![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
tuple | caloRecHits = cms.Sequence(ecalRecHit*ecalPreshowerRecHit*hbhereco*horeco*hfreco) |
tuple | ecalPreshowerRecHit |
tuple | ecalRecHit |
tuple | hbhereco |
tuple | hfreco |
tuple | horeco |
tuple CaloRecHits_cff::caloRecHits = cms.Sequence(ecalRecHit*ecalPreshowerRecHit*hbhereco*horeco*hfreco) |
Definition at line 119 of file CaloRecHits_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDProducer("CaloRecHitsProducer", 00002 InputRecHitCollectionTypes = cms.vuint32(1), 00003 OutputRecHitCollections = cms.vstring('EcalRecHitsES'), 00004 doDigis = cms.bool(False), 00005 doMiscalib = cms.bool(False), 00006 00007 RecHitsFactory = cms.PSet( 00008 ECALPreshower = cms.PSet( 00009 Noise = cms.double(1.5e-05), 00010 Threshold = cms.double(4.5e-05), 00011 MixedSimHits = cms.InputTag("mix","famosSimHitsEcalHitsES"))))
Definition at line 47 of file CaloRecHits_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDProducer("CaloRecHitsProducer", 00002 InputRecHitCollectionTypes = cms.vuint32(2, 3), 00003 OutputRecHitCollections = cms.vstring('EcalRecHitsEB', 00004 'EcalRecHitsEE'), 00005 doDigis = cms.bool(False), 00006 doMiscalib = cms.bool(False), 00007 00008 RecHitsFactory = cms.PSet( 00009 ECALBarrel = cms.PSet( 00010 Noise = cms.double(-1.), 00011 NoiseADC = cms.double(1.054), 00012 HighNoiseParameters = cms.vdouble(0.04,0.51,0.000), 00013 Threshold = cms.double(0.1), 00014 SRThreshold = cms.double(1.), 00015 Refactor = cms.double(1.), 00016 Refactor_mean = cms.double(1.), 00017 MixedSimHits = cms.InputTag("mix","famosSimHitsEcalHitsEB"), 00018 ContFact = cms.PSet(ecal_notCont_sim)), 00019 00020 ECALEndcap = cms.PSet( 00021 Noise = cms.double(-1.), 00022 NoiseADC = cms.double(2.32), 00023 HighNoiseParameters = cms.vdouble(5.72,1.65,2.7,6.1), 00024 Threshold = cms.double(.32), 00025 SRThreshold = cms.double(1.), 00026 Refactor = cms.double(1.), 00027 Refactor_mean = cms.double(1.), 00028 MixedSimHits = cms.InputTag("mix","famosSimHitsEcalHitsEE"), 00029 ContFact = cms.PSet(ecal_notCont_sim)), 00030 ))
Definition at line 15 of file CaloRecHits_cff.py.
Referenced by compEcalEnergySum().
00001 cms.EDProducer("CaloRecHitsProducer", 00002 InputRecHitCollectionTypes = cms.vuint32(4), 00003 OutputRecHitCollections = cms.vstring(""), 00004 doDigis = cms.bool(False), 00005 doMiscalib = cms.bool(False), 00006 00007 RecHitsFactory = cms.PSet( 00008 HCAL = cms.PSet( 00009 Noise = cms.vdouble(-1.,-1.), 00010 NoiseCorrectionFactor = cms.vdouble(1.39,1.32), 00011 Threshold = cms.vdouble(-1.,-1.), 00012 MixedSimHits = cms.InputTag("mix","famosSimHitsHcalHits"), 00013 EnableSaturation = cms.bool(True), 00014 Refactor = cms.double(1.), 00015 Refactor_mean = cms.double(1.), 00016 fileNameHcal = cms.string('hcalmiscalib_0.0.xml'))))
Definition at line 60 of file CaloRecHits_cff.py.
tuple CaloRecHits_cff::hfreco |
00001 cms.EDProducer("CaloRecHitsProducer", 00002 InputRecHitCollectionTypes = cms.vuint32(6), 00003 OutputRecHitCollections = cms.vstring(""), 00004 doDigis = cms.bool(False), 00005 doMiscalib = cms.bool(False), 00006 00007 RecHitsFactory = cms.PSet( 00008 HCAL = cms.PSet( 00009 Noise = cms.vdouble(-1.), 00010 NoiseCorrectionFactor = cms.vdouble(2.51), 00011 Threshold = cms.vdouble(-0.5), 00012 MixedSimHits = cms.InputTag("mix","famosSimHitsHcalHits"), 00013 EnableSaturation = cms.bool(True), 00014 Refactor = cms.double(1.), 00015 Refactor_mean = cms.double(1.), 00016 fileNameHcal = cms.string('hcalmiscalib_0.0.xml'))))
Definition at line 95 of file CaloRecHits_cff.py.
tuple CaloRecHits_cff::horeco |
00001 cms.EDProducer("CaloRecHitsProducer", 00002 InputRecHitCollectionTypes = cms.vuint32(5), 00003 OutputRecHitCollections = cms.vstring(""), 00004 doDigis = cms.bool(False), 00005 doMiscalib = cms.bool(False), 00006 00007 RecHitsFactory = cms.PSet( 00008 HCAL = cms.PSet( 00009 Noise = cms.vdouble(-1.), 00010 NoiseCorrectionFactor = cms.vdouble(3.),#1.17 to be tuned 00011 Threshold = cms.vdouble(-1.5), 00012 MixedSimHits = cms.InputTag("mix","famosSimHitsHcalHits"), 00013 EnableSaturation = cms.bool(True), 00014 Refactor = cms.double(1.), 00015 Refactor_mean = cms.double(1.), 00016 fileNameHcal = cms.string('hcalmiscalib_0.0.xml'))))
Definition at line 78 of file CaloRecHits_cff.py.