Variables | |
tuple | MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster |
00001 cms.EDProducer("MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster", 00002 #if replace is true this means error matrix from reco is replaced by new method of error matrix (reco minus sim of parameters to get the error) 00003 #if replace is false this means the error matrix from reco is rescaled by a factor 00004 rescale = cms.bool(True), 00005 #this is the root file with the TProfile 3D in it of the track collection. Make sure it corresponds to the boolean above 00006 errorMatrix_pset = cms.PSet( 00007 # use either one of the two following lines 00008 #string rootFileName = "errorMatrix_ScaleFactor.root" 00009 MuonErrorMatrixValues, 00010 action = cms.string('use') 00011 ), 00012 instanceName = cms.string(''), 00013 rechitLabel = cms.InputTag("standAloneMuons"), 00014 trackLabel = cms.InputTag("standAloneMuons","UpdatedAtVtx") 00015 )
Definition at line 5 of file