Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

EcalSelectiveReadout Class Reference

#include <EcalSelectiveReadout.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  towerInterest_t {
enum  ttFlag_t {

Public Member Functions

 EcalSelectiveReadout (int dEta=1, int dPhi=1)
towerInterest_t getCrystalInterest (const EBDetId &ebDetId) const
towerInterest_t getCrystalInterest (const EEDetId &eeDetId) const
towerInterest_t getSuperCrystalInterest (const EcalScDetId &scDetId) const
towerInterest_t getTowerInterest (const EcalTrigTowerDetId &towerId) const
void print (std::ostream &os) const
 print out the map
void printBarrel (std::ostream &os) const
void printEndcap (int endcap, std::ostream &s) const
void printHeader (std::ostream &os) const
 print out header for the map: see print(std::ostream&)
void runSelectiveReadout0 (const ttFlag_t towerFlags[nTriggerTowersInEta][nTriggerTowersInPhi])
void setElecMap (const EcalElectronicsMapping *map)
void setTriggerMap (const EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap *map)
 the mapping of which cell goes with which trigger tower

Static Public Attributes

static const int FORCED_MASK = 0x4
static const int maxDccChs = 68
static const size_t nBarrelEtaBins = 170
static const size_t nBarrelPhiBins = 360
static const size_t nBarrelTowerEtaBins = nBarrelEtaBins/5
static const size_t nBarrelTowerPhiBins = nBarrelPhiBins/5
static const size_t nBarrelTriggerTowersInEta = 34
static const int nDccPerEe = 9
static const size_t nEndcaps = 2
static const size_t nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta = 11
static const size_t nEndcapXBins = 100
static const size_t nEndcapYBins = 100
static const size_t nSupercrystalXBins = nEndcapXBins/supercrystalEdge
static const size_t nSupercrystalYBins = nEndcapYBins/supercrystalEdge
static const size_t nTriggerTowersInEta
static const size_t nTriggerTowersInPhi = 72
static const size_t supercrystalEdge = 5

Private Member Functions

void classifyTriggerTowers (const ttFlag_t ttFlags[nTriggerTowersInEta][nTriggerTowersInPhi])
template<class T >
void combineFlags (T &var, T val) const
towerInterest_teeRuInterest (const EcalScDetId &id)
towerInterest_teeRuInterest (const EEDetId &id)
void printDccChMap (std::ostream &os) const
void resetEeRuInterest ()
template<class T >
void setHigher (T &var, T val) const
void setLower (int &var, int val) const

Private Attributes

int dEta
int dPhi
towerInterest_t eeRuInterest_ [nEndcaps][nDccPerEe][maxDccChs]
const EcalElectronicsMappingtheElecMap
towerInterest_t towerInterest [nTriggerTowersInEta][nTriggerTowersInPhi]

Static Private Attributes

static const char srpFlagMarker []

Detailed Description

This class is used to run the selective readout processing on the electromagnetic calorimeter. Normal user do not need to access directly this class: the selective readout is made at digitization by the CaloDataFrameFormatter class which uses the EcalSelectiveReadout class for this purpose: see CaloDataFrameFormatter class documentation. The ECAL event size must be reduced by a factor ~1/20th online at the LV1 rate. This reduction is achieved by suppressing channels whose energy, evaluated on line by a FIR, is below a threshold ("zero suppression"). This threshold is dynamic and determined for the channel of each readout unit. A readout unit is a group of 5x5 crystals: a trigger tower for the barrel and a supercrystal for the endcap) basis. The selective readout classifies the readout units in three classes:

. Single, neighbour and center classes consitute the "high interest" readout units and their channels the "high interest" channels. Two zero suppresion thresholds, eventually -/+ infinity, are defined: one for the "Low interest" channels and one for the "high interest" channels. The low interest threshold must be higher than the high interest one.

Note: Forced bit processing: ---------------------------

The trigger tower flag (TTF) issued by the TCC and indicating the level of transverse deposited energy (classified is three levels called low interest, mid interest, high interest), the selective readout flags (SRF) are made of 2 bits. An additionnal bit, called force bit, is used to indicate if some information was missing to compute the flag and if therefore some default value was used. TCC can substitute a default value to a TTF. In such case the forced bit is set. Similarly SRP can substitute a default value to a SRF and set the forced bit accordingly. If the TTF forced bit of a trigger tower is set the SRP propagates it to the SRF by setting the forced bit of every readout unit overlapping with the trigger tower. Note that for the barrel readout units match with trigger towers.

Definition at line 65 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

trigger tower classification ("SRP flags")


Definition at line 72 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

               {UNKNOWN             = -1 & ~FORCED_MASK,
                LOWINTEREST         = 0x0,
                SINGLE              = 0x1,
                NEIGHBOUR           = 0x2,
                CENTER              = 0x3,
                FORCED_LOWINTEREST  = 0x4, //0x0 | 0x4
                FORCED_SINGLE       = 0x5, //0x1 | 0x4
                FORCED_NEIGHBOUR    = 0x6, //0x2 | 0x4
                FORCED_CENTER       = 0x7  //0x3 | 0x4
  } towerInterest_t;

Definition at line 83 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

    TTF_UNKNOWN                     =-1,
    TTF_LOW_INTEREST                = 0x0,
    TTF_MID_INTEREST                = 0x1,
    /* 0x2 not used */
    TTF_HIGH_INTEREST               = 0X3,
    TTF_FORCED_LOW_INTEREST         = 0x4, //0x0 | 0x4
    TTF_FORCED_MID_INTEREST         = 0x5, //0x1 | 0x4
    /* 0x6 not used*/
    TTF_FORCED_HIGH_INTEREST        = 0x7  //0x3 | 0x4
//     TTF_FORCED_RO_OTHER1 = 0X6,
  } ttFlag_t;

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalSelectiveReadout::EcalSelectiveReadout ( int  dEta = 1,
int  dPhi = 1 

Constructs a ecalselectivereadout. Neighbours are taken in a trigger tower matrix of size 2(dEta+1))x2(dPhi+1) around a 'center' tower.

dEtaneighborhood extend in number of trigger towers along eta
dPhineighborgooh extend in number if trigger towers along phi in 'low interest', 'single' or 'center. First element is the lower threshold, second element is the higher one.

Definition at line 20 of file

  theTriggerMap(0), theElecMap(0), dEta(dEta_), dPhi(dPhi_) {

Member Function Documentation

void EcalSelectiveReadout::classifyTriggerTowers ( const ttFlag_t  ttFlags[nTriggerTowersInEta][nTriggerTowersInPhi]) [private]

Classifies trigger tower in three classes:

  • low interest: value 'lowInterest'
  • middle interest: value 'single'
  • high interest: value 'center'

Definition at line 215 of file

References CENTER, combineFlags(), dEta, dPhi, FORCED_MASK, i, LOWINTEREST, max(), NEIGHBOUR, nTriggerTowersInEta, nTriggerTowersInPhi, SINGLE, towerInterest, TTF_HIGH_INTEREST, and TTF_MID_INTEREST.

Referenced by runSelectiveReadout0().

  //starts with a all low interest map:
  for(int iEta=0; iEta < (int)nTriggerTowersInEta; ++iEta){
    for(int iPhi=0; iPhi < (int)nTriggerTowersInPhi; ++iPhi){
      towerInterest[iEta][iPhi] = LOWINTEREST;

  for(int iEta=0; iEta < (int)nTriggerTowersInEta; ++iEta){
    for(int iPhi=0; iPhi < (int)nTriggerTowersInPhi; ++iPhi){
      //copy forced bit from ttFlags to towerInterests:
      towerInterest[iEta][iPhi] =  (towerInterest_t) (towerInterest[iEta][iPhi]
                                                      | (ttFlags[iEta][iPhi] & FORCED_MASK)) ;
      if((ttFlags[iEta][iPhi] & ~FORCED_MASK) == TTF_HIGH_INTEREST){
        //flags this tower as a center tower
        towerInterest[iEta][iPhi] = CENTER;
        //flags the neighbours of this tower
        for(int iEtaNeigh = std::max<int>(0,iEta-dEta);
            iEtaNeigh <= std::min<int>(nTriggerTowersInEta-1, iEta+dEta);
          for(int iPhiNeigh = iPhi-dPhi;
              iPhiNeigh <= iPhi+dPhi;
            //beware, iPhiNeigh must be moved to [0,72] interval
            //=> %nTriggerTowersInPhi required
            int iPhiNeigh_ = iPhiNeigh%(int)nTriggerTowersInPhi;
            if(iPhiNeigh_<0) {
              iPhiNeigh_ += nTriggerTowersInPhi;
      } else if((ttFlags[iEta][iPhi] & ~FORCED_MASK) == TTF_MID_INTEREST){
        combineFlags(towerInterest[iEta][iPhi], SINGLE);

  //dealing with pseudo-TT in the two innest eta-ring of the endcaps
  //=>choose the highest priority  SRF of the 2 pseudo-TT constituting
  //a TT. Note that for S and C, the 2 pseudo-TT must already have the
  //same mask.
  const size_t innerEtas[] = {0, 1,
                              nTriggerTowersInEta-2, nTriggerTowersInEta-1};
  for(size_t i=0; i < 4; ++i){
    size_t iEta = innerEtas[i];
    for(size_t iPhi = 0 ; iPhi < nTriggerTowersInPhi; iPhi+=2){
      const towerInterest_t srf = std::max(towerInterest[iEta][iPhi],
      towerInterest[iEta][iPhi] = srf;
      towerInterest[iEta][iPhi+1] = srf;
template<class T >
void EcalSelectiveReadout::combineFlags ( T var,
T  val 
) const [inline, private]

Combine two flags. Forced bit and actual flag fields are treated separately. For both fields, the highst value is selected.

var[in,out] flag to change in place
valflag to combine with the first.
Template Parameters:
TtowerInterest_t or

Definition at line 311 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

References gather_cfg::cout, max(), and TTF_FORCED_RO_MASK.

Referenced by classifyTriggerTowers(), and runSelectiveReadout0().

    var = (T)(std::max(val & ~TTF_FORCED_RO_MASK,  //actual flag value:
                       //                            take highest
                       var  & ~TTF_FORCED_RO_MASK) //beware: must work also
              //                                     for UNKNOW=-1
              //                                     ->compare the whole
              //                                     integer but with
              //                                     the forced bit masked.
              | ((val | var) & 0x4));//forced bit: set it if any of the two is
    //                                 already set
    if(var < 0 || var > 7){
      std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": ---------->"
           <<  var << " " << val << " "
           << std::max(val & 0x3, var  & 0x3) << " "
           << (val | var) << " "
           <<  ((val | var) & 0x4) << " "
           << (std::max(val & 0x3, var  & 0x3)
               | ((val | var) & 0x4)) <<  " "
           << (T)(std::max(val & 0x3, var  & 0x3)
                  | ((val | var) & 0x4)) << "\n";
EcalSelectiveReadout::towerInterest_t & EcalSelectiveReadout::eeRuInterest ( const EEDetId id) [private]

Get access to eeRuInterest element corresponding to an EE det Id

idthe EE det id
reference to the eeRuInterest array element

Definition at line 169 of file

References eeRuInterest_, EcalElectronicsMapping::getElectronicsId(), maxDccChs, nDccPerEe, theElecMap, UNKNOWN, and EcalElectronicsId::zside().

Referenced by getCrystalInterest(), getSuperCrystalInterest(), and runSelectiveReadout0().

  const EcalElectronicsId& id = theElecMap->getElectronicsId(eeDetId);
  const int iZ0 = id.zside()>0 ? 1 : 0;
  const int iDcc0 = id.dccId()-1;
  const int iDccPhi0 = (iDcc0<9)?iDcc0:(iDcc0-45);
  const int iDccCh0 = id.towerId()-1;
  assert(0 <= iDccPhi0 && iDccPhi0 < nDccPerEe);
  assert(0 <= iDccCh0  && iDccCh0 < maxDccChs);

  assert(eeRuInterest_[iZ0][iDccPhi0][iDccCh0] == UNKNOWN
         || (0<= eeRuInterest_[iZ0][iDccPhi0][iDccCh0]
             && eeRuInterest_[iZ0][iDccPhi0][iDccCh0] <=7));
  return eeRuInterest_[iZ0][iDccPhi0][iDccCh0];
EcalSelectiveReadout::towerInterest_t & EcalSelectiveReadout::eeRuInterest ( const EcalScDetId id) [private]

Get access to eeRuInterest element corresponding to an SC det Id

idthe SC det id
reference to the eeRuInterest array element

Definition at line 186 of file

References eeRuInterest_, EcalElectronicsMapping::getDCCandSC(), maxDccChs, nDccPerEe, theElecMap, and EcalScDetId::zside().

  std::pair<int, int> dccAndDccCh = theElecMap->getDCCandSC(scDetId);
  const int iZ0 = (scDetId.zside()>0) ? 1: 0;
  const int iDcc0 = dccAndDccCh.first-1;
  const int iDccPhi0 = (iDcc0<9)?iDcc0:(iDcc0-45);
  const int iDccCh0 = dccAndDccCh.second-1;
  assert(0 <= iDccPhi0 && iDccPhi0 <= nDccPerEe);
  assert(0 <= iDccCh0  && iDccCh0 <= maxDccChs);

  assert(-1<= eeRuInterest_[iZ0][iDccPhi0][iDccCh0] && eeRuInterest_[iZ0][iDccPhi0][iDccCh0] <=7);
  return eeRuInterest_[iZ0][iDccPhi0][iDccCh0];
EcalSelectiveReadout::towerInterest_t EcalSelectiveReadout::getCrystalInterest ( const EEDetId eeDetId) const

Gets the SR interest classification of an EE channel

eeDetIdid of the crystal

Definition at line 153 of file

References eeRuInterest().

  //   int iz = (eeDetId.zside() > 0) ? 1 : 0;
  //   int superCrystalX = (eeDetId.ix()-1) / 5;
  //   int superCrystalY = (eeDetId.iy()-1) / 5;
  //   return supercrystalInterest[iz][superCrystalX][superCrystalY];
  return const_cast<EcalSelectiveReadout*>(this)->eeRuInterest(eeDetId);
EcalSelectiveReadout::towerInterest_t EcalSelectiveReadout::getCrystalInterest ( const EBDetId ebDetId) const

Gets the SR interest classification of an EB channel

ebDetIdid of the crystal

Definition at line 145 of file

References getTowerInterest(), theTriggerMap, and EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap::towerOf().

  EcalTrigTowerDetId thisTower = theTriggerMap->towerOf(ebDetId);
  return getTowerInterest(thisTower);
EcalSelectiveReadout::towerInterest_t EcalSelectiveReadout::getSuperCrystalInterest ( const EcalScDetId scDetId) const

Gets the SR interest classification of an EE supercrystal

scDetIdid of the crystal

Definition at line 163 of file

References eeRuInterest().

Referenced by printEndcap().

  return const_cast<EcalSelectiveReadout*>(this)->eeRuInterest(scDetId);
EcalSelectiveReadout::towerInterest_t EcalSelectiveReadout::getTowerInterest ( const EcalTrigTowerDetId towerId) const

Gets the SR interest classification of a trigger tower (TT).

iEtaindex of the TT along eta
iPhiindex of the TT along phi

Definition at line 202 of file

References EcalTrigTowerDetId::ieta(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::iphi(), nTriggerTowersInEta, and towerInterest.

Referenced by getCrystalInterest(), and runSelectiveReadout0().

  // remember, array indices start at zero
  int iEta = tower.ieta()<0? tower.ieta() + nTriggerTowersInEta/2
    : tower.ieta() + nTriggerTowersInEta/2 -1;
  int iPhi = tower.iphi() - 1;

  assert(-1 <= towerInterest[iEta][iPhi] && towerInterest[iEta][iPhi] < 8);
  return towerInterest[iEta][iPhi];
void EcalSelectiveReadout::print ( std::ostream &  os) const

print out the map

Definition at line 285 of file

References printBarrel(), and printEndcap().

Referenced by operator<<().

  printEndcap(0, os);


  printEndcap(1, os);
void EcalSelectiveReadout::printBarrel ( std::ostream &  os) const

Definition at line 298 of file

References nBarrelTriggerTowersInEta, nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta, nTriggerTowersInPhi, srpFlagMarker, and towerInterest.

Referenced by print().

  for(size_t iEta = nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta;
      iEta < nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta
        + nBarrelTriggerTowersInEta;
    for(size_t iPhi = 0; iPhi < nTriggerTowersInPhi; ++iPhi){
      towerInterest_t srFlag
        = towerInterest[iEta][iPhi];
      os << srpFlagMarker[srFlag];
    os << "\n"; //one phi per line
void EcalSelectiveReadout::printDccChMap ( std::ostream &  os) const [private]

Propagate TTF flag bit on towerInterest. TT interest forced bit is set if TTF forced bit is set, otherwise it is not touched.

ttFlagsTT flags

Definition at line 343 of file

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, EcalElectronicsMapping::getDCCandSC(), i, nSupercrystalXBins, nSupercrystalYBins, theElecMap, and EcalScDetId::validDetId().

  for(int i=-1; i<=68; ++i){
    if((i+1)%10==0) os << "//";
    os << std::setw(2) << i << ": " << (char)('0'+i);
    if(i%10==9) os << "\n"; else os << " ";
  os << "\n";
  for(int endcap = 0; endcap < 2; ++endcap){
    os << "Sc2DCCch0: " << (endcap?"EE+":"EE-") << "\n";
    for(size_t iY=0; iY<nSupercrystalYBins; ++iY){
      os << "Sc2DCCch0: ";
      for(size_t iX=0; iX<nSupercrystalXBins; ++iX){
        //if(iX) os << ",";
          //os << std::setw(2) << -1;
          os << (char)('0'-1);
        } else{
          //os << std::setw(2) << theElecMap->getDCCandSC(EcalScDetId(iX+1, iY+1, endcap>0?1:-1)).second-1;
          os << (char)('0'+(theElecMap->getDCCandSC(EcalScDetId(iX+1, iY+1, endcap>0?1:-1)).second-1));
      os << "\n";
    os << "\n";
  os << "\n";
void EcalSelectiveReadout::printEndcap ( int  endcap,
std::ostream &  s 
) const

Definition at line 314 of file

References trackerHits::c, getSuperCrystalInterest(), nSupercrystalXBins, nSupercrystalYBins, srpFlagMarker, UNKNOWN, and EcalScDetId::validDetId().

Referenced by print().

  for(size_t iX=0; iX<nSupercrystalXBins; ++iX){
    for(size_t iY=0; iY<nSupercrystalYBins; ++iY){
      towerInterest_t srFlag;
      char c;
        //        srFlag = UNKNOWN;
        c = ' ';
      } else{
          = getSuperCrystalInterest(EcalScDetId(iX+1, iY+1, endcap>=1?1:-1));//supercrystalInterest[endcap][iX][iY];
        c = srFlag==UNKNOWN ? '?' : srpFlagMarker[srFlag];
      os << c;
    os << "\n"; //one Y supercystal column per line
  } //next supercrystal X-index
void EcalSelectiveReadout::printHeader ( std::ostream &  os) const

print out header for the map: see print(std::ostream&)

Definition at line 272 of file

References srpFlagMarker.

  os << "#SRP flag map\n#\n"
    "# +-->Phi/Y " << srpFlagMarker[0] << ": low interest\n"
    "# |         " << srpFlagMarker[1] << ": single\n"
    "# |         " << srpFlagMarker[2] << ": neighbour\n"
    "# V Eta/X   " << srpFlagMarker[3] << ": center\n"
    "#           " << srpFlagMarker[4] << ": forced low interest\n"
    "#           " << srpFlagMarker[5] << ": forced single\n"
    "#           " << srpFlagMarker[6] << ": forced neighbout\n"
    "#           " << srpFlagMarker[7] << ": forced center\n"
void EcalSelectiveReadout::resetEeRuInterest ( ) [private]

Sets all endcap RU interest flags to 'unknown'

Definition at line 24 of file

References eeRuInterest_, maxDccChs, nDccPerEe, nEndcaps, and UNKNOWN.

Referenced by runSelectiveReadout0().

  //init superCrystalInterest (sets all elts to 'UNKNOWN'):
  for(size_t iCap=0; iCap < nEndcaps; ++iCap){
    for(int iDccPhi = 0; iDccPhi < nDccPerEe; ++iDccPhi){
      for(int iDccCh = 0; iDccCh < maxDccChs; ++iDccCh){
        eeRuInterest_[iCap][iDccPhi][iDccCh] = UNKNOWN;
void EcalSelectiveReadout::runSelectiveReadout0 ( const ttFlag_t  towerFlags[nTriggerTowersInEta][nTriggerTowersInPhi])

Selective readout algorithm type 0. The algorithm is the following:

  1. A trigger tower (TT) with Et higher than the high threshold is classified as 'center'
  2. A trigger tower which is a neighbour of a 'center' TT and which is not itself a 'center' is classified as 'neighbour'
  3. A TT with Et between the two threshold and which is not a 'center' or a 'neighbour' is classified as 'single'
  4. Any other TT are classified as 'low interest'

For the barrel a crystal inherit the single/center/neighbour/low_interst classification of its TT. For the endcap,

  • if the supercrystal overlaps with a 'center' TT, it's flagged as 'center'
  • otherwise if it overlaps with a 'neighbour' TT, it's flagged as 'neighbour'
  • else if it overlaps with a 'single' TT, it's flagged as 'single'
  • the remaining SC are flagged as 'low interest'

An endcap crystal inherits the SRP flag of its SC.

triggerTowerEtarray of the transverse enrgy deposited in the trigger tower. First index is for eta,2nd index for phi.

Definition at line 36 of file

References CENTER, classifyTriggerTowers(), combineFlags(), DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap, eeRuInterest(), FORCED_MASK, getTowerInterest(), LOWINTEREST, nBarrelTriggerTowersInEta, NEIGHBOUR, nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta, nEndcapXBins, nEndcapYBins, nTriggerTowersInEta, nTriggerTowersInPhi, DetId::rawId(), resetEeRuInterest(), SINGLE, theTriggerMap, towerInterest, EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap::towerOf(), and EEDetId::validDetId().


  //classifies the trigger towers (single,center,neighbor,low interest)
  //count number of TT in each interest class for debugging display
  int nTriggerTowerE[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  int nTriggerTowerB[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

  static int ncall = 0;
  if(ncall < 10){
    for(size_t iPhi = 0; iPhi < nTriggerTowersInPhi; ++iPhi){
      for(size_t iEta = 0; iEta < nTriggerTowersInEta; ++iEta){
        if(iEta < nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta
           || iEta >= nBarrelTriggerTowersInEta + nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta){
          //in endcaps
        } else{//in barrel

        assert(towerInterest[iEta][iPhi] >= 0
               && towerInterest[iEta][iPhi] <= 0x7);
      << "without forced bit + with forced bit set:\n"
      << nTriggerTowerB[LOWINTEREST] << " + "
      << nTriggerTowerB[LOWINTEREST | FORCED_MASK]
      << " low interest TT(s) in barrel\n"
      << nTriggerTowerB[SINGLE]       << " + "
      << nTriggerTowerB[SINGLE | FORCED_MASK]
      << " single TT(s) in barrel\n"
      << nTriggerTowerB[NEIGHBOUR]   << " + "
      << nTriggerTowerB[NEIGHBOUR | FORCED_MASK]
      << " neighbor interest TT(s) in barrel\n"
      << nTriggerTowerB[CENTER]      << " + "
      << nTriggerTowerB[CENTER | FORCED_MASK]
      << " centre interest TT(s) in barrel\n"
      << nTriggerTowerE[LOWINTEREST] << " + "
      << nTriggerTowerE[LOWINTEREST | FORCED_MASK]
      << " low interest TT(s) in endcap\n"
      << nTriggerTowerE[SINGLE]      << " + "
      << nTriggerTowerE[SINGLE | FORCED_MASK]
      << " single TT(s) in endcap\n"
      << nTriggerTowerE[NEIGHBOUR]   << " + "
      << nTriggerTowerE[NEIGHBOUR | FORCED_MASK]
      << " neighbor TT(s) in endcap\n"
      << nTriggerTowerE[CENTER]      << " + "
      << nTriggerTowerE[CENTER | FORCED_MASK]
      << " center TT(s) in endcap\n";
  //end TT interest class composition debugging display
  //For the endcap the TT classification must be mapped to the SC:  
  const std::vector<DetId>& endcapDetIds = theGeometry->getValidDetIds(DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap);
  for(std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator eeDetIdItr = endcapDetIds.begin();
      eeDetIdItr != endcapDetIds.end(); ++eeDetIdItr){
    // for each superCrystal, the interest is the highest interest
    // of any trigger tower associated with at least one crystal from this SC.
    // The forced bit must be set if the flag of one of these trigger towers has
    // the forced bit set.
    EcalTrigTowerDetId trigTower = theTriggerMap->towerOf(*eeDetIdItr);
    assert(trigTower.rawId() != 0); 
    EEDetId eeDetId(*eeDetIdItr);
    int iz = (eeDetId.zside() > 0) ? 1 : 0;
    //Following statement will set properly the actual 2-bit flag value
    //and the forced bit: TTF forced bit is propagated to every RU that
    //overlaps with the corresponding TT.
    combineFlags(eeRuInterest(eeDetId), getTowerInterest(trigTower));
  EEDetId xtal;
  for(int iZ0=0; iZ0<2; ++iZ0){//0->EE-, 1->EE+
    for(unsigned iX0=0; iX0<nEndcapXBins; ++iX0){
      for(unsigned iY0=0; iY0<nEndcapYBins; ++iY0){

        if (!(xtal.validDetId(iX0+1, iY0+1, (iZ0>0?1:-1)))){ 
        xtal = EEDetId(iX0+1, iY0+1, (iZ0>0?1:-1));
        //works around a EEDetId bug. To remove once the bug fixed.
        if(39 <= iX0 && iX0 <= 60 && 45 <= iY0 && iY0 <= 54){
        // for each superCrystal, the interest is the highest interest
        // of any trigger tower associated with any crystal in this SC
        EcalTrigTowerDetId trigTower = theTriggerMap->towerOf(xtal);
        assert(trigTower.rawId() != 0); 
        //Following statement will set properly the actual 2-bit flag value
        //and the forced bit: TTF forced bit is propagated to every RU that
        //overlaps with the corresponding TT.
        combineFlags(eeRuInterest(xtal), getTowerInterest(trigTower));

        assert(0<= eeRuInterest(xtal)  && eeRuInterest(xtal) <= 0x7);
      } //next iY0
    } //next iX0
  } //next iZ0
void EcalSelectiveReadout::setElecMap ( const EcalElectronicsMapping map) [inline]

the electronics map, used to get information about the DCC and DCC channel used to read a crystal channel

Definition at line 179 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

References Association::map, and theElecMap.

    theElecMap = map;
template<class T >
void EcalSelectiveReadout::setHigher ( T var,
T  val 
) const [inline, private]

Changes the value of a variable iff that has the effect to increase the variable value var = max(var,val)

varthe variable
valthe new candidate value

Definition at line 300 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

    if(val>var) var = val;
void EcalSelectiveReadout::setLower ( int &  var,
int  val 
) const [inline, private]

Changes the value of a variable iff that has the effect to decrease the variable value var = min(var,val)

varthe variable
valthe new candidate value

Definition at line 289 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

    if(val<var) var = val;
void EcalSelectiveReadout::setTriggerMap ( const EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap map) [inline]

the mapping of which cell goes with which trigger tower

Definition at line 173 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

References Association::map, and theTriggerMap.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 357 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by classifyTriggerTowers().

Definition at line 358 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by classifyTriggerTowers().

Definition at line 356 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by eeRuInterest(), and resetEeRuInterest().

const int EcalSelectiveReadout::FORCED_MASK = 0x4 [static]
const int EcalSelectiveReadout::maxDccChs = 68 [static]

Maximum number of DCC channels used from crystal channels (channel #69 and #70 used for MEM are not counted here)

Definition at line 152 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by eeRuInterest(), and resetEeRuInterest().

const size_t EcalSelectiveReadout::nBarrelEtaBins = 170 [static]

Number of crystals along eta in barrel

Definition at line 107 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

const size_t EcalSelectiveReadout::nBarrelPhiBins = 360 [static]

Number of crystals in a eta ring of the barrel

Definition at line 110 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Number of trigger tower along eta in the barrel

Definition at line 128 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Number of trigger tower in a eta ring of the barrel

Definition at line 131 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Number of barrel trigger towers along eta

Definition at line 140 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by printBarrel(), and runSelectiveReadout0().

const int EcalSelectiveReadout::nDccPerEe = 9 [static]

Number of DCC per endcap

Definition at line 156 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by eeRuInterest(), and resetEeRuInterest().

const size_t EcalSelectiveReadout::nEndcaps = 2 [static]

Number of endcap, obviously tow

Definition at line 134 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by resetEeRuInterest().

Number of trigger towers along eta in one endcap

Definition at line 137 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by printBarrel(), and runSelectiveReadout0().

const size_t EcalSelectiveReadout::nEndcapXBins = 100 [static]

Range of the x-index of endcap crystals (xman-xmin+1).

Definition at line 113 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by runSelectiveReadout0().

const size_t EcalSelectiveReadout::nEndcapYBins = 100 [static]

Range of the y-index of endcap crystals (yman-ymin+1).

Definition at line 116 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by runSelectiveReadout0().

Range of endcap supercrystal x-index (xmax-xmin+1)

Definition at line 122 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by printDccChMap(), and printEndcap().

Range of endcap supercrystal y-index (ymay-ymin+1)

Definition at line 125 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by printDccChMap(), and printEndcap().

Initial value:

Number of trigger towers along eta for the whole ECAL

Definition at line 143 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by classifyTriggerTowers(), getTowerInterest(), and runSelectiveReadout0().

const size_t EcalSelectiveReadout::nTriggerTowersInPhi = 72 [static]

Number of trigger towers in an eta ring

Definition at line 147 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by classifyTriggerTowers(), printBarrel(), and runSelectiveReadout0().

const char EcalSelectiveReadout::srpFlagMarker [static, private]
Initial value:
 {'.', 'S', 'N', 'C',
                                                    '4', '5', '6', '7'}

Definition at line 361 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by printBarrel(), printEndcap(), and printHeader().

const size_t EcalSelectiveReadout::supercrystalEdge = 5 [static]

Edge size of a supercrystal. A supercrystal is a tower of 5x5 crystals.

Definition at line 119 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Definition at line 349 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by eeRuInterest(), printDccChMap(), and setElecMap().

Definition at line 348 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by getCrystalInterest(), runSelectiveReadout0(), and setTriggerMap().

Definition at line 100 of file EcalSelectiveReadout.h.

Referenced by combineFlags().