Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

HcalRecHitsValidation Class Reference

#include <HcalRecHitsValidation.h>

Inheritance diagram for HcalRecHitsValidation:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (edm::Event const &ev, edm::EventSetup const &c)
virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void endJob ()
 HcalRecHitsValidation (edm::ParameterSet const &conf)
 ~HcalRecHitsValidation ()

Private Member Functions

double dPhiWsign (double phi1, double phi2)
double dR (double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2)
virtual void fillRecHitsTmp (int subdet_, edm::Event const &ev)
int hcalSevLvl (const CaloRecHit *hit)
double phi12 (double phi1, double en1, double phi2, double en2)

Private Attributes

std::vector< uint32_t > cauxstwd
std::vector< int > cdepth
std::vector< double > cen
std::vector< double > ceta
std::vector< int > cieta
std::vector< int > ciphi
std::vector< double > cphi
std::vector< uint32_t > cstwd
std::vector< int > csub
std::vector< double > ctime
std::vector< double > cz
std::string ecalselector_
double emap_min [82][72][4][4]
int etype_
std::string eventype_
bool famos_
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometrygeometry
std::vector< int > hcalHBSevLvlVec
std::vector< int > hcalHESevLvlVec
std::vector< int > hcalHFSevLvlVec
std::vector< int > hcalHOSevLvlVec
std::string hcalselector_
int imc
int iz
std::string mc_
int nevtot
std::string outputFile_
std::string sign_
int subdet_
edm::InputTag theHBHERecHitCollectionLabel
const HcalChannelQualitytheHcalChStatus
const HcalSeverityLevelComputertheHcalSevLvlComputer
edm::InputTag theHFRecHitCollectionLabel
edm::InputTag theHORecHitCollectionLabel
bool useAllHistos_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 58 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HcalRecHitsValidation::HcalRecHitsValidation ( edm::ParameterSet const &  conf)

Definition at line 5 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::book2D(), DQMStore::bookProfile(), dbe_, e_hb, e_he, e_hfl, e_hfs, e_ho, ecalselector_, emap_depth1, emap_depth2, emap_depth3, emap_depth4, emap_min, emean_seqHB1, emean_seqHB2, emean_seqHE1, emean_seqHE2, emean_seqHE3, emean_seqHF1, emean_seqHF2, emean_seqHO, emean_vs_ieta_HB1, emean_vs_ieta_HB2, emean_vs_ieta_HE1, emean_vs_ieta_HE2, emean_vs_ieta_HE3, emean_vs_ieta_HF1, emean_vs_ieta_HF2, emean_vs_ieta_HO, etype_, eventype_, famos_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hcalselector_, timingPdfMaker::histo, imc, iz, map_depth1, map_depth2, map_depth3, map_depth4, map_ecal, map_econe_depth1, map_econe_depth2, map_econe_depth3, map_econe_depth4, mc_, meDeltaEta, meDeltaEtaS, meDeltaPhi, meDeltaPhiS, meEcalHcalEnergyConeHB, meEcalHcalEnergyConeHE, meEcalHcalEnergyHB, meEcalHcalEnergyHE, meEnConeEtaProfile, meEnConeEtaProfile_depth1, meEnConeEtaProfile_depth2, meEnConeEtaProfile_depth3, meEnConeEtaProfile_depth4, meEnConeEtaProfile_E, meEnConeEtaProfile_EH, meEnergyHcalVsEcalHB, meEnergyHcalVsEcalHE, meNumEcalRecHitsConeHB, meNumEcalRecHitsConeHE, meNumRecHitsConeHB, meNumRecHitsConeHE, meNumRecHitsConeHF, meNumRecHitsConeHO, meNumRecHitsThreshHB, meNumRecHitsThreshHE, meNumRecHitsThreshHO, meRecHitsEnergyHB, meRecHitsEnergyHE, meRecHitsEnergyHF, meRecHitsEnergyHO, meRecHitSimHitHB, meRecHitSimHitHE, meRecHitSimHitHF, meRecHitSimHitHFL, meRecHitSimHitHFS, meRecHitSimHitHO, meRecHitSimHitProfileHB, meRecHitSimHitProfileHE, meRecHitSimHitProfileHF, meRecHitSimHitProfileHFL, meRecHitSimHitProfileHFS, meRecHitSimHitProfileHO, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHB, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHE, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHF, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHFL, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHFS, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHO, meSumRecHitsEnergyHB, meSumRecHitsEnergyHE, meSumRecHitsEnergyHF, meSumRecHitsEnergyHO, meTE_HB, meTE_HB1, meTE_HB2, meTE_HE, meTE_HE1, meTE_HE2, meTE_HF, meTE_HFL, meTE_HFS, meTE_High_HB, meTE_High_HO, meTE_HO, meTE_Low_HB, meTE_Low_HE, meTE_Low_HF, meTEprofileHB, meTEprofileHB_High, meTEprofileHB_Low, meTEprofileHE, meTEprofileHE_Low, meTEprofileHF, meTEprofileHF_Low, meTEprofileHO, meTEprofileHO_High, meTimeHB, meTimeHE, meTimeHF, meTimeHO, nevtot, Nhb, Nhe, Nhf, Nho, occupancy_map_HB1, occupancy_map_HB2, occupancy_map_HE1, occupancy_map_HE2, occupancy_map_HE3, occupancy_map_HF1, occupancy_map_HF2, occupancy_map_HO, occupancy_seqHB1, occupancy_seqHB2, occupancy_seqHE1, occupancy_seqHE2, occupancy_seqHE3, occupancy_seqHF1, occupancy_seqHF2, occupancy_seqHO, occupancy_vs_ieta_HB1, occupancy_vs_ieta_HB2, occupancy_vs_ieta_HE1, occupancy_vs_ieta_HE2, occupancy_vs_ieta_HE3, occupancy_vs_ieta_HF1, occupancy_vs_ieta_HF2, occupancy_vs_ieta_HO, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, outputFile_, RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HB, RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HE, RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HF, RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HO, RecHit_StatusWord_HB, RecHit_StatusWord_HE, RecHit_StatusWord_HF, RecHit_StatusWord_HF67, RecHit_StatusWord_HO, RMS_seq_HB1, RMS_seq_HB2, RMS_seq_HE1, RMS_seq_HE2, RMS_seq_HE3, RMS_seq_HF1, RMS_seq_HF2, RMS_seq_HO, RMS_vs_ieta_HB1, RMS_vs_ieta_HB2, RMS_vs_ieta_HE1, RMS_vs_ieta_HE2, RMS_vs_ieta_HE3, RMS_vs_ieta_HF1, RMS_vs_ieta_HF2, RMS_vs_ieta_HO, DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), sevLvl_HB, sevLvl_HE, sevLvl_HF, sevLvl_HO, sign_, subdet_, theHBHERecHitCollectionLabel, theHFRecHitCollectionLabel, theHORecHitCollectionLabel, useAllHistos_, ZS_HB1, ZS_HB2, ZS_HE1, ZS_HE2, ZS_HE3, ZS_HF1, ZS_HF2, ZS_HO, ZS_nHB1, ZS_nHB2, ZS_nHE1, ZS_nHE2, ZS_nHE3, ZS_nHF1, ZS_nHF2, ZS_nHO, ZS_seqHB1, ZS_seqHB2, ZS_seqHE1, ZS_seqHE2, ZS_seqHE3, ZS_seqHF1, ZS_seqHF2, and ZS_seqHO.

  // DQM ROOT output
  outputFile_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("outputFile", "myfile.root");
  if ( outputFile_.size() != 0 ) {
    edm::LogInfo("OutputInfo") << " Hcal RecHit Task histograms will be saved to '" << outputFile_.c_str() << "'";
  } else {
    edm::LogInfo("OutputInfo") << " Hcal RecHit Task histograms will NOT be saved";
  nevtot = 0;
  dbe_ = 0;
  // get hold of back-end interface
  dbe_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
  Char_t histo[200];

  hcalselector_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("hcalselector", "all");
  ecalselector_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("ecalselector", "yes");
  eventype_     = conf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("eventype", "single");
  sign_         = conf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("sign", "*");
  mc_           = conf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("mc", "yes");
  famos_        = conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("Famos", false);
  useAllHistos_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useAllHistos", false);

  theHBHERecHitCollectionLabel = conf.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("HBHERecHitCollectionLabel");
  theHFRecHitCollectionLabel   = conf.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("HFRecHitCollectionLabel");
  theHORecHitCollectionLabel   = conf.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("HORecHitCollectionLabel");

  //  std::cout << "*** famos_ = " << famos_ << std::endl; 

  subdet_ = 5;
  if (hcalselector_ == "noise") subdet_ = 0;
  if (hcalselector_ == "HB"   ) subdet_ = 1;
  if (hcalselector_ == "HE"   ) subdet_ = 2;
  if (hcalselector_ == "HO"   ) subdet_ = 3;
  if (hcalselector_ == "HF"   ) subdet_ = 4;
  if (hcalselector_ == "all"  ) subdet_ = 5;
  if (hcalselector_ == "ZS"   ) subdet_ = 6;

  etype_ = 1;
  if (eventype_ == "multi") etype_ = 2;

  iz = 1;
  if(sign_ == "-") iz = -1;
  if(sign_ == "*") iz = 0;

  imc = 1;
  if(mc_ == "no") imc = 0;

  if ( dbe_ ) {

    // General counters (drawn)
    sprintf  (histo, "N_HB" );
    Nhb = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2600,0.,2600.);
    sprintf  (histo, "N_HE" );
    Nhe = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2600,0.,2600.);
    sprintf  (histo, "N_HO" );
    Nho = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2200,0.,2200.);
    sprintf  (histo, "N_HF" );
    Nhf = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 1800,0., 1800.);

    // ZS
    if(subdet_ == 6) {

      for (unsigned int i1 = 0;  i1 < 82; i1++) {
        for (unsigned int i2 = 0;  i2 < 72; i2++) {
          for (unsigned int i3 = 0;  i3 < 4;  i3++) {
            for (unsigned int i4 = 0;  i4 < 4;  i4++) {
              emap_min [i1][i2][i3][i4] = 99999.;     

      //None of the ZS histos are drawn
      if (useAllHistos_){
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_map_depth1" );
        map_depth1 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_map_depth2" );
        map_depth2 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_map_depth3" );
        map_depth3 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_map_depth4" );
        map_depth4 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZS_Nreco_HB1" );
        ZS_nHB1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2500, 0., 2500.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZS_Nreco_HB2" );
        ZS_nHB2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,  500, 0.,  500.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZS_Nreco_HE1" );
        ZS_nHE1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2000, 0., 2000.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZS_Nreco_HE2" );
        ZS_nHE2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2000, 0., 2000.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZS_Nreco_HE3" );
        ZS_nHE3 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,  500, 0.,  500.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZS_Nreco_HO" );
        ZS_nHO  = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2500, 0., 2500.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZS_Nreco_HF1" );
        ZS_nHF1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 1000, 0., 1000.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZS_Nreco_HF2" );
        ZS_nHF2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 1000, 0., 1000.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_simple1D_HB1" );
        ZS_HB1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,120, -2., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_simple1D_HB2" );
        ZS_HB2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,120, -2., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_simple1D_HE1" );
        ZS_HE1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,120, -2., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_simple1D_HE2" );
        ZS_HE2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,120, -2., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_simple1D_HE3" );
        ZS_HE3 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,120, -2., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_simple1D_HO" );
        ZS_HO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,120, -2., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_simple1D_HF1" );
        ZS_HF1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,200, -10., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_simple1D_HF2" );
        ZS_HF2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,200, -10., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_sequential1D_HB1" );
        ZS_seqHB1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_sequential1D_HB2" );
        ZS_seqHB2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_sequential1D_HE1" );
        ZS_seqHE1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_sequential1D_HE2" );
        ZS_seqHE2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_sequential1D_HE3" );
        ZS_seqHE3 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_sequential1D_HO" );
        ZS_seqHO  = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_sequential1D_HF1" );
        ZS_seqHF1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,6000, -3000., 3000.);
        sprintf  (histo, "ZSmin_sequential1D_HF2" );
        ZS_seqHF2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,6000, -3000., 3000.);

    // ALL others, except ZS
    else {
      sprintf  (histo, "emap_depth1" );
      emap_depth1 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 84, -42., 42., 72, 0., 72.);
      sprintf  (histo, "emap_depth2" );
      emap_depth2 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 84, -42., 42., 72, 0., 72.);
      sprintf  (histo, "emap_depth3" );
      emap_depth3 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 84, -42., 42., 72, 0., 72.);
      sprintf  (histo, "emap_depth4" );
      emap_depth4 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 84, -42., 42., 72, 0., 72.);
      if (useAllHistos_){
        if (ecalselector_ == "yes") {
          sprintf  (histo, "map_ecal" );
          map_ecal = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 70, -3.045, 3.045, 72, -3.1415926536, 3.1415926536);
      //The mean energy histos are drawn, but not the RMS or emean seq
      sprintf  (histo, "emean_vs_ieta_HB1" );
      emean_vs_ieta_HB1 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2010, -10., 2000., "s");
      sprintf  (histo, "emean_vs_ieta_HB2" );
      emean_vs_ieta_HB2 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2010, -10., 2000., "s");
      sprintf  (histo, "emean_vs_ieta_HE1" );
      emean_vs_ieta_HE1 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2010, -10. ,2000., "s" );
      sprintf  (histo, "emean_vs_ieta_HE2" );
      emean_vs_ieta_HE2 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2010, -10., 2000., "s");
      sprintf  (histo, "emean_vs_ieta_HE3" );
      emean_vs_ieta_HE3 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
      sprintf  (histo, "emean_vs_ieta_HO" );
      emean_vs_ieta_HO = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
      sprintf  (histo, "emean_vs_ieta_HF1" );
      emean_vs_ieta_HF1 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
      sprintf  (histo, "emean_vs_ieta_HF2" );
      emean_vs_ieta_HF2 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2010, -10., 2000., "s" );

      if (useAllHistos_){
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_vs_ieta_HB1" );
        RMS_vs_ieta_HB1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_vs_ieta_HB2" );
        RMS_vs_ieta_HB2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_vs_ieta_HE1" );
        RMS_vs_ieta_HE1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_vs_ieta_HE2" );
        RMS_vs_ieta_HE2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_vs_ieta_HE3" );
        RMS_vs_ieta_HE3 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_vs_ieta_HO" );
        RMS_vs_ieta_HO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_vs_ieta_HF1" );
        RMS_vs_ieta_HF1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_vs_ieta_HF2" );
        RMS_vs_ieta_HF2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
        // Sequential emean and RMS
        sprintf  (histo, "emean_seq_HB1" );
        emean_seqHB1 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 2400, -1200., 1200.,  2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
        sprintf  (histo, "emean_seq_HB2" );
        emean_seqHB2 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 2400, -1200., 1200.,  2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
        sprintf  (histo, "emean_seq_HE1" );
        emean_seqHE1 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 4400, -2200., 2200.,  2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
        sprintf  (histo, "emean_seq_HE2" );
        emean_seqHE2 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 4400, -2200., 2200.,  2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
        sprintf  (histo, "emean_seq_HE3" );
        emean_seqHE3 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 4400, -2200., 2200.,  2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
        sprintf  (histo, "emean_seq_HO" );
        emean_seqHO = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo,  2400, -1200., 1200.,  2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
        sprintf  (histo, "emean_seq_HF1" );
        emean_seqHF1 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 6000, -3000., 3000.,  2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
        sprintf  (histo, "emean_seq_HF2" );
        emean_seqHF2 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 6000, -3000., 3000.,  2010, -10., 2000., "s" );
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_seq_HB1" );
        RMS_seq_HB1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_seq_HB2" );
        RMS_seq_HB2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_seq_HE1" );
        RMS_seq_HE1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_seq_HE2" );
        RMS_seq_HE2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_seq_HE3" );
        RMS_seq_HE3 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_seq_HO" );
        RMS_seq_HO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_seq_HF1" );
        RMS_seq_HF1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 6000, -3000., 3000.);
        sprintf  (histo, "RMS_seq_HF2" );
        RMS_seq_HF2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 6000, -3000., 3000.);
      // Occupancy
      //The only occupancy histos drawn are occupancy vs. ieta
      //but the maps are needed because this is where the latter are filled from
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_map_HB1" );
      occupancy_map_HB1 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_map_HB2" );
      occupancy_map_HB2 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_map_HE1" );
      occupancy_map_HE1 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_map_HE2" );
      occupancy_map_HE2 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);      
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_map_HE3" );
      occupancy_map_HE3 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_map_HO" );
      occupancy_map_HO = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);      
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_map_HF1" );
      occupancy_map_HF1 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_map_HF2" );
      occupancy_map_HF2 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 72, 0., 72.);
      //These are drawn
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_vs_ieta_HB1" );
      occupancy_vs_ieta_HB1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_vs_ieta_HB2" );
      occupancy_vs_ieta_HB2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_vs_ieta_HE1" );
      occupancy_vs_ieta_HE1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_vs_ieta_HE2" );
      occupancy_vs_ieta_HE2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_vs_ieta_HE3" );
      occupancy_vs_ieta_HE3 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_vs_ieta_HO" );
      occupancy_vs_ieta_HO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_vs_ieta_HF1" );
      occupancy_vs_ieta_HF1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
      sprintf  (histo, "occupancy_vs_ieta_HF2" );
      occupancy_vs_ieta_HF2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.);
      //These are not
      if (useAllHistos_){
        sprintf  (histo, "occ_sequential1D_HB1" );
        occupancy_seqHB1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "occ_sequential1D_HB2" );
        occupancy_seqHB2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "occ_sequential1D_HE1" );
        occupancy_seqHE1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "occ_sequential1D_HE2" );
        occupancy_seqHE2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "occ_sequential1D_HE3" );
        occupancy_seqHE3 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,4400, -2200., 2200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "occ_sequential1D_HO" );
        occupancy_seqHO  = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,2400, -1200., 1200.);
        sprintf  (histo, "occ_sequential1D_HF1" );
        occupancy_seqHF1 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,6000, -3000., 3000.);
        sprintf  (histo, "occ_sequential1D_HF2" );
        occupancy_seqHF2 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,6000, -3000., 3000.);

      //All status word histos except HF67 are drawn
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_StatusWord_HB" ) ;
      RecHit_StatusWord_HB = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 32 , -0.5, 31.5); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_StatusWord_HE" ) ;
      RecHit_StatusWord_HE = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 32 , -0.5, 31.5); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_StatusWord_HF" ) ;
      RecHit_StatusWord_HF = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 32 , -0.5, 31.5); 

      if (useAllHistos_){
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_StatusWord_HF67" ) ;
        RecHit_StatusWord_HF67 = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 3 , 0.5, 3.5); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_StatusWord_HO" ) ;
      RecHit_StatusWord_HO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 32 , -0.5, 31.5); 

      //Aux status word histos
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HB" ) ;
      RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HB = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 32 , -0.5, 31.5); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HE" ) ;
      RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HE = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 32 , -0.5, 31.5); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HF" ) ;
      RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HF = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 32 , -0.5, 31.5); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HO" ) ;
      RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 32 , -0.5, 31.5); 

      //These are not drawn
      if(imc !=0 && useAllHistos_) { 
        sprintf  (histo, "map_econe_depth1" );
        map_econe_depth1 =
          dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 520, -5.2, 5.2, 72, -3.1415926536, 3.1415926536);
        sprintf  (histo, "map_econe_depth2" );
        map_econe_depth2 =
          dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 520, -5.2, 5.2, 72, -3.1415926536, 3.1415926536);
        sprintf  (histo, "map_econe_depth3" );
        map_econe_depth3 =
          dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 520, -5.2, 5.2, 72, -3.1415926536, 3.1415926536);
        sprintf  (histo, "map_econe_depth4" );
        map_econe_depth4 =
          dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 520, -5.2, 5.2, 72, -3.1415926536, 3.1415926536);
    }  // end-of (subdet_ =! 6)

    //======================= Now various cases one by one ===================

    //Histograms drawn for single pion scan
    if(subdet_ != 0 && imc != 0) { // just not for noise  
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_En_rechits_cone_profile_vs_ieta_all_depths");
      meEnConeEtaProfile = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.,        2100, -100., 2000.);  
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_En_rechits_cone_profile_vs_ieta_all_depths_E");
      meEnConeEtaProfile_E = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.,      2100, -100., 2000.);  
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_En_rechits_cone_profile_vs_ieta_all_depths_EH");
      meEnConeEtaProfile_EH = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41.,     2100, -100., 2000.);  
    //The other cone profile, delta ieta/phi and noise histos are not drawn
    if (useAllHistos_){
      if(subdet_ != 0 && imc != 0) { // just not for noise  
        //    meEnConeEtaProfiel_depth1->Fill(eta_RecHit, HcalCone_d1);
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_En_rechits_cone_profile_vs_ieta_depth1");
        meEnConeEtaProfile_depth1 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2100, -100., 2000.);   
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_En_rechits_cone_profile_vs_ieta_depth2");
        meEnConeEtaProfile_depth2 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2100, -100., 2000.);  
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_En_rechits_cone_profile_vs_ieta_depth3");
        meEnConeEtaProfile_depth3 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2100, -100., 2000.);  
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_En_rechits_cone_profile_vs_ieta_depth4");
        meEnConeEtaProfile_depth4 = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 82, -41., 41., 2100, -100., 2000.);  
      if(etype_ == 1 && subdet_ != 0) { // single part., not for noise
        sprintf  (histo, "Delta_phi_cluster-MC");
        meDeltaPhi =  dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 520, -5.2, 5.2, 60, -0.6, 0.6);
        sprintf  (histo, "Delta_eta_cluster-MC");
        meDeltaEta =  dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 520, -5.2, 5.2, 60, -0.6, 0.6);
        sprintf  (histo, "Delta_phi_simcluster-MC");
        meDeltaPhiS =  dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 520, -5.2, 5.2, 60, -0.6, 0.6);
        sprintf  (histo, "Delta_eta_simcluster-MC");
        meDeltaEtaS =  dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 520, -5.2, 5.2, 60, -0.6, 0.6);
      // NOISE-specific
      if (hcalselector_ == "noise" ){
        sprintf  (histo, "e_hb" ) ;
        e_hb = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,1000, -5., 5.);
        sprintf  (histo, "e_he" ) ;
        e_he = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,1000, -5., 5.);
        sprintf  (histo, "e_ho" ) ;
        e_ho = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,1000, -5., 5.);
        sprintf  (histo, "e_hfl" ) ;
        e_hfl = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,2000, -10., 10.);
        sprintf  (histo, "e_hfs" ) ;
        e_hfs = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,2000, -10., 10.);
    // ************** HB **********************************
    if (subdet_ == 1 || subdet_ == 5 ){

      //Only severity level, energy of rechits and overall HB timing histos are drawn  
      if (useAllHistos_){
        if(etype_ == 1 && subdet_ == 1 ) { 
          if(imc != 0) {
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_rechits_in_cone_HB" ) ;
            meNumRecHitsConeHB    = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 100.);
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_in_cone_HB" ) ;
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHB = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 60 ,-20., 280.);
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_rechits_above_1GeV_HB");
          meNumRecHitsThreshHB = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,  30, 0., 30.); 
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_HB" ) ;
          meSumRecHitsEnergyHB = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 60 , -20., 280.);
          if (ecalselector_ == "yes") {  
            if(imc != 0) {
              sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_ecalrechits_in_cone_HB");
              meNumEcalRecHitsConeHB = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 300, 0., 300.);           
              sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_ecal_plus_hcal_in_cone_HB");
              meEcalHcalEnergyConeHB =  dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 60 , -20., 280.);
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_hcal_vs_ecal_HB");
            meEnergyHcalVsEcalHB = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 300, 0., 150., 300, 0., 150.);    
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_ecal_plus_hcal_HB" ) ;
            meEcalHcalEnergyHB = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 60 , -20., 280.);
      sprintf(histo, "HcalRecHitTask_severityLevel_HB");
      sevLvl_HB = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 25, -0.5, 24.5); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_of_rechits_HB" ) ;
      meRecHitsEnergyHB = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 2010 , -10. , 2000.); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_HB" ) ;
      meTimeHB = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 70, -48., 92.); 

      //High, medium and low histograms to reduce RAM usage
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_Low_HB" ) ;
      meTE_Low_HB = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 50, -5., 45.,  70, -48., 92.);

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HB" ) ;
      meTE_HB = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 150, -5., 295.,  70, -48., 92.);

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_High_HB" ) ;
      meTE_High_HB = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 150, -5., 2995.,  70, -48., 92.);
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_Low_HB" ) ;
      meTEprofileHB_Low = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 50, -5., 45., 70, -48., 92.); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_HB" ) ;
      meTEprofileHB = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 150, -5., 295., 70, -48., 92.); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_High_HB" ) ;
      meTEprofileHB_High = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 150, -5., 2995., 70, -48., 92.); 

      //Timing by depth and rechits vs simhits are not drawn
      if (useAllHistos_){
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HB_depth1" ) ;
        meTE_HB1 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 3000, -5., 2995.,  70, -48., 92.);
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HB_depth2" ) ;
        meTE_HB2 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 3000, -5., 2995.,  70, -48., 92.);
        if(imc != 0) {
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_HB");
          meRecHitSimHitHB = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 120, 0., 1.2,  300, 0., 150.);
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_profile_HB");
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHB = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 120, 0., 1.2, 500, 0., 500.);  
    // ********************** HE ************************************
    if ( subdet_ == 2 || subdet_ == 5 ){

      //None of these are drawn
      if (useAllHistos_){
        if(etype_ == 1 && subdet_ == 2 ) { 
          if(imc != 0) {
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_rechits_in_cone_HE" ) ;
            meNumRecHitsConeHE    = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0., 100.);
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_in_cone_HE" ) ;
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHE = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 60 ,-20., 280.);
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_rechits_above_1GeV_HE");
          meNumRecHitsThreshHE = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,  30, 0., 30.);  
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_HE" ) ;
          meSumRecHitsEnergyHE = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 60 , -20., 280.);
          if (ecalselector_ == "yes") {         
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_ecal_plus_hcal_HE" ) ;
            meEcalHcalEnergyHE = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 80, -20., 380.);
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_hcal_vs_ecal_HE");
            meEnergyHcalVsEcalHE = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 300, 0., 150., 300, 0., 150.);
            if(imc != 0) {
              sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_ecalrechits_in_cone_HE");
              meNumEcalRecHitsConeHE = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 300, 0., 300.);   
              sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_ecal_plus_hcal_in_cone_HE");
              meEcalHcalEnergyConeHE =  dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 60,-20., 280.);
      //Only severity level, energy of rechits and overall HB timing histos are drawn  
      sprintf(histo, "HcalRecHitTask_severityLevel_HE");
      sevLvl_HE = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 25, -0.5, 24.5); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_of_rechits_HE" ) ;
      meRecHitsEnergyHE = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 510, -10., 500.); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_HE" ) ;
      meTimeHE = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 70, -48., 92.); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_Low_HE" ) ;
      meTE_Low_HE = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 80, -5., 75.,  70, -48., 92.);

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HE" ) ;
      meTE_HE = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 200, -5., 395.,  70, -48., 92.);
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_Low_HE" ) ;
      meTEprofileHE_Low = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 80, -5., 75., 70, -48., 92.); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_HE" ) ;
      meTEprofileHE = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 200, -5., 395., 70, -48., 92.); 

      //Timing by depth and rechits vs simhits are not drawn
      if (useAllHistos_){
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HE_depth1" ) ;
        meTE_HE1 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 1000, -5., 995., 70, -48., 92.);
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HE_depth2" ) ;
        meTE_HE2 = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 1000, -5., 995.,  70, -48., 92.);
        if(imc != 0) {
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_HE");
          meRecHitSimHitHE = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 120, 0., 0.6,  300, 0., 150.);
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_profile_HE");
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHE = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 120, 0., 0.6, 500, 0., 500.);  

    // ************** HO ****************************************
    if ( subdet_ == 3 || subdet_ == 5  ){
      //Only severity level, energy of rechits and overall HB timing histos are drawn  
      if (useAllHistos_){
        if(etype_ == 1 && subdet_ == 3) { 
          if (imc != 0) {
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_rechits_in_cone_HO" ) ;
            meNumRecHitsConeHO    = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 100, 0 , 100.);
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_in_cone_HO" ) ;
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHO = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 80 ,-20., 380.);
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_rechits_above_1GeV_HO");
          meNumRecHitsThreshHO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo,   100, 0., 100.);   
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_HO" ) ;
          meSumRecHitsEnergyHO = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 80 , -20., 380.);
      sprintf(histo, "HcalRecHitTask_severityLevel_HO");
      sevLvl_HO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 25, -0.5, 24.5); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_of_rechits_HO" ) ;
      meRecHitsEnergyHO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 510 , -10. , 500.); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_HO" ) ;
      meTimeHO = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 70, -48., 92.); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HO" ) ;
      meTE_HO= dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 60, -5., 55., 70, -48., 92.);

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_High_HO" ) ;
      meTE_High_HO= dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 100, -5., 995., 70, -48., 92.);
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_HO" ) ;
      meTEprofileHO = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 60, -5., 55.,  70, -48., 92.); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_High_HO" ) ;
      meTEprofileHO_High = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 100, -5., 995.,  70, -48., 92.); 
      //Rechits vs simhits are not drawn
      if (useAllHistos_){
        if(imc != 0) {
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_HO");
          meRecHitSimHitHO = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 150, 0., 1.5,  350, 0., 350.);
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_profile_HO");
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHO = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 150, 0., 1.5, 500, 0., 500.);  
    // ********************** HF ************************************
    if ( subdet_ == 4 || subdet_ == 5 ){

      //Only severity level, energy of rechits and overall HB timing histos are drawn  
      if (useAllHistos_){
        if(etype_ == 1 &&  subdet_ == 4) { 
          if(imc != 0) {
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_number_of_rechits_in_cone_HF" ) ;
            meNumRecHitsConeHF    = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 30, 0 , 30.);
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_in_cone_HF" ) ;
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHF = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo,100, -20., 180.);
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_in_cone_HFL" );
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHFL = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo,100,-20., 180.);
            sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_in_cone_HFS");
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHFS = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo,100,-20., 180.);
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_sum_of_rechits_energy_HF" ) ;
          meSumRecHitsEnergyHF = dbe_->book1D(histo,histo, 80 , -20., 380.);  
      sprintf(histo, "HcalRecHitTask_severityLevel_HF");
      sevLvl_HF = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 25, -0.5, 24.5); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_of_rechits_HF" ) ;
      meRecHitsEnergyHF = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 1010 , -10. , 1000.); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_HF" ) ;
      meTimeHF = dbe_->book1D(histo, histo, 70, -48., 92.); 
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_Low_HF" ) ;
      meTE_Low_HF = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 100, -5., 195., 70, -48., 92.);

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HF" ) ;
      meTE_HF = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 200, -5., 995., 70, -48., 92.);
      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_Low_HF" ) ;
      meTEprofileHF_Low = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 100, -5., 195., 70, -48., 92.); 

      sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_profile_HF" ) ;
      meTEprofileHF = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 200, -5., 995., 70, -48., 92.); 

      //Timing by L/S and rechits vs simhits are not drawn
      if (useAllHistos_){
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HFL" ) ;
        meTE_HFL = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 1000, -5., 995., 70, -48., 92.);
        sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_timing_vs_energy_HFS" ) ;
        meTE_HFS = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 1000, -5., 995., 70, -48., 92.);
        if(imc != 0) {
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_HF");
          meRecHitSimHitHF  = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 50, 0., 50., 150, 0., 150.);      
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_HFL");
          meRecHitSimHitHFL = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 50, 0., 50., 150, 0., 150.);      
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_HFS");
          meRecHitSimHitHFS = dbe_->book2D(histo, histo, 50, 0., 50., 150, 0., 150.);
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_profile_HF");
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHF  = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 50, 0., 50., 500, 0., 500.);  
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_profile_HFL");
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHFL = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 50, 0., 50., 500, 0., 500.);  
          sprintf (histo, "HcalRecHitTask_energy_rechits_vs_simhits_profile_HFS");
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHFS = dbe_->bookProfile(histo, histo, 50, 0., 50., 500, 0., 500.);  
  }  //end-of if(_dbe) 

HcalRecHitsValidation::~HcalRecHitsValidation ( )

Definition at line 694 of file

{ }

Member Function Documentation

void HcalRecHitsValidation::analyze ( edm::Event const &  ev,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 701 of file

References cauxstwd, cdepth, cen, ceta, cieta, ciphi, gather_cfg::cout, cphi, cstwd, csub, ctime, dPhiWsign(), dR(), e_hb, e_he, e_hfl, e_hfs, e_ho, ecalselector_, emap_depth1, emap_depth2, emap_depth3, emap_depth4, emap_min, emean_seqHB1, emean_seqHB2, emean_seqHE1, emean_seqHE2, emean_seqHE3, emean_seqHF1, emean_seqHF2, emean_seqHO, emean_vs_ieta_HB1, emean_vs_ieta_HB2, emean_vs_ieta_HE1, emean_vs_ieta_HE2, emean_vs_ieta_HE3, emean_vs_ieta_HF1, emean_vs_ieta_HF2, emean_vs_ieta_HO, eta(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), jptDQMConfig_cff::etaMax, etype_, famos_, MonitorElement::Fill(), HcalObjRepresent::Fill(), fillRecHitsTmp(), geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), CaloCellGeometry::getPosition(), hcalHBSevLvlVec, hcalHESevLvlVec, hcalHFSevLvlVec, hcalHOSevLvlVec, hcalselector_, i, imc, getHLTprescales::index, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), map_ecal, map_econe_depth1, map_econe_depth2, map_econe_depth3, map_econe_depth4, meDeltaEta, meDeltaEtaS, meDeltaPhi, meDeltaPhiS, meEcalHcalEnergyConeHB, meEcalHcalEnergyConeHE, meEcalHcalEnergyHB, meEcalHcalEnergyHE, meEnConeEtaProfile, meEnConeEtaProfile_depth1, meEnConeEtaProfile_depth2, meEnConeEtaProfile_depth3, meEnConeEtaProfile_depth4, meEnConeEtaProfile_E, meEnConeEtaProfile_EH, meEnergyHcalVsEcalHB, meEnergyHcalVsEcalHE, meNumEcalRecHitsConeHB, meNumEcalRecHitsConeHE, meNumRecHitsConeHB, meNumRecHitsConeHE, meNumRecHitsConeHF, meNumRecHitsConeHO, meNumRecHitsThreshHB, meNumRecHitsThreshHE, meNumRecHitsThreshHO, meRecHitsEnergyHB, meRecHitsEnergyHE, meRecHitsEnergyHF, meRecHitsEnergyHO, meRecHitSimHitHB, meRecHitSimHitHE, meRecHitSimHitHF, meRecHitSimHitHFL, meRecHitSimHitHFS, meRecHitSimHitHO, meRecHitSimHitProfileHB, meRecHitSimHitProfileHE, meRecHitSimHitProfileHF, meRecHitSimHitProfileHFL, meRecHitSimHitProfileHFS, meRecHitSimHitProfileHO, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHB, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHE, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHF, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHFL, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHFS, meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHO, meSumRecHitsEnergyHB, meSumRecHitsEnergyHE, meSumRecHitsEnergyHF, meSumRecHitsEnergyHO, meTE_HB, meTE_HB1, meTE_HB2, meTE_HE, meTE_HE1, meTE_HE2, meTE_HF, meTE_HFL, meTE_HFS, meTE_High_HB, meTE_High_HO, meTE_HO, meTE_Low_HB, meTE_Low_HE, meTE_Low_HF, meTEprofileHB, meTEprofileHB_High, meTEprofileHB_Low, meTEprofileHE, meTEprofileHE_Low, meTEprofileHF, meTEprofileHF_Low, meTEprofileHO, meTEprofileHO_High, meTimeHB, meTimeHE, meTimeHF, meTimeHO, nevtot, Nhb, Nhe, Nhf, Nho, npart, occupancy_map_HB1, occupancy_map_HB2, occupancy_map_HE1, occupancy_map_HE2, occupancy_map_HE3, occupancy_map_HF1, occupancy_map_HF2, occupancy_map_HO, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), phi, phi12(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), alignCSCRings::r, RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HB, RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HE, RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HF, RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HO, RecHit_StatusWord_HB, RecHit_StatusWord_HE, RecHit_StatusWord_HF, RecHit_StatusWord_HF67, RecHit_StatusWord_HO, sevLvl_HB, sevLvl_HE, sevLvl_HF, sevLvl_HO, HcalDetId::subdet(), subdet_, lumiQTWidget::t, theHcalChStatus, theHcalSevLvlComputer, useAllHistos_, ZS_nHB1, ZS_nHB2, ZS_nHE1, ZS_nHE2, ZS_nHE3, ZS_nHF1, ZS_nHF2, and ZS_nHO.


  using namespace edm;

  // cuts for each subdet_ector mimiking  "Scheme B"
  //  double cutHB = 0.9, cutHE = 1.4, cutHO = 1.1, cutHFL = 1.2, cutHFS = 1.8; 

  // energy in HCAL
  double eHcal        = 0.;
  double eHcalCone    = 0.;  
  double eHcalConeHB  = 0.;  
  double eHcalConeHE  = 0.;  
  double eHcalConeHO  = 0.;  
  double eHcalConeHF  = 0.;  
  double eHcalConeHFL = 0.;  
  double eHcalConeHFS = 0.;  
  // Total numbet of RecHits in HCAL, in the cone, above 1 GeV theshold
  int nrechits       = 0;
  int nrechitsCone   = 0;
  int nrechitsThresh = 0;

  // energy in ECAL
  double eEcal       = 0.;
  double eEcalB      = 0.;
  double eEcalE      = 0.;
  double eEcalCone   = 0.;
  int numrechitsEcal = 0;

  // MC info 
  double phi_MC = -999999.;  // phi of initial particle from HepMC
  double eta_MC = -999999.;  // eta of initial particle from HepMC

  // HCAL energy around MC eta-phi at all depths;
  double partR = 0.3;
  double ehcal_coneMC_1 = 0.;
  double ehcal_coneMC_2 = 0.;
  double ehcal_coneMC_3 = 0.;
  double ehcal_coneMC_4 = 0.;

  // Cone size for serach of the hottest HCAL cell around MC
  double searchR = 1.0; 
  double eps     = 0.001;

  // Single particle samples: actual eta-phi position of cluster around
  // hottest cell
  double etaHot  = 99999.; 
  double phiHot  = 99999.; 

  // MC information

  //  std::cout << "*** 1" << std::endl; 

  if(imc != 0) { 

  edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> evtMC;
  //  ev.getByLabel("VtxSmeared",evtMC);
  ev.getByLabel("generator",evtMC);  // generator in late 310_preX
  if (!evtMC.isValid()) {
    std::cout << "no HepMCProduct found" << std::endl;    
  } else {
    //    std::cout << "*** source HepMCProduct found"<< std::endl;

  // MC particle with highest pt is taken as a direction reference  
  double maxPt = -99999.;
  int npart    = 0;
  const HepMC::GenEvent * myGenEvent = evtMC->GetEvent();
  for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = myGenEvent->particles_begin();
        p != myGenEvent->particles_end(); ++p ) {
    double phip = (*p)->momentum().phi();
    double etap = (*p)->momentum().eta();
    //    phi_MC = phip;
    //    eta_MC = etap;
    double pt  = (*p)->momentum().perp();
    if(pt > maxPt) { npart++; maxPt = pt; phi_MC = phip; eta_MC = etap; }
  //  std::cout << "*** Max pT = " << maxPt <<  std::endl;  


  //   std::cout << "*** 2" << std::endl; 
  //   previously was:  c.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get (geometry);
  c.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get (geometry);

  // HCAL channel status map ****************************************
  edm::ESHandle<HcalChannelQuality> hcalChStatus;
  c.get<HcalChannelQualityRcd>().get( hcalChStatus );
  theHcalChStatus = hcalChStatus.product();
  // Assignment of severity levels **********************************
  edm::ESHandle<HcalSeverityLevelComputer> hcalSevLvlComputerHndl;
  theHcalSevLvlComputer = hcalSevLvlComputerHndl.product(); 

  // Fill working vectors of HCAL RecHits quantities (all of these are drawn)
  fillRecHitsTmp(subdet_, ev); 

  // HB   
  if( subdet_ ==5 || subdet_ == 1 ){ 
     for(unsigned int iv=0; iv<hcalHBSevLvlVec.size(); iv++){
  // HE   
  if( subdet_ ==5 || subdet_ == 2 ){
     for(unsigned int iv=0; iv<hcalHESevLvlVec.size(); iv++){
  // HO 
  if( subdet_ ==5 || subdet_ == 3 ){
     for(unsigned int iv=0; iv<hcalHOSevLvlVec.size(); iv++){
  // HF 
  if( subdet_ ==5 || subdet_ == 4 ){
     for(unsigned int iv=0; iv<hcalHFSevLvlVec.size(); iv++){

  //  std::cout << "*** 3" << std::endl; 

  // IN ALL other CASES : ieta-iphi maps 

  // ECAL 
  if(ecalselector_ == "yes" && (subdet_ == 1 || subdet_ == 2 || subdet_ == 5)) {
    Handle<EBRecHitCollection> rhitEB;

      ev.getByLabel("ecalRecHit","EcalRecHitsEB", rhitEB);

    EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator RecHit = rhitEB.product()->begin();  
    EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator RecHitEnd = rhitEB.product()->end();  
    for (; RecHit != RecHitEnd ; ++RecHit) {
      EBDetId EBid = EBDetId(RecHit->id());
      const CaloCellGeometry* cellGeometry =
        geometry->getSubdetectorGeometry (EBid)->getGeometry (EBid) ;
      double eta = cellGeometry->getPosition ().eta () ;
      double phi = cellGeometry->getPosition ().phi () ;
      double en  = RecHit->energy();
      eEcal  += en;
      eEcalB += en;

      if (useAllHistos_) map_ecal->Fill(eta, phi, en);

      double r   = dR(eta_MC, phi_MC, eta, phi);
      if( r < partR)  {
        eEcalCone += en;

    Handle<EERecHitCollection> rhitEE;
      ev.getByLabel("ecalRecHit","EcalRecHitsEE", rhitEE);

    RecHit = rhitEE.product()->begin();  
    RecHitEnd = rhitEE.product()->end();  
    for (; RecHit != RecHitEnd ; ++RecHit) {
      EEDetId EEid = EEDetId(RecHit->id());
      const CaloCellGeometry* cellGeometry =
        geometry->getSubdetectorGeometry (EEid)->getGeometry (EEid) ;
      double eta = cellGeometry->getPosition ().eta () ;
      double phi = cellGeometry->getPosition ().phi () ;        
      double en   = RecHit->energy();
      eEcal  += en;
      eEcalE += en;

      if (useAllHistos_) map_ecal->Fill(eta, phi, en);

      double r   = dR(eta_MC, phi_MC, eta, phi);
      if( r < partR)  {
        eEcalCone += en;
  }     // end of ECAL selection 

  //     std::cout << "*** 4" << std::endl; 

  // Counting, including ZS items
  // Filling HCAL maps  ----------------------------------------------------
  double maxE = -99999.;
  int nhb1 = 0;
  int nhb2 = 0;
  int nhe1 = 0;
  int nhe2 = 0;
  int nhe3 = 0;
  int nho  = 0;
  int nhf1 = 0;
  int nhf2 = 0;  
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cen.size(); i++) {
    int sub       = csub[i];
    int depth     = cdepth[i];
    int ieta      = cieta[i]; 
    int iphi      = ciphi[i]; 
    double en     = cen[i]; 
    double eta    = ceta[i]; 
    double phi    = cphi[i]; 
    uint32_t stwd = cstwd[i];
    uint32_t auxstwd = cauxstwd[i];
    //    double z   = cz[i];

    int index = ieta * 72 + iphi; //  for sequential histos
         std::cout << "*** point 4-1" << " ieta, iphi, depth, sub = "
         << ieta << ", " << iphi << ", " << depth << ", " << sub  
         << std::endl;
    if( sub == 1 && depth == 1)  nhb1++;
    if( sub == 1 && depth == 2)  nhb2++;
    if( sub == 2 && depth == 1)  nhe1++;
    if( sub == 2 && depth == 2)  nhe2++;
    if( sub == 2 && depth == 3)  nhe3++;
    if( sub == 3 && depth == 4)  nho++;
    if( sub == 4 && depth == 1)  nhf1++;
    if( sub == 4 && depth == 2)  nhf2++;
    if( subdet_ == 6) {                                    // ZS specific
      if( en < emap_min[ieta+41][iphi][depth-1][sub-1] )
        emap_min[ieta+41][iphi][depth-1][sub-1] = en;
    double emin = 1.;
    if(fabs(eta) > 3.) emin = 5.; 
    double r  = dR(eta_MC, phi_MC, eta, phi);
    if( r < searchR ) { // search for hottest cell in a big cone
      if(maxE < en && en > emin) {
        maxE    = en;
        etaHot  = eta;
        phiHot  = phi;

    if(ieta == 27 ) { 
      std::cout << "*** ieta=28, iphi = " << iphi << "  det = " 
                << sub << "  depth = " << depth << std::endl;

    if( subdet_ != 6) {  

      //      std::cout << "*** 4-1" << std::endl; 
      //The emean_vs_ieta histos are drawn as well as the e_maps

      // to distinguish HE and HF
      if( depth == 1 || depth == 2 ) {
        int ieta1 =  ieta;
        if(sub == 4) { 
          if (ieta1 < 0) ieta1--;
          else  ieta1++;   
        if (depth == 1) emap_depth1->Fill(double(ieta1), double(iphi), en);
        if (depth == 2) emap_depth2->Fill(double(ieta1), double(iphi), en);

      if( depth == 3) emap_depth3->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi), en);
      if( depth == 4) emap_depth4->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi), en);
      if (depth == 1 && sub == 1 ) {
        emean_vs_ieta_HB1->Fill(double(ieta), en);
        occupancy_map_HB1->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi));          
          emean_seqHB1->Fill(double(index), en);
      if (depth == 2  && sub == 1) {
        emean_vs_ieta_HB2->Fill(double(ieta), en);
        occupancy_map_HB2->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi));          
          emean_seqHB2->Fill(double(index), en);
      if (depth == 1 && sub == 2) {
        emean_vs_ieta_HE1->Fill(double(ieta), en);
        occupancy_map_HE1->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi));   
          emean_seqHE1->Fill(double(index), en);
      if (depth == 2 && sub == 2) {
        emean_vs_ieta_HE2->Fill(double(ieta), en);
        occupancy_map_HE2->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi));          
          emean_seqHE2->Fill(double(index), en);
      if (depth == 3 && sub == 2) {
        emean_vs_ieta_HE3->Fill(double(ieta), en);
        occupancy_map_HE3->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi));          
          emean_seqHE3->Fill(double(index), en);
      if (depth == 4 ) {
        emean_vs_ieta_HO->Fill(double(ieta), en);
        occupancy_map_HO->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi));          
          emean_seqHO->Fill(double(index), en);
      if (depth == 1 && sub == 4) {
        emean_vs_ieta_HF1->Fill(double(ieta), en);
        occupancy_map_HF1->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi));          
          emean_seqHF1->Fill(double(index), en);
      if (depth == 2 && sub == 4) {
        emean_vs_ieta_HF2->Fill(double(ieta), en);
        occupancy_map_HF2->Fill(double(ieta), double(iphi));          
          emean_seqHF2->Fill(double(index), en);

    if( r < partR ) {
      if (depth == 1) ehcal_coneMC_1 += en; 
      if (depth == 2) ehcal_coneMC_2 += en; 
      if (depth == 3) ehcal_coneMC_3 += en; 
      if (depth == 4) ehcal_coneMC_4 += en; 
    //32-bit status word  
    uint32_t statadd;
    unsigned int isw67 = 0;
    for (unsigned int isw = 0; isw < 32; isw++){
      statadd = 0x1<<(isw);
      if (stwd & statadd){
        if      (sub == 1) RecHit_StatusWord_HB->Fill(isw);
        else if (sub == 2) RecHit_StatusWord_HE->Fill(isw);
        else if (sub == 3) RecHit_StatusWord_HO->Fill(isw);
        else if (sub == 4){
          if (isw == 6) isw67 += 1;
          if (isw == 7) isw67 += 2;
    if (isw67 != 0 && useAllHistos_) RecHit_StatusWord_HF67->Fill(isw67); //This one is not drawn

    for (unsigned int isw =0; isw < 32; isw++){
      statadd = 0x1<<(isw);
      if( auxstwd & statadd ){
        if      (sub == 1) RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HB->Fill(isw);
        else if (sub == 2) RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HE->Fill(isw);
        else if (sub == 3) RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HO->Fill(isw);
        else if (sub == 4) RecHit_Aux_StatusWord_HF->Fill(isw);


  //  std::cout << "*** 4-2" << std::endl; 
  if( subdet_ == 6 && useAllHistos_) {               // ZS plots; not drawn
    ZS_nHO ->Fill(double(nho));  
    Nhb->Fill(double(nhb1 + nhb2));
    Nhe->Fill(double(nhe1 + nhe2 + nhe3));
    Nhf->Fill(double(nhf1 + nhf2));

    //These are not drawn
    if(imc != 0 && useAllHistos_) {
      map_econe_depth1->Fill(eta_MC, phi_MC, ehcal_coneMC_1);
      map_econe_depth2->Fill(eta_MC, phi_MC, ehcal_coneMC_2);
      map_econe_depth3->Fill(eta_MC, phi_MC, ehcal_coneMC_3);
      map_econe_depth4->Fill(eta_MC, phi_MC, ehcal_coneMC_4);

  //  std::cout << "*** 5" << std::endl; 

  //  NOISE ================================================================= 
  //Not drawn
  if (hcalselector_ == "noise" && useAllHistos_) {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cen.size(); i++) {
      int sub   = csub[i];
      int depth = cdepth[i];
      double en = cen[i]; 
      if (sub == 1) e_hb->Fill(en);
      if (sub == 2) e_he->Fill(en);  
      if (sub == 3) e_ho->Fill(en);  
      if (sub == 4) {
        if(depth == 1)  

  else if ((subdet_ != 6) && (subdet_ != 0)) {

    //       std::cout << "*** 6" << std::endl; 
    double clusEta = 999.;
    double clusPhi = 999.; 
    double clusEn  = 0.;
    double HcalCone_d1 = 0.;
    double HcalCone_d2 = 0.;
    double HcalCone_d3 = 0.;
    double HcalCone_d4 = 0.;
    double HcalCone    = 0.;

    int ietaMax1  =  9999;
    int ietaMax2  =  9999;
    int ietaMax3  =  9999;
    int ietaMax4  =  9999;
    int ietaMax   =  9999;
    double enMax1 = -9999.;
    double enMax2 = -9999.;
    double enMax3 = -9999.;
    double enMax4 = -9999.;
    //    double enMax  = -9999.;
    double etaMax =  9999.;

    std::cout << "*** point 5-1" << "  eta_MC, phi_MC    etaHot,  phiHot = "
              << eta_MC  << ", " << phi_MC << "   "
              << etaHot  << ", " << phiHot  
              << std::endl;

    //   CYCLE over cells ====================================================

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cen.size(); i++) {
      int sub    = csub[i];
      int depth  = cdepth[i];
      double eta = ceta[i]; 
      double phi = cphi[i]; 
      double en  = cen[i]; 
      double t   = ctime[i];
      int   ieta = cieta[i];

      double rhot = dR(etaHot, phiHot, eta, phi); 
      if(rhot < partR && en > 1.) { 
        clusEta = (clusEta * clusEn + eta * en)/(clusEn + en);
        clusPhi = phi12(clusPhi, clusEn, phi, en); 
        clusEn += en;

      eHcal += en;
      if(en > 1. ) nrechitsThresh++;

      double r    = dR(eta_MC, phi_MC, eta, phi);
      if( r < partR ){
        if(sub == 1)   eHcalConeHB += en;
        if(sub == 2)   eHcalConeHE += en;
        if(sub == 3)   eHcalConeHO += en;
        if(sub == 4) {
          eHcalConeHF += en;
          if (depth == 1) eHcalConeHFL += en;
          else            eHcalConeHFS += en;
        eHcalCone += en;

        // search for most energetic cell at the given depth in the cone
        if(depth == 1) {
          HcalCone_d1 += en;
          if(enMax1 < en) {
            enMax1   = en;
            ietaMax1 = ieta;
        if(depth == 2) {
          HcalCone_d2 += en;
          if(enMax2 < en) {
            enMax2   = en;
            ietaMax2 = ieta;
        if(depth == 3) {
          HcalCone_d3 += en;
          if(enMax3 < en) {
            enMax3   = en;
            ietaMax3 = ieta;
        if(depth == 4) {
          HcalCone_d4 += en;
          if(enMax4 < en) {
            enMax4   = en;
            ietaMax4 = ieta;

        if(depth != 4) {
          HcalCone += en;

        // regardless of the depths (but excluding HO), just hottest cell
        if(depth != 4) {
          if(enMax   < en) {
            enMax   = en;
            ietaMax = ieta;

        // alternative: ietamax -> closest to MC eta  !!!
        float eta_diff = fabs(eta_MC - eta);
        if(eta_diff < etaMax) {
          etaMax  = eta_diff; 
          ietaMax = ieta; 
      //The energy and overall timing histos are drawn while
      //the ones split by depth are not
      if(sub == 1 && (subdet_ == 1 || subdet_ == 5)) {  
        meTE_Low_HB->Fill( en, t);
        meTE_HB->Fill( en, t);
        meTE_High_HB->Fill( en, t);
        meTEprofileHB_Low->Fill(en, t);
        meTEprofileHB->Fill(en, t);
        meTEprofileHB_High->Fill(en, t);

        if (useAllHistos_){
          if      (depth == 1) meTE_HB1->Fill( en, t);
          else if (depth == 2) meTE_HB2->Fill( en, t);
      if(sub == 2 && (subdet_ == 2 || subdet_ == 5)) {  

        meTE_Low_HE->Fill( en, t);
        meTE_HE->Fill( en, t);
        meTEprofileHE_Low->Fill(en, t);
        meTEprofileHE->Fill(en, t);

        if (useAllHistos_){
          if      (depth == 1) meTE_HE1->Fill( en, t);
          else if (depth == 2) meTE_HE2->Fill( en, t);
      if(sub == 4 && (subdet_ == 4 || subdet_ == 5)) {  

        meTE_Low_HF->Fill(en, t);
        meTE_HF->Fill(en, t);
        meTEprofileHF_Low->Fill(en, t);
        meTEprofileHF->Fill(en, t);

        if (useAllHistos_){
          if   (depth == 1) meTE_HFL->Fill( en, t);
          else              meTE_HFS->Fill( en, t);
      if(sub == 3 && (subdet_ == 3 || subdet_ == 5)) {  

        meTE_HO->Fill( en, t);
        meTE_High_HO->Fill( en, t);
        meTEprofileHO->Fill(en, t);
        meTEprofileHO_High->Fill(en, t);

    if(imc != 0) {
      //Cone by depth are not drawn, the others are used for pion scan
      if (useAllHistos_){
        meEnConeEtaProfile_depth1->Fill(double(ietaMax1), HcalCone_d1);
        meEnConeEtaProfile_depth2->Fill(double(ietaMax2), HcalCone_d2);
        meEnConeEtaProfile_depth3->Fill(double(ietaMax3), HcalCone_d3);
        meEnConeEtaProfile_depth4->Fill(double(ietaMax4), HcalCone_d4);
      meEnConeEtaProfile       ->Fill(double(ietaMax),  HcalCone);   // 
      meEnConeEtaProfile_E     ->Fill(double(ietaMax), eEcalCone);   
      meEnConeEtaProfile_EH    ->Fill(double(ietaMax),  HcalCone+eEcalCone); 

    //     std::cout << "*** 7" << std::endl; 

    // Single particle samples ONLY !  ======================================
    // Fill up some histos for "integrated" subsustems. 
    // These are not drawn
    if(etype_ == 1 && useAllHistos_) {

      std::cout << "*** point 7-1" << "  eta_MC, phi_MC   clusEta, clusPhi = "
                << eta_MC  << ", " << phi_MC << "   "
                << clusEta << ", " << clusPhi 
                << std::endl;

      double phidev = dPhiWsign(clusPhi, phi_MC);
      meDeltaPhi->Fill(eta_MC, phidev);
      double etadev = clusEta - eta_MC;
      meDeltaEta->Fill(eta_MC, etadev);

      if(subdet_ == 1) {
        if(imc != 0) meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHB->Fill(eHcalConeHB);    
        if(imc != 0) meNumRecHitsConeHB->Fill(double(nrechitsCone));

      if(subdet_ == 2) {
        if(imc != 0) meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHE->Fill(eHcalConeHE);    
        if(imc != 0) meNumRecHitsConeHE->Fill(double(nrechitsCone));

      if(subdet_ == 3) {
        if(imc != 0) meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHO->Fill(eHcalConeHO);    
        if(imc != 0) meNumRecHitsConeHO->Fill(double(nrechitsCone));

      if(subdet_ == 4) {
        if(eHcalConeHF > eps ) {
          meSumRecHitsEnergyHF ->Fill(eHcal);
          if(imc != 0) { 
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHF ->Fill(eHcalConeHF);    
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHFL ->Fill(eHcalConeHFL);    
            meSumRecHitsEnergyConeHFS ->Fill(eHcalConeHFS);    

      //         std::cout << "*** 8" << std::endl; 

      // Also combine with ECAL if needed 
      if(subdet_ == 1  && ecalselector_ == "yes") {
          std::cout << "*** point 8-1" 
          << "  eEcalB " << eEcalB << "  eHcal " << eHcal
          << "  eEcalCone " <<  eEcalCone << "  eHcalCone " 
                  << eHcalCone
                  << "  numrechitsEcal " <<  numrechitsEcal
                  << std::endl;
      if(subdet_ == 2  && ecalselector_ == "yes"){
          std::cout << "*** point 8-2a" 
          << "  eEcalE " << eEcalE << "  eHcal " << eHcal
          << "  eEcalCone " <<  eEcalCone << "  eHcalCone " 
          << eHcalCone
          << "  numrechitsEcal " <<  numrechitsEcal
          << std::endl;
        if(imc != 0) meEcalHcalEnergyConeHE->Fill(eEcalCone+eHcalCone);
        if(imc != 0) meNumEcalRecHitsConeHE->Fill(double(numrechitsEcal));

      // Banana plots finally
      if(imc != 0) {
        if(subdet_ == 1 && ecalselector_ == "yes")
          meEnergyHcalVsEcalHB -> Fill(eEcalCone,eHcalCone);
        if(subdet_ == 2 && ecalselector_ == "yes") 
          meEnergyHcalVsEcalHE -> Fill(eEcalCone,eHcalCone);
  //  std::cout << "*** 9" << std::endl; 

  // Getting SimHits

  if(subdet_ > 0 && subdet_ < 6 && imc !=0 && !famos_  ) {  // not noise 

    double maxES = -9999.;
    double etaHotS = 1000.;
    double phiHotS = 1000.;
    edm::Handle<PCaloHitContainer> hcalHits;
    const PCaloHitContainer * SimHitResult = hcalHits.product () ;
    double enSimHits    = 0.;
    double enSimHitsHB  = 0.;
    double enSimHitsHE  = 0.;
    double enSimHitsHO  = 0.;
    double enSimHitsHF  = 0.;
    double enSimHitsHFL = 0.;
    double enSimHitsHFS = 0.;
    // sum of SimHits in the cone 
    for (std::vector<PCaloHit>::const_iterator SimHits = SimHitResult->begin () ; SimHits != SimHitResult->end(); ++SimHits) {
      HcalDetId cell(SimHits->id());
      int sub =  cell.subdet();
      const CaloCellGeometry* cellGeometry =
        geometry->getSubdetectorGeometry (cell)->getGeometry (cell) ;
      double etaS = cellGeometry->getPosition().eta () ;
      double phiS = cellGeometry->getPosition().phi () ;
      double en   = SimHits->energy();    

      double emin = 0.01;
      if(fabs(etaS) > 3.) emin = 1.;   

      double r  = dR(eta_MC, phi_MC, etaS, phiS);
      if( r < searchR ) { // search for hottest cell in a big cone
        if(maxES < en && en > emin ) {
          maxES    = en;
          etaHotS  = etaS;
          phiHotS  = phiS;
      if ( r < partR ){ // just energy in the small cone
        enSimHits += en;
        if(sub == 1) enSimHitsHB += en; 
        if(sub == 2) enSimHitsHE += en; 
        if(sub == 3) enSimHitsHO += en; 
        if(sub == 4) {
          enSimHitsHF += en;
          int depth = cell.depth();
          if(depth == 1) enSimHitsHFL += en;
          else           enSimHitsHFS += en;

    // Second look over SimHits: cluster finding

    double clusEta = 999.;
    double clusPhi = 999.; 
    double clusEn  = 0.;

    for (std::vector<PCaloHit>::const_iterator SimHits = SimHitResult->begin () ; SimHits != SimHitResult->end(); ++SimHits) {
     HcalDetId cell(SimHits->id());

      const CaloCellGeometry* cellGeometry =
        geometry->getSubdetectorGeometry (cell)->getGeometry (cell) ;
      double etaS = cellGeometry->getPosition().eta () ;
      double phiS = cellGeometry->getPosition().phi () ;
      double en   =  SimHits->energy();    

      double emin = 0.01;
      if(fabs(etaS) > 3.) emin = 1.; 

      double rhot = dR(etaHotS, phiHotS, etaS, phiS); 
      if(rhot < partR && en > emin) { 
        clusEta = (clusEta * clusEn + etaS * en)/(clusEn + en);
        clusPhi = phi12(clusPhi, clusEn, phiS, en); 
        clusEn += en;

    // SimHits cluster deviation from MC (eta, phi)
    // These are not drawn
    if (useAllHistos_){
      if(etype_ == 1) {
        double phidev = dPhiWsign(clusPhi, phi_MC);
        meDeltaPhiS->Fill(eta_MC, phidev);
        double etadev = clusEta - eta_MC;
        meDeltaEtaS->Fill(eta_MC, etadev);
      // Now some histos with SimHits
      if(subdet_ == 4 || subdet_ == 5) {
        if(eHcalConeHF > eps) {
          meRecHitSimHitHF->Fill( enSimHitsHF, eHcalConeHF );
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHF->Fill( enSimHitsHF, eHcalConeHF);
          meRecHitSimHitHFL->Fill( enSimHitsHFL, eHcalConeHFL );
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHFL->Fill( enSimHitsHFL, eHcalConeHFL);
          meRecHitSimHitHFS->Fill( enSimHitsHFS, eHcalConeHFS );
          meRecHitSimHitProfileHFS->Fill( enSimHitsHFS, eHcalConeHFS);       
      if(subdet_ == 1  || subdet_ == 5) { 
        meRecHitSimHitHB->Fill( enSimHitsHB,eHcalConeHB );
        meRecHitSimHitProfileHB->Fill( enSimHitsHB,eHcalConeHB);
      if(subdet_ == 2  || subdet_ == 5) { 
        meRecHitSimHitHE->Fill( enSimHitsHE,eHcalConeHE );
        meRecHitSimHitProfileHE->Fill( enSimHitsHE,eHcalConeHE);
      if(subdet_ == 3  || subdet_ == 5) { 
        meRecHitSimHitHO->Fill( enSimHitsHO,eHcalConeHO );
        meRecHitSimHitProfileHO->Fill( enSimHitsHO,eHcalConeHO);

void HcalRecHitsValidation::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 699 of file

{ }
double HcalRecHitsValidation::dPhiWsign ( double  phi1,
double  phi2 
) [private]

Definition at line 1741 of file

References PI, and tmp.

Referenced by analyze().

  // clockwise      phi2 w.r.t phi1 means "+" phi distance
  // anti-clockwise phi2 w.r.t phi1 means "-" phi distance 

  double PI = 3.1415926535898;
  double a1 = phi1; double a2  = phi2;
  double tmp =  a2 - a1;
  if( a1*a2 < 0.) {
    if(a1 > 0.5 * PI)  tmp += 2.*PI;
    if(a2 > 0.5 * PI)  tmp -= 2.*PI;
  return tmp;

double HcalRecHitsValidation::dR ( double  eta1,
double  phi1,
double  eta2,
double  phi2 
) [private]

Definition at line 1715 of file

References PI, mathSSE::sqrt(), and tmp.

Referenced by analyze().

  double PI = 3.1415926535898;
  double deltaphi= phi1 - phi2;
  if( phi2 > phi1 ) { deltaphi= phi2 - phi1;}
  if(deltaphi > PI) { deltaphi = 2.*PI - deltaphi;}
  double deltaeta = eta2 - eta1;
  double tmp = sqrt(deltaeta* deltaeta + deltaphi*deltaphi);
  return tmp;
void HcalRecHitsValidation::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 696 of file

{ }
void HcalRecHitsValidation::fillRecHitsTmp ( int  subdet_,
edm::Event const &  ev 
) [private, virtual]

Definition at line 1555 of file

References cauxstwd, cdepth, cen, ceta, cieta, ciphi, cphi, cstwd, csub, ctime, cz, eta(), geometry, edm::Event::getByLabel(), HcalBarrel, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, hcalHBSevLvlVec, hcalHESevLvlVec, hcalHFSevLvlVec, hcalHOSevLvlVec, HcalOuter, hcalSevLvl(), iz, j, phi, lumiQTWidget::t, theHBHERecHitCollectionLabel, theHFRecHitCollectionLabel, and theHORecHitCollectionLabel.

Referenced by analyze().

  using namespace edm;
  // initialize data vectors

  if( subdet_ == 1 || subdet_ == 2  || subdet_ == 5 || subdet_ == 6 || subdet_ == 0) {
    edm::Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hbhecoll;
    ev.getByLabel(theHBHERecHitCollectionLabel, hbhecoll);
    for (HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator j=hbhecoll->begin(); j != hbhecoll->end(); j++) {
      HcalDetId cell(j->id());
      const CaloCellGeometry* cellGeometry =
        geometry->getSubdetectorGeometry (cell)->getGeometry (cell) ;
      double eta  = cellGeometry->getPosition().eta () ;
      double phi  = cellGeometry->getPosition().phi () ;
      double zc   = cellGeometry->getPosition().z ();
      int sub     = cell.subdet();
      int depth   = cell.depth();
      int inteta  = cell.ieta();
      if(inteta > 0) inteta -= 1;
      int intphi  = cell.iphi()-1;
      double en   = j->energy();
      double t    = j->time();
      int stwd    = j->flags();
      int auxstwd = j->aux();
      int serivityLevel = hcalSevLvl( (CaloRecHit*) &*j );
      if( cell.subdet()==HcalBarrel ){
      }else if (cell.subdet()==HcalEndcap ){
      if((iz > 0 && eta > 0.) || (iz < 0 && eta <0.) || iz == 0) { 

  if( subdet_ == 4 || subdet_ == 5 || subdet_ == 6 || subdet_ == 0) {

    edm::Handle<HFRecHitCollection> hfcoll;
    ev.getByLabel(theHFRecHitCollectionLabel, hfcoll);

    for (HFRecHitCollection::const_iterator j = hfcoll->begin(); j != hfcoll->end(); j++) {
      HcalDetId cell(j->id());
      const CaloCellGeometry* cellGeometry =
        geometry->getSubdetectorGeometry (cell)->getGeometry (cell) ;
      double eta   = cellGeometry->getPosition().eta () ;
      double phi   = cellGeometry->getPosition().phi () ;
      double zc     = cellGeometry->getPosition().z ();
      int sub      = cell.subdet();
      int depth    = cell.depth();
      int inteta   = cell.ieta();
      if(inteta > 0) inteta -= 1;
      int intphi   = cell.iphi()-1;
      double en    = j->energy();
      double t     = j->time();
      int stwd     = j->flags();
      int auxstwd  = j->aux();

      int serivityLevel = hcalSevLvl( (CaloRecHit*) &*j );
      if( cell.subdet()==HcalForward ){

      if((iz > 0 && eta > 0.) || (iz < 0 && eta <0.) || iz == 0) { 

  if( subdet_ == 3 || subdet_ == 5 || subdet_ == 6 || subdet_ == 0) {
    edm::Handle<HORecHitCollection> hocoll;
    ev.getByLabel(theHORecHitCollectionLabel, hocoll);
    for (HORecHitCollection::const_iterator j = hocoll->begin(); j != hocoll->end(); j++) {
      HcalDetId cell(j->id());
      const CaloCellGeometry* cellGeometry =
        geometry->getSubdetectorGeometry (cell)->getGeometry (cell) ;
      double eta   = cellGeometry->getPosition().eta () ;
      double phi   = cellGeometry->getPosition().phi () ;
      double zc    = cellGeometry->getPosition().z ();
      int sub      = cell.subdet();
      int depth    = cell.depth();
      int inteta   = cell.ieta();
      if(inteta > 0) inteta -= 1;
      int intphi   = cell.iphi()-1;
      double t     = j->time();
      double en    = j->energy();
      int stwd     = j->flags();
      int auxstwd  = j->aux();

      int serivityLevel = hcalSevLvl( (CaloRecHit*) &*j );
      if( cell.subdet()==HcalOuter ){
      if((iz > 0 && eta > 0.) || (iz < 0 && eta <0.) || iz == 0) { 
int HcalRecHitsValidation::hcalSevLvl ( const CaloRecHit hit) [private]

Definition at line 1756 of file

References CaloRecHit::detid(), CaloRecHit::flags(), HcalSeverityLevelComputer::getSeverityLevel(), HcalChannelStatus::getValue(), HcalCondObjectContainer< Item >::getValues(), theHcalChStatus, and theHcalSevLvlComputer.

Referenced by fillRecHitsTmp().


   const DetId id = hit->detid();

   const uint32_t recHitFlag = hit->flags();
   const uint32_t dbStatusFlag = theHcalChStatus->getValues(id)->getValue();

   int severityLevel = theHcalSevLvlComputer->getSeverityLevel(id, recHitFlag, dbStatusFlag);

   return severityLevel;

double HcalRecHitsValidation::phi12 ( double  phi1,
double  en1,
double  phi2,
double  en2 
) [private]

Definition at line 1725 of file

References PI, and tmp.

Referenced by analyze().

  // weighted mean value of phi1 and phi2
  double tmp;
  double PI = 3.1415926535898;
  double a1 = phi1; double a2  = phi2;

  if( a1 > 0.5*PI  && a2 < 0.) a2 += 2*PI; 
  if( a2 > 0.5*PI  && a1 < 0.) a1 += 2*PI; 
  tmp = (a1 * en1 + a2 * en2)/(en1 + en2);
  if(tmp > PI) tmp -= 2.*PI; 
  return tmp;


Member Data Documentation

std::vector<uint32_t> HcalRecHitsValidation::cauxstwd [private]

Definition at line 375 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<int> HcalRecHitsValidation::cdepth [private]

Definition at line 368 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<double> HcalRecHitsValidation::cen [private]

Definition at line 369 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<double> HcalRecHitsValidation::ceta [private]

Definition at line 370 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<int> HcalRecHitsValidation::cieta [private]

Definition at line 366 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<int> HcalRecHitsValidation::ciphi [private]

Definition at line 367 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<double> HcalRecHitsValidation::cphi [private]

Definition at line 371 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<uint32_t> HcalRecHitsValidation::cstwd [private]

Definition at line 374 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<int> HcalRecHitsValidation::csub [private]

Definition at line 365 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<double> HcalRecHitsValidation::ctime [private]

Definition at line 372 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<double> HcalRecHitsValidation::cz [private]

Definition at line 373 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by fillRecHitsTmp().

Definition at line 72 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 246 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 247 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 249 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 250 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 248 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

std::string HcalRecHitsValidation::ecalselector_ [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 156 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 157 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 158 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 159 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

double HcalRecHitsValidation::emap_min[82][72][4][4] [private]

Definition at line 378 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 179 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 180 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 181 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 182 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 183 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 185 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 186 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 184 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 161 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 162 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 163 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 164 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 165 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 167 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 168 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 166 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 92 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

std::string HcalRecHitsValidation::eventype_ [private]

Definition at line 77 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 80 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 349 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<int> HcalRecHitsValidation::hcalHBSevLvlVec [private]

Definition at line 102 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<int> HcalRecHitsValidation::hcalHESevLvlVec [private]

Definition at line 102 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<int> HcalRecHitsValidation::hcalHFSevLvlVec [private]

Definition at line 102 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::vector<int> HcalRecHitsValidation::hcalHOSevLvlVec [private]

Definition at line 102 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and fillRecHitsTmp().

std::string HcalRecHitsValidation::hcalselector_ [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 94 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 93 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by fillRecHitsTmp(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 117 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 118 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 119 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 120 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 154 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 226 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 227 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 228 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 229 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

std::string HcalRecHitsValidation::mc_ [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 241 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 243 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 240 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 242 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 321 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 322 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 324 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Definition at line 323 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Definition at line 318 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 319 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 236 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 232 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 233 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 234 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 235 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 237 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 238 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 342 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 343 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 346 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 347 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 258 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 259 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 261 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 260 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 253 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 254 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 255 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 270 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 271 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 273 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 272 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 327 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 328 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 330 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 331 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 332 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 329 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 334 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 335 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 337 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 338 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 339 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 336 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 310 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 311 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 313 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 314 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 315 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 312 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 304 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 305 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 307 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 306 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 276 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 278 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 279 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 285 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 286 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 287 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 297 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 298 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 299 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 277 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 292 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 291 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 275 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 284 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 296 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 281 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 282 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 280 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 289 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 288 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 301 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 300 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 293 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 294 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 264 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 265 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 267 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 266 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 381 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 110 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 111 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 113 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 112 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 197 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 198 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 199 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 200 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 201 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 203 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 204 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 202 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 215 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 216 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 217 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 218 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 219 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 221 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 222 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 220 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 206 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 207 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 208 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 209 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 210 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 212 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 213 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 211 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

std::string HcalRecHitsValidation::outputFile_ [private]

Definition at line 74 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 359 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 360 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 361 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 362 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 352 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 353 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 354 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 355 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 356 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 188 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 189 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 190 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 191 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 192 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 194 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 195 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 193 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 170 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 171 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 172 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 173 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 174 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 176 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 177 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 175 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 104 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 105 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 106 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 107 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

std::string HcalRecHitsValidation::sign_ [private]

Definition at line 78 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 89 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 84 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by fillRecHitsTmp(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 97 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and hcalSevLvl().

Definition at line 99 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and hcalSevLvl().

Definition at line 85 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by fillRecHitsTmp(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 86 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by fillRecHitsTmp(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 81 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 122 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 123 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 124 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 125 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 126 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 128 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 129 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 127 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 131 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 132 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 133 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 134 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 135 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 137 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 138 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 136 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 140 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 141 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 142 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 143 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 144 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 146 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 147 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().

Definition at line 145 of file HcalRecHitsValidation.h.

Referenced by HcalRecHitsValidation().