Classes | Functions

/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_5_2_7_hltpatch2/src/DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalClientUtils.h File Reference

#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include <string>
#include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
#include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
#include "DQMServices/Core/interface/QTest.h"
#include "DQMServices/Core/interface/QReport.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TGaxis.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  HcalUtilsClient


void createH2CompTest (DQMStore *dbe, std::vector< std::string > &params, TH2F *ref)
void createH2ContentTest (DQMStore *dbe, std::vector< std::string > &params)
void createMeanValueTest (DQMStore *dbe, std::vector< std::string > &params)
void createXRangeTest (DQMStore *dbe, std::vector< std::string > &params)
void createYRangeTest (DQMStore *dbe, std::vector< std::string > &params)
void dumpHisto (TH1F *hist, std::vector< std::string > &names, std::vector< double > &meanX, std::vector< double > &meanY, std::vector< double > &rmsX, std::vector< double > &rmsY)
void dumpHisto2 (TH2F *hist, std::vector< std::string > &names, std::vector< double > &meanX, std::vector< double > &meanY, std::vector< double > &rmsX, std::vector< double > &rmsY)
TH1F * getHisto (const MonitorElement *me, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TH1F * getHisto (std::string name, std::string process, DQMStore *dbe_, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TH2F * getHisto2 (std::string name, std::string process, DQMStore *dbe_, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TH2F * getHisto2 (const MonitorElement *me, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TH3F * getHistoTH3F (const MonitorElement *me, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TH3F * getHistoTH3F (std::string name, std::string process, DQMStore *dbe_, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TProfile * getHistoTProfile (std::string name, std::string process, DQMStore *dbe_, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TProfile * getHistoTProfile (const MonitorElement *me, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TProfile2D * getHistoTProfile2D (std::string name, std::string process, DQMStore *dbe_, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
TProfile2D * getHistoTProfile2D (const MonitorElement *me, bool verb=false, bool clone=false)
std::string getIMG (int runNo, TH1F *hist, int size, std::string htmlDir, const char *xlab, const char *ylab)
std::string getIMG2 (int runNo, TH2F *hist, int size, std::string htmlDir, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, bool color=false)
std::string getIMGTProfile (int runNo, TProfile *hist, int size, std::string htmlDir, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, std::string opts="NONE")
void histoHTML (int runNo, TH1F *hist, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, int width, ofstream &htmlFile, std::string htmlDir)
void histoHTML2 (int runNo, TH2F *hist, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, int width, ofstream &htmlFile, std::string htmlDir, bool color=false)
void histoHTMLTProfile (int runNo, TProfile *hist, const char *xlab, const char *ylab, int width, ofstream &htmlFile, std::string htmlDir, std::string opts="NONE")
void htmlErrors (int runNo, std::string htmlDir, std::string client, std::string process, DQMStore *dbe, std::map< std::string, std::vector< QReport * > > mapE, std::map< std::string, std::vector< QReport * > > mapW, std::map< std::string, std::vector< QReport * > > mapO)
bool isValidGeom (std::string type, int depth)
bool isValidGeom (int subdet, int iEta, int iPhi, int depth)
void resetME (const char *name, DQMStore *dbe)

Function Documentation

void createH2CompTest ( DQMStore dbe,
std::vector< std::string > &  params,
TH2F *  ref 

Definition at line 418 of file

References DQMStore::createQTest(), DQMStore::get(), DQMStore::getQCriterion(), MonitorElement::getQReport(), and NULL.

  if (params.size() < 2 ) return;
  if(ref==NULL) return;
  if(!dbe) return;

  QCriterion* qc = dbe->getQCriterion(params[1]);
  MonitorElement* me =  dbe->get(params[0]);
  if(me!=NULL && qc == NULL){
    printf("\n\nDon't have this QC, but have the me!\n\n");
    const QReport* qr = me->getQReport(params[1]);
    if(qr) return;
    printf("\n\nThe ME doesn't have the QC!!\n\n");
    qc = dbe->createQTest("Comp2RefEqualH2",params[1]);
    /*  Time to get with 
  DQMServices/Core V03-00-12-qtest
  DQMServices/ClientConfig V03-00-04-qtest
    // Contents within a mean value     
    Comp2RefEqualH2ROOT* me_qc = dynamic_cast<Comp2RefEqualH2ROOT*> (qc);
    //set reference histogram
    // link it to the monitor element
    printf("\n\nGonna run it...\n\n");
    dbe->useQTest(params[0], params[1]);
  else printf("\n\nAlready had the QC or didn't have the ME!\n\n");

void createH2ContentTest ( DQMStore dbe,
std::vector< std::string > &  params 

Definition at line 395 of file

References DQMStore::get(), DQMStore::getQCriterion(), and NULL.

  if (params.size() < 2 ) return;
  if(!dbe) return;

  QCriterion* qc = dbe->getQCriterion(params[1]);
  MonitorElement* me =  dbe->get(params[0]);
  if(me!=NULL && qc == NULL){
    /*  Time to get with 
  DQMServices/Core V03-00-12-qtest
  DQMServices/ClientConfig V03-00-04-qtest
    qc = dbe->createQTest(ContentsTH2FWithinRange::getAlgoName(),params[1]);
    // Contents within a mean value     
    ContentsTH2FWithinRangeROOT* me_qc = dynamic_cast<ContentsTH2FWithinRangeROOT*> (qc);
    // link it to the monitor element
    dbe->useQTest(params[0], params[1]);
void createMeanValueTest ( DQMStore dbe,
std::vector< std::string > &  params 

Definition at line 371 of file

References DQMStore::createQTest(), DQMStore::getQCriterion(), NULL, QCriterion::setErrorProb(), MeanWithinExpected::setExpectedMean(), QCriterion::setWarningProb(), DQMStore::useQTest(), MeanWithinExpected::useRMS(), and MeanWithinExpected::useSigma().

  if (params.size() < 7 ) return;
  if(!dbe) return;

  QCriterion* qc = dbe->getQCriterion(params[1]);
  if(qc == NULL){
    qc = dbe->createQTest("MeanWithinExpected",params[1]);
    // Contents within a mean value
    MeanWithinExpected* me_qc = (MeanWithinExpected*) qc;
    //set probability limit for test warning
    //set probability limit for test error
    // set Expected Mean
    // set Test Type
    if (params[6] == "useRMS") me_qc->useRMS();
    else if (params[6] == "useSigma") me_qc->useSigma(atof(params[5].c_str()));
  // link it to the monitor element
  dbe->useQTest(params[0], params[1]);
void createXRangeTest ( DQMStore dbe,
std::vector< std::string > &  params 

Definition at line 329 of file

References DQMStore::createQTest(), ContentsXRange::getAlgoName(), DQMStore::getQCriterion(), NULL, ContentsXRange::setAllowedXRange(), QCriterion::setErrorProb(), QCriterion::setWarningProb(), and DQMStore::useQTest().

  if (params.size() < 6) return;
  if(!dbe) return;

  QCriterion* qc = dbe->getQCriterion(params[1]);
  if(qc == NULL){
    qc = dbe->createQTest(ContentsXRange::getAlgoName(),params[1]);
    // Contents within [Xmin, Xmax]
    ContentsXRange* me_qc = (ContentsXRange*) qc;
    //set probability limit for test warning 
    //set probability limit for test error 
    // set allowed range in X-axis (default values: histogram's X-range)
    me_qc->setAllowedXRange(atof(params[4].c_str()), atof(params[5].c_str()));
  // link it to the monitor element
  dbe->useQTest(params[0], params[1]);
void createYRangeTest ( DQMStore dbe,
std::vector< std::string > &  params 

Definition at line 350 of file

References DQMStore::createQTest(), ContentsYRange::getAlgoName(), DQMStore::getQCriterion(), NULL, ContentsYRange::setAllowedYRange(), QCriterion::setErrorProb(), QCriterion::setWarningProb(), and DQMStore::useQTest().

  if (params.size() < 6) return;
  if(!dbe) return;

  QCriterion* qc = dbe->getQCriterion(params[1]);
  if(qc == NULL){
    qc = dbe->createQTest(ContentsYRange::getAlgoName(),params[1]);
    // Contents within [Xmin, Xmax]
    ContentsYRange* me_qc = (ContentsYRange*) qc;
    //set probability limit for test warning 
    //set probability limit for test error 
    // set allowed range in Y-axis (default values: histogram's Y-range)
    me_qc->setAllowedYRange(atof(params[4].c_str()), atof(params[5].c_str()));
  // link it to the monitor element
  dbe->useQTest(params[0], params[1]);
void dumpHisto ( TH1F *  hist,
std::vector< std::string > &  names,
std::vector< double > &  meanX,
std::vector< double > &  meanY,
std::vector< double > &  rmsX,
std::vector< double > &  rmsY 

Definition at line 75 of file

void dumpHisto2 ( TH2F *  hist,
std::vector< std::string > &  names,
std::vector< double > &  meanX,
std::vector< double > &  meanY,
std::vector< double > &  rmsX,
std::vector< double > &  rmsY 

Definition at line 86 of file

TH1F* getHisto ( const MonitorElement me,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 280 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, MonitorElement::getName(), MonitorElement::getTH1F(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, and dbtoconf::out.

  TH1F* out = NULL;

  if ( me ) {      
    if ( verb ) std::cout << "Found '" << me->getName() << "'" << std::endl;
    if ( clone ) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s",((std::string)(me->getName())).c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (me->getTH1F()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTH1F();
  return out;
TH1F* getHisto ( std::string  name,
std::string  process,
DQMStore dbe_,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 
TH2F* getHisto2 ( std::string  name,
std::string  process,
DQMStore dbe_,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 216 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DQMStore::get(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, dbtoconf::out, and indexGen::title.

Referenced by htmlErrors().


  if(!dbe_) return NULL;

  TH2F* out = NULL;
  char title[150];  
  sprintf(title, "%sHcal/%s",process.c_str(),name.c_str());

  MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get(title);

  if ( me ) {      
    if ( verb) std::cout << "Found '" << title << "'" << std::endl;
    if ( clone) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s",name.c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TH2F*> (me->getTH2F()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTH2F();
  return out;
TH2F* getHisto2 ( const MonitorElement me,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 262 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, MonitorElement::getName(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, and dbtoconf::out.

  TH2F* out = NULL;

  if ( me ) {      
    if ( verb) std::cout << "Found '" << me->getName() << "'" << std::endl;
    //    MonitorElementT<TNamed>* ob = dynamic_cast<MonitorElementT<TNamed>*> (me);
    if ( clone ) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s", ((std::string)(me->getName())).c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TH2F*> (me->getTH2F()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTH2F();
  return out;
TH3F* getHistoTH3F ( const MonitorElement me,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 745 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, MonitorElement::getName(), MonitorElement::getTH3F(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, and dbtoconf::out.

  TH3F* out = NULL;
  if ( me ) {      
    if ( verb ) std::cout << "Found '" << me->getName() << "'" << std::endl;
    if ( clone ) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s",((std::string)(me->getName())).c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TH3F*> (me->getTH3F()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTH3F();
  return out;
TH3F* getHistoTH3F ( std::string  name,
std::string  process,
DQMStore dbe_,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 723 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTH3F(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, dbtoconf::out, and indexGen::title.

  if(!dbe_) return NULL;
  char title[150];  
  sprintf(title, "%sHcal/%s",process.c_str(),name.c_str());
  TH3F* out = NULL;

  const MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get(title);
  if (me){      
    if ( verb ) std::cout << "Found '" << title << "'" << std::endl;
    if ( clone ) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s",name.c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TH3F*> (me->getTH3F()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTH3F();

  return out;
TProfile* getHistoTProfile ( std::string  name,
std::string  process,
DQMStore dbe_,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 589 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTProfile(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, dbtoconf::out, and indexGen::title.

  if(!dbe_) return NULL;
  char title[150];  
  sprintf(title, "%sHcal/%s",process.c_str(),name.c_str());
  TProfile* out = NULL;

  const MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get(title);
  if (me){      
    if ( verb ) std::cout << "Found '" << title << "'" << std::endl;
    if ( clone ) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s",name.c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TProfile*> (me->getTProfile()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTProfile();

  return out;
TProfile* getHistoTProfile ( const MonitorElement me,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 611 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, MonitorElement::getName(), MonitorElement::getTProfile(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, and dbtoconf::out.

  TProfile* out = NULL;
  if ( me ) {      
    if ( verb ) std::cout << "Found '" << me->getName() << "'" << std::endl;
    if ( clone ) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s",((std::string)(me->getName())).c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TProfile*> (me->getTProfile()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTProfile();
  return out;
TProfile2D* getHistoTProfile2D ( std::string  name,
std::string  process,
DQMStore dbe_,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 684 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getTProfile2D(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, dbtoconf::out, and indexGen::title.

  if(!dbe_) return NULL;
  char title[150];  
  sprintf(title, "%sHcal/%s",process.c_str(),name.c_str());
  TProfile2D* out = NULL;

  const MonitorElement* me = dbe_->get(title);
  if (me){      
    if ( verb ) std::cout << "Found '" << title << "'" << std::endl;
    if ( clone ) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s",name.c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*> (me->getTProfile2D()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTProfile2D();

  return out;
TProfile2D* getHistoTProfile2D ( const MonitorElement me,
bool  verb = false,
bool  clone = false 

Definition at line 706 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, MonitorElement::getName(), MonitorElement::getTProfile2D(), timingPdfMaker::histo, NULL, and dbtoconf::out.

  TProfile2D* out = NULL;
  if ( me ) {      
    if ( verb ) std::cout << "Found '" << me->getName() << "'" << std::endl;
    if ( clone ) {
      char histo[150];
      sprintf(histo, "ME %s",((std::string)(me->getName())).c_str());
      out = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*> (me->getTProfile2D()->Clone(histo));
    } else {
      out = me->getTProfile2D();
  return out;
std::string getIMG ( int  runNo,
TH1F *  hist,
int  size,
std::string  htmlDir,
const char *  xlab,
const char *  ylab 

Definition at line 181 of file

References timingPdfMaker::can, cleanString(), alignCSCRings::dest, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, NULL, parseString(), and indexGen::title.

Referenced by histoHTML(), and htmlErrors().


  if(hist==NULL) {
    printf("getIMG:  This histo is NULL, %s, %s\n",xlab,ylab);
    return "";

  std::string name = hist->GetTitle();
  char dest[512];
  if(runNo>-1) sprintf(dest,"%s - Run %d",name.c_str(),runNo);
  else sprintf(dest,"%s",name.c_str());
  std::string title = dest;

  int xwid = 900; int ywid =540;
    title = title+"_tmb";
    xwid = 600; ywid = 360;
  TCanvas* can = new TCanvas(dest,dest, xwid, ywid);

  std::string outName = title + ".gif";
  std::string saveName = htmlDir + outName;

  delete can;

  return outName;
std::string getIMG2 ( int  runNo,
TH2F *  hist,
int  size,
std::string  htmlDir,
const char *  xlab,
const char *  ylab,
bool  color = false 

Definition at line 138 of file

References timingPdfMaker::can, cleanString(), alignCSCRings::dest, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, NULL, parseString(), and indexGen::title.

Referenced by histoHTML2(), and htmlErrors().


  if(hist==NULL) {
    printf("getIMG2:  This histo is NULL, %s, %s\n",xlab,ylab);
    return "";

  std::string name = hist->GetTitle();
  char dest[512];
  if(runNo>-1) sprintf(dest,"%s - Run %d",name.c_str(),runNo);
  else sprintf(dest,"%s",name.c_str());
  std::string title = dest;

  int xwid = 900; int ywid =540;
    title = title+"_tmb";
    xwid = 600; ywid = 360;
  TCanvas* can = new TCanvas(dest,dest, xwid, ywid);

  // Put grids on all 2-D histograms

  std::string outName = title + ".gif";
  std::string saveName = htmlDir + outName;
  if(color) hist->Draw();
  delete can;

  return outName;
std::string getIMGTProfile ( int  runNo,
TProfile *  hist,
int  size,
std::string  htmlDir,
const char *  xlab,
const char *  ylab,
std::string  opts = "NONE" 

Definition at line 627 of file

References timingPdfMaker::can, cleanString(), alignCSCRings::dest, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, NULL, parseString(), and indexGen::title.

Referenced by histoHTMLTProfile().


  if(hist==NULL) {
    printf("getIMG:  This histo is NULL, %s, %s\n",xlab,ylab);
    return "";

  std::string name = hist->GetTitle();
  char dest[512];
  if(runNo>-1) sprintf(dest,"%s - Run %d",name.c_str(),runNo);
  else sprintf(dest,"%s",name.c_str());
  std::string title = dest;

  int xwid = 900; int ywid =540;
    title = title+"_tmb";
    xwid = 600; ywid = 360;
  TCanvas* can = new TCanvas(dest,dest, xwid, ywid);

  std::string outName = title + ".gif";
  std::string saveName = htmlDir + outName;
  if (opts!="NONE")

  delete can;

  return outName;
void histoHTML ( int  runNo,
TH1F *  hist,
const char *  xlab,
const char *  ylab,
int  width,
ofstream &  htmlFile,
std::string  htmlDir 

Definition at line 297 of file

References getIMG(), and NULL.

    std::string imgNameTMB = "";   
    imgNameTMB = getIMG(runNo,hist,1,htmlDir,xlab,ylab); 
    std::string imgName = "";   
    imgName = getIMG(runNo,hist,2,htmlDir,xlab,ylab);  

    if (imgName.size() != 0 )
      htmlFile << "<td><a href=\"" <<  imgName << "\"><img src=\"" <<  imgNameTMB << "\"></a></td>" << std::endl;
      htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"" << " " << "\"></td>" << std::endl;
  else htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"" << " " << "\"></td>" << std::endl;
void histoHTML2 ( int  runNo,
TH2F *  hist,
const char *  xlab,
const char *  ylab,
int  width,
ofstream &  htmlFile,
std::string  htmlDir,
bool  color = false 

Definition at line 314 of file

References getIMG2(), and NULL.

    std::string imgNameTMB = "";
    imgNameTMB = getIMG2(runNo,hist,1,htmlDir,xlab,ylab,color);  
    std::string imgName = "";
    imgName = getIMG2(runNo,hist,2,htmlDir,xlab,ylab,color);  
    if (imgName.size() != 0 )
      htmlFile << "<td><a href=\"" <<  imgName << "\"><img src=\"" <<  imgNameTMB << "\"></a></td>" << std::endl;
      htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"" << " " << "\"></td>" << std::endl;
  else htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"" << " " << "\"></td>" << std::endl;
void histoHTMLTProfile ( int  runNo,
TProfile *  hist,
const char *  xlab,
const char *  ylab,
int  width,
ofstream &  htmlFile,
std::string  htmlDir,
std::string  opts = "NONE" 

Definition at line 664 of file

References getIMGTProfile(), and NULL.

    std::string imgNameTMB = "";   
    imgNameTMB = getIMGTProfile(runNo,hist,1,htmlDir,xlab,ylab,opts); 
    std::string imgName = "";   
    imgName = getIMGTProfile(runNo,hist,2,htmlDir,xlab,ylab,opts);  

    if (imgName.size() != 0 )
      htmlFile << "<td><a href=\"" <<  imgName << "\"><img src=\"" <<  imgNameTMB << "\"></a></td>" << std::endl;
      htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"" << " " << "\"></td>" << std::endl;
  else htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"" << " " << "\"></td>" << std::endl;
void htmlErrors ( int  runNo,
std::string  htmlDir,
std::string  client,
std::string  process,
DQMStore dbe,
std::map< std::string, std::vector< QReport * > >  mapE,
std::map< std::string, std::vector< QReport * > >  mapW,
std::map< std::string, std::vector< QReport * > >  mapO 

Definition at line 448 of file

References benchmark_cfg::errors, DQMStore::get(), getHisto(), getHisto2(), getIMG(), getIMG2(), MonitorElement::getMeanError(), and zeeHLT_cff::report.

  if(!dbe) return;

  std::map<std::string, std::vector<QReport*> >::iterator mapIter;

  ofstream errorFile; + client+ "Errors.html").c_str());
  errorFile << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<html>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<head>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "  <meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << " https-equiv=\"content-type\">  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "  <title>Monitor: Hcal " << client <<" Task Error Output</title> " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "</head>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<style type=\"text/css\"> td { font-weight: bold } </style>" << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<body>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<br>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<h2>" << client <<" Errors</h2> " << std::endl;

  for (mapIter=mapE.begin(); mapIter!=mapE.end();mapIter++){
    std::string meName = mapIter->first;
    std::vector<QReport*> errors = mapIter->second;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;     
    errorFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "Monitorable '" << meName << "' has the following errors: <br>" << std::endl;
    for(std::vector<QReport*>::iterator report=errors.begin(); report!=errors.end(); report++){
      errorFile << "     "<< (*report)->getQRName() << ": "<< (*report)->getMessage() << std::endl;
    MonitorElement* me = dbe->get(meName);
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    const char * substr = strstr(meName.c_str(), client.c_str());
      TH1F* obj1f = getHisto(substr, process.c_str(), dbe);
      std::string save = getIMG(runNo,obj1f,1,htmlDir,"X1a","Y1a");
      errorFile << "<img src=\"" <<  save << "\">" << std::endl;
      TH2F* obj2f = getHisto2(substr, process.c_str(), dbe);
      std::string save = getIMG2(runNo,obj2f,1,htmlDir,"X2a","Y2a");
      errorFile << "<img src=\"" <<  save << "\">" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;
  errorFile.close(); + client+ "Warnings.html").c_str());
  errorFile << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<html>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<head>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "  <meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << " https-equiv=\"content-type\">  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "  <title>Monitor: Hcal " << client <<" Task Warning Output</title> " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "</head>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<style type=\"text/css\"> td { font-weight: bold } </style>" << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<body>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<br>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<h2>" << client <<" Warnings</h2> " << std::endl;

  for (mapIter=mapW.begin(); mapIter!=mapW.end();mapIter++){
    std::string meName = mapIter->first;
    std::vector<QReport*> errors = mapIter->second;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;     
    errorFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "Monitorable '" << meName << "' has the following warnings: <BR>" << std::endl;
    for(std::vector<QReport*>::iterator report=errors.begin(); report!=errors.end(); report++){
      errorFile << "     "<< (*report)->getQRName() << ": "<< (*report)->getMessage() << std::endl;
    MonitorElement* me = dbe->get(meName);
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    const char * substr = strstr(meName.c_str(), client.c_str());
      TH1F* obj1f = getHisto(substr, process.c_str(), dbe);
      std::string save = getIMG(runNo,obj1f,1,htmlDir,"X1b","Y1b");
      errorFile << "<img src=\"" <<  save << "\">" << std::endl;
      TH2F* obj2f = getHisto2(substr, process.c_str(), dbe);
      std::string save = getIMG2(runNo,obj2f,1,htmlDir,"X2b","Y2b");
      errorFile << "<img src=\"" <<  save << "\">" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << std::endl;  
  errorFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;
  errorFile.close(); + client+ "Messages.html").c_str());
  errorFile << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<html>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<head>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "  <meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << " https-equiv=\"content-type\">  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "  <title>Monitor: Hcal " << client <<" Task Message Output</title> " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "</head>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<style type=\"text/css\"> td { font-weight: bold } </style>" << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<body>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<br>  " << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<h2>" << client <<" Messages</h2> " << std::endl;

  for (mapIter=mapO.begin(); mapIter!=mapO.end();mapIter++){
    std::string meName = mapIter->first;
    std::vector<QReport*> errors = mapIter->second;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;     
    errorFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "Monitorable '" << meName << "' has the following messages: <br>" << std::endl;
    for(std::vector<QReport*>::iterator report=errors.begin(); report!=errors.end(); report++){
      errorFile << "     "<< (*report)->getQRName() << ": "<< (*report)->getMessage() << std::endl;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    MonitorElement* me = dbe->get(meName);
    const char * substr = strstr(meName.c_str(), client.c_str());
      TH1F* obj1f = getHisto(substr, process.c_str(), dbe);
      std::string save = getIMG(runNo,obj1f,1,htmlDir,"X1c","Y1c");
      errorFile << "<img src=\"" <<  save << "\">" << std::endl;
      TH2F* obj2f = getHisto2(substr, process.c_str(), dbe);
      std::string save = getIMG2(runNo,obj2f,1,htmlDir,"X2c","Y2c");
      errorFile << "<img src=\"" <<  save << "\">" << std::endl;
    errorFile << "<br>" << std::endl;
    errorFile << std::endl;
  errorFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;


bool isValidGeom ( std::string  type,
int  depth 

Definition at line 14 of file

  if (type=="HB" && (depth==1 || depth==2))
    return true;
  if (type=="HE" && (depth==1 || depth==2 || depth==3))
    return true;
  if (type=="HO" && (depth==4))
    return true;
  if (type=="HF" && (depth==1 || depth==2))
    return true;
  return false;
bool isValidGeom ( int  subdet,
int  iEta,
int  iPhi,
int  depth 

Definition at line 27 of file

References abs, Gflash::EtaMax, and Gflash::EtaMin.

  if(subdet<0 || subdet>3) return false;
  int EtaMin[4]; int EtaMax[4];
  int PhiMin[4]; int PhiMax[4];
  int DepMin[4]; int DepMax[4];
  //HB ieta/iphi/depths
  EtaMin[0]=1; EtaMax[0]=16;
  PhiMin[0]=1; PhiMax[0]=72;
  DepMin[0]=1; DepMax[0]=2;
  //HE ieta/iPhi/Depths
  EtaMin[1]=16; EtaMax[1]=29;
  PhiMin[1]=1; PhiMax[1]=72;
  DepMin[1]=1; DepMax[1]=3;
  //HF ieta/iphi/depths
  EtaMin[2]=29; EtaMax[2]=41;
  PhiMin[2]=1; PhiMax[2]=72;
  DepMin[2]=1; DepMax[2]=2;
  //HO ieta/iphi/depths
  EtaMin[3]=1; EtaMax[3]=15;
  PhiMin[3]=1; PhiMax[3]=72;
  DepMin[3]=4; DepMax[3]=4;
  if(iEta!=0) if(abs(iEta)<EtaMin[subdet] || abs(iEta)>EtaMax[subdet]) return false;
  if(iPhi!=0) if(abs(iPhi)<PhiMin[subdet] || abs(iPhi)>PhiMax[subdet]) return false;
  if(depth!=0) if(abs(depth)<DepMin[subdet] || abs(depth)>DepMax[subdet]) return false;
  if(subdet==0 && abs(depth)==2 && abs(iEta)<15) return false;
  else if(subdet==1){
    if(abs(iEta)>20 && (iPhi%2)==0) return false;    
    if(abs(iEta)>39 && (iPhi%4)!=3) return false;    
    if(abs(iEta)==16 && abs(depth)!=3) return false;
    if(abs(iEta)==17 && abs(depth)!=1) return false;
      if(abs(iEta)!=27 && abs(iEta)!=28 &&abs(iEta)!=16) return false;
  else if(subdet==2 && (iPhi%2)==0) return false;   
  return true;
void resetME ( const char *  name,
DQMStore dbe 

Definition at line 7 of file

References DQMStore::get(), NULL, and DQMStore::softReset().

  if(dbe==NULL) return;
  MonitorElement* me= dbe->get(name);
  if(me) dbe->softReset(me);