Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

DDCoreToDDXMLOutput Class Reference

#include <DDCoreToDDXMLOutput.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void logicalPart (const DDLogicalPart &lp, std::ostream &xos)
void material (const DDMaterial &material, std::ostream &xos)
void position (const DDLogicalPart &parent, const DDLogicalPart &child, DDPosData *edgeToChild, int &rotNameSeed, std::ostream &xos)
void rotation (DDRotation &rotation, std::ostream &xos, const std::string &rotn="")
void solid (const DDSolid &solid, std::ostream &xos)
void specpar (const std::pair< DDsvalues_type, std::set< DDPartSelection * > > &pssv, std::ostream &xos)
void specpar (const DDSpecifics &sp, std::ostream &xos)

Public Attributes

std::string ns_
double tol_

Detailed Description

: Michael Case Initial Version
: 0.0
: 17.10.08

Description: The idea is to store one large XML file containing the XML elements in DDL (Detector Description Language). In doing so, all DDAlgorithms or other code generated DD in-memory components should be reproduced without the need for them to run again if the geometry is read into DDLParser again.

Definition at line 25 of file DDCoreToDDXMLOutput.h.

Member Function Documentation

void DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::logicalPart ( const DDLogicalPart lp,
std::ostream &  xos 

Definition at line 325 of file

References DDLogicalPart::material(), DDLogicalPart::solid(), and DDBase< N, C >::toString().

Referenced by OutputDDToDDL::beginRun().


  xos << "<LogicalPart name=\""  << lp.toString() << "\">" << std::endl;
  xos << "<rSolid name=\""  << lp.solid().toString() << "\"/>" << std::endl;
  xos << "<rMaterial name=\""  << lp.material().toString() << "\"/>" << std::endl;
  xos << "</LogicalPart>" << std::endl;
void DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::material ( const DDMaterial material,
std::ostream &  xos 

Definition at line 257 of file

References DDMaterial::a(), DDMaterial::constituent(), DDMaterial::density(), g, j, DDMaterial::noOfConstituents(), DDBase< N, C >::toString(), and DDMaterial::z().

Referenced by OutputDDToDDL::beginRun().

   int noc = material.noOfConstituents();
   if ( noc == 0 ) {
     xos << "<ElementaryMaterial name=\""  << material.toString() << "\""
         << " density=\"" 
         << std::scientific << std::setprecision(5)
         << material.density() / mg * cm3 << "*mg/cm3\""
         << " atomicWeight=\"" 
         << std::fixed  
         << material.a() / g * mole << "*g/mole\""
         << std::setprecision(0) << std::fixed << " atomicNumber=\"" << material.z() << "\"/>"
         << std::endl;
   } else {
     xos << "<CompositeMaterial name=\""  << material.toString() << "\""
         << " density=\"" 
         << std::scientific << std::setprecision(5)
         << material.density() / mg * cm3 << "*mg/cm3\""
         << " method=\"mixture by weight\">" << std::endl;
     int j=0;
     for (; j<noc; ++j) {
       xos << "<MaterialFraction fraction=\"" 
           << std::fixed << std::setprecision(9)
           << material.constituent(j).second << "\">" << std::endl;
       xos << "<rMaterial name=\""  << material.constituent(j) << "\"/>" << std::endl;
       xos << "</MaterialFraction>" << std::endl;
     xos << "</CompositeMaterial>" << std::endl;
   //   return temp;
void DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::position ( const DDLogicalPart parent,
const DDLogicalPart child,
DDPosData edgeToChild,
int &  rotNameSeed,
std::ostream &  xos 

Definition at line 333 of file

References DDPosData::copyno_, DDRotation::matrix(), DDPosData::rot_, rotation(), DDBase< N, C >::toString(), and DDPosData::translation().

Referenced by OutputDDToDDL::beginRun().

  std::string rotName = edgeToChild->rot_.toString();
  DDRotationMatrix myIDENT;
  xos << "<PosPart copyNumber=\"" << edgeToChild->copyno_ << "\">" << std::endl;
  xos << "<rParent name=\"" << parent.toString() << "\"/>" << std::endl;
  xos << "<rChild name=\"" << child.toString() << "\"/>" << std::endl;
  if ( *(edgeToChild->rot_.matrix()) != myIDENT ) {
    if ( rotName == ":" ) {
      rotation(edgeToChild->rot_, xos);
    } else {
      xos << "<rRotation name=\"" << rotName << "\"/>" << std::endl;
  } // else let default Rotation matrix be created?
  //  xos  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
  xos << "<Translation x=\"" << edgeToChild->translation().x() <<"*mm\""
      << " y=\"" << edgeToChild->translation().y() <<"*mm\""
      << " z=\"" << edgeToChild->translation().z() <<"*mm\"/>" << std::endl;
  //  xos  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
  xos << "</PosPart>" << std::endl;
void DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::rotation ( DDRotation rotation,
std::ostream &  xos,
const std::string &  rotn = "" 

Definition at line 290 of file

References CastorDataFrameFilter_impl::check(), gather_cfg::cout, DDRotation::matrix(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, DDBase< N, C >::toString(), x, detailsBasic3DVector::y, and z.

Referenced by OutputDDToDDL::beginRun(), and position().

  double tol = 1.0e-3; // Geant4 compatible
  DD3Vector x,y,z; 
  double check = (x.Cross(y)).Dot(z); // in case of a LEFT-handed orthogonal system 
  // this must be -1
  bool reflection((1.-check)>tol);
  std::string rotName=rotation.toString();
  if ( rotName == ":" ) {
    if ( rotn != "" ) {
      rotName = rotn;
      std::cout << "about to try to make a new DDRotation... should fail!" << std::endl;
      DDRotation rot( DDName(rotn), rotation.matrix() );
      std:: cout << "new rotation: " << rot << std::endl;
    } else {
      std::cout << "WARNING: MAKING AN UNNAMED ROTATION" << std::endl;
  if ( !reflection ) {
    xos << "<Rotation ";
  } else {
    xos << "<ReflectionRotation ";
  //  xos << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
  xos << "name=\"" << rotName << "\""
      << " phiX=\"" << x.phi()/deg << "*deg\""
      << " thetaX=\"" << x.theta()/deg << "*deg\""
      << " phiY=\"" << y.phi()/deg << "*deg\""
      << " thetaY=\"" << y.theta()/deg << "*deg\""
      << " phiZ=\"" << z.phi()/deg << "*deg\""
      << " thetaZ=\"" << z.theta()/deg << "*deg\"/>"
      << std::endl;
  //  xos << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
void DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::solid ( const DDSolid solid,
std::ostream &  xos 

Definition at line 14 of file

References DDTrap::alpha1(), DDTrap::alpha2(), DDPseudoTrap::atMinusZ(), DDTruncTubs::cutAtDelta(), DDTruncTubs::cutAtStart(), DDTruncTubs::cutInside(), dd_not_init, ddbox, ddcons, ddintersection, ddpolycone_rrz, ddpolycone_rz, ddpolyhedra_rrz, ddpolyhedra_rz, ddpseudotrap, ddreflected, ddshapeless, ddsubtraction, ddtorus, ddtrap, ddtrunctubs, ddtubs, ddunion, DDTorus::deltaPhi(), DDTruncTubs::deltaPhi(), DDPolyhedra::deltaPhi(), DDCons::deltaPhi(), DDTubs::deltaPhi(), DDPolycone::deltaPhi(), DDBox::halfX(), DDBox::halfY(), DDTrap::halfZ(), DDBox::halfZ(), DDPseudoTrap::halfZ(), i, DDTrap::phi(), DDCons::phiFrom(), DDPseudoTrap::radius(), DDTubs::rIn(), DDTruncTubs::rIn(), DDCons::rInMinusZ(), DDCons::rInPlusZ(), DDTorus::rMax(), DDPolyhedra::rMaxVec(), DDPolycone::rMaxVec(), DDTorus::rMin(), DDPolycone::rMinVec(), DDPolyhedra::rMinVec(), DDBooleanSolid::rotation(), DDTruncTubs::rOut(), DDTubs::rOut(), DDCons::rOutMinusZ(), DDCons::rOutPlusZ(), DDTorus::rTorus(), DDPolyhedra::rVec(), DDPolycone::rVec(), DDSolid::shape(), DDPolyhedra::sides(), DDBooleanSolid::solidA(), DDBooleanSolid::solidB(), DDPolycone::startPhi(), DDTruncTubs::startPhi(), DDPolyhedra::startPhi(), DDTubs::startPhi(), DDTorus::startPhi(), DDTrap::theta(), DDBase< N, C >::toString(), DDBooleanSolid::translation(), DDReflectionSolid::unreflected(), DDTrap::x1(), DDPseudoTrap::x1(), DDTrap::x2(), DDPseudoTrap::x2(), DDTrap::x3(), DDTrap::x4(), DDPseudoTrap::y1(), DDTrap::y1(), DDPseudoTrap::y2(), DDTrap::y2(), DDCons::zhalf(), DDTubs::zhalf(), DDTruncTubs::zHalf(), DDPolyhedra::zVec(), and DDPolycone::zVec().

Referenced by OutputDDToDDL::beginRun().

  //  std::cout << << std::endl;
  switch (solid.shape()) 
    case ddunion:
    case ddsubtraction:
    case ddintersection: 
        DDBooleanSolid rs(solid);
        if (solid.shape() == ddunion) {
          xos << "<UnionSolid ";
        } else if (solid.shape() == ddsubtraction) {
          xos << "<SubtractionSolid ";
        } else if (solid.shape() == ddintersection) {
          xos << "<IntersectionSolid ";
        xos << "name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\">"  << std::endl;
        // if translation is == identity there are no parameters.
        // if there is no rotation the name will be ":"
        xos << "<rSolid name=\""  << rs.solidA().toString() << "\"/>" << std::endl;
        xos << "<rSolid name=\""  << rs.solidB().toString() << "\"/>" << std::endl;
        xos << "<Translation x=\"" << rs.translation().X() << "*mm\"";
        xos << " y=\"" << rs.translation().Y() << "*mm\"";
        xos << " z=\"" << rs.translation().Z() << "*mm\"";
        xos << "/>" << std::endl; 
        std::string rotName = rs.rotation().toString();
        if (rotName == ":") {
          rotName = "gen:ID";
        xos << "<rRotation name=\""  << rs.rotation().toString() << "\"/>" << std::endl;
        if (solid.shape() == ddunion) {
          xos << "</UnionSolid>" << std::endl;
        } else if (solid.shape() == ddsubtraction) {
          xos << "</SubtractionSolid>" << std::endl;
        } else if (solid.shape() == ddintersection) {
          xos << "</IntersectionSolid>" << std::endl;
    case ddreflected:
    <ReflectionSolid name="trd2mirror">
      <rSolid name="trd2"/>
        DDReflectionSolid rs(solid);
        xos << "<ReflectionSolid name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\">"  << std::endl;
        xos << "<rSolid name=\""  << rs.unreflected().toString() << "\">" << std::endl;
        xos << "</ReflectionSolid>" << std::endl;
    case ddbox: {
      //    <Box name="box1" dx="10*cm" dy="10*cm" dz="10*cm"/>
      DDBox rs(solid);
      xos << "<Box name=\""  << rs.toString()  << "\"" //<< rs.toString() << "\"" //
          << " dx=\"" << rs.halfX() << "*mm\""
          << " dy=\"" << rs.halfY() << "*mm\""
          << " dz=\"" << rs.halfZ() << "*mm\"/>"
          << std::endl;
    case ddtubs: {
//      <Tubs name="TrackerSupportTubeNomex"         rMin="[SupportTubeR1]+[Tol]" 
//            rMax="[SupportTubeR2]-[Tol]"           dz="[SupportTubeL]" 
//            startPhi="0*deg"                       deltaPhi="360*deg"/>
      DDTubs rs(solid);
      xos << "<Tubs name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " rMin=\"" << rs.rIn() << "*mm\""
          << " rMax=\"" << rs.rOut() << "*mm\""
          << " dz=\"" << rs.zhalf() << "*mm\""
          << " startPhi=\"" << rs.startPhi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " deltaPhi=\"" << rs.deltaPhi()/deg << "*deg\"/>"
          << std::endl;
    case ddtrap: {
//    <Trapezoid name="UpL_CSC_for_TotemT1_Plane_2_5_7" dz="[PCB_Epoxy_Thick_3P]/2."  alp1="-[Up_Signal_Side_alpL_3P]" alp2="-[Up_Signal_Side_alpL_3P]"  
//     bl1="[Max_Base_Signal_SideL_3P]/2." tl1="[Up_Min_Base_Signal_SideL_3P]/2." h1="[Up_Height_Signal_SideL_3P]/2."
//     h2="[Up_Height_Signal_SideL_3P]/2." bl2="[Max_Base_Signal_SideL_3P]/2." tl2="[Up_Min_Base_Signal_SideL_3P]/2."/>
      DDTrap rs(solid);
      xos << "<Trapezoid name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\"" //rs.toString() << "\"" //
          << " dz=\"" << rs.halfZ() << "*mm\""
          << " theta=\"" << rs.theta()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " phi=\"" << rs.phi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " h1=\"" << rs.y1() << "*mm\""
          << " bl1=\"" << rs.x1() << "*mm\""
          << " tl1=\"" << rs.x2() << "*mm\""
          << " alp1=\"" << rs.alpha1()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " h2=\"" << rs.y2() << "*mm\""
          << " bl2=\"" << rs.x3() << "*mm\""
          << " tl2=\"" << rs.x4() << "*mm\""
          << " alp2=\"" << rs.alpha2()/deg << "*deg\"/>"
          << std::endl;
    case ddcons: {
      DDCons rs(solid);
      xos << "<Cone name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " dz=\"" << rs.zhalf() << "*mm\""
          << " rMin1=\"" << rs.rInMinusZ() << "*mm\""
          << " rMax1=\"" << rs.rOutMinusZ() << "*mm\""
          << " rMin2=\"" << rs.rInPlusZ() << "*mm\""
          << " rMax2=\"" << rs.rOutPlusZ() << "*mm\""
          << " startPhi=\"" << rs.phiFrom()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " deltaPhi=\"" << rs.deltaPhi()/deg << "*deg\"/>"
          << std::endl;
    case ddpolycone_rz: {
      DDPolycone rs(solid);
      xos << "<Polycone name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " startPhi=\"" << rs.startPhi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " deltaPhi=\"" << rs.deltaPhi()/deg << "*deg\">"
          << std::endl;
      const std::vector<double> & zV(rs.zVec());
      const std::vector<double> & rV(rs.rVec());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < zV.size(); ++i ) {
        xos << "<RZPoint r=\"" << rV[i] << "*mm\""
            << " z=\"" << zV[i] << "*mm\"/>"
            << std::endl;
      xos << "</Polycone>" << std::endl;
    case ddpolyhedra_rz: {
      DDPolyhedra rs(solid);
      xos << "<Polyhedra name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " numSide=\"" << rs.sides() << "\""
          << " startPhi=\"" << rs.startPhi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " deltaPhi=\"" << rs.deltaPhi()/deg << "*deg\">"
          << std::endl;
      const std::vector<double> & zV(rs.zVec());
      const std::vector<double> & rV(rs.rVec());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < zV.size(); ++i ) {
        xos << "<RZPoint r=\"" << rV[i] << "*mm\""
            << " z=\"" << zV[i] << "*mm\"/>"
            << std::endl;
      xos << "</Polyhedra>" << std::endl;
    case ddpolycone_rrz:{
//   <Polycone name="OCMS" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg" >
//    <ZSection z="-[CMSZ1]"  rMin="[Rmin]"  rMax="[CMSR2]" />
//    <ZSection z="-[HallZ]"  rMin="[Rmin]"  rMax="[CMSR2]" /> 
//    <ZSection z="-[HallZ]"  rMin="[Rmin]"  rMax="[HallR]" />
//    <ZSection z="[HallZ]"   rMin="[Rmin]"  rMax="[HallR]" />
//    <ZSection z="[HallZ]"   rMin="[Rmin]"  rMax="[CMSR2]" />
//    <ZSection z="[CMSZ1]"   rMin="[Rmin]"  rMax="[CMSR2]" />
      DDPolycone rs(solid);
      xos << "<Polycone name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " startPhi=\"" << rs.startPhi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " deltaPhi=\"" << rs.deltaPhi()/deg << "*deg\">"
          << std::endl;
      const std::vector<double> & zV(rs.zVec());
      const std::vector<double> & rMinV(rs.rMinVec());
      const std::vector<double> & rMaxV(rs.rMaxVec());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < zV.size(); ++i ) {
        xos << "<ZSection z=\"" << zV[i] << "*mm\""
            << " rMin=\"" << rMinV[i] << "*mm\""
            << " rMax=\"" << rMaxV[i] << "*mm\"/>"
            << std::endl;
      xos << "</Polycone>" << std::endl;
    case ddpolyhedra_rrz:{
      DDPolyhedra rs(solid);
      xos << "<Polyhedra name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " numSide=\"" << rs.sides() << "\""
          << " startPhi=\"" << rs.startPhi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " deltaPhi=\"" << rs.deltaPhi()/deg << "*deg\">"
          << std::endl;
      const std::vector<double> & zV(rs.zVec());
      const std::vector<double> & rMinV(rs.rMinVec());
      const std::vector<double> & rMaxV(rs.rMaxVec());
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < zV.size(); ++i ) {
        xos << "<ZSection z=\"" << zV[i] << "*mm\""
            << " rMin=\"" << rMinV[i] << "*mm\""
            << " rMax=\"" << rMaxV[i] << "*mm\"/>"
            << std::endl;
      xos << "</Polyhedra>" << std::endl;
    case ddpseudotrap:{
// <PseudoTrap name="YE3_b" dx1="0.395967*m" dx2="1.86356*m" dy1="0.130*m" dy2="0.130*m" dz="2.73857*m" radius="-1.5300*m" atMinusZ="true"/> 
      DDPseudoTrap rs(solid);
      xos << "<PseudoTrap name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " dx1=\"" << rs.x1() << "*mm\""
          << " dx2=\"" << rs.x2() << "*mm\""
          << " dy1=\"" << rs.y1() << "*mm\""
          << " dy2=\"" << rs.y2() << "*mm\""
          << " dz=\"" << rs.halfZ() << "*mm\""
          << " radius=\"" << rs.radius() << "*mm\""
          << " atMinusZ=\"" << ( rs.atMinusZ() ? "true" : "false" ) << "\"/>"
          << std::endl;
    case ddtrunctubs:{
// <TruncTubs name="trunctubs1" zHalf="50*cm" rMin="20*cm" rMax="40*cm" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="90*deg" cutAtStart="25*cm" cutAtDelta="35*cm"/>
      DDTruncTubs rs(solid);
      xos << "<TruncTubs name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " zHalf=\"" << rs.zHalf() << "*mm\""
          << " rMin=\"" << rs.rIn() << "*mm\""
          << " rMax=\"" << rs.rOut() << "*mm\""
          << " startPhi=\"" << rs.startPhi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " deltaPhi=\"" << rs.deltaPhi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " cutAtStart=\"" << rs.cutAtStart() << "*mm\""
          << " cutAtDelta=\"" << rs.cutAtDelta() << "*mm\""
          << " cutInside=\"" << ( rs.cutInside() ? "true" : "false" ) << "\"/>"
          << std::endl;
    case ddshapeless:{
      DDShapelessSolid rs(solid);
      xos << "<ShapelessSolid name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\"/>"
          << std::endl;
    case ddtorus:{
// <Torus name="torus" innerRadius="7.5*cm" outerRadius="10*cm" torusRadius="30*cm" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg"/>
      DDTorus rs(solid);
      xos << "<Torus name=\""  << rs.toString() << "\""
          << " innerRadius=\"" << rs.rMin() << "*mm\""
          << " outerRadius=\"" << rs.rMax() << "*mm\""
          << " torusRadius=\"" << rs.rTorus() << "*mm\""
          << " startPhi=\"" << rs.startPhi()/deg << "*deg\""
          << " deltaPhi=\"" << rs.deltaPhi()/deg << "*deg\"/>"
          << std::endl;
//       return new PSolid( pstrs(solid.toString()), solid.parameters()
//                       , solid.shape(), pstrs(""), pstrs(""), pstrs("") );
    case dd_not_init:
      throw DDException("DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::solid(...) either not inited or no such solid.");

void DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::specpar ( const std::pair< DDsvalues_type, std::set< DDPartSelection * > > &  pssv,
std::ostream &  xos 

Definition at line 400 of file

References i, DDValue::isEvaluated(), DDValue::name(), alignCSCRings::s, DDValue::size(), DDValue::strings(), and v.

  static std::string madeName("specparname");
  static int numspecpars(0);
  std::ostringstream ostr;
  ostr << numspecpars++;
  std::string spname = madeName + ostr.str(); 
  xos << "<SpecPar name=\"" << spname << "\" eval=\"false\">" << std::endl;
  std::set<DDPartSelection*>::const_iterator psit = pssv.second.begin();
  std::set<DDPartSelection*>::const_iterator psendit = pssv.second.end();
  for (; psit != psendit; ++psit) {
    xos << "<PartSelector path=\"" << *(*psit) << "\"/>" << std::endl;

  // =========  ... and iterate over all DDValues...
  DDsvalues_type::const_iterator vit(pssv.first.begin()), ved(pssv.first.end());
  for (; vit != ved; ++vit) {
    const DDValue & v = vit->second;
    size_t s=v.size();
    size_t i=0;
    // ============  ... all actual values with the same name
    const std::vector<std::string>& strvec = v.strings();
    if ( v.isEvaluated() ) {
      for (; i<s; ++i) {
        xos << "<Parameter name=\"" << << "\""
            << " value=\"" << v[i] << "\""
            << " eval=\"true\"/>" << std::endl;
    } else {
      for (; i<s; ++i ) {
        xos << "<Parameter name=\"" << << "\""
            << " value=\"" << strvec[i] << "\""
            << " eval=\"false\"/>" << std::endl;
  xos << "</SpecPar>" << std::endl;
void DDCoreToDDXMLOutput::specpar ( const DDSpecifics sp,
std::ostream &  xos 

Definition at line 361 of file

References i, DDValue::isEvaluated(), DDValue::name(), alignCSCRings::s, DDSpecifics::selection(), DDValue::size(), DDSpecifics::specifics(), DDValue::strings(), DDBase< N, C >::toString(), and v.

Referenced by OutputDDToDDL::beginRun().


  xos << "<SpecPar name=\"" << sp.toString() << "\" eval=\"false\">" << std::endl;

  // ========...  all the selection strings out as strings by using the DDPartSelection's std::ostream function...
  const std::vector<DDPartSelection> sels = sp.selection();
  std::vector<DDPartSelection>::const_iterator psit = sels.begin();
  std::vector<DDPartSelection>::const_iterator psendit = sels.end();
  for (; psit != psendit ; ++psit) {
    xos << "<PartSelector path=\"" << *psit << "\"/>" << std::endl;

 // =========  ... and iterate over all DDValues...
  DDsvalues_type::const_iterator vit(sp.specifics().begin()), ved(sp.specifics().end());
   for (; vit != ved; ++vit) {
    const DDValue & v = vit->second;
    size_t s=v.size();
    size_t i=0;
    // ============  ... all actual values with the same name
    const std::vector<std::string>& strvec = v.strings();
    if ( v.isEvaluated() ) {
      for (; i<s; ++i) {
        xos << "<Parameter name=\"" << << "\""
            << " value=\"" << v[i] << "\""
            << " eval=\"true\"/>" << std::endl;
    } else {
      for (; i<s; ++i ) {
        xos << "<Parameter name=\"" << << "\""
            << " value=\"" << strvec[i] << "\""
            << " eval=\"false\"/>" << std::endl;
   xos << "</SpecPar>" << std::endl;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 45 of file DDCoreToDDXMLOutput.h.

Referenced by OutputDDToDDL::beginRun().

Definition at line 46 of file DDCoreToDDXMLOutput.h.