
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 siPixelCalibDigis = cms.EDProducer("SiPixelCalibDigiProducer",
00004     src = cms.InputTag("siPixelDigis"),
00005     # force the producer to use the event numbers as in the data. If false the producer will synchronize by using its own internal counter.
00006     useRealEventNumber = cms.bool(False),
00007     # setting ignoreNonPattern to true makes the production of CalibDigis significantly slower!
00008     ignoreNonPattern = cms.bool(True),
00009     # error output: it is possible to write out SiPixelRawDataErrors. Use this flag to turn this on. It will not save pixel info, only det id and fed ID.
00010     includeErrors = cms.untracked.bool(True),
00011     # the error type numbers are defined in DataFormats/SiPixelRawData/src/ (SetError() method). We will use 31 as default, this one is defined as 'event number mismatch..'
00012     errorTypeNumber = cms.untracked.int32(31),
00013     label = cms.string('siPixelCalibDigis'),
00014     instance = cms.string('test'),
00015     # replace set checkPatternEachEvent to false to only check on pixel patterns when filling the calib digis. setting it to true means every event will be checked. does nothing when ignoreNonPattern is false
00016     checkPatternEachEvent = cms.bool(False)
00017 )