Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

L1TDEMON Class Reference

#include <L1TDEMON.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1TDEMON:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 L1TDEMON (const edm::ParameterSet &)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob (void)
virtual void endJob ()

Private Member Functions

int verbose ()

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag DEsource_
int deSysCount [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementdeword [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementdword [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementerrortype [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementeta [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementetaData [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementetaphi [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementeword [dedefs::DEnsys]
bool hasRecord_
std::string histFile_
std::string histFolder_
bool m_doSys [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementmasked [dedefs::DEnsys]
bool monitorDaemon_
int nEvt_
int nEvtWithSys [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementphi [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementphiData [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementrnkData [dedefs::DEnsys]
bool runInFF_
MonitorElementsysncand [2]
 monitoring elements
int verbose_
MonitorElementx3 [dedefs::DEnsys]
MonitorElementx3Data [dedefs::DEnsys]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1TDEMON::L1TDEMON ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 7 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, dedefs::DEnsys, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, NULL, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, and validate_alignment_devdb10_cfg::verbose.


    verbose_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int> ("VerboseFlag", 0);

    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "L1TDEMON::L1TDEMON()...\n" << std::flush;

    DEsource_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("DataEmulCompareSource");
    histFolder_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string> ("HistFolder",
    histFile_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string> ("HistFile", "");

    runInFF_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("RunInFilterFarm", false);
    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "Filter farm run setting? " << runInFF_ << "\n"
                << std::flush;

    if (iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("disableROOToutput", true))
        histFile_ = "";

    if (histFile_.size() != 0) {
                << "L1TEmulator Monitoring histograms will be saved to "
                << histFile_.c_str() << std::endl;

    // copied from HardwareValidation/L1Comparator
    // check on size are done there
    std::vector<unsigned int> dosys(0, DEnsys);
    dosys = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<unsigned int> > (
            "COMPARE_COLLS", dosys);

    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) {
        m_doSys[i] = dosys[i];


    nEvt_ = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) {
        deSysCount[i] = 0;
        nEvtWithSys[i] = 0;

    dbe = NULL;
    if (iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("DQMStore", false)) {
        dbe = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();

    if (dbe != NULL)

    hasRecord_ = true;

    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "L1TDEMON::L1TDEMON constructor...done.\n" << std::flush;

Definition at line 66 of file


Member Function Documentation

void L1TDEMON::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [protected, virtual]

get the comparison results

get the de candidates

--- Fill histograms(me) ---

bitset loop

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 328 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, dedefs::CTF, dedefs::DEnsys, dedefs::DTF, dedefs::DTP, dedefs::DTtftrk, eta(), fastmath::etaphi(), HcalObjRepresent::Fill(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), dedefs::GMT, dedefs::GMTcnd, i, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), j, phi, RPCpg::rate(), dedefs::RCT, L1DataEmulDigi::reset(), dedefs::RPC, evf::utils::sid, dedefs::SystLabel, and validate_alignment_devdb10_cfg::verbose.


    if (!hasRecord_)

    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "L1TDEMON::analyze()  start\n" << std::flush;


    edm::Handle < L1DataEmulRecord > deRecord;
    iEvent.getByLabel(DEsource_, deRecord);

    if (!deRecord.isValid()) {
                << "Cannot find L1DataEmulRecord with label "
                << DEsource_.label()
                << " Please verify that comparator was successfully executed."
                << " Emulator DQM will be skipped!" << std::endl;
        hasRecord_ = false;

    bool deMatch[DEnsys];
    if (verbose()) {
        std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] verbose sys match?: ";
        for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
            std::cout << deMatch[i] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

    bool isComp[DEnsys];
    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
        isComp[i] = deRecord->get_isComp(i);
    if (verbose()) {
        std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] verbose dosys?: ";
        for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
            std::cout << isComp[i];
        std::cout << std::endl;

    int DEncand[DEnsys][2];
    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            DEncand[i][j] = deRecord->getNCand(i, j);

    if (verbose()) {
        std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] ncands d: ";
        for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
            std::cout << DEncand[i][0] << " ";
        std::cout << "\n[L1TDEMON] ncands e: ";
        for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
            std::cout << DEncand[i][1] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

    const int nullVal = L1DataEmulDigi().reset();

    L1DEDigiCollection deColl;
    deColl = deRecord->getColl();

    // global counters
    int hasSys[DEnsys] = { 0 };
    for (L1DEDigiCollection::const_iterator it = deColl.begin(); it
            != deColl.end(); it++)
        if (!it->empty())
    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) {
        if (!hasSys[i])
        if (deMatch[i])

    if (verbose()) {
        std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] digis: \n";
        for (L1DEDigiCollection::const_iterator it = deColl.begin(); it
                != deColl.end(); it++)
            std::cout << "\t" << *it << std::endl;

    // global, sub-systems d|e match, ncands
    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) {

        // skip if system disabled
        if (!m_doSys[i]) {

        if (!isComp[i])

        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            sysncand[j]->Fill(i, DEncand[i][j]);

        int ibin = i + 1;
        double rate = nEvtWithSys[i] ? (nEvtWithSys[i] - 1. * deSysCount[i])
                / nEvtWithSys[i] : 0.;
        sysrates->setBinContent(ibin, rate);

        if (verbose()) {
            std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] analyze "
                    << " sysid:" << i
                    << " nEvt:" << nEvt_
                    << " match?" << deMatch[i]
                    << " ncands:" << hasSys[i]
                    << " nevtwsys:" << nEvtWithSys[i]
                    << " nevtgood:" << deSysCount[i]
                    << " rate:" << sysrates->getBinContent(ibin)
                    << "\n";

            if (rate > 1)
                std::cout << "problem, error rate for " << SystLabel[i]
                        << " is " << sysrates->getBinContent(ibin) << std::endl;
  // container for subsystem's leading candidate
    const int ncorr = 3;
    float LeadCandVal[DEnsys][ncorr] = { { (float) nullVal } };
    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < ncorr; j++)
            LeadCandVal[i][j] = nullVal;

    // d|e candidate loop
    for (L1DEDigiCollection::const_iterator it = deColl.begin(); it
            != deColl.end(); it++) {

        int sid = it->sid();
        int cid = it->cid();

        if (it->empty())

        int type = it->type();
        double phiv = it->x1();
        double etav = it->x2();
        double x3v = it->x3();

        float rankarr[2];
        float rnkv = rankarr[0];

        double wei = 1.;

        unsigned int mask = (~0x0);

        if (sid == RCT) {
            //if(cid!=RCTem)  continue;
            //if(cid!=RCTrgn) continue;
        //     if(sid==GCT) {
        //       // For the moment just include EM and jet objects, energy sums being debugged in the expert DQM first.
        //       if(cid!=GCTisolaem &&
        //          cid!=GCTnoisoem &&
        //          cid!=GCTcenjets &&
        //          cid!=GCTforjets &&
        //          cid!=GCTtaujets) continue;
        //     }
        if (sid == DTP) {
            //tbd cols:th,ph; plots per wheel
            //if(it->x3()!=0) continue;
        if (sid == GMT) {
            //select gmt cands only for GMT sys
            if (cid != GMTcnd)
            //masking: gres -- I.Mikulec: mask bits 0,5,16,21,22,23
            //mask = (~(0x0e10021));
        if (sid == DTF) {
            if (cid != DTtftrk)
        if (sid == RPC || sid == CTF || sid == RPC) {
            //select mu regional cands only for dtf,ctf,rpc
            //if(cid!=MUrtf) continue;
            //masking: gres dttf only -- I.Mikulec: lowest 16 bits only
            //if(sid==DTF) mask = 0xffff;

        errordist ->Fill(type);

        // skip next if running in filter farm
        if (runInFF_)

        //exclude agreeing cands
        wei = 1.;
        if (!type)
            wei = 0.;
        if (etav != nullVal && phiv != nullVal)
            etaphi[sid]->Fill(etav, phiv, wei);
        if (etav != nullVal)
            eta[sid]->Fill(etav, wei);
        if (phiv != nullVal)
            phi[sid]->Fill(phiv, wei);
        if (sid == DTP)
            if (x3v != nullVal)
                x3[sid]->Fill(x3v, wei);

        unsigned int word[2];
        std::bitset < 32 > dbits(word[0]);
        std::bitset < 32 > ebits(word[1]);
        unsigned int dexor = ((word[0]) ^ (word[1]));
        //disagreeing bits
        std::bitset < 32 > debits(dexor);
        //disagreeing bits after masking
        std::bitset < 32 > dembits(((dexor) & (mask)));

        if (verbose())
            std::cout << "l1demon" << " sid:" << sid << " cid:" << cid << "\n"
                    << " data:0x" << std::hex << word[0] << std::dec
                    << " bitset:" << dbits << "\n" << " emul:0x" << std::hex
                    << word[1] << std::dec << " bitset:" << ebits << "\n"
                    << "  xor:0x" << std::hex << dexor << std::dec
                    << " bitset:" << debits << " bitset:"
                    << ((dbits) ^ (ebits)) << "\n" << std::flush;

        for (int ibit = 0; ibit < 32; ibit++) {
            wei = 1.;
            //comparison gives no info if there's only 1 candidate
            if (type == 3 || type == 4)
                wei = 0.;
            if (dbits[ibit])
                dword[sid]->Fill(ibit, wei);
            if (ebits[ibit])
                eword[sid]->Fill(ibit, wei);
            if (debits[ibit])
                deword[sid]->Fill(ibit, wei);

        //exclude e-only cands (only data)
        wei = 1.;
        if (type == 4)
            wei = 0.;
        if (etav != nullVal)
            etaData[sid]->Fill(etav, wei);
        if (phiv != nullVal)
            phiData[sid]->Fill(phiv, wei);
        if (sid == DTP)
            if (x3v != nullVal)
                x3Data[sid]->Fill(x3v, wei);
        rnkData[sid]->Fill(rnkv, wei);

        //correlations: store leading candidate
        if (type == 4)
            continue; //exclude e-only cands
        bool islead = false;
        if (rnkv > LeadCandVal[sid][2])
            islead = true;
        else if (rnkv == LeadCandVal[sid][2]) {
            if (phiv > LeadCandVal[sid][0])
                islead = true;
            else if (phiv == LeadCandVal[sid][0])
                if (etav > LeadCandVal[sid][1])
                    islead = true;

        if (islead) {
            LeadCandVal[sid][0] = phiv;
            LeadCandVal[sid][1] = etav;
            LeadCandVal[sid][2] = rnkv;

    }//close loop over dedigi-cands

    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "L1TDEMON::analyze() end.\n" << std::flush;

void L1TDEMON::beginJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]

labeling (temporary cosmetics added here)

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 69 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), gather_cfg::cout, dedefs::CTF, dedefs::CTP, dedefs::DEnsys, dedefs::DTF, dedefs::DTP, eta(), fastmath::etaphi(), dedefs::ETP, dedefs::GCT, dedefs::GLT, dedefs::GMT, dedefs::HTP, i, j, dedefs::LTC, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, phi, dedefs::RCT, dedefs::RPC, MonitorElement::setBinLabel(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), dedefs::SystLabel, dedefs::SystLabelExt, and validate_alignment_devdb10_cfg::verbose.


    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "L1TDEMON::beginJob()  start\n" << std::flush;

    DQMStore* dbe = 0;
    dbe = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
    if (dbe) {
        // dbe->rmdir(histFolder_);

    //physical values disabled now, waiting for scale procedure
    //const double tpi = 6.2832;
    //const double amin=   -0.5;
    //const double amax=tpi+0.5;
    //                           ETP,  HTP,  RCT, GCT, DTP, DTF,  CTP, CTF, RPC,LTC, GMT,GLT
    int    phiNBins[DEnsys] = { 71  , 71  , 18  ,18  ,  12, 255,  160, 255, 144,  0, 255,0};
    double phiMinim[DEnsys] = {  0.5,  0.5, -0.5,-0.5,-0.5,   0, -0.5,   0,  -0.5,  0,   0,0};
    double phiMaxim[DEnsys] = { 71.5, 71.5, 17.5,17.5,11.5, 255,159.5, 255,  143.5,  0, 255,0};
    int    etaNBins[DEnsys] = { 35  , 35  , 22  ,22  ,   5,  20,  120,  20,  64,  0, 20,0};
    double etaMinim[DEnsys] = {-17.5,-17.5, -0.5,-0.5,-2.5,   0, -0.5,   0,   -0.5,  0,  0,0};
    double etaMaxim[DEnsys] = { 17.5, 17.5, 21.5,21.5, 2.5,  63,119.5,  63,  63.5,  0, 63,0};
    int    x3NBins [DEnsys] = {    0,    0,    7,   0,   4,   0,    0,   0,   0,  0,   0,0};
    double x3Minim [DEnsys] = {    0,    0, -0.5,   0, 0.5,   0,    0,   0,   0,  0,   0,0};
    double x3Maxim [DEnsys] = {    0,    0,  6.5,   0, 4.5,   0,    0,   0,   0,  0,   0,0};
    int    rnkNBins[DEnsys] = {    0,    0,    0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,  0,   0,0};
    double rnkMinim[DEnsys] = {    0,    0,    0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,  0,   0,0};
    double rnkMaxim[DEnsys] = {    0,    0,    0,   0,   0,   0,    0,   0,   0,  0,   0,0};
    //assume for
    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) {
        rnkNBins[i] = 63;
        rnkMinim[i] = 0.5;
        rnkMaxim[i] = 63.5;
    }//rank 0x3f->63
    rnkNBins[DTP] = 7;
    rnkMinim[DTP] = -0.5;
    rnkMaxim[DTP] = 6.5; //rank 0-6
    rnkNBins[CTP] = 16;
    rnkMinim[CTP] = -0.5;
    rnkMaxim[CTP] = 15.5; //quality 0-15

     RCT: global index ieta (0-21)=[22,-0.5,21.5] , iphi (0-17)=[18,-0.5,17.5]; card (0-6)
     GCT: phi index (0-17); eta = -6 to -0, +0 to +6. Sign is bit 3, 1 means -ve Z, 0 means +ve Z -> 0.17
     DTP: usc 0..11; uwh -2..2; ust 1..4;
     CTP: rank is quality 0..15

    if (dbe) {

        if (!runInFF_)
            dbe->setCurrentFolder(std::string(histFolder_ + "/common"));

        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
            std::string lbl("sysncand");
            lbl += (j == 0 ? "Data" : "Emul");
                    = dbe->book1D(,, DEnsys, 0, DEnsys);

        sysrates = dbe->book1D("sysrates", "sysrates", DEnsys, 0, DEnsys);
        const int nerr = 5;
        errordist = dbe->book1D("errorflag", "errorflag", nerr, 0, nerr);

        for (int j = 0; j < DEnsys; j++) {

            // skip if system disabled
            if (!m_doSys[j]) {

            if (!runInFF_) {
                        std::string(histFolder_ + "/" + SystLabelExt[j]));

            std::string lbl("");
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "ErrorFlag";
            errortype[j] = dbe->book1D(,, nerr, 0, nerr);

            // skip next histos if running in filter farm
            if (runInFF_) {

            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "eta";
            eta[j] = dbe->book1D(,, etaNBins[j],
                    etaMinim[j], etaMaxim[j]);
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "phi";
            phi[j] = dbe->book1D(,, phiNBins[j],
                    phiMinim[j], phiMaxim[j]);
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "x3";
            x3[j] = dbe->book1D(,, x3NBins[j], x3Minim[j],
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "etaphi";
            etaphi[j] = dbe->book2D(,, etaNBins[j],
                    etaMinim[j], etaMaxim[j], phiNBins[j], phiMinim[j],
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "eta";
            lbl += "Data";
            etaData[j] = dbe->book1D(,, etaNBins[j],
                    etaMinim[j], etaMaxim[j]);
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "phi";
            lbl += "Data";
            phiData[j] = dbe->book1D(,, phiNBins[j],
                    phiMinim[j], phiMaxim[j]);
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "x3";
            lbl += "Data";
            x3Data[j] = dbe->book1D(,, x3NBins[j],
                    x3Minim[j], x3Maxim[j]);
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "rank";
            lbl += "Data";
            rnkData[j] = dbe->book1D(,, rnkNBins[j],
                    rnkMinim[j], rnkMaxim[j]);

            const int nbit = (j == GLT) ? 128 : 32;
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "dword";
            dword[j] = dbe->book1D(,, nbit, 0, nbit);
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "eword";
            eword[j] = dbe->book1D(,, nbit, 0, nbit);
            lbl += SystLabel[j];
            lbl += "deword";
            deword[j] = dbe->book1D(,, nbit, 0, nbit);
            //masked[j] = dbe->book1D(,,nbit,0,nbit);

    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) {
        sysrates ->setBinLabel(i + 1, SystLabel[i]);
        sysncand[0]->setBinLabel(i + 1, SystLabel[i]);
        sysncand[1]->setBinLabel(i + 1, SystLabel[i]);
    const int nerr = 5;
    std::string errLabel[nerr] = { "Agree", "Loc. Agree", "L.Disagree",
            "Data only", "Emul only" };
    for (int j = 0; j < nerr; j++) {
        errordist->setBinLabel(j + 1, errLabel[j]);
    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) {

        // skip if system disabled
        if (!m_doSys[i]) {

        for (int j = 0; j < nerr; j++) {

            errortype[i]->setBinLabel(j + 1, errLabel[j]);

    // done if running in filter farm
    if (runInFF_)

    for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++) {

        // skip if system disabled
        if (!m_doSys[i]) {

        etaphi[i]->setAxisTitle("eta", 1);
        etaphi[i]->setAxisTitle("phi", 2);
        dword[i]->setAxisTitle("trigger data word bit");
        eword[i]->setAxisTitle("trigger data word bit");
        deword[i]->setAxisTitle("trigger data word bit");
        //masked [i]->setAxisTitle("trigger data word bit");

    // assertions/temporary
    assert(ETP == 0);
    assert(HTP == 1);
    assert(RCT == 2);
    assert(GCT == 3);
    assert(DTP == 4);
    assert(DTF == 5);
    assert(CTP == 6);
    assert(CTF == 7);
    assert(RPC == 8);
    assert(LTC == 9);
    assert(GMT == 10);
    assert(GLT == 11);

    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "L1TDEMON::beginJob()  end.\n" << std::flush;
void L1TDEMON::endJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 299 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, dedefs::DEnsys, i, and validate_alignment_devdb10_cfg::verbose.


    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "L1TDEMON::endJob Nevents: " << nEvt_ << "\n"
                << std::flush;

    if (verbose()) {
        std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] systems disagreement rate:\n\t";
        for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
            printf("%4.2f ", sysrates->getBinContent(i));
        std::cout << std::endl;

    if (verbose()) {
        std::cout << "[L1TDEMON] verbose fill histo: ";
        for (int i = 0; i < DEnsys; i++)
            std::cout << deSysCount[i] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

    if (histFile_.size() != 0 && dbe)

    if (verbose())
        std::cout << "L1TDEMON::endJob()  end.\n" << std::flush;
int L1TDEMON::verbose ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 49 of file L1TDEMON.h.

References verbose_.

{return verbose_;}

Member Data Documentation

DQMStore* L1TDEMON::dbe [private]

Definition at line 58 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 44 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 66 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 97 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 95 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 81 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 82 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 86 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 89 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 85 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 96 of file L1TDEMON.h.

bool L1TDEMON::hasRecord_ [private]

Definition at line 45 of file L1TDEMON.h.

std::string L1TDEMON::histFile_ [private]

Definition at line 52 of file L1TDEMON.h.

std::string L1TDEMON::histFolder_ [private]

Definition at line 55 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 73 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 98 of file L1TDEMON.h.

bool L1TDEMON::monitorDaemon_ [private]

Definition at line 59 of file L1TDEMON.h.

int L1TDEMON::nEvt_ [private]

Definition at line 65 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 67 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 87 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 90 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 92 of file L1TDEMON.h.

bool L1TDEMON::runInFF_ [private]

Definition at line 62 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 80 of file L1TDEMON.h.

monitoring elements

Definition at line 79 of file L1TDEMON.h.

int L1TDEMON::verbose_ [private]

Definition at line 48 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Referenced by verbose().

Definition at line 88 of file L1TDEMON.h.

Definition at line 91 of file L1TDEMON.h.