Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions

HcalQIEManager Class Reference

Various manipulations with QIE and QIE ADC. More...

#include <HcalQIEManager.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int generateQieTable (std::string db_file, std::string old_file, std::string output_file)
int getHfQieTable (std::string input_file, std::string output_file)
std::map< HcalChannelId,
HcalQIECaps > & 
getQIETableFromFile (std::string _filename)
void getTableFromDb (std::string query_file, std::string output_file)
 HcalQIEManager ()
 ~HcalQIEManager ()

Static Public Member Functions

static std::vector< std::string > splitString (const std::string &fLine)

Detailed Description

Various manipulations with QIE and QIE ADC.

Gena Kukartsev

Definition at line 46 of file HcalQIEManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HcalQIEManager::HcalQIEManager ( void  )

Definition at line 18 of file


HcalQIEManager::~HcalQIEManager ( void  )

Definition at line 25 of file



Member Function Documentation

int HcalQIEManager::generateQieTable ( std::string  db_file,
std::string  old_file,
std::string  output_file 

Definition at line 219 of file

References HcalQIECaps::caps, gather_cfg::cout, HcalChannelId::depth, HcalChannelId::eta, eta(), first, j, geometryCSVtoXML::line, HcalChannelId::phi, phi, and HcalChannelId::subdetector.

  std::cout << "Creating the output file: " << output_file << "... ";
  ofstream out_file;
  out_file . open( output_file.c_str() );
  std::cout << " done" << std::endl;

  std::string badchan_file = output_file + ".badchannels";
  std::cout << "Creating the output file for bad channels: " << badchan_file << "... ";
  ofstream bad_file;
  bad_file . open( badchan_file.c_str() );
  std::cout << " done" << std::endl;

  std::map<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps> & _old = getQIETableFromFile( old_file . c_str() );
  std::map<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps> & _new = getQIETableFromFile( db_file . c_str() );
  //std::map<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps> & _old = _manager . getQIETableFromFile( "qie_normalmode_v3.txt" );
  //std::map<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps> & _new = _manager . getQIETableFromFile( "qie_adc_table_after.txt" );

  int goodChannels = 0;
  int badChannels = 0;
  std::cout << "old size: " << _old.size() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "new size: " << _new.size() << std::endl;
  for (std::map<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps>::const_iterator line=_old.begin(); line!=_old.end(); line++ ){
    HcalQIECaps * the_caps;
    HcalChannelId theId = line -> first;
    bool badchannel = false;
    if (_new.find(theId)==_new.end()){
      the_caps = &_old[theId];
      the_caps = &_new[theId];
    char buffer[1024];
    int eta = theId.eta;
    int phi = theId.phi;
    int depth = theId.depth;
    sprintf(buffer, "%15d %15d %15d %15s", eta, phi, depth, theId.subdetector.c_str());
    out_file << buffer;
    if (badchannel) bad_file << buffer;

    for (int j = 0; j != 32; j++){
      double _x = the_caps->caps[j];
      sprintf(buffer, " %8.5f", _x);
      out_file << buffer;      
      if (badchannel) bad_file << buffer;
    out_file << std::endl;
    if (badchannel) bad_file << std::endl;

  std::cout<< goodChannels<< "   " << badChannels << "   " << goodChannels+badChannels << std::endl;

  out_file . close();
  bad_file . close();

  return 0;
int HcalQIEManager::getHfQieTable ( std::string  input_file,
std::string  output_file 

Definition at line 286 of file

References ecalMGPA::adc(), python::multivaluedict::append(), HcalQIECaps::caps, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::connect, prof2calltree::count, gather_cfg::cout, EcalCondDB::db, HcalChannelId::depth, alignCSCRings::e, HcalChannelId::eta, RooGKCounter::getCount(), i, EdgesToViz::infile, edm::eventsetup::heterocontainer::insert(), j, HcalChannelId::phi, o2o::query, findQualityFiles::size, splitString(), HcalChannelId::subdetector, and toString().

  std::cout << "Creating the output file: " << output_file << "... ";
  std::ofstream out_file;
  out_file . open( output_file.c_str() );
  std::cout << " done" << std::endl;

  // process the file with QIE-per-RBX info
  std::map<std::string,std::vector<int> > _qie; // 12 QIE barcodes per RBX: _qie["HFP11"]=...
  std::ifstream infile( input_file . c_str() );
  std::string buf;
  if ( infile . is_open() ){
    std::cout << "File is open" << std::endl;
    getline( infile, buf );
    std::cout << "Table legend: " << std::endl << buf << std::endl;
    while ( getline( infile, buf ) > 0 ){
      std::vector<std::string> _line = splitString( buf );
      if ( _line . size() != 17){
        cout << "Table line is malformed, not clear what to do... exiting." << std::endl;
        return -1;
      std::string _rbx = _line[0];
      std::vector<int> _barcodes;
      for (int i=0; i!=12; i++){
        int _code;
        sscanf(_line[i+5].c_str(),"%d", &_code);
        _barcodes . push_back(_code);
      _qie . insert( std::pair<std::string,std::vector<int> >(_rbx,_barcodes) );

  // database stuff
  HCALConfigDB * db = new HCALConfigDB();
  const std::string _accessor = "occi://CMS_HCL_PRTTYPE_HCAL_READER@anyhost/int2r?PASSWORD=HCAL_Reader_88,LHWM_VERSION=22";
  db -> connect( _accessor );
  oracle::occi::Connection * _connection = db -> getConnection();  
  std::cout << "Preparing to request the HF channels from LMAP in the database..." << std::endl;
  try {
    std::cout << "Preparing the query..." << std::endl;
    Statement* stmt = _connection -> createStatement();
    std::cout << "Preparing the query... done" << std::endl;
    std::string query;
    query . append("select\n");
    query . append("lmap.side*lmap.eta, lmap.phi, lmap.depth, lmap.subdetector,\n");
    query . append("lmap.rbx, lmap.rm_slot, lmap.qie_slot, lmap.adc\n");
    query . append("from cms_hcl_hcal_condition_owner.hcal_hardware_logical_maps_v3 lmap\n");
    query . append("inner join cms_hcl_core_condition_owner.cond_data_sets cds\n");
    query . append("on cds.condition_data_set_id=lmap.condition_data_set_id\n");
    query . append("where cds.version='30'\n");
    query . append("and lmap.subdetector='HF'\n");
    query . append("order by lmap.rbx, lmap.rm_slot, lmap.qie_slot, lmap.adc\n");
    std::cout << "Executing the query..." << std::endl;
    //std::cout << query << std::endl;
    ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(query.c_str());
    std::cout << "Executing the query... done" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Processing the query results..." << std::endl;
    RooGKCounter _lines(1,100);
    while (rs->next()) {
      _lines . count();
      HcalChannelId _id;
      std::string rbx;
      int rm_slot, qie_slot, adc, qie_barcode;
      //count = rs->getInt(1);
      _id.eta = rs->getInt(1);
      _id.phi = rs->getInt(2);
      _id.depth = rs->getInt(3);
      _id.subdetector  = rs -> getString(4);
      rbx = rs->getString(5);
      rm_slot = rs->getInt(6);
      qie_slot = rs->getInt(7);
      adc = rs->getInt(8);
      qie_barcode = _qie[rbx][(rm_slot-1)*4+qie_slot-1];

      //==>another DB query to get the ADC caps' slopes and offsets
      // NOTE! In HF slope range and capID seem to be exchanged
      try {
        //std::cout << "Preparing the query..." << std::endl;
        Statement* stmt2 = _connection -> createStatement();
        std::string query2;
        query2 . append("select\n");
        query2 . append("vadcs.cap0_range0_offset,vadcs.cap0_range1_offset,vadcs.cap0_range2_offset,vadcs.cap0_range3_offset,\n");
        query2 . append("vadcs.cap1_range0_offset,vadcs.cap1_range1_offset,vadcs.cap1_range2_offset,vadcs.cap1_range3_offset,\n");
        query2 . append("vadcs.cap2_range0_offset,vadcs.cap2_range1_offset,vadcs.cap2_range2_offset,vadcs.cap2_range3_offset,\n");
        query2 . append("vadcs.cap3_range0_offset,vadcs.cap3_range1_offset,vadcs.cap3_range2_offset,vadcs.cap3_range3_offset,\n");
        query2 . append("vadcs.cap0_range0_slope,vadcs.cap0_range1_slope,vadcs.cap0_range2_slope,vadcs.cap0_range3_slope,\n");
        query2 . append("vadcs.cap1_range0_slope,vadcs.cap1_range1_slope,vadcs.cap1_range2_slope,vadcs.cap1_range3_slope,\n");
        query2 . append("vadcs.cap2_range0_slope,vadcs.cap2_range1_slope,vadcs.cap2_range2_slope,vadcs.cap2_range3_slope,\n");
        query2 . append("vadcs.cap3_range0_slope,vadcs.cap3_range1_slope,vadcs.cap3_range2_slope,vadcs.cap3_range3_slope\n");
        query2 . append("from CMS_HCL_HCAL_CONDITION_OWNER.V_QIECARD_ADC_NORMMODE vadcs\n");
        query2 . append("where substr(vadcs.name_label,14,6)='%d'\n");
        query2 . append("and substr(vadcs.name_label,21,1)='%d'\n");
        query2 . append("order by version desc,record_id desc, condition_data_set_id desc\n");
        char query2_fixed[5000];
        //std::cout << "Preparing the query... done" << std::endl;
        //std::cout << query2_fixed << std::endl;

        //std::cout << "Executing the query..." << std::endl;
        //std::cout << query2 << std::endl;
        ResultSet *rs2 = stmt2->executeQuery(query2_fixed);
        //std::cout << "Executing the query... done" << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "Processing the query results..." << std::endl;
        // take only the first line - sorted by version descending, latest on top
        if (rs2->next()) {
          HcalQIECaps _caps;
          for (int j=0; j!=32; j++){
            _caps.caps[j] = rs2 -> getDouble(j+1);
          //==> output QIE table line
          char buffer[1024];
          sprintf(buffer, "%15d %15d %15d %15s", _id.eta, _id.phi, _id.depth, _id.subdetector.c_str());
          //std::cout << buffer;
          out_file << buffer;
          for (int j = 0; j != 32; j++){
            double _x = _caps . caps[j];
            sprintf(buffer, " %8.5f", _x);
            //std::cout << buffer;      
            out_file << buffer;      
          //std::cout << std::endl;
          out_file << std::endl;
        //Always terminate statement
        _connection -> terminateStatement(stmt2);
      } catch (SQLException& e) {
        XCEPT_RAISE(hcal::exception::ConfigurationDatabaseException,::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()));
    //Always terminate statement
    _connection -> terminateStatement(stmt);
    //std::cout << "Query count: " << count << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Query line count: " << _lines.getCount() << std::endl;
  } catch (SQLException& e) {
    XCEPT_RAISE(hcal::exception::ConfigurationDatabaseException,::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()));
  db -> disconnect();
  return 0;
std::map< HcalChannelId, HcalQIECaps > & HcalQIEManager::getQIETableFromFile ( std::string  _filename)

Definition at line 54 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, eta(), i, EdgesToViz::infile, phi, query::result, findQualityFiles::size, and splitString().

  std::map<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps> * result_sup = new std::map<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps>;
  std::map<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps> & result = (*result_sup);

  ifstream infile( _filename . c_str() );
  std::string buf;

  if ( infile . is_open() ){
    std::cout << "File is open" << std::endl;
    while ( getline( infile, buf ) > 0 ){
      std::vector<std::string> _line = splitString( buf );

      HcalChannelId _id;
      sscanf(_line[0].c_str(), "%d", &_id . eta);
      sscanf(_line[1].c_str(), "%d", &_id . phi);
      sscanf(_line[2].c_str(), "%d", &_id . depth);
      _id . subdetector = _line[3];

      HcalQIECaps _adc;
      int _columns = _line . size();
      for(int i = 4; i != _columns; i++){
        sscanf(_line[i].c_str(), "%lf", &_adc . caps[i-4]);

      /* DEBUG: double entries
      if(result.find(_id) != result.end()){
        cout << "TABLE DEBUG: " << _filename << "       " << _id.eta << "       " << _id.phi << "       " << _id.depth << "     " << _id.subdetector << std::endl;

      result.insert( std::pair<HcalChannelId,HcalQIECaps>(_id, _adc ) );

      //std::cout << result.size() << std::endl;

      //std::cout << _id.eta << "       " << _id . subdetector << "     " << _adc.caps[7] << std::endl;
  return result;
void HcalQIEManager::getTableFromDb ( std::string  query_file,
std::string  output_file 

Definition at line 121 of file

References python::multivaluedict::append(), HcalQIECaps::caps, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::connect, prof2calltree::count, gather_cfg::cout, EcalCondDB::db, HcalChannelId::depth, alignCSCRings::e, HcalChannelId::eta, RooGKCounter::getCount(), recoMuon::in, j, HcalChannelId::phi, o2o::query, HcalChannelId::subdetector, and toString().

  std::cout << "Creating the output file: " << output_file << "... ";
  ofstream out_file;
  out_file . open( output_file.c_str() );
  std::cout << " done" << std::endl;

  HCALConfigDB * db = new HCALConfigDB();
  const std::string _accessor = "occi://CMS_HCL_PRTTYPE_HCAL_READER@anyhost/int2r?PASSWORD=HCAL_Reader_88,LHWM_VERSION=22";
  db -> connect( _accessor );

  oracle::occi::Connection * _connection = db -> getConnection();  

  std::cout << "Preparing to request the QIE table from the database..." << std::endl;

  //loop over RM slots and QIEs (to save time, otherwise the query runs forever)
  for (int _rm=1; _rm!=5; _rm++){
    for (int _qie=1; _qie!=4; _qie++){
      try {
        cout << "Preparing the query..." << std::endl;
        Statement* stmt = _connection -> createStatement();
        std::string query, buf;
        ifstream inFile( query_file . c_str(), std::ios::in );
        if (!inFile){
          std::cout << " Unable to open file with query!" << std::endl;
          std::cout << "Query file opened successfully: " << query_file << std::endl;
        while ( getline( inFile, buf ) > 0 ){
          query . append(buf);
          query . append("\n");
        char query_fixed[50000];
        cout << "Preparing the query... done" << std::endl;
        cout << "Executing the query..." << std::endl;
        //std::cout << query_fixed << std::endl;
        ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(query_fixed);
        cout << "Executing the query... done" << std::endl;
        cout << "Processing the query results..." << std::endl;
        RooGKCounter _lines(1,100);
        //int count;
        while (rs->next()) {
          _lines . count();
          HcalChannelId _id;
          HcalQIECaps _caps;
          //count = rs->getInt(1);
          _id.eta = rs->getInt(1);
          _id.phi = rs->getInt(2);
          _id.depth = rs->getInt(3);
          _id.subdetector  = rs -> getString(4);
          for (int j=0; j!=32; j++){
            _caps.caps[j] = rs -> getDouble(j+5);

          //==> output QIE table line
          char buffer[1024];
          sprintf(buffer, "%15d %15d %15d %15s", _id.eta, _id.phi, _id.depth, _id.subdetector.c_str());
          //std::cout << buffer;
          out_file << buffer;
          for (int j = 0; j != 32; j++){
            double _x = _caps . caps[j];
            sprintf(buffer, " %8.5f", _x);
            //std::cout << buffer;      
            out_file << buffer;      
          //std::cout << std::endl;
          out_file << std::endl;

        //Always terminate statement
        _connection -> terminateStatement(stmt);
        //std::cout << "Query count: " << count << std::endl;
        cout << "Query line count: " << _lines.getCount() << std::endl;
      } catch (SQLException& e) {
        XCEPT_RAISE(hcal::exception::ConfigurationDatabaseException,::toolbox::toString("Oracle  exception : %s",e.getMessage().c_str()));
  db -> disconnect();
std::vector< std::string > HcalQIEManager::splitString ( const std::string &  fLine) [static]

Definition at line 99 of file

References relativeConstraints::empty, i, query::result, and dqm_diff::start.

  std::vector <std::string> result;
  int start = 0;
  bool empty = true;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i <= fLine.size (); i++) {
    if (fLine [i] == ' ' || fLine [i] == '\n' || fLine [i] == ' ' || i == fLine.size ()) {
      if (!empty) {
        std::string item (fLine, start, i-start);
        result.push_back (item);
        empty = true;
      start = i+1;
    else {
      if (empty) empty = false;
  return result;