Public Types | Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Attributes

MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor Class Reference

#include <MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor:
Selector< pat::Muon > binary_function

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Version_t {

Public Member Functions

bool fall10Cuts (const pat::Muon &muon, edm::EventBase const &event, pat::strbitset &ret)
bool firstDataCuts (const pat::Muon &muon, pat::strbitset &ret)
void initialize (Version_t version, double chi2=10.0, double d0=999.0, double ed0=999.0, double sd0=3.0, int nhits=11, int nValidMuonHits=0, double ecalveto=4.0, double hcalveto=6.0, double reliso=0.05, double maxLepZ=1.0, int minPixelHits=1, int minNMatches=1)
bool kitQCDCuts (const pat::Muon &muon, edm::EventBase const &event, pat::strbitset &ret)
 MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor ()
 MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor (edm::ParameterSet const &parameters)
 MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor (Version_t version, double chi2=10.0, double d0=0.2, double ed0=999.0, double sd0=999.0, int nhits=11, int nValidMuonHits=0, double ecalveto=4.0, double hcalveto=6.0, double reliso=0.05, double maxLepZ=1.0, int minPixelHits=1, int minNMatches=1)
bool operator() (const pat::Muon &muon, edm::EventBase const &event, pat::strbitset &ret)
 This provides an alternative signature that includes extra information.
bool operator() (const pat::Muon &muon, pat::strbitset &ret)
 This provides the interface for base classes to select objects.
bool spring10Cuts (const pat::Muon &muon, edm::EventBase const &event, pat::strbitset &ret)
bool summer08Cuts (const pat::Muon &muon, pat::strbitset &ret)

Public Attributes

bool verbose_

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag beamLineSrc_
index_type indexChi2_
index_type indexD0_
index_type indexECalVeto_
index_type indexED0_
index_type indexHCalVeto_
index_type indexLepZ_
index_type indexNHits_
index_type indexNValMuHits_
index_type indexPixHits_
index_type indexRelIso_
index_type indexSD0_
index_type indexStations_
edm::InputTag pvSrc_
bool recalcDBFromBSp_
Version_t version_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 19 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 21 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor ( edm::ParameterSet const &  parameters) [inline]

Definition at line 23 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References beamLineSrc_, gather_cfg::cout, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::exists(), FALL10, FIRSTDATA, Selector< pat::Muon >::getBitTemplate(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), initialize(), KITQCD, N_VERSIONS, pvSrc_, recalcDBFromBSp_, Selector< pat::Muon >::retInternal_, Selector< pat::Muon >::setIgnoredCuts(), SPRING10, SUMMER08, verbose_, and BeamSplash_cfg::version.


    verbose_ = false;
    std::string versionStr = parameters.getParameter<std::string>("version");

    Version_t version = N_VERSIONS;

    if ( versionStr == "SUMMER08" ) {
      version = SUMMER08;
    else if ( versionStr == "FIRSTDATA" ) {
      version = FIRSTDATA;
    else if ( versionStr == "SPRING10" ) {
      version = SPRING10;
    else if ( versionStr == "FALL10" ) {
      version = FALL10;
      if (verbose_) std::cout << "\nMUON SELECTION - you are using FALL10 Selection" << std::endl;
    else if (versionStr == "KITQCD") {
      version = KITQCD;
      if (verbose_) std::cout << "\nMUON SELECTION - you are using KITQCD Selection" << std::endl;
    else {
      throw cms::Exception("InvalidInput") << "Expect version to be one of SUMMER08, FIRSTDATA, SPRING10, FALL10" << std::endl;

    initialize( version, 
                parameters.getParameter<double>("D0")  ,
                parameters.getParameter<double>("ED0")  ,
                parameters.getParameter<double>("SD0")  ,
                parameters.getParameter<int>   ("NHits")   ,
                parameters.getParameter<int>   ("NValMuHits"),
                parameters.getParameter<double>("ECalVeto")   ,
                parameters.getParameter<double>("HCalVeto")   ,
    if ( parameters.exists("cutsToIgnore") )
      setIgnoredCuts( parameters.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("cutsToIgnore") );
    retInternal_ = getBitTemplate();

    recalcDBFromBSp_ = parameters.getParameter<bool>("RecalcFromBeamSpot");
    beamLineSrc_ = parameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("beamLineSrc");
    pvSrc_ = parameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("pvSrc");
MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor ( Version_t  version,
double  chi2 = 10.0,
double  d0 = 0.2,
double  ed0 = 999.0,
double  sd0 = 999.0,
int  nhits = 11,
int  nValidMuonHits = 0,
double  ecalveto = 4.0,
double  hcalveto = 6.0,
double  reliso = 0.05,
double  maxLepZ = 1.0,
int  minPixelHits = 1,
int  minNMatches = 1 
) [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References Selector< pat::Muon >::getBitTemplate(), initialize(), and Selector< pat::Muon >::retInternal_.

                                     : recalcDBFromBSp_(false) {
    initialize( version, chi2, d0, ed0, sd0, nhits, nValidMuonHits, ecalveto, hcalveto, reliso,
                maxLepZ, minPixelHits, minNMatches );

    retInternal_ = getBitTemplate();

Member Function Documentation

bool MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::fall10Cuts ( const pat::Muon muon,
edm::EventBase const &  event,
pat::strbitset ret 
) [inline]

Definition at line 366 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References beamLineSrc_, SiPixelRawToDigiRegional_cfi::beamSpot, reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthX(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthY(), Selector< pat::Muon >::cut(), pat::Muon::dB(), pat::Muon::ecalIso(), pat::Muon::edB(), Exception, pat::Muon::globalTrack(), pat::Muon::hcalIso(), Selector< pat::Muon >::ignoreCut(), indexChi2_, indexD0_, indexECalVeto_, indexED0_, indexHCalVeto_, indexLepZ_, indexNHits_, indexNValMuHits_, indexPixHits_, indexRelIso_, indexSD0_, indexStations_, susybsm::HSCParticleType::innerTrack, pat::Muon::innerTrack(), reco::Muon::isolationR03(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), pat::Muon::normChi2(), reco::Muon::numberOfMatches(), pat::Muon::numberOfValidHits(), Selector< pat::Muon >::passCut(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), pvSrc_, recalcDBFromBSp_, run_regression::ret, pat::strbitset::set(), Selector< pat::Muon >::setIgnored(), mathSSE::sqrt(), pat::Muon::trackIso(), reco::LeafCandidate::vertex(), reco::BeamSpot::x0(), reco::BeamSpot::y0(), and reco::BeamSpot::z0().

Referenced by operator()().



    double norm_chi2 = muon.normChi2();
    double corr_d0 = muon.dB();
    double corr_ed0 = muon.edB();
    double corr_sd0 = ( corr_ed0 > 0.000000001 ) ? corr_d0 / corr_ed0 : 999.0;

    // Get the PV for the muon z requirement
    edm::Handle<std::vector<reco::Vertex> > pvtxHandle_;
    event.getByLabel( pvSrc_, pvtxHandle_ );

    double zvtx = -999;
    if ( pvtxHandle_->size() > 0 ) {
      zvtx = pvtxHandle_->at(0).z();
    } else {
      throw cms::Exception("InvalidInput") << " There needs to be at least one primary vertex in the event." << std::endl;

    //If required, recalculate the impact parameter using the beam spot
    if (recalcDBFromBSp_) {

      //Get the beam spot
      reco::TrackBase::Point beamPoint(0,0,0);
      reco::BeamSpot beamSpot;
      edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotHandle;
      event.getByLabel(beamLineSrc_, beamSpotHandle);
      if( beamSpotHandle.isValid() ){
        beamSpot = *beamSpotHandle;
      } else{
          << "No beam spot available from EventSetup, not adding high level selection \n";
      beamPoint = reco::TrackBase::Point ( beamSpot.x0(), beamSpot.y0(), beamSpot.z0() );
      //Use the beamspot to correct the impact parameter and uncertainty
      reco::TrackRef innerTrack = muon.innerTrack();
      if ( innerTrack.isNonnull() && innerTrack.isAvailable() ) {
        corr_d0 = -1.0 * innerTrack->dxy( beamPoint );
        corr_ed0 = sqrt( innerTrack->d0Error() * innerTrack->d0Error() 
                         + 0.5* beamSpot.BeamWidthX()*beamSpot.BeamWidthX() 
                         + 0.5* beamSpot.BeamWidthY()*beamSpot.BeamWidthY() );
        corr_sd0 = ( corr_ed0 > 0.000000001 ) ? corr_d0 / corr_ed0 : 999.0;

      } else {
        corr_d0 =  999.;
        corr_ed0 = 999.;

    int nhits = static_cast<int>( muon.numberOfValidHits() );
    int nValidMuonHits = static_cast<int> (muon.globalTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits());
    double ecalVeto = muon.isolationR03().emVetoEt;
    double hcalVeto = muon.isolationR03().hadVetoEt;
    double hcalIso = muon.hcalIso();
    double ecalIso = muon.ecalIso();
    double trkIso  = muon.trackIso();
    double pt      = ;

    double relIso = (ecalIso + hcalIso + trkIso) / pt;

    double z_mu = muon.vertex().z();

    int nPixelHits = muon.innerTrack()->hitPattern().pixelLayersWithMeasurement();

    int nMatchedStations = muon.numberOfMatches();

    if ( norm_chi2     <  cut(indexChi2_,   double()) || ignoreCut(indexChi2_)    ) passCut(ret, indexChi2_   );
    if ( fabs(corr_d0) <  cut(indexD0_,     double()) || ignoreCut(indexD0_)      ) passCut(ret, indexD0_     );
    if ( fabs(corr_ed0)<  cut(indexED0_,    double()) || ignoreCut(indexED0_)     ) passCut(ret, indexED0_    );
    if ( fabs(corr_sd0)<  cut(indexSD0_,    double()) || ignoreCut(indexSD0_)     ) passCut(ret, indexSD0_    );
    if ( nhits         >= cut(indexNHits_,  int()   ) || ignoreCut(indexNHits_)   ) passCut(ret, indexNHits_  );
    if ( nValidMuonHits> cut(indexNValMuHits_,int()) || ignoreCut(indexNValMuHits_)) passCut(ret, indexNValMuHits_  );
    if ( hcalVeto      <  cut(indexHCalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexHCalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexHCalVeto_);
    if ( ecalVeto      <  cut(indexECalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexECalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexECalVeto_);
    if ( relIso        <  cut(indexRelIso_, double()) || ignoreCut(indexRelIso_)  ) passCut(ret, indexRelIso_ );
    if ( fabs(z_mu-zvtx)<  cut(indexLepZ_, double()) || ignoreCut(indexLepZ_)  ) passCut(ret, indexLepZ_ );
    if ( nPixelHits    >  cut(indexPixHits_,int())    || ignoreCut(indexPixHits_))  passCut(ret, indexPixHits_);
    if ( nMatchedStations> cut(indexStations_,int())    || ignoreCut(indexStations_))  passCut(ret, indexStations_);

    return (bool)ret;
bool MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts ( const pat::Muon muon,
pat::strbitset ret 
) [inline]

Definition at line 256 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References Selector< pat::Muon >::cut(), pat::Muon::dB(), pat::Muon::ecalIso(), pat::Muon::edB(), pat::Muon::hcalIso(), Selector< pat::Muon >::ignoreCut(), indexChi2_, indexD0_, indexECalVeto_, indexED0_, indexHCalVeto_, indexNHits_, indexRelIso_, indexSD0_, reco::Muon::isolationR03(), pat::Muon::normChi2(), pat::Muon::numberOfValidHits(), Selector< pat::Muon >::passCut(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), run_regression::ret, pat::strbitset::set(), Selector< pat::Muon >::setIgnored(), and pat::Muon::trackIso().

Referenced by operator()().



    double norm_chi2 = muon.normChi2();
    double corr_d0 = muon.dB();
    double corr_ed0 = muon.edB();
    double corr_sd0 = ( corr_ed0 > 0.000000001 ) ? corr_d0 / corr_ed0 : 999.0;
    int nhits = static_cast<int>( muon.numberOfValidHits() );
    double ecalVeto = muon.isolationR03().emVetoEt;
    double hcalVeto = muon.isolationR03().hadVetoEt;
    double hcalIso = muon.hcalIso();
    double ecalIso = muon.ecalIso();
    double trkIso  = muon.trackIso();
    double pt      = ;

    double relIso = (ecalIso + hcalIso + trkIso) / pt;

    if ( norm_chi2     <  cut(indexChi2_,   double()) || ignoreCut(indexChi2_)    ) passCut(ret, indexChi2_   );
    if ( fabs(corr_d0) <  cut(indexD0_,     double()) || ignoreCut(indexD0_)      ) passCut(ret, indexD0_     );
    if ( fabs(corr_ed0)<  cut(indexED0_,    double()) || ignoreCut(indexED0_)     ) passCut(ret, indexED0_    );
    if ( fabs(corr_sd0)<  cut(indexSD0_,    double()) || ignoreCut(indexSD0_)     ) passCut(ret, indexSD0_    );
    if ( nhits         >= cut(indexNHits_,  int()   ) || ignoreCut(indexNHits_)   ) passCut(ret, indexNHits_  );
    if ( hcalVeto      <  cut(indexHCalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexHCalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexHCalVeto_);
    if ( ecalVeto      <  cut(indexECalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexECalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexECalVeto_);
    if ( relIso        <  cut(indexRelIso_, double()) || ignoreCut(indexRelIso_)  ) passCut(ret, indexRelIso_ );

    return (bool)ret;
void MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::initialize ( Version_t  version,
double  chi2 = 10.0,
double  d0 = 999.0,
double  ed0 = 999.0,
double  sd0 = 3.0,
int  nhits = 11,
int  nValidMuonHits = 0,
double  ecalveto = 4.0,
double  hcalveto = 6.0,
double  reliso = 0.05,
double  maxLepZ = 1.0,
int  minPixelHits = 1,
int  minNMatches = 1 
) [inline]

Definition at line 100 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References Selector< pat::Muon >::bits_, FALL10, funct::false, FIRSTDATA, indexChi2_, indexD0_, indexECalVeto_, indexED0_, indexHCalVeto_, indexLepZ_, indexNHits_, indexNValMuHits_, indexPixHits_, indexRelIso_, indexSD0_, indexStations_, Selector< pat::Muon >::push_back(), SPRING10, SUMMER08, BeamSplash_cfg::version, and version_.

Referenced by MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor().

    version_ = version; 

    push_back("Chi2",      chi2   );
    push_back("D0",        d0     );
    push_back("ED0",       ed0    );
    push_back("SD0",       sd0    );
    push_back("NHits",     nhits  );
    push_back("NValMuHits",     nValidMuonHits  );
    push_back("ECalVeto",  ecalveto);
    push_back("HCalVeto",  hcalveto);
    push_back("RelIso",    reliso );
    push_back("LepZ",      maxLepZ);
    push_back("nMatchedStations", minNMatches);


    indexChi2_          = index_type(&bits_, "Chi2"         );
    indexD0_            = index_type(&bits_, "D0"           );
    indexED0_           = index_type(&bits_, "ED0"          );
    indexSD0_           = index_type(&bits_, "SD0"          );
    indexNHits_         = index_type(&bits_, "NHits"        );
    indexNValMuHits_    = index_type(&bits_, "NValMuHits"   );
    indexECalVeto_      = index_type(&bits_, "ECalVeto"     );
    indexHCalVeto_      = index_type(&bits_, "HCalVeto"     );
    indexRelIso_        = index_type(&bits_, "RelIso"       );
    indexLepZ_          = index_type( &bits_, "LepZ");
    indexPixHits_       = index_type( &bits_, "nPixelHits");
    indexStations_      = index_type( &bits_, "nMatchedStations");

    if ( version == FALL10) {
      set("ED0", false );
      set("SD0", false);
    } else if ( version == SPRING10) {
      set("ED0", false );
      set("SD0", false);
      set("LepZ", false);
      set("nPixelHits", false);
      set("nMatchedStations", false);  
    } else if ( version_ == FIRSTDATA ) {
      set("D0", false );
      set("ED0", false );
      set("LepZ", false);
      set("nPixelHits", false);
      set("nMatchedStations", false);  
    } else if (version == SUMMER08 ) {
      set("SD0", false);
      set("LepZ", false);
      set("nPixelHits", false);
      set("nMatchedStations", false);  


bool MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::kitQCDCuts ( const pat::Muon muon,
edm::EventBase const &  event,
pat::strbitset ret 
) [inline]

Definition at line 462 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References beamLineSrc_, SiPixelRawToDigiRegional_cfi::beamSpot, reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthX(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthY(), Selector< pat::Muon >::cut(), pat::Muon::dB(), pat::Muon::ecalIso(), pat::Muon::edB(), Exception, pat::Muon::globalTrack(), pat::Muon::hcalIso(), Selector< pat::Muon >::ignoreCut(), indexChi2_, indexD0_, indexECalVeto_, indexED0_, indexHCalVeto_, indexLepZ_, indexNHits_, indexNValMuHits_, indexPixHits_, indexRelIso_, indexSD0_, indexStations_, susybsm::HSCParticleType::innerTrack, pat::Muon::innerTrack(), reco::Muon::isolationR03(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), pat::Muon::normChi2(), reco::Muon::numberOfMatches(), pat::Muon::numberOfValidHits(), Selector< pat::Muon >::passCut(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), pvSrc_, recalcDBFromBSp_, run_regression::ret, pat::strbitset::set(), Selector< pat::Muon >::setIgnored(), mathSSE::sqrt(), pat::Muon::trackIso(), reco::LeafCandidate::vertex(), reco::BeamSpot::x0(), reco::BeamSpot::y0(), and reco::BeamSpot::z0().

Referenced by operator()().



    double norm_chi2 = muon.normChi2();
    double corr_d0 = muon.dB();
    double corr_ed0 = muon.edB();
    double corr_sd0 = ( corr_ed0 > 0.000000001 ) ? corr_d0 / corr_ed0 : 999.0;

    // Get the PV for the muon z requirement
    edm::Handle<std::vector<reco::Vertex> > pvtxHandle_;
    event.getByLabel( pvSrc_, pvtxHandle_ );

    double zvtx = -999;
    if ( pvtxHandle_->size() > 0 ) {
      zvtx = pvtxHandle_->at(0).z();
    } else {
      throw cms::Exception("InvalidInput") << " There needs to be at least one primary vertex in the event." << std::endl;

    //If required, recalculate the impact parameter using the beam spot
    if (recalcDBFromBSp_) {

      //Get the beam spot
      reco::TrackBase::Point beamPoint(0,0,0);
      reco::BeamSpot beamSpot;
      edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotHandle;
      event.getByLabel(beamLineSrc_, beamSpotHandle);
      if( beamSpotHandle.isValid() ){
        beamSpot = *beamSpotHandle;
      } else{
          << "No beam spot available from EventSetup, not adding high level selection \n";
      beamPoint = reco::TrackBase::Point ( beamSpot.x0(), beamSpot.y0(), beamSpot.z0() );
      //Use the beamspot to correct the impact parameter and uncertainty
      reco::TrackRef innerTrack = muon.innerTrack();
      if ( innerTrack.isNonnull() && innerTrack.isAvailable() ) {
        corr_d0 = -1.0 * innerTrack->dxy( beamPoint );
        corr_ed0 = sqrt( innerTrack->d0Error() * innerTrack->d0Error() 
                         + 0.5* beamSpot.BeamWidthX()*beamSpot.BeamWidthX() 
                         + 0.5* beamSpot.BeamWidthY()*beamSpot.BeamWidthY() );
        corr_sd0 = ( corr_ed0 > 0.000000001 ) ? corr_d0 / corr_ed0 : 999.0;

      } else {
        corr_d0 =  999.;
        corr_ed0 = 999.;

    int nhits = static_cast<int>( muon.numberOfValidHits() );
    int nValidMuonHits = static_cast<int> (muon.globalTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits());
    double ecalVeto = muon.isolationR03().emVetoEt;
    double hcalVeto = muon.isolationR03().hadVetoEt;
    double hcalIso = muon.hcalIso();
    double ecalIso = muon.ecalIso();
    double trkIso  = muon.trackIso();
    double pt      = ;

    double relIso = (ecalIso + hcalIso + trkIso) / pt;

    double z_mu = muon.vertex().z();

    int nPixelHits = muon.innerTrack()->hitPattern().pixelLayersWithMeasurement();

    int nMatchedStations = muon.numberOfMatches();

    if ( norm_chi2     <  cut(indexChi2_,   double()) || ignoreCut(indexChi2_)    ) passCut(ret, indexChi2_   );
    if ( fabs(corr_d0) <  cut(indexD0_,     double()) || ignoreCut(indexD0_)      ) passCut(ret, indexD0_     );
    if ( fabs(corr_ed0)<  cut(indexED0_,    double()) || ignoreCut(indexED0_)     ) passCut(ret, indexED0_    );
    if ( fabs(corr_sd0)<  cut(indexSD0_,    double()) || ignoreCut(indexSD0_)     ) passCut(ret, indexSD0_    );
    if ( nhits         >= cut(indexNHits_,  int()   ) || ignoreCut(indexNHits_)   ) passCut(ret, indexNHits_  );
    if ( nValidMuonHits> cut(indexNValMuHits_,int()) || ignoreCut(indexNValMuHits_)) passCut(ret, indexNValMuHits_  );
    if ( hcalVeto      <  cut(indexHCalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexHCalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexHCalVeto_);
    if ( ecalVeto      <  cut(indexECalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexECalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexECalVeto_);
    if ( fabs(z_mu-zvtx)<  cut(indexLepZ_, double()) || ignoreCut(indexLepZ_)  ) passCut(ret, indexLepZ_ );
    if ( nPixelHits    >  cut(indexPixHits_,int())    || ignoreCut(indexPixHits_))  passCut(ret, indexPixHits_);
    if ( nMatchedStations> cut(indexStations_,int())    || ignoreCut(indexStations_))  passCut(ret, indexStations_);

    // JMS Dec 13 2010
    // HACK 
    // Need double-sided relIso cut to implement data-driven QCD
    if ( ((relIso > 0.2) && (relIso < 0.75))
         || ignoreCut(indexRelIso_)  ) passCut(ret, indexRelIso_ );

    return (bool)ret;
bool MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::operator() ( const pat::Muon t,
edm::EventBase const &  e,
pat::strbitset ret 
) [inline, virtual]

This provides an alternative signature that includes extra information.

Reimplemented from Selector< pat::Muon >.

Definition at line 187 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References gather_cfg::cout, FALL10, fall10Cuts(), FIRSTDATA, firstDataCuts(), KITQCD, kitQCDCuts(), SPRING10, spring10Cuts(), SUMMER08, summer08Cuts(), verbose_, and version_.


    if (version_ == FALL10 ) return fall10Cuts(muon, event, ret);
    else if (version_ == SPRING10 ) return spring10Cuts(muon, event, ret);
    else if ( version_ == SUMMER08 ) return summer08Cuts( muon, ret );
    else if ( version_ == FIRSTDATA ) return firstDataCuts( muon, ret );
    else if ( version_ == KITQCD ) {
      if (verbose_) std::cout << "Calling KIT selection method" << std::endl;
      return kitQCDCuts (muon, event, ret);
    else {
      return false;
bool MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::operator() ( const pat::Muon t,
pat::strbitset ret 
) [inline, virtual]

This provides the interface for base classes to select objects.

Implements Selector< pat::Muon >.

Definition at line 204 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References Exception, FALL10, FIRSTDATA, firstDataCuts(), SPRING10, SUMMER08, summer08Cuts(), and version_.


    if (version_ == SPRING10 || version_ == FALL10 ) throw cms::Exception("LogicError") 
      << "MuonVPlusJetsSelectionFunctor SPRING10 and FALL10 versions needs the event! Call operator()(muon,event,ret)"

    else if ( version_ == SUMMER08 ) return summer08Cuts( muon, ret );
    else if ( version_ == FIRSTDATA ) return firstDataCuts( muon, ret );
    else {
      return false;
bool MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::spring10Cuts ( const pat::Muon muon,
edm::EventBase const &  event,
pat::strbitset ret 
) [inline]

Definition at line 292 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References beamLineSrc_, SiPixelRawToDigiRegional_cfi::beamSpot, reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthX(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthY(), Selector< pat::Muon >::cut(), pat::Muon::dB(), pat::Muon::ecalIso(), pat::Muon::edB(), pat::Muon::globalTrack(), pat::Muon::hcalIso(), Selector< pat::Muon >::ignoreCut(), indexChi2_, indexD0_, indexECalVeto_, indexED0_, indexHCalVeto_, indexNHits_, indexNValMuHits_, indexRelIso_, indexSD0_, susybsm::HSCParticleType::innerTrack, pat::Muon::innerTrack(), reco::Muon::isolationR03(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), pat::Muon::normChi2(), pat::Muon::numberOfValidHits(), Selector< pat::Muon >::passCut(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), recalcDBFromBSp_, run_regression::ret, pat::strbitset::set(), Selector< pat::Muon >::setIgnored(), mathSSE::sqrt(), pat::Muon::trackIso(), reco::BeamSpot::x0(), reco::BeamSpot::y0(), and reco::BeamSpot::z0().

Referenced by operator()().



    double norm_chi2 = muon.normChi2();
    double corr_d0 = muon.dB();
    double corr_ed0 = muon.edB();
    double corr_sd0 = ( corr_ed0 > 0.000000001 ) ? corr_d0 / corr_ed0 : 999.0;

    //If required, recalculate the impact parameter using the beam spot
    if (recalcDBFromBSp_) {

      //Get the beam spot
      reco::TrackBase::Point beamPoint(0,0,0);
      reco::BeamSpot beamSpot;
      edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotHandle;
      event.getByLabel(beamLineSrc_, beamSpotHandle);
      if( beamSpotHandle.isValid() ){
        beamSpot = *beamSpotHandle;
      } else{
          << "No beam spot available from EventSetup, not adding high level selection \n";
      beamPoint = reco::TrackBase::Point ( beamSpot.x0(), beamSpot.y0(), beamSpot.z0() );
      //Use the beamspot to correct the impact parameter and uncertainty
      reco::TrackRef innerTrack = muon.innerTrack();
      if ( innerTrack.isNonnull() && innerTrack.isAvailable() ) {
        corr_d0 = -1.0 * innerTrack->dxy( beamPoint );
        corr_ed0 = sqrt( innerTrack->d0Error() * innerTrack->d0Error() 
                         + 0.5* beamSpot.BeamWidthX()*beamSpot.BeamWidthX() 
                         + 0.5* beamSpot.BeamWidthY()*beamSpot.BeamWidthY() );
        corr_sd0 = ( corr_ed0 > 0.000000001 ) ? corr_d0 / corr_ed0 : 999.0;

      } else {
        corr_d0 =  999.;
        corr_ed0 = 999.;

    int nhits = static_cast<int>( muon.numberOfValidHits() );
    int nValidMuonHits = static_cast<int> (muon.globalTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits());
    double ecalVeto = muon.isolationR03().emVetoEt;
    double hcalVeto = muon.isolationR03().hadVetoEt;
    double hcalIso = muon.hcalIso();
    double ecalIso = muon.ecalIso();
    double trkIso  = muon.trackIso();
    double pt      = ;

    double relIso = (ecalIso + hcalIso + trkIso) / pt;

    if ( norm_chi2     <  cut(indexChi2_,   double()) || ignoreCut(indexChi2_)    ) passCut(ret, indexChi2_   );
    if ( fabs(corr_d0) <  cut(indexD0_,     double()) || ignoreCut(indexD0_)      ) passCut(ret, indexD0_     );
    if ( fabs(corr_ed0)<  cut(indexED0_,    double()) || ignoreCut(indexED0_)     ) passCut(ret, indexED0_    );
    if ( fabs(corr_sd0)<  cut(indexSD0_,    double()) || ignoreCut(indexSD0_)     ) passCut(ret, indexSD0_    );
    if ( nhits         >= cut(indexNHits_,  int()   ) || ignoreCut(indexNHits_)   ) passCut(ret, indexNHits_  );
    if ( nValidMuonHits> cut(indexNValMuHits_,int()) || ignoreCut(indexNValMuHits_)) passCut(ret, indexNValMuHits_  );
    if ( hcalVeto      <  cut(indexHCalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexHCalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexHCalVeto_);
    if ( ecalVeto      <  cut(indexECalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexECalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexECalVeto_);
    if ( relIso        <  cut(indexRelIso_, double()) || ignoreCut(indexRelIso_)  ) passCut(ret, indexRelIso_ );

    return (bool)ret;
bool MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::summer08Cuts ( const pat::Muon muon,
pat::strbitset ret 
) [inline]

Definition at line 222 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

References Selector< pat::Muon >::cut(), pat::Muon::dB(), pat::Muon::ecalIso(), pat::Muon::hcalIso(), Selector< pat::Muon >::ignoreCut(), indexChi2_, indexD0_, indexECalVeto_, indexHCalVeto_, indexNHits_, indexRelIso_, reco::Muon::isolationR03(), pat::Muon::normChi2(), pat::Muon::numberOfValidHits(), Selector< pat::Muon >::passCut(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), run_regression::ret, pat::strbitset::set(), Selector< pat::Muon >::setIgnored(), and pat::Muon::trackIso().

Referenced by operator()().



    double norm_chi2 = muon.normChi2();
    double corr_d0 = muon.dB();
    int nhits = static_cast<int>( muon.numberOfValidHits() );
    double ecalVeto = muon.isolationR03().emVetoEt;
    double hcalVeto = muon.isolationR03().hadVetoEt;
    double hcalIso = muon.hcalIso();
    double ecalIso = muon.ecalIso();
    double trkIso  = muon.trackIso();
    double pt      = ;

    double relIso = (ecalIso + hcalIso + trkIso) / pt;

    if ( norm_chi2     <  cut(indexChi2_,   double()) || ignoreCut(indexChi2_)    ) passCut(ret, indexChi2_   );
    if ( fabs(corr_d0) <  cut(indexD0_,     double()) || ignoreCut(indexD0_)      ) passCut(ret, indexD0_     );
    if ( nhits         >= cut(indexNHits_,  int()   ) || ignoreCut(indexNHits_)   ) passCut(ret, indexNHits_  );
    if ( hcalVeto      <  cut(indexHCalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexHCalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexHCalVeto_);
    if ( ecalVeto      <  cut(indexECalVeto_,double())|| ignoreCut(indexECalVeto_)) passCut(ret, indexECalVeto_);
    if ( relIso        <  cut(indexRelIso_, double()) || ignoreCut(indexRelIso_)  ) passCut(ret, indexRelIso_ );


    return (bool)ret;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 586 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

Referenced by fall10Cuts(), initialize(), and kitQCDCuts().

Definition at line 587 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

Referenced by fall10Cuts(), initialize(), and kitQCDCuts().

Definition at line 588 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

Referenced by fall10Cuts(), initialize(), and kitQCDCuts().

Definition at line 572 of file MuonVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and operator()().