![]() |
![]() |
Classes | |
class | ConfigBuilder |
class | Options |
Functions | |
def | addALCAPaths |
def | addOutputModule |
def | dumpPython |
def | filesFromDBSQuery |
def | filesFromList |
def | getConfigsForScenario |
def | getDefaultTrigger |
def | getHelp |
def | installFilteredStream |
def | installPromptReco |
def | MassReplaceInputTag |
Variables | |
string | __default = 'GRun' |
string | __source__ = "$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/python/ConfigBuilder.py,v $" |
dictionary | __triggerTable |
string | __version__ = "$Revision: 1.372.2.25 $" |
tuple | defaultOptions = Options() |
promptReco = installPromptReco |
def ConfigBuilder::addALCAPaths | ( | process, | |
listOfALCANames, | |||
definitionFile = "Configuration/StandardSequences/AlCaRecoStreams_cff" |
) |
_addALCAPaths_ Function to add alignment&calibration sequences to an existing process
Definition at line 1949 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
01950 : 01951 """ 01952 _addALCAPaths_ 01953 01954 Function to add alignment&calibration sequences to an existing process 01955 """ 01956 __import__(definitionFile) 01957 definitionModule = sys.modules[definitionFile] 01958 process.extend(definitionModule) 01959 01960 for alca in listOfALCANames: 01961 streamName = "ALCARECOStream%s" % alca 01962 stream = getattr(definitionModule, streamName) 01963 for path in stream.paths: 01964 schedule.append(path) 01965 01966 return
def ConfigBuilder::addOutputModule | ( | process, | |
tier, | |||
content | |||
) |
_addOutputModule_ Function to add an output module to a given process with given data tier and event content
Definition at line 1920 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
01921 : 01922 """ 01923 _addOutputModule_ 01924 01925 Function to add an output module to a given process with given data tier and event content 01926 """ 01927 print "WARNING. this method will not be supported any more SOON, please use --eventcontent --datatier field to drive the output module definitions" 01928 01929 moduleName = "output%s%s" % (tier, content) 01930 pathName = "%sPath" % moduleName 01931 contentName = "%sEventContent" % content 01932 contentAttr = getattr(process, contentName) 01933 setattr(process, moduleName, 01934 cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule", 01935 contentAttr, 01936 fileName = cms.untracked.string('%s.root' % moduleName), 01937 dataset = cms.untracked.PSet( 01938 dataTier = cms.untracked.string(tier), 01939 ), 01940 ) 01941 ) 01942 print getattr(process,moduleName) 01943 # put it in an EndPath and put the EndPath into the schedule 01944 setattr(process, pathName, cms.EndPath(getattr(process,moduleName)) ) 01945 process.schedule.append(getattr(process, pathName)) 01946 01947 return 01948
def ConfigBuilder::dumpPython | ( | process, | |
name | |||
) |
Definition at line 72 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
00073 : 00074 theObject = getattr(process,name) 00075 if isinstance(theObject,cms.Path) or isinstance(theObject,cms.EndPath) or isinstance(theObject,cms.Sequence): 00076 return "process."+name+" = " + theObject.dumpPython("process") 00077 elif isinstance(theObject,_Module) or isinstance(theObject,cms.ESProducer): 00078 return "process."+name+" = " + theObject.dumpPython()+"\n" 00079 else: return "process."+name+" = " + theObject.dumpPython()+"\n"
def ConfigBuilder::filesFromDBSQuery | ( | query, | |
s = None |
) |
Definition at line 112 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
00113 : 00114 import os 00115 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00116 prim=[] 00117 sec=[] 00118 print "the query is",query 00119 for line in os.popen('dbs search --query "%s"'%(query)): 00120 if line.count(".root")>=2: 00121 #two files solution... 00122 entries=line.replace("\n","").split() 00123 if not entries[0] in prim: 00124 prim.append(entries[0]) 00125 if not entries[1] in sec: 00126 sec.append(entries[1]) 00127 elif (line.find(".root")!=-1): 00128 entry=line.replace("\n","") 00129 if not entry in prim: 00130 prim.append(entry) 00131 if s: 00132 if not hasattr(s,"fileNames"): 00133 s.fileNames=cms.untracked.vstring(prim) 00134 else: 00135 s.fileNames.extend(prim) 00136 if len(sec)!=0: 00137 if not hasattr(s,"secondaryFileNames"): 00138 s.secondaryFileNames=cms.untracked.vstring(sec) 00139 else: 00140 s.secondaryFileNames.extend(sec) 00141 print "found files: ",prim 00142 if len(sec)!=0: 00143 print "found parent files:",sec 00144 return (prim,sec)
def ConfigBuilder::filesFromList | ( | fileName, | |
s = None |
) |
Definition at line 80 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
00081 : 00082 import os 00083 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 00084 prim=[] 00085 sec=[] 00086 for line in open(fileName,'r'): 00087 if line.count(".root")>=2: 00088 #two files solution... 00089 entries=line.replace("\n","").split() 00090 if not entries[0] in prim: 00091 prim.append(entries[0]) 00092 if not entries[1] in sec: 00093 sec.append(entries[1]) 00094 elif (line.find(".root")!=-1): 00095 entry=line.replace("\n","") 00096 if not entry in prim: 00097 prim.append(entry) 00098 if s: 00099 if not hasattr(s,"fileNames"): 00100 s.fileNames=cms.untracked.vstring(prim) 00101 else: 00102 s.fileNames.extend(prim) 00103 if len(sec)!=0: 00104 if not hasattr(s,"secondaryFileNames"): 00105 s.secondaryFileNames=cms.untracked.vstring(sec) 00106 else: 00107 s.secondaryFileNames.extend(sec) 00108 print "found files: ",prim 00109 if len(sec)!=0: 00110 print "found parent files:",sec 00111 return (prim,sec)
def ConfigBuilder::getConfigsForScenario | ( | sequence = None | ) |
Retrieves the list of files needed to run a given trigger menu. If no trigger or an invalid trigger is given, use the default one.
Definition at line 38 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
00039 : 00040 """ 00041 Retrieves the list of files needed to run a given trigger menu. 00042 If no trigger or an invalid trigger is given, use the default one. 00043 """ 00044 00045 if not sequence: 00046 # no trigger was specified, use the default one 00047 trigger = __default 00048 else: 00049 # check if the specified trigger is valid 00050 trigger = sequence 00051 if trigger not in __triggerTable: 00052 print 'An unsupported trigger has been requested: %s' % sequence 00053 print 'The default one will be used instead: %s' % __default 00054 print 'The supported triggers are:' 00055 for key in __triggerTable.iterkeys(): 00056 print '\t%s' % key 00057 print 00058 trigger = __default 00059 00060 return __triggerTable[trigger] 00061
def ConfigBuilder::getDefaultTrigger | ( | ) |
Retrieves the default trigger name
Definition at line 24 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
def ConfigBuilder::getHelp | ( | ) |
Retrieves the list of available triggers
Definition at line 31 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
def ConfigBuilder::installFilteredStream | ( | process, | |
schedule, | |||
streamName, | |||
definitionFile = "Configuration/StandardSequences/AlCaRecoStreams_cff" |
) |
Definition at line 1875 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
01876 : 01877 01878 __import__(definitionFile) 01879 definitionModule = sys.modules[definitionFile] 01880 process.extend(definitionModule) 01881 stream = getattr(definitionModule,streamName) 01882 output = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule") 01883 output.SelectEvents = stream.selectEvents 01884 output.outputCommands = stream.content 01885 output.dataset = cms.untracked.PSet( dataTier = stream.dataTier) 01886 setattr(process,streamName,output) 01887 for path in stream.paths: 01888 schedule.append(path) 01889
def ConfigBuilder::installPromptReco | ( | process, | |
recoOutputModule, | |||
aodOutputModule = None |
) |
_promptReco_ Method to install the standard PromptReco configuration into a basic process containing source and output modules. process is the CMS Process instance to be populated recoOutputModule is the output module used to write the RECO data tier aodOutputModule is the output module used to write the AOD data tier, if this is not none, any AOD sequences should be added.
Definition at line 1890 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
01891 : 01892 """ 01893 _promptReco_ 01894 01895 Method to install the standard PromptReco configuration into 01896 a basic process containing source and output modules. 01897 01898 process is the CMS Process instance to be populated 01899 01900 recoOutputModule is the output module used to write the 01901 RECO data tier 01902 01903 aodOutputModule is the output module used to write 01904 the AOD data tier, if this is not none, any AOD sequences 01905 should be added. 01906 """ 01907 cb = ConfigBuilder(defaultOptions, process = process) 01908 cb._options.step = 'RAW2DIGI,RECO' 01909 cb.addStandardSequences() 01910 cb.addConditions() 01911 process.load(cb.EVTCONTDefault) 01912 recoOutputModule.eventContent = process.RECOEventContent 01913 if aodOutputModule != None: 01914 aodOutputModule.eventContent = process.AODEventContent 01915 return process 01916
def ConfigBuilder::MassReplaceInputTag | ( | aProcess, | |
oldT = "rawDataCollector" , |
newT = "rawDataRepacker" |
) |
Definition at line 145 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
string ConfigBuilder::__default = 'GRun' |
Definition at line 21 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
string ConfigBuilder::__source__ = "$Source: /local/reps/CMSSW/CMSSW/Configuration/PyReleaseValidation/python/ConfigBuilder.py,v $" |
Definition at line 4 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
dictionary ConfigBuilder::__triggerTable |
00001 { 00002 00003 # HLT trigger table for the 2009 STARTUP 8E29 menu 00004 '8E29': ( 00005 'FastSimulation/Configuration/HLT_8E29_cff', 00006 ), 00007 00008 # HLT trigger table for the 2009 Global Run menu 00009 'GRun': ( 00010 'FastSimulation/Configuration/HLT_GRun_cff', 00011 ), 00012 00013 # HLT trigger table for the 2009 STARTUP 1E31 menu 00014 '1E31': ( 00015 'FastSimulation/Configuration/HLT_1E31_cff', 00016 ) 00017 }
Definition at line 2 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
string ConfigBuilder::__version__ = "$Revision: 1.372.2.25 $" |
Definition at line 3 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
tuple ConfigBuilder::defaultOptions = Options() |
Definition at line 15 of file ConfigBuilder.py.
ConfigBuilder::promptReco = installPromptReco |
Definition at line 1917 of file ConfigBuilder.py.