![]() |
![]() |
#include <ConvertedPhotonProducer.h>
Definition at line 38 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
ConvertedPhotonProducer::ConvertedPhotonProducer | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) |
Definition at line 46 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References algoName_, bcBarrelCollection_, bcEndcapCollection_, CleanedConvertedPhotonCollection_, conf_, conversionIOTrackProducer_, conversionOITrackProducer_, ConvertedPhotonCollection_, deltaCotCut_, dRForConversionRecovery_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), hcalTowers_, hOverEConeSize_, inOutTrackSCAssociationCollection_, likelihoodWeights_, maxHOverE_, maxNumOfCandidates_, minApproachDisCut_, minSCEt_, nEvt_, outInTrackSCAssociationCollection_, recoverOneTrackCase_, risolveAmbiguity_, scHybridBarrelProducer_, scIslandEndcapProducer_, theLikelihoodCalc_, theTrackPairFinder_, and theVertexFinder_.
: conf_(config), theTrackPairFinder_(0), theVertexFinder_(0), theLikelihoodCalc_(0) { //cout<< " ConvertedPhotonProducer CTOR " << "\n"; // use onfiguration file to setup input collection names bcBarrelCollection_ = conf_.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("bcBarrelCollection"); bcEndcapCollection_ = conf_.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("bcEndcapCollection"); scHybridBarrelProducer_ = conf_.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("scHybridBarrelProducer"); scIslandEndcapProducer_ = conf_.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("scIslandEndcapProducer"); conversionOITrackProducer_ = conf_.getParameter<std::string>("conversionOITrackProducer"); conversionIOTrackProducer_ = conf_.getParameter<std::string>("conversionIOTrackProducer"); outInTrackSCAssociationCollection_ = conf_.getParameter<std::string>("outInTrackSCAssociation"); inOutTrackSCAssociationCollection_ = conf_.getParameter<std::string>("inOutTrackSCAssociation"); algoName_ = conf_.getParameter<std::string>( "AlgorithmName" ); hcalTowers_ = conf_.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hcalTowers"); hOverEConeSize_ = conf_.getParameter<double>("hOverEConeSize"); maxHOverE_ = conf_.getParameter<double>("maxHOverE"); minSCEt_ = conf_.getParameter<double>("minSCEt"); recoverOneTrackCase_ = conf_.getParameter<bool>( "recoverOneTrackCase" ); dRForConversionRecovery_ = conf_.getParameter<double>("dRForConversionRecovery"); deltaCotCut_ = conf_.getParameter<double>("deltaCotCut"); minApproachDisCut_ = conf_.getParameter<double>("minApproachDisCut"); maxNumOfCandidates_ = conf_.getParameter<int>("maxNumOfCandidates"); risolveAmbiguity_ = conf_.getParameter<bool>("risolveConversionAmbiguity"); likelihoodWeights_= conf_.getParameter<std::string>("MVA_weights_location"); // use onfiguration file to setup output collection names ConvertedPhotonCollection_ = conf_.getParameter<std::string>("convertedPhotonCollection"); CleanedConvertedPhotonCollection_ = conf_.getParameter<std::string>("cleanedConvertedPhotonCollection"); // Register the product produces< reco::ConversionCollection >(ConvertedPhotonCollection_); produces< reco::ConversionCollection >(CleanedConvertedPhotonCollection_); // instantiate the Track Pair Finder algorithm theTrackPairFinder_ = new ConversionTrackPairFinder (); edm::FileInPath path_mvaWeightFile(likelihoodWeights_.c_str() ); theLikelihoodCalc_ = new ConversionLikelihoodCalculator(); theLikelihoodCalc_->setWeightsFile(path_mvaWeightFile.fullPath().c_str()); // instantiate the Vertex Finder algorithm theVertexFinder_ = new ConversionVertexFinder ( conf_); // Inizilize my global event counter nEvt_=0; }
ConvertedPhotonProducer::~ConvertedPhotonProducer | ( | ) |
Definition at line 111 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References theLikelihoodCalc_, theTrackPairFinder_, and theVertexFinder_.
{ delete theTrackPairFinder_; delete theLikelihoodCalc_; delete theVertexFinder_; }
void ConvertedPhotonProducer::beginRun | ( | edm::Run & | r, |
edm::EventSetup const & | es | ||
) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.
Definition at line 119 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References edm::EventSetup::get(), theMF_, and theTransientTrackBuilder_.
{ //get magnetic field //edm::LogInfo("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " get magnetic field" << "\n"; theEventSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(theMF_); // Transform Track into TransientTrack (needed by the Vertex fitter) theEventSetup.get<TransientTrackRecord>().get("TransientTrackBuilder",theTransientTrackBuilder_); }
void ConvertedPhotonProducer::buildCollections | ( | edm::EventSetup const & | es, |
const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::CaloCluster > > & | scHandle, | ||
const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::CaloCluster > > & | bcHandle, | ||
const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > & | hcalTowersHandle, | ||
const edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection > & | trkHandle, | ||
std::map< std::vector< reco::TransientTrack >, reco::CaloClusterPtr, CompareTwoTracksVectors > & | allPairs, | ||
reco::ConversionCollection & | outputConvPhotonCollection | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 302 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References reco::Conversion::algoByName(), algoName_, begin, ConversionLikelihoodCalculator::calculateLikelihood(), calculateMinApproachDistance(), edm::PtrVectorBase::clear(), deltaCotCut_, dPhi(), dRForConversionRecovery_, alignCSCRings::e, end, reco::CaloCluster::energy(), cms::Exception::explainSelf(), ConversionTrackEcalImpactPoint::find(), EgammaTowerIsolation::getTowerESum(), hOverEConeSize_, i, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), reco::Vertex::isValid(), Association::map, ConversionTrackEcalImpactPoint::matchingBC(), maxHOverE_, metname, minApproachDisCut_, minSCEt_, p4, reco::TrackTransientTrack::persistentTrackRef(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::PtrVector< T >::push_back(), recoverOneTrackCase_, ConversionVertexFinder::run(), reco::Conversion::setMVAout(), mathSSE::sqrt(), funct::tan(), theLikelihoodCalc_, theMF_, theVertexFinder_, toFConverterP(), and toFConverterV().
Referenced by produce().
{ // instantiate the algorithm for finding the position of the track extrapolation at the Ecal front face ConversionTrackEcalImpactPoint theEcalImpactPositionFinder( &(*theMF_) ); reco::Conversion::ConversionAlgorithm algo = reco::Conversion::algoByName(algoName_); std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> t_generalTrk; if ( recoverOneTrackCase_ ) t_generalTrk = ( *theTransientTrackBuilder_ ).build(generalTrkHandle ); //const CaloGeometry* geometry = theCaloGeom_.product(); // Loop over SC in the barrel and reconstruct converted photons int myCands=0; reco::CaloClusterPtrVector scPtrVec; for (unsigned i = 0; i < scHandle->size(); ++i ) { reco::CaloClusterPtr aClus= scHandle->ptrAt(i); // preselection based in Et and H/E cut if (aClus->energy()/cosh(aClus->eta()) <= minSCEt_) continue; const reco::CaloCluster* pClus=&(*aClus); const reco::SuperCluster* sc=dynamic_cast<const reco::SuperCluster*>(pClus); const CaloTowerCollection* hcalTowersColl = hcalTowersHandle.product(); EgammaTowerIsolation towerIso(hOverEConeSize_,0.,0.,-1,hcalTowersColl) ; double HoE=towerIso.getTowerESum(sc)/sc->energy(); if (HoE>=maxHOverE_) continue; std::vector<edm::Ref<reco::TrackCollection> > trackPairRef; std::vector<math::XYZPointF> trackInnPos; std::vector<math::XYZVectorF> trackPin; std::vector<math::XYZVectorF> trackPout; float minAppDist=-99; //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "ConvertedPhotonProducer SC energy " << aClus->energy() << " eta " << aClus->eta() << " phi " << aClus->phi() << "\n"; const reco::Particle::Point vtx( 0, 0, 0 ); math::XYZVector direction =aClus->position() - vtx; math::XYZVector momentum = direction.unit() * aClus->energy(); const reco::Particle::LorentzVector p4(momentum.x(), momentum.y(), momentum.z(), aClus->energy() ); int nFound=0; if ( allPairs.size() ) { nFound=0; for ( std::map<std::vector<reco::TransientTrack>, reco::CaloClusterPtr>::const_iterator iPair= allPairs.begin(); iPair!= allPairs.end(); ++iPair ) { scPtrVec.clear(); reco::Vertex theConversionVertex; reco::CaloClusterPtr caloPtr=iPair->second; if ( !( aClus == caloPtr ) ) continue; scPtrVec.push_back(aClus); nFound++; std::vector<math::XYZPointF> trkPositionAtEcal = theEcalImpactPositionFinder.find( iPair->first, bcHandle ); std::vector<reco::CaloClusterPtr> matchingBC = theEcalImpactPositionFinder.matchingBC(); minAppDist=-99; const std::string metname = "ConvertedPhotons|ConvertedPhotonProducer"; if ( (iPair->first).size() > 1 ) { try{ theVertexFinder_->run(iPair->first, theConversionVertex ); } catch ( cms::Exception& e ) { //std::cout << " cms::Exception caught in ConvertedPhotonProducer::produce" << "\n" ; edm::LogWarning(metname) << "cms::Exception caught in ConvertedPhotonProducer::produce\n" << e.explainSelf(); } // Old TwoTrackMinimumDistance md; // Old md.calculate ( (iPair->first)[0].initialFreeState(), (iPair->first)[1].initialFreeState() ); // Old minAppDist = md.distance(); /* for ( unsigned int i=0; i< matchingBC.size(); ++i) { if ( matchingBC[i].isNull() ) std::cout << " This ref to BC is null: skipping " << "\n"; else std::cout << " BC energy " << matchingBC[i]->energy() << "\n"; } */ trackPairRef.clear(); trackInnPos.clear(); trackPin.clear(); trackPout.clear(); for ( std::vector<reco::TransientTrack>::const_iterator iTk=(iPair->first).begin(); iTk!= (iPair->first).end(); ++iTk) { //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer Transient Tracks in the pair charge " << iTk->charge() << " Num of RecHits " << iTk->recHitsSize() << " inner momentum " << iTk->track().innerMomentum() << "\n"; const reco::TrackTransientTrack* ttt = dynamic_cast<const reco::TrackTransientTrack*>(iTk->basicTransientTrack()); reco::TrackRef myTkRef= ttt->persistentTrackRef(); //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer Ref to Rec Tracks in the pair charge " << myTkRef->charge() << " Num of RecHits " << myTkRef->recHitsSize() << " inner momentum " << myTkRef->innerMomentum() << "\n"; if ( myTkRef->extra().isNonnull() ) { trackInnPos.push_back( toFConverterP(myTkRef->innerPosition())); trackPin.push_back( toFConverterV( myTkRef->innerMomentum())); trackPout.push_back( toFConverterV(myTkRef->outerMomentum())); } trackPairRef.push_back(myTkRef); } // std::cout << " ConvertedPhotonProducer trackPin size " << trackPin.size() << std::endl; //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer SC energy " << aClus->energy() << "\n"; //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer photon p4 " << p4 << "\n"; //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer vtx " << vtx.x() << " " << vtx.y() << " " << vtx.z() << "\n"; if( theConversionVertex.isValid() ) { //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer theConversionVertex " << theConversionVertex.position().x() << " " << theConversionVertex.position().y() << " " << theConversionVertex.position().z() << "\n"; } //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer trackPairRef " << trackPairRef.size() << "\n"; minAppDist=calculateMinApproachDistance( trackPairRef[0], trackPairRef[1]); double like = -999.; reco::Conversion newCandidate(scPtrVec, trackPairRef, trkPositionAtEcal, theConversionVertex, matchingBC, minAppDist, trackInnPos, trackPin, trackPout, like, algo); // like = theLikelihoodCalc_->calculateLikelihood(newCandidate, es ); like = theLikelihoodCalc_->calculateLikelihood( newCandidate ); // std::cout << "like = " << like << std::endl; newCandidate.setMVAout(like); outputConvPhotonCollection.push_back(newCandidate); myCands++; //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer Put the ConvertedPhotonCollection a candidate in the Barrel " << "\n"; } else { // std::cout << " ConvertedPhotonProducer case with only one track found " << "\n"; //std::cout << " ConvertedPhotonProducer recovering one track " << "\n"; trackPairRef.clear(); trackInnPos.clear(); trackPin.clear(); trackPout.clear(); std::vector<reco::TransientTrack>::const_iterator iTk=(iPair->first).begin(); //std::cout << " ConvertedPhotonProducer Transient Tracks in the pair charge " << iTk->charge() << " Num of RecHits " << iTk->recHitsSize() << " inner momentum " << iTk->track().innerMomentum() << " pt " << sqrt(iTk->track().innerMomentum().perp2()) << "\n"; const reco::TrackTransientTrack* ttt = dynamic_cast<const reco::TrackTransientTrack*>(iTk->basicTransientTrack()); reco::TrackRef myTk= ttt->persistentTrackRef(); if ( myTk->extra().isNonnull() ) { trackInnPos.push_back( toFConverterP(myTk->innerPosition())); trackPin.push_back( toFConverterV(myTk->innerMomentum())); trackPout.push_back( toFConverterV(myTk->outerMomentum())); } trackPairRef.push_back(myTk); //std::cout << " Provenance " << myTk->algoName() << std::endl; if ( recoverOneTrackCase_ ) { float theta1 = myTk->innerMomentum().Theta(); float dCot=999.; float dCotTheta=-999.; reco::TrackRef goodRef; std::vector<reco::TransientTrack>::const_iterator iGoodGenTran; for ( std::vector<reco::TransientTrack>::const_iterator iTran= t_generalTrk.begin(); iTran != t_generalTrk.end(); ++iTran) { const reco::TrackTransientTrack* ttt = dynamic_cast<const reco::TrackTransientTrack*>(iTran->basicTransientTrack()); reco::TrackRef trRef= ttt->persistentTrackRef(); if ( trRef->charge()*myTk->charge() > 0 ) continue; float dEta = trRef->eta() - myTk->eta(); float dPhi = trRef->phi() - myTk->phi(); if ( sqrt (dEta*dEta + dPhi*dPhi) > dRForConversionRecovery_ ) continue; float theta2 = trRef->innerMomentum().Theta(); dCotTheta = 1./tan(theta1) - 1./tan(theta2) ; // std::cout << " ConvertedPhotonProducer recovering general transient track charge " << trRef->charge() << " momentum " << trRef->innerMomentum() << " dcotTheta " << fabs(dCotTheta) << std::endl; if ( fabs(dCotTheta) < dCot ) { dCot = fabs(dCotTheta); goodRef = trRef; iGoodGenTran=iTran; } } if ( goodRef.isNonnull() ) { minAppDist=calculateMinApproachDistance( myTk, goodRef); // std::cout << " ConvertedPhotonProducer chosen dCotTheta " << fabs(dCotTheta) << std::endl; if ( fabs(dCotTheta) < deltaCotCut_ && minAppDist > minApproachDisCut_ ) { trackInnPos.push_back( toFConverterP(goodRef->innerPosition())); trackPin.push_back( toFConverterV(goodRef->innerMomentum())); trackPout.push_back( toFConverterV(goodRef->outerMomentum())); trackPairRef.push_back( goodRef ); // std::cout << " ConvertedPhotonProducer adding opposite charge track from generalTrackCollection charge " << goodRef ->charge() << " pt " << sqrt(goodRef->innerMomentum().perp2()) << " trackPairRef size " << trackPairRef.size() << std::endl; //std::cout << " Track Provenenance " << goodRef->algoName() << std::endl; std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> mypair; mypair.push_back(*iTk); mypair.push_back(*iGoodGenTran); try{ theVertexFinder_->run(iPair->first, theConversionVertex ); } catch ( cms::Exception& e ) { //std::cout << " cms::Exception caught in ConvertedPhotonProducer::produce" << "\n" ; edm::LogWarning(metname) << "cms::Exception caught in ConvertedPhotonProducer::produce\n" << e.explainSelf(); } } } } // bool On/Off one track case recovery using generalTracks double like = -999.; reco::Conversion newCandidate(scPtrVec, trackPairRef, trkPositionAtEcal, theConversionVertex, matchingBC, minAppDist, trackInnPos, trackPin, trackPout, like, algo); like = theLikelihoodCalc_->calculateLikelihood(newCandidate); newCandidate.setMVAout(like); outputConvPhotonCollection.push_back(newCandidate); } // case with only on track: looking in general tracks } } } }
float ConvertedPhotonProducer::calculateMinApproachDistance | ( | const reco::TrackRef & | track1, |
const reco::TrackRef & | track2 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 655 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References getCircleCenter(), mathSSE::sqrt(), and theMF_.
Referenced by buildCollections().
{ float dist=9999.; double x1, x2, y1, y2; double xx_1 = track1->innerPosition().x(), yy_1 = track1->innerPosition().y(), zz_1 = track1->innerPosition().z(); double xx_2 = track2->innerPosition().x(), yy_2 = track2->innerPosition().y(), zz_2 = track2->innerPosition().z(); double radius1 = track1->innerMomentum().Rho()/(.3*(theMF_->inTesla(GlobalPoint(xx_1, yy_1, zz_1)).z()))*100; double radius2 = track2->innerMomentum().Rho()/(.3*(theMF_->inTesla(GlobalPoint(xx_2, yy_2, zz_2)).z()))*100; getCircleCenter(track1, radius1, x1, y1); getCircleCenter(track2, radius2, x2, y2); dist = sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)) - radius1 - radius2; return dist; }
void ConvertedPhotonProducer::cleanCollections | ( | const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::CaloCluster > > & | scHandle, |
const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::ConversionCollection > & | conversionHandle, | ||
reco::ConversionCollection & | outputCollection | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 566 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References clone(), reco::Conversion::clone(), edm::Ptr< T >::id(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::id(), edm::OrphanHandleBase::isValid(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), edm::Ptr< T >::key(), minSCEt_, risolveAmbiguity_, and solveAmbiguity().
Referenced by produce().
{ reco::Conversion* newCandidate=0; for(unsigned int lSC=0; lSC < scHandle->size(); lSC++) { // get pointer to SC reco::CaloClusterPtr aClus= scHandle->ptrAt(lSC); // SC energy preselection if (aClus->energy()/cosh(aClus->eta()) <= minSCEt_) continue; if ( conversionHandle.isValid() ) { if ( risolveAmbiguity_ ) { std::vector<reco::ConversionRef> bestRef=solveAmbiguity( conversionHandle , aClus); for ( std::vector<reco::ConversionRef>::iterator iRef=bestRef.begin(); iRef!=bestRef.end(); iRef++ ) { if ( iRef->isNonnull() ) { newCandidate= (*iRef)->clone(); outputConversionCollection.push_back(*newCandidate); delete newCandidate; } } } else { for( unsigned int icp = 0; icp < conversionHandle->size(); icp++) { reco::ConversionRef cpRef(reco::ConversionRef(conversionHandle,icp)); if (!( aClus.id() == cpRef->caloCluster()[0].id() && aClus.key() == cpRef->caloCluster()[0].key() )) continue; if ( !cpRef->isConverted() ) continue; if ( cpRef->nTracks() <2 ) continue; newCandidate= (&(*cpRef))->clone(); outputConversionCollection.push_back(*newCandidate); delete newCandidate; } } // solve or not the ambiguity of many conversion candidates } } }
void ConvertedPhotonProducer::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.
Definition at line 137 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
//LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "ConvertedPhotonProducer::endJob Processed " << nEvt_ << " events " << "\n";
void ConvertedPhotonProducer::endRun | ( | edm::Run & | r, |
edm::EventSetup const & | es | ||
) | [virtual] |
void ConvertedPhotonProducer::getCircleCenter | ( | const reco::TrackRef & | tk, |
double | r, | ||
double & | x0, | ||
double & | y0 | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 672 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), funct::cos(), phi, and funct::sin().
Referenced by calculateMinApproachDistance().
void ConvertedPhotonProducer::produce | ( | edm::Event & | evt, |
const edm::EventSetup & | es | ||
) | [virtual] |
Implements edm::EDProducer.
Definition at line 147 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References bcBarrelCollection_, bcEndcapCollection_, buildCollections(), cleanCollections(), CleanedConvertedPhotonCollection_, printConversionInfo::conversionHandle, conversionIOTrackProducer_, conversionOITrackProducer_, ConvertedPhotonCollection_, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), hcalTowers_, inOutTrackSCAssociationCollection_, edm::InputTag::label(), nEvt_, outInTrackSCAssociationCollection_, edm::Event::put(), recoverOneTrackCase_, ConversionTrackPairFinder::run(), scHybridBarrelProducer_, scIslandEndcapProducer_, theCaloGeom_, and theTrackPairFinder_.
{ using namespace edm; nEvt_++; // LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "ConvertedPhotonProduce::produce event number " << theEvent.id() << " Global counter " << nEvt_ << "\n"; // std::cout << "ConvertedPhotonProduce::produce event number " << theEvent.id() << " Global counter " << nEvt_ << "\n"; // // create empty output collections // // Converted photon candidates reco::ConversionCollection outputConvPhotonCollection; std::auto_ptr<reco::ConversionCollection> outputConvPhotonCollection_p(new reco::ConversionCollection); // Converted photon candidates reco::ConversionCollection cleanedConversionCollection; std::auto_ptr<reco::ConversionCollection> cleanedConversionCollection_p(new reco::ConversionCollection); // Get the Super Cluster collection in the Barrel bool validBarrelSCHandle=true; edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::CaloCluster> > scBarrelHandle; theEvent.getByLabel(scHybridBarrelProducer_,scBarrelHandle); if (!scBarrelHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product "<<scHybridBarrelProducer_.label(); validBarrelSCHandle=false; } // Get the Super Cluster collection in the Endcap bool validEndcapSCHandle=true; edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::CaloCluster> > scEndcapHandle; theEvent.getByLabel(scIslandEndcapProducer_,scEndcapHandle); if (!scEndcapHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product "<<scIslandEndcapProducer_.label(); validEndcapSCHandle=false; } bool validTrackInputs=true; Handle<reco::TrackCollection> outInTrkHandle; theEvent.getByLabel(conversionOITrackProducer_, outInTrkHandle); if (!outInTrkHandle.isValid()) { //std::cout << "Error! Can't get the conversionOITrack " << "\n"; edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the conversionOITrack " << "\n"; validTrackInputs=false; } // LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer")<< "ConvertedPhotonProducer outInTrack collection size " << (*outInTrkHandle).size() << "\n"; Handle<reco::TrackCaloClusterPtrAssociation> outInTrkSCAssocHandle; theEvent.getByLabel( conversionOITrackProducer_, outInTrackSCAssociationCollection_, outInTrkSCAssocHandle); if (!outInTrkSCAssocHandle.isValid()) { // std::cout << "Error! Can't get the product " << outInTrackSCAssociationCollection_.c_str() <<"\n"; edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product " << outInTrackSCAssociationCollection_.c_str() <<"\n"; validTrackInputs=false; } Handle<reco::TrackCollection> inOutTrkHandle; theEvent.getByLabel(conversionIOTrackProducer_, inOutTrkHandle); if (!inOutTrkHandle.isValid()) { // std::cout << "Error! Can't get the conversionIOTrack " << "\n"; edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the conversionIOTrack " << "\n"; validTrackInputs=false; } // LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer inOutTrack collection size " << (*inOutTrkHandle).size() << "\n"; Handle<reco::TrackCollection> generalTrkHandle; if ( recoverOneTrackCase_ ) { theEvent.getByLabel("generalTracks", generalTrkHandle); if (!generalTrkHandle.isValid()) { //std::cout << "Error! Can't get the genralTracks " << "\n"; edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the genralTracks " << "\n"; } } Handle<reco::TrackCaloClusterPtrAssociation> inOutTrkSCAssocHandle; theEvent.getByLabel( conversionIOTrackProducer_, inOutTrackSCAssociationCollection_, inOutTrkSCAssocHandle); if (!inOutTrkSCAssocHandle.isValid()) { //std::cout << "Error! Can't get the product " << inOutTrackSCAssociationCollection_.c_str() <<"\n"; edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product " << inOutTrackSCAssociationCollection_.c_str() <<"\n"; validTrackInputs=false; } // Get the basic cluster collection in the Barrel edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::CaloCluster> > bcBarrelHandle; theEvent.getByLabel( bcBarrelCollection_, bcBarrelHandle); if (!bcBarrelHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product "<<bcBarrelCollection_.label(); } // Get the basic cluster collection in the Endcap edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::CaloCluster> > bcEndcapHandle; theEvent.getByLabel( bcEndcapCollection_, bcEndcapHandle); if (!bcEndcapHandle.isValid()) { edm::LogError("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product "<<bcEndcapCollection_.label(); } // get Hcal towers collection Handle<CaloTowerCollection> hcalTowersHandle; theEvent.getByLabel(hcalTowers_, hcalTowersHandle); // get the geometry from the event setup: theEventSetup.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(theCaloGeom_); if ( validTrackInputs ) { //do the conversion: std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> t_outInTrk = ( *theTransientTrackBuilder_ ).build(outInTrkHandle ); std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> t_inOutTrk = ( *theTransientTrackBuilder_ ).build(inOutTrkHandle ); std::map<std::vector<reco::TransientTrack>, reco::CaloClusterPtr, CompareTwoTracksVectors> allPairs; allPairs = theTrackPairFinder_->run(t_outInTrk, outInTrkHandle, outInTrkSCAssocHandle, t_inOutTrk, inOutTrkHandle, inOutTrkSCAssocHandle ); //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << "ConvertedPhotonProducer allPairs.size " << allPairs.size() << "\n"; buildCollections(theEventSetup, scBarrelHandle, bcBarrelHandle, hcalTowersHandle, generalTrkHandle, allPairs, outputConvPhotonCollection); buildCollections(theEventSetup, scEndcapHandle, bcEndcapHandle, hcalTowersHandle, generalTrkHandle, allPairs, outputConvPhotonCollection); } // put the product in the event outputConvPhotonCollection_p->assign(outputConvPhotonCollection.begin(),outputConvPhotonCollection.end()); //LogDebug("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " ConvertedPhotonProducer Putting in the event converted photon candidates " << (*outputConvPhotonCollection_p).size() << "\n"; const edm::OrphanHandle<reco::ConversionCollection> conversionHandle= theEvent.put( outputConvPhotonCollection_p, ConvertedPhotonCollection_); // Loop over barrel and endcap SC collections and fill the photon collection if ( validBarrelSCHandle) cleanCollections(scBarrelHandle, conversionHandle, cleanedConversionCollection); if ( validEndcapSCHandle) cleanCollections(scEndcapHandle, conversionHandle, cleanedConversionCollection); cleanedConversionCollection_p->assign(cleanedConversionCollection.begin(),cleanedConversionCollection.end()); theEvent.put( cleanedConversionCollection_p, CleanedConvertedPhotonCollection_); }
std::vector< reco::ConversionRef > ConvertedPhotonProducer::solveAmbiguity | ( | const edm::OrphanHandle< reco::ConversionCollection > & | conversionHandle, |
reco::CaloClusterPtr & | sc | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 619 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.cc.
References edm::Ptr< T >::id(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::id(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), edm::Ptr< T >::key(), and maxNumOfCandidates_.
Referenced by cleanCollections().
{ std::multimap<double, reco::ConversionRef, std::greater<double> > convMap; for ( unsigned int icp=0; icp< conversionHandle->size(); icp++) { reco::ConversionRef cpRef(reco::ConversionRef(conversionHandle,icp)); //std::cout << " cpRef " << cpRef->nTracks() << " " << cpRef ->caloCluster()[0]->energy() << std::endl; if (!( scRef.id() == cpRef->caloCluster()[0].id() && scRef.key() == cpRef->caloCluster()[0].key() )) continue; if ( !cpRef->isConverted() ) continue; double like = cpRef->MVAout(); if ( cpRef->nTracks() <2 ) continue; // std::cout << " Like " << like << std::endl; convMap.insert ( std::make_pair(like,cpRef) ); } // std::cout << " convMap size " << convMap.size() << std::endl; std::multimap<double, reco::ConversionRef>::iterator iMap; std::vector<reco::ConversionRef> bestRefs; for (iMap=convMap.begin(); iMap!=convMap.end(); iMap++) { // std::cout << " Like list in the map " << iMap->first << " " << (iMap->second)->EoverP() << std::endl; bestRefs.push_back( iMap->second ); if ( int(bestRefs.size()) == maxNumOfCandidates_ ) break; } return bestRefs; }
math::XYZPointF ConvertedPhotonProducer::toFConverterP | ( | const math::XYZPoint & | val | ) | [inline, private] |
Definition at line 118 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections().
{ return math::XYZPointF(val.x(),val.y(),val.z()); }
math::XYZVectorF ConvertedPhotonProducer::toFConverterV | ( | const math::XYZVector & | val | ) | [inline, private] |
Definition at line 122 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections().
{ return math::XYZVectorF(val.x(),val.y(),val.z()); }
std::string ConvertedPhotonProducer::algoName_ [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), and ConvertedPhotonProducer().
Definition at line 86 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
Definition at line 87 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
std::string ConvertedPhotonProducer::CleanedConvertedPhotonCollection_ [private] |
Definition at line 84 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
Definition at line 90 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer().
std::string ConvertedPhotonProducer::conversionIOTrackProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 76 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
std::string ConvertedPhotonProducer::conversionOITrackProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 75 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
std::string ConvertedPhotonProducer::ConvertedPhotonCollection_ [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
double ConvertedPhotonProducer::deltaCotCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 109 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), and ConvertedPhotonProducer().
double ConvertedPhotonProducer::dRForConversionRecovery_ [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), and ConvertedPhotonProducer().
Definition at line 91 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
double ConvertedPhotonProducer::hOverEConeSize_ [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), and ConvertedPhotonProducer().
std::string ConvertedPhotonProducer::inOutTrackSCAssociationCollection_ [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
std::string ConvertedPhotonProducer::likelihoodWeights_ [private] |
Definition at line 116 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer().
double ConvertedPhotonProducer::maxHOverE_ [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), and ConvertedPhotonProducer().
int ConvertedPhotonProducer::maxNumOfCandidates_ [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and solveAmbiguity().
double ConvertedPhotonProducer::minApproachDisCut_ [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), and ConvertedPhotonProducer().
double ConvertedPhotonProducer::minSCEt_ [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), cleanCollections(), and ConvertedPhotonProducer().
int ConvertedPhotonProducer::nEvt_ [private] |
Definition at line 100 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
std::string ConvertedPhotonProducer::outInTrackSCAssociationCollection_ [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
bool ConvertedPhotonProducer::recoverOneTrackCase_ [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
bool ConvertedPhotonProducer::risolveAmbiguity_ [private] |
Definition at line 112 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by cleanCollections(), and ConvertedPhotonProducer().
Definition at line 88 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
Definition at line 89 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and produce().
Definition at line 93 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by produce().
Definition at line 99 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Definition at line 115 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and ~ConvertedPhotonProducer().
Definition at line 94 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by beginRun(), buildCollections(), and calculateMinApproachDistance().
Definition at line 97 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by ConvertedPhotonProducer(), produce(), and ~ConvertedPhotonProducer().
Definition at line 95 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by beginRun().
Definition at line 98 of file ConvertedPhotonProducer.h.
Referenced by buildCollections(), ConvertedPhotonProducer(), and ~ConvertedPhotonProducer().