![]() |
![]() |
00001 cms.EndPath( 00002 NtuplesOut + 00003 VtxedNtuplesOut 00004 )
Definition at line 316 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.OutputModule( 00002 "AsciiOutputModule" 00003 )
Definition at line 299 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
Referenced by edm::BranchTypeToInfoTreeName(), and AlignmentProducer::duringLoop().
00001 cms.EDProducer( 00002 "EventVtxInfoNtupleDumper", 00003 primaryVertices=cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices") 00004 )
Primary vertex info.
Definition at line 31 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 eventVtxInfoNtuple 00003 )
Definition at line 37 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( 00002 "GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis", 00003 src = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMu"), 00004 ptMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"), 00005 massMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"), 00006 massMax = cms.untracked.double("200.0"), 00007 etaMin = cms.untracked.double("-1.0"), 00008 etaMax = cms.untracked.double("10.0"), 00009 trkIso = cms.untracked.double("10000"), 00010 chi2Cut = cms.untracked.double("10"), 00011 nHitCut = cms.untracked.int32(10) 00012 )
sequences and path for tight cuts...
Definition at line 132 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( 00002 "GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis", 00003 src = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon"), 00004 ptMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"), 00005 massMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"), 00006 massMax = cms.untracked.double("200.0"), 00007 etaMin = cms.untracked.double("-1.0"), 00008 etaMax = cms.untracked.double("10.0"), 00009 trkIso = cms.untracked.double("10000"), 00010 chi2Cut = cms.untracked.double("10"), 00011 nHitCut = cms.untracked.int32(10) 00012 )
Definition at line 171 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( 00002 "GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis", 00003 src = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuon"), 00004 ptMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"), 00005 massMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"), 00006 massMax = cms.untracked.double("200.0"), 00007 etaMin = cms.untracked.double("-1.0"), 00008 etaMax = cms.untracked.double("10.0"), 00009 trkIso = cms.untracked.double("10000"), 00010 chi2Cut = cms.untracked.double("10"), 00011 nHitCut = cms.untracked.int32(10) 00012 )
Definition at line 158 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( 00002 "GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis", 00003 src = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMuAB"), 00004 ptMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"), 00005 massMin = cms.untracked.double("0.0"), 00006 massMax = cms.untracked.double("200.0"), 00007 etaMin = cms.untracked.double("-1.0"), 00008 etaMax = cms.untracked.double("10.0"), 00009 trkIso = cms.untracked.double("10000"), 00010 chi2Cut = cms.untracked.double("10"), 00011 nHitCut = cms.untracked.int32(10) 00012 )
Definition at line 145 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 goodZToMuMu + 00003 goodZToMuMu1HLT 00004 )
Definition at line 205 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 goodZToMuMuLoose + 00003 goodZToMuMu1HLTLoose 00004 )
Definition at line 57 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 goodZToMuMu + 00003 goodZToMuMu2HLT 00004 )
Definition at line 199 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 goodZToMuMuLoose + 00003 goodZToMuMu2HLTLoose 00004 )
Definition at line 52 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 goodZToMuMuNotFiltered + ## not filtered 00003 zToMuMuAB+ 00004 goodZToMuMuAB+ 00005 goodZToMuMuAB1HLT 00006 ## globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAB 00007 )
Definition at line 210 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 goodZToMuMuNotFiltered+ ## not filtered 00003 zToMuMuABLoose+ 00004 goodZToMuMuABLoose+ 00005 goodZToMuMuAB1HLTLoose 00006 )
Definition at line 62 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 zToMuMuBB+ 00003 goodZToMuMuBB2HLT 00004 )
Definition at line 218 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 zToMuMuBBLoose+ 00003 goodZToMuMuBB2HLTLoose 00004 )
Definition at line 69 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 ~goodZToMuMu + 00003 zToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon + 00004 goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon + 00005 goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonFirstHLT 00006 ## globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAAsta 00007 )
Definition at line 267 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 ### I should deny the tight zmumu, otherwise I cut to much.... 00003 ~goodZToMuMu + 00004 zToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonLoose + 00005 goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonLoose + 00006 goodZToMuMuOneStandAloneMuonFirstHLTLoose 00007 )
goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLTPathLoose = cms.Path( dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ goodZToMuMuSameChargeLoose + goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLTLoose )
goodZToMuMuSameCharge1HLTPathLoose = cms.Path( dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ goodZToMuMuSameChargeLoose + goodZToMuMuSameCharge1HLTLoose )
Definition at line 96 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 ~goodZToMuMu + 00003 zToMuMuOneTrackerMuon + 00004 goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuon + 00005 goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonFirstHLT 00006 ## globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAAtrk 00007 )
Definition at line 275 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 ### I should deny the tight zmumu, otherwise I cut to much.... 00003 ~goodZToMuMu + 00004 zToMuMuOneTrackerMuonLoose + 00005 goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonLoose + 00006 goodZToMuMuOneTrackerMuonFirstHLTLoose 00007 )
Definition at line 105 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 ~goodZToMuMu + 00003 ~zToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon + 00004 zToMuGlobalMuOneTrack + 00005 zToMuMuOneTrack + 00006 goodZToMuMuOneTrack + 00007 goodZToMuMuOneTrackFirstHLT 00008 )
Definition at line 285 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 ### I should deny the tight zmumu, otherwise I cut to much.... 00003 ~goodZToMuMu + 00004 ~zToMuMuOneStandAloneMuon + 00005 zToMuGlobalMuOneTrack + 00006 zToMuMuOneTrackLoose + 00007 goodZToMuMuOneTrackLoose + 00008 goodZToMuMuOneTrackFirstHLTLoose 00009 )
Definition at line 115 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 goodZToMuMu + 00003 goodZToMuMuAtLeast1HLT 00004 ## globalMuQualityCutsAnalysisAA 00005 )
Definition at line 191 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 00003 goodZToMuMuLoose + 00004 goodZToMuMuAtLeast1HLTLoose 00005 )
paths for loose cuts, not notIso ones, not 1HLT and 2HLT: only ZGolden, zMuSta, zMuTk, zMuTrackerMuon and ZGoldenSameCharge.
Definition at line 44 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ 00003 goodZToMuMuSameCharge + 00004 goodZToMuMuSameCharge1HLT 00005 )
Definition at line 239 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ 00003 goodZToMuMuSameCharge + 00004 goodZToMuMuSameCharge2HLT 00005 )
Definition at line 231 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ 00003 goodZToMuMuSameCharge + 00004 goodZToMuMuSameChargeAtLeast1HLT 00005 )
Definition at line 224 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 dimuonsGlobalSameCharge+ 00003 goodZToMuMuSameChargeLoose + 00004 goodZToMuMuSameChargeAtLeast1HLTLoose 00005 )
Definition at line 74 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 goodZToMuMu + 00003 zmumuSaMassHistogram 00004 )
Definition at line 185 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 nonIsolatedZToMuMu + 00003 nonIsolatedZToMuMuAtLeast1HLT 00004 )
Definition at line 247 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 eventInfo 00003 )
Definition at line 305 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 nonIsolatedZToMuMu + 00003 oneNonIsolatedZToMuMu + 00004 oneNonIsolatedZToMuMuAtLeast1HLT 00005 )
Definition at line 253 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Path( 00002 nonIsolatedZToMuMu + 00003 twoNonIsolatedZToMuMu + 00004 twoNonIsolatedZToMuMuAtLeast1HLT 00005 )
Definition at line 260 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 eventInfo 00003 )
Definition at line 310 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDAnalyzer( 00002 "ZMuMuSaMassHistogram", 00003 src_m = cms.InputTag("goodZToMuMu"), 00004 min = cms.untracked.double(0.0), 00005 max = cms.untracked.double(200.0), 00006 nbin = cms.untracked.int32(200) 00007 # name = cms.untracked.string("zMass") 00008 )
for zmusta modelling...
Definition at line 20 of file ZMuMuCategoriesSequences_cff.py.