Variables | |
tuple | generator |
tuple | ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator) |
tuple | source = cms.Source("EmptySource") |
00001 cms.EDProducer("FlatRandomPtGunProducer", 00002 firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(1), 00003 PGunParameters = cms.PSet( 00004 PartID = cms.vint32(13), 00005 # you can request more than 1 particle 00006 # PartID = cms.vint32(211,11,-13), 00007 MinPt = cms.double(10.0), 00008 MaxPt = cms.double(10.0), 00009 MinEta = cms.double(-3.0), 00010 MaxEta = cms.double(3.0), 00011 MinPhi = cms.double(-3.14159265359), ## it must be in radians 00012 MaxPhi = cms.double(3.14159265359), 00013 ), 00014 AddAntiParticle = cms.bool(False), # back-to-back particles 00015 Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0) ## for printouts, set it to 1 (or greater) 00016 )
Definition at line 5 of file
tuple FlatPtMuonGun_cfi::ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator) |
Definition at line 22 of file
tuple FlatPtMuonGun_cfi::source = cms.Source("EmptySource") |
Definition at line 3 of file