Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

GeneralHLTOffline Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for GeneralHLTOffline:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GeneralHLTOffline (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~GeneralHLTOffline ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void beginRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void endJob ()
virtual void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void endRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void fillHltMatrix (std::string, std::string, double, double, bool)
virtual string removeVersions (std::string)
virtual void setupHltMatrix (std::string, int)

Private Attributes

vector< string > AddedDatasets
bool debugPrint
HLTConfigProvider hltConfig_
std::string hltTag
bool outputPrint
vector< vector< string > > PDsVectorPathsVector
std::string plotDirectoryName

Detailed Description

Description: [one line class summary] Implementation: [Notes on implementation]

Definition at line 56 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GeneralHLTOffline::GeneralHLTOffline ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 107 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and patRefSel_triggerSelection_cff::hltTag.

   //now do what ever initialization is needed

  debugPrint = false;
  outputPrint = false;

  if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Inside Constructor" << std::endl;

  plotDirectoryName = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("dirname", "HLT/General");

   if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Got plot dirname = " << plotDirectoryName << std::endl;
  hltTag = iConfig.getParameter<std::string> ("HltProcessName");

GeneralHLTOffline::~GeneralHLTOffline ( )

Definition at line 127 of file

   // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
   // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)


Member Function Documentation

void GeneralHLTOffline::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 142 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, makeLayoutFileForGui::datasetNames, trigger::TriggerObject::eta(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), MonitorElement::getTH1F(), patRefSel_triggerSelection_cff::hltTag, i, trigger::TriggerObject::id(), edm::EventBase::id(), getHLTprescales::index, relativeConstraints::keys, label, edm::EventID::luminosityBlock(), EgammaValidation_cff::pathName, trigger::TriggerObject::phi(), trigger::TriggerObject::pt(), edm::EventID::run(), findQualityFiles::size, and patRefSel_triggerSelection_cff::triggerResults.

   using namespace edm;
   using std::string;

   if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Inside analyze - run, block, event " << << " , " << << " , " << << " , " << std::endl;

                     //LuminosityBLock() << " , " << event() << std::endl;

    // Access Trigger Results
   edm::Handle<edm::TriggerResults> triggerResults;
   iEvent.getByLabel(InputTag("TriggerResults","", hltTag), triggerResults);
   if (!triggerResults.isValid()) {
     if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Trigger results not valid" << std::endl;
     return; }

    if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Found triggerResults" << std::endl;

   edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEvent>         aodTriggerEvent;   
   iEvent.getByLabel(InputTag("hltTriggerSummaryAOD", "", hltTag), aodTriggerEvent);
   if ( !aodTriggerEvent.isValid() ) { 
     if (debugPrint) std::cout << "No AOD trigger summary found! Returning..."; 

  std::vector<std::string> nameStreams = hltConfig_.streamNames();

  const TriggerObjectCollection objects = aodTriggerEvent->getObjects();

  bool streamAfound = false;
  int i = 0;

  for (vector<string>::iterator streamName = nameStreams.begin(); 
       streamName != nameStreams.end(); ++streamName) {
    if  (hltConfig_.streamName(i) == "A") {
      if (debugPrint) std::cout << " Stream A not found " << std::endl;
      streamAfound = true;
      if (debugPrint) std::cout << " Stream A found " << std::endl;

   if (streamAfound) {
     vector<string> datasetNames =  hltConfig_.streamContent("A");
     // Loop over PDs
     for (unsigned int iPD = 0; iPD < datasetNames.size(); iPD++) { 
       //     if (datasetNames[iPD] != "SingleMu" && datasetNames[iPD] != "SingleElectron" && datasetNames[iPD] != "Jet") continue;  
       // unsigned int keyTracker[1000]; // Array to eliminate double counts by tracking what Keys have already been fired
       // for(unsigned int irreproduceableIterator = 0; irreproduceableIterator < 1000; irreproduceableIterator++) {
       //        keyTracker[irreproduceableIterator] = 1001;
       // }
       // Loop over Paths in each PD
       bool first_count = true;
       for (unsigned int iPath = 0; iPath < PDsVectorPathsVector[iPD].size(); iPath++) { 
         std::string pathName = PDsVectorPathsVector[iPD][iPath];
         if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Looking at path " << pathName << std::endl;
         unsigned int index = hltConfig_.triggerIndex(pathName);
         if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Index = " << index << " triggerResults->size() = " << triggerResults->size() << std::endl;

         //fill the histos with empty weights......
         std::string label = datasetNames[iPD];
         std:: string fullPathToCPP = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/"+label+"/cppath_"+label;
         MonitorElement * ME_mini_cppath = dbe->get(fullPathToCPP);
         TH1F * hist_mini_cppath = ME_mini_cppath->getTH1F();//charlie

         TAxis * axis = hist_mini_cppath->GetXaxis();
         int bin_num = axis->FindBin(pathName.c_str());
         int bn = bin_num - 1;


         if (index < triggerResults->size()) {
           if(triggerResults->accept(index)) {
             if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Check Event " << << " Run " << 
                                       << " fired path " << pathName << std::endl;
             // look up module labels for this path
             vector<std::string> modulesThisPath = hltConfig_.moduleLabels(pathName);
             if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Looping over module labels " << std::endl;
             // Loop backward through module names
             for ( int iModule = (modulesThisPath.size()-1); iModule >= 0; iModule--) {
               if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Module name is " << modulesThisPath[iModule] << std::endl;
               // check to see if you have savetags information
               if (hltConfig_.saveTags(modulesThisPath[iModule])) {
                 if (debugPrint) std::cout << "For path " << pathName << " this module " << modulesThisPath[iModule] <<" is a saveTags module of type " << hltConfig_.moduleType(modulesThisPath[iModule]) << std::endl;
                 if (hltConfig_.moduleType(modulesThisPath[iModule]) == "HLTLevel1GTSeed") break;
                 InputTag moduleWhoseResultsWeWant(modulesThisPath[iModule], "", hltTag);
                 unsigned int indexOfModuleInAodTriggerEvent = aodTriggerEvent->filterIndex(moduleWhoseResultsWeWant);
                 if ( indexOfModuleInAodTriggerEvent < aodTriggerEvent->sizeFilters() ) {
                   const Keys &keys = aodTriggerEvent->filterKeys( indexOfModuleInAodTriggerEvent );
                   if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Got Keys for index " << indexOfModuleInAodTriggerEvent <<", size of keys is " << keys.size() << std::endl;
                   if (keys.size()>=1000) edm::LogWarning("GeneralHLTOffline") << "WARNING!! size of keys is " << keys.size() 
                                                                               << " for path " << pathName << " and module " << modulesThisPath[iModule]<< std::endl;

                   // There can be > 100 keys (3-vectors) for some modules with no ID filled
                   // the first one has the highest value for single-object triggers
                   // for multi-object triggers, seems reasonable to use the first one as well
                   //  So loop here has been commented out
                   //              for ( size_t iKey = 0; iKey < keys.size(); iKey++ ) {
                   if (keys.size() > 0) {
                     TriggerObject foundObject = objects[keys[0]];

                     //              if(keyTracker[iKey] != iKey) first_count = true;
                     if (debugPrint || outputPrint) std::cout << "This object has id (pt, eta, phi) = "
                                                              << " " << << " " 
                                                              << std::setw(10) <<
                                                              << ", " << std::setw(10) << foundObject.eta() 
                                                              << ", " << std::setw(10) << foundObject.phi()
                                                              << "    for path = " << std::setw(20) << pathName
                                                              << " module " << std::setw(40) << modulesThisPath[iModule]
                                                              << std::endl;

                     if (debugPrint) std::cout << "CHECK RUN " << << " " << << " " << pathName << " " 
                                               << modulesThisPath[iModule] << " " << datasetNames[iPD] << " "  
                                               << hltConfig_.moduleType(modulesThisPath[iModule]) << " " 
                                               << keys.size() << " " 
                                               << std::setprecision(4) << << " " 
                                               << foundObject.eta() << " " 
                                               << foundObject.phi() << std::endl;

                     // first_count is to make sure that the top-level histograms of each dataset 
                     // don't get filled more than once
                     first_count = false;
                     //              keyTracker[iKey] = iKey;
                     //   }// end for each key               
                   } // at least one key
                 }// end if filter in aodTriggerEvent
                 // OK, we found the last module. No need to look at the others.
                 // get out of the loop
               }// end if saveTags
             }//end Loop backward through module names   
           }// end if(triggerResults->accept(index))

           // else:

         }// end if (index < triggerResults->size())
       }// end Loop over Paths in each PD
     }//end Loop over PDs

void GeneralHLTOffline::beginJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 337 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and cppFunctionSkipper::operator.

{using namespace edm;
 using std::string;

  if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Inside begin job" << std::endl; 

  dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
 if (dbe) {


void GeneralHLTOffline::beginLuminosityBlock ( edm::LuminosityBlock const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &   
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 727 of file

void GeneralHLTOffline::beginRun ( edm::Run const &  iRun,
edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 364 of file

References compare_using_db::compare, gather_cfg::cout, makeLayoutFileForGui::datasetNames, newFWLiteAna::found, patRefSel_triggerSelection_cff::hltTag, and i.


  if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Inside beginRun" << std::endl;
  bool changed = true;
  if (hltConfig_.init(iRun, iSetup, hltTag, changed)) {
      std::cout << "HLT config with process name " 
                << hltTag << " successfully extracted" << std::endl;
  } else {
    if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Warning, didn't find process HLT" << std::endl;

  if (debugPrint) std::cout << " HLTConfig processName " << hltConfig_.processName()
                            << " tableName " << hltConfig_.tableName() 
                            << " size " << hltConfig_.size() << std::endl;

  cppath = dbe->book1D("cppath","Counts/Path",hltConfig_.size(),0,hltConfig_.size());  

  std::vector<std::string> nameStreams = hltConfig_.streamNames();

  bool streamAfound = false;
  int i = 0;
  for (vector<string>::iterator streamName = nameStreams.begin(); 
       streamName != nameStreams.end(); ++streamName) {
    if  (hltConfig_.streamName(i) == "A") {
      if (debugPrint) std::cout << " Stream A found " << std::endl;
      streamAfound = true;
      if (debugPrint) std::cout << " Stream A not found " << std::endl;

  if (streamAfound) {
    vector<string> datasetNames =  hltConfig_.streamContent("A");
    if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Number of Stream A datasets " << datasetNames.size() << std::endl;
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<datasetNames.size();i++) {
      if (debugPrint) std::cout << "This is dataset " << datasetNames[i] <<std::endl;
      vector<string> datasetPaths = hltConfig_.datasetContent(datasetNames[i]);
      if (debugPrint) std::cout << "datasetPaths.size() = " << datasetPaths.size() << std::endl;
      // Should be fine here 
      if (debugPrint) {
        for (unsigned int iPath = 0;  
             iPath < datasetPaths.size(); iPath++) {
          std::cout << "Before setupHltMatrix -  MET dataset " << datasetPaths[iPath] << std::endl;
      // Check if dataset has been added - if not add it
      // need to loop through AddedDatasets and compare
      bool foundDataset = false;
      int datasetNum = -1;
      for (unsigned int d = 0; d < AddedDatasets.size(); d++) {
        if (AddedDatasets[d].compare(datasetNames[i]) == 0 ){
          foundDataset = true;
          datasetNum = d;
          if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Dataset " << datasetNames[i] << " found in AddedDatasets at position " << d << std::endl;

      if (!foundDataset) {
        if (debugPrint) std::cout << " Fill trigger paths for dataset " << datasetNames[i] << std::endl;
        // store dataset pathname 
      // This trigger path has already been added - 
      //   this implies that this is a new run
      //   What we want to do is check if there is a new trigger that was not in the original dataset
      //    For a given dataset, loop over the stored list of triggers, and compare to the current list of triggers
      //     If any of the triggers are missing, add them to the end of the appropriate dataset
      else  {
        if (debugPrint) std::cout << " Additional runs : Check for additional trigger paths per dataset " << std::endl;
          // Loop over correct path of PDsVectorPathsVector
          bool found = false;

          // Loop over triggers in the path
          for (unsigned int iTrig = 0; iTrig < datasetPaths.size(); iTrig++) {
            if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Looping over trigger list in dataset " <<  iTrig <<  "  " << datasetPaths[iTrig] << endl; 
              found = false;
            // Loop over triggers already on the list
            for (unsigned int od = 0; od < PDsVectorPathsVector[datasetNum].size(); od++) { 
              if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Looping over existing trigger list " <<  od <<  "  " << PDsVectorPathsVector[datasetNum][od] << endl; 
              // Compare, see if match is found
              if (removeVersions(datasetPaths[iTrig]).compare(removeVersions(PDsVectorPathsVector[datasetNum][od])) == 0) {
                found = true;
                if (debugPrint) std::cout << " FOUND " << datasetPaths[iTrig] << std::endl;
          // If match is not found, add trigger to correct path of PDsVectorPathsVector
          if (!found)
          if (debugPrint) std::cout << datasetPaths[iTrig] << "  NOT FOUND - so we added it to the correct dataset " << datasetNames[i] << std::endl;
      // Let's check this whole big structure
      if (debugPrint) {
        for (unsigned int is = 0; is < PDsVectorPathsVector.size(); is++) { 
          std::cout << "   PDsVectorPathsVector[" << is << "] is " << PDsVectorPathsVector[is].size() << std::endl;
          for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < PDsVectorPathsVector[is].size(); ip++) { 
            std::cout << "    trigger " << ip << " path " << PDsVectorPathsVector[is][ip] << std::endl;

      if (debugPrint) std::cout <<"Found PD: " << datasetNames[i]  << std::endl;     

    }// end of loop over dataset names
  } // if stream A found

void GeneralHLTOffline::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 358 of file

void GeneralHLTOffline::endLuminosityBlock ( edm::LuminosityBlock const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &   
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 733 of file

void GeneralHLTOffline::endRun ( edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &   
) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 498 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

  if (debugPrint) std::cout << " endRun called " << std::endl; 
void GeneralHLTOffline::fillHltMatrix ( std::string  label,
std::string  path,
double  Eta,
double  Phi,
bool  first_count 
) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 631 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, MonitorElement::getTH1F(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), and label.


  if (debugPrint) std::cout << "Inside fillHltMatrix( " << label << " , " << path << " ) " << std::endl;

  std::string fullPathToME;
  std::string fullPathToME1dEta;
  std::string fullPathToME1dPhi;
  std::string fullPathToME1dEtaPath;
  std::string fullPathToME1dPhiPath;
  std::string fullPathToCPP;

 fullPathToME = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/HLT_"+label+"_EtaVsPhi"; 
 fullPathToME1dEta = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/HLT_"+label+"_1dEta";
 fullPathToME1dPhi = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/HLT_"+label+"_1dPhi";
 fullPathToCPP = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/"+label+"/cppath_"+label;

if (label != "SingleMu" && label != "SingleElectron" && label != "Jet") {
 fullPathToME = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/"+label+"/HLT_"+label+"_EtaVsPhi"; 
 fullPathToME1dEta = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/"+label+"/HLT_"+label+"_1dEta";
 fullPathToME1dPhi = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/"+label+"/HLT_"+label+"_1dPhi";
 fullPathToME1dEtaPath = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/"+label+"/Paths/HLT_"+removeVersions(path)+"_1dEta";
 fullPathToME1dPhiPath = "HLT/GeneralHLTOffline/"+label+"/Paths/HLT_"+removeVersions(path)+"_1dPhi";

  // MonitorElement * ME_2d = dbe->get(fullPathToME);
  // MonitorElement * ME_1dEta = dbe->get(fullPathToME1dEta);
  // MonitorElement * ME_1dPhi = dbe->get(fullPathToME1dPhi);  
  // MonitorElement * ME_1dEtaPath = dbe->get(fullPathToME1dEtaPath);
  // MonitorElement * ME_1dPhiPath = dbe->get(fullPathToME1dPhiPath);
  MonitorElement * ME_mini_cppath = dbe->get(fullPathToCPP);
  // TH2F * hist_2d = ME_2d->getTH2F();
  // TH1F * hist_1dEta = ME_1dEta->getTH1F();
  // TH1F * hist_1dPhi = ME_1dPhi->getTH1F();
  // TH1F * hist_1dEtaPath = ME_1dEtaPath->getTH1F();
  // TH1F * hist_1dPhiPath = ME_1dPhiPath->getTH1F();
  TH1F * hist_mini_cppath = ME_mini_cppath->getTH1F();

  //int i=2;
  //if (Eta>1.305 && Eta<1.872) i=0;
  //if (Eta<-1.305 && Eta>-1.872) i=0;
  //for (int ii=i; ii<3; ++ii) hist_2d->Fill(Eta,Phi); //Scales narrow bins in Barrel/Endcap border region

  // fill top-level histograms
  if(first_count) {
    if (debugPrint)
      std::cout << " label " << label << " fullPathToME1dPhi " << fullPathToME1dPhi << " path "  << path << " Phi " << Phi << " Eta " << Eta << std::endl;

    if (label != "MET" && label != "HT") {
      MonitorElement * ME_1dEta = dbe->get(fullPathToME1dEta);
      TH1F * hist_1dEta = ME_1dEta->getTH1F();
    if (label != "HT") {
      MonitorElement * ME_1dPhi = dbe->get(fullPathToME1dPhi);  
      TH1F * hist_1dPhi = ME_1dPhi->getTH1F();
      if (debugPrint) std::cout << "  **FILLED** label " << label << " fullPathToME1dPhi " << fullPathToME1dPhi << " path "  << path << " Phi " << Phi << " Eta " << Eta << std::endl;
    if (label != "MET" && label != "HT") {
      MonitorElement * ME_2d = dbe->get(fullPathToME);
      TH2F * hist_2d = ME_2d->getTH2F();
  }  // end fill top-level histograms

  if (label != "MET" && label != "HT") {
    MonitorElement * ME_1dEtaPath = dbe->get(fullPathToME1dEtaPath);
    TH1F * hist_1dEtaPath = ME_1dEtaPath->getTH1F();
  if (label != "HT") {
    MonitorElement * ME_1dPhiPath = dbe->get(fullPathToME1dPhiPath);
    TH1F * hist_1dPhiPath = ME_1dPhiPath->getTH1F();
  if (debugPrint)
    if (label == "MET") 
      std::cout << " MET Eta is " << Eta << std::endl;
  TAxis * axis = hist_mini_cppath->GetXaxis();
  int bin_num = axis->FindBin(path.c_str());
  int bn = bin_num - 1;

 if (debugPrint) std::cout << "hist->Fill" << std::endl;

} //End fillHltMatrix
string GeneralHLTOffline::removeVersions ( std::string  histVersion) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 615 of file

References pos, cmsDownloadME::ver, and BeamSplash_cfg::version.

  for (int ii = 100; ii >= 0; ii--) {
    string ver = "_v";
    string version ="";
    stringstream ss;
    ss << ver << ii;
    ss >> version;
    size_t pos = histVersion.find(version);
    if (pos != std::string::npos)
  return histVersion;
void GeneralHLTOffline::setupHltMatrix ( std::string  label,
int  iPD 
) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 1025 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::bookProfile(), TrigResRateMon::dbe_, MonitorElement::getTH1F(), MonitorElement::getTProfile(), i, TrigResRateMon::pathsSummaryFolder_, and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().


    //string groupLabelAny = "HLT_"+label+"_Any";
    paths.push_back("Total "+label);

    string h_name; 
    string h_title; 


// //     h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_PassPass";
// //     h_title = "HLT_"+label+"_PassPass (x=Pass, y=Pass);;; ";
// //     MonitorElement* ME = dbe_->book2D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
// //                            paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5, paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);

    // This is counts per path per for a specific PD
    // it will be corrected for prescales
    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_Pass_Any";
    h_title = "HLT_"+label+"_Pass -- Prescale*Counts Per Path;Path;PS*Counts";
    MonitorElement* ME_Any = dbe_->book1D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
                           paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);

    // This is RAW counts per path per for a specific PD
    // it will be corrected for
    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_RawCounts";
    h_title = "HLT_"+label+"_Pass (x=Pass, An) normalized to HLT_Any Pass;;Counts";
    MonitorElement* ME_RawCounts = dbe_->book1D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
                           paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);

    // Make a similar histogram that is xsec per path for a specific PD
    // this is actually a profile of the average xsec per path 
    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_Xsec";
    h_title = "HLT_"+label+"_Xsec -- Profile shows Average Xsec per path;;#sigma (#mu b)";

    TProfile tempProfile(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
                         paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);
    MonitorElement* ME_Xsec = dbe_->bookProfile(h_name.c_str(), &tempProfile);

    // Make a similar histogram that is xsec per path for a specific PD
    // this is actually a profile of the average xsec per path
    // this histogram is scaled to the cross section of a reference path
    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_XsecScaled";
    h_title = "HLT_"+label+"_Xsec -- Profile shows Average Xsec per path Scaled to Reference;;Ratio (#sigma/#sigma_{ref}";

    TProfile tempProfileScaled(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
                         paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);
    MonitorElement* ME_XsecScaled = dbe_->bookProfile(h_name.c_str(), &tempProfileScaled);

    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_Rate";
    h_title = "HLT_"+label+"_Rate -- histogram shows Average Rate per LS;LS;Rate [Hz]";

    // MonitorElement* ME_Rate = dbe_->book1D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),nLS_, 0, nLS_);

//     dbe_->setCurrentFolder(pathsSummaryHLTCorrelationsFolder_.c_str());
//     h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_PassPass_Normalized";
//     h_title = "HLT_"+label+"_PassPass (x=Pass, y=Pass) normalized to xBin=Pass";
//     MonitorElement* ME_Normalized = dbe_->book2D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
//                            paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5, paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);
//     h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_Pass_Normalized_Any";
//     h_title = "HLT_"+label+"_Pass (x=Pass, Any=Pass) normalized to HLT_Any Pass";
//     MonitorElement* ME_Normalized_Any = dbe_->book1D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),
//                            paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);

//     dbe_->setCurrentFolder(pathsSummaryHLTPathsPerLSFolder_.c_str());
//     h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_Total_LS";
//     h_title = label+" HLT paths total combined rate [Hz]";
//     MonitorElement* ME_Total_LS = dbe_->book1D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(), nLS_, 0, nLS_);
//     ME_Total_LS->setAxisTitle("LS");

//     h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_LS";
//     h_title = label+" HLT paths rate [Hz]";
//     MonitorElement* ME_Group_LS = dbe_->book2D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(), nLS_, 0, nLS_, paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);
//     ME_Group_LS->setAxisTitle("LS");
//     /// add this path to the vector of 2D LS paths
//     v_ME_HLTAll_LS.push_back(ME_Group_LS);

    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_L1_Total_LS";
    h_title = label+" HLT paths total combined rate [Hz]";
    MonitorElement* ME_Total_L1_LS = dbe_->book1D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(), nLS_, 0, nLS_);

    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_L1_LS";
    h_title = label+" HLT L1s rate [Hz]";
    MonitorElement* ME_Group_L1_LS = dbe_->book2D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(), nLS_, 0, nLS_, paths.size(), -0.5, paths.size()-0.5);

    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_BX_LS";
    h_title = label+" HLT paths total count combined per BX ";
    MonitorElement* ME_Total_BX = dbe_->book2D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),  nLS_, 0, nLS_, 5, -2.5, 2.5);

    h_name= "HLT_"+label+"_BX_LS_Norm";
    h_title = label+" HLT paths total count combined per BX Normalized to LS";
    MonitorElement* ME_Total_BX_Norm = dbe_->book2D(h_name.c_str(), h_title.c_str(),  nLS_, 0, nLS_, 5, -2.5, 2.5);

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++){

// //       ME->getTH2F()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());
// //       ME->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());
//       ME_Group_LS->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());

//       ME_Normalized->getTH2F()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());
//       ME_Normalized->getTH2F()->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());
//       ME_Normalized_Any->getTH1F()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());
      ME_Any->getTH1F()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());
      ME_Xsec->getTProfile()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());
      ME_XsecScaled->getTProfile()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());
      ME_RawCounts->getTH1F()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, (paths[i]).c_str());

Member Data Documentation

vector<string> GeneralHLTOffline::AddedDatasets [private]

Definition at line 91 of file

Definition at line 93 of file

Definition at line 86 of file

Definition at line 80 of file

Definition at line 88 of file

std::string GeneralHLTOffline::hltTag [private]

Definition at line 84 of file

Definition at line 81 of file

vector< vector<string> > GeneralHLTOffline::PDsVectorPathsVector [private]

Definition at line 90 of file

std::string GeneralHLTOffline::plotDirectoryName [private]

Definition at line 83 of file