Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

EcalDigisValidation Class Reference

#include <EcalDigisValidation.h>

Inheritance diagram for EcalDigisValidation:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EcalDigisValidation (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
 ~EcalDigisValidation ()

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &c)
void beginRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &c)
void endJob (void)

Private Types

typedef std::map< uint32_t,
float, std::less< uint32_t > > 

Private Member Functions

void checkCalibrations (edm::EventSetup const &c)

Private Attributes

double barrelADCtoGeV_
edm::InputTag EBdigiCollection_
edm::InputTag EEdigiCollection_
double endcapADCtoGeV_
edm::InputTag ESdigiCollection_
std::string g4InfoLabel
std::map< int, double,
std::less< int > > 
std::string HepMCLabel
std::string outputFile_
bool verbose_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 49 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<uint32_t,float,std::less<uint32_t> > EcalDigisValidation::MapType [private]

Definition at line 51 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalDigisValidation::EcalDigisValidation ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)


Definition at line 21 of file

References barrelADCtoGeV_, dbe_, endcapADCtoGeV_, gainConv_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), timingPdfMaker::histo, meEBDigiSimRatio_, meEBDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_, meEBDigiSimRatiogt10ADC_, meEEDigiSimRatio_, meEEDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_, meEEDigiSimRatiogt20ADC_, meGunEnergy_, meGunEta_, meGunPhi_, cmsCodeRules::cppFunctionSkipper::operator, outputFile_, and verbose_.


  // DQM ROOT output
  outputFile_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("outputFile", "");
  if ( outputFile_.size() != 0 ) {
    LogInfo("OutputInfo") << " Ecal Digi Task histograms will be saved to '" << outputFile_.c_str() << "'";
  } else {
    LogInfo("OutputInfo") << " Ecal Digi Task histograms will NOT be saved";
  // verbosity switch
  verbose_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false);
  dbe_ = 0;
  // get hold of back-end interface
  dbe_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
  if ( dbe_ ) {
    if ( verbose_ ) {
    } else {
  if ( dbe_ ) {
    if ( verbose_ ) dbe_->showDirStructure();

  gainConv_[1] = 1.;
  gainConv_[2] = 2.;
  gainConv_[3] = 12.;
  gainConv_[0] = 12.;   // saturated channels
  barrelADCtoGeV_ = 0.035;
  endcapADCtoGeV_ = 0.06;
  meGunEnergy_ = 0;
  meGunEta_ = 0;   
  meGunPhi_ = 0;   

  meEBDigiSimRatio_ = 0;
  meEEDigiSimRatio_ = 0;

  meEBDigiSimRatiogt10ADC_ = 0;
  meEEDigiSimRatiogt20ADC_ = 0;

  meEBDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_ = 0;
  meEEDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_ = 0;

  Char_t histo[200];
  if ( dbe_ ) {
    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Gun Momentum" ) ;
    meGunEnergy_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 1000.);
    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Gun Eta" ) ;
    meGunEta_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 700, -3.5, 3.5);
    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Gun Phi" ) ;
    meGunPhi_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 360, 0., 360.);

    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Barrel maximum Digi over Sim ratio" ) ;
    meEBDigiSimRatio_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 2.) ;

    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Endcap maximum Digi over Sim ratio" ) ;
    meEEDigiSimRatio_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 2.) ;

    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Barrel maximum Digi over Sim ratio gt 10 ADC" ) ;
    meEBDigiSimRatiogt10ADC_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 2.) ;

    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Endcap maximum Digi over Sim ratio gt 20 ADC" ) ;
    meEEDigiSimRatiogt20ADC_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 2.) ;

    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Barrel maximum Digi over Sim ratio gt 100 ADC" ) ;
    meEBDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 2.) ;

    sprintf (histo, "EcalDigiTask Endcap maximum Digi over Sim ratio gt 100 ADC" ) ;
    meEEDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_ = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 2.) ;

EcalDigisValidation::~EcalDigisValidation ( )


Definition at line 115 of file

References dbe_, outputFile_, and DQMStore::save().

  if ( outputFile_.size() != 0 && dbe_ ) dbe_->save(outputFile_);


Member Function Documentation

void EcalDigisValidation::analyze ( edm::Event const &  e,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 
) [protected, virtual]


Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 131 of file

References abs, EcalMGPASample::adc(), barrelADCtoGeV_, EBdigiCollection_, EEdigiCollection_, endcapADCtoGeV_, ESdigiCollection_, edm::EventID::event(), MonitorElement::Fill(), g4InfoLabel, gainConv_, EcalMGPASample::gainId(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), HepMCLabel, EBDataFrame::id(), edm::EventBase::id(), EEDataFrame::id(), EBDetId::ieta(), EBDetId::iphi(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), funct::log(), LogDebug, M_PI, EcalDataFrame::MAXSAMPLES, meEBDigiSimRatio_, meEBDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_, meEBDigiSimRatiogt10ADC_, meEEDigiSimRatio_, meEEDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_, meEEDigiSimRatiogt20ADC_, meGunEnergy_, meGunEta_, meGunPhi_, ecalTB2006H4_GenSimDigiReco_cfg::mySample, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, ESDetId::plane(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), DetId::rawId(), edm::EventID::run(), ESDetId::six(), ESDetId::siy(), EcalDataFrame::size(), edm::DataFrameContainer::size(), ESDetId::strip(), funct::tan(), ESDetId::zside(), and EEDetId::zside().


  LogInfo("EventInfo") << " Run = " << << " Event = " <<;

  vector<SimTrack> theSimTracks;
  vector<SimVertex> theSimVertexes;

  Handle<HepMCProduct> MCEvt;
  Handle<SimTrackContainer> SimTk;
  Handle<SimVertexContainer> SimVtx;
  Handle<CrossingFrame<PCaloHit> > crossingFrame;
  Handle<EBDigiCollection> EcalDigiEB;
  Handle<EEDigiCollection> EcalDigiEE;
  Handle<ESDigiCollection> EcalDigiES;
  bool skipMC = false;
  e.getByLabel(HepMCLabel, MCEvt);
  if (!MCEvt.isValid()) { skipMC = true; }

  const EBDigiCollection* EBdigis =0;
  const EEDigiCollection* EEdigis =0;
  const ESDigiCollection* ESdigis =0;

  bool isBarrel = true;
  e.getByLabel( EBdigiCollection_, EcalDigiEB );
  if (EcalDigiEB.isValid()) {
    EBdigis = EcalDigiEB.product();
    LogDebug("DigiInfo") << "total # EBdigis: " << EBdigis->size() ;
    if ( EBdigis->size() == 0 ) isBarrel = false;
  } else {
    isBarrel = false; 
  bool isEndcap = true;
  e.getByLabel( EEdigiCollection_, EcalDigiEE );
  if (EcalDigiEE.isValid()) {  
    EEdigis = EcalDigiEE.product();
    LogDebug("DigiInfo") << "total # EEdigis: " << EEdigis->size() ;
    if ( EEdigis->size() == 0 ) isEndcap = false;
  } else {
    isEndcap = false; 
  bool isPreshower = true;
  e.getByLabel( ESdigiCollection_, EcalDigiES );
  if (EcalDigiES.isValid()) {
    ESdigis = EcalDigiES.product();
    LogDebug("DigiInfo") << "total # ESdigis: " << ESdigis->size() ;
    if ( ESdigis->size() == 0 ) isPreshower = false;
  } else { 
    isPreshower = false; 


  if ( ! skipMC ) {
    double theGunEnergy = 0.;
    for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = MCEvt->GetEvent()->particles_begin();
          p != MCEvt->GetEvent()->particles_end(); ++p ) {
      theGunEnergy = (*p)->momentum().e();
      double htheta = (*p)->momentum().theta();
      double heta = -log(tan(htheta * 0.5));
      double hphi = (*p)->momentum().phi();
      hphi = (hphi>=0) ? hphi : hphi+2*M_PI;
      hphi = hphi / M_PI * 180.;
      LogDebug("EventInfo") << "Particle gun type form MC = " << abs((*p)->pdg_id()) << "\n" << "Energy = "<< (*p)->momentum().e() << " Eta = " << heta << " Phi = " << hphi;
      if (meGunEnergy_) meGunEnergy_->Fill(theGunEnergy);
      if (meGunEta_) meGunEta_->Fill(heta);
      if (meGunPhi_) meGunPhi_->Fill(hphi);
  int nvtx = 0;
  for (vector<SimVertex>::iterator isimvtx = theSimVertexes.begin();
       isimvtx != theSimVertexes.end(); ++isimvtx){
    LogDebug("EventInfo") <<" Vertex index = " << nvtx << " event Id = " << isimvtx->eventId().rawId() << "\n" << " vertex dump: " << *isimvtx ;
  int ntrk = 0;
  for (vector<SimTrack>::iterator isimtrk = theSimTracks.begin();
       isimtrk != theSimTracks.end(); ++isimtrk){
    LogDebug("EventInfo") <<" Track index = " << ntrk << " track Id = " << isimtrk->trackId() << " event Id = " << isimtrk->eventId().rawId() << "\n" << " track dump: " << *isimtrk ; 

  // loop over simHits

  if ( isBarrel ) {

    const std::string barrelHitsName(g4InfoLabel+"EcalHitsEB");
    std::auto_ptr<MixCollection<PCaloHit> > 
      barrelHits (new MixCollection<PCaloHit>(crossingFrame.product ()));
    MapType ebSimMap;
    for (MixCollection<PCaloHit>::MixItr hitItr = barrelHits->begin () ;
         hitItr != barrelHits->end () ;
         ++hitItr) {
      EBDetId ebid = EBDetId(hitItr->id()) ;
        << " CaloHit "  << hitItr->getName() << "\n" 
        << " DetID = "  << hitItr->id()<< " EBDetId = " << ebid.ieta() << " " << ebid.iphi() << "\n"    
        << " Time = "   << hitItr->time() << " Event id. = " << hitItr->eventId().rawId() << "\n"
        << " Track Id = " << hitItr->geantTrackId() << "\n"
        << " Energy = " << hitItr->energy();

      uint32_t crystid = ebid.rawId();
      ebSimMap[crystid] += hitItr->energy();
    // loop over Digis
    const EBDigiCollection * barrelDigi = EcalDigiEB.product () ;
    std::vector<double> ebAnalogSignal ;
    std::vector<double> ebADCCounts ;
    std::vector<double> ebADCGains ;
    for (unsigned int digis=0; digis<EcalDigiEB->size(); ++digis) {
      EBDataFrame ebdf=(*barrelDigi)[digis];
      int nrSamples=ebdf.size();
      EBDetId ebid = () ;
      double Emax = 0. ;
      int Pmax = 0 ;
      double pedestalPreSample = 0.;
      double pedestalPreSampleAnalog = 0.;
      for (int sample = 0 ; sample < nrSamples; ++sample) {
        ebAnalogSignal[sample] = 0.;
        ebADCCounts[sample] = 0.;
        ebADCGains[sample] = -1.;
      for (int sample = 0 ; sample < nrSamples; ++sample) {
        EcalMGPASample mySample = ebdf[sample];
        ebADCCounts[sample] = (mySample.adc()) ;
        ebADCGains[sample]  = (mySample.gainId()) ;
        ebAnalogSignal[sample] = (ebADCCounts[sample]*gainConv_[(int)ebADCGains[sample]]*barrelADCtoGeV_);
        if (Emax < ebAnalogSignal[sample] ) {
          Emax = ebAnalogSignal[sample] ;
          Pmax = sample ;
        if ( sample < 3 ) {
          pedestalPreSample += ebADCCounts[sample] ;
          pedestalPreSampleAnalog += ebADCCounts[sample]*gainConv_[(int)ebADCGains[sample]]*barrelADCtoGeV_ ;
        LogDebug("DigiInfo") << "EB sample " << sample << " ADC counts = " << ebADCCounts[sample] << " Gain Id = " << ebADCGains[sample] << " Analog eq = " << ebAnalogSignal[sample];
      pedestalPreSample /= 3. ; 
      pedestalPreSampleAnalog /= 3. ; 
      double Erec = Emax - pedestalPreSampleAnalog*gainConv_[(int)ebADCGains[Pmax]];
      if ( ebSimMap[ebid.rawId()] != 0. ) {
        LogDebug("DigiInfo") << " Digi / Hit = " << Erec << " / " << ebSimMap[ebid.rawId()] << " gainConv " << gainConv_[(int)ebADCGains[Pmax]];
        if ( meEBDigiSimRatio_ ) meEBDigiSimRatio_->Fill( Erec/ebSimMap[ebid.rawId()] ) ; 
        if ( Erec > 10.*barrelADCtoGeV_  && meEBDigiSimRatiogt10ADC_  ) meEBDigiSimRatiogt10ADC_->Fill( Erec/ebSimMap[ebid.rawId()] );
        if ( Erec > 100.*barrelADCtoGeV_  && meEBDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_  ) meEBDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_->Fill( Erec/ebSimMap[ebid.rawId()] );

  // loop over simHits

  if ( isEndcap ) {

    const std::string endcapHitsName(g4InfoLabel+"EcalHitsEE");
    std::auto_ptr<MixCollection<PCaloHit> > 
      endcapHits (new MixCollection<PCaloHit>(crossingFrame.product ()));

    MapType eeSimMap;
    for (MixCollection<PCaloHit>::MixItr hitItr = endcapHits->begin () ;
         hitItr != endcapHits->end () ;
         ++hitItr) {
      EEDetId eeid = EEDetId(hitItr->id()) ;
        << " CaloHit " << hitItr->getName() << "\n" 
        << " DetID = "<<hitItr->id()<< " EEDetId side = " << eeid.zside() << " = " << eeid.ix() << " " << eeid.iy() << "\n"
        << " Time = " << hitItr->time() << " Event id. = " << hitItr->eventId().rawId() << "\n"
        << " Track Id = " << hitItr->geantTrackId() << "\n"
        << " Energy = " << hitItr->energy();
      uint32_t crystid = eeid.rawId();
      eeSimMap[crystid] += hitItr->energy();

    // loop over Digis
    const EEDigiCollection * endcapDigi = EcalDigiEE.product () ;
    std::vector<double> eeAnalogSignal ;
    std::vector<double> eeADCCounts ;
    std::vector<double> eeADCGains ;
    for (unsigned int digis=0; digis<EcalDigiEE->size(); ++digis) {
      EEDataFrame eedf=(*endcapDigi)[digis];
      int nrSamples=eedf.size();
      EEDetId eeid = () ;
      double Emax = 0. ;
      int Pmax = 0 ;
      double pedestalPreSample = 0.;
      double pedestalPreSampleAnalog = 0.;
      for (int sample = 0 ; sample < nrSamples; ++sample) {
        eeAnalogSignal[sample] = 0.;
        eeADCCounts[sample] = 0.;
        eeADCGains[sample] = -1.;
      for (int sample = 0 ; sample < nrSamples; ++sample) {

        EcalMGPASample mySample = eedf[sample];
        eeADCCounts[sample] = (mySample.adc()) ;
        eeADCGains[sample]  = (mySample.gainId()) ;
        eeAnalogSignal[sample] = (eeADCCounts[sample]*gainConv_[(int)eeADCGains[sample]]*endcapADCtoGeV_);
        if (Emax < eeAnalogSignal[sample] ) {
          Emax = eeAnalogSignal[sample] ;
          Pmax = sample ;
        if ( sample < 3 ) {
          pedestalPreSample += eeADCCounts[sample] ;
          pedestalPreSampleAnalog += eeADCCounts[sample]*gainConv_[(int)eeADCGains[sample]]*endcapADCtoGeV_ ;
        LogDebug("DigiInfo") << "EE sample " << sample << " ADC counts = " << eeADCCounts[sample] << " Gain Id = " << eeADCGains[sample] << " Analog eq = " << eeAnalogSignal[sample];
      pedestalPreSample /= 3. ; 
      pedestalPreSampleAnalog /= 3. ; 
      double Erec = Emax - pedestalPreSampleAnalog*gainConv_[(int)eeADCGains[Pmax]];
      if (eeSimMap[eeid.rawId()] != 0. ) {
        LogDebug("DigiInfo") << " Digi / Hit = " << Erec << " / " << eeSimMap[eeid.rawId()] << " gainConv " << gainConv_[(int)eeADCGains[Pmax]];
        if ( meEEDigiSimRatio_) meEEDigiSimRatio_->Fill( Erec/eeSimMap[eeid.rawId()] ) ; 
        if ( Erec > 20.*endcapADCtoGeV_  && meEEDigiSimRatiogt20ADC_  ) meEEDigiSimRatiogt20ADC_->Fill( Erec/eeSimMap[eeid.rawId()] );
        if ( Erec > 100.*endcapADCtoGeV_  && meEEDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_  ) meEEDigiSimRatiogt100ADC_->Fill( Erec/eeSimMap[eeid.rawId()] );

  if ( isPreshower) {

    const std::string preshowerHitsName(g4InfoLabel+"EcalHitsES");
    std::auto_ptr<MixCollection<PCaloHit> > 
      preshowerHits (new MixCollection<PCaloHit>(crossingFrame.product ()));
    for (MixCollection<PCaloHit>::MixItr hitItr = preshowerHits->begin () ;
         hitItr != preshowerHits->end () ;
         ++hitItr) {
      ESDetId esid = ESDetId(hitItr->id()) ;
        << " CaloHit " << hitItr->getName() << "\n" 
        << " DetID = " << hitItr->id()<< "ESDetId: z side " << esid.zside() << "  plane " << esid.plane() << esid.six() << ',' << esid.siy() << ':' << esid.strip() << "\n"
        << " Time = "  << hitItr->time() << " Event id. = " << hitItr->eventId().rawId() << "\n"
        << " Track Id = " << hitItr->geantTrackId() << "\n"
        << " Energy = "   << hitItr->energy();

void EcalDigisValidation::beginRun ( edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 121 of file

References checkCalibrations().

void EcalDigisValidation::checkCalibrations ( edm::EventSetup const &  c) [private]

Definition at line 435 of file

References barrelADCtoGeV_, endcapADCtoGeV_, EcalMGPAGainRatio::gain12Over6(), EcalMGPAGainRatio::gain6Over1(), gainConv_, edm::EventSetup::get(), EcalADCToGeVConstant::getEBValue(), EcalADCToGeVConstant::getEEValue(), LogDebug, and edm::ESHandle< T >::product().

Referenced by beginRun().


  // ADC -> GeV Scale
  edm::ESHandle<EcalADCToGeVConstant> pAgc;
  const EcalADCToGeVConstant* agc = pAgc.product();
  EcalMGPAGainRatio * defaultRatios = new EcalMGPAGainRatio();

  gainConv_[1] = 1.;
  gainConv_[2] = defaultRatios->gain12Over6() ;
  gainConv_[3] = gainConv_[2]*(defaultRatios->gain6Over1()) ;
  gainConv_[0] = gainConv_[2]*(defaultRatios->gain6Over1()) ;  // saturated channels

  LogDebug("EcalDigi") << " Gains conversions: " << "\n" << " g1 = " << gainConv_[1] << "\n" << " g2 = " << gainConv_[2] << "\n" << " g3 = " << gainConv_[3];
  LogDebug("EcalDigi") << " Gains conversions: " << "\n" << " saturation = " << gainConv_[0];

  delete defaultRatios;

  const double barrelADCtoGeV_  = agc->getEBValue();
  LogDebug("EcalDigi") << " Barrel GeV/ADC = " << barrelADCtoGeV_;
  const double endcapADCtoGeV_ = agc->getEEValue();
  LogDebug("EcalDigi") << " Endcap GeV/ADC = " << endcapADCtoGeV_;

void EcalDigisValidation::endJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 127 of file



Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 91 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), checkCalibrations(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 81 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by EcalDigisValidation(), and ~EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 85 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 86 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 92 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), checkCalibrations(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 87 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::string EcalDigisValidation::g4InfoLabel [private]

Definition at line 77 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::map<int, double, std::less<int> > EcalDigisValidation::gainConv_ [private]

Definition at line 89 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), checkCalibrations(), and EcalDigisValidation().

std::string EcalDigisValidation::HepMCLabel [private]

Definition at line 76 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 98 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 104 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 101 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 99 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 105 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 102 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 94 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 95 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 96 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDigisValidation().

std::string EcalDigisValidation::outputFile_ [private]

Definition at line 83 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by EcalDigisValidation(), and ~EcalDigisValidation().

Definition at line 79 of file EcalDigisValidation.h.

Referenced by EcalDigisValidation().