecTrack t;
   t.fBeta = 1.;
   t.fP = TEveVector( track.px(),, track.pz() );
   t.fV = TEveVector( track.vertex().x(), track.vertex().y(), track.vertex().z() );
   t.fSign = track.charge();
   TEveTrack* trk = new TEveTrack(&t, propagator);
   return trk;
TEveTrack * fireworks::prepareTrack ( const reco::Track track,
TEveTrackPropagator *  propagator,
const std::vector< TEveVector > &  extraRefPoints = std::vector<TEveVector>() 

Definition at line 70 of file

References reco::TrackBase::charge(), reco::Track::extra(), f, i, reco::Track::innerMomentum(), reco::Track::innerOk(), reco::Track::innerPosition(), j, reco::Track::outerMomentum(), reco::Track::outerOk(), reco::Track::outerPosition(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, point, position, reco::TrackBase::pt(), reco::TrackBase::px(), reco::TrackBase::py(), reco::TrackBase::pz(), python::multivaluedict::sort(), lumiQTWidget::t, reco::btau::trackMomentum, v, TrackValidation_HighPurity_cff::valid, reco::TrackBase::vx(), reco::TrackBase::vy(), and reco::TrackBase::vz().

Referenced by FWTauProxyBuilderBase::addConstituentTracks(), FWTauProxyBuilderBase::addLeadTrack(), DummyEvelyser::analyze(), FWTrackProxyBuilder::build(), FWConvTrackHitsDetailView::build(), FWElectronLegoProxyBuilder::build(), FWTrackHitsDetailView::build(), FWMuonBuilder::buildMuon(), and FWElectronProxyBuilder::requestCommon().

   // To make use of all available information, we have to order states
   // properly first. Propagator should take care of y=0 transition.

   std::vector<State> refStates;
   TEveVector trackMomentum(track.px(),, track.pz());
   refStates.push_back(State(TEveVector(track.vx(), track.vy(), track.vz()),
   if( track.extra().isAvailable() ) {
      if (track.innerOk()) {
         const reco::TrackBase::Point  &v = track.innerPosition();
         const reco::TrackBase::Vector &p = track.innerMomentum();
         refStates.push_back(State(TEveVector(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()), TEveVector(p.x(), p.y(), p.z())));
      if (track.outerOk()) {
         const reco::TrackBase::Point  &v = track.outerPosition();
         const reco::TrackBase::Vector &p = track.outerMomentum();
         refStates.push_back(State(TEveVector(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()), TEveVector(p.x(), p.y(), p.z())));
   for( std::vector<TEveVector>::const_iterator point = extraRefPoints.begin(), pointEnd = extraRefPoints.end();
        point != pointEnd; ++point )
   if(>1 )
      std::sort( refStates.begin(), refStates.end(), StateOrdering(trackMomentum) );

   // * if the first state has non-zero momentum use it as a starting point
   //   and all other points as PathMarks to follow
   // * if the first state has only position, try the last state. If it has
   //   momentum we propagate backword, if not, we look for the first one
   //   on left that has momentum and ignore all earlier.

   TEveRecTrack t;
   t.fBeta = 1.;
   t.fSign = track.charge();

   if( refStates.front().valid ) {
      t.fV = refStates.front().position;
      t.fP = refStates.front().momentum;
      TEveTrack* trk = new TEveTrack( &t, propagator );
      for( unsigned int i(1); i<refStates.size()-1; ++i) {
         if( refStates[i].valid )
            trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kReference, refStates[i].position, refStates[i].momentum ) );
            trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kDaughter, refStates[i].position ) );
      if( refStates.size()>1 ) {
         trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kDecay, refStates.back().position ) );
      return trk;

   if( refStates.back().valid ) {
      t.fSign = (-1)*track.charge();
      t.fV = refStates.back().position;
      t.fP = refStates.back().momentum * (-1.0f);
      TEveTrack* trk = new TEveTrack( &t, propagator );
      unsigned int i( refStates.size()-1 );
      for(; i>0; --i) {
         if ( refStates[i].valid )
            trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kReference, refStates[i].position, refStates[i].momentum*(-1.0f) ) );
            trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kDaughter, refStates[i].position ) );
      if ( refStates.size()>1 ) {
         trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kDecay, refStates.front().position ) );
      return trk;

   unsigned int i(0);
   while( i<refStates.size() && !refStates[i].valid ) ++i;
   assert( i < refStates.size() );

   t.fV = refStates[i].position;
   t.fP = refStates[i].momentum;
   TEveTrack* trk = new TEveTrack( &t, propagator );
   for( unsigned int j(i+1); j<refStates.size()-1; ++j ) {
      if( refStates[i].valid )
         trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kReference, refStates[i].position, refStates[i].momentum ) );
         trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kDaughter, refStates[i].position ) );
   if ( i < refStates.size() ) {
      trk->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kDecay, refStates.back().position ) );
   return trk;
void fireworks::pushNearbyPixelHits ( std::vector< TVector3 > &  pixelPoints,
const FWEventItem iItem,
const reco::Track t 

Definition at line 566 of file

References edmNew::DetSet< T >::begin(), FWGeometry::contains(), edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::end(), edmNew::DetSet< T >::end(), edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::find(), fwLog, relativeConstraints::geom, FWEventItem::getGeom(), FWGeometry::getParameters(), fwlog::kError, PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, GeomDetEnumerators::PixelEndcap, pushPixelCluster(), reco::Track::recHitsBegin(), and reco::Track::recHitsEnd().

Referenced by FWTrackHitsDetailView::addHits(), and FWConvTrackHitsDetailView::addHits().

   const edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> * allClusters = 0;
   for( trackingRecHit_iterator it = t.recHitsBegin(), itEnd = t.recHitsEnd(); it != itEnd; ++it)
      if( typeid(**it) == typeid( SiPixelRecHit ))
         const SiPixelRecHit &hit = static_cast<const SiPixelRecHit &>(**it);
         if( hit.cluster().isNonnull() && hit.cluster().isAvailable())
            allClusters = hit.cluster().product();
   if( allClusters == 0 ) return;

   const FWGeometry *geom = iItem.getGeom();

   for( trackingRecHit_iterator it = t.recHitsBegin(), itEnd = t.recHitsEnd(); it != itEnd; ++it )
      const TrackingRecHit* rh = &(**it);

      DetId id = (*it)->geographicalId();
      if( ! geom->contains( id ))
         fwLog( fwlog::kError )
            << "failed to get geometry of Tracker Det with raw id: " 
            << id.rawId() << std::endl;


      // -- in which detector are we?
      unsigned int subdet = (unsigned int)id.subdetId();
      if(( subdet != PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel ) && ( subdet != PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap )) continue;

      const SiPixelCluster* hitCluster = 0;
      if( const SiPixelRecHit* pixel = dynamic_cast<const SiPixelRecHit*>( rh ))
         hitCluster = pixel->cluster().get();
      edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster>::const_iterator itds = allClusters->find(id.rawId());
      if( itds != allClusters->end())
         const edmNew::DetSet<SiPixelCluster> & clustersOnThisDet = *itds;
         for( edmNew::DetSet<SiPixelCluster>::const_iterator itc = clustersOnThisDet.begin(), edc = clustersOnThisDet.end(); itc != edc; ++itc )
           if( &*itc != hitCluster )
              pushPixelCluster( pixelPoints, *geom, id, *itc, geom->getParameters( id ));
void fireworks::pushPixelCluster ( std::vector< TVector3 > &  pixelPoints,
const FWGeometry geom,
DetId  id,
const SiPixelCluster c,
const float *  pars 

Definition at line 669 of file

References fwLog, fwlog::kDebug, FWGeometry::localToGlobal(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelCol(), SiPixelCluster::minPixelRow(), pixelLocalX(), and pixelLocalY().

Referenced by pushNearbyPixelHits(), and pushPixelHits().

   double row = c.minPixelRow();
   double col = c.minPixelCol();
   float lx = 0.;
   float ly = 0.;
   int nrows = (int)pars[0];
   int ncols = (int)pars[1];
   lx = pixelLocalX( row, nrows );
   ly = pixelLocalY( col, ncols );

   fwLog( fwlog::kDebug )
      << ", row: " << row << ", col: " << col 
      << ", lx: " << lx << ", ly: " << ly ;
   float local[3] = { lx, ly, 0. };
   float global[3];
   geom.localToGlobal( id, local, global );
   TVector3 pb( global[0], global[1], global[2] );
   pixelPoints.push_back( pb );
   fwLog( fwlog::kDebug )
      << " x: " << pb.X()
      << ", y: " << pb.Y()
      << " z: " << pb.Z()
      << " eta: " << pb.Eta()
      << ", phi: " << pb.Phi()
      << " rho: " << pb.Pt() << std::endl;
void fireworks::pushPixelHits ( std::vector< TVector3 > &  pixelPoints,
const FWEventItem iItem,
const reco::Track t 

Definition at line 622 of file

References trackerHits::c, FWGeometry::contains(), reco::TrackBase::dz(), reco::TrackBase::eta(), fwLog, relativeConstraints::geom, FWEventItem::getGeom(), FWGeometry::getParameters(), fwlog::kDebug, fwlog::kError, PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, GeomDetEnumerators::PixelEndcap, pushPixelCluster(), reco::Track::recHitsBegin(), reco::Track::recHitsEnd(), subdets, and reco::TrackBase::vz().

Referenced by FWTrackHitsDetailView::addHits(), FWConvTrackHitsDetailView::addHits(), and FWTracksRecHitsProxyBuilder::build().

    * -- return for each Pixel Hit a 3D point
   const FWGeometry *geom = iItem.getGeom();
   double dz =;
   double vz = t.vz();
   double etaT = t.eta();
   fwLog( fwlog::kDebug ) << "Track eta: " << etaT << ", vz: " << vz << ", dz: " << dz
                          << std::endl;
   int cnt = 0;
   for( trackingRecHit_iterator it = t.recHitsBegin(), itEnd = t.recHitsEnd(); it != itEnd; ++it )
      const TrackingRecHit* rh = &(**it);                       
      // -- get position of center of wafer, assuming (0,0,0) is the center
      DetId id = (*it)->geographicalId();
      if( ! geom->contains( id ))
         fwLog( fwlog::kError )
            << "failed to get geometry of Tracker Det with raw id: " 
            << id.rawId() << std::endl;


      // -- in which detector are we?                   
      unsigned int subdet = (unsigned int)id.subdetId();
      if(( subdet == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel ) || ( subdet == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap ))
         fwLog( fwlog::kDebug ) << cnt++ << " -- "
                                << subdets[subdet];
         if( const SiPixelRecHit* pixel = dynamic_cast<const SiPixelRecHit*>( rh ))
            const SiPixelCluster& c = *( pixel->cluster());
            pushPixelCluster( pixelPoints, *geom, id, c, geom->getParameters( id ));
const TGGC & fireworks::redGC ( )

Definition at line 46 of file

   static TGGC s_redGC(*gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFrameGC());
   return s_redGC;
void fireworks::setPath ( TString &  v)

Definition at line 15 of file

References fwLog, fwlog::kError, p1, and p2.

Referenced by CmsShowHelpPopup::CmsShowHelpPopup(), main(), objMon< T >::monitorDenominator(), CmsShowMainBase::sendVersionInfo(), and CmsShowMainFrame::showFWorksInfo().

   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(p1 + v) == kFALSE)

   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(v))
      fwLog(fwlog::kError) << "Can't access path " << v << std::endl;
void fireworks::setTrackTypePF ( const reco::PFCandidate pfCand,
TAttLine *  track 

Definition at line 17 of file

References dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco.

Referenced by FWPFCandidate3DProxyBuilder::build(), FWPFPatJetLegoProxyBuilder< T >::build(), FWPFPatJet3DProxyBuilder< T >::build(), and FWPFCandidatesLegoProxyBuilder::build().


     using namespace reco;

   //   switch (pfCand.particleId() ) {
   //   case PFCandidate::e: track->SetLineStyle(5); break;
   //   case PFCandidate::mu: track->SetLineStyle(6); break;
   //   case PFCandidate::h0: track->SetLineStyle(3); break;
   //   case PFCandidate::gamma:  track->SetLineStyle(7); break;
   //   default: break;
   //   }
void fireworks::setupAddElement ( TEveElement *  el,
TEveElement *  parent,
const FWEventItem item,
bool  master,
bool  color 

Definition at line 337 of file

References FWDisplayProperties::color(), FWEventItem::defaultDisplayProperties(), and FWDisplayProperties::transparency().

Referenced by addSiStripClusters(), and FWDTRecHitProxyBuilder::buildViewType().

   if (master)

   if (color)
      assert((item->defaultDisplayProperties().transparency() >= 0)
             && (item->defaultDisplayProperties().transparency() <= 100));
int * fireworks::supportedDataFormatsVersion ( )

Definition at line 44 of file

References getDecomposedVersion(), and v.

Referenced by acceptDataFormatsVersion(), CmsShowSearchFiles::CmsShowSearchFiles(), FWFileEntry::openFile(), and CmsShowSearchFiles::readInfo().

   static int mm[] = {0, 0, 0};

   if (!mm[0]) {
      TString v;
      if (gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_VERSION"))
         v = gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_VERSION");

         TString versionFileName = gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_BASE");
         versionFileName += "/src/Fireworks/Core/data/version.txt";
         ifstream fs(versionFileName);
         TString infoText;
         infoText.ReadLine(fs); infoText.ReadLine(fs);
         v = &infoText[13];

      getDecomposedVersion(v, &mm[0]);

   return &mm[0];
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > fireworks::thetaBins ( )

Definition at line 49 of file

References funct::exp(), i, fw3dlego::xbins, and fw3dlego::xbins_n.

Referenced by FWCaloTauProxyBuilder::buildViewType().

      const int n_bins = fw3dlego::xbins_n - 1;
      std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > thetaBins(n_bins);
      for (int i = 0; i < n_bins; ++i )
         thetaBins[i].first  = 2*atan( exp(-fw3dlego::xbins[i]) );
         thetaBins[i].second = 2*atan( exp(-fw3dlego::xbins[i+1]) );
      return thetaBins;

Variable Documentation

const int fireworks::BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X = 1 [static]
const int fireworks::BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y = 2 [static]
const int fireworks::COLS_PER_ROC = 52 [static]

Definition at line 62 of file

Referenced by pixelLocalY(), and GCC11_FINAL::RectangularPixelTopology().

const double fireworks::MICRON = 1./1000./10. [static]

Definition at line 58 of file

const TString fireworks::p1 = gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_BASE") + datadir

Definition at line 12 of file

Referenced by setPath().

const TString fireworks::p2 = gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE") + datadir

Definition at line 13 of file

Referenced by setPath().

const double fireworks::PITCHX = 100*MICRON [static]

Definition at line 59 of file

Referenced by pixelLocalX().

const double fireworks::PITCHY = 150*MICRON [static]

Definition at line 60 of file

Referenced by pixelLocalY().

const int fireworks::ROWS_PER_ROC = 80 [static]

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by pixelLocalX(), and GCC11_FINAL::RectangularPixelTopology().

const std::string fireworks::subdets[7] = { "UNKNOWN", "PXB", "PXF", "TIB", "TID", "TOB", "TEC" } [static]

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by pushPixelHits().