Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

EcalTBDaqFormatter Class Reference

#include <EcalTBDaqFormatter.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EcalTBDaqFormatter ()
void interpretRawData (const FEDRawData &data, EBDigiCollection &digicollection, EcalPnDiodeDigiCollection &pndigicollection, EcalRawDataCollection &DCCheaderCollection, EBDetIdCollection &dccsizecollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &ttidcollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &blocksizecollection, EBDetIdCollection &chidcollection, EBDetIdCollection &gaincollection, EBDetIdCollection &gainswitchcollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &memttidcollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &memblocksizecollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &memgaincollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &memchidcollection, EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection &tpcollection)
virtual ~EcalTBDaqFormatter ()

Private Types

enum  SMElectronics_t {
  kSamplesPerChannel = 10, kSamplesPerPn = 50, kChannelsPerTower = 25, kStripsPerTower = 5,
  kChannelsPerStrip = 5, kPnPerTowerBlock = 5, kTriggerTowersAndMem = 70
enum  SMGeom_t {
  kModules = 4, kTriggerTowers = 68, kTowersInPhi = 4, kTowersInEta = 17,
  kCrystals = 1700, kPns = 10, kCrystalsInPhi = 20, kCrystalsInEta = 85,
  kCrystalsPerTower = 25, kCardsPerTower = 5, kChannelsPerCard = 5

Private Member Functions

std::pair< int, int > cellIndex (int tower_id, int strip, int xtal)
int cryIc (int tower_id, int strip, int xtal)
void DecodeMEM (DCCTBTowerBlock *towerblock, EcalPnDiodeDigiCollection &pndigicollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &memttidcollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &memblocksizecollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &memgaincollection, EcalElectronicsIdCollection &memchidcollection)
bool leftTower (int tower) const
bool rightTower (int tower) const

Private Attributes

unsigned _ExpectedTowers [71]
unsigned _expTowersIndex
unsigned _numExpectedTowers
int data_MEM [500]
int memRawSample_ [kStripsPerTower][kChannelsPerStrip][kSamplesPerChannel+1]
bool pnAllocated
bool pnIsOkInBlock [kPnPerTowerBlock]

Detailed Description

2008/01/21 11:21:01
N. Marinelli IASA-Athens
G. Della Ricca
G. Franzoni
A. Ghezzi

Definition at line 29 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 75 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

    kSamplesPerChannel = 10,  // Number of sample per channel, per event
    kSamplesPerPn          = 50,  // Number of sample per PN, per event
    kChannelsPerTower   = 25,  // Number of channels per trigger tower
    kStripsPerTower        = 5,   // Number of VFE cards per trigger tower
    kChannelsPerStrip     = 5,   // Number channels per VFE card
    kPnPerTowerBlock    = 5,    // Number Pn diodes pertaining to 1 tower block = 1/2 mem box
    kTriggerTowersAndMem  = 70    // Number of trigger towers block including mems

Definition at line 61 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

     kModules = 4,           // Number of modules per supermodule
     kTriggerTowers = 68,    // Number of trigger towers per supermodule
     kTowersInPhi = 4,       // Number of trigger towers in phi
     kTowersInEta = 17,      // Number of trigger towers in eta
     kCrystals = 1700,       // Number of crystals per supermodule
     kPns = 10,                  // Number of PN laser monitoring diodes per supermodule
     kCrystalsInPhi = 20,    // Number of crystals in phi
     kCrystalsInEta = 85,    // Number of crystals in eta
     kCrystalsPerTower = 25, // Number of crystals per trigger tower
     kCardsPerTower = 5,     // Number of VFE cards per trigger tower
     kChannelsPerCard = 5    // Number of channels per VFE card

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalTBDaqFormatter::EcalTBDaqFormatter ( )

Definition at line 33 of file

References LogDebug, Parameters::parameters, and theParser_.


  LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter";
  std::vector<uint32_t> parameters;
  parameters.push_back(10); // parameters[0] is the xtal samples 
  parameters.push_back(1);  // parameters[1] is the number of trigger time samples for TPG's
  parameters.push_back(68); // parameters[2] is the number of TT
  parameters.push_back(68); // parameters[3] is the number of SR Flags
  parameters.push_back(1);  // parameters[4] is the dcc id
  parameters.push_back(1);  // parameters[5] is the sr id
  parameters.push_back(1);  // parameters[6] is the tcc1 id
  parameters.push_back(2);  // parameters[7] is the tcc2 id
  parameters.push_back(3);  // parameters[8] is the tcc3 id
  parameters.push_back(4);  // parameters[9] is the tcc4 id

  theParser_ = new DCCTBDataParser(parameters);

virtual EcalTBDaqFormatter::~EcalTBDaqFormatter ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 34 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

References LogDebug.

{LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter" << "\n"; };

Member Function Documentation

std::pair< int, int > EcalTBDaqFormatter::cellIndex ( int  tower_id,
int  strip,
int  xtal 
) [private]

Definition at line 832 of file

References eta(), kCardsPerTower, kChannelsPerCard, kCrystalsPerTower, kTowersInPhi, phi, and rightTower().

Referenced by cryIc().

  int xtal= (strip-1)*5+ch-1;
  //  std::cout << " cellIndex input xtal " << xtal << std::endl;
  std::pair<int,int> ind;
  int eta = (tower_id - 1)/kTowersInPhi*kCardsPerTower;
  int phi = (tower_id - 1)%kTowersInPhi*kChannelsPerCard;

  if (rightTower(tower_id))
    eta += xtal/kCardsPerTower;
    eta += (kCrystalsPerTower - 1 - xtal)/kCardsPerTower;

  if ((rightTower(tower_id) && (xtal/kCardsPerTower)%2 == 1) ||
      (!rightTower(tower_id) && (xtal/kCardsPerTower)%2 == 0))

    phi += (kChannelsPerCard - 1 - xtal%kChannelsPerCard);
    phi += xtal%kChannelsPerCard;

  ind.first =eta+1;  

  //  std::cout << "  EcalTBDaqFormatter::cell_index eta " << ind.first << " phi " << ind.second << " " << std::endl;

  return ind;

int EcalTBDaqFormatter::cryIc ( int  tower_id,
int  strip,
int  xtal 
) [private]

Definition at line 865 of file

References cellIndex(), and kCrystalsInPhi.

Referenced by interpretRawData().


  if ( strip < 1 || 5<strip || ch <1 || 5 < ch || 68<tower)
      edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiChId") << "EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData (cryIc) "
                                             << " wrong channel id, since out of range: "
                                             << "\t strip: "  << strip  << "\t channel: " << ch
                                             << "\t in TT: " << tower;
      return -1;
  std::pair<int,int> cellInd= EcalTBDaqFormatter::cellIndex(tower, strip, ch); 
  return cellInd.second + (cellInd.first-1)*kCrystalsInPhi;
void EcalTBDaqFormatter::DecodeMEM ( DCCTBTowerBlock towerblock,
EcalPnDiodeDigiCollection pndigicollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection memttidcollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection memblocksizecollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection memgaincollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection memchidcollection 
) [private]

Definition at line 603 of file

References _ExpectedTowers, _expTowersIndex, edm::EDCollection< T >::begin(), data_MEM, edm::EDCollection< T >::end(), kChannelsPerStrip, kChannelsPerTower, kPnPerTowerBlock, kSamplesPerChannel, kSamplesPerPn, kStripsPerTower, LogDebug, memRawSample_, pnIsOkInBlock, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::push_back(), edm::EDCollection< T >::push_back(), compare_using_db::sample, EcalPnDiodeDigi::setSample(), EcalPnDiodeDigi::setSize(), edm::EDCollection< T >::size(), strip(), DCCTBTowerBlock::towerID(), and DCCTBTowerBlock::xtalBlocks().

Referenced by interpretRawData().

  LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::DecodeMEM"
                              << "in mem " << towerblock->towerID();  
  int  tower_id = towerblock ->towerID() ;
  int  mem_id   = tower_id-69;

  // initializing container
  for (int st_id=0; st_id< kStripsPerTower; st_id++){
    for (int ch_id=0; ch_id<kChannelsPerStrip; ch_id++){
      for (int sa=0; sa<11; sa++){      
        memRawSample_[st_id][ch_id][sa] = -1;}    } }

  // check that tower block id corresponds to mem boxes
  if(tower_id != 69 && tower_id != 70) 
      edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiTowerId") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter:decodeMem"
                                    << "DecodeMEM: this is not a mem box tower (" << tower_id << ")";
      ++ _expTowersIndex;

   // getting the raw hits from towerBlock while checking tt and ch data structure 
  std::vector<DCCTBXtalBlock *> & dccXtalBlocks = towerblock->xtalBlocks();
  std::vector<DCCTBXtalBlock*>::iterator itXtal;

  // checking mem tower block fo size
  if (dccXtalBlocks.size() != kChannelsPerTower)
      LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigiDccBlockSize") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter:decodeMem"
                                  << " wrong dccBlock size, namely: "  << dccXtalBlocks.size() 
                                  << ", for mem " << _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex];

      // reporting mem-tt block size problem
      // chosing channel 1 as representative as a dummy...
      EcalElectronicsId id(1, (int)_ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex], 1, 1);

      ++ _expTowersIndex;
      return;  // if mem tt block size not ok - do not build any Pn digis

  // loop on channels of the mem block
  int  cryCounter = 0;   int  strip_id  = 0;   int  xtal_id   = 0;  

  for ( itXtal = dccXtalBlocks.begin(); itXtal < dccXtalBlocks.end(); itXtal++ ) {
    strip_id                     = (*itXtal) ->getDataField("STRIP ID");
    xtal_id                      = (*itXtal) ->getDataField("XTAL ID");
    int wished_strip_id  = cryCounter/ kStripsPerTower;
    int wished_ch_id     = cryCounter% kStripsPerTower;
    if( (wished_strip_id+1) != ((int)strip_id) ||
        (wished_ch_id+1) != ((int)xtal_id) )
        LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigiChId") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter:decodeMem"
                                    << " in mem " <<  towerblock->towerID()
                                    << ", expected:\t strip"
                                    << (wished_strip_id+1)  << " cry " << (wished_ch_id+1) << "\tfound: "
                                    << "  strip " <<  strip_id << "  cry " << xtal_id;
        // report on crystal with unexpected indices
        EcalElectronicsId id(1, (int)_ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex], wished_strip_id,  wished_ch_id);
    // Accessing the 10 time samples per Xtal:
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][1] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#1");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][2] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#2");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][3] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#3");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][4] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#4");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][5] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#5");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][6] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#6");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][7] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#7");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][8] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#8");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][9] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#9");
    memRawSample_[wished_strip_id][wished_ch_id][10] = (*itXtal)->getDataField("ADC#10");
  }// end loop on crystals of mem dccXtalBlock
  // tower accepted and digi read from all 25 channels.
  // Increase counter of expected towers before unpacking in the 5 PNs
  ++ _expTowersIndex;

   // unpacking and 'cooking' the raw numbers to get PN sample
  int tempSample=0;
  int memStoreIndex=0;
  int ipn=0;
  for (memStoreIndex=0; memStoreIndex<500; memStoreIndex++)    {
    data_MEM[memStoreIndex]= -1;   }
  for(int strip=0; strip<kStripsPerTower; strip++) {// loop on strips
    for(int channel=0; channel<kChannelsPerStrip; channel++) {// loop on channels

      if(strip%2 == 0) 
        {ipn= mem_id*5+channel;}

      for(int sample=0;sample< kSamplesPerChannel ;sample++) {
        tempSample= memRawSample_[strip][channel][sample+1];

        int new_data=0;
        if(strip%2 == 1) {
          // 1) if strip number is even, 14 bits are reversed in order
          for(int ib=0;ib<14;ib++)
              new_data <<= 1;
              new_data=new_data | (tempSample&1);
              tempSample >>= 1;
        } else {

        // 2) flip 11th bit for AD9052 still there on MEM !
        // 3) mask with 1 1111 1111 1111
        new_data = (new_data ^ 0x800) & 0x3fff;    // (new_data  XOR 1000 0000 0000) & 11 1111 1111 1111
        // new_data = (new_data ^ 0x800) & 0x1fff;    // (new_data  XOR 1000 0000 0000) & 1 1111 1111 1111

        //(Bit 12) == 1 -> Gain 16;    (Bit 12) == 0 -> Gain 1  
        // gain in mem can be 1 or 16 encoded resp. with 0 ir 1 in the 13th bit.
        // checking and reporting if there is any sample with gain==2,3
        short sampleGain = (new_data &0x3000)/4096;
        if (  sampleGain==2 || sampleGain==3) 
            EcalElectronicsId id(1, (int)_ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex], strip, channel);
            edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiGainZero")  << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter:decodeMem"
                                           << "in mem " <<  towerblock->towerID()
                                           << " :\t strip: "
                                           << (strip +1)  << " cry: " << (channel+1) 
                                           << " has 14th bit non zero! Gain results: "
                                           << sampleGain << ".";
          }// end 'if gain is zero'

        memStoreIndex= ipn*50+strip*kSamplesPerChannel+sample;
        // storing in data_MEM also the gain bits
        data_MEM[memStoreIndex]= new_data & 0x3fff;

      }// loop on samples
    }// loop on strips
  }// loop on channels

  for (int pnId=0; pnId<kPnPerTowerBlock; pnId++) pnIsOkInBlock[pnId]=true;
  // if anything was wrong with mem_tt_id or mem_tt_size: you would have already exited
  // otherwise, if any problem with ch_gain or ch_id: must not produce digis for the pertaining Pn

  if (!      (memgaincollection.size()==0 && memchidcollection.size()==0)          )
      for ( EcalElectronicsIdCollection::const_iterator idItr = memgaincollection.begin();
            idItr != memgaincollection.end();
            ++ idItr ) {
        int ch = (*idItr).channelId();
        ch = (ch-1)/5;
        pnIsOkInBlock [ch] = false;

      for ( EcalElectronicsIdCollection::const_iterator idItr = memchidcollection.begin();
            idItr != memchidcollection.end();
            ++ idItr ) {
        int ch = (*idItr).channelId();
        ch = (ch-1)/5;
        pnIsOkInBlock [ch] = false;

    }// end: if any ch_gain or ch_id problems exclude the Pn's from digi production

  // looping on PN's of current mem box
  for (int pnId = 1;  pnId <  (kPnPerTowerBlock+1); pnId++){

    // if present Pn has any of its 5 channels with problems, do not produce digi for it
    if (! pnIsOkInBlock [pnId-1] ) continue;

    // DccId set to 28 to be consistent with ism==1
    EcalPnDiodeDetId PnId(1, 28, pnId +  kPnPerTowerBlock*mem_id);
    EcalPnDiodeDigi thePnDigi(PnId );


    for (int sample =0; sample<kSamplesPerPn; sample++)
        EcalFEMSample thePnSample( data_MEM[(mem_id)*250 + (pnId-1)*kSamplesPerPn + sample ] );
        thePnDigi.setSample(sample,  thePnSample );  
void EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData ( const FEDRawData data,
EBDigiCollection digicollection,
EcalPnDiodeDigiCollection pndigicollection,
EcalRawDataCollection DCCheaderCollection,
EBDetIdCollection dccsizecollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection ttidcollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection blocksizecollection,
EBDetIdCollection chidcollection,
EBDetIdCollection gaincollection,
EBDetIdCollection gainswitchcollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection memttidcollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection memblocksizecollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection memgaincollection,
EcalElectronicsIdCollection memchidcollection,
EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection tpcollection 

Definition at line 52 of file

References _ExpectedTowers, _expTowersIndex, _numExpectedTowers, edm::DataFrameContainer::back(), cryIc(), FEDRawData::data(), DCCTBDataParser::dccEvents(), EcalDCCTBHeaderRuntypeDecoder::Decode(), DecodeMEM(), EcalBarrel, first, i, kChannelsPerCard, kChannelsPerStrip, kChannelsPerTower, kCrystals, kPns, kStripsPerTower, kTowersInPhi, kTriggerTowers, kTriggerTowersAndMem, LogDebug, MAX_TCC_SIZE, MAX_TT_SIZE, DCCTBDataParser::parseBuffer(), pnAllocated, edm::DataFrameContainer::pop_back(), edm::DataFrameContainer::push_back(), edm::EDCollection< T >::push_back(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::push_back(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::reserve(), edm::DataFrameContainer::reserve(), edm::second(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setBasicTriggerType(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setBX(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setErrors(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setFedId(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setFEStatus(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setId(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setLV1(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setOrbit(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setRunNumber(), EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi::setSample(), EcalDataFrame::setSample(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setSelectiveReadout(), EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi::setSize(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setSrpStatus(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setTccStatus(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setTestZeroSuppression(), EcalDCCHeaderBlock::setZeroSuppression(), FEDRawData::size(), strip(), theParser_, and v.

Referenced by EcalDCCTBUnpackingModule::produce().


  const unsigned char * pData =;
  int length = fedData.size();
  bool shit=true;
  unsigned int tower=0;
  int ch=0;
  int strip=0;

  LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                              << "size " << length;

  // mean + 3sigma estimation needed when switching to 0suppressed data
  pnAllocated = false;

  theParser_->parseBuffer( reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(const_cast<unsigned char*>(pData)), static_cast<uint32_t>(length), shit );
  std::vector< DCCTBEventBlock * > &   dccEventBlocks = theParser_->dccEvents();

  // Access each DCCTB block
  for( std::vector< DCCTBEventBlock * >::iterator itEventBlock = dccEventBlocks.begin(); 
       itEventBlock != dccEventBlocks.end(); 
    bool _displayParserMessages = false;
    if( (*itEventBlock)->eventHasErrors() && _displayParserMessages)
        edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                      << "errors found from parser... ";
        edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigi") << (*itEventBlock)->eventErrorString();
        edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                      << "... errors from parser notified";

    // getting the fields of the DCC header
    EcalDCCHeaderBlock theDCCheader;

    theDCCheader.setId(28);                                                     // tb unpacker: forced to 28 to get first geom slot in EB
    int fedId = (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("FED/DCC ID");
    theDCCheader.setFedId( fedId );                                             // fed id as found in raw data (0... 35 at tb )

    theDCCheader.setRunNumber((*itEventBlock)->getDataField("RUN NUMBER"));
    short trigger_type = (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("TRIGGER TYPE");
    short zs  = (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("ZS");
    short tzs = (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("TZS");
    short sr  = (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("SR");
    bool  dataIsSuppressed;

    // if zs&&tzs the suppression algo is used in DCC, the data are not suppressed and zs-bits are set
    if ( zs && !(tzs) ) dataIsSuppressed = true;
    else  dataIsSuppressed = false;

    if(trigger_type >0 && trigger_type <5){theDCCheader.setBasicTriggerType(trigger_type);}
    else{ edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiTriggerType") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                                        << "unrecognized TRIGGER TYPE: "<<trigger_type;}
    theDCCheader.setOrbit((*itEventBlock)->getDataField("ORBIT COUNTER"));
    theDCCheader.setErrors((*itEventBlock)->getDataField("DCC ERRORS"));
    theDCCheader.setSelectiveReadout( sr );
    theDCCheader.setZeroSuppression( zs );
    theDCCheader.setTestZeroSuppression( tzs );

    std::vector<short> theTCCs;
    for(int i=0; i<MAX_TCC_SIZE; i++){
      char TCCnum[20]; sprintf(TCCnum,"TCC_CHSTATUS#%d",i+1); std::string TCCnumS(TCCnum);
      theTCCs.push_back ((*itEventBlock)->getDataField(TCCnumS) );

    std::vector< DCCTBTCCBlock * > tccBlocks = (*itEventBlock)->tccBlocks();
    for(    std::vector< DCCTBTCCBlock * >::iterator itTCCBlock = tccBlocks.begin(); 
            itTCCBlock != tccBlocks.end(); 
            itTCCBlock ++)

        std::vector< std::pair<int,bool> > TpSamples = (* itTCCBlock) -> triggerSamples() ;
        // std::vector of 3 bits
        std::vector<int> TpFlags      = (* itTCCBlock) -> triggerFlags() ;
        // there have always to be 68 primitives and flags, per FED
        if (TpSamples.size()==68   && TpFlags.size()==68)
            for(int i=0; i<((int)TpSamples.size()); i++)        
                int etaTT = (i)  / kTowersInPhi +1;
                int phiTT = (i) % kTowersInPhi +1;

                // follow HB convention in iphi

                EcalTriggerPrimitiveSample theSample(TpSamples[i].first, TpSamples[i].second, TpFlags[i]);
                EcalTrigTowerDetId idtt(1, EcalBarrel, etaTT, phiTT, 0);

                EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi thePrimitive(idtt);
                thePrimitive.setSize(1);                          // hard coded
                thePrimitive.setSample(0, theSample);
                LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigiTpg") << "@SUBS=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                               << "tower: " << (i+1) 
                                               << " primitive: " << TpSamples[i].first
                                               << " flag: " << TpSamples[i].second;

                LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigiTpg") << "@SUBS=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"<<
                  "tower: " << (i+1) << " flag: " << TpFlags[i];
              }// end loop on tower primitives
          }// end if
            edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiTpg") << "68 elements not found for TpFlags or TpSamples, collection will be empty";
    short TowerStatus[MAX_TT_SIZE+1];
    char buffer[20];
    std::vector<short> theTTstatus;
    for(int i=1;i<MAX_TT_SIZE+1;i++)
        sprintf(buffer, "FE_CHSTATUS#%d", i);
        std::string Tower(buffer);
        TowerStatus[i]= (*itEventBlock)->getDataField(Tower);
        //std::cout << "tower " << i << " has status " <<  TowerStatus[i] << std::endl;  

    EcalDCCTBHeaderRuntypeDecoder theRuntypeDecoder;
    uint32_t DCCruntype = (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("RUN TYPE");
    theRuntypeDecoder.Decode(DCCruntype, &theDCCheader);
    //DCCHeader filled!
    std::vector< DCCTBTowerBlock * > dccTowerBlocks = (*itEventBlock)->towerBlocks();
    LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "@SUBS=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                << "dccTowerBlocks size " << dccTowerBlocks.size();

    for (int v=0; v<71; v++){

    // note: these are the tower statuses handled at the moment - to be completed
    // staus==0:   tower expected;
    // staus==9:   Synk error LV1, tower expected;
    // staus==10:  Synk error BX, tower expected;
    // status==1, 2, 3, 4, 5:  tower not expected
    for (int u=1; u< (kTriggerTowersAndMem+1); u++)
        if(   TowerStatus[u] ==0 || TowerStatus[u] ==9 || TowerStatus[u] ==10  ) 
    // resetting counter of expected towers
    // if number of dccEventBlocks NOT same as expected stop
    if (!      (dccTowerBlocks.size() == _numExpectedTowers)      )
        // we probably always want to know if this happens
        edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiNumTowerBlocks") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                      << "number of TowerBlocks found (" << dccTowerBlocks.size()
                                      << ") differs from expected (" << _numExpectedTowers 
                                      << ") skipping event"; 
        EBDetId idsm(1, 1);


    // Access the Tower block    
    for( std::vector< DCCTBTowerBlock * >::iterator itTowerBlock = dccTowerBlocks.begin(); 
         itTowerBlock!= dccTowerBlocks.end(); 

      // checking if tt in data is the same as tt expected 
      // else skip tower and increment problem counter
      // compute eta/phi in order to have iTT = _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex]
      // for the time being consider only zside>0

      EcalElectronicsId idtt(28, _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex], 1, 1);

      if (  !(tower == _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex])          )
          if (_ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex] <= 68){
            edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiTowerId") << "@SUBS=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                                      << "TTower id found (=" << tower 
                                                      << ") different from expected (=" <<  _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex] 
                                                      << ") " << (_expTowersIndex+1) << "-th tower checked"; 
            //  report on failed tt_id for regular tower block
              edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiTowerId") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter:interpretRawData"
                                                        << "DecodeMEM: tower " << tower  
                                                        << " is not the same as expected " << ((int)_ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex])
                                                        << " (according to DCC header channel status)";
              // report on failed tt_id for mem tower block
              // chosing channel 1 as representative
              EcalElectronicsId id(1, (int)_ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex], 1, 1);

          ++ _expTowersIndex;
        }// if TT id found  different than expected 

       //    tt: 1 ... 68: crystal data
      if (  0<  (*itTowerBlock)->towerID() &&
            (*itTowerBlock)->towerID() < (kTriggerTowers+1)         )
          std::vector<DCCTBXtalBlock * > & xtalDataBlocks = (*itTowerBlock)->xtalBlocks();      
          // if there is no zero suppression, tower block must have have 25 channels in it
          if (  (!dataIsSuppressed)   &&   (xtalDataBlocks.size() != kChannelsPerTower)   )
              edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiTowerSize") << "EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData, no zero suppression "
                                            << "wrong tower block size is: "  << xtalDataBlocks.size() 
                                            << " at LV1 " << (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("LV1")
                                            << " for TT " << _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex];
              // report on wrong tt block size

              ++ _expTowersIndex;             continue; 


          short cryInTower =0;

          short expStripInTower;
          short expCryInStrip;
          short expCryInTower =0;

          // Access the Xstal data
          for( std::vector< DCCTBXtalBlock * >::iterator itXtalBlock = xtalDataBlocks.begin(); 
               itXtalBlock!= xtalDataBlocks.end(); 
               itXtalBlock++){ //loop on crys of a  tower

            strip              =(*itXtalBlock)->stripID();
            ch                 =(*itXtalBlock)->xtalID();
            cryInTower  =(strip-1)* kChannelsPerCard + (ch -1);

            expStripInTower   =  expCryInTower/5 +1;
            expCryInStrip     =  expCryInTower%5 +1;
            // FIXME: waiting for geometry to do (TT, strip,chNum) <--> (SMChId)
            // short abscissa = (_ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex]-1)  /4;
            // short ordinate = (_ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex]-1)  %4;
            // temporarily choosing central crystal in trigger tower
            // int cryIdInSM  = 45 + ordinate*5 + abscissa * 100;
            // in case of 0 zuppressed data, check that cryInTower constantly grows
            if (dataIsSuppressed)
                if ( strip < 1 || 5<strip || ch <1 || 5 < ch)
                    int  sm = 1; // hardcoded because of test  beam
                    for (int StripInTower_ =1;  StripInTower_ < 6; StripInTower_++){
                      for (int  CryInStrip_ =1;  CryInStrip_ < 6; CryInStrip_++){
                        int  ic        = cryIc(tower, StripInTower_,  CryInStrip_) ;
                        EBDetId               idExp(sm, ic,1);
                    edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiChId") << "EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData with zero suppression, "
                                                           << " wrong channel id, since out of range: "
                                                           << "\t strip: "  << strip  << "\t channel: " << ch
                                                           << "\t in TT: " << _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex]
                                                           << "\t at LV1 : " << (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("LV1");

                // correct ordering
                if(  cryInTower >= expCryInTower ){
                  expCryInTower = cryInTower +1;
                // cry_id wrong because of incorrect ordering within trigger tower
                    edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiChId") << "EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData with zero suppression, "
                                                  << " based on ch ordering within tt, wrong channel id: "
                                                  << "\t strip: "  << strip  << "\t channel: " << ch
                                                  << "\t cryInTower "  << cryInTower
                                                  << "\t expCryInTower: " << expCryInTower
                                                  << "\t in TT: " << _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex]
                                                  << "\t at LV1: " << (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("LV1");
                    int  sm = 1; // hardcoded because of test  beam
                    for (int StripInTower_ =1;  StripInTower_ < 6; StripInTower_++){
                      for (int  CryInStrip_ =1;  CryInStrip_ < 6; CryInStrip_++){
                        int  ic        = cryIc(tower, StripInTower_,  CryInStrip_) ;
                        EBDetId               idExp(sm, ic,1);
                    // chennel with id which does not follow correct odering
                    expCryInTower++;                continue;
                  }// end 'ch_id does not respect growing order'
              }// end   if zero supression

            else {
              // checking that ch and strip are within range and cryInTower is as expected
              if(   cryInTower != expCryInTower   ||  
                    strip < 1 ||   kStripsPerTower <strip  ||
                    ch <1  ||   kChannelsPerStrip < ch    ) 
                  int ic        = cryIc(tower, expStripInTower,  expCryInStrip) ;
                  int  sm = 1; // hardcoded because of test  beam
                  EBDetId  idExp(sm, ic,1);
                  edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiChId") << "EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData no zero suppression "
                                                    << " wrong channel id for channel: "  << expCryInStrip
                                                    << "\t strip: " << expStripInTower
                                                    << "\t in TT: " << _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex]
                                                    << "\t at LV1: " << (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("LV1")
                                                    << "\t   (in the data, found channel:  " << ch
                                                    << "\t strip:  " << strip << " ).";

                  // report on wrong channel id

                  // there has been unexpected crystal id, dataframe not to go to the Event
                  expCryInTower++;                continue;
                } // if channel in data does not equal expected channel


            } // end 'not zero suppression'
            // data  to be stored in EBDataFrame, identified by EBDetId
            int  ic = cryIc(tower, strip, ch) ;
            int  sm = 1;
            EBDetId  id(sm, ic,1);                 
            // here data frame go into the Event
            // removed later on (with a pop_back()) if gain==0 or if forbidden-gain-switch
            digicollection.push_back( id );
            EBDataFrame theFrame ( digicollection.back() );
            std::vector<int> xtalDataSamples = (*itXtalBlock)->xtalDataSamples();   
            //theFrame.setSize(xtalDataSamples.size()); // if needed, to be changed when constructing digicollection

            // gain cannot be 0, checking for that
            bool        gainIsOk =true;
            unsigned gain_mask      = 12288;    //12th and 13th bit
            std::vector <int> xtalGain;

            for (unsigned short i=0; i<xtalDataSamples.size(); ++i ) {
              theFrame.setSample (i, xtalDataSamples[i] );
              if((xtalDataSamples[i] & gain_mask) == 0){gainIsOk =false;}
              xtalGain[i] |= (xtalDataSamples[i] >> 12);
            if (! gainIsOk) {
              edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiGainZero") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                            << " gain==0 for strip: "  << expStripInTower
                                            << "\t channel: " << expCryInStrip
                                            << "\t in TT: " << _ExpectedTowers[_expTowersIndex]
                                            << "\t ic: " << ic
                                            << "\t at LV1: " << (*itEventBlock)->getDataField("LV1");
              // report on gain==0
              // there has been a gain==0, dataframe not to go to the Event
              continue; //            expCryInTower already incremented

            // looking for forbidden gain transitions
            short firstGainWrong=-1;
            short numGainWrong=0;
            for (unsigned short i=0; i<xtalGain.size(); i++ ) {
              if (i>0 && xtalGain[i-1]>xtalGain[i]) {
                numGainWrong++;// counting forbidden gain transitions
                if (firstGainWrong == -1) {
                  edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiGainSwitch") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                                          << "channelHasGainSwitchProblem: crystal eta = " 
                                                          << id.ieta() << " phi = " << id.iphi();
                edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiGainSwitch") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                                        << "channelHasGainSwitchProblem: sample = " << (i-1) 
                                                        << " gain: " << xtalGain[i-1] << " sample: " 
                                                        << i << " gain: " << xtalGain[i];

            if (numGainWrong>0) {

              edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiGainSwitch") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter:interpretRawData"
                                                        << "channelHasGainSwitchProblem: more than 1 wrong transition";
              for (unsigned short i1=0; i1<xtalDataSamples.size(); ++i1 ) {
                int countADC = 0x00000FFF;
                countADC &= xtalDataSamples[i1];
                LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "Sample " << i1 << " ADC " << countADC << " Gain " << xtalGain[i1];


              // there has been a forbidden gain transition,  dataframe not to go to the Event
              continue; //            expCryInTower already incremented

            }// END of:   'if there is a forbidden gain transition'
          }// end loop on crystals within a tower block
        }// end: tt1 ... tt68, crystal data

       //    tt 69 and 70:  two mem boxes, holding PN0 ... PN9
      else if (       (*itTowerBlock)->towerID() == 69 
                      ||           (*itTowerBlock)->towerID() == 70       )     
          LogDebug("EcalTBRawToDigi") << "@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                      << "processing mem box num: " << (*itTowerBlock)->towerID();

          // if tt 69 or 70 found, allocate Pn digi collection
          if(! pnAllocated) 
              pnAllocated = true;

          DecodeMEM( (*itTowerBlock),  pndigicollection , 
                     memttidcollection,  memblocksizecollection,
                     memgaincollection,  memchidcollection);
        }// end of < if it is a mem box>

      // wrong tt id
      else  {
        edm::LogWarning("EcalTBRawToDigiTowerId") <<"@SUB=EcalTBDaqFormatter::interpretRawData"
                                      << " processing tt with ID not existing ( "
                                      <<  (*itTowerBlock)->towerID() << ")";
        ++ _expTowersIndex;continue; 
      }// end: tt id error

    }// end loop on trigger towers
  }// end loop on events
bool EcalTBDaqFormatter::leftTower ( int  tower) const [private]

Definition at line 893 of file

References rightTower().

  return !rightTower(tower);
bool EcalTBDaqFormatter::rightTower ( int  tower) const [private]

Definition at line 882 of file

Referenced by cellIndex(), and leftTower().

  if ((tower>12 && tower<21) || (tower>28 && tower<37) ||
      (tower>44 && tower<53) || (tower>60 && tower<69))
    return true;
    return false;

Member Data Documentation

unsigned EcalTBDaqFormatter::_ExpectedTowers[71] [private]

Definition at line 87 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Referenced by DecodeMEM(), and interpretRawData().

Definition at line 88 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Referenced by DecodeMEM(), and interpretRawData().

Definition at line 86 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Referenced by interpretRawData().

int EcalTBDaqFormatter::data_MEM[500] [private]

Definition at line 92 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Referenced by DecodeMEM().

int EcalTBDaqFormatter::memRawSample_[kStripsPerTower][kChannelsPerStrip][kSamplesPerChannel+1] [private]

Definition at line 91 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Referenced by DecodeMEM().

Definition at line 93 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Referenced by interpretRawData().

bool EcalTBDaqFormatter::pnIsOkInBlock[kPnPerTowerBlock] [private]

Definition at line 94 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Referenced by DecodeMEM().

Definition at line 59 of file EcalTBDaqFormatter.h.

Referenced by EcalTBDaqFormatter(), and interpretRawData().