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helper::ClusterStorer Class Reference

#include <ClusterStorer.h>

List of all members.


class  ClusterHitRecord
 A struct for clusters associated to hits. More...

Public Member Functions

void addCluster (TrackingRecHitCollection &hits, size_t index)
 add cluster of newHit to list (throws if hit is of unknown type)
void clear ()
 clear records
 ClusterStorer ()
void processAllClusters (edmNew::DetSetVector< SiPixelCluster > &pixelDsvToFill, edm::RefProd< edmNew::DetSetVector< SiPixelCluster > > refPixelClusters, edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster > &stripDsvToFill, edm::RefProd< edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster > > refStripClusters)

Private Types

typedef ClusterHitRecord
< SiPixelRecHit::ClusterRef
typedef ClusterHitRecord
< SiStripRecHit2D::ClusterRef
 Assuming that the ClusterRef is the same for all SiStripRecHit*:

Private Member Functions

template<typename HitType , typename ClusterType >
void processClusters (std::vector< ClusterHitRecord< typename HitType::ClusterRef > > &clusterRecords, edmNew::DetSetVector< ClusterType > &dsvToFill, edm::RefProd< edmNew::DetSetVector< ClusterType > > &refprod)

Private Attributes

< PixelClusterHitRecord
< StripClusterHitRecord

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file ClusterStorer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 74 of file ClusterStorer.h.

Assuming that the ClusterRef is the same for all SiStripRecHit*:

Definition at line 76 of file ClusterStorer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

helper::ClusterStorer::ClusterStorer ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 28 of file ClusterStorer.h.


Member Function Documentation

void ClusterStorer::addCluster ( TrackingRecHitCollection hits,
size_t  index 

add cluster of newHit to list (throws if hit is of unknown type)

Definition at line 22 of file

References Exception, getHLTprescales::index, SiStripMatchedRecHit2D::monoHit(), ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D::originalHit(), pixelClusterRecords_, SiStripMatchedRecHit2D::stereoHit(), and stripClusterRecords_.

Referenced by helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::processMuon(), and helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager::processTrack().

    TrackingRecHit &newHit = hits[index];
    const std::type_info &hit_type = typeid(newHit);
    if (hit_type == typeid(SiPixelRecHit)) {
      //std::cout << "|  It is a Pixel hit !!" << std::endl;
                                                           hits, index));
    } else if (hit_type == typeid(SiStripRecHit1D)) {
      //std::cout << "|   It is a SiStripRecHit1D hit !!" << std::endl;
                                                           hits, index));
    } else if (hit_type == typeid(SiStripRecHit2D)) {
      //std::cout << "|   It is a SiStripRecHit2D hit !!" << std::endl;
                                                           hits, index));
    } else if (hit_type == typeid(SiStripMatchedRecHit2D)) {      
      //std::cout << "|   It is a SiStripMatchedRecHit2D hit !!" << std::endl;
      SiStripMatchedRecHit2D &mhit = static_cast<SiStripMatchedRecHit2D&>(newHit);
      stripClusterRecords_.push_back(StripClusterHitRecord(mhit.monoHit(), hits, index));
      stripClusterRecords_.push_back(StripClusterHitRecord(mhit.stereoHit(), hits, index));
    } else if (hit_type == typeid(ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D)) {
      //std::cout << "|   It is a ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D hit !!" << std::endl;
      ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D &phit = static_cast<ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D&>(newHit);
      stripClusterRecords_.push_back(StripClusterHitRecord(phit.originalHit(), hits, index));
    } else {
      if (hit_type == typeid(SiTrackerGSMatchedRecHit2D)
          || hit_type == typeid(SiTrackerGSRecHit2D)) {
        //std::cout << "|   It is a " << << " hit !!" << std::endl;
        // FastSim hits: Do nothing instead of caring about FastSim clusters, 
        //               not even sure whether these really exist.
        //               At least predecessor code in TrackSelector and MuonSelector
        //               did not treat them.
      } else {
        // through for unknown types
        throw cms::Exception("UnknownHitType") << "helper::ClusterStorer::addCluster: "
                                               << "Unknown hit type " <<
                                               << ".\n";
    } // end 'switch' on hit type
void ClusterStorer::clear ( void  )
void ClusterStorer::processAllClusters ( edmNew::DetSetVector< SiPixelCluster > &  pixelDsvToFill,
edm::RefProd< edmNew::DetSetVector< SiPixelCluster > >  refPixelClusters,
edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster > &  stripDsvToFill,
edm::RefProd< edmNew::DetSetVector< SiStripCluster > >  refStripClusters 

Processes all the clusters of the tracks (after the tracks have been dealt with), need Refs to products (i.e. full collections) in the event.

Definition at line 74 of file

References pixelClusterRecords_, and stripClusterRecords_.

Referenced by helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore(), and helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager::cloneAndStore().

    if (!pixelClusterRecords_.empty()) {
      this->processClusters<SiPixelRecHit, SiPixelCluster>
        (pixelClusterRecords_, pixelDsvToFill, refPixelClusters);
    if (!stripClusterRecords_.empty()) {
      // All we need from the HitType 'SiStripRecHit2D' is the
      // typedef for 'SiStripRecHit2D::ClusterRef'.
      // The fact that rekey<SiStripRecHit2D> is called is irrelevant since
      // ClusterHitRecord<typename SiStripRecHit2D::ClusterRef>::rekey<RecHitType>
      // is specialised such that 'RecHitType' is not used...
      this->processClusters<SiStripRecHit2D, SiStripCluster>
        (stripClusterRecords_, stripDsvToFill, refStripClusters);
template<typename HitType , typename ClusterType >
void ClusterStorer::processClusters ( std::vector< ClusterHitRecord< typename HitType::ClusterRef > > &  clusterRecords,
edmNew::DetSetVector< ClusterType > &  dsvToFill,
edm::RefProd< edmNew::DetSetVector< ClusterType > > &  refprod 
) [private]

Processes all the clusters of a specific type (after the tracks have been dealt with)

Definition at line 97 of file

References cond::rpcobgas::detid, end, edmNew::DetSetVector< T >::FastFiller::push_back(), and python::multivaluedict::sort().

    std::sort(clusterRecords.begin(), clusterRecords.end()); // this sorts them by detid 
      typename std::vector<ClusterHitRecord<typename HitType::ClusterRef> >::const_iterator
    RIT it = clusterRecords.begin(), end = clusterRecords.end();
    size_t clusters = 0;
    while (it != end) {
      RIT it2 = it;
      uint32_t detid = it->detid();
      // first isolate all clusters on the same detid
      while ( (it2 != end) && (it2->detid() == detid)) {  ++it2; }
      // now [it, it2] bracket one detid
      // then prepare to copy the clusters
      typename edmNew::DetSetVector<ClusterType>::FastFiller filler(dsvToFill, detid);
      typename HitType::ClusterRef lastRef, newRef;
      for ( ; it != it2; ++it) { // loop on the detid
        // first check if we need to clone the hit
        if (it->clusterRef() != lastRef) { 
          lastRef = it->clusterRef();
          // clone cluster
          filler.push_back( *lastRef );  
          // make new ref
          newRef = typename HitType::ClusterRef( refprod, clusters++ );
        it->template rekey<HitType>(newRef);
      } // end of the loop on a single detid
    } // end of the loop on all clusters

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 89 of file ClusterStorer.h.

Referenced by addCluster(), clear(), and processAllClusters().

Definition at line 90 of file ClusterStorer.h.

Referenced by addCluster(), clear(), and processAllClusters().